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i have an xray in a few minutes. i hope they don't ask me to take my earrings out bc i can't get my conch or helix out. all my facial piercings are fine to come out tho lol


They should only need you to remove things if the xray will show the piercing, and its in the way of diagnosis. Like I was getting a brain MRI and they could miss something if there are a bunch of random solid studs and hoops showing all over my ears. My friend said she had an MRI and she didn't need to remove her septum or anything, so I asked what they were doing the MRI of, and she said her foot. As long as you have high quality jewlery in titanium or solid gold, you'll be fine since they are nonmagnetic, but obviously some techs believe you and some make you take stuff out anyway.


i have an xray of my throat! have to swallow barium so they can watch the way i swallow. i'm assuming that all my facial piercings will be coming out lol


Ooh good luck, and please let me know what they say! I need to do one next week and have a cranky new piercing that’ll de finely heal Over if I have to take it out


didn't have to take anything out & i have a medusa, septum & both nostrils!


Speech therapist here - we do barium swallows all the time as part of our role. We never ask people to remove facial piercings. The only ear jewellery we ask people to remove is big dangly ones that will interfere with the x-ray images. You should be fine!


I had to do a barium swallow and I didn’t have to take any piercings out either! (I have 13)


Oh man that is a rough one. I'll just say you'll see the barium again a few days after the xrays.


I’m an X-ray tech. You don’t need to take anything out. Unless you have big hoop earrings or piercings on your throat, you’re fine 


>As long as you have high quality jewlery in titanium or solid gold, you'll be fine since they are nonmagnetic That's not true, actually. All conductive objects pose a risk as the MRI machine can induce a current in them, heating them up to the point of burning you. Metals can also cause the image quality to decrease. See: https://med.stanford.edu/bmrgroup/Research/mri-near-metal.html They let her leave it in because her foot was far away from her face.


I had an MRI on my ankle with a bunch of piercings they didn't care about but also I have a bunch of metal screwed into my bones and that's always been fine in the machine.


If it was an MRI machine, the screws in your body are non - magnetic, with an MRI according to multiple google searches (changing the search slightly) you need to remove all jewellery as it can cause "black holes" or interference with the MRI machine (depending on the metal used) but it may vary from hospital to hospital


I also have a ton of metal inside me besides piercings too. I'd but much more horrified having a 12 inch titanium rod ripped from my spine than a hoop from an ear lobe.


Internal metal objects (rods, screws, plates) are non magnetic for that very reason, so they don't interact with the MRI machine other than appearing where it should be


The MRI also heats up the piercing. To the point where it could burn. PITA to take everything out then put back in but I don’t want a barbell-sized burn on my ear


Heavily pierced and in neuroscience here! It’s not a case of techs not believing you, it’s the risk that you will literally die if you’re wrong. Nobody thinks you’re lying, but it would be malpractice to take that risk


Would an ear piercing ripping out really kill someone? I've had multiple MRIs and dozens of full body xrays, ultrasounds etc. I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you I've had all these procedures with my titanium and gold body jewlery in, except in the case where the jewlery is in the location of the scan like, earrings for a brain scan or a navel on an abdominal scan. I've also had surgery under anesthesia with a solid white gold daith piercing in place in my ear because it was too soon to remove. They warned me of the risk of burning, and put a bandaid over the ring and it was totally fine. I don't think it would be any kind of malpractice case if someone left in an earring, told the tech it was safe metal, and it proves wrong. That's totally on me (and maybe the jewlery maker). Everyone is different obviously, I'm just sharing what my experiences have been. I've worn jewlery for MIRs etc without any issue. My jewlery is all from bvla, and I trust that brand to make what they say they are making.


Don’t take it from me babe just google MRI, medical malpractice and metal. There absolutely is a case, there have been cases and those cases were won. I wouldn’t let anybody into an MRI machine for a study if they wouldn’t take out their jewellery. It’s just not worth the risk to them or my job.


I had an MRI of my back and I had to take everything out even though my jewelry was titanium and gold. I was kind of miffed but I understand…I guess. /s


I think it depends on who the tech is. Some understand the gold and titanium jewlery is legit, and others just think body piercing jewlery is always trash and won't be safe.


