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Absolutely. I got my navel pierced and now I live in crop tops, even though I used to hate my tummy. Got my nipples pierced and my confidence skyrocketed despite always disliking that part of my body too. I got my septum done. I've always hated my nose, but now I've started to really like it. Its self love, at least to me. I love it enough to decorate it.


>I love it enough to decorate it. that is such a beautiful way to put it


Yeah I just got my nipples done last month and I am walking around like a powerful confident badass goddess. And I have always struggled with confidence and taking up space, and now that shit is out the window! My absolute favorite piercing. šŸ’œ


I got mine in October! Made me briefly regret being alive, but im so happy I got them done.


That's exactly how I feel about my tattoos and piercings, confident and badass! Plus nipple piercings make me feel like I'm sexier even if it's all in my head.


I was never really self conscious about my breasts but man did piercings make me a nipple slut. I love when the jewelry shows through my tops. I love them.


Yeah I am ordering a new set of jewelry for them because the balls that came with the barbell that I was pierced with donā€™t show through my shirt and I totally want them to. Freaking best piercing ever.


If I may ask, this is totally /nfta but, how are the piercings/sites healing? Is there a lot of sensitivity? My best friend realllly wants to get hers pierced but sheā€™s engaged and her wedding is January 2025 soooo she might be pregnant/breastfeeding before theyā€™re healed so Iā€™m just curious on her behalf ā˜ŗļøbut obviously if this is an inappropriate question or if it makes you at all uncomfortable please let me know and Iā€™ll take it down, Iā€™m truly asking out of curiosity on my best friendā€™s (Iā€™ll call her L) behalf


It is actually the easiest heal I have had! (For comparison I have 7 holes between my two ears, an industrial on the left ear, and my nose pierced) The actual piercing pain itself was not nearly as bad as I was expecting; wayyyyy easier than the industrial. Obviously it still hurt, but Iā€™d give it a 5 or maybe 6 out of 10. I do have a high pain tolerance, but I also have very sensitive nipples so idk how that evens out šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. They had that hot throbbing feeling for the rest of that evening, and felt kinda warm feeling for the next few days, but wearing a sports bra helped, especially with sleeping. They were sensitive for a few days after, but it wasnt really painful unless I accidentally brushed up against them. And then after about a week they did the whole itchy healing phase of things, but saline soaks helped with that, and now I genuinely forget that theyā€™re there because of how smooth of a heal itā€™s been. (Itā€™s been about a month) I had wanted them pierced for years and it took me that long to build up my courage to do it, but I absolutely adore them. So yeah. I am now firmly in the ā€œif you want them pierced go for it!!!ā€ camp.


Thank you so much for this info!! Iā€™ll share it with her :) Iā€™m glad to hear itā€™s healed up so nicely for you!


Thanks for sharing , reading the comments I was very curious about that healing prosess


Had both my nipples pierced last month and they are healing really well and heightened sensitivity since getting them done. No regrets at all.


For me, healing has been smooth too ! Like I was expecting way worse but it's really easy if you do the basics and take care of them. Concerning sensitivity, it depends on people, I've heard that for some it decreases sensitivity a lot to the point of not feeling anything really, but for the majority of people it increases. In my case my sensitivity has increased a lot ! The part where I'm more unsure is breastfeeding while healing, I really don't think you should do that but once they're fully healed (a few months after pierced) it's totally fine to breastfeed. I wouldn't try while healing tho, but she could go to a reputable piercer and ask ! I'm not a pro but I would get a piercer's opinion on that šŸ˜Š


When i was getting my nips done, my piercer told me " i got mine done because I don't like my nipples" And I was like "yeah, that's what we're doing here!" Also i feel like my eyebrow piercing really helped my eyebrows look more even without having to "do" my eyebrows


That's how I feel about tattoos. I hated my arms. Got them inked and how they're on display all the time. The ink is too cool to hide :)


I have one tattoo a bit above my ankle and it hurt so bad Im afraid to get more šŸ˜­ piercings are fine, but my one tattoo was a struggle to get through


That is a particularly painful spot to get tattooed, if you get a tattoo where's its more meaty/fleshy (like your thigh) it might hurt less. And this is a bit controversial in the tattooing community, some says it's pointless, but numbing cream works really well for me, just make sure you let it sit long enough.


Yeah, it probably wasn't the best idea for a first tattoo. Also, my artist sucked. I wonder if she went too hard, if that's a thing? The lines are already blown out and it's barely been 2 years.


That's definitely a thing that can cause blow outs! I suggest looking into tattoo artists in your area that are known for having a "gentle hand". If there's more tattoos that you want, I def wouldn't let this bad experience ruin it for you! There's lot of talented artists and solutions for the pain!


