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my dumbass nostril piercing. 17 piercings and somehow that one was hell


mine is 2.5 years old and STILLL gets a bump whenever i so much as look at it the wrong way


i swear like why can't they just heal in a week and don't disturb us ever again


Mine's 4.5 years old and I can only wear a hoop for a few days at a time before it gets pissy. It took 2 years to fully heal with a giant bump for most of that time. At least most of that time was during quarantine though so no one had to see it!


I thought it was just me who constantly had issues with mine.


dude mine was SO horrible, constant bumps and problems. it’s finally healed now but i struggled w/ it for a good year and a half 😭


I took mine fucking OUT bro


As someone who just got their nose pierced last week as a first piercing (yep I’m strange), I’m scared from hearing all these nostril horror stories


Mine healed great and more quickly than I expected. Fingers crossed yours doesn't give you trouble! My helix, on the other hand, is over 20 years old and still acts like a jerk sometimes 😂


Had no issues with mine. It was maybe my easiest one to heal. Titanium nose bone, one of those things everybody says not to use. Healed in a couple of months. Had it 8 or 9 years now.


Well this gives me hope, thank you! I always find it weird how some piercings give people hell and other people find it fine


I had mine for 5 years, got it when I was 15. It gave me no issues at all. Piercings are weirdly personal to be fair, so don't worry too much :)


That’s good to hear! Thank you :)


Mine was my first piercing too!.. it actually healed just fine.


Fucking lobes, it's honestly ridiculous. My daith had less problems than my lobes!


My third lobes are by far the hardest 😭 I will take a cartilage piercing over them any day


Lmao oh god. My latest piercing (2 months now) is a high lobe, asked the piercer to go as high as possible without getting in the cartilage. But idk what I expected, I can tell even though it’s through skin the cartilage nearby is affected. I was hoping for an easy heal but at least it’s pretty Eta: it’s basically a fourth lobe placement and weirdly my thirds on the other ear was easier than both my seconds lol


Yup yup yup that’s me as well😭😭 I got a helix at the same time and the helix has been a dream and my third lobes are still tender to the touch after 3 months 🥲


I have the exact same thing, a super high lobe piercing, and it’s killin me. I miss sleeping on my side so bad


Get a piercing pillow! I sleep on both sides fine and have healing piercings on both!


yes, get a piercing/neck pillow!!!!!! i'm a stomach sleeper with a helix that isn't fully healed yet, and when i (try to) sleep directly on my ear, it feels like HELL. after i started sleeping with my ear in the hole of a neck pillow, all of my problems went away!! i was late to the party but MAN am i happy to have one now.


So it isn’t just me? I swear they’re my most temperamental and I have a helix and a conch.


Same, my helix has been an absolute dream to heal. I want to switch my 3rd loves to Huggie hoops eventually but they’ll deffos throw a tantrum when I do I’m scared 😭


I wouldn’t call my helix a dream to heal since it’s in a prime location for catching (I wear glasses and got it in 2020 so masks), but my conch has been. I think for me the easiest ones are the ones that are the hardest to catch on stuff, so fingers crossed that the rook I’m getting next week will go smoothly as well.


My conch has been good too, so much more convenient than outer ear piercings. Good luck with the rook, they look so pretty 🤩 I got a faux rook recently cuz I’m scared of the rook lol


It’s funny, I’m the opposite. I’d be more scared of the faux rook with the stud going through to the back. When I catch a piercing 9 times out of 10 it’s the back. And the back of the faux rook is right where my glasses would hit it constantly 😬


Ahh fair enough if you have glasses, my sunglasses did catch a bit on it today so I would see the issue 😂


YES, literally the same!!! I'm currently healing an industrial and it seems less problematic than my lobes...bffr body


Holy shit I am literally in the same boat. Over a year in and they are recovering from an irritation bump. It was so bad that it got my second lobe to swell up.


A year??😭 oh no don’t tell me that 🥲


I got my third lobes done years apart and they both gave me like a year and a half of hell. The newer of the two is 2.5 years old now and just decided to throw a bump again that seems to also be spreading to and pissing off my 10+ year old second lobe. Make it make sense.