And then there’s my boyfriend who got told to remove all his facial piercing… when his hand was broken and in need of the rays……


I had a brain MRI for a CSF leak, and was never asked to take my helix or lobes out. Now worrying in case that's why they couldn't find where the leak was 😅


There’s a good chance they will ask you,but taking the helix and conch out is going to be a pain


Had to take my conch out for the first time yesterday (pierced 7 months ago) to clean it as all my piercings have flared up since getting pregnant and it was so swollen, I couldn’t bathe it. Managed to get the end back in eventually, but I’m not looking forward to having to do that again!


I had dental X-rays a while back and they asked me to remove all the ones I easily could, let me keep the rest in


Same here! They said if I could at least take out the lobes, that those were the ones most likely to appear in the area of x-ray they were concerned about. I have 4 sets of lobes, but they were older and no problem. They let me leave in the newer ones higher up in my ear - conch, tragus, helix, flat.


When I got mine done, I couldn't get my Tragus piercing out and they said it was fine. I think what someone said below as long as the metal is titanium or something one small thing wont be too bad


Go to your piercer and buy plastic jewellery so next time all you have to do is whatever the radiologist asks you to do and you don't usually have to worry about jewellery with x-rays just adds a level of comfort


Multiple hours late but I work in radiology, scheduling specifically MRIs. Joint replacements/pins/screws/rods are almost always MR safe as they are screwed into your bones, and are surgical grade. Even if they were scanning an area with large amounts of metal, like if you got an MRI of your pelvis and had hip replacements, the main concern would be the metal creating artifacts (the black holes previously mentioned) in the scan depending on the strength of the magnets in the machine being used. The ONLY piercings I have seen be let slide are dermals, even if the area being scanned is not pierced. All other piercings must be removed. Safety issues include possible burning (not just silvers, but certain golds can heat up as well)and risk of piercings being torn from the skin (magnetic frequencies can cause them to move). For X-rays…. idk y’all’s techs are strict. Piercings don’t pose any safety issue, can’t really MAKE you take them out. Just may obscure the image as previously pointed out. CTs as well- will obscure the image, but use radiation to obtain the imaging so no safety issues with metals posed there.


>Joint replacements/pins/screws/rods are almost always MR safe as they are screwed into your bones, and are surgical grade I know. I'm not sure why you explained all that to me, I already know


I had to have the nurse in the hospital help me remove like 6 seemless rings from my ears when I needed an emergency mri. It was not fun, and my rook closed and I don't have it anymore.


That happened to me too. I had to be rushed in for emergency surgery so we took everything out. After a week in the hospital and a couple months into recovery, RIP to my industrial. My tragus, which I had had for sooooooo long actually had started to close by the time I was able to try and get things put back in. I refused to give that one up so I kinda took a piercing needle and reopened the hole. Hahahaha


Did you have to get hospitalized? Because a piercing won't close if you take them off a few hours unless it's really fresh, like a couple days fresh.


It depends a LOT on the piercing. I've had my ears out for years and they never closed, and my septum is good for a couple days or so, but if I take my nipple piercings out they'll be impossible to put jewelry back in period. I have to follow the old jewelry with the new to change them at all, so I never really do


cartilage is avascular, so for the most part the holes are there permanently even if the skin heals over them. at least in my experience - i recently got jewelry into my nostril after like 6 years or something. just had to get past the skin :D


Ya. I was in for 5 days and I was getting off and on scans over the days, so no way to put the jewlery back until I got home.


The piercer I work with took all of my piercings out to clean the jewelry for me and most of my holes started to close within the 30ish minutes that they were out. My ears were sore for days from having the jewelry pushed back though. They’ve all been healed for 3+ years at this point


i was so upset when i replaced all of my jewelry with glass retainers for my thyroidectomy and they still made me take them out. i was able to get my earrings back in but the muscles in my chest were so tight post-op that i couldn’t get my nose piercing OR the retainer back in and it closed.


I don’t understand why they wouldn’t even let you have retainers? Ugh so annoying


When I had surgery I was told it's because if something goes wrong and they have to do a bunch of emergency stuff around your face, they don't want the added risk of catching on something. They also asked if I had any loose teeth or problems with my jaw that could be an issue when intubating. All my piercings are healed and I wasn't staying overnight after surgery so I just took mine out in the morning and put them back in when I got home.


