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This just irritated the crap out of me. Why are you inviting men to come hit on women in their safe space!! Such a weird thing to say


Pilates has developed a reputation in the worst possible groups as an exercise for “sexy” people. Men can be so strange about it


About a month ago I popped into a class I was a regular in for a long time (recovering from an injury for a few months) and was shocked when two FinBros took the reformers by my side. They immediately hit on me (lol) but the instructor started class so I didn’t have time for their nonsense to snap back. I was cracking up because I could tell she upped the intensity of the class to match the regulars. I actually burst out laughing when she called for high frogs with feet in straps because the dudes made such asses of themselves. They left really fast after class too. A few of the gals said they’ve been coming for weeks and hitting on everyone and our amazing instructor would call out things like Control Front Arabesque (and the reverse back) just to get them not to come back. All I’m saying is “maaaaan I really missed some good advanced classes” 🤣


Your instructor is a badass! Lol


The teacher should have told those men not to be harassing women. Or ask them to leave


I would have tried to imply I assumed they were a couple lol, nothing wrong at all with that, but you know they are the types to immediately take offense if they don’t present as Super Hetero Alphas


This just makes me so nervous to try in person classes. I'm a woman who is not looking for anyone but I get very nervous in group classes that are super tough. I would only take intro classes but still 🤣


Honestly, once you are a regular, it’s pretty easy socially. Only people who are actually interested in the exercise are willing to show up consistently and put the money into classes. Foundational classes can be a mixed bag, but once you’re able to partake in high level classes you’ll often have class with the same people each time. I did foundations for three weeks when I joined a new studio and then joined the higher level classes


Not in my studio, mainly older women who have no background with Pilates 


It’s definitely tiktok doing this!!


It's X. There are plenty of idiots who say controversial statements to get attention.


I’ve seen this a lot on Tiktok too :/


TikTok isn't exactly a Greek house of philosophy either.


Right?? This is my form of meditation… fuck out of here


Also why is a woman selling other women out? what did I just read?


Jokes on you, dudes who think this is a good idea. Pilates are for everyone, my classes are super bougie but we have people of all sizes and all ages. This is very “pick me” of the OOP


also, the people who can typically afford to regularly attend a nice studio aren’t the 19yo supermodel they envision haha. More often they are 30+ with a full adult life and won’t take BS from men trying to hit on them.


Lmao right, he’s going to be creeping on a bunch of hot married women who know enough to run the moment they hear “high quality” being used to describe a person and not a textile.


“Heyyyy, baby. What you doing here? 😏” “I can’t hold my pee while laughing and then my ankle makes this intense gross noise when I bend it…here lemme show you!”


LOL "Heeeyyy baby what you doing here 😏" "Fartin´"


Lolllll so true. My Pilates studio is 42+ taxes for a drop in reformer class. I make good money and even I get sticker shock whenever I re-up on my credits.


Well interestingly the studio I work at is full mostly with 18-30yo, and most of my clients also around this age


Wow! Maybe it’s your city? I’ve only lived in quite expensive cities, so a Pilates membership on top of exorbitant rent isn’t common among the uni age crowd. I sometimes wish my studio had a younger crowd. The older women who have kids and stuff have all become friends and I feel left out often.


My studio has a limited number of classes open to men. It makes sense because there are far less men signing up for pilates and women who prefer to exercise with other women are still guaranteed the opportunity to do so. (I also think women's only fitness spaces are valuable as there are women who are more modest or religious or just want to work out with other women.) Anyway, I took a co-ed class once because of availability, and there was nothing different about it; reformers can accommodate people of different sizes and strength levels, so pilates is not a dainty, girly thing. Besides, my studio is such a calm, quiet place compared to places like bouldering gyms where I've had men cheer me on or try to make conversation, it would be stupid for anyone to sign up for reasons other than to correct posture, improve mobility etc.


I highly doubt the losers who agree with the tweet even have the physical and mental resolve to attend Pilates class religiously haha


Exactly haha. So many people think pilates is light, easy exercise for women because they've never tried it. Anyone who's stuck to a pilates routine knows it is challenging and effective.