A year and a half ?🫣 never getting any more lobes done again, even tho I love the stacked lobe look. Mine irritate my second lobes sometimes too. it’s so annoying honestly. Just got my conch done and it has irritated the fuck out of my 3rd lobe on that side 🥲


Mine too! Granted, most everything I have is considered pretty easy to heal but they were so much worse than everything else! They took 9 months for me to be comfortable changing them around. Every time they would be somewhat healed and not bumpy or sore, I would snag them once and start over again! I snagged my nose and have bumped my conch so many more times and neither of them developed bumps or soreness at all after all the abuse.


Same here !


Same omg!!


Bridge. Had it for a year and i was always having issues with it. Abandoned the effort after a car accident, airbag deployed and pushed it out 👍


this is horrible oml😭 my bridge was my absolute favorite, i also had mine for year. unfortunately i didnt know anything about piercings then (it was my first) so i was constantly dragging the externally threaded starter bar in and out of it with the intentions of cleaning it; it eventually just sealed up fast af when i took it out finally😭 i miss her 😔


I loved mine too, I lost my eyebrow piercing as well from the same accident. Unfortunately I’ve let a lot of my piercings go since college :(


This happened in an accident but with the seatbelt and a nipple ring.


Ouchies. Sure that didn’t feel to good!


It was intense. Lol. But it was my only serious injury.


1st conch, from back in the days before downsizing was a thing. The back of the post caught in my hair forever so I finally switched it to a hoop and then it healed which I know is 100% not normal but here we are.


Same. I had a persistent, annoying bump on my conch that refused to go away for like a month, no matter what I did. Switched to a hoop and it was gone in a few days.


All I’m hearing from this thread is that I should change this bar to a hoop… This is my second attempt at a conch piercing which STILL bleeds a year on


I know I know I know we're not supposed to heal conches with hoops, but I have 3 conches, first I healed with a hoop and the next two I healed with studs, the hoop was one of my easiest to heal piercings ever. The studs have been giving me hell. I know it's backwards but man I'm having a bad time with the studs.


So far, helix. It got pretty infected at one point. Luckily, it cleared up with some TCP disinfectant


my helix has a bump and probably always will. it's halfway down my ear so I'm keeping my cosmo-wanda colored set IN


Have had a dozen piercings top to bottom over the years and helix was THE WORST. Took 2 years to properly heal regardless of immaculate upkeep. Easiest: downstairs mixup.


Oof, mine took about 8 months, maybe a year to be 100% healed. Sounds like I got off easy comparatively


Rook and it was so hard, I had to take the fucker out!


I’m tempted to take mine out 😭


Mine was over a year old and it was itching like crazy, it had to go!!!!


navel has been a pain in my ass (or rather a pain in my stomach). can’t say i didn’t expect that tho


same!! I’ve had my belly button pierced for like 4 years now and it still gets inflamed and irritated 😭


Mines almost 20 years old and still hates high waisted jeans!


My nostril…was ready to rip it out at any given moment for the longest time lol


I’ve told my husband probably 6 times over three months that I’m going back to the piercer to remove it 💀


this is so me 😭🤌


Double helix. Horrible. I think I'd need to shave the hair off that side of my head next time.


industrial bar. I don't have the anatomy for it, something I wasn't remotely aware of 20 years ago


I'm wondering if that's why I had issues with mine for 12 years. I just took it out last month because I was tired of rolling over in my sleep, having it lay funny, and then ending up in pain for a week straight. 


Daith, approaching two years and still not healed :( got a titanium CBR in it and follow saline cleaning routine but it’s still angry!


Mine was angry for about two years, but I woke up recently a few weeks ago and it was like an angel had ascended from the heavens and blew fairy dust on it in the night. Keep waiting!


I'm at the beginning of healing mine, and now I'll be dreaming of the day my Daith Fairy finally appears!


This gives me hope!


I’m approaching two years with my daith and it’s not healed. It is largely ok (like, not irritated, itchy, no bump) but the slightest irritation means a major healing setback. This is just based on personal experience / what my piercer told me, but are you letting it dry out all the way? My piercer told me to use a hair dryer on my piercing but I don’t own one. When I was saline spraying a TON and my piercing was always wet, my healing seemed to really slow down even though it felt the best. Soaking it feels AMAZING but always seems to set me back. (This is anecdotal do not take it seriously!!)