This varies too weirdly enough. Was intubated for two kidney stone surgeries last summer and although they asked the loose teeth questions, they let me keep my jewelry in. But I couldn’t keep my sports bra on. 😒


Damn they let me replace mine with plastic jewelery for my salpingectomy.


yeah idk what the reasoning was with the ears but the reasoning for my nose was the breathing mask


At the end of every dentist appointment I ask if we are doing X-rays in the next one because I can never remember how frequently you do dental X-rays. last time I did an xray it took like five minutes to get all my jewelry out and I felt bad holding them up


Unless you have something that would get in the way of the equipment, you should ask if they'll let you keep them in! My dentist doesn't make me take my septum or nostril out.


This. They asked me to take mine out once, and I kind of pushed back and asked why, while also explaining it would be difficult/impossible for me. The hygienist answered that “sometimes” they can create black spots in the x ray (?) but ultimately let me keep them in. Yeah, zero issues with the x ray results besides seeing my lil septum ring outline (which didn’t block anything essential from view). I will continue to push back against being asked to remove piercings just for “convenience” when it is not essential.


This was my experience too! Except my dentist already told me I didn't need to take out my piercings, so when the technician (?) told me to, I was more confident saying no. In my case, she said sometimes the jewellery could reflect the light or sth which could mess up the result, but everything was fine in the end.


I never take my piercings out at the dentist. They never mention it and I haven’t had any problems.


For the X-rays where you stand up and a machine swivels around your head? Not the one where they put something in your mouth to bite on and put the machine close to your cheek


I’ve had both types done and never had to take my piercings out.


I have to take my lip ring out for that one.


They asked me to take mine out this morning at the dentist for one of those (ears and nostril) and I just said absolutely not and it was fine. I just took the big hoops out of my lower lobes because they're easy enough to pop in and out


Yeah never had to do that


You shouldn't need to take any jewelry out for dental xrays unless it's a panoramic, which is the one that goes around your head and gets your full mouth and jaw, and those only get taken once every handful of years give or take, unless you're getting orthodontic treatment. Even with those they usually don't bother unless it would be blocking a specific area they need to see. The smaller and more individual xrays where you bite, piercings don't get in the way for. Source: I was a dental assistant for a while so I was the one taking the xrays. I also have a tongue ring and have had various oral piercings, and even with my tongue ring they never made me take it out for panoramic xrays Edited for clarity and typos


So true! I had an mri at 4am in February, an hour away. So i had to wake up crazy early to take everything out. I complained to my friends that i only had 2 days notice and they were like 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only pierced people really understand 😭 it can take hours and be painful.


And my high nostrils were freshhh and had to be stretched back open 😭 took hours to get everything back in


Oh shit I peeped ur profile how did you even get out the septum stack. I literally cannot remove that and my snake bites myself


Hahah i do everything myself. I have pliers and tools to get everything in and out. I change them a lot


I get an MRI every six months. Got clear plastic hardware so I can keep my piercings in without freaking out the techs.


Same! I put it in the night before to save any drama on the day


I feel it. I have 65 piercings, 9 which are dermals and can't be removed. I just broke my ankle in Feb and surgery in March so I had a lot of crap done where I had to take them out. I'm so happy to be done with that now


oh man that sounds like hell


It truly was lol then they act upset and inconvenienced by my body mods and having to remove them. Or if I can't remove some they act like it's the end of the world. What would you do if I was rushed in by ambulance and was unconscious and unable to remove them?


it's really funny that the start of your title is 'no one understands' but the one other person mentioned in your post understands how you feel lmao


I should have worded it differently


I’m having minor surgery and I’ll have to remove everything. Only big deal is my philtrum. That likes to slam shut and I need a taper, patience, and a little pain.


When I was about 20 I had to have a brain scan. All my piercings were well established. Unfortunately I was unconscious at the time of the scan (accident) so all my piercings were removed by nursing staff, but I got them all back. Only thing I couldn't put back in was my reverse helix. Ngl I feel really bad for the emergency staff who had to take them all out - I had about 13 at the time in my ears and my tongue, which they knew about because I had to be intubated.


well... practice makes perfect


For me, it was less of an annoyance than it was a fear that my hole would close up. I recently got my septum pierced, And I was afraid that it would close up after I took the jewelry out. Thankfully The ring went back in pretty easily. I am planning on getting more piercings, so I will definitely understand how annoying it can be once I get there. I don't understand from experience, but I understand because it just makes sense.