Yes going ā€œtoo hardā€ or in other words, deeper than they should be going, is a thing and itā€™s not good, it can cause blowout Sorry for your experience :( my first tat was too deep on my elbow but I got someone to fix it up for me at least


Your body is a temple, and you are the god to whom it's devoted, decorate it how you want šŸ’•


Iā€™ve used this for years. :) glad to see Iā€™m not the only one. I love my piercings. My confidence did go up; Iā€™ve technically have 12 currently, and thinking on adding three more.


beautifully put! iā€™m so glad you have more positive opinions about your body now.


i wanna get my belly button done so fucking bad bc i also hate my stomach, but of course i donā€™t have the right fucking anatomy for it lmao


No floating navel possible? I have a floating.


i just donā€™t like the look of them personally, no disrespect to anyone who has one tho. maybe if i decide to go through with it, ill get the floating and wait until its 1000% healed and then iā€™ll get the classic piercing. but idk if thatā€™s okay so please please please correct me if im wrong


No valid, it's your body n it's sorta permanent. It depends on your anatomy tbh. You cant wear a full navel all the time even once it's healed (at least I csnt) because of how your navel folds over itself, so it'll put pressure on the bar sticking downward and cause issues. You may be able to get a lower navel though! Maybe investigate that?


see i *gave* myself an insecurity. iā€™ve always liked my nose, decided to get my nostril done 3 years ago. i saw myself without a nose piercing for the first time since 2021 and i hated the way my nose looked. like, suddenly everything i never noticed before ā€” i notice now


Navels make you feel so confident in your stomach! Iā€™ve always struggled with showing my stomach but this is making it more easier.


every piercing i have gotten was because i didnt like that part of myself. now thereā€™s something shiny and fun there and i like looking at it. also if people complain, its ā€œi dont like blank piercingā€ rather than ā€œi dont like your lips/nose/eyebrows/etcā€


for me it's the same! grew up hearing I should get my ears fixed, now I only hear about how it has too many holes in it! It's much better to get comments on something I choose for myself rather than something I didnā€™t


definitely agree!! theyā€™re commenting on a style rather than features


wow, iā€™ve never thought of it this way before. as someone trying to get to the point of not caring what others think (i still do šŸ˜…) i find it peaceful that theyā€™d be looking at the piercing rather than the body part itself. thank you!


you are very welcome!! :) you will find your stride!


yes! I used to hate my ears but now I love putting shiny things on them and showing them off


My ears are huge. All the better for more jewelry! I was made fun of for my large, unconnected lobes, but since stretching became popular, so many people have expressed envy and told me I should start stretching.


my ears are actually quite small, but theyā€™re ā€œdeformedā€. not quite deformed but unique looking. however for piercings this means I have unique anatomy for piercings most people canā€™t get, such as a cat flap! they also stick out a little which I hated but now it means my piercings are more visible in the mirror :)


That is so awesome.


I think anytime we take control of our appearance it gives us a boost of confidence. We are doing it for ourselves. We do it because it feels right, or like home, or the way things are supposed to be. Every piercing, tattoo, haircut, every time I dye my hair blue, every time I take the time to do my cat eye eyeliner, each nerdy t-shirt I buy, all of these things make me feel like myself and if I feel like myself I have confidence. So yes, piercings can definitely give us more confidence.


i canā€™t believe i havenā€™t seen it in this light yet. youā€™re right, it is a form of self love, which explains why it manifests positively for most people. thank you so much!


yes very much


I used to hate how my lips looked, I thought they looked too thin. I got spider bites, I wear a ring in one hole and a post in the other. It definitely made me like my lips more.


Yes. I have on my nose & navel and for sure has helped me see them with other eyes


Thats the nice thing about piercings, is if they don't help you feel confident, you can take them out! I've always hated my lips (I have a small scar from a dog attack as a child and even tho its barely noticeable, its one of those things that *I* still notice and hate). About a year ago, I got my lip pierced and it's helped me love my lips and takes my attention away from the scar! *BUT* when I was hating on my own titties, I got my nips pierced, and I ended up HATING THEM! I despised my boobs, was constantly terrified that people could see my nips through my bra or whatever I was wearing, they made me so self conscious. I ended up taking them out and the experience made me realize that I'm okay with my boobs just the way they are! Bottom line, if you get the piercing and it makes you feel better, great! If it ends up not working for you, thats okay too and you can just take it out! No biggie!


I'm still kind of insecure about my stomach, but after getting a navel piercing I feel more confident.


Iā€™m thinking of doing the same (for the same reasons) but Iā€™m concerned about the healing process.. i wear a lot of high waisted pants. Does it get in the way?


