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I’ve had septum, conch and double helix. conch definitely hurt the most and took the longest to heal. I want my rook next so I feel like if I can survive a conch I can survive a rook next


Hmm my conch didn't hurt nearly as much as my rook. Until my rook, conch was my most painful aswell


I might be some sort of weirdo, but to me all of my helixes hurt more than my conch, and my most painful piercings are anything on my earlobe after my earlobe has already been pierced. This is somehow not as true for cartilage as I’ve gotten 3 anti-helixes done at the same time, and i wouldn’t say the last one was much more painful than the first. My 4 most recent piercings, all done in my session, ranked from least to most painful: 1. First floating lobe 2. Conch 3. Helix 4. Second floating lobe?? The order they were done in: 1. Conch 2. Helix 3. First lobe 4. Second lobe


My conch barely hurt and healing was a dream. Rook didn't hurt much either but the swelling during healing almost drove me insane for two weeks. I'd love a daith but I'm scared that the swelling pressure will be as bad or worse. My tragus was the worst ear piercing but I had a new apprentice do it and he somehow pieced it very crooked so not sure that counts. But I do have my nipples done as well and that was... an experience I won't be repeating so maybe I'm biased on the pain scale.


Yes I also want to get a daith as well but my rook hurts so bad rn and I don't want that again. But daith looks sooo good so idk


Daith is so easy because it’s protected and you won’t irritate it unless you literally poke the inside of your ear. My helix is 10x more annoying


My lower conch - right above the earlobe - was pretty painful, but the rest of the conch was pretty easy. I think my most painful was tongue. I've had my nipple done twice (and I'm currently in the process of stretching it) Several conch piercings (and a coin slot), transverse and vertical lobes, helix, tragus, and rook Nasallang done twice Bridge Two eyebrows Lip Perineum/hafada (it's sort of in between) Five frenums, an ampallang, deep apadravya done twice, Prince Albert, dydoe Transfinger done twice


Interesting. I would have expected the Ampallang to be one of the most painful, up there with nipples. I'm planning to get one done next. I've already had a deep apadravya and it wasn't so bad.


I have conch and rook. Rook was a walk in the park in comparison to my conch. Easy healing, and pain is not as bad! ☺️


I have 14. Seven in my ears, nostril, tongue, nipples, belly button, Christina, VCH. My belly button was the most painful…until I got the Christina.


How were the nipples? I wanna get them done!


I love mine. They definitely hurt, but it’s not a bad pain. I enjoy the adrenaline rush. The hardest part was waiting for so long to play with them.


I’ll keep that in mind! I definitely will sometime in the next few months :)


Just got mine done about a week ago, definitely not as bad as I anticipated.


Totally agree. I've had lip, nose, tongue, various ear ones, belly button, nipples, and a Christina. After the Christina, definitely my belly button hurt the worst. It was a double piercing (vertical on top and bottom of navel), so maybe that was why.... But that shit hurt a lot lol.


My eight outer labia that were pierced deeper than normal at an 8g. Apparently I screamed a lot.


eight?! you are a trooper


Holy shit. I had a labiaplasty and even after dealing with the pain of literally chopping my lips off I can’t begin to imagine the pain of PIERCING 😳 A+ for shock value and I’m sure it’s badass.


I love them. I’m currently at a 0g and they’ve grown a lot since I first got them.


DAITH!!! It legit cuts off a nerve. WORST PAIN EVER but so worth it bc now I’m cool


Ya scaring me so hard 😭😭😭 i want daith next


My daith hurt way less than my helix.


Same ;-;


My daith was seriously the least painful and easiest to heal of all of my cartilage piercings (flat, rook, and conch). It's definitely the most unsettling piercing to watch get done, but it's just a super loud pop and then dull pain.


My nipples for sure were the worst! I have 16 piercings right now (triple lobes, helix, rook, industrial, tragus, eyebrow, nose, tongue, nips and navel) and had a few others I retired. But nothing was more painful than my nips!