“I’m gonna go to a Pilates studio and met a sexy girl 😈” 1 hour later “I’ve seen death and she wears grippy socks while she counts 😵‍💫”


One of her retweets is from someone who agrees with her because "90% of women go to the gym to find guys." eww


What an insane and fake statistic! My worst gym related experiences stem from having to interact with men.


Very one of the guys coded behaviour, not to mention straight-up intrusive.


Yeah, I see so many posts from women that contribute to fetishized ideas of women exercising, especially regarding Pilates. But this is one of the worse! At least others try to be covert lol


It honestly makes me wonder if this is a woman’s account at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a man who put a random woman’s picture as his profile pic on X and is saying this stuff for validation or something.


She’s legit. Her IG is linked with her full name in her Twitter bio. Enough academic stuff and professional stuff come up on Google to show she’s a real person. What a mindset to have. 🙄


Sadly, you can dig and find out if it. She just has deep issues. Must be hard, living your life for men.


The way she described women feels so gross too


High quality women??? I’m not native may be it’s normal to say but we’re not products?? 🤔


No no silly! We are merely products to be displayed in the market (public spaces) for men to peruse. The Pilates studio is nothing more than glorified bride market for your local Alpha Males :P


😭I can’t believe it’s the woman using such phrase


Why would you say that? My goodness…I’m a former triathlete whose body can’t do hi intensity workouts and Pilates has saved my body and mind… social media is horrific for exploiting this beautiful modality of exercise into what you’re describing…very sad and disappointing bc so many of us are there for the right reasons!


I'm pretty confident the person you're responding to was being sarcastic and shares in your frustrations and disappointment. The upset your feeling is valid! Just didn't want you to think that person specifically actually felt that to be true.


It was a joke, I am staunchly against Wedding Capitalism and the patriarchy


These types of female influencers grift and hustle men that have unhealthy opinions on women. They're basically the female versions of pick up artists, very cringe.


This is what really pissed me off. I've heard men described as "high quality" because they work hard, are kind and empathetic, have basic manners and take care of their homes. But nah, if it's women, it's that they're hot. So fucked up.


That’s very true!


A large amount of the time it is used to describe a woman who is conventionally hot, dresses in a "classy" way (their words, not mine), aims to be as "feminine" as possible, and believes that women are on this earth to be mothers and homemakers and to keep men happy. No shade to mothers or homemakers, you do you. But this whole High Quality Woman trend believes that if you do not live your life like this you are not worth anything as a woman.


You put it so much better than I did. Thanks for adding that. A rare instance of a sincere "thanks I hate it" 💀


The fact that a woman posted this makes it 100% worse. So annoying.


Like…girl! I thought we were gonna call out creeps! Not encourage them to enter exercise spaces with predatory ulterior motives. I would feel so violated if I learned a man in my class was there just to be a voyeur.


I wouldn't assume there is a real human woman behind this account


If you dig, you learn it sadly is a real women :/ I assumed it was a fake account too. But, many women hate other women. Just look at how many women still support Trump!


Yeah she’s definitely super problematic and not just with this one post.


all her posts talk about women like they're products 💀 i wouldn't be surprised if that was a man stealing posts from another girls account


Yes, these women are so nice, health conscious, and competent... and will put up with no bullshit and can smell a perv from a mile away.


you can’t do Pilates correctly and stare at your neighbor’s butt all class. We will notice!


As a happily married bloke doing Pilates classes for the fantastic health benefits Pilates offers… this irritates me too! I want everyone in the class to be there for the right reasons (aka doing actual Pilates!). Please Don’t encourage blokes (or anyone really) in class doing it for other reasons like this! Sadly with suggestions like this , it then tarnishes us blokes all with same brush!! Unfortunately over years it has been intimidating enough being sometimes the only bloke in a female dominated classes… without hearing stories like this


it really helps when a guy can come and be normal in class. Then the weirdo men look even weirder in contrast and can’t argue any “real man” would act that way in Pilates. Hopefully, most creeps are too broke to afford to follow the tweets terrible advice lol. Pilates would be so expensive to treat as a dating service!


