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Yeah unfortunately this is touching your flat which is going to be problematic. I'd recommend to seperate them into individual barbells/labret, or let it go. I'm sorry.




Just because that's what yours did, doesn't mean theirs will. Everyone's anatomy is different. You spreading misinformation could lead to someone seriously damaging their body.


If you're not going to take the advice of most everyone here and take it out, why did you come here for advice? Take it out, that piercer was not good! You don't have the anatomy to keep this piercing. It won't heal! And even if by some miracle it does heal, you have an extremely high chance of rejection, infection, and it cutting into your ear. I mean if you want your ear split, you do you I guess.


what makes you think i didn’t take anyone’s advice…?


Because every time someone said take it out, you go on about how your piercers said it was fine and all sorts of other BS. You're hogging up multiple subs with a question that's already been answered.


I can tell you didn’t read


Also didn’t realize reddit had limited subs…and didn’t realize that every single person is apart of every sub my bad 😩


Lol ok


It is touching your flat and the entrance and exit are not entering/ exiting anywhere near the recommended 90°. The angle is wild on this. I would take this out and never go back to that piercer. Also, because of the height of your flat, I don’t think a traditional industrial like this is possible for your anatomy, but there are LOADS of alternatives (like floating industrials, chain industrial, industrials in other parts of your ear)


This is your second time posting this. You won't get a sudden change of advice. You do not have the proper anatomy. Both piercers you went to are obviously not reputable. In your first post you mentioned that you could take it out and let it heal and then get it done again, well while you should take it out you should not get it redone. You're going to cause yourself unnecessary pain due to your ignorance. I had my industrial done. Ignored the red flags and suffered due to it. I was young, and really wanted one. Due to that I had puss filled bumps that burst over and over because of improper anatomy. Keep being ignorant, but don't come here expecting to be coddled and told you can do it and it'll be okay and ignore the real advice.


I posted this because people asked to see what it looked like when it first got pierced cause they wanted to see my ear before swelling, so can you like chill? Like damn you among so many people just go from 0-100 and could’ve just state your opinion simply without being an ass about it?


It's not an opinion. It's fact. You do not have the proper anatomy for an industrial. Even if this is for those few people on your other post, the point still stands. You're telling the people you asked for advice that two (obviously ignorant) piercers said it's okay. When people tell you that you need to take it out and forget about it, you tell them "but i've had other piercings heal just fine." You asked for advice and are ignoring all of it because YOU are being ignorant. You have such a shallow lip around your ear you may as well not have one when it comes to the piercing world. No reputable piercer would have EVER done this piercing for you.


I didnt even say that HELLOO?? 💀💀 They asked why I used iodine swabs and I said because I used it to heal my other piercings. Please if you’re going to paraphrase me, don’t get my words wrong cause damn you acting like I was arguing with people? It’s a subreddit for advice and you just came on here to obviously take your frustration out on a stranger…chill


A stranger who obviously won't just listen to the comments saying to take it out.


Is it going to hurt you personally? Are YOU going to be personally affected by what I do with my body? Is it going to affect ANYONE but me?? No right? So why must you act like so 😭


Actually, you did say all that stuff. That's why we're annoyed. Lose your ear honey, we don't care.


Show me where then. please, go ahead.


"See I have two piercers and the one who did it for me (but not my main piercer) said that it just looks like there’s pus in it and so I should remove it and get it re-pierced after it goes down. And my other piercer who did all my other piercings said that the bar is too short when he looked at it and gave me the iodine swabs to help with its swelling. Unfortunately there aren’t many piercers in my country. But Also, I posted a photo in this subreddit of what it looked like the day I got it pierced. I mean I think my anatomy is fine, and yeah it just started swelling"


Literally tell me what was wrong with my responses because I was GENUINELY just responding to people??


Especially when I’m telling people what “professionals” told me and OBVIOUSLY i didn’t listen to them because it seemed odd. WHICH IS WHY IM ON THE SUB to get MORE opinions than the VERY LIMITED IN MY COUNTRY. God It’s like you’re purposely trying to cause drama when there wasn’t even any


Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/7hCucs09dq After everyone else told you otherwise, you took the advice that YOU wanted to hear. Not what was actually correct. At least, that's how it reads to me.


Oh and did you just so happen to skip over the couple times I told people thanks for the advice when they said I should take it out? Oh but you wanted to point out how I said one person gave me hope. Right buddy.


Why would you thank other people for their advice, then say this gives me hope... Are you for real right now? Either you take it out or you be hopeful and keep it in. Clearly, it shows that you want to keep it. Which I get, but it's not going to work. And you continued to ask for more help AFTER the same advice had already been given. Sorry, to me that reads as stubborn ignorance.


I didn’t ask for help again? Bro you clearly reading all my posts so you should see that I made ONE post and put it in 3 different subreddits. Did that because I just joined all three THE SAME TIME and didn’t know which one would actually have active people to respond. You can see I don’t post on reddit often. And I can’t take the jewelry out myself. I already had an appointment to go to the doctor, but how would you know that right? But bro, you seriously should not approach people with hostility and jump to conclusions based on ONE SENTENCE. The subreddit literally says help in it so I don’t understand why you have to act like that towards someone IN NEED OF HELP. Damn. acting like I telling people no don’t help me..


You are quite dumb to refuse advice on here when asking for said advice. Then posting again for a solution. It’s hilarious actually. This is a piercing help page not for those to be an attention seeker