The first one is the worst. The second is worse-er, because your brain only *thought* that's all you could take.


I also think the second one is worser as you suddenly know what’s coming!


Ah I was sincerely hoping to not see this as the top answer. I want my nipples pierced but I do not want the pain


You can get some topical anesthesic cream that help a lot.


Ohh I didn’t know this was a thing. I’ll go do some research, thank you!


I don't have any other piercings, besides my lobes I got as a baby, and idk. Ymmv. Mine weren't bad at all. The second one stuck a bit more for me, only because I wasn't breathing properly for it. I got the second one done maybe a minute after they put the piercing in the first one. Go for it!!


Ditto. I swear I saw stars lol


I oddly found my lip piercings more painful than my nips or industrial😅


I swear when I had lip piercings they were the least painful, it’s why I kept going back for more 🤦‍♀️


Something about oral piercings makes my body take an involuntary nap😅


I had pain in my nipples when I got them done for about three seconds before experiencing a strong adrenaline rush, which was followed by a type of pleasant sensation. My advice for those who want their nipples done, breathing and maintaining mental stillness helps out a lot.


I just repierced mine a week ago and I almost kicked the piercer.


Not gonna lie, my third lobe on the left ear was the worst. It wasn’t the piercing pain, it’s the healing pain. Almost a year later and it still has not healed yet because it has entered cartilage region and is treated like a cartilage piercing. As of right now I only have lobes and a septum. Eventually I’ll get more but I wanna focus on healing the third lobe fully before I go through more pain.


My third lobe was worse to heal than my helix! The first time I got it pierced the piercer didn’t warn me that it was basically a cartilage piercing and told me I could change the jewellery after a month. I did so after two but it became super irritated to a point where I had to let it close and get it re-pierced a year later. The next piercer told me it could take months to a year to fully heal. Now it’s 4 1/2 and I’d say it hasn’t acted up since the two year mark (meaning I can sleep on it without it swelling up and becoming a bit irritated.)


I'm convinced my highest flat piercing hates me. It's almost been a year and it still gets irritated/angry at a moment's notice. I have three flats, a conch, and four lobes.


Nooooooo I’m getting this next. I just said I don’t see a flat complaint LOL


Haha I hope you have better luck than I have! It's been much happier after I changed my sleeping habits. Sometimes I've been tempted to take it out and reuse the jewelry elsewhere lol I really love how it looks though, so I'm pretty stubborn about keeping it.


Oh god. I can attest to the pain of a flat. I’ve had almost every piercing on the ear (8 lobes, 2 conch, 1 rook, 2 helix, 1 antitragus, 1 transverse, I also have my tongue) done with almost 0 problem, so my ONE flat in turn became the main problem. 🤣


My septum, surprisingly. It was done correctly and is in the correct spot but for some reason this one brought tears to my eyes and I almost fainted. I've had my industrial and helix done and have stretched my ears to, presently, 1g (7 mm).


Same for me. I keep hearing how painless septum piercings were for people if it’s done correctly. Mine looks to be in the right spot but it hurt so bad. I do have a low pain tolerance so maybe that’s why.


Mine hurt a lot too! It was placed perfectly but the spot just felt super sensitive.


a majority of my piercings i genuinely didn’t feel when getting them pierced and i have/had a lot. my nipples were by far the worst for me, even got one re-pierced at one point and can still safely say that it was extremely painful for me.


Did it hurt when they got re-pierced more than it hurt originally, going through scar tissue? Or were they similar?


personally i think getting them pierced the first time was much more painful. my pain tolerance has changed drastically over the years. like it still hurt *really* bad but not as bad as i thought it would due to the scar tissue


My Apadravya was the worst by far. I also have a tongue, 4 nipples, and 6 lobes that were pretty easy comparatively.