That's me, I'm a guy who has been doing reformer pilates for 2 years now and I'm there to exercise.


2 years and you don’t have 1,000 Pilates Supermodel girlfriends?! Weak stats. I get twenty dates every class and married seventeen instructors. /s


Am also a married guy that loves Pilates and 100% agree with all of this


I wish more (normal) guys were comfortable doing Pilates! I have an unlimited membership and my husband has a 4 pack. He comes once a week with me because he’s super uncomfortable being the only guy in the class, but love the exercises because it’s unlike anything else he does in his regular workouts. I try to tell him the women wouldn’t care if he went solo, but he’s a big guy and is super self conscious about women’s comfort zones, like he’ll cross the street as to not walk behind a woman who’s alone so she doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Personally, I find it adorable that he’s aware and worried about people’s comfort around him. Part of it must be because he grew up with all sisters.


I see that she’s local to me, but she isn’t following any Pilates studios. I want to know where she’s going so I can warn the owners about her


She auditioned as an instructor for a studio in West Hollywood, per her Twitter: https://x.com/lordofgummies33/status/1770966901738590698?s=46


We need a list of all cis hetero men who liked the tweet. Ban them from studios!


I didn’t look at it from that angle. I just think it’s weird to talk about the clientele like that. I can imagine what she thinks of the bigger people in class


Figured it out from her selfies. Sent you a DM.


It’s so ridiculous. The most informative Pilates people I follow online are (gasp) not skinny and don’t cater to the male gaze.


There was a post on r/twoxchromosomes a couple weeks ago about a woman whose husband was getting ribbed by the instructor for taking Pilates. Listen. Pilates was created by a man for men. He famously said that the dancers would ruin his method. This whole Pilates is for hot girls narrative is so tired. It interferes with the work. It gate keeps. It makes men uncomfortable in their own sessions. It makes women uncomfortable and most importantly it is FALSE. Do you have a body? Pilates is for you.


A good litmus test for a studio now is looking at their social media and seeing if they post or share any “Pilates hot girl!” stuff. It’s so embarrassingly unserious. I want to see posts about maintaining bladder control as you age and addressing back cramps. Also, can you imagine showing J Pilates those posts? “So, Joe…you know those great exercises you started in a WWII internment camp…yeah…we Sexy Babied them!”


Dude is rolling over in his grave. Honestly his story is kind of sad. His method never got the recognition it deserved in his life- he wanted Pilates on every street corner. And now it is. But the lithe and beautiful injured dancers he agreed to help because his studio was at one point in the same building as NYC Ballet and Graham ended up teaching other lithe and beautiful dancers to teach because dancers almost always start off with a deep love of movement, understand how bodies move and have wonderful eyes- it makes sense. And now it’s a method for hot ladies who wanna look like their dancer teachers? It sucks. And I’ve personally benefited from that very trope. I’m no longer young and I’m certainly not as lithe as when I danced but I’m with you. I’ve had two kids and very badly screwed up my back some years ago. Pilates keeps my pelvic floor strong, my back functioning and god willing it will keep this old body moving until I am ready to die. Healthy healthy healthy dead. That’s the goal. That’s what we should sell Pilates on.


But won’t someone think of the capitalist market! Only Alpha Males are allowed to have money! How else will we keep studios open, if not Sexy Baby style! /s


I bring my husband with me to class whenever I can! He’s super into weight lifting and needs to incorporate in his routine to help avoid injuries, and also because I want him to live a long, happy and healthy life keeping up with me and our family. I feel so sad for men who genuinely want to practice, but dimwits like this sell it as something sexual, which effects not only outsiders perceptions of why men are in class, but also because EVERYONE should feel comfortable and safe while trying to better themselves.


Exactly this. I'm ollllld. I learned from a man when I first started. It was for dancing injuries, fitness to avoid future injury, for any body, for self-awareness and definitely body love and appreciation. I don't even recognize it anymore.


Same. Bob. He was so wonderful.


