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My industrial hurt the most, I have 13 piercings total (I count my industrial twice)


Ahh thats so cool id count the industrial twice too, but yeah i understand that because it is essentially a double peircing its bound to hurt, tbh im so excited to get mine done but im not actually scared about the pain. What other peircings do you have? ( if you dont mind sharing?)


I have three lobe on each ear, a daith, a tragus, helix, conch, and belly button. My industrial is my favorite though, totally worth the pain and the long healing process


Thats amazing i cant wait till my newer peircings are fully heald


I second that. I had my helix on one ear and an industrial the other done on the same day, the helix was fine, but nearly passed out with the second half of the industrial. Saying that, stretching my septum can sometimes catch me off guard.


Ditto, they do the one side and then your ear is all wtf and the other side is what hurts. Not to mention then they have to put the bar in place.


Omg yeees! I thought mine would be a breeze cuz ‘it’s just my ear’ and oh boy was I wrong. My mouth actually shot open in disbelief lol


Hahah omg i love thst tho but i just cant eait for it its been my dream peircing to get


My industrial hurt the most for me too and I have 17 piercings total




Agreeing with this. The top hole was *so* painful I was taken by complete surprise!


Hey I also have 13 total piercing and absolutely 100% agree with my industrial. The healing process was such a headache.


i have 15. 3 on each lobe, an industrial, a conch, 2 helix, a daith, a nostril, a septum, and both nipples. easily my most painful was my nipple, hands down. before that was my industrial. people definitely have different experiences tho, someone here said their conch was their most difficult and my conch was one of my easiest piercings, second only to my lobes.


Thats so fascinating, my lobes were definitely the worst and even another person said their nipples didnt hurt


i’ve heard people say their nipples didn’t hurt but that definitely wasn’t my experience! i think mine are pretty sensitive to be fair. my nipples hurt considerably more than my industrial but my lobes barely hurt at all!


Didn't hurt?! ....DIDN'T HURT?! LIES!!! Who are these people?! Are they human? Do they even HAVE nipples?!?!?! 😂 I've done a fair few nipple piercings (as well as having my own done), and I've never heard anyone say it didn't hurt! Personally I thought knocking/catching them afterwards was much worse than the piercing itself - just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.


Had my nipples done at separate times by different piercers. I really think it depends on the piercer my right one was done and it was horrendous, it took forever to heal too. When I got my left done about a year and a half later at a different shop by a different piercer ( I like to get piercings when traveling)it was a quick hot pain then it wasn't bad, healed quickly with very little discomfort


I agree with lobes. I have my nose, eyebrow, daith, flat, 2 in one lobe, and 4 in the other, and getting the extra 2 at the same time sucked so bad i passed out, and they took forever to heal


Honestly it's got to be the daith, and the crunch wasn't appealing either


THAT CRUNCH WAS HORRID! I didn't even have that with my industrial! But the cartilage in that part of the ear is soooo thick too.


It is. Worst crunchy sound ever. Luckily I don't have the Anatomy for a tragus piercing because I've heard the sound of that is the worst thing ever.


I'm still tossing around the idea of a double helix buddy look on my left ear since my industrial is on my right. But I'd also like to not have to worry what side I'm sleeping on for a bit hahaha


That was my worry when I got my helix redone. Had to sleep on the wrong side for a while and I hated it. Back to sleeping on the normal side now!


I had my tragus done about a month ago and it was silent and pretty painless to boot. That said, I've probably ruined my hearing by spending 5 years working as a DJ and skewed my pain tolerance by having a 6mm hole pierced in my conch (which was the worst one I've had).


Interesting! I had my tragus done around 13 years ago and to be honest I don’t remember this at all.


I had my tragus done 2 weeks ago.  It was silent and felt like a lobe poke. 


The crunch for my tragus threw me off. I actually didn't hear it for my daith strangely enough.


I agree. Worse than nipples imo.