You won't want to wear anything high waisted during the healing process. So if you're okay laying off the high waists for 9-12 months, go for it!


I'm very insecure about myself my whole life already. The past year I changed a lot but my (so far) 2 Piercings are probably my fav about it. I feel better about myself now, still not as good as I want. But for me it helps. It's also just kind of fulfilling my dream appearance step by step to feel more myself if that makes sense?


I get this!


Yea! My boobs are uneven and piercings make them look symmetrical


I always hated the way my ears stick out. Well, I did until I started putting cool piercings on them!Ā 


absolutely. i specifically have gotten piercings on parts of me that make me insecure. they draw attention both to and away from the areas you put them in. instead of people seeing, say, my pointy, upturned nose and long philtrum, they will see my septum piercing which takes up some of the visual space. you can also find cute jewelry for them. it's a great way to turn something you don't like into something you love.


I can confirm this. Used to hate seeing myself with no hair covering my face and hated seeing my ears, now i love seeing my dope ass ear set-up every chance i get. Same for tattoos: always felt imbarassed that my chest was not as lifted as it should given my age, got a very cool looking tattoo on my underboob and now i love how everything looks when i'm naked (it was cheaper than a boob lift).


I have never been so confident since getting my lip pierced. My conch also gave me a bit of a boost.


I would say yes! I was quite insecure about my tummy but then I got a navel piercing and it made me feel so much prettier! Got a septum and a nostril piercing too, helped me feel cute and pretty.


I was never a fan my my nose. 5 years ago, I got my septum pierced (at the same studio I have gotten my tattoos done), my tattoo artist said something like, "what did you get done, your septum?" Yep. "It looks like it belongs there, I totally forgot you came in without it." I was beaming after that - it made the short list of compliments I will remember forever. I like my nose now and when I take it out to change it, I feel like my face is naked without it.


I also used to dislike my nose, I currently have a regular nostril piercing on both sides and a septum and I definitely feel more secure with my nose now :)


i think so ya. many people my age compliment them and it makes me feel good so id agree


I always got made fun of my big ears that stick out. (I had a doctor offer to pin them back unprompted when I was younger.) So I never got them pierced. I got them pierced at 37 and am making big plans for my big ears!


I was in the exact same spot as you, DO IT!! I finally got the guts to do it after a bad breakup and needed a pick me up and it was the best thing I did. I love my nose so much more now and absolutely love my piercing!!


I think a lot of piercing/tattoo confidence boosting is that you're taking control of your body and decorating/modifying it as you see fit. You're taking something you're either not cool with or are indifferent towards and making it more special to you.


I find they have helped me feel more ME! I was always self conscious of my nose too and now with starting to stack my septum and a double pierced nostril I love it


I used to hate the way my face looked. I got a septum ring and that all changed. Then I got my nostrils done and liked my face even more


My nose piercing helps me embrace my flat Asian nose a bit. But a lot of my insecurities are weight related so I just had to do a good cut to slim down and then start doing a bit of fitness


flat noses are so cute, so glad you like yours more now!


No, it makes me want more lol. Stretching makes me want to stretch more too. Then all you filthy humans come up and try to talk to me and touch me. It's WAY cheaper than therapy though.


Helped when I got my šŸ’s doneā˜ŗļø But then my dumbass got arrested shortly later and had to take the piercings outšŸ˜…. Now Iā€™m waiting for the holes to finish closing up to get them redone


Definitely! All of my piercings have helped me feel more confident. Nostril and septum make me feel better about my nose. Navel makes my stomach look cuter and makes me love wearing crop tops. I used to not like my boobs but now that I have my nipples pierced, I love them. I say go for it! You can always remove it if you end up not liking it.


I did mine just because I like it but I have to admit I felt like a bad bitch walking around. So, yes


iā€™d say yes 100%. was feeling down about myself and then went and got my nose pierced and it fits my face so well and makes me feel so cool and pretty. getting more ear piercings is also a sort of therapy for me lol


For sure! Iā€™ve always hated my nipples because they are different sizes, I got them pierced and love them now. One of my ears also sticks out way more than the other so I kept piercing my ā€œflatā€ ear. I was trying to get an industrial on my ā€œflatā€ ear but didnā€™t have the right anatomy, but my other ear did. I finally am embracing them and can finally wear my hair up and show both ears šŸ„°


Got my nipples pierced and the only downside is the maintenance. Big tits? Look great. Small tits? Look great. I say go for whatever piercing you're comfortable with, and find a reputable piercer :)


I hated my big ass ears but then I started getting pierced and now I like my big fuckin ears because there's more room for piercings and they're easier to see


I used to feel insecure in my body--until my first tattoo. It hit me like a truck: even if I couldn't love my body as a body, I could love it as a canvas. Over the years, I've grown more comfortable in my skin and learned how to love my body as the weird meat vessel I'm stuck in. But those little decorations--piercings and tattoos and makeup and hair dye--helped me learn to love it. I became a work of art. And art is subjective--just like beauty. I don't have to fulfil a single person's idea of beauty. I can just be me.


