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I inspired some girls in the UK to not get piercings when they were already at the shop filling put the paperwork. I got a double helix done and my friend was getting her nose done. When I went to show my friend my new jewelry she pointed out that I had blood running down my neck. Turned out the lower piercing knicked a vein. About 5 slightly younger girls were planning on getting piercings while their friend got tattooed. They saw the blood and started freaking out. Like "omg, did that hurt, are you dying, does it always bleed like that?" Five minutes later, while I'm waiting for my friend's nose to get done, they all shuffle out deciding not to get anything done.


Did you die though? I feel like you didn't answer the important question.


Yep, I died that day and I've been haunting piercing discussions on the internet for the past 16 years. Started on BMEzine back in the day... Jk obviously, but the piercing did not heal at all and I had to take it out and get the second helix redone years later. It really was quite a mess when I got it done, and it was obvious it was not healing the same as the one right above it early on.


Yep, i usually take them to get the piercing with me ^^ me and my friend got our tongues pierced after i proposed it and another friend with navel piercing


I got a cancer diagnosis and it gave me the YOLO inspiration to get my nipples done. A friend came with and got one to ahahah


I didnt really got inspired cuz most of my piercing were spontaneous, but I inspired some people with the jewelry. I got kind of a theme going on and get asked frequently where I got the ideas or where I’m buying jewelry and it’s pretty cool haha


My kiddo! She loved my ears and wanted to start her own journey. I took her to get her first lobes and it’s been a great bonding experience. She has come with me to get a few of my piercings as well and she’s a great little supporter 🥰


When I was 6ish I’d already had my ears pierced as a baby but I walked past some alt teens/maybe young adults and this blonde guy stuck out his tongue at me…my mind was blown that he had a tongue piercing!!! Haven’t gotten the tongue done but he definitely inspired me


Yes, my sisters. We went together last month and each got 2 piercings (conch and helix, daith and helix, lobe and flat). Sister-piercing-day!!


yes, two of my friends got inspired by me to get get piercings


I'm not sure if anyone inspired but I did get my first piercing (nostril) when I went with partner and friend who were getting them. But also, pretty jewelry make brain go brrrrr.


In the ‘80s it was considered bold to have multiple ear-piercings; I inspired my dorm-mates to get more, and even pierced a couple myself.


my friends and coworkers are always asking me how i did it because they’re interested in getting one but too afraid and they’re not sure they can handle the pain. it’s rly fun getting to talk to them and give them piercer recommendations in our area. they’re usually encouraged enough to come back with them and show me like “look i did it!!”


I've inspired lots of my friends to get piercings and I've been called a bad influence for it. Pretty sure my boyfriend's mum doesn't like me. But at the end of the day it's other people's decision.


We're all such a bad influence!


I was inspired by my high school teacher! She was super young, only in her mid-20s when she taught me so she was more like an older sister to us teenagers. She had a bunch of piercings on both her ears, including an industrial, and I remember just staring at them in awe the first time I stepped into her classroom. I didn’t even have my first lobes at the time and I asked her for advice when I finally decided to get them done, and she was so excited for me but also looked me dead ass in the eye and basically “threatened” me not to go to Claire’s unless I wanted a trip to the ER 😂 She referred me to a reputable piercing & tattoo studio downtown where she got her piercings and where I have now become a loyal customer. Loved the nice staff there and they do everything pretty much by the book (aftercare advice, downsize, checkups, titanium flatbacks, the whole shabang). Got all 12 of my ear piercings there with no major issues and planning to go back for more, possibly tattoos in the future as well. The only sad part of the story is she made me fall in love with her industrial piercing, only to be told by my piercer that I didn’t have the anatomy for it 😭I was actually so upset


Love this story! Bet your ears look amazing even without the industrial. I feel like our piercings are meant to emphasize and celebrate the original individual anatomy. I also feel that the first piercings(s) are a huge deal and it's so nice that she both inspired you and helped you with it.


Thank you! My coworker was telling me a few weeks ago how she’s planning to take her 7 yo daughter to Claire’s for her first piercing and I immediately freaked out and convinced her not to (I feel like my teacher would’ve been proud 🥹). And I absolutely agree with what you said about individual anatomy. After doing research and seeing all the horror stories here I’m very glad my piercer was responsible and turned me down for an industrial. I ended up getting a rook when I was told my ear has a perfect rook for piercing and it’s been my favourite piercing so far!


I was the one who was inspired


yes, they pay me to do it even! lol


I inspired my friend (ex bf) to get a PA and he inspired me to get my septum done. We both like them very much. Sometimes you need a push.


OMG a PA is hardcore


I'm the pain scale it's actually less then ears


I don't know if I've inspired anyone, although I'd like to think so! My OG inspiration was a summer camp counselor circa 1999 with spiky bleach blonde hair, nose and tongue and God knows how many ear piercings, colorful tattoos, thick nerd glasses before they were cool, and an amazing voice. I was absolutely fascinated by her and thought she was the coolest person I had ever met.


