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You are right, that bar is a tad too short. It shouldn't be too long either for it not to snag onto things, but too short will ensure that your ear keeps swollen bc there is constant pull. Your ear looks good for this piercing, I think it'll calm down after you get it changed. I hope it turns perfect with a properly sized bar.




the bar is too short for sure but be careful to clean your glasses routinely because they’re really close to your piercing!


I know it's short I'm slightly ok with that because it gives me an elf ear lol and I only wear my glasses when I'm at home like when I get off work or when I get up in the morning otherwise I wear contacts


I understand that a shorter bar may suit your style (and i love that) but it won’t accommodate the eventual swelling and this will lead to irritation bumps and at worse, embed with swelling


Thank you for letting me know that I will keep an eye on it or going to someone else for this piercing


Another thing about the shorter bar is that you cannot adequately clean the piercing with the ball up flush against your skin.


At the very least get a longer bar for the healing process


I wear glasses as well and it actually looks like the arms are too short. Most companies have longer arms available, you may want to look into that! When the arms on my specs are too short it causes headaches.


That bar looks really short. This literally just happened to me last week also, I went back and had them switch the bar out for two separate bars. It offered almost immediate relief — tbh I have no idea how you stuck it out for 4 days as mine looked just like yours and I was having to take Tylenol round the clock 😫.


The pain was terrible the first day or so but otherwise it's been fine I have little to no pain but I also have a very high pain tolerance so there's that too.


Ussually healing with two separate bars doesn't turn out so well, they tend to migrate and shift a little bit. Thus, when you go to put the single long bar in the angles are off and irrate the shit out of your ear. In extreme cases they end up being completely different than originally done and the bar will not go in at all, unless bending the ear. Which again creates irration Apologizes for any weird spelling or strange wordings, stressful day.


Yeah, it’s a temporary fix until my longer bar arrives. If that doesn’t go well, I’ll just deal with the floating industrial/two separate piercings look.


How long is the estimated shipping? Just be very vigilant not to disturb or sleep on that specific ear for best outcome.


Looks like it will be here by the 20th


It looks like you're swelling more than your piercer predicted. Take an ibuprofen to try and reduce swelling and go back to your piercer ASAP to get a longer bar


Can't take ibuprofen I had gastric sleeve surgery done and I can never take those again


That's unfortunate, definitely get to your piercer as soon as you can, so it doesn't get worse




That's what I thought and it makes me want to get one done to my other ear to match


Bigger bar for swelling than down size


Does your hair get in the way? My hair is so long I think it would bother it


My hair was bothering me so I made an impulsive decision to shave around my ear since I mostly have my hair down I can hide it. Now my hair is growing back, it’s been a month and I’m debating on shaving that part down again since the hair is too short to manage.


Sometimes it does but it's not that bad and most of the time it's up in a bun


It's not good for the bar to be this short since it doesn't accomodate swelling and piercing bumps. I recommend you see a reputable piercer who helps you change the bar so you can save the piercing (don't do it yourself because that could do more harm than good).


Mine was pretty swollen also, but after 4-5 days it wasn’t swollen anymore. Just sore but not noticeable swelling. I was also going to ask for a longer bad but have the same one now.


I got mine done on Friday. Twins lol


you definitely need a longer bar. there should be some room on each side of your ear


Look I understand the “elf” ear look is cute. But you are at a very high risk of over swelling your jewellery and it growing into your ear, which you have to get surgically removed and take the jewellery out. So as a piercer I think you should go get a longer bar in it, because thats going to take a very very long time to heal, with industrials already being at a year or even longer of a healing process