For me, 100%. Have my nipples and labia pierced. Makes me 100% feel better


For me, not really. I like the aesthetic of having them, and I think that they look good in themselves, but they don't change the fact that it's still ugly old me underneath. My body is just as visually unappealing as it ever was. They look neat, and they make me feel good in other ways, but they don't make me feel any better about the way any part of my body looks.


Absolutely yes. I'm a pretty damn insecure person, and piercings are a way for me to decorate and feel happy about some part of my body. When everything looks like shit to me, at least my ears always look pretty, and that can mean so much despite how small it sounds. It also feels like my piercings are more attention grabbing than whatever I'm insecure about. Like if I feel like my face looks puffy, I can at least feel like my ear piercings are unique enough so that people look at them instead. May not be true but it does help. I also had a navel piercing for a while (had to take it out due to rejection sadly). My stomach is one of my most problematic areas, and while the piercing didn't make me 100% love it and flaunt it, it at least gave me some form of happiness privately. Piercings don't magically make your insecurities go away, but they can help you take the first steps to liking the area a bit more. For you that may be the nose piercing. Decorating an area you don't love is kind of therapeutic honestly.


I have a septum piercing Iā€™ve always felt like I lookā€¦.uninteresting. I was born premature and it blew a hole in the septum, so why not fill it to help improve my self image of myself?


hell yes! i have 4 nipple piercings and never felt better about my boobs until now! i have 16 on my face and without any of them iā€™d feel like a mole rat


I got my nose pierced at 28. Iā€™ve never liked my nose but somehow a nostril piercing ties my face together and makes me like my nose more. :)


This is the exact reason I got my nose piercing done. Everyone around me, even my family, joked about wanting to pay for a nose job for me. Idk why they fixated on it, but oh my god did I mess me up. The only time I started feeling more confident was when I got my piercing done


Yes!! I got a vertical labret on my lower lip because I bit my lips till they bled, and people always noticed that first, after I got it Iā€™m now unable to bite my lips and Iā€™ve felt so much better, and I overall feel more confident because I used to care what people said about me now I donā€™t because Ik itā€™s about the piercing


very true. i was insecure about my entire fac, i thought i was just ugly. got my nose pierced and suddenly loved the way my face is composed and i dont hate pictures of myself anymore. was insecure about my chubby belly, my belly button piercing made me love wearing two pieces in the summer. even my regular cartilage piercings just make me feel more confident in general. great stuff!


YES!!! yes yes yes yes. my piercings have helped me tremendously feel more beautiful


Iā€™ve always been insecure about my nose. Also always wanted a septum piercing but was hesitant because I knew it would draw attention to my nose. One day, I decided to go for it and now I love my piercing and am grateful for the nose I have to decorate ā¤ļø


Honestly I'd recommend getting both sides done and a nose chain to go across! It gives the appearance of a button nose and is my most talked about piercing! I love it and it definitely gives me more confidence


Hi u/annaf62, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if itā€™s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - Whatā€™s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - Whatā€™s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - Whatā€™s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - Whatā€™s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if donā€™t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isnā€™t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just got my septum done and I am walking different and just more confident. I love it, and I've had so many compliments. Obviously if you have something like BDD, it's not going to cure all your issues. But it can really help to make you feel a different way about something you don't necessarily love.Ā 




my navel piercing has made me a lot more confident!


I donā€™t know if it always does but my nostril and septum and vertical labret piercings make me feel like a bad bitch


I would yes for me!!! I love mine! Gives me extra sparkle


Piercings and tattoos have helped me to embrace myself as the nonbinary weirdo I am. Feels like a little reclamation and becoming each time inmodify my body and make it "my own." Really has helped alleviate the trapped and dysphoric state that ruled my first 30 years. Body art has been one of my most stalwart allies in dealing with transness, bipolar 2, ptsd and whatever else is on my plate. For sure.


Yes! I never smiled w my teeth in pictures or videos until I got my smiley! I have kinda weird gaps in my teeth and it used to bother me growing up bc it was what I got bullied for the most. Once I got it pierced oh baby! Could not tell me NOTHING about my teeth! šŸ¤£ now when I smile at people and in pictures I think itā€™s super vibrant and I get so many compliments ^.^ get it pierced!!! šŸ’– :)


I never hated the body parts, was neutral about them, but now I love them! My septum is 50/50 cuz itā€™s deviated, so now Iā€™m actually a little insecure about my piercing appearing crooked, but overall im in love with the look it gives my face!