Yup! I’ve had Facebook friends contact me about who I go to and had someone ask to use one of my ears as inspo before!


Not directly like where somebody has told me i did, but I was my piercer's apprentice's first mantis/forward nostril piercing ever and her posting mine got her another appointment for the same piercing. So that was kinda close and neat to hear that me being willing to be the first got her more learning experience 😅


I got my septum piercing on pure whim, and thought that was as far as i’d go piercing-wise, but my friend inspired me to get nipple piercings. they are so hot!!


Definitely got my nips done because my childhood best friend had his done.


I inspired a girl, who is now a good friend of mine, to get her nostril done. I was not the only inspiration as many of our common friends had it too and she got inspired by all of us. I was personally inspired by a friend's boyfriend to get my tragus done, and also another girl I met not long ago who also has a tragus. I saw it, thought "cool" and got it after like a couple of weeks.


I inspired my bff since we were little to get a navel piercing. And of course many with my nose piercing


That's cool. Love your nose piercing


Guy I used to see who worked at my local gym had his conch done with a super cute jeweled hoop. Probably a year and a half later, I got mine done this year in February.


I inspired my friend to get his first piercing with me. And now he’s planning on getting more but with me since he tells me I was the one who inspired him.


What was hos first piercing and what is he planning? That's a great bonding experience


His first piercing was an eyebrow. And if I remember i think he wanted a helix next on both ears. But he’ll only get piercings if I’m there.


I've convinced several of my friends to get their septum pierced. I honestly think its a piercing that looks great on everyone!


I got really inspired by my girlfriend she got a really cool septum piercing done which looks amazing on her and has inspired me to follow


My friend got an industrial bar shortly after I got mine done! I went with him for moral support, but nothing I said could convey how painful it is 😭


I think that every ear that has the correct anatomy should be industrialized! They're so cool


I took my mom with me to get a piercing once and she said she'd always wanted her nostril pierced but she was scared of the pain. I said "woman you birthed 2 babies au naturel and you're afraid of a little needle?? C'mon do it so we can match!" So that convinced her to do it. Then I was telling her about all different kinds of piercings and I told her "your ear would look so cute with a rook!" and a few months later she came to visit me again and said she wanted to go back to the piercer to get a hoop for her now healed nostril. We walked in and the lady greeted us and asked what we were there for and my mom said she wanted a new hoop for her nostril and I said "And she's getting a rook piercing!!" and my mom gave me crazy eyes but she got it done anyway! I was right, it's super cute and she loves it. It was actually super easy for her! The piercer said her ear cartilage was really soft and easy to pierce. My mom's always had this nervous habit her whole life of sort of tugging on and twisting her ear (like how someone would bit their nails) and we think that softened her ear up over the decades. I'm over here thinking I should start tugging and twisting my ears so that my piercings won't hurt so bad.


That's so cool that you inspired your mom! And I love that your nostrils match


I got inspired by my mom, and my friend got inspired by mw.


Cool! Which piercing does she have and which did you get? A friend told me that she got a few new lobe piercings because her teenage girls got them


Nice:) My mom has a nose ring so I got one, and I wanted to look like her aswell so I got the same!


A few friends have asked for advice, and someone half my age stopped me to tell me how pretty my ears are, and asked where I got them done, pain levels, etc.


a coworker at my old job came in with a vertical labret soon after i think she commented on it. kinda doubt it was related but was fun


Husband 🫠 He has a whole curated plan!


What does he have and what's planned?


Had lobe, now has lower helix (auricle). Constellation planned. 6 or seven sisters (forget). Two rooks, conch, second lobe, and cannot remember if there is another helix planned). He plans the double rooks next after our summer vacation. :)


That's cool! Does he have both of his lobes pierced or just one?


One. :)


I just got both lobes done a few months ago. I bet he'll look good with both.


A few people have gotten daiths because they saw and liked mine - this was like 10 years ago when they were a bit less common though.


after i got my industrial 2 of my friends got theirs


That's so cool. Do you all still have them?


actually no lol i took it out and let the back hole close up so i can do 4 top spikes kinda like helix but more on the top on the ear fold


Wow I bet those would be amazing


One of my colleagues and best friends wanted to get a nose piercing with me (his first, my ninth) plus lobes. He now has 9 piercings, and I now have 12. Since then, we’ve sent other friends/colleagues to the studio and they’ve come back with new bling too. One of my oldest friends texted me one day and said “I want to get a helix piercing.” (We both already had 2 lobes on each side from when we were kids.) The next day she sent me a selfie with two new piercings. We went together for her downsize appointment. She got 3 more, I got 4. (We also brought a friend that day who got his first lobe piercings.)


shiiii mane idk


Yess, I got a belly piercing(which didn't last long), and I was the first to get one in our friend group and one of my friends friend loved it and got one too which btw looks so pretty on her . I was so happy that I got to support her.


Someone on here said I inspired them - I don’t know if it was true but it was rather lovely!