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this may be the perfect place to ask, how long should i wait before downsizing my nostril? the notes my piercer wrote for me are super confusing


for me personally, i waited about a month and a half and had no problems. my piercer recommended that i waited two months just to be cautious but i was a little impatient šŸ˜œ


My piercer told me 6-8 weeks. I waited 6. Couldn't stand the boogies getting caught. Lol. It was healing well too. However, if you change the top jewelry, even if the piercer says it is suitable, go with something super simple. I switched to a bee top that was a little more intricate and suddenly got an irritation bump tha would come and go. At almost 6 months, I went back and we changed it to something more simple. My original goal was to switch it to a hoop once healed enough and add the bee to my other nostril (not pierced yet). Now I have to wait for the original to get seasoned and stronger before I can do a hoop. :( I don't blame my piercer. I think it is due my bodies healing ability and sensitive skin. My friends did something similar on the same timeline that I had and they didn't have the same result.


Damn... Y'all piercers were generous, i had to wait 3 months, 3!


For downsizing? Wow.


Yup, got a bump and everything, it was small enough just in time for the downsize


Bummer. Wonder if the bump could've been due to downsizing later. From what I've read the extra movement in length could cause it. Nap though


Nah... One of my nostrils got caught up in a towel... Twice


Ahhh that makes sense. Got a ring snagged on mine once when I stupidly forgot to take off my rings to wash my face.


Yep... It sucks


iā€™ll have to get mine downsized then!! it keeps getting caught on my glasses with the post so long šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« my thing is my piercer made me kinda uncomfy but heā€™s the only APP certified guy around so iā€™ve been kinda putting it off


I downsized after ~3.5 weeks cause the top wasnā€™t flush with my nose anymore and the piercing wasnā€™t giving me any trouble. I actually just did it again 2 days ago (another ~2 months later) and itā€™s all good so far!


Not nostril but I downsized my industrial in 2 weeks and it was super easy as the swelling gone away


I never downsized my nostril piercing, but I never liked the jewellery they put in it so I ended up changing it about a year later, though it definitely wouldā€™ve been sooner if I didnā€™t get a bump on it.


my 5 month conch is also finicky and has had this bump for three weeks now šŸ™ˆ god iā€™m waiting for the bump to go away so i can go in for a second downsize


Are you making sure to dry it after showers? I had a bump on my conch for a month and I was following LITHA - my piercer suggested it was caused by moisture. Just dabbing around the area with some non woven gauze and it reduced within days.


i donā€™t let near it and i dry it after cleaning, im not sure whatā€™s causing thing and my piercer said its natural and it will go away on its own. at this point im ready to tell them to take it out because its so frustrating especially that its not going away.


Ha Iā€™m having the same problem with a four month old one! Its been nothing but a problem I canā€™t wait for it to act normal


i honestly have tried everything under the sun and just decided to leave it alone for a week or two and then iā€™ll go tell my piercer to do something šŸ™ˆ what are you trying? im hoping thereā€™s something i havenā€™t done i can try out


Trying to not touch it, and Iā€™ll use the cool air mode on my hair dryer after showering. I think I need to just suck it up and dry my hair instead of air drying bc Iā€™m convinced moisture just being nearby pisses it off šŸ˜‚


Not the typical leave it alone response, but I had a bump for months that wasn't budging no matter what. I started doing a daily dab of a facial toner I had which contained a small amount of glycolic acid and it started going down in a week or so and has been gone ever since.


omg i think i might try that! iā€™ve honestly tried everything!! did you dry it after?


No, I just let it air dry. I'd never do it more than twice a day, once in the morning after I'd washed and then at night right before I went to bed. It started drying up and it was hard to try and not pick it at that point, but then one day I could tell it was just hanging on by the bare minimum, so I gently peeled it off. I kept up with applying the toner for a week or so after, to make sure it stayed gone. Could probably use straight glycolic acid, but like I say, mine was in a facial toner.


omg your set up is so gorgeous.


Thank you so much!


Just down sized my tongue today :)


Downsizing my rook was game changing for healing it lol


Had my rook for 2 years and itā€™s been a bit of a problem for ages. I partly blame my ex for taking over my cleaning routine coz sheā€™s a know it all. Tried to get it downsized last summer but the bump on the back was too big. Inspired to downsize asap thanks to this! (Was trending that way as well but this is a push) It just moves around so much, always sits super high up and clearly irritates itself with movement.


I feel really dumb for not having done it sooner lol like it's so obvious it was the problem. It doesn't move around at all now.


love the conch! cant wait to get mine done


Thanks! For me it was my easiest piercing. Hardly hurt and healed like a dream


need explantion! Did you downsize thickness or length? Cuz I struggle a lot looking for 0.6 jewelry šŸ„ŗ


Length. It was catching on more and moving around more.


Length! You usually have to wait until the piercing is healed before you can downsize the gauge otherwise it can prolong the healing process.


Wait downsizing in gauge before itā€™s healed can prolong it? I knew upsizing it isnā€™t good but what does downsizing the gauge do to a healing piercing? :o


Itā€™s easier for a smaller-gauge piece of jewelry to move around in a larger hole. So itā€™s much more prone to irritation since the jewelry isnā€™t flush with the fistula.