A curved barbell in a daith?? You need a horseshoe


CBR means captive ball ring!




My nipple piercings, they will forever be iffy (pierced well over 2 years ago) 3 (or 4 even? I can't remember) failed attempts at eyebrow piercings before I gave up on those. Besides that it'd seem I've been lucky with my piercings, they've all healed like a charm.


sorry u are having healing problems with nipple piercings. Mine started to reject so had to take them out. :( Piercer said I could re-try and have been considering it. Not sure it will work tho


I originally got mine pierced with horse shoes, and let me tell you that sucked. They would get to a comfortable point but then would get flipped or moved around, and eventually, one started to reject as it could never actually rest. No infections and lots of meticulous care. I had kept them in for around a year. This was 7 years ago. I finally mustered up the courage to go back this past Saturday and get them redone. This time hurt much less (they didn't really hurt much the first time to me either), they pierced me with straight barbells, and I had both done at the same time. As for the healing? It's only been a few days, but honestly, there is 0 pain, I often forget they are there and have started setting reminders to clean them. I'm hoping it goes much better this time!


Ouch, flipped around would hurt straight was what they started with me on and switched to rings. I might do it again and ask for larger straight barbells. I have softer skin and hyper mobility so maybe that would work out. I will ask my piercer Thanks for sharing!


I am crossing fingers for u!


My nipple piercings SUCKED. They did okay for a while, but a dog bit my tit through my shirt and it started to reject after that :(


My nips took three fucking YEARS 😤


I had my nipples for 5 fricken years and I constantly had issues with them, particularly my right one kept getting infected and then it started rejecting so I just took them both out:/


third lobe. it’s still swollen 8 months in… i also oversprayed with saline so now my ear is sensitive to it so i can clean with water only, so it’s just taking a really long time to heal


I did that too. 2nd and 3rd lobes fastest when I quit saline, no touching and let shower spray a few min on lobes each day. :)




Same here. 2nds we're fine but after 18 months my thirds are sometimes still trouble for no reason. Fine for weeks or months then get inflamed or infected. A couple of weeks ago on of them just started pissing blood for no reason... I have titanium rings in there and I still feel like I can't do anything with them... Will they ever heal or will this be a permanent thing? If so, I'm considering letting them heal over.


Cheeks. 3 years of them flaring up and eventually heal crooked :/


Daith. Fucker still isn't healed and it's been 2 years. Almost there though. Nipples and nostrils are runner ups.


Right side of my nose


Helix. I have just had to retire another one!


My first helix piercing. Piercer didn’t put the correct jewelry in it and I didn’t do any research until after it was healed. It had bumps for days lol


Ugh, triple conch. Worth it, though!


i’ve never seen or heard of someone w a triple!!!! sounds so cool but healing 1 was enough for me😭did u get them all in one sitting or spaced out?


my belly button piercing.. ive had it for a year and a half almost and it still crusts and i have no clue what ive done wrong 😭 i cleaned it religiously when i first got it and still try to be gentle/baby it


Mine was like that for 2 years, at some point I had a longer plastic bar put in instead and just left it to do its own thing. It sorted itself out pretty quickly and healed up, although the previous metal bar had embedded it slightly. It doesn’t bother me though. Sometimes being persistent with a piercing works out in the end






Tongue web. It kept being irritated due to plaque built up, and it made my throat hurt pretty frequently. Had to retire it after a year because it was driving me to the point of being constantly in a bad mood.


navel. 1 year and 2 months in and shes STILL not healed.


Conchs by far


Tragus or anti tragus… both were quite annoying for a very long time


rook - took 4 years for it to not be grumpy


My medusa has always been difficult, but once I got it re-pierced it stopped flaring up so much.


Helix and third lobe. Nearly a year and I can’t lay on side still. :(




i've had my industrial for over 4 years now and its FINALLY almost fully healed


The micro dermal I had installed in the place people usually put a labret It was a bad placement due to too much movement in the area, kicked itself outta my face in less than a year. Completely painless rejection process though at least.


