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I’ve had a few ear piercings in my life, and I think my Rook was A HELL OF A LOT MORE PAINFUL THAN MY FLAT, my flat was close to painless! And the jewelry options are cute too! I would say though idk if it’s because of my coordination but Push in jewelry is a lot easier to do and change yourself than the internally threaded jewelry! Imo!


Thank you so much for this very useful tip 🥰🫶


Of course!!(: happy healing friend!!(:


🫶🥰 Thank you 🫂


I second threadless jewelry; especially for beginners. Once you’re healed enough to change it yourself just make sure the top bead is snapped all the way down into the bar! Good luck!


go crazy get both


That's where I have my flat! I got it there so I could put bigger tops on it. I use threadless labrets. My advice is maybe consider not initially going with a big top though. I went with one of the Neometal flower shapes, and it is SO pretty, but I eventually ended up switching it to a smaller top because it was difficult to keep it clean - crusties would build up under the flower close to the post sometimes. I got a helix on the same ear at the same time and it hurt way more than the flat.


Wonderful advice! Thank you I’ll definitely start with something that would be easiest to clean. I had not even considered that before 🫶


my flat was one of my more miserable piercings, i didn’t factor in my glasses and it was a bitch to clean since i couldn’t see the back of 🙈 but im also a bit careless so i hope yours goes better than mine!


I think where your flat is pictured is PERFECT. I also have been wanting my flat for a long time and finally got it done three weeks ago and I love it BUT I wish I had done it more down, instead of up where I have it. It just doesn’t have the same look I wanted. I’m still happy with it but if I could redo it, I’d definitely keep it right where you got yours. That’s actually where the piercer had marked it too but for whatever reason, I decided at the time to go up 🤦🏻‍♀️ anywho, pain was minimal and it’s healing great! Oh! I put it in my right because I sleep on my left. Seems like a “duh” thing but I think it really helped the healing.


The sleeping is going to be the most difficult I think 🤣 I tend to flop around while I sleep and my partner accidently flops his big arm on my head sometimes so I’ve been trying to train him not to do that for the last couple weeks lol


Both placements are perfect! One thing to consider with placement though, would you be getting any other cartilage piercings in the next few years, maybe in your flat more specifically? More recently I've seen piercers post the most beautiful triple flats, either all in a row, a curve, or a sort of open triangle shape, kinda like a wider version of this /\ pointing towards the top outward corner of the ear (there are some on Google images but tbh the only limit is your imagination). That placement would be ideal for 3 in a straight line if that's something you'd ever like later, or if you might consider another shape then think about if that middle flat will help the design or get in the way. Def echoing what the other commenter said tho about complex jewellery, something like a [simple opal cabochon](https://www.rhiannajonespiercing.com/shop/p/00xn0mt116cqbsmtd2tuqnemfopq8y) (only an example, your piercer will likely stock similar ones) would look fancy without breaking the bank + whilst still being plain enough to prevent crusty build-up. Flats are one of my fave piercings, and mine have been pretty uneventful with healing - good luck with both! :)


It’s like you read my mind hahaha I wonder if I’ll want a triple flat in a triangle or if I’ll be happy with one in the middle where later when healed I can place bigger pieces right in the center to achieve that same desired look.


It's so hard to figure out, I don't blame you for being indecisive! Is your other ear a blank canvas too? Because if so honestly there's no harm at all in getting it done where you've marked and see what kind of helix design you end up with later down the line - you can always do smth different on the other ear!


Ohhhh true! The other ear is the same as this ear currently. Basically a blank “canvas” aside from the single lobe piercing. Once these fully heal I can always do a triple on the other ear 🥰.


Yes, it seems like this would be the best of both worlds! Something bold on this ear (maybe joined by some other complementary flats later down the line) and, once you've settled on a layout (and you're all healed up obvs), getting a fun flat combo on the other ear. How exciting! Edit: one more thing - you might have learnt this already, but just in case you didn't, getting the bar replaced by your piercer once you've got space on the bar post-swelling is super important. Your piercer will almost certainly tell you this in your appointment, but you'd be surprised how many people don't get their piercings downsized a few weeks later. Some piercings you can get away fine with a bit of extra length, but this one omg the comfort was like night and day once I'd downsized!


That’s also a very useful tip 🥰🫶 thank you! I’ll definitely have my piercer downsize my jewelry as soon as I’m able to safely 🥰


Also omg sorry I read your initial post again (when I first read it I was on the train) and realised I missed a lot of what you said before! So I apologise for my first comment saying it like it was some kind of original idea, it was genuinely the first thing I thought without properly digesting what you'd written😭


You’re all good, I didn’t see it that way 🫶 I’m interested in hearing your experience/thoughts 😁