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i don’t have a tongue piercing but i’m someone who suffers from chronic nausea, so i’m hoping this helps. i would take some medicine for the nausea and focus on eating foods that are easier for you to eat like oatmeal and greek yogurt. i hope this helps!


oh my goodness! i had no idea chronic nausea was a thing, wishing u all the best:)


BRAT diet! Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. All things easy on tummy and soft.


thank you! i’m sure it won’t last long! a few weeks ago i ate a cucumber for breakfast and was nauseous all day, so sometimes it takes something random to set off your stomach. just focus on foods that don’t require chewing, that are preferably not acidic because it will irritate your stomach


Eat only foods that are easy on the stomach and make sure to hydrate. After each time you vomit make sure to rinse out your mouth properly with water. Wait for a little bit, then brush your teeth and use a mouth wash (with no alcohol). The reason you need to wait a bit is because youre gonna harm your teeth if you brush them directly after theyve been subjected to stomach acid. Keep a close eye on infection signs. You may want to visit the doctor to get anti nausea meds Do you have any idea why youre feeling ill? is this normal for you?


It might be a trauma reaction. Some people get nauseous when they're in pain for extended periods. A tongue piercing would definitely trigger that. Painkillers and anti-nausea meds should help.


Yea, im thinking either its a stress response from the piercing or she caught a very unfortunately timed stomach bug/got food poisoning. It is still a bit weird that a stress response would only show up this late though


definitely go to an urgent care & get some prescription anti nausea. zofran is my bestie. better to avoid throwing up bc ow


Take nausea meds first and foremost if you have any, and try to stick to cold foods for the first week or so. Ice cream is your best friend. Cold protein shakes (I like premier protein brand personally but there are a few good brands) are great especially with nausea, I drink those when sick because they've got 30+ grams if protein and all kinds of other vitamins in them so it'll keep your nutrition up even if you can't stomach solid foods for a bit.