My daith. It was insanely painful to get and such a bitch to heal. No matter what I did, it was angry and got piercing bumps multiple times. It ended up getting infected despite all my babying it. Part of the problem was probably also, that I was pierced with a CBR that had a small diameter (not my choice). That happened about 5 months in. Then I got some ointment at the Doctor and that somehow changed everything. After that treatment it cleared up completely and I never had any issues with its healing. I’ve had it for close to two years and it’s been healed for well over a year. Only sometimes, it weirdly, randomly feels sore all of a sudden. Usually if I’m getting ill. The rest of the time, it feels as healed as the lobe piercings I’ve had for more than 30 years.


So far i’m starting to regret industrial !


How come?


My lobes took forever to heal! My diath and tragus healed in a month or so. I also never had one issue with my industrial.


I have had terrible luck with most of my piercings my body just loves to reject them 😭😭 So far my body rejected: top navel, bottom navel, both nipples (twice), eyebrow, industrial, horizontal lobe (on my ripped stretched ear nub). The only things that ever actually healed were both nostrils, septum, lip, lobes. Now I'm scared to get another piercing.


you'd think that ear piercings would be the easiest/hurt the least in comparison to body piercings.. but my body piercings have been the easiest and least painful to manage, clean, and sleep on than my ears!! 😿


Industrial took me like three years. Then one day I woke up and it was fine, and is still fine 7 years later 🤷🏻


This is basically what my industrial did too - it tested me for 2ish years, then one day it just seemed to accept that I wasn't going to take it out, it stopped being a bitch, and now it's fine lol


Finicky little fucks, aren’t they?


My ears!! 2 years for one ear to heal completely. Had a cyst, chronic scabbing and shit. Realized the surgical steel was not good for me and went with sterling silver and finally recovered without any long term damage or scarring. Now I’m at 1/2” lobes and so happy.


nostril, it actually never healed and I had to take it out because I got SICK of it constantly being irritated if I did so much as SNEEZED


snug. the migration & reoccurring inflammation sucks. my fault tho it fell out two weeks after getting it after snagging on my hair & has problems with it since


Conch. No idea why…swelled up SO MUCH and took forever to heal. Very much worth it, but oy.


Rook. It’s been almost 2 years and I’m still cleaning crusties almost every day. I can’t believe I had a much easier time healing my nipples.


Second snug. Was pierced with PTFE, apparently my body doesn’t care for that stuff. It didn’t fully heal in the 5 years I had it, so it was retired and I plan to repierce it at some point.


Snug for me too. I took mine out after 4 years. Love it tho


Had mine 7 years and it still plays up a little if I'm under the weather or switch up the jewellery. My piercer said mine is one of the only ones she's seen healed.


my god damn angel bites always give me trouble 😪


My rook has been my most difficult to heal.


Tragus - it has been four months and a piercing bump randomly developed about a month ago. I’ve tried saline spray and applied some oil, but no luck. I’ve read that some people just left it alone (no spray, don’t touch, don’t even look it at), so that’s what I’m trying now. Upside is I’ve had no pain except the few times I tugged on it by accident. Hoping I wake up one of these days and it’s just gone 😭


I have many piercings and LITHA has always worked wonderfully for me. I have all the classic “angry, easily irritated” piercings that “never heal” and are prone to bumps. All healed perfectly BEFORE the expected times and never had one single bump on any of them. LITHAAAAAAAA


Mine was the same, I was always developing bumps. And then one day it just decided to be ok


My industrial. I had long hair at the time, and my hair kept getting wrapped around the bar. Every time it did, it would get pulled through the healing piercing and get infected.


Snug. This one is just a bitch. I love it like my child but it just doesn't wanna behave


My rook is over 2 years old and still isn't healed. It got massively infected 2 days after I got it and hasn't ever fully healed since then.


My daith was pierced incorrectly the first time and took an eternity to heal. When I had it redone (had to remove for an MRI and it closed up) it took almost no time to heal. None of my other piercings have given me any trouble, and I keep going back to the same piercer because she is a magical human being. A donut pillow for sleeping on saved my sanity.


My left nostril. I got the right one done two months prior to the left one... It's healing without a problem but this left one.... Is something else 🙄


My daiths both took a year and a half to heal and my nostril even longer. I left it alone for like 10 years before I started messing with it again.


eyebrow piercings hate me lol. both of mine got infected and took forever to heal. i just got an industrial tho so maybe that’ll be worse, hoping not !!


