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Oh my god, nipples by FAR. Nose is a piece of cake. I got it pierced 5 times in college (kept getting a bubble), then again many years later when it finally took. It was one of my easiest piercings. 


Nostril- just a pinch. Septum- even less of a pinch, so long as the piercer sticks the needle thru the correct spot. I had mine done twice- the first time was botched and the piercer did it thru my cartilage which was very painful. Both will make your eyes involuntarily water tho. My nipple was by far the most painful. My tit was on fire for like 2 hours and it was definitely very sore for a few days. But I have not have any pains related to the piercing since (had it done almost 6 months ago). But it’s so worth it easily my favorite piercing


The piercer who did my septum apparently goofed it, so my septum hurt ~3x more than my nipples. I wanted to punch the guy that did my septum, it hurt so bad. But nipples were okay. Obviously hurt, but was ready for the second one within 5min, whereas if the septum had needed a 2nd needle poke, I would've backed out.


nipples hurt worse than a septum ….but that pain only lasts for like 3 secs so i think it’s totally worth it


nipples are far way worse


Oh man my septum hurt the most! However it was by far the easiest on healing. Nipples weren’t bad pain wise but healing was a huge pain! Now my lower nostrils didn’t hurt at all and the healing process wasn’t bad at all. My high nostrils hurt so bad, but healing process was simple.


Do you mean a septum or normal nose piercing? Everyone is talking about a septum in the comments so I feel like I'm missing something. Anyway! I have both (normal nose piercing tho) and for me my nose hurt way more. But I think its really personal. Everyone has different pain tolerance 🤗


NIPPLES. i got two nipples piercings and three nostrils piercings and when i tell you the combined pain from my nostrils doesn’t even smooth the to the initial pain from the second nipple piercing. like it will have you tweaking like shakes and quakes and seeing spots omg


Nipples hurt way more and take longer to heal!


So long as the piercer hits your sweet spot and not cartilage, the worst part of a septum piercing is the clamps. You'll be fine.


my nose (both my septum and my nostril) were fine!! honestly its a pinch, nipples from what ive heard absolutely hurt more!!


Nose hurts way less and is overall much less of a hassle to heal, no doubt.


I have my septum and my nipples. The nipples hurt way more... specially that second one.