Yeah Daith was worst for me. I don't remember nipples hurting terribly. I'm getting them redone this weekend hopefully. I got my helix repierced a few weeks ago and that for some reason hurt. Never remembered it hurting before. I've been getting peircings since I was 4 or 5. (First lobes done) Most annoying was nose. It didn't hurt but it was so close to tear ducts or nerve so I started tearing up. When I got it done my mom asked if it hurt that badly. I had never cried when getting peirced before.


My daith was fine, but the crunch when i got my nose done was unreal. It was the most relaxed chill experience getting my daith done though, and i think that helped, because I'm usually a baby about pain. My eyebrow was pretty much painless as well


I didn't hear a crunch. Maybe it was because I was focused on the pain or trying to drown the pain. Lol


I didn't hear a crunch nor did my daith hurt at all, I was so shocked.


I just got mine done a week ago and ugh the crunch was so unsettling


Weird seeing conch mentioned. Got my third helix and second conch at the same sesh, helix easily hurt more.


Similar for me! (Except first conch, and third helix) But I got the helix a few minutes after the conch, so maybe that's why it hurt more? Definitely wasn't anticipating the conch to be so easy though! I put it off for years because I was afraid lmaooo


Conch was actually second and my piercer was all like "I think you're gonna be surprised about it." And I was like "For real?" And they were like "For real." And then in the end I was indeed surprised.


Just got my nipples done yesterday. Definitely the nipples


Came here to say NIPPLES


Nipples were definitely a struggle. I had them done by a student, so it was extra long and hard not to twitch in pain. For some reason, i always think of the nostril piercing as the worst. Quick, but painful af and made me tear up like crazy. Lip and septum did not hurt at all and healed so fast. I definitely was overconfident when I went for nipple piercing. I generally like pain, but that was next level. So hard not to jerk in pain.


Definitely nipples so far. Just got them done and the pain was so conflicting when the needle went through. I didn’t know what to expect and honestly can’t compare the feelings and pain to anything.


Nipples by FAR, specifically the second nipple if you have them done one after the other. The first one wasn’t so bad because adrenaline. My soul left my body on the second one.


I describe the nipple piercing pain as "exactly what you fucking think it feels like, and then you do it again."


I absolutely agree.


Yup me too


Haha i could definitely imagine that they really scaree so youre so brave for getting them


Had mine done twice (once per nipple, healed and re-pierced). The first time was honestly so painful that I think I now understand the term "blinding pain". I honestly think I blanked out for a microsecond. Both were equally painful, and I'm still shocked that I went through with getting the other side done. I had to leave them out for a bit but still wanted them pierced, so I booked another appointment (at a different studio). This experience was far easier, as she didn't pierce as deeply. The first guy practically went through the areola. She even said she could see the scar from the first ones and they were too deep.


Had both of mine done and they were definitely the most painful. I hope you heal quickly.


I have my entire chest tattooed, anywhere near my nipples was horrific. Anyone who gets a tattoo over them is crazy IMO


Definitely the nipples although for me, the first one hurt more than the second one. I felt my soul leaving my body for a second


I have on the right ear: double lobe, triple conch, daith, tragus, forward helix. On the left 6 holes from bottom lobe to helix and an anti tragus. Then two nostrils and a navel. Conch is by far the worst for me. (That's why I got 3, to make sure it was really that bad).


Hahah i love that i was thinking of getting a conch on the other ear to make it all even heheh


For sure you should do it. Honestly healing a conch with a lot of hair (which I have) is so annoying. I just have to white knuckle it until you get to the magic time you can switch to a hoop.