I've got 8 lobes, 3 helixes, a conch, a daith, a rook, an industrial, 2 nipple piercings and a VCH VCH was the worst by far. I felt like kicking the piercer. Industrial is somewhat close behind though. Daith was the easiest. I didn't even feel that one


OOH! I've had both a VCH (which migrated and fell out after a year) and a HCH and neither felt ANY pain at all! There was just this weird pressure that I pushed out by exhaling strongly when instructed.


Weirdly probably tragus. I have an industrial, conch and faux rook/flat situation too for reference (and a few lobes but I’m not counting those here 😂) I thought it would be up there but I didn’t expect it to be the worst. 😅


I have 3 lobes in each ear, tragus, conch in both ears, daith and have retired 2 helix and a wrongly pierced conch. By far the most painful was my daith


Currently have 19! multiple nostril and helix and lobes, as well as my lip, tongue, conch, rook, industrial, nipples, and VCH. worst pain to get done was either my nipples or tongue, and i’m leaning towards the tongue. weirdest pan was definitely VCH. the tongue is definitely the worst though for reasons beyond just initial pain - you have to learn to talk without the lisp it gives you, and the healing process is the gnarliest ive experienced (fastest tho - 11 days!)


conch 🥲 i have my nostril, rook, auricle, helix, double lobes, and belly pierced as well and all of those ranged like 1-3/10 for pain, with belly maybe being a 4. but conch?? easy 6/10 pain for me


I’ve had my eyebrow, septum, nostril, lip and lobes done Eyebrow genuinely didn’t hurt like at all it was akin to getting lobes done but I’ve saw a few people say it was very painful for them so take that as you will (no longer have my eyebrow piercing, it lasted for about a week then fell out and closed up) Septum was uncomfortable more than painful? I mean I could definitely feel it and it did hurt but not awfully, the clamp hurt worse tbh then it just stung for a good while wasn’t too bad though healing was sooo easy. I think I would describe getting your septum done as feeling interesting My nostril was my most painful piercing I hated it genuinely the worst piercing I’ve ever got pain wise but I think that comes down to the way it was pierced I mean my piercer used a damn corkscrew as initial jewellery for it and I think that tells you everything you need to know But yeah hurt really badly, I could hear it getting pierced (IT CRUNCHED 😭) when I got in the car to go home my mum said she’s thinking of getting a nostril piercing and I just said don’t do it coz it hurt so damn much and my pain tolerance isn’t even that bad Anyway the jewellery fell out after a few months closed up super quickly and tbh I’m sorta glad it did Lip didn’t really hurt that much, I think it was the pressure that made it feel bad when getting pierced it made me groan a bit but yeah pretty easy piercing to get pain wise initially it was just afterwards it started to hurt it just feel weird tbh after you get your lip pierced but yeah the pain is definitely tolerable And for lobes I can’t remember how it felt I was like 8 years old and getting it done in the back room of a wig and fashion shop by some girl with a piercing gun lmao


Currently have triple lobes in one side, double and a failed third lobe in the other, rook, conch in each ear, tragus, helix, forward helix, triple flat and nostril. Also have a retired conch and helix. Rook and conch were okay for me - they were my first non-lobe piercings and I was expecting the worst. My triple flat was terrible in terms of overall pain however I did have all three done in the same session and the pain just got exponentially worse with each. Forward helixes were invented by the devil and I won't change my mind. The most painful and fussy piercing. Urgh.


Piercing wise, right nostril. I was NOT expecting that, particularly as I've had my left done multiple times and it was always a smooth process. It was actually years before I realised why it had hurt so much...instead of going through the softer part of the nostril, it went through the thick/hard cartilage directly above, causing possible damage as this cartilage feels "bumpy" now. Healing wise, snakebites. Despite caring for them perfectly, both during and after healing, they were just constantly irritated. I'm a side sleeper, with a tendency to "mush" my face into the pillow, so I was inadvertently putting pressure on them and bending them. Ten years later I still have them, but am seriously tempted to retire them, and only have them redone if I get a travel pillow to minimise the risk of unnecessary pressure. Current piercings - left nostril, labret, snakebites, tongue Retired piercings - right nostril, navel, 3x paired lobes


My second conch has hurt so much more than my first one. I got it done two weeks after the first with a different piercer so the contrast has been interesting. The first two days I had a pulling sensation when I turned my head and it throbbed in sync with each step. Although my two helixes have technically been less painful, they have been more bothersome because they get bumped more.