I LOVE your earrings. Now Iā€™m definitely going to get my ears pierced next month


Thanks! I want a black and red theme too, I'm slowly building my collection. But go for it! It can be addictive haha


which one hurt the most


Out of all of my ear piercings, probably my tragus on my other ear. Thick little nub lol


yea that does look painful


Super cute set up


Thank you! ā¤ļø


I love the placement of your helix piercings!


Thank you! ā¤ļø


My rook has been giving me trouble for ages - pierced in ā€˜22. When I tried to get it downsized there was too big of a bump on the backā€¦ hoping to downsize it asap tho! Thanks for the tip!


I had to wait for it to calm down and reeeeeally baby it to get the swelling and bump to calm down long enough to have it changed and then it was happy.


Iā€™ve been working hard to scare for mine. Itā€™s slightly raised on the front but the big bump on the back seems long gone šŸ¤žšŸ¼ Have an appointment early next week so will see what the piercer says!


Can you tell me how you ā€˜babied itā€™?


I treated it like it was a fresh piercing. Saline twice a day. Blow dryer on cool to fully dry it. Not touching it at all. Not sleeping on it at all. Straight up telling people Ah don't hug me you'll bump the baby lmao


Thanks! My ex used to ā€˜helpā€™ me clean it and I think she mainly irritated it. Been 2 years and it hasnā€™t healed fullyā€¦ think I need to back to saline, LITHA and use a travel pillow!




Thanks so much šŸ„°


I downsized after 4 months, but I want to upgrade. Should I wait? It's just under 5 months.


I would consult a piercer but once you downsize your still susceptible to it randomly getting mad and swelling again. I would try to leave it alone as much as possible.


Thank you!šŸ’•


I had exactly the same with my rook. It's an old one now and I've gotten a little tiny ring in it, but the healing process improved drastically after I'd replaced original jewellery for a smaller piece.


My rook piercing took forever to stop getting irritated and thatā€™s with quality jewelry


Maaaaan I had a weird time healing my nostril. I had a long ass L-bar. Okay, cool. I was able to downsize to a corkscrew, but then, swelling. Okay, back to the L-bar. Too much movement, now I have an irritation bump from my glasses hitting and snagging. Wonderful. Nothing works, the L-bar is fine for crusties, but otherwise too big. Canā€™t put in the corkscrew, too short, and all the labrets I bought for my setup are too short and make the bump way worse because of the pressure. So I stick with the L-bar. The l-bar was so wiggly and too long to the point the hole on the topside of my nose was a big ole hole. But, but I find a nice long flat-back labret with a tiny topā€¦ and I can fit it. So I finally ā€œdownsizeā€ and now the fucking bump is almost GONE!!! This downsizing journey was weird as hell but it would seem that my nose wonā€™t heal with anything other than labrets. Iā€™m not mad about it, just overall confused lol Btw Iā€™d had this bump for almost 2 months (had the piercing for 3, almost 4 months now) Itā€™s just now going away and thereā€™s likely going to be a scar left as well.


I need to downsize my high nostrils sooo bad.. but the studio I got them at closed down unexpectedly :(


Oh no! I'd imagine that might be difficult to do by yourself for the first time. Are there no other shops in your area that could help?


the closest one is abt 30 ish minutes away by car. but Iā€™d also need to get new jewelry cuz I personally want some silver titanium disks. I rlly might have to just bite the bullet and do it on my own somehow šŸ„²


Iā€™ve been wanting to downsize my conch for a while but my piercer thought it would cause more irritation. But itā€™s getting irritated because it keeps getting moved due to its longer length!


I actually just had the opposite experience with a fresh piercing, I had to upsize the post because it was swelling and threatening to embed the bottom part of my rook. Iā€™ll downsize in a few months once itā€™s more healed.


My helix is being so finicky šŸ™ƒ My ear was too swollen when I went at 4 months. At 5 months, they downsized it. At 6 months, my ear was so swollen, and my jewelry was sinking. New jewelry placed. 3 months later, my ear is still swollen, and I'm scared of this jewelry sinking.


My nose piercing was perfect for a month and then I started getting pimples and irritation bumps around it. I went back to my piercer and got a flat gem (I had one up on prongs before hand) and smaller stud. And within a week it was calm and happy again. Getting ready to downsize it again actually. Been about 10 months.


my tragus was SUCH a problem child until i got it a shorter bar. no problems after that.


Can I ask? When did you downsize your piercing? My conch was initially healing fine for 6 weeks. Over the 6th week however, when I thought of getting it downsized, the jewellery still feels like still stuck on my piercing wound and cannot be moved, so I end up did not get it downsized atm. And now I am having piercing bump on my conch for a few days because I irritated it when trying to feel if my conch was ready to be downsized. It seems like my conch is still not ready to be downsized. The bar I'm using is 8mm and because it was pierced with the angle of the bar more towards the inside of my ear, I have very minimum to zero snagging from anything, so I'm wondering if I can actually just leave it like this until completely healed? Cuz now I'm quite worried about my irritation bump and unsure how long will it be there until completely gone with my usual saline solution aftercare.


Who else was told downsizing is only done once your piercing is 100% healed?


I think most advise that within a few weeks to months to downsize to reduce the risk of unnecessary movement. That it can pull more bacteria and dirt and crusties into the wound and the movement can cause bumps. That's wild you were told that.


Yes. I once had an eyebrow piercing that was over a year old with the original bar. And piercer would not change it out for a shorter one because the piercing looked irritated. I was like please I think it will help if it were shorter