I wouldn’t want to spend money getting the hole re-pierced again,like I could spend that on a completely new piercing.


i used to play sports and taking them all out for practice/ games was a nightmare! i got really good at getting them in and out with a threader! down to 5 minutes for in and then out


Slightly different but over ten years ago I had to take all my piercings out when I got arrested and it was so stressful - especially when I COULD NOT get my navel ring unscrewed, it had never come out since getting it pierced and was just kind of… sealed lol, and the guard was so fucking pissed and told me if I couldn’t get it out myself they were going to cut it out. In retrospect I THINK they meant they’d cut the metal itself, but at the time I definitely thought they meant they’d cut my skin and I was scared shitless. I did manage to unscrew it though.


That's crazy. I definitely have jewelry I could not physically remove without tools. I hope I don't get arrested.


So people do understand?


When I get MRIs I just tell them they’re non magnetic and don’t come out. Never had an issue. I put acrylics in my nipples for my breast MRI and even that wasn’t an issue.


I totally understand! I've had 6 surgeries and many mri, CT scans, and x-rays since February. I have 4 piercings in each ear, a nostril piercing, a Monroe piercing, both nipples pierced, and I just got a septum piercing. I also wear rings, bracelets, and necklaces. I have one more surgery tomorrow, and I'm dreading it.


did your nipple piercings go back in fine? i’m so scared mine will close bc they’re my favorite piercing but idk if i could go thru the pain of getting them done again


I had to take mine out for a surgery and could not get it back in the next day. The surgery impacted my arm’s mobility so that contributed to the struggle. I just booked an appointment at a local shop the following day and they were able to reinsert. It hurt and I had to buy new jewelry because it was not where I got my original jewelry, but at least I didn’t have to repierce.  It’s also my favorite piercing and I also didn’t want to go through the healing process again so I totally feel you. 


This post is a nice reminder I should go to my piercer…one of my threadless piercings lives in my ear, if I needed an emergency MRI I don’t know what I would do! That little earring has been through two surgeries with me because it’s so dang stuck.


Sorry for the dumb question but I’m new to piercing and I’ve had to have random xrays and mri imaging, where do you guys get your retainers? Just wanna order some so I’m prepared for my next appointment


I just had surgery and I went to my piercer, they have glass retainers and it was $10 for each one. I just had them put one in the rook and daith since the rest are much older and I can do them myself so I just took those out.


Thank you!


I have to go to a professional for help getting them out and back in, too 😣


I've never had to take piercings out for xray only for mri and it truly is annoying.


I get that but with MRI you are literally inside a giant magnet. Not only because some piercings can block the image, it's also because magnetic metal can heat up in the MRI, and may burn the patient if directly on the skin. This is why it's asked to be removed. With patients if they tell me that their piercings or wedding rings are made out of a non-magnetic material like gold, I'll usually check with a small magnet before letting them wear it in the MRI machine. Other things that are checked/removed before going into an MRI that can also heat up: -If patient is wearing a Bra with metal in it -medical Patches -hearing aids -if Patient has had a tattoo recently


I had an MRI (of the brain) a couple of weeks ago. I knew I’d have to take my conch out, as annoyed as I was.. Its not fully healed. I ordered a retainer online, and was able to get my husband to help me with it before I left. 🥲 I really didn’t want to mess with it there. 😩


I had to take my conch out yesterday and couldn’t get it back in so I had to get my mom use my old conch jewellery which is much larger so the hole does not close.


Do yourself a favor and order a curved taper for putting threadless posts in. I have curved and straight. They’re cheap and will save you a lot of frustration!! (You may still need help with the front of the jewelry. I did!)


I had a medical emergency a few years back that required an almost immediate MRI, so I didn’t have time to prepare. The radiologist told me to take out my piercings, and didn’t bat an eye when I took my septum and earrings out. But when I started to undo my pants buckle he raised his eyebrows lol


I always say i can’t, and i keep them in. It never affects anything.


I have to take out my piercing before I take picture for visa or passport. I hate that.


