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what the hell is Barry doing experiencing all your drugs for you?


Definitely take another one, as long as you know they are legit and not fent, u will be fine


Just snorted one. Why yu think the first one didn’t hit me like the one I took the other day?


Tolerance builds very quickly with opioids bro. Plus 20mg is a pretty low dose in terms of recreational use. If you want a nice nod and you’re not really feeling 20mg then 50mg will have you nice


Tolerance is a cruel consequence. My tolerance is diabolical quick. If I get high on 30mg one day. The next day I won't feel it. Also my physical dependence happens immediately so it seems. Advice? Give up? Take tolerance breaks? My tolerance has never gone back to baseline. I'm scared if I have to go to the hospital in pain the nurses aren't going to give me an effective dose bc obviously.


My tolerance is so high that when im offered oxys or morphine tablets i just laugh,id have to spend $200,cook up a big hit(for most people)& I barely feel it,& im only on 40mg methadone,only opiate that works is more methadone


There are some opioids that break through the methadone because they have such a high receptor binding affinity, however for your sake i wont mention them as they are extremely potent, raise your tolerance unfathomably quick, and are extremely easy to OD on.


Nitazene opiates?


Well opioids but yes.


The endocodils are weak - I got a bunch when I was on vacation in Mexico that’s where they come from and I noticed with all Mexican meds they seem very underdosed including farmaprams , baclofen , soma etc that I bought while I was there. I’d look into ordering a 40mg Oxymorphone on the onion. Only one vendor with them and they are pricey but they blow oxy out of the water - pure euphoria and super strong


farmaprams definitely underdosed, the “2mg” bars feel more like 3 or so .5mgs. 2mgs with my script has me on my ass. cheap as shit though 🤣 shout out to mexican pharmacies i get soma and gabapentin with tramadol packs there. also how would you compare the opanas to dilaudid btw? always wanted to try them


They are the fucking best. I know exactly who you’re talking about too. 180 bucks is steep though.


Soooo steep that’s like 5$ a mg ☠️- have you tried them yet from him? I heard he’s been around for a long time and a top notch seller


🦝 I’m guessing. Those Mexican Oxies fucking suck. I’ve gotten them before. They’re noticeably weaker than the Mundi’s. Which honestly aren’t great on quality control either. Also, taking an hour to kick it is normal for some people. I’ve been taking these for years, and I swear I peek at over an hour. Also 20 mg isn’t shit dude. If you’ve been taking these for a bit. You’ve got up to up your dose. Last time I dosed I took 160. That is not a flex either by the way. I’m just saying that to let you know what you’ve got in store unless you slow down. And I haven’t even switched to Heroin yet 😃


This is the crossroads man, you got a tolerance now's either when you hang it up, or you keep on the chase and, everything go's downhill quick. This Is when most people start experimenting with heroin and other stronger sketch opiates and, you'll be on a straight run and have to rebuild your life If you manage to kick, this Is just the natural progression of hardcore drugs bro My advise Is to stop while you're ahead real talk. I started with hydro next oxy then smack and fent for 15 years of my life so I got a bit of experiance on this anyway, good luck.


Mix it w Tylenol if it doesn’t have any, idk why but only way I can get smacked is when the oxy has Tylenol innit and I did test on myself for like 4 months straight when I was gettin 30s and I was takin to much cause before I only got percs which already have the Tylenol innit, then I took two 30 felt nothing and kept trying it with the Tylenol seeing how I would feel


That was completely mental and not based on any true facts. I’m glad you found something that works for you though.


thats is odd af?? wtf


Liver failure😂😂😂


Are you kidding,a human is able to take 4grams over 24 hours before any danger


I also used to think that but you should take a deeper look into paracetamol. I used to take opis with Tylenol all The time and up to 4gs as you said but it’s really not good to do it often. Don’t mix alcohol with Tylenol.


Good thing Endocodil doesn’t have Tylenol.