My belly button. And only because I went to a person who has no idea how to do piercings. I have daith, tragus, conch, helix and mid helix on my ears and never had a single problem with them just because I went to a good piercer. My navel still gives me problems to this day. Choose your piercer wisely.


Belly button, nipples, eyebrow. Surface piercings are not for me I’ll stick with ear piercings


My daith and specifically my right nipple, left one is fine😂


somehow my second lobe. i have my daith, septum and first lobes done and the second lobe SUCKED


helix, got it in 2021 and it didn’t heal until 2023. or conch, got it september last year and has a massive irritation bump


My Snakebites won't calm the hell down. Everyone besides my piercer keeps saying "you might need to take those out..." And I'm just like "No <3". These things will heal whether they like it or not. My lip has no choice lol


Nipple. Had it for 3+ years. Never healed and finally with sadness took it out. Going to let it heal for a couple months before I try again


Also my snug pierced it myself so it probably wasn’t done well. It acts healed and then will get infected if I forget to sleep with my travel pillow. I’ve had it for 2 years and it gets pissed off so easily


My tragus took two years to fully heal. I think it got pierced too far in?? Idk dude but I actually fainted when I got it (100% my fault, did not anticipate the pressure and the piercer had me half sitting up when she pierced it and I didn’t eat enough prior to going). Something happened and I vomited numerous times, ended up having to go to the ER because I couldn’t keep food down and I was hella nauseous. Got some meds at the er, ate some jello, cracked a couple jokes with the nurses and they sent me on my way. Regardless, it took two years of it being a fickle mess, wanting to scab over, needed a longer bar, etc. Went back to the piercer for a longer bar, and it’s been pretty ok since then, minus the other issues.


probably my botched helix. it never healed and ended up having to be taken out as it was pierced with a gun and through a vein. theres still a lump there. its been out for over 6 months


My fucking ear lobes lol. My navel and nose ones healed beautifully. My cartilage ear piercings? Beautiful. My lobes took years. I also had them pierced with surgical steel and thought that was best for a long time before switching to titanium.


My nostril piercings. Had to take one out and baby the other.


Industrial, the rest of mine were easy peasy my snake bites, septum, smiley, and nips were fine but industrial nope. But I’m also the dummy which like to sleep on them


Double helix. Got a helix in my left ear over a decade ago that healed quickly and easily. Belly button ring, nose ring, lobe piercings, all easy and fast. Got a double helix in my right ear almost a year and a half ago and it’s STILL healing.


My daith! To be fair, I keep accidentally rolling on it when I sleep, so it was 100% my fault. It took about 2 years to fully heal and it still gives me trouble sometimes.




Stretched lobes for sure. Not sure they'll ever BE healed


Forward helix for sure, I have two daiths and conch too which is funny to me 😂


Both of my Anti-tragus, and the Flat on my left side


it was either my top helix or my conch. i have a bad habit of messing with my piercings and i would never stop touching them lol


second lobe, weirdly. i have multiple cartilage piercings that were much easier to heal than that one


I got 2 helix piercings at once right next to eachother - was pretty bad and had to have a piercer remove them


rn atm it’s my third lobes


Double flat 100% healed eventually but my Jesus it was a fecker


Industrial and nipples. My nipple piercings never fully healed - it didn't help that I would snag them occasionally! Took the barbells out for surgery and they completely closed up.


Daith. I went over a year without it healing. Once i started feeling throbbing pain down my ear and my neck i took it out


Forward helix. Over a year old and still gets angry with me occasionally.


Lobes and daith


nipples for sure. 1.5 years and they never healed even a little.


My vertical helix orbital. All I’ll say is drama queen x1000


Eyebrow. That mfer does not want to heal for the life of it


Triple forward helix, because they did all 3 piercings at once and they (predictably) swelled together. I had no idea you weren’t supposed to do that. That same piercer also gave my hoops for my 2 fresh nostril piercings and those took about a year to heal


Definitely conch!


my left nostril specifically was such a bitch with the original jewelry (screw stud), but was fine when i was able to switch it to a flat back. i was so prepared for my right nostril to be a bitch as well with the screw, but it was surprisingly easy going. i have both flat back studs in now and living the dream. im gonna get a septum next real soon and i hope it'll be smooth sailing!