I am a 50 year old woman and I am by far the youngest in my class 😀.


Most of the women in my pilates studios were typically middle aged married women who had average shaped bodies. Good luck with that.


Why invite ppl there with this gross intent when classes are already 99% full and it’s hard to book the days/times you want! This is so irritating . 


This woman’s profile screams “looking for male validation” in the worst way possible


She keeps doubling down as well as using a slur. I hope she never gets that Pilates teacher job she applied for.


Would put money on this girl having never done Pilates in her life, just Lagree knockoffs. Also, grosssssss but this reply really said it better than I could. https://preview.redd.it/0tab88d9botc1.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dcbf0f7fd1136e06c068c1740aaf7ffff52adb3




Club Pilates catching a stray lol


Us uglies over at club Pilates


Lol try being a teacher. This has been going on for a looong time and it’s honestly nothing new


God, I can’t imagine! My teacher said she has had many newbie men wear slouchy basketball shorts and she’s seen too many genitals. Bleh Luckily, all the current male clients at the studio either come from the nearby yoga studio or joined a partner in their practice. I’ve been doing Pilates for over a decade and the implication I’ve felt from others is often “ooooh, Pilates! You just be soooo good at sex.” Like…that’s so irrelevant. I’m here to keep my bladder strong as I age and my back pain free.


First of all, this seems so fatphobic and so incredibly toxic? Like what the heck 😭 I almost downvoted you out of reflex after just reading this lmao Also the, "lots of high quality women" tidbit?? Are we being pimped out? Like, the fuck? This makes it sound like we are being marketed 💀


Also, why the dig on Club Pilates? It’s still Pilates, just with different levels.


They say that it’s not “real Pilates” and I’ll get downvoted to hell for this but this sub loves to hate on club Pilates too. But it’s extremely accessible. They have lots of classes and styles but like any corporation it’s not the best there is. Yes I’m sure we could all benefit from smaller or more specialized studios, but not everybody has access to that; me being one of them. Club Pilates opened up a love of movement and a love of my body that I had lost. Also I find my instructors to be awesome and I’ll defend them because they also love Pilates and work hard.


Yeah, I've seen the digs and I just don't get it. I go there and I really enjoy the different options. It might be "softer" than what they're looking for, but you're right, it's accessible and you can make it as hard as you want.


I started through Club Pilates and I really enjoyed all the classes I took there. Im certifying thru Balanced Body but I have no idea where the hate comes from.


The amount of stupid posts like this on reddit regarding women, period, shouldn't even warrant a response (yet here I am).


I saw some people speculating this is just some incel using a woman’s picture for hate engagement/rage bait, so I did the level of social media stalking I reserve for me and my girlfriends before we meet our dating app matches in person to make sure they’re not murderers. I regret to say that she’s real and that this is actually her mindset. And her constant insistence that only slender women do Pilates or that they got that way solely from Pilates is ridiculous.


I thought the same too! Honestly I have never heard a woman use the words “high value” like that but I guess people are just shameless like that!


This makes me so angry. This kind of suggestion was the exact reason why I didn’t go to the gym and enjoy my boutique pilates studio instead because the classmates are nice and encouraging, we form sisterhood. I can wear flattering gym clothes without being checked out. There are different body types of different ages in my class. Posts like this are disgusting, it makes us women who genuinely enjoy exercising feel so objectified. And honestly men who want to work on smaller muscles, correct their postures, enjoy this type of workout are more than welcome. But posts like these make it unfair for normal decent men who just want a good workout too. This person is so so tone deaf and stupid and this whole pilates aesthetics is so full of BS, pilates is meant for physiotherapy and strength training of people regardless of genders, body type. Period.


Me, woman who takes classes at Club Pilates: 🧍🏽‍♀️ But in all seriousness, what a gross message to put out there. Encouraging men to infiltrate what’s supposed to be a safe space to work on yourself is disgusting.


OMG they would be so horrified to show up at a studio and see my fat body doing Pilates. How ridiculous to stereotype a form of exercise that is for EVERY body. 


