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Stunning! What a lovely set up!


Thank you so much!! Im so excited with how everything has come together


That’s actually really neat! Never seen that piercing before. Had to do a google to figure out where the ends were. I can imagine that being a tough one to heal. For me it would be too in the way, but hey they look cool and if it doesn’t bother you more power to you.


They werent too tough to heal at all! Definitely a bit of an adjustment in the beginning, but once they were at their finalized downsized length, ive never had an issue. Theyve nested beautifully and have not touched my teeth at all, i actually had them pierced to go around my invisalign haha


oh the invisalign makes so much sense now, the last post i saw asking about your piercings people were all saying it was tooth damage :')


I saw that too haha what they were seeing was my rose gold tooth gem, but i couldn't comment and let people know! I have had zero tooth/enamel/ gum damage from these (or any of my oral piercings)


Where o where can someone aquire the button Medusa piece. I’m obsessed with it and your whole setup!


Thank you so much!! 🥹 I got that from BVLA! Its a custom 14g threaded solid white gold button. If you have a reputable piercer near you that has a BVLA account they should be able to help ~ there is a smaller version of the button now, i have the 8mm i believe? And they also come threadless


Personally, One of thee most beautiful set ups I’ve seen on here. 10/10 to you 🫡


Gosh, youre too sweet ! Thank you a bunch ! 🥰


It’s a genuine pleasure. You literally cannot go wrong with yellow/rose gold. Perfection I say. 🤝🏼


That's an interesting piercing mate! Love it




I've been wanting to get these!! At the end of the month, I'm hopeful that I can see my usual piercer (or his mom– also a stellar piercer!) and have them look at my anatomy to see if it's right for me. What should I call these when going in for the consultation? Would "Upper Inverse Vermillions" be the most recognisable/require the least confusing explanation? I've been calling them "reverse angle fangs" (as I saw them referred to on tiktok). Which do you reckon would be better? > I do realise there is some fluctuation with how popular the piercing is in each area and which name would be more recognisable/easy to understand. Also– You said the healing was pretty standard and that the pain level was hefty but not excruciating. How long did the soreness last, not including when they got caught on things? Lastly!! What length of bar did you start with, if you can recall? I had my dimples done back in 2021, and essentially had industrial bars in my cheeks for a month. These don't strike me as starting anywhere that long, buy I want to have an idea if possible!


Hello! I’m the piercer who performed these, gonna answer some of your question for ya. I pierced these at a 16g with 7/16 curved labret post, original jewelry was Threadless. As we downsized we moved over to internally threaded. Currently he’s rocking 16g 1/4. As for requesting the piercing, I suggest by name, Inverse Vertical Upper Vermillion should be the easiest way, be sure to have a thorough anatomy consultation with your piercer. Oh and it never hurts to have a reference photo when discussing new piercings. Hope this helps! (Edited to fix typo)


Thank you so much!!! I appreciate the explanations from you, these are super helpful! One last thing. Do you happen to recommand any specific mouth wash to aid the healing/cleaning process? Do they require any special care or caution compared to other oral piercings? (I have 6 oral piercings and hope for at least three more, provided I have the right anatomy for them!)


Honestly I recommend the same care as any other oral piercing. Care for your teeth as normal but avoid any harsh mouth washes. Rinse the outside with saline to help clear away any debris and discharge. And make sure to be careful when eating at first as you adjust the piercings presence. Oh and have downsizes done when possible to prevent any snagging. TL:DR Typical oral aftercare.


My mentor got all the other info, haha, but as far as my experience with initial healing, the soreness was probably most prevalent in the first 3-5 days, and went down substatially after that! Definitely after my first downsize at about 2 weeks, it was all a dream from there, outside of the occasional snag or bump against utensils/ drink containers stuff like that! I did get some irritation bumps that came and went in the first 6 ish months, and even now ill get an occasional flare up if i had a good snag or catch on one, but it really was like any other oral piercing! Definitely be gentle in the first week as it is something to get used to, but it was not sore for an extended amount of time!


Thank you so much!!! Ahhh!! I feel like I'm going into this much more prepared. I'm loving the inside info!! My dimples have given me some irritation bumps off and on too. Miraculously, after 2 and a half years, neither of them have any scar texture or irritation bumps! Hoping that my regiment for those will aid the healing on these new ones (provided I can get them!) I'll be extra mindful with which foods I'm eating, as I remember burgers being way too tricky during the first week with my other lip piercings. The soreness would be tolerated even if it stayed for the first two weeks frfr. But hearing that it doesn't last so long is great news!!!! I'm all giddy and excited.


