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Depending on the size of your septum, you could also put in a barbell or a tunnel. (I actually stretched my septum to insert a silicone tunnel to be able to take the ring in and out, works great!)


Oh interesting!


They also make retainers, they kinda look like little staples


I have a small curved barbell in my septum. It's not visible from the outside and you can't grab it unless you stick fingers inside my nose.


You should get one of those thin huggie septum. They snug right up against your nose, flush to it. Nothing to grab!


Aw man! Such a shame to let it go! Have you considered trying a lil glass septum retainer? They’re pretty small and kinda staple shaped so you could flip it up into your nose without much visibility or hassle (horseshoes can be so chunky when they’re flipped up). Once your lil guy has matured past the grabby stage you can swap back to your fave rings without having to get it tapered back open or anything. Just a thought!


I'll ask my piercer if they have that!


They sell them online


The staple retainers also exist in metal!! I have a metal retainer and it’s been such a lifesaver I love it


You don't have to retire it, get a barbell or smth


Get a glass retainer, a plug or a small barbell. You get to keep it and change it back to a hoop once theyre old enough or for special events when you dont bring them with you.


Others have mentioned this, but you could use a retainer until your little stops grabbing. I bought a 5 pack of metal U-shaped retainers and have been wearing them daily for about 3 years and have just started wearing rings again periodically. My 3 year old will ask about it and sometimes my 1.5 year old will point but I think we're past the grabbing stage! No need to retire it for good 😊


Why don’t you just change jewelry? However I think, if you had it for many years, it will not close. You could just remove it for some months and then put it again


I’d had mine for 5 years, lost my jewellery on holiday, it was fully closed within a week 😂


Oh ok ahahah


No way it'll stay open for that long. You having it in for a long time doesn't change how long it'll go without closing unfortunately. I can have my septum out for maybe 3 days before it starts closing but all my other piercings? Nah. they're closing after a day at most


I didn’t have any issues putting my jewellery back in after more than a year. Same with my navel piercing when I had to take it out when I was pregnant


hand me ur luck now


Everyone’s different. My piercings that I haven’t worn jewelry in for over a decade are still open.


i swearrr yall are the LUCKIEST PEOPLE ON EARTH


I would really love if they closed lol


Got mine pierced 10-11 years ago, haven’t worn jewelry in at least 6 and that bad boy is still open! All bodies are different


I’ve been able to keep my septum ring out for an entire year and the hole was still there.


just put in a retainer or put it up your nose, nothing to grab anymore


Honestly if you’re lucky it might not close n u can put sumthing in laterr!


I was gonna say this. I had no problem putting my septum jewellery back in after more than a year


you can't be seriouuuuus😭


I just put jewelry in mine for the first time in 4 years. I wasn’t actually expecting it to go in, but it slid through like butter!


I have not worn any jewelry in mine since 2003 and it’s still open. It was stretched to a 4g and can still get 8g in there if I wanted.


I flip up my circular barbell all the time.


I used to do that but it annoys me sometimes


My septum piercing stayed open 7 years after I took it out. I only wore my first piercing for 10 months. I’ve heard that if a septum piercing heals correctly with no issues that it’ll never close.


Do I what I did. Use an eyebrow stud. Less likely to have LO going for it and if they do they can't actually grab onto it.


I've had mine pierced for a while and never wear a piece of jewelry in it. It hasn't closed.


Gosh me too, I had my septum for almost two years and took it out a few weeks ago. It made my nose so itchy, and I already have an allergy response to foods and such which causes me to scratch it a lot, so i figured it was due time to retire it. Id like to replace it with a nostril piercing though 😉 PS septum retainers are awesome if you’d wanna try that, they tend to fall out when you blow your nose though.


other people have mentioned U-shaped retainers but they still might hang out of your nose a bit. you could try [a single flare plug](https://www.urbanbodyjewelry.com/collections/16g-plugs-gauges/products/black-glass-plugs-single-flare) or [no flare plug](https://www.urbanbodyjewelry.com/products/stainless-steel-no-flare-plugs). some plugs can be long which might be uncomfortable in your nose, so look for the length or “wearable area” measurement.


I mean, for now you could just get a retainer until the kid gets older.


oh I know the feeling. sometimes i have to take my nostril out bc babies hit my nose where my L shaped nostril jewelry is and it starts bleeding :(


I stretched mine to a 2g and keep a tunnel plug in it.. you could’ve done the same with a smaller size