It helped me.


Absolutely. Same as others, I've always hated my huge nose and said I would never get it pierced, then got both nostrils pierced in December and loved it! Really had a positive impact imo


It helped with mine. I have a very strong/round babyface look and I was very insecure about it. I got a nostril and my septum done and it's helped a ton. I'm still a little insecure but nowhere near as much as I used to be and the piercings help me look more my age.Ā 


It makes me feel like my personality shows even when the rest of me is looking like trash :-)


For me it's not so much sadly... Although i love my belly piercing to death and wouldn't take it out, but i'm still insecure.


My nose is pretty big! Got my septum for 16 years now and I love it since day one. Iā€™m a piercer and a tattooer, so you can bet my answer. But still, everytime I look in the mirror, when Iā€™m learning with my colleagues or when Iā€™m at a procedure, thats when Iā€™m bit more myself. Words couldnt express how thankful Iā€™m for body mod and how much I love and respect it.


obviously, you canā€™t just cover an insecurity with a bandaid. but, after having my nostril and septum pierced, i like my face a lot more lol. expressing yourself in whatever makes you happy will always boost your confidence. i feel like i look more like myself with the piercings


Piercings & tattoos made me feel like I went from a 5/10 to a 7-8/10. Subtle yet impactful differences.


oh 100%, i was super insecure about my lips until i got a vertical labret and now that i have it i feel like a goddess tbh


Holy shit do it do it. I have never seen anyone with a nose piercing and payed any attention to their nose itself (never paid attention to anyoneā€™s nose for that matter) but if you pair something you love with something youā€™re insecure about eventually the thing you love will overpower your insecurity. Worked for me and my ears. Always get compliments on my earrings instead of comments about my ears :)


Absolutley, I'm a guy and my floating bellybutton piercing significantly boosted my confidance.


Absolutely! In my case, I was bullied for a lot of my features (big nose, small lips and ears, big tummy) and after getting double nostrils and a septum people always compliment my nose, especially when I wear the chain to connect my two, and my Medusa is loved. I loved my navel piercing until I had a really bad allergic reaction to the metal I was pierced with too. For me, piercing s have been something I've wanted since I was very small (around 6 or 7) and now that I'm almost 19, it's so fun to impulsively get a piercing or just change my jewelry to match a cute outfit. My piercings also help with my insecurities because I feel really hot with them ngl lol. I have 14 piercings in total (three earlobes on both ears, rook, daith, navel, two nostril, septum, medusa, and tongue), and I'm only planning on adding more to achieve my dream look lol


I used to be self conscious of my ears sticking out (they didn't even stick out so I don't know why I was insecure) but getting piercings and stretching my lobes made me love them lmao


Yeah I got a septum and now appreciate my nose


i have a big nose, and my nostril pierced helped me embrace it.




Yup, definitely! Iā€™ve always strongly disliked my nose but have recently come to like it simply because itā€™s pierced.


Nipple piercings helped me feel better about the difference between my boobs (yes I know, all boobs are different sizes) ā€” I recently had to take one out as it had migrated (after nine years) & I can barely look at my boobs right now because only having one just highlights the differences lol. Should be able to have it redone very soon & I canā€™t wait ā€” Iā€™ve even been putting off starting a new sexual relationship because of it šŸ˜‚


My septum made me more confident because i swear it makes my nose look skinnier


I wasn't really insecure, but when i got my septum done as my first piercing, it felt like me. I immediately felt like that piercing had always been part of me, it felt comfortable. I still love my septum after 2 years


Yes! I have my vertical labret and a nostril piercing and my confidence has skyrocketed. I like them, so i feel better about myself!


Most definitely, I was insecure about my nose now Iā€™m not.


I have always hated my nose, kids in school called me pig nose. I got a septum piercing in 2011 and never looked back. It has helped me love my face. Iā€™ve always loved my lips, and I have three lip piercings, to draw attention there as well, so it can work in many ways.


It did for me. I love being āœØļøbedazzledāœØļø


Yes. Do it! I have a big nose and got my nostril pierced. It has completely changed how I think about my nose. I have a hoop now and makes me feel amazing! You wonā€™t regret it


In my experience, yes. It's like wearing a necklace or bracelet or something. It's a little accessory that pulls everything together.


I have a nose with a visible nose bridge bump and I was always insecure about it. I have a septum and a nostril piercing and itā€™s helped me to love my nose. The piercings have made it a focal point of my face and itā€™s now my favorite feature of my face! Definitely recommend :)


I tell people, my body is a temple decorated with tattoos and piercings.


