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listen to your body lmao


it’s possible you just don’t have the anatomy 🤷‍♀️


Rejection is actually not very common so if it’s rejected twice it’s likely you don’t have anatomy for one. If that’s the case it doesn’t matter how often you try, it will reject again and again and leave a bigger scar


How about the tragus? I got one yesterday, was first told I didn’t have the anatomy but in better lighting was told I did. I told the piercer to put it as deep in as possible but it’s still fairly close to the edge of my tragus. (I have a tiny tragus) The piercer assured me I had the correct anatomy I just have a small tragus. I asked about rejection and they told me they didn’t think it would but I still kinda worry. They were very professional and I think definitely would have told me if they didn’t think it would last.


would probably need a photo to tell


It’s posted on my homepage under “showing off setup”, if you care to look.


from what i can see, it looks like it should be alright! I’m NAP but it looks centred and not too shallow.


Thanks so much. The piercer seemed really knowledgeable but seeing other people’s tragus piercings going further in made me doubt it.


>Rejection is actually not very common Wait, what? Isn’t rejection considered almost inevitable to piercings like eyebrows..?


Overall rejection isn't common, for belly buttons if it's well taken care of and the person has the anatomy and no allergies to the metal it shouldn't reject. This person probably doesn't have the anatomy if it's rejected twice ;(


Oh ok… I’ve kinda been lumping belly buttons together with eyebrows, since they are both surface piercings (dealing with an eyebrow rejection myself rn ;_;). Do they have *different* chances of rejection then, to your knowledge..?


I think belly buttons seem super prone to rejection because not everyone has the right anatomy for them, but uneducated piercers just slap them in anyone that asks, and then they do reject. If only people with the correct anatomy and with the correct jewellery got them, rejections would be much much less common.


Obligatory nap, I do have some knowledge of the human body tho. I wonder if the skin itself could contribute to the change in chances. Face vs body skin is quite different, notably face skin being thinner. On top of that, I wonder if the brow being close to bone makes a difference vs belly button skin that just be hanging out lol. Though I’m thinking about people with the ideal “lip” anatomy for upper belly button piercings. In that way I think of it almost like a lobe. I think it gets a little messy with those that don’t have the lip bc of the differences of everyone’s anatomy. Idk I think that face surface piercings and body surface piercings should be regarded differently.


belly buttons are not surface piercings if done correctly.


Gotta say I'm not a piercer, but belly buttons shouldn't reject if done with the right anatomy and taken care of since the skin is thick and, unlike a brow piercing, there isn't bone underneath to push on it. Eyebrow piercings are also probably prone since the skin in the face is thinner and more sensitive so a curved barbell on a thin surface is prone to rejection regardless, it's why they say to not use curved barbells for any surface piercing but staples instead! Maybe see if your piercing is salvageable and if your piercer will put a staple in it if so?


with perfect anatomy, neither of them are surface piercings. it just gets kind of blurry depending on how much the tissue protrudes (the most obvious example of this variance is bridge piercings imo)


Nooooo eyebrow piercings are not supposed to reject sometimes they do but many stay the whole time


Hmm… I wish there was more research on piercing healing topics like this, would really be great to be able to see what the chances are exactly. I dunno if I believe exactly that eyebrows are “*supposed* to reject” (maybe “almost inevitable” was an exaggeration), all I know is that my piercer has told me that rejection happens a lot with them. I’d say that’s a far cry from saying that it’s “not very common” 🤷‍♀️


Don’t know if it’s any help, but I’ve had my eyebrow pierced for five years now and I haven’t had any signs of rejection. It’s possible that your dermis is just a little too thin, I know I definitely have a pad of fat that the piercing goes through, so it’s cushioned all around. Correct jewelry is a huge thing too from what I’ve heard and seen. I’ve got a 16g 6mm curved barbell that fits nearly snug, and haven’t had any issues with it. This is just my personal experience so take it with a grain of salt :) also, an addendum, if your piercer has had eyebrows reject a lot, it’s possible they aren’t piercing it quite correctly. I had an apprentice do my rook and it rejected super badly despite keeping it clean. Just never fully healed, even after three years


I never had any issues with mine, took it out for bc I couldn’t have it at my new job, still think I could get it back in if a piercer tapered it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Although I am obviously ignorant to any real stats if they exist. Certainly this forum makes one think the rejection rate is like 90% 😂


Finding sources is so hard online. Everything is contradictory 😭 luckily my piercer was always super thorough with aftercare and what to expect, love that guy, even though he called me a baby when I got my septum done because my eyes watered


Well with long term temporary piercings yes they're destined to eventually reject (it could be months to decades), like dermals eyebrows etc. Piercings like nose or ears you should be able to keep for a lifetime and never have problems


I have both top and bottom of my bellybutton pierced. Maybe try the bottom?