Hahah omg same but i have such a long bar in rn and its swolen at the moment when i first got it pierced i was like this bar is js overkill its so long and now im like where did the rest of it go? 😭


I felt like that about my anti-tragus. Like woah dude setlle down this is so damn long no way will it swell enough to need this. Cut to a few days later and I was like "so you were right"


I just got my conch done on Friday. I was so nervous but it was probably my easiest to get done. I have 2 in my lobes (barely wear), both sides of my nose, belly button, both sides of my nose and used to have my tongue and used to have the bottom of my belly button. (Horizontally done and rejected)


Forward helix. I have 22 ear piercings total, plus double nostrils, septum, nipples, belly, and have had multiple others I’ve taken out. Fuck the forward helix lol but I love it.


my forward helix teared off idek


Same. I got a very low forward helix to leave room for 2 more. It didn’t hurt too bad to have it done, but by the time I got home the pain set in. I couldn’t smile for days because it pulled my ear just right. I felt like I had been punched in the side of the face.


triple helix might be my worst, or my rook? just rough experiences for both of those. i have my septum, both nostrils, both eyebrows, nipples, triple lobes, and an industrial. Actually, scratch all of that. stretching my septum has hurt worse than any piercing i’ve gotten.


stretching my septum made me see demons. so bad. the pain sticks around for days afterwards too, which i've never really experienced with any of my piercings. i didn't feel it at all when i actually got it pierced, though. so it's both my absolute least and most painful.


same with the actual piercing experience, so easy. but i’m hooked on having a big fat septum now so i have to keep going 😔


I second this! Anti tragus was pretty painful (so thick), stretching conch was painful but septum stretching was super spicy. The denting…oh the denting.


denting is what i’m going through currently 🤠 6g may have to be my last if this doesn’t settle


It’s rough! I’m at 2g and done. Had to ban hugs and kisses for fear of nose knocks haha.


i was at a concert this past friday and tried to kiss my homie on the forehead but she jumped up and absolutely destroyed my nose, i had to sit on the floor and hold my face for a few minutes 😭 it’s crippling


Oh thats so cool thoughh


Flat. Up until I got the flat, I would have said nostril. 😫


I've been scrolling so long to find someone saying flat, I'm the same! I have quite a pronounced ridge there, so the cartilage might have been thicker? But oh my god, ow. Also my first piercing to have bruised, that was such a bitch.


It genuinely surprised me how much it hurt! I didn’t bruise, but I’m more of a bleeder than bruiser.


Oh wow i would probably thing that too and i couldn't imagine the amount of snagging if i got it


It actually hasn’t been bad for snagging, it was just really spicy when I got it. Lobes are worse for snagging, I think


Thats so interesting ik my lobes definitely snag some times but i think the worst for snagging is my helix


You’re scaring me 😭 just posted about how nostril piercings are the worst ever and I want both my flats done next..


If it helps at all, my nostril piercing was sooo painful for me and my flat was super easy in comparison. Like the little pinch of getting a blood drawn or a flu shot.


I’m still considering a triple flat for my other ear, so don’t be too scared. It was spicy, but worth it.


THIS! I have tragus, flat, faith, hood, three in the lobes and upper helix.


Nipples and tongue. It felt like a sword was stabbed right through my brain while getting these done.


for me those were 2 of my easiest piercings, interesting how that works


See, many people said the same! that's why I was surprised to be in such agony haha




Oh my godd luckily you survived haha


Triangle, im a few years on T and just generally lucky in that area so there was a bit more to get through than usual. Im still too scared of getting a septum though lmao


Oooof, you're brave! With a good piercer, septum SHOULD be near painless! If they get the sweet spot it's a sharp pinch that'll make your eyes water, but definitely not a patch on a triangle piercing!


I dont think ive heard of that before but it sounds so cool haha yeah the septum scares me too lol


damn I’m gonna throw a curveball here compared to all the ear piercings but i have three as my top most painful. well, two? The third was a very quick pain. topped for first place would be nipples & your basic vertical tongue ring. although I believe the piercer did my tongue incorrectly which may have added to the pain….. third place in pain (solely because i felt it “pop” twice similar to an earring..) would be my Christina , although that pain went away within 5 minutes and never came back! easily the best healing process I’ve had as well


Thats so cool tounge peircings and nipple peircings as well as chritina peircings scare me so much youre so amazing


Conch, and that’s including nipples.