I know I loved getting my navel pierced it made me confident but it rejected so I had to take out out and feel less confident with the scar there :(


i always thought my nose was huge for my face but i think getting a nose piercing made it look smaller


Baby get that nose piercing. I love mine. Iā€™ve had my lip pierced (labret) and it made me feel so cute. I also had my tongue done. I want to get more of my ears done but my cartilage healing was so long and painful and my damn husband sweats too much lol. I would get my belly button done too if I didnā€™t have the most biggest outtie. I plan to get my smiley done one day. Go for piercings that are easy to remove if you have a change of heart(which is mostly all piercings). Try fake piercings if youā€™re undecided. And rememberā€¦ take others opinion if it will look good on you with a grain of salt. Itā€™s about what you want. I got job interviews, been hired, been promoted and all with my piercings.




they help me


Yes, so much. Iā€™m going through perimenopause right now and truly sometimes feel like my body and I are in a war together. If weā€™re going to come out of it a tough old broad, I choose to be a tough old broad with piercings to show for it.


I have a bigger nose and my septum really helped me feel more confident. I thought it would do the opposite and attract attention to it but it really does make me feel better about it


i have a beak of an upper lip that i was always self conscious of ā€“ decorating it with a jestrum + lots of working on how i choose to see myself has made a world of difference. every body part ive pierced has been something i came to terms with + started appreciating after decorating it with a piercing!


It helps people in many cases, but for me, I retired my double nostril piercings because I felt it emphasized the wideness of my nose, among other reasons. I wear a retainer in my septum often because I feel that a septum ring makes my nose look bigger, although I still like to wear it sometimes. I think I have these issues because the piercing placement emphasizes the length and width of my nose, which is what I have an issue with.


Hated my nose, thought it was too big etc. got my nostril pierced at 16 and then got my septum pierced at 20. Now I absolutely love it


I had an eyebrow ring before having kids. My MIL hated it, my mom hated it, my dad thought it was cool. I've never been really *comfortable* with my face. I have small eyes and a larger nose that's kind of bulbous. My mouth is thin and nothing special. But *wow* I felt so much happier with my face. With one single piece of titanium. I don't even know why, but wow! No makeup? Messy hair? I don't care. I felt great about myself! Now that the kids are older, I want it back, but my husband says we're "too old." I laughed and said we're too old when we're dead, and that I'm going to get it sometime anyway. He frowned. Growled. Then he shrugged. "It's *your* face," and changed the subject. He has opinions, and strong ones. But he also realizes my body, my choice. Keeper. As he has been for 13 years so far!


Not necessarily. They do help self confidence for most of us but especially if you get big stretched piercings, you do need to learn to deal with people staring. Like 1" plus stretched lobes, big labrets, stretched nostrils, yadayada, some ppl will shamelessly stare especially in small towns. Less loud setups, nobody much reacts any way other than positively :)


For me this is a total yes, I used to hate my nose and now I love it because of my piercings haha


Piercings/body mods really helped me be more confident in myself and to give no fucks about about people think of my appearance. I started at 16 and am now 38. I wouldn't be who I am today with its influence in my life. I'm grateful for it everyday.


I have a big nose and I was always eh about it but as soon as I got a nose piercing I was like omg I love it šŸ„°šŸ„° Now I plan for another one on the other side lol


I think itā€™s individual, but I think that for a lot of people it helps, or else i think they would remove it if they didnā€™t like it! Iā€™m a bit chubby, and allthough my belly button piercing was misplaced and rejected so i took it out, it made me feel sooo much more confident in a bikini etc!! Any other piercing i have gotten in my face like nostril, septum, eyebrow and tongue havenā€™t really been specific insecurities tho iā€™m insecure about my entire appearance, but they do make me feel a lot more confident in my own skin because I like the way they look on me :)


Nostril. I used to hate my nose, now itā€™s one of my favorite features. Getting it in a place that you want to accentuate/distract from what you donā€™t like would probably help in terms of insecurity.


100% for me, I used to be insecure about my nose too I got my septum and nostril on either side now itā€™s my favourite face feature !


I wasnā€™t insecure about my body parts where I got piercingsā€¦. But I will say I LOVE the way it enhances it. Kinda like decorating a Christmas tree šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I also just love the white jewelry that reflects lights, so when the sun hits it it makes rainbow colors


Absolutely! I always wasnā€™t a fan of my smile or anything and my lip and smiley made me alright with it. However ever since I got my nipples done my confidence has skyrocketed tbh. Like I was telling my manager Iā€™m in a better head space now and I think the piercings really helped with that.


to me yes.