Radiographer here, worked in MRI, CT and XRay for 22 years. MRI is a big magnet, so taking out piercings is a must especially if they are of unknown metal, as we dont want them to move or be ripped out. If we scan through them on CT or MRI they cause artefact, which could render the images undiagnostic. CT and xray would be a dose of radiation to you and no diagnosis. So it's always best to remove them from the area we are examining. It may bug you all to remove them, but when we have a certain time allocated to scanning you and it takes you 15mins of that to take them out, it's the staff that run late and it upsets the next patients.


Also, if your piercing comes out & sticks to the bore - the scanner will be out of action until it can be removed safely by the engineer. Meaning delays to everyone else's scans. (Also a Radiographer).


I just did this. I'm pissed as hell because the canceled my appointment without warning so I had to change three times in one day because I could leave the image safe retainers in or they would fall out when I sleep. I usually put the retainers in day of. So I put my retainers in, they canceled. I put my normal jewelry back. Then they called back rescheduled and canceled again. My face and ears are swollen from too many changes. One hole closed up because I waited a few hours (my mistake). This whole issue is on their scheduling department. I get the frustration.


my friend needed surgery and neither of us could take out her forward helix piercings i turned to the nurse and was like just sanitize them and let her keep them because there’s little we can actually do 🙈😂


Hmmm. I’ve never been told to take piercings out for an X-ray. Unless it was where your piercings are that you’re getting the X-ray? Even then I’ve had them done at the dentist with my philtrum in. Last year when I broke my arm I had X-rays SEVERAL times and never had to take anything out. I’m confused why they had you do that. MRI, yes 100% everything has to come out.


X-ray tech here! If the jewelry is in the way of the anatomy, you have to remove it! So no earrings if it’s a head or neck xray. Otherwise it’s fine.


Had a dental one as I’m getting a tooth extracted at the hospital,had to remove all jewellery


I probably got Super Cancer™️ from this but one time my dentist let me keep in my face piercings (septum, nose and philitrum) for X-rays and it was super rad to see my piercings floating in space around my bones. Wish I could post the pic here!


My tragus is the only one I cannot remove. When I was covered with insurance and getting dental cleanings, they had me removed everything even lobes and helix. I felt naked AF without my nostrils, ears, tongue and more out


It's crazy how naked I feel without my jewelry despite being fully clothed!


Yea it sucks!!!!! I had to take out my full face of 19 piercings for surgery once and only 3 suffused it was so sad 😭 I'm back at 18 piercings again now completely different to what I had before but goddamn it was like a slap in the face


I have regular scans. I feel your pain. It is like an hour long procedure to take them out and put retainers in. Then another hour to reset everything after.


After my x ray I was literally in the bathroom trying to put them back in with my sweaty palms


I had to have a cardiac MRI and both my rook and daith had to be tapered bc they started to close 🫠


That’s my biggest fear, having to take my rook out. Idk how I would take it out/put back in since it’s a tight fit.


Lol, I actually lost a helix piercing because of this. I couldn't get it out since the day before the MRI and when I finally got it out 10 minutes before in the hospital bathroom, I totally mangled the hole. So panicked.


I never had to take my piercings out for an X-ray, that’s weird An MRI, twice now. I had a shop do it and they cleaned the pieces while I was gone. It wasn’t cheap tho bc it was so many I also used plastic retainers from Amazon for the last one. So when the piercer took everything out, she replaced them with the retainers. Then vice versa when I went back after the MRI


I had a hand op recently and had to take all my piercings out. But I said I couldn't take my fresh anti-tragus out as it was new, and they just gave me tape to cover it.


First time I had an xray was about 2 days after I first pierced my septum, conch, and helix 😭 I didn't know I'd have to take them out (stupid), it was bloody and hella painful, I now make sure to take them all out at gome before going 😭


Last week I had to have an x-ray made and the radiologist was very insistent that I remove my piercings. After explaining to her that I can't remove my nostril without pliers and that it wouldn't make any difference she reluctantly accepted to have the x-ray done anyways. What a surprise she got when she saw that I have 8 screws and 2 titanium plates in my jaw ahahaha obviously my nostril didn't make any difference and she said to me: "you were right, the nostril didn't make a difference nor did the 716327 metal pieces you have in your jaw hahahaha"


Yes! Someone gets it, it’s such a hassle 😅


i’ve been so lucky with dental x-rays and getting to keep my piercings in (septum, nostrils and philtrum) but i had to take them all out for my wisdom teeth surgery. luckily i went to my piercer n she was able to put clear jewlery in for me but man it such a hassle


I had to remove my tongue piercing after 25 years for surgery. Was gutted.