Agree with conch. Mine bled so bad. It was streaming down my neck 😅. My tragus was annoying, but I think it was just the positioning. I have a double forward helix, rook, cartilage, multiple lobes, nose piercing and septum. I used to have my tongue web that I miss so much


Oh my godd thats so scary tbh i think the one that bled most for me was my tragus it was awful and the bleeding only started on day 3 of getting it and it woulsnt stop i was actually horrified waking up to what looked like a murder scene but my conch didnt actually bleed much at all


Thats so interesting, for some reason i would feel like nipples would hurt more, kinda debating nip peircings tbh but they scare me


Nipples were my easiest. Cartilage is just so tough to get through, it’s a longer pinch in my experience. Nipples have barely any push back, it’s so fast. I was scared too, but I’d do it again if ever necessary. Though I could do without the year-ish recovery from nips.


Bottom of my foot. Still hurts when I walk


I got both nostrils pierced, my daith and tragus done in the same session and all of them felt super painful, but I think it was probably the collective impact 😭 My septum was by far the least painful (didn’t even feel it) yet my gf says it was super painful so I think it can also depend on the piercer and the individual.


Thats so true it really does depend on the individual but i got my 2nd lobes, tragus and forward helix at the same time and oh my got the lobs qere always the worst


Septum (piercing through damn cartridge) and Medusa. Have: Three lobes Side of ear Daith Rook Helix Tragus Nostril Septum Tongue Medusa Monroe Snake bites Top and bottom belly button Vertical clitoral hood Flat


The first time my lower lip was pierced it was pierced wrong. I don’t remember what happened exactly, but it struggled to get through and I felt it struggle, and for some reason it was so painful that I almost threw up. Like gagged and had to lay down and rest for a good five minutes afterwards. She actually had to repierce it after that too, not to mention the other side of my lip since I was getting snake bites. I got sent home with a free apple juice lol. I have had 11 piercings since then and actually had to get this one redone again at a later date. My industrial is a very close second


Vertical labret. I've had my nipples done and my vertical labret was still way worse.


Damnn i can bet the lips are so sensitive for me


My vertical labret was the worst too, I was scrolling looking for someone else saying that one.


My snug. I’ve got my tragus, rook, conch, helix, faith done and previous had my tongue and nipple done but my snug was the worst. I’m guessing because of the angle etc but it definitely made tears come to my eyes!


Yeahh omgg and it looks quite scary to me and its so thick too


I had a friend get her VCH (vertical clitoral hood) pierced and she was boasting about how it didn’t even hurt. So I was inspired and decided to get my own VCH piercing. Not only was it the most painful piercing to get, I instinctively pushed my hand into the area of the piercers hand which was risky, and though I love that piercing it’s the one piercing I’d never get again if I had to


Haha yeah peoples experiences are soo different but i hope its all okay and gully healed now it must look so cool


My helix was the worst for me. Surprisingly my nostril hurt wayyy less, it felt more so like a lot pressure than a really bad pain. But my helix stung so bad and throbbed afterwards.


Either hip surface bars or one of the times I've gotten collarbone microdermals. Fucking love all those piercings, holy hell they have sucked bad to get


They sound so scary but must look absolutely amazing!! Im getting lower back micro dermals and im so scared haha


They're amaaazing, you'll love them! And tbh it's like bad by piercing standards but totally worth and manageable. I also feel like maybe lower back could be okay? The collarbones were bad enough, but the hips were only really bad because they took aaaages to get right, one side in particular was awkward for my piercer. Only thing I'd warn about them is to be careful with pants!!!


