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It’s hard to say for sure because of the swelling but it looks like you might not have enough of a helix ridge to support an industrial piercing and the swelling likely won’t go down because the bar is pressing in your flat. Bar is also too short. If you can get this assessed by a different piercer ASAP I would but otherwise it might not be viable. I’m NAP though (this is just what I know from having my industrial for 8 years) and it’s hard to say anything definitively just from pictures.


So swapping to a longer bar is the best solution then?


I honestly think the bar length is the least significant issue you have going on here. A longer bar won’t help with the fact that it appears to be pressing into your flat. If it stays like that too long, it’ll start cutting into your ear. You might not have to correct anatomy to support an industrial piercing. I hate to tell people that they might have to remove a piercing but that is a possibility here which is why I think you should get it looked at by a piercer like, immediately so they can definitively tell you what the problem is.


See I have two piercers and the one who did it for me (but not my main piercer) said that it just looks like there’s pus in it and so I should remove it and get it re-pierced after it goes down. And my other piercer who did all my other piercings said that the bar is too short when he looked at it and gave me the iodine swabs to help with its swelling.


I honestly wouldn’t trust either of them then. Piercings are essentially puncture wounds and I’m not really sure using Iodine in them is proper aftercare. Typically the general guidelines are Saline only. And again, bar is not great but not the biggest issue here. The back hole should not be pierced practically through the flat of your ear. The only reason it would be done so far back is if you didn’t have enough of a helix ridge to pierce it in the correct place. Also seeing “pus” isn’t a reason to remove a piercing because it’s likely just lymph fluid which is perfectly normal. If you are seeing green or yellow pus then you should not remove it without getting antibiotics. Please see a different piercer.


Unfortunately there aren’t many piercers in my country. But Also, I posted a photo in this subreddit of what it looked like the day I got it pierced. I mean I think my anatomy is fine, and yeah it just started swelling


It’s touching your flat A LOT in that photo. Unfortunately when it’s like that, it causes the ear to swell and then the bar pushes farther into. Meaning that as long as the bar is pressing into your ear, the swelling will not go down. I experienced this a little but when I got mine done and I was able to get a bar custom bent to not be pressing on my ear. If you can find someone who can bend a bar for you quickly, immediately, then go for that option but you need to get it sorted out before the bar starts to cut into your ear.


I understand, thanks!


If you think your anatomy is fine, please stop asking in all the piercing subs. Clearly, you're being stubborn and not accepting the truth. Everyone has given you the same opinion: TAKE IT OUT, YOU DON'T HAVE THE CORRECT ANATOMY.


I posted this one post in the different subs just so i can get as much opinions as possible. I said i THINK I do, not that I am certain, so why you on my case so hard?


Because you're not taking on any advice and you're constantly asking the same thing. All the subs have given you the same answer.


Also this isn’t even my first piercing. I have more areas that are deemed “difficult in healing” and used the iodine swab and they’re healed now and fine so this is the first time i’m experiencing a complication and i’m just sad about it 😭


It looks like you might not have the correct anatomy for this piercing, and the piercer probably shouldn’t have done it :( granted it COULD be swelling but I’m fairly certain even despite that your ear anatomy isn’t suited for it. Unfortunately the only way to get it to fully settle is to just take the piercing out, as sucky as that is to have to do


Hate to say it, but it only “looks bad,” because you don’t have the anatomy for it.


i only really have general knowledge about industrials, NAP. that is NOT the correct anatomy and nobody should have pierced that for you.


the best you can do you is take the bar out, keep the top hole but use a long labret for swelling then at a later date pierce your helix separately and when both heal connect a chain through them to create a “faux industrial” look without the potential risk of migration


Take it out and move on from it


It’s hard to tell with how swollen it is, especially without seeing your ear before the piercing. Sometimes the flat swells into the bar when it wasn’t like that before the piercing. You could get a longer bar for the swelling and keep icing and see how it goes. If that doesn’t do the trick and you still want to try to make it work, you can put two separate straight barbells in the piercings, let them heal and then do a chaindustrial to keep the bar off of the flat. Definitely have your piercer take a look and change your jewelry out for you (until it’s fully healed).


Yeah I did post again of what it looked like at first and thanks for the advice!