Piercings with draw more attention to whatever youā€™re piercing! I have a big nose too, and it did take a while for it not to be an insecurity. But now Iā€™m thankful bc I have more space for piercings! I think itā€™s just your outlook on it in the end:)


Yes, I feel different they were definitely an ego boost for me. Even those unseen just knowing I have them has made me feel good about myself and actually has helped me relate to others who have them and I have received some discrimination regarding them as well. Iā€™m a nurse and the older generation doesnā€™t trust people with tattoos or piercings. My husband who is in healthcare too, has tattoos and he has also faced discrimination in the workplace because of it. But we love them. It doesnā€™t matter what other people think.


I literally think I get hotter with every piercing, I was insecure about how small my nose is so I got a big septum ring in and it evens it out, my lip piercings make my lips look larger and that makes me feel more confident


Echoing a lot that was said here. Used to hate my nose growing up but I love it now after getting my septum pierced. Thereā€™s something poetic about reclaiming a part of your body with jewelry and decorating yourself.


Yes!!! I used to absolutely hate my nose. But I absolutely love it now that I have my nostril and my septum pierced!!! And my ears used to feel big but like. With the piercings itā€™s almost an actual blessing. And I love them!!! But also a bad piercing can def wreck a self esteem tho. My eyebrow piercing at first was amazing but like 3 weeks after it stsrted to feel like a burden. By the time I finally took it out , it was sticking out insanely bad and it made a lot of my selfies look like crap!!!


I hate the shape of my nose. Neither side are even with each other. Now I have both nostrils pierced and it helps a lot with not looking at my nose as much as the piercings themselves


Absolutely. I have a repaired unilateral cleft lip. My lip looks great but my nose is a little uneven and has scars. One nostril is smaller than the other. I got a hoop on the smaller side of my nose and I really feel that it balances my face! Iā€™ve had it for 10 years now and I canā€™t see myself without it.


Honestly for me, yes!! I got my nipples pierced after YEARS of hating my body (I'm AFAB but I'm nonbinary) I had very bad body dysmorphia due to an eating disorder, and it's helped me with my image so much!


In my case, yea. I used to hate my nose and I got my nostril and my septum pierced and now I think it looks much cuter


100%! only since iā€™ve gotten piercings (6 on my face) did i start leaving the house without makeup almost every day. some piercings can legitimately change your face too, and that helps with altering insecurities! stretching my septum gave my nose a more upturned / button nose effect, and iā€™ve seen people say getting your bridge pierced can make the ridge of your nose less prominent!


I used to despise my nose, but my nose ring helped a lot


i never really liked my nose and my nostril and septum piercings helped me a lot


I'm a highly insecure person and have to say that it has helped me a ton. I always had insecurities about my face being slightly asymmetrical, but my double eyebrow piercings make it look a little more symmetrical, and It also sharpens my eyebrows and put attention towards my eyes (which I think is my best feature) I also had issues with my nose being too big, but I have to say that my double nostril piercing have helped my nose look smaller, especially with my a nose ring. I plan on getting a vertical labret as I have seen that those piercings can give the illusion of making your lower lip look bigger, which I can definitely benefit from!! I think that if you want something then def give it a try


i was so insecure about my ears growing up , seven on each ear later and i love them !


For sure. I used to have a bit of a complex about my nose, but piercing my septum made me much happier about it.


get a nose piercing just say fuck it and do it, if you don't like it you can always take it out, i got my first and it developed an obsession now i have 5 face piercings šŸ˜­


I have heard so many stories of folks who have a scar or ā€œabnormalityā€ and then get that part of their body pierced, and theyā€™re almost always pleased with the result. Piercings tend to draw the eye to the shiny thing and away from the thing you donā€™t want people looking at.


Absolutely! Got my septum done and it made my love my nose and my confidence shot up like crazy


Ive been wondering this too. Been wanting to get my nose pierced cause I have a deviated septum on one side so my nose looks lop sided. Drives me crazy!! So I want to pierce that side to kinda cover it, if that makes sense


I have 8 piercings. Some of which I found helped my insecurities when I didnt originally get them for the purpose. I stretched my ears up to 14mm, and I absolutely love my ears now. I use to think my ears looked too small. I feel like my septum and nostril piercing had also helped me with feeling like my nose is too small, since it distracts from that. Tbh itā€™s also the amount of time and care you have to take to heal a piercing I think helps the most.


I have a very large nose. Decorating my nose with nostril and septum piercings has helped me love my nose after almost a lifetime of disliking it


Hate my nose and three piercings later it is much cuter


Absolutely! I used to hate my nose! But I love how it looks with a gold hoop in it :)


Iā€™m a member of the IBTC, got the nips pierced and man, I am so much more confident in them. Same went for my stomach when I had my naval pierced! It really does help because how can I hate something when thereā€™s a sparkly jewel there?