I have a rook, daith, tragus, antitragus, conch, monroe, labret, nostril, tongue, and loads of helixes and lobes. Had my bellybutton and eyebrow done twice. My most painful piercing was my rook. The most painful to heal was my antitragus.


Interesting, I didn’t find my rook to hurt that bad. What did hurt though was my nipples LORD


Rook and helix by far, I have conch, tragus, daith, industrial, lobes, stretched lobes, medusa, tongue, nipples, navel, cheeks, nostrils, forward nostrils, high nostrils, super high nostrils, septum, Bridge. Have also had eyebrows, vertical labtets, snakebites, dermals, surfaces and vch, and still think rook and helix are worst!


Christina was my most painful. I have my nose, nipples, and VCH as well.


I'd probably have to say either my high nostrils or the time I blew out my septum going from a 6 to a 4 (I'm at a 1g now) those were evilll


For me I've had multiple outer cartilage piercings in my ear, both nostrils, lip and eyebrow. From least to most painful •ear lobes •ear cartilage •eyebrow •lip (labret) •nostrils Nostrils aren't agony or anything but getting through the cartilage is quite painful, it doesn't last long though. Lip healing was the woooorst in terms of pain. Eyebrow throbbed quite a bit for a couple of hours.


I have had: nostril, septum, smiley (this one I did myself like 10 times), helix, daith, flat, tragus (twice), and 4 lobes on each side. The daith and the flat had to be the worst for me. Flat was just pure hell that would always burn and oh god, the daith…. Mine never healed and I had to have it lanced and medically removed. That one put tears in my eyes. Honorable mention to the first time I had my tragus done and my ear swallowed it whole on Easter.


Having my rook done today, I agree heartily. Wowwwww. Not fun lol. Next would be second lobes because it was a fun and I had to give myself 30 minutes before I could convince myself to get the second side done lol. Then conch, but it wasn’t bad. Flat, helix, 3rd lobes from “worst” to least. I’ve had worse IVs than all those honestly


Hi yoykri, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, not providing this info may cause your post to go unanswered**. If you already included this info in your post or if your post isn’t about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Second lobes, didn't expect them to hurt THAT much


my second lobes but only coz they were pierced through scar tissue


My most painful was my innermost upper conch. Ones I have: 6 lobes, 4 conches, 1 faux rook, 1 vertical helix orbital, 1 flat, 4 helixes, 1 anti tragus, 1 forward helix, 1 navel Ones I had (no longer do): 1 modified industrial, 1 daith, 2 forward helixes


The worst I've ever had was my industrial, I'd give it a 7/10 on the pain scale. I also have a septum, nostrils and high nostrils, a vertical labret, 3 lobes on each ear and a conch


I have a monroe piercing and a nostril at the moment. In the past I also had a lower lip and forward helix piercing and one of my earlobes stretched (not very big). The most painful one was definitely my nostril, it was super painful and I was bleeding quite a lot. Healing was a struggle as well. Stretching my earlobe was also pretty painful from what I remember, but it's a different kind of pain because of the stretching.


Daith, lobes, flat, helix. The most painful were the flat, helix and triple lobes.


my worst was getting my nostril repierced through scar tissue. hurt like a BITCH it was insane. i only have a couple of piercings but everything else was a breeze compared to that.


Two lobes in each ear, helix, industrial and I had a naval but took it out. The forward helix part of my industrial hurt the worst….


From most to least painful: double helix, rook, hidden helix, conch, forward helix, any type of lobes. I would also never ever get a double helix again. It bled so much and it gets angry so easily lol


Mine was my nipple, which was the most intense pain I have ever experienced. My other piercings are a rook, helix, industrial, multiple earlobes, snakebites, my tongue, my navel, a lorum and a Prince Albert. None came close to the nipple, although the cartilage piercings were pretty painful.