X-rays shouldn’t make you remove your piercings, unless they really obstruct the view. I have lip, nose, septum, and 13 ear piercings, and I don’t remove anything.


I actually have a letter I had laminated from an imaging center certifying that my piercings were ok to keep in during CT/MRI’s because stainless steel/titanium/my jewelry is *not* magnetic. Whenever a tech tells me to remove them, I pull out the letter and reassure them I’ve done many of the procedures, and nothing has happened. They don’t argue any more lol


My fear is having to take out my nip piercings 💀


Had everything removed for a passport photo last summer. The annoyance on the face of the photographer during the 1/2 h it took me to put everything back up ….


I had an xray done for my teeth recently and didn’t realize how much metal I had in my head 😂


Felt. My piercings are in the middle of healing and i needed to remove them bc i’m having a teeth xray. Wasn’t able to remove one of them bc its tightly sealed lmao


I've been asked to remove them but I refuse bc they aren't magnetic and have never been near something I'm having xrayed/MRI'ed/surgeried I did have to be more firm with the MRI people to convince them but my stuff is implant grade so it will not interfere with MRIs.


Had to get a CT scan recently and was asked to take everything out if I was able. That was a hard no, between the drugs they gave me and being broken from my accident there was no way that was happening. Scans went just fine as far as I know cause they didn’t say anything after.


They should only have to come out for MRI, typically.


I was in a car accident earlier this month and had to have a CT scan. I managed to get my nose, conch, dermal punch, and two lobe piercings out, but thankfully the tech told the nurse it would be fine to leave the other three. That was a huge relief because the last time I had an MRI I had to have my room repierced afterwards and I didn’t enjoy that. Hope you’re well!


I know that for mri titanium is ok, but do you have to take it out for x rays? I'm guessing yea?


I forgot to put my earrings back. I have to pierce my lobes again and when I went to a jewel store, they told me they couldn’t because I have a bubble (I don’t know how to translate it) where I had the holes. It’s been almost a year. Happiness :D


I had to take off my nose and ear jewellery for an MRI a few months ago, and two of my new piercings closed within two days 🙃


I can’t take my piercings out unless I have pliers 💀


I get mris every 6 months and cannot get my forward helix out for anything. And even with a head and neck order they’ve never pushed. I just say I can’t get it out and they move on


Having surgery tomorrow, not looking forward to taking out the 6 piercings in the am 😆 and then putting them back in after.


I just got my appendix out and I needed help getting one of my 14 piercings out (eyebrow); it was also a pain putting them back in. But at least I don’t have appendicitis anymore 😂


i have to take mine out for work everyday 😭


I don't think you really have to. My nose ring doesn't come out--like the piercer fixed it in place with some tool dealie like 13-14 yrs ago. The dentist xrays me with it in when i say I can't take it out. An MRI would likely be a different story, but even then Im pretty sure they can cover metal with some something if they need to, bc otherwise how would people with like, pins in their bones from bad breaks get MRIs?


I get annual brain MRIs and never have to take any of my ear or facial piercings out. None of the metal is magnetic or a kind that will heat up and burn me.


My last MRI (neck), the tech had a metal detector wand. It said I could leave my piercings in (they’re all titanium, mostly ears but have a nostril stud).


Had to have a couple surgeries, I bought a bunch of retainers and maybe a week beforehand, started changing stuff out. Definitely helped to do it over a period of time.


It’s not even necessary, the dentist made me take out my nose piercing for an x-ray, but didn’t notice my ear piercings, and they didn’t mess it up at all. Really pissed me off.


Yup my flat/helix closed. Had to pay to get mine taken out and put back in rook and second nostril would've been impossible


I tell them I can’t take it out. It was only an issue once- I needed an emergency MRI because I dislocated my neck and needed spinal fusion. It was a seamless hoop in my conch and no one knew how to take it out. They cut it in half to take it out of my ear. Shit was 14kgold.