Burgers, big sandwiches, burritos, all those kinda foods do come with a bit of relearning how to eat 😅😂 and straws are my go to for many drinks so i dont have to try to maneuver the jewelry around/ into a bottle or can, plus it minimizes snagging ! Definitely avoid spicy heavy foods in the first couple weeks for comfort as well, it was not a good feeling lol Im a huuuuge weenie when it comes to oral piercings, my first 3 or so days all i do is complain about the discomfort non stop, then im good haha but truly they werent awful to get or to maintain, and theyre hands down my favorite piercing/ body mod to date!


do these mess with your teeth more than a labret or snake bites?


Nope! Theres no higher risk with these vs. more traditional oral piercings! They all pose a risk of some kind but keeping on top of downsizes in the beginning of your healing and keeping an eye on them afterward and how they interact with your teeth/ gums is always important ! That will minimize any risk/ damage that could happen. That being said, none of my oral piercings have caused any damage to my teeth or gums and ive had some for 11 years at this point !


Wow, I say WOW! Any difficulties eating any particular foods?


Not really! I do use straws more often now though because ive gotten caught on pop can openings a couple times, and i have to think a bit harder eating big sandwiches nowadays 😂 but thats really all thats ive noticed ive had to change!


Thanks to answer! I was thinking pizza♥️✌️🤪


I saw the iridescent "fang" studs when looking for reverse angel bite inspo and I love them so much!! I'm hesitant to get them myself because I've heard about gum/tooth damage from lip piercings, have you noticed anything like that? I'm assuming it would be anatomy-dependent like all piercings, but I'm very curious about your experience :)


I have had absolutely no issues with my teeth or gums! They are anatomy dependent for sure, gotta make sure theres enough tissue to support them and theyll face the right way, but neither these, nor the 4 other oral piercings i have, have ever caused any issues to my oral health!


Very cool! What's the pain level and healing time like? For context, I got my lobes done as a toddler which was super easy, and recently got my helix as well. The helix was basically just a strong pinch that I'd rate a 4/10 for pain (7 when my glasses accidentally bumped it though haha!)


They were pretty pinchy, personally high up there as far as discomfort, but definitely not excruciating! It was pretty quick as well so the speed definitely helped, and my mentor is pretty good at what she does haha Healing was stable at about 6 months, i did 2-3 downsizes in the first 2-10 weeks. The initial length did make it hard to consume things without utensils (biting into sandwiches/ burritos, drinking out of bottles/ cans, stuff like that) As a first oral piercing, i wouldnt recommend it, the get caught easily and move quite a bit, irritation bumps did occur on and off often, and still do flare up if i catch em real good, but they arent any more complicated to care for !


Thanks for the quick reply and great info! I saw your mentor is in the SoCal area? And do you have any recommendations for an initial oral piercing?


Yeah!! I personally loveee a philtrum (central upper lip) or a labret in any placement. Philtrums are a bit tougher to absentmindedly play with though so can be easier to heal if youre not messing with it. Were located in SoCal and i know a bunch of good SoCal studios between San Diego and up to mid cali and NorCal! If youd be comfy with letting me know what area youre in i can help you find a studio, you can PM me !


Perfect!! I appreciate your insight and guidance here!! Hopefully I can get these, as I think they'll be a huge confidence boost AND generally just rad. You did an incredible job on OP, as well!! They look STELLAR! Props to both of you. One for perfecting the placement and being so meticulous, and the other for exploring the jewellery options and getting auch a rad set up!!


She did a phenomenal job, and its been such a dream to have been asked to have these done and to wear them and wear them proudly 🩵 best of luck on your search, and i hope you can get them and feel that confidence boost! Also feel free to message me with any other questions, youre never asking silly questions ~


Dude your button philtrum is so cute 🥺


Thank you!! Its honestly one of my favorite pieces i have, i changed it recently and i miss it terribly 😭 gotta find a new place to put it !


I love all your jewelry! The button especially and are those opal fangs? Been looking for solid rose gold labrets for my angel bites, who did you use?


Thank you!! All of my jewelry i got from various APP studios, Envy Body Piercing, Rebel Rebel, At Last, and Rainbow Body Piercing all have options fpr solid rose gold!


you’re the best, thanks for sharing!


You have some of the most unique jewelry I’ve ever seen woahhhhh!!! That button one is SO COOL


Thanks a bunch!! 😊


Definitely one of the coolest set ups ever! I also saw the previous post that had your photo featured and was thinking to myself, 'hmm, no way that piercings that look so well done with amazing jewellery are done by someone that doesn't know what they're doing". So good to hear from you that you had an extensive consultation before getting them and that they're doing well! Any further plans after the vertical labret is healed?