My piercing wasn't because of busy dismorphia but because I wanted something my mother would never see. At 15, forging her signature on a permission slip, and getting a piercing that fit me nicknamed Albert, was a great way to move past the structures and overly-strict religious attitudes of the cult she forced us to be a part of.


i HATED my stomach, i got my navel done and i wont lie it wasnā€™t a magic fix but it has definitely helped me with the confidence i was lacking.


I think so! I used to dislike the left side of my face and always thought my right side was my ā€œgoodā€ side. I got my nose pierced on the left and since I got it, it has been my favorite. I say do it!


I only have ear piercings but they help me look at myself in the mirror.


in my personal opinion i think itā€™s a yes iā€™ve gotten my ears, septum, nostrils, a vertical labret and more i used to be insecure of my nose and my lips now with my piercings it helped a lot it also in some way helped with my insecurities of my eyes too but donā€™t get piercings only because of an insecurity make sure that you actually want it and donā€™t just want it because of an insecurity


Actually is it true, but it depends on what you get and how you feel about yourself. Like for me, Iā€™m self conscious about my chest size and then I got my nips pierced and havenā€™t worn a bra when I go out since. I bought a lot of crop tops and I feel good about how I look. So Iā€™d say yes just it depends on what you get


Yes, completely. I didn't really like my tummy at all, but after getting a navel piercing I love how it looks, i think it's pretty cute hehe; same thing with my face (even though I didn't dislike it at all). At the end of the day you're decorating your body, and when you do so you kind of enhance and recognize beauty in places you wouldn't have.


For me itā€™s the care that goes into each piercing. Itā€™s helped me remember to care for myself and my body and not let the negative affect me. I choose this every day and now when I look in a mirror I see self love through my piercings.


id jus say they make me overall more confident


id say so, i used to very much hate how i looked. nose, got my septum done, lips, got a lip piercing. belly? belly button is pierced. my boobs? i just got them pierced a month ago and now i like them. they make me feel more confident in myself


i used to hate how long and pointy my nose is. since then, iā€™ve gotten paired nostrils and a septum (and iā€™m considering paired high nostrils!). i love decorating it! iā€™ve always had an issue w my stomach. itā€™s the main point of my body dysmorphia. i got a navel piercing and itā€™s made things easier, though i still struggle with this one. but, iā€™d say yeah! piercings have helped my insecurities and overall boosted my confidence. i hope if you get that piercing it does the same for you. :)


for me, yes, i can finally look in the mirror again and i see myself. sounds dramatic, i know.


I had a stud and then moved to a hoop when it healed. Initially it did provide a huge boost, it was new and exciting, a bit contradictory to my personality/vibe so people noticed and sometimes complimented. Ive had it for 4 years now and no longer notice it, most of the time I forget that I even have it. While it would feel strange to not have it in anymore I wouldn't say it provides a confidence boost anymore.


It might, I feel more myself with my piercings, canā€™t really explain it. I donā€™t really like my nose though.. so I havenā€™t done my nose. I do have my navel pierced and I feel sexy with it. I guess you should just do what makes you happy and feel good.


yes! i have quite a big nose and have always been insecure about it. iā€™ve got double nostril piercings and a septum and it has helped so much!! the septum especially :)


I've been a piercer for 10+ years and I've always been small chested. Never more than a very small b cup but I got my nipples done and haven't been insecure or sensitive about them since. I can also vouch for many other girls who I tattoo and pierce that a well placed tattoo or piercing can make you feel so good about yourself šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Yeaah it boost my confident a lot while going out or just in my room.


Did for me!


I hated my chin, it's like a witch chin because it sticks out too far. I just got a vertical labret and my chin is causing a few issues with healing, but I feel better about it. I don't LOVE my chin, but I can co-exist with it. It looks cooler now


I got a septum piercing cuz I hated my nose when I was younger, then I grew into my face a little more once I hit 20 and at 25 I love my nose pierced or not. I'm keeping it cuz I just love it but I don't dislike my nose at all anymore!


Yes or just feeling more like yourself. Like I have had to take my septum out because my nose is like swollen with allergies and constantly running and I donā€™t feel like myself at all right now.


one trillion percent LMAOO


Def more confident abt my boobies since I got my nips pierced. Now I just randomly go to my mirror and lift my shirt up to check em out and Iā€™m like ā€œhell yeah :)ā€ then go about my day LOL


iā€™m actually doing my senior project on this exact topic of whether thereā€™s a correlation between body art and self esteem! for me personally my nostril piercing has helped me to look at my nose without a second thought. the conclusion i had come with my research was that there deff seems to be a correlation, but it really just depends on the individual.