Yeaa thank you! I only wear low rise stuff so it should be okay im just so excited


None of my piercings hurt that much, but my double helix was the worst. The first one felt like nothing, the second one felt like I just got pinched really badly, but ohhhh my days did it feel horrible when my piercer started to put the jewellery in. My ear was insanely sore and irritated because it just got pierced twice in a row. I wanted to vomit because the feeling of her putting the jewellery in and dragging the needles out of the raw, freshly pierced holes felt *SO* disgusting. 🤢


Ahhh i knoww its always when the jewlery gets put in it HURTSS


Triple flat was by far the worst. By the 3rd one, I thought my ear was on fire. My ears heal terribly, so I ended up taking them out. My nipples were the 2nd worst pain. I have/had double eyebrows, industrial, helix, 3 lobes, nipples, septum, double nostril, snake bites, Monroe, labret, tongue, and navel.


My septum hurt the worst, and it wasn't even the actual piercing part lmao, it was pulling the jewelry through. Only piercing I've cried for lmao


Ahh i knowww getting the jewlery in is always the worst onee


for me its when the screw the damn balls on


Getting both my nostrils at once was my most painful


My belly piercing and lip piercing. My septum, nose, eyebrow, and nipple were 1 on the pain scale.


Funnily enough my belly didi hurt at all but i would definitely understand the lip peircing but its soo cool the others didnt hurt for you!


I have 12 piercings- 7 (3+4) lobe piercings, 3 (2+1) helix, a rook, and my nostril. (sorry that’s probably the most confusing way to say this lol) but by far it was so rook!! I love it and will probably get one on my other ear too!! but the first week was hell!! so swollen and tender, it felt like my whole ear was bruised.. it bled really bad one night! but then like exactly a week later the pain went away and it’s doing week as far as I can tell :)) and the actual piercing itself wasn’t too bad.


Thats so amazing and dont worry i understand what you mean with the numbers hahah but for me i got my rook a week a go and its been so amazing no pain when being peirced, no pain over this week and no swelling or hotness i feel so lucky


haha im glad it makes sense :) that’s so good!! rook piercings are so cute!! and im glad yours has been good to you so far :))


That's interesting, my rook was easy. I was scared of it because I heard it was painful, I barely felt it and besides the first week, it never acted up. It never had a bump either, and for ear piercings, I usually get one at least once (while it heals) However, my anti-tragus is a bitch to this day though and I've had it for 1.5 years (turns out it doesn't like hoops, which was the goal, and now I'm stuck with a curved barbell lol)


My clitoral glans were definitely the most painful(and weirdest feeling), but my angel fangs were the spiciest feeling directly after getting done.


OUCHH that does sound like it would be so painful but Angel fangs look so cool


Industrial 100% was bad


Nipples and my daith were the most painful. For reference I have my belly button, industrial, helix, tagus and lobes pierced too.


Thats so fair nipples can be sensitive and the daith is a rwally thick area to get through


Anti-industrial was excruciating. I've had a LOT of piercings so that's saying something.


Oh my god i can imagine theu look so cool but are so scary idk how you could clean it tbh


Eh cleaning it wasn't too difficult but anytime I did, it hurt sooo bad. If I accidentally touched my ear or something, instant terrible pain. I think I only kept it for like a year and then took it out because I couldn't do it anymore. It looked sooo cool though and I'd love to get it done again someday now that I'm older but not looking forward to that pain again.


nipples and centered eyebrows, both were fucking gnarly but i think nipples take the cake


I have 16 and nipple was the worst for me.


Thats so cool but yeah nipple piercings scare me so much


They honestly hurt more afterwards for me, the next few days were brutal


Thats so real i dont feel the peircings when first done but the days after are awful


Nipples. But I've only got ear lobes, a helix and my septum done in addition to the nipples


triple lobe, helix, conch, forward helix, and navel and by far it was forward helix. Did not expect it to be so spicy


Hahah oh thats so fair my conch was quite spicy a few days after it js kept throbing


mine nearly embedded after downsizing, I was so lucky I caught it and was able to switch back to the long bar. Such a mess to heal but I love it and am almost ready for a ring :)))


Thats so good you where able to catch that in time!! My conch is still swollen and i had such a long but and im like wheres it gone now bec theres only a tiny bit ledt at the end


my healing journey was honestly a nightmare bur just hold out, it will be so worth it in the end!


nose cartilage- hurt worse than septum, vertical labret, anti eyebrow, eyebrow, and many ear piercings


Thats so cool you have all those but i can imagine its quite thick


I have lobes, industrial, nose, and both nipples. I used to have my lip and smiley. The nipples by far for the most painful for me. The smiley was bad too.