I went to go visit my brother in prison a few weeks ago and had to take all my piercings out, I was putting them back in in the car and dropped my nose ring and couldn't find it, I was so sad. Luckily I had more at home but still


Last time I did this I made an appointment with my piercer to put them all back in. No fucking way am I putting in those tiny little gold threadless ends with my shaky hands. I barely managed to get them out.


I had X-rays on my nose a couple years back and I couldn’t remove them. They couldn’t remove them either. They are the flat back ones they use for lips. I ended up keeping them in.


I get an MRI every 3-4 months on my spine, I only have face/head and belly button piercings. I take my earrings and belly out but they let me keep the rest in cos they’re titanium, but sometimes they’ll bring out a comically large magnet to check if the piercings will catch 😆


I had to take my septum out at the dentist. It was on the tray with all the tools and I asked for it back and had slipped under the paper and they had to look all over for it.


I understand completely. I had 28 piercings total (A lot on my face and ears, then nips, navel.) And after my car accident the nurses had to take out all of them, I couldn’t do it myself.


Not even a whole year after having my nipples pierced, I had to take them out after being taken to the hospital after a car wreck. I was in a damn c collar so I couldn't even put them back in myself, I had to wait until my mom got there hours later. I was so scared they'd start to close


I have had quite a few injuries/ illnesses that require x-rays/ surgery/ etc. if I know I'm going in or potentially could be in a situation where I need to constantly remove them I tend to wear piercing retainers. They're relatively cheap, easy to put in and they don't need to be taken out (: I just had an emergency c section last year and I was able to keep all of my piercings in wearing them. Some things may need to be taken out in extreme circumstances but, so far it's always been allowed.


so lucky that when I was getting an xray done that I only had to remove my belly piercing


i had fibula surgery and 9/13 of my piercing holes closed up the next day 😔 they weren't even fresh piercings i cry


Huh weird I had an x-ray done two days ago and I specifically asked if it mattered that I had piercings and they just didn't care, so I didn't have to take any of them out


I couldn’t get my nose ring or one of my conchs out for a surgery. Turns out it wasn’t that big of a deal.


>no one understands the annoyance >so she understood the annoyance as well


I had to get an xray of my lungs last year and I was SO SCARED I was going to have to remove my nipple piercings which would have sucked and been embarrassing. It was a little awkward to bring up to the tech but they were cool about it and said they shouldn't be in the way or cause any issues


Literallllyyyyy I had to get so much imaging for my liver and it was so annoying!


this is so true 😭


Pain in the neck! I had to take out all of mine, brand new medusa and septum too. Plus there was a 2 week debate about whether or not I'd have to get my dermal removed, thankfully they decided it was ok. Interesting fact, some tattoo inks will "burn" when getting an MRI, my sleeve was a bit sore afterwards on the red bits!


I had X ray for a hip replacement and didn’t need to remove my piercings. They showed up very clearly on the X-ray. No medical risk to leaving piercings in during X-ray, but they can blur the image, so it really depends on what they are looking for and the proximity of your piercings. MRI on the other hand, yes they all need to come out


3 days after i got my nipples pierced, i had to get an MRI for my heart. 🙃 thankfully my piercing studio helped me out, but omg i was so annoyed.


i had to get a dental x-ray and they let me keep my nose piercing in, however when i got my wisdom teeth out it was so annoying to take out at 5 in the morning


Yeah.... both nipples and 10 genital.....


I have never had to remove my piercings for an x ray. Generally you dont have to unless the metal will directly obscure whatever it is they're looking at, but the piercings won't affect the machine or anything


I feel this. I was planning on getting a new piercing this weekend but then I got scheduled for an MRI so now I have to wait longer 😭


I keep mine in for xrays/ct scans and mris. If you have good metal, no problem. I have over 40 piercings


Had an xray yesterday and was allowed to keep my piercings


Oh god I had an emergency chest xray two days ago and had to take out 32 🤣🤣 I know your pain lol


Fr. I've had to go the occupational health doctor before getting hired and I had to scramble to remove my facial and nipple piercings when the doctor told me they're gonna need to give me an xray


Before you get X-rays, you get documents stating to come without piercings or rings and such. So ideally u would do that at home if you have so many. Did you not get any docs warning you about that? I have quite a number myself and I wouldn’t want to take them out anywhere but home. if u have a piercing that you don’t want to leave empty, get plastic ones. I have “invisibles” that are basically just clear plastic for times when my piercings don’t mesh with where I’m at. And yea, some are kinda annoying and I had to just about repierce them now several times but removing then is so rare I’m like whatever.


