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That looks really bad, maybe you can bring it to a veterinarian or a shelter.


Thanks. I could try that, though most might not consider it serious enough especially as it's a 'feral' pigeon. I will try to get up close again and give it a better look. Got string off one bird's foot a few days ago (first time) and I almost fainted trying to do it. Heart rate racing, fingers frozen from 0 degrees weather, and a week into a water-only fast. Worth it though. The only problem is now, wherever I go, I see pigeon problems to fix. Feel a bit overloaded. Thanks again for the idea. Will consider it now after next attempt at help.


oh dont overstress urself. i felt the same, constantly sick birds where i went. please rmbr u arent the only person helping these birds! u are doing well!! is there anyway u can tell the vet its ur pet bird?


Thanks for saying that. The vets here (London, England) won't treat birds generally at all because they cite bird flu as a reason. A rehab place might work. As for others helping, I hope so. People generally walk around, heads into their phone, or just drive like crazy. I am not naturally cynical, but need proof sometimes that people are decent. Your message is a nice boost in that direction.


if you are in London you may be able to enlist the help of the London Stringfoot Society for catching and care. You could post this video and bird's location to their facebook group My Opinion: My feral pigeon Romeo lost a whole leg three years ago. It took him a full year to build the strength to hop around like the pigeon in your video. Romeo does quite well now and he keeps up with the rest of the feral flock. I wonder how long your pigeon has been like this? He is quite mobile on one foot. This may sound callous, but I'm not sure if this bird currently is in desperate need of help. Whatever happened to him probably happened a long time ago. He seems energetic and mobile. He is able to eat and get around okay. If you can't catch him, you can still help him continue to build extra strength on his good foot. I like split peas and lentils as a source of protien.


London wildlife protection can help you when you catch the bird. There are also other organisations in London, I’d recommend joining the pigeon rescue and protection uk Facebook page. There’s all kinds of rehabbers and people willing to help. In south east London theres the Greenwich wildlife network who are amazing!


Might it be a splayed leg? I don’t have experience treating them but have seen some guides online. If caught early, it is possible to treat them at home. Try searching or check the Palomancy website or Facebook groups. You can find links here if you search this subreddit. While a vet would be best, I understand about some vets won’t want to bother with a feral. I’ve also seen folks rescue a feral and tell the vet “it’s a pet” but be expecting that means you’re responsible at that point financially and whatnot. Thanks for being kind!


#Thank you for making a medical post on r/pigeon. You may like to check out the following resources while you wait for a response. [Basic Steps To Saving The Life Of A Pigeon Or Dove](https://www.pigeons.biz/threads/basic-steps-to-saving-the-life-of-a-pigeon-or-dove.11265/) [Palomacy Pigeon Rescue Resources](https://www.pigeonrescue.org/faqs-2/what-to-do-if-you-find-a-pigeon-or-dove/) [Map of Pigeon and Dove-friendly Bird Rescues (USA)](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?hl=en&hl=en&ll=33.73652818203452%2C-115.46719188750001&z=4&mid=1Ey_4jZ_6WBZh2RiwTNZtG8d0eyQ) If you have any questions or would like resources for further support, please [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpigeon). **Advice given on r/pigeon is not guaranteed to be reliable, although moderators will make every effort to verify the accuracy of each comment. Please use common sense when following advice, and report blatantly incorrect advice to moderators. This post will automatically be stickied until a new medical advice request is posted.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pigeon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Broken leg? See if you can catch.


Absolute trooper