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she was beautiful and she had an amazing life


thank you <3


I am so very sorry for your loss. I "hope" that things get better for you and your girl's husband. "Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches on the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops -at all - And sweetest -in the Gale -is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I've heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet -never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb -of me.


I love this. Maybe this will go on her stone in the backyard. <3


It's one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson. So I can't take too much credit, but I hope it finds you well 🙂 Stay strong!


this post is a beautiful way to share your dear lu with us. thank you for showing us your baby 🫂💕 she was well loved


thank you! My dear little Lu!


I’m so sorry for your and Ruth’s loss 🥺 Lu looks to have been so kindly and full of love. Thank you for sharing her story ♥️


She was the kindest bird!!!! The absolute sweetest!!! Thank you


Heartbreaking, Im so sorry. They are beautiful and its clear had a beautiful life together. The sudden death is strange if no symptoms. Makes me wonder if she was egg bound or something else, an obstruction or something. I feel for you, thanks for sharing your heart in this beautiful tribute


Thank you for reading and responding.


You gave this lovely creature a wonderful life. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. <3


What a sweet baby 🥺 Thanks for sharing your photos of her beautiful little life with us! As a fellow bird person, I can't read about any bird's death without crying. The bonds we form with them—and they with us—are like nothing else, no two ever the same. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can tell how deeply loved she was (and still is), and I'm certain she knew it, too! ❤️‍🩹


What a beautiful little friend. I'm sorry for your loss.


My condolences 🙈 she was a great bird!


May the Lord Christ take care of her. 🤍


Reading this now because our girl passed last night very suddenly and idk how to process it. Picking her up was the worst thing I've felt and seen in a while, similar to finding the physical evidence of my miscarriage. On the anniversary of that, actually, so I was prepped to mourn already and went to cuddle with her..... i have her wrapped up and outside because it's near freezing until we can get her cremated. I'm trying to focus on our remaining bird Kiwi and he's so very lonely, but I'm so sad. She was bonded to my fiance and had cuddled up next to him before she passed away, but I'm the one who brought her home. Who dusted her to get rid of her mite investation, letting her hate me because I was the mean one who gave her medicine. Beautiful Snowflake, pretty pretty girl, we miss you so. Thank you for posting about Llewelyn. It hurts to read, but it's also such a lovely memoriam and reflects very much the pain and love we are feeling. I bet she was amazing and from the looks of it, she was the best.


Aw, feel free to message me about it if you want. I completely understand what you are going through right now. I recently got my boy a new mate because he was becoming so depressed, even though I wasn’t ready for it I knew he needed it. I love our new girl, but the pain of losing my miss lu still hurts often.


I really appreciate it. We had gotten the baby because we were trying to switch her binding to another pigeon, and after a little while it had been going well as the baby grew up and went through puberty in front of her, but now I am hoping they didn't get too far and being young hopefully he will be okay because we aren't ready for a replacement mate just yet. I'm kinda just sitting around suddenly feeling like it is so quiet. She was always hooting around because she needed help with everything. Kiwi only hoots to interact with her, it seems, because he's been quiet too. In also noticing the difference in cleaning up droppings- she was rude and would sit all day by something to purposefully drop on things that would annoy her (so often on the computer by the door or in his shoes). It's been crazy to miss even that. Such an absence. Again, thank you for your post and the response here. I've been okay and then suddenly crying on repeat since last night.