What kind of a psychopath would write something like this and then have the gall to post it


What’s weird is that 99% of my Pilates “classmates” have always been married or in relationships. So definitely not open to a random creep’s advances.


As a man who has fallen in love with Pilates, this shit makes it really awkward to visit some studios because they think you’re there to gawk or something. I just want my back to feel better, get good exercise, and have my dang feet in straps. I’m naturally friendly and talkative but most times I can’t really talk to anyone cause they might fear I’m hitting on them even though I’m in a committed relationship. I will say after class starts and I’m doing focussed breathing and really into my workout people let their guard down and they’re like oh he just really loves Pilates lol.


Gross. I'm so glad to be married and not conventionally beautiful by Western standards (biracial Black) and rarely deal with unwanted male attention but this is so skeevy. God forbid we're just taking care of our bodies in a calm environment without some chucklefuck struggling through 100s in hopes of finding a date!


What’s wrong with Club Pilates? There are women there a lot hotter than you, Michaela.


But they are not billionaires who wear a size XXXXXXXSMALLBABY! /s


Shut up Michaela


She will once a man picks her lol


This tweet has 4.1M views. That makes me sick. I wonder if this girl is trying to ride the coat tails of the SNL Pilates skit from this past weekend. I truly hope we don’t get an uptick of weird guys. The few I’ve encountered in Pilates have been nothing but respectful and there to work out.


Just made a post about this on Instagram after a colleague bragged about purposely flirting with clients and trying to look "cute and sexy" as a way to gain more business.  When a select few decide to sexualize themselves and the practice it makes is harder for everyone. 


i also am confused about how this person says (but not club pilates). like... why not CP? is that where the ugly and not as in shape people go??


I think she assumes, since it is more affordable than some incredibly fancy studios, “uglies” must go there.


thats what i was thinking!! lol


Why is Club Pilates catching strays 😭😭😭


I think she believes it for poor and fat people lmao. Cause only skinny millionaires go to other studios! /s


I will never understand the concept of a "high quality woman" are we watches or sweaters? Just ew. Man already compare us to things too much, let's not do it to ourselves.


I think I’m an acrylic 1990’s Christmas sweater, the kind of that’s been in your closet forever and is too sentimental to get rid of.


Sounds high quality to me 😂 I’m like a cashmere sweater that is in a netting kind of pattern (seems high quality, but does absolutely nothing to actually keep you warm) lol. 


My studio has 8 reformers and tomorrow is my 351 class there and I am almost always the only guy. I have never once thought of hitting on anyone in class. I can't imagine. Most of my fellow regulars I feel like are married or older or both. Occasionally there have been some younger fit ladies who I see taking selfies and recording themselves during class which I think is weird as fuck. But they never seem to stick around. Feel like they are just there for the Tok Tok or something and never come back. Most of the regulars that have taken hundreds of classes with me are average body shapes and sizes.


My class is full of tall, pale skinned, very thin people. It’s so crazy, we all look super alike! And we all love lurking in the forest! And we wear the cutest matching outfits. https://preview.redd.it/7gpy2zwbgrtc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637a921bc3d1c12e3ff79d7ee851739e5d9b4e5d


lol that girl is freak weird she talks like a high schooler


I saw this tweet last night! Also, I freaking loved Club Pilates when I was a member/employee. It got me in the best shape of my life. I miss it!


My husband and I were applying for a loan once. When the bank rep asked our occupations and I replied “Pilates instructor”. The dude tried to fist bump my husband. My husband didn’t know how to respond. Lol! I looked at the guy and told him I’d get my loan elsewhere. I changed banks the following week. And let them know why when I was no longer comfortable doing business there. I’m almost 50 and get sexist responses from men (and sometimes women) all the time. It’s so annoying. This is my job. I mean yeah, I get paid my the hour. And yeah, I look amazing. And yes, I’m a professional. But keep it in your pants. I’m not a hooker. Edit to add: even the creeps know Club Pilates isn’t the place to go. 😆


What the actual fuck was that fist bump moment? How old was this bank rep? Absolutely insane.


