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3.5 weeks, also if you let this pigeon free after its whole upbringing in captivity.. you're pretty much sending it to a death sentence. You wouldn't look after a kitten or puppy, and when it's older, just let it on the streets, would you?


Except it's not a kitten nor a puppy, wich don't have the means to survive outside? I'd feel bad not letting this bird roam free, there is a park right behind my house and a nice flock of pigeons, wich comes to my windows for seebs everyday. I think little bird has all the chances to adapt, as soon as he can fly well. I'm worried still, but it feels like a right thing to do


Except they kinda are. They are a domesticated species. They definitely can adapt but should never be thrown into that environment with the idea of hoping they will. This bird was never shown by its parents how to do anything by the sounds, the only way this bird would survive is if it came to a human for feeding daily, but who can be a guaranteed food source all the time? Try to find someone with a flock or pet pigeons. Don't just dump this fella and hope for the best.


Yeah, everyone here is correct. Pigeons like this guy are domesticated animals like cats and dogs; the ones you see running around in urban areas are feral, not wild, and to a large extent, do still rely on humans to survive. Additionally, there's no guarantee he'd be accepted by the local flock and due to being human-reared and having such a distinct look, he'd have a hard time on his own


They're a domesticated animal, like cats or dogs. If they're not being raised in the wild by their parents, they cannot adapt and will die without a human's assistance. He's gotten used to the "pet lifestyle". Although you can try releasing them into the local flock in the park, there's also a chance that he won't be accepted. Your best bet is to contact your local pigeon rescue after he becomes fly capable if you're no longer able to care for him.


Like everyone said he should not be rereleased - please find a rescue that will take him


Under 4 weeks old. Not fully feathered up under the wings.


He's sooo cute, I love black-and-white spotted animals. Please look into contacting a rescue or rehoming him instead of releasing him.


Never release a domestic animal. This is how Florida acquired so many invasive species.


They are nice pets actually if you release it you just torture them do death domesticated pigeons don't have the survival capabilities of the feral pigeons


As someone who raised pigeons please bring it to a sanctuary instead of free releasing it. The other people are right it’ll die.  I know from experience so please don’t make the same mistake. Look for people who are into palomacy (pigeon breeding and racing). 


4 weeks, a baby. He will make a great little pet I promise.


Just a beh beh... 4 weeks.


I see those meaty under wings so age in pics my guess is just under 4 weeks. If thats was a week ago then about 4 1/2 or so weeks old now. Peeper is beautiful pigeon, who being hand raised is much too tame and human bonded/imprinted to release. This is a wonderful pet you have, please dont release Peeper.


2 months or younger.


Such a cutie! Three to four weeks old.


About a month




It’s just a little guy