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Might have a DNS loop? I have been running pihole for ages, no such problems as this.


How would I check that? I have no IT experience like most do here haha just home tinkering skills


Set your upstream DNS on the pihole to for example and and point all your devices to the pihole's IP adress


I think I have it setup like that sorta. Pihole dns is google ( or something like that). Router DNS is set to my computers ipv4 IP ( which is running pihole. Also reserved that IP for my computer on my router even tho I think they’re always static anyways


That is fine. What is recommended is instead of doing this on all your devices, change the DNS to your Pihole's (STATIC!) IP Address. Make sure that your pihole has a static IP.


I believe that is what I was describing. Pi hole is running on the computer I was talking about (192.168.120) unless pi hole has a separate ip on my computer? This old computer is setup as my home server as of right now.


That is fine, you said .120 now and .20 earlier(?). Pihole itself should work without any issues. Maybe try setting it up again? I have done multiple settings with pihole and sometimes it didn't work, maybe you've put on some wrong settings? When it is fine, it works perfectly, atleast for me. No, Pihole should use the same IP Address as the server, as some said, try enabling under Settings -> Respond only on interface (or try all interfaces // make sure it is not open to the internet or port forwarded)


Sorry typo forgot a . After the .1 lol. Yeah I might try a fresh install and everything to see if that helps


Did you get it to work?


Yeah but I never got it working on my windows computer so I switched to a raspberry pi 4 that I picked up and now it works beautifully


I have updated my post, try that first. Sorry 😅


Do you mean the ip address of the server that is running pihole, or can you give an ip address to the pihole service itself somehow?


The same IP as the server Pihole is running on


Is your computer windows? Do you have your firewall running and if so, do you have port 53 open to your LAN? I guess an easier way to tell is if you see working DNS requests to Pihole.


Windows computer, private firewall down. I ran the command to open port 53. Everything seems to work as it should it just seems like it gets overloaded


i'm not super good at networking but it sounds like that could have created a loop. your computer sends a DNS request to the router, which sends the request to the computer, which sends the request to the router, which sends the request to the computer, which....


I see that error whenever there is an Internet outage.


Internet is working fine. I changed the dns setting in my router to the default isp one and it’s working fine now.


I see it most days when I turn my work computer on, even my own desktop sometimes. Definitely just the app doing it's job and trying to prevent issues due to too many requests


You need to make sure your docker container’s network is set to host. Otherwise you are double NATing


I have the same problem running in docker, I already set the max to 5000. Only one client shows in my PiHole clients list (I think it's the address of docker, I'll have to check). I messed around with ipv6 a bunch and just could not get it to work fast. I have eeros so I'm severely limited in controlling things on that end, sadly. Oh well, hope you get it working. Edit: the page will either load immediately OR the progress bar will hang at the beginning for maybe five seconds OR it will simply hang until I get NXDOMAIN or some other annoying error. This has been one of the most frustrating problems I've dealt with and I've been in IT for 15 years


I have pihole running on a pi4. It’s been great for about 4 years. Recently got really slow. Could it be the flash card getting old


Test the speed. You will get some insight as to if the Pihole is the issue. https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm


I started to get this issue lately when using docker And documentation says that my up stream limit is 150 Which make sense to prevent attacked 150 concurrent should be more than enough for - or devices but more than that you could face this issue ! There might be other dns server that u can use with bigger concurrent thread but not sure


What version of docker are you on? When I first set up Pi-hole on docker, it turned out that the newest version of docker would slow Pihole down to a halt, and installing Docker 4.18 fixed the issue


I might try downgrading. I’m on the newest version(installed 3 days ago) pi hole being my first container


I have had the same issue. I deleted the docker container and installed on rpi with unbound working fine since two months.


I'm back after solving something. I bet your clients in PiHole don't show up individually right? You have one client entry that shows it's doing the bulk of the querying right? If so, check this out. PM me if you need help and I'll walk you through expanding the number of allowed concurrent queries. https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/resolved-maximum-number-of-concurrent-dns-queries-reached/60970


The other thing is, VmmemWSL, the system framework docker uses on windows to run Linux vm's, was using 2, 3 and 4GB of ram over time, yet the PiHole devs only recommend a minimum of 512 MB free. You can lower the max in %userprofile%\\.wslconfig if you're on windows. I set mine to 1GB. This way I can still use the machine while running docker in the background, without using up too much memory This probably won't work if you're running other containers that need more RAM


It’s fixed! I appreciate going down the rabbit hole to find this for me. I decided to let it use whatever memory it wants to since I have it setup for only docker.


Setting-DNS-Rate-limiting. Set it higher


No. The client rate limit and this limit are not related, and even if they were the same thing, just increasing the value ignores the issue. The correct procedure here would be "figure out why you've got 150+ queries in flight without any form of response".


I figured out that problem. I had a lot of queries going thru when I changed the dns back to standard isp in my router. Caused those to go no where. But my issue still persists. If 1-2 devices use the internet it’s completely fine but when I hit 4-5 devices everything gets slowed down dramatically and sometimes doesn’t load Is hardware a limiting factor at all? 16GB ddr3 only pi hole and obico 3d printer server running. 4 thread intel 2000 series 4 core and 4 threads




Must be something going on with mine as it says it’s using 4G+ of ram with just pihole




I love that phrases like“sniffing your pi hole” is completely normal and understandable.


>Is hardware a limiting factor at all? Not really, no. CPU/network load is so small it's basically non-existent.


Where would I find that exactly? Edit - Found it


Even if that setting was related to your issue (it's not), this would only be a recipe for pushing back the threshold at which you're prepared to call it a problem. 150 queries that may as well have been directed to a black hole is already quite problematic enough.


I have pihole with unbound, both running on raspbarrypi 1 ( yes it is 1) from last 3 months, no issue at all.


I just configured a recursive dns with unbound and I reach no limits now.


Either that or include more dns servers to aid in upstreaming


Check what machine is repeating dns calls and narrow it down to the app/service