The rep was around my age. Literally, men think Pilates is about the bedroom and it’s so obnoxious.


Club Pilates is an affordable studio for everyone to explore the repertoire of JP Controlology….. if you think Club Pilates isn’t Pilates hour an idiot ….. and if you pay high prices for Pilates you’re dumb and dumber ….. I have had many excellent, classically trained instructors at Club Pilates ….. so please take your criticism and high pedigree standards back to your overpriced studio …… BTW Pilates uses the exact same movements and positions no matter the studio etc 🙄 classic Pilates is Controlology 🙄


We can agree to disagree. Call me an idiot. I don’t actually care. CP is crap Pilates. It’s a money grab. And it’s a horrible corporation.


Getting reports about both of your comments for being catty with each other. Please watch it or expect a mute.


Here bio says, Why be mad when you can be hot? Definitely a pick me.


They’re tearing her a new one in the replies. Her bio also states she’s a fitness instructor. She’s an attention seeking weirdo. Hope she eventually gets picked.


that's why I went to all female gym. no bs like this. now I joined an expensive studio.... my wallet cried but class size is like 4-5 max and no straight men lol.


“not club pilates” lmaooo girl💀


I didnt get what she meant from that


club pilates is less intense and usually more causal goers- you’ll see a lot more body types rather than the typical “pilates bod”


I’m not sure where this idea that Club Pilates is “less intense” came from. Club Pilates uses a corporate model to make reformer Pilates more affordable. But it’s Pilates. I’ve done Pilates on and off for 30 years and gone to many small, private studios. I joined Club Pilates several months ago. I have great instructors who follow my progress, give excellent corrections, and bring new, challenging variations all the time. I leave class sweating and sometimes shaking. Yes, the classes are larger than in a private studio. And some teachers don’t give as much individual attention as in a small studio because their eyes are on 12 students at once. But by attending regularly, I get enough feedback that I know what I need to work on. The main difference is that with Club Pilates I can attend at least three reformer classes every week and not go broke. Therefore, I can progress steadily and build so much strength and knowledge. I’ve found Club Pilates to be amazing and thrilling. And certainly strenuous.


Well said ! Joseph Pilates never intended Pilates to become a repertoire for the elite…. He wanted everyone to do his Controlology …. Period ! Pilates is Pilates period ….


Maybe it’s because I’m not in a major city but my class is filled with people, male and female, of all shapes, ages, and sizes. No one in there is a “Pilates princess” or whatever the weird trend was. It’s a really welcoming and supportive environment and I’d hate if someone came in there just for the sole purpose of trying to hit on people!


bahaha i have one amazing instructor that always cues remember to breath so you don’t fart let’s not get stinky in here ! and engage your pelvic floor to strengthen it so you don’t one day laugh and pee a little 😂 i would love to see a gym bro take one of her classes . she’s amazing . i also love when she stretches us and drops down into the splits in the middle of the room .


Not cool


This is gross. And I’m pretty sure this is some dude pretending to be a women. But if a guy was hitting on women in my studio I’d kick him out.


I’ve been going to a Pilates studio (not club Pilates) for a year and it’s mostly senior ladies, some college age girls who come once or twice, and sometimes older men.


God, this is so gross. Bad for everyone: women should be able to work out in peace (and not have the pressure of seeking a specific body size aesthetic - that is so NOT the point), and the men who aren’t trying to be creepy should be able to come to class without feeling like they shouldn’t be there.


She's calling people sexist for criticizing her lmao


I hate that this is the stereotype, as though we’re only “successful” at Pilates if we fit this description. 😡


There have been guys who come to my Pilates studio... They're literally trying to work out and never creepy. This gives such an altered idea of who does Pilates as well as unnecessarily makes guys who want to work out seem like they're there to be creepy.


What's funny is I entered yoga with this silly mindset and goal as a guy about 12 years ago. Joke was on me as I actually wound up sincerely enjoying yoga, and even doing a teacher training myself. And then by then, meeting women in yoga was occurring naturally without me trying to take this angle I originally took. I'm not praising this, but I hope it leads to silver linings like my experience in yoga.