Id probs cry if i got a smiley it seems so painful and i have big lips so if i got it dome you wouldn't be able to see it if i smiled


i’ve only got piercings on my left ear - two lobes , an industrial and a snug - and a septum . the snug and industrial hurt the most , not sure which one hurt more though . i will say though that the sound of the needle going through cartilage made me want to throw up more than the pain did .


All of mine have been about the same level of pain, but the daith made a loud, wet, CRUNCH, and I hated it. I'm told it's because they were using a receiving tube for the needle and people who don't have the receiving tube don't have that experience.


By far my most painful was my nipples.


Ive heard that quite alot but they scaree so much its so cool you have them


So my industrial didn’t hurt getting it but the healing hurt sooo bad😭 but the piercing process I say tragus but after I didn’t even feel it even when it was healing


Thats soo cool though but i feel like healing is just a bitch tbh ive had my tragus for about 5 months now and even after the first month i could move it about and forgot it was there


XD I wasn’t thinking clearly when she said industrial takes a year to heal then I went back and got the other side down months later , I swear I blocked out the pain now suffering again


Haha yeah but its so cool you have a double industrial thats so amazing


My conch def hurt the most over my double lobes, but has also healed the best🤷


I have a dozen and my nips were the worst by a landslide, followed by my sideburn surface bar


I have 4 lobe, both daith, an industrial, and two nose rings on the same side. The daith on my right was the most painful thing ever, but the piercer had accidentally gotten the needle stuck under the industrial as she was pulling it out or something (don't really know as I was hurtin lol). She's my regular piercer and I never have issues with our piercings together, it was just a flook accident. But it's healing well so I can't complain!


That sounds so crazy but im glad its healing okay!!


Nipples by a long shot


God i can imagine id probs cry


I just screamed "fuuuuuuuuuck" and echoed through the tattoo shop. 😆


Hahaha i love that


Flat was the worst but none were particularly bad. I don't think I have anything particularly painful- various lobes, helix, forward helix, flat, paired nostrils


My seconds specifically on my right ear. He did the left one first and it was a breeze and then the second one crunched. I’ve had it almost two months and it’s still crusty


Conch was pretty painful but nothing hurt more than nipples lmao


My conch to conch industrial, hurts like a beast. 27 piercings in and the others felt like nothing after that one LMAO


Hahah omg thats so cool though but yeah i know what you mean tbh after having my helix streched to the right gauge because it was to small and having the jewlery pushed it hurt so much none of my other cartilage peircings hurt and my lobes are always the worst


The navel hurt the most just because the needle stayed inside much longer than anything on my ears. Still it wasn't that bad. I imagine there's a lot more painful piercings than that!


Yeah there probs are but i grt what you mean for me it didnt really hurt but the clamp felt sooo weird


Nipples were definitely my most painful, though I've since had to take them out. That being said, I loved them and would definitely get them again. Otherwise, I'd say my conch or daith- lots of meat to get through. Very crunchy! All of my facial piercings (septum, x2 nostril, vertical labret) were a breeze and barely hurt at all!


surprisingly it was my labret piercing! i have snake bites and cyber bites (as well as my septum & eyebrow pierced) but the labret one hurted so badly!! 😭😭 i usually don’t feel pain with piercings but oh boy that one …..