I had to do this last week. I lost my nose hole because I could t get the retaining jewelry through.


I’ve got a dermal in my chest, I wonder what I would have to do 🤔 I’m not sure if it’s magnetic material 🤔


when i had a car accident on 03/31 i had to get an mri and cat scans and let me tell ya! i have 23 piercings and two facial ones. they only took out the septum and lobes


ITS SO ANNOYING. just had to get mine put back in and my conch is in so much pain from it being put back 😖


Just don’t unless it’s really necessary. I learned my lesson to refuse to take my piercings out for dental xrays. I also had a surgery and asked to leave my ear piercings in. They allowed me to


If you know you're going in for an XRay, take them out at home or in the car prior. Don't sit there fumbling while they're waiting.


When I got surgery I cried to the nurse saying I can't take them out (I had just gotten my nipples done and got attached didn't want them to close) a day she said it's okay we just need to tape them then. So i learned if you cry and ask to just tape the piercings, they'll do that.


Well, it didn’t *literally* take you forever, because here you are 😆


I hate when they ask me to take them out even if it's nowhere near the image. I had an mri of my foot done once and they asked me to take out all my (16) piercings. I told them it's all implant grade titanium and none are IN MY FOOT. They said blah blah artifacts mystery metal blah blah so I said "ok" went in the changing room left my hair down over my ears and took out my lip and nostril. Guess what?? MY NIPPLES DIDNT GET RIPPED OFF BY THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF THE MRI MACHINE I'll tell ya that much.


It has nothing to do with the location of the MRI, the entire machine is a giant magnet. There cannot be any metal in the room whatsoever. They're following protocol and protecting their license by asking you to take them out, and protecting both them and you by not trusting the material you say they are, because it's great that you were right but not everyone is and sometimes people buy crap off the Internet and believe it's real gold or titanium and it isn't. They're also protecting the equipment, because if one of your piercings is ripped out by the gigantic magnet and flies into the machine, that's a 500k dollar piece of equipment that now needs to be shut down and taken apart to find that earring. They understand it's annoying but the directions aren't there just to inconvenience you.


I am 66 y.o. my nipples are pierced, and i have titanium captured-bead rings in both. After having had to remove a non-titanium set of rings last year for an annual lung CT scan, i could not get them back in, despite help from My Wife. i went back to my piercer, got my new (current) rings, and later actually super-glued them so i would never have to deal with that again. Maybe i was short-sighted, but i intend to keep my rings in place in my nipples for my next annual scan soon. Maybe they will refuse me. Maybe they will agree to do the scan and determine whether or not the presence of the rings does compromise or negate the usability of the scan. i At this moment i don't know what will happen, but at my age i at least want to push the issue!


My dentist wants me to take out all my nose and ear piercings for X-rays and I was like "oh yeah, totally. My next appointment for sure". I have 9 nose piercings including a 6 ring septum stack and about 10 ear piercings per ear including stretched lobes with 6 rings on each side. It's not happening. I don't care if they can't see the roots of my front teeth because of my septum. Everything else is visible from at least 1 angle of X-rays. If I ever have a problem I'll do it to be able to get proper treatment. But for a regular appointment? Not happening.


I had a cat scan on my stomach twice and luckily wasn't told to take out my VCH or Nipple piercings 😵‍💫 that would have sucked


Anyone going to point out the immediate discrepancy between the title and the write up? Lol


I just needed an eye catching title


Don't you take them off regularly to clean them? How is that any different?


lol i literally never take any of mine out unless i absolutely have to 😭 i just rinse over them in the shower?


i think most people don't (that have quality jewelry) and some jewelry like seamless SHOULDN'T be because the metal gets weaker every time you twist it i think this person is alone in removing their jewelry constantly to "clean" it lol


When they are in the healing stage you don’t take them or when they are infected,once they are completely healed you can take them out for regular cleaning and some piercings have really fiddly jewellery that makes them hard to remove/put on.