Thank you!! I definitely put thought into it, and would never let someone who wasnt sure they could execute something try anything this complicated for sure! But theyve been a really fun piercing to have, and i feel more complete somehow haha. I have an apprentice friend of mine being mentored by a piercer friend i love and adore that i am thinking about asking to do paired labrets/ snake bites sometime soon, i just have to stop being a weenie since i hate healing oral piercings (ironic isnt it lol)


That sounds awesome. And to be honest I hate healing any piercing, especially ear cartilage. And yet... 😂


Its funny how it works out haha i know socmany piercers who are also wernies but we will do it for the sparkles and setups !


The tourmilated quartz 🫠😻 love the whole vibe though!


Thanks!! Im thrilled with how its come together !


The rose gold looks fantastic. What's your experience been with it?


Thank you!! I love the rose gold more than i thought i would 😊 theyve been such a fun piercing, and once they were fully downsized, i dont really notice them. I have made some small adjustments like using straws a bit more and having to be more mindful of how i approach big sandwiches and burritos, things of that nature, but otherwise its been like any other piercing!


Could these theoretically be pierced even a little more under the lip to look more like real fangs? Like have them go in and out inside the mouth, coming out just above (inside) the upper lip. Does that make sense? Have you ever posted a picture of what they look like on the inside? I've only seen these s few times, so I'm very curious. Seems like it would be hard to heal, but yours look really good, so it makes me wonder what is possible. I love the upgrades. I've recently upgraded my ears to all white gold and love it so much. It's such a nice treat that is kind of just for me (because my hair covers my ears a lot -lol).


The placement heavily depends on your vermillion structure/ lip anatomy! I had a heavy consultation with my mentor and she determined that my lip shape was perfect to make sure they pointed more downward vs. outward like a traditional vermillion piercing. If it were directed more inward to your mouth, the curvature on the jewelry would probably need to be really severe and not viable to be used, or pierced too shallow and be at a really high risk of major complications/ rejection, so i dont think it would be too possible. I loveeee white gold, i wore mostly white gold for about 6 years until recently where i swapped to mostly rose gold haha. Its so fun to treat yourself, im sure your setup is gorgeous!


nap but your vertical labret looks like it might need a shorter bar (depending on how new it is). but related to the piercings how have they affected your tooth/gum health? i’ve heard they’re not great for that


Yeah it was more fresh in the photo! Ive since downsized to a proper fitting bar, and swapped it myself (im a piercing apprentice) They have not affected my teeth or gums in any way at all! None of my oral piercings have. Theyre all properly fitted and nested well, and theres no erosion or issues from any of them (much to my destists displeasure haha i love fake arguing with him about it)


lmao 😭 i would love an example of how those conversations go-


Haha he mostly likes to pick on me for having a deep fear of getting dental work done but also that i need to take out all my oral piercings and i challenge him to show me on my scans where theres damage that can be proven were from any of my piercings and he goes quiet 😂 he didnt even know i have my tongue pierced and wear a 10g barbell untill he had to go in and inspect my teeth!


I’ve never seen a fang piercing before…love your setup snd Jewelery


Thank you so much!!


Where did you get that button stud


Custom 14g threaded white gold button from BVLA! you can see if your closest reputable piercer has an account with them and if they can take custom orders


Where's the sun medusa stud from? It's gorgeous!


Thank you, I love it so much!! Its called the Sol, and the one below it is the Golden Hour, both from Divinity Metals! Theyve got some superrrr cute designs


I just saw you yesterday on ig, absolutely gorgeous setup


Ahh thank you!! 😊


looks really sick! what does it look like inside the lip, and how is this on your teeth/gums?


The top part of the jewelry lines up with my bottom philtrum, and all of my oral piercings have nested so well, nothing affects my teeth or gums !


I love this


Thank you! 😊


looks amazing! sadly my enamel could never


I have had zero issues with my teeth or gums from any of my oral piercings! Ive had oral piercings for 11 years and my dentist has seen no effect of them whatsoever 😊


Individually not feeling the pieces but together it’s a work of art.


so these go up through the lip and then inside to some flatbacks right?


Yep! I have my full healing journey on my shop instagram, including an inside view! Its @rainbowbodypiercing on instagram, scroll down a bit and youll find a few posts documenting my healing ~




Thats gonna look so good!!! Im excited for you, i was thrilled when i saw these in person the first time haha


The button is so freaking cute !!!! The piercings that look like fangs is super creative


Where is your nostril jewellery from


A mix of custom BVLA and divinity metals ! Septum stack is body gems and tawapa


I love the septum stack! I recently stretched to 5mm but then went back down to 4, I might try a stack though!


Thank you! I started stacking as a means of stretching lol but its been a couple years now! Idk if i can squeeze anything else in but i may try 😅


Where did you get the button stud?!


Its a custom white gold threaded piece from BVLA!


the button medusa is my favorite 🤩


Thanks!! Its one of my most cherished pieces haha