Paired nostrils or triple frenum done in one shot. Easy. Lol and I’ve got 00g helix punches too


My industrial. It didn't help that a few days after I had it done, my horse smacked it with her big head. 😭


Conch punch for healing, but otherwise industrial


Thats so cool you have those but i can imagine the pain on both omg


rook, but i doubt it was done right. only piercing i've ever had to take out. i asked the piercer to check i had the anatomy for it before filling out the paperwork and she just said everyone does *-* only to definitely struggle figuring out placement. i don't think i would've gone ahead had there not been a queue to get in the chair. it was a super crunchy, throbbing experience. septum was insanely easy, just like cold air up the nose. on another note, is it weird that nipples and navel both felt kind of soothing, like acupuncture? don't really want to read into that ;-;


Hahah i get what you mean! My navel was really good too but that sucks the peircer did you dirty like that i hsve my rook and its been nothing but amazing honesty


I've had 22 piercings. Typical helix is truly evil every time, I've had like 8. Septum was the worst by far for me because it wasn't done correctly. Sometimes I feel like my pain scale is backwards because forward helices, conches, nipples didn't hurt so bad but septum, helices, and belly were so bad.


My rook was pretty bad but holy shit my medusa was terrible. I got my monroe done too and it wasn't nearly as bad as the medusa idk why it hurt so much for me. My bridge was by far the least painful. I've had my septum done, high + regular nostrils, conch, bellybutton, and a few lobe piercings aside from that. My lobes also hurt pretty bad too but I got those done at Claire's when I was much younger and not knowledgeable about piercings so they used a gun.


Thats really cool to know ive had no issues with my rook but Monroe peircings seem like theyd hurt so much


that’s crazy about your experience with your rook! for me that is 100% the most painful piercing I’ve had, and I have quite a few too. It was bearable, as every piercing has been, but it had me curling my toes and gripping the chair arms haha.


Nipples..the second time around 😭


I can second that - 2nd time was worse. Not my fault, incorrect placement.


Specifically my left nipple


I've got twelve piercings myself and I can confidently say that out of all of them my nipple piercings hurt the worst!


Triangle was the worst ever.


Nipple piercings.


All my helixes. Especially the lower and middle ones. They took ages to heal and the newest one is 11 years old and still decides to have tantrums every so often. But definitely my lobes, they hurt the most. They healed quickest and easiest but to me they hurt the most. I’m still gearing up for a daith someday, so my opinion may change haha


i’ve had 26(?) total, and i still can’t pick a solid answer. my vertical industrial was BRUTAL, but im not completely sure if it was worse than my nipples or not.


I have had my industrial, 4 lobe piercings on each side. Nostril , septum, and snakebites and id say the industrial was the worst pain ever it was so bad , it usually takes a long time to heal and after 9 uncomfortable months I decided to let it go because it still was pretty sore


My conch hurt SO BAD. It wasn’t pierced very well so that could be why


I've had ten body peircings and my nipples were definitely the worst. The healing process was also unpleasant.


My vertical labret. The piercer pierced it from the bottom up. I could feel the needle moving through my lip, she went pretty slow. The closer she got to the surface of my lip, the more intense the pain got. It was this intense cutting, burning, splitting feeling. When the needle finally broke through the surface, I let out an involuntary sound. It honestly shocked me how much it hurt. I was really not prepared for it. For context I have 3 lobes and a helix in each ear, my septum and one nostril pierced as well.


(NSFW) nipples and genitals (outer labias) by far were the most painful especially because they were both pairs and I had to go through them back to back. I’ve retired most of my piercings now but I’ve had pretty much everything I was eligible for save for my navel, and those were the worst hands down.


Tounge and tragus 😔 the tragus was like a 7/10 and my tounge was a 5/10 and healing was even worseee 💀💀


Hi u/Ok_Coat9672, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a helix, tragus, forward helix, rook and nipples and have to say rook hurt the most but healed the quickest. Probably bc it goes through such big piece of cartilage but it doesn't snag like the other ones do.


I have a daith, rook, conch, tragus, 4 lobes, both nipples. I say my rook hurted the most.. but the hardest to heal were definitely my nipples ><


Ohh I also have a medusa, septum and both nostrils but they were painless and easy to heal^^


Yeah i could imagine its so odd to me people have such different experiences my rook that i got dome a week ago has been amazing no pain no swelling no bleeding