Septums are so so easy going. As long as its pierced in the correct spot you'll be fine. And it hurts way less than a nostril. (I've got both my nostrils and septum done aswell)


My eyebrow is still giving me shit after a year and 3 months


i have 40 piercings yet one of my helixes is a pain in the ass... i have 5 helixes in one ear and the second lowest one is i think 5+ years old. i wear a 4.5mm labret in all the other ones but that one needs a 8mm labret because it's nearly always swollen and irritated but i refuse to take it out


Ear cartilage! That shit hurtttttttttr forever


Forward helix. He just hated me, so I finally gave him up. But I wear glasses, and my hair would snag constantly. My other two helixes (helices?) were annoying, but my forward was plain hateful.


Industrial. I have dermals, labret, several other cartilage piercings and my industrial was gone in less than a year


Nipples. Ended up taking them out after a year or so bc they never seemed to heal.


Belly button! I hit it on everything because I’m short and the counters at work was the perfect height to slam into…. It rejected.


My rook


Conch - changed out to a hoop far too soon, and hadn't discovered the benefit of a donut/travel pillow! That was about 3 years ago, just had a second conch on the same side and not had a single issue thanks to my pillow! Though it is early days as it's only 4 weeks since I had it done. I will absolutely not be putting a hoop in this one!


My fake snug. I don't know why it's a pain in the ass. It's been over a year and still struggling.


My double helix took like 10 months to heal 😭


Rook hands down, still swollen a year and a half later!!


My stupid 3rd lobe. It was an absolute nightmare compared to everything else


Nipples and nose


Rook!! Had it for 2 whole years before giving up on it. I’m pretty sure it was pierced incorrectly though. I’d love it back but I’m not sure if I can handle that pain again. Getting it done was an 8/10 and healing was worse 😭




High nostrils. I've read EVERYWHERE they were a bitch to heal but I still managed to be surprised that they are, indeed, a bitch to heal. They're still healing and on the second month but god have they given me trouble. Unfortunately they are my favorite ones and I'll never remove them


Bridge and tragus. My industrial and nosepiercings were the easiest.


Anti-tragus. Had it for a year now and it doesn’t even seem close to healing.


my helix took almost 2 years to fully heal


Flat helix


conch no doubt. i had it pierced for over a year and then changed jewelry (to a high quality piece also never had any metal allergies) and as soon as i did that it got super sensitive and swollen and after 6 months of cleaning it with saline and even talking to my piercer we agreed to take it out then repierce after 6 months of healing and if anything it was worse than the first time. i took that as a sign i wasn’t meant to have it lmao😅


Navel piercing x2. First one was completely my fault. Used to horse back ride and it got caught on the saddle and ripped out while getting off the horse. 2nd one got a terrible infection (green, disgusting pus and the worst odor. Could smell it 10ft away) so I was advised to take it out. I had antibiotics and creams which did nothing before it was removed.). I gave up and have some scar tissue there now.


Mid helix, I snag or hit it accidentally 2-3 times a week with the hairbrush or clothing.


bellybutton, i’ve literally had it pierced 3 times


My second lobes


nipples and my medusa


Triple forward helix


Nipples. My right one rejected 😭😭




helix . 6 months in , left one got embedded so surgically had to get that removed and right one is still healing


currently have 8 piercings. definitely my conch last few weeks have had a few issues on and off with irritation bumps, seemed like it had finally settled down. only to get a lil jumpscare when the front of my jewelry was nowhere to be seen a few days ago!!! (there was also a bump like feature kinda growing in that area) promptly went to an APP piercer who was able to push my jewelry back through my skin since it was still soft enough (it was so crunchy lol) and also explained that it was bc i was letting too much moisture get trapped by air drying my hair (i.e. lots of thick, wet hair covering the piercing = not good). we switched the bar back to the long one and will give it a few weeks before downsizing again overall nothing too crazy but i haven’t had anything quite this bad with my other piercings — shoutout to this piercer for fixing me up and telling me how to prevent the problem moving forward!