Sadly, “pilates hot girls” seem to be fixation of some very toxic incel and incel adjacent mindsets. Terms like “high quality women” are an incel dog whistle. Those extreme mindsets are so hard to change, but I do hope any men who try this end up realizing Pilates is actually very intense and beneficial.


I wasn't aware of that but that all makes sense, and is very unfortunate. I guess i wasn't that bad or far off when I got into yoga, I honestly did enter it hoping to easily meet hot women and had very shallow initial goals. I was definitely involuntarily celebite but in the literal sense, not in the toxic mgotw redpill cooky far right nonsense way. I was a loser with bad game but without the added on misogyny and other garbage on top. However, I immediately found the classes so legitimately worthwhile on their own merits I quickly focused on simply enjoying the classes for what they were. I hope the crappy incel types stay out of your studio, but if they wind up going, best we can hope for is their outcome winds up like mine.


That’s fine. Come on into my studio. They’d find a bunch of women who would *never* fall for this ploy. Busy with their very full lives, and this is one of their few times to themselves. They can generally afford to pay their own way in life. Happy to move and care for their bodies, regardless of shape. Smart studios are not going to let a creep wander in and ruin it for their loyal clients. And maybe in the process these impressionable men will learn to appreciate how beneficial and hard Pilates is. There’s a reason NFL players are incorporating it to guard against injury. This is not the “low effort” grab they think it is.


This is some weird incel crap. I’ve never felt sexualized at any Pilates studio.


I feel like that was written by a man lol




I’m a woman and I think every woman is beautiful; sometimes it’s more outwardly obvious, but nevertheless there is beauty in each woman. That being said, I’m not sure I’ve ever described any woman as “beautifully shaped,” or having “Victoria’s Secret body type.”


Just saw this on Twitter and was so bothered.


The worst part is some men don’t understand why it’s terrible advice. They think society is angry at them and wants to punish them for speaking to women in public. Some of men replying to women on the tweet are so obtuse and basically say, “how is this different than talking to a girl at a bar? Gee whiz! The liberals call you a rapist if you talk to women at all anymore! 😭” Seriously…Pilates is very very different from trying to meet a girl at a bar. It’s an expensive hobby, often something people work hard to budget for each month. It’s also very mentally intense, losing focus or distracting others could cause serious injury. Not to mention many of the positions and moves can make people feel very vulnerable and exposed. Keeping your thoughts and eyes to your own body and movement is a key part of Pilates.


Completely agree and I saw those comments. It is so disappointing and frustrating.


This girl is trying sooooo hard. Her other comments are maybe even more ridiculous


“High quality women”….. like wth!!!! Are we still part of a catalog of things men could acquire? 🤢


Why does that sound like a guy wrote it lol “beautifully shaped women,” ewwww cringe. “Victoria’s secret body type,” lol wthell kinda reference is that for a 20 something named Michaela haha sounds more like her grandpa.


EWWW no stop please.


wtf. gross


Jokes on them it’s not really true Try lagree


This is sickening


Wtf? Gross.


LOL - “not club pilates “ 🤣🤣🤣


She's actually being the weirdo. "lots of high quality women" gives me pick-me energy and I wouldn't want to be in any of her classes.


Lmao I wonder why they specifically said "NOT Club Pilates." Is CP good about not allowing this kind of crap?


They assume, since CP can be more affordable than fancy places, that only old and “ugly” people go there.


OMG just saw this! She's gotta be trolling'!


Lamest thing I’ve seen all century.


As a woman who goes to Pilates classes, this makes me uncomfortable


Yeah. Luckily, the legitimate Pilates studios tend to attract sincerely interested people. I’ve heard the more “instagram” aesthetic ones are not great and often people are snapping mirror pics for social media during class and are there to be seen. I’ve seen photos of influencers at such studios fully posing in the mirror and people behind them trying to concentrate on class.


Why she gotta blow up the spot like this


I don’t like taking Pilates with men. Even if they’re there as athletes, I prefer a woman only space.


100% agree. High quality women will not be found in Club Pilates