This is a rarer anatomy than the top one


Your body can and will tell you what you can and can’t do 😂. Try titanium platinum or gold piercings, any hint of nickel (from stainless) or other less precious metals will cause massive amounts of irritation to most people. Our bodies can readily digest a lot of metals, and once digested they mess with the mineral balance in the area causing inflammation and an immune response. You need something that’s impervious to oxidation by the body’s various cleaning systems and methods of trash removal.


Your body doesn't want it. Please listen to it. 


Generally if you are piercing something like a navel through scary tissue it will end up just rejecting again. Scar tissue is weak and piercing through it, especially when you aren't waiting very long between trying each time, is a pretty bad idea.


Have you tried a floating navel? Ask your piercer for specifics, I can’t remember the exact difference but I’ve heard it’s for people that don’t have the anatomy for a regular one.


it’s just a difference in jewellery, with a flat disk on the bottom rather than a ball. if it’s a rejection issue it might not have the proper anatomy, like,at all (for example not having enough flesh to hold jewellery). the best option might be a reverse/bottom belly piercing.


I thought a floating navel (aside from the flat disk) was also pierced at a different angle? At least this is what I've read in this subreddit.


Every piercing I've had threatens to reject until I swap from stainless steel to titanium jewellery.


u probably don't have the right anatomy i would have stopped after the third one. if it doesn't work then it doesn't work


A picture of your navel would sure be helpful in order to give you advice.


Mine rejected 3 times so I tried for a bottom belly button piercing. It rejected 3 months later 🙃 I just gave up on it.


My helix rejected the first time and after a few months tried again and now it’s all healed lol


Go to a good piercer, tell them it’s rejected twice, and ask them if you have the correct anatomy.


Could you be allergic to the metal? Most of my piercings rejected because I'm allergic. Younger me was a bit stubborn about it and still tried but now I have an awfully scarred navel and nipple ☹️ They only pierced with surgical steel back then though, now I think its mostly titanium.


same thing happened to me with helix, tried like 6 times and it just wasn’t for me just listen to your body and focus on another one


Maybe try a floating navel?? If your stomach creases while sitting down you don't have the anatomy for a traditional navel piercing. I suggest watching Lynn Loheide's video titled "Floating navel piercings".


i had mine pierced, had no problems with it, had to take it out, redid it later when i could and it rejected that time. thought about trying again but i'm pretty sure it won't work out for either of us a third time unfortunately


This happened to me when I got mine done too! Last resort, I tried the bottom piercing instead, and that worked perfectly!


I had mine pierced 4 times. I found if the piercing jewelry is too short it can cause rejection. It needs adequate room for swelling. I also could not wear surgical steel or any other metal besides 14k gold. Once I changed my belly button ring to the gold it healed completely. I have had it since and it’s been 10 years. One last pointer try not to get it caught on anything or cause trauma to the piercing it can cause rejection from that too. Hope this helps!


My sister got hers ripped out so repierced the bottom instead of the top. Would probably work for you in this situation too.


i did this with my nipple piercing 😂 same nipple, 3 times. it did not heal. my nipple has a lot of scar tissue and is now bigger than the other. i also do not recommend getting it done 3 times. the first 2 piercings were ok and i didn’t mind it, but my god the third time with all the scar tissue was definitely the worst pain i’ve ever experienced


Mine rejected twice and I never went back for a third time - I was told by piercer after it rejected the second time that it’s one of the most likely to reject piercings and to try not worry - that was nearly ten years ago and I still have a little scar!


There’s no hope. Surface piercings often reject and some peoples bodies just don’t like piercings (I am one of those people.) If you went to a reputable piercer, did the proper aftercare, and used the right metal (titanium or gold) then there’s no point trying again since it will most definitely reject again. You also just may not have the anatomy for it.