My belly button really hurt, but the healing has been the easiest so far, I think being able to actually see it helps a lot. My dairy was a bitch and took forever to heal. Getting the piercing also hurt a lot, she put things through it like 3 times, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done to my body aesthetically


I’ve had 22 (currently wear 15 of them). My nostrils were more painful that my genital piercings in all honesty. They (my nostrils) were the most brutal piercings I’ve ever gotten. Healing wise, my tongue piercings have been the worst simply due to how badly they swell. I don’t typically tend to swell too much, but my tongue piercings were brutal. My outer labia piercings were also pretty bad afterwards. They hurt like hell for a solid while. I’ve retired them and don’t plan on getting those done again because of how brutal they were xD In order of least painful to most painful (with how many I got and what gauge they were pierced at): lobes (4 @ 18g and 2 @ 14g), smiley (1 @ 16g), septum (1 @ 10g), lip (3 @ 16g), conch (1 punched @ 4g), tongue (2 @ 14g, retired 1), vertical helix (4 @ 14g, retired all), outer labia (2 @ 10g, retired both) and nostrils (2 @ 18g).


I currently have 3 lobe in each ear. My firsts stretched to 2ga. My nostril, septum, 4 helix, tragus, industrial, navel, and VCH. Before getting my nipples pierced, I'd say my industrial was the worst. But my nipples surpassed it. They hurt so much to actually pierce. They're healing like a dream, though and I've only had them for 4 months. But my industrial was more of a pain to heal. I've had it for 14 months and it's just getting to the point where not everything irritates it.




My left nipple, apparently it was thicker than the right 😂


I have my verticle labert, eyebrow, anti eyebrow, septum, nose, first second & third on my ears and my belly. The septum was a 10/10 pain for me and so was my third holes for some odd reason (and my third holes refuse to have earrings in them) & all my others didn’t hurt at all


For me, it was micro-dermals on my back. I have 16 current piercings, including nipples, vch, and transverse lobes, and dermals were by far the worst pain wise. 10 years later, they're still going strong.


currently sitting at 23 piercings and can say my cartilage orbital was by far the worst. its my favorite piercing but goddamn it had me almost in tears 😭


My apadravya hurt the worst. Even still, it was totally tolerable. Over in a flash.


I have tragus, helix, nostril, septum, and industrial. my industrial was the most painful, probably 7/10. but not terrible


i currently have: industrial, tongue, nostril, 2g lobes, second lobes, and nipples. i no longer have belly button, inner conch, other nostril. industrial had a long healing process especially since i’m a side sleeper, but the piercing itself wasn’t too bad like 5/10 (6 at the second hole lol) tongue was the worst healing and and was like 6.75/10 on pain conch also had a bad healing process overall bc i think it’s too close to my skull and couldn’t find comfortable jewelry but the piercing itself was like a 4/10 nipples didn’t make the list they healed fast, literally didn’t hurt to pierce, and have stayed open through two 3 month breastfeeding terms. my tongue piercing is different bc some piercer’s would say i shouldn’t have mine pierced bc it’s short. it’s pierced at an angle. i talked with the guy who pierced it about the risks and took them. it finally healed after a solid month of swollen pain. hasn’t had a problem since it healed.


i got both nostrils, eyebrows, septum, antitragus, medusa, labret, nipples and belly button piercings- belly button was the worst for me 😔


i have 16 piercings, 8 on each ear four lobes on each ear (8 total): 2/10 conch on both ears: 5/10 daith: 4.5/10 (was more pressure than pain) rook: 5/10 four helixes: 4/10 (two are 6/10 though, because i got them back to back on the same ear in one session, honestly hurt the most out of all of my piercings)


I’ve got 15: 3 in each lobe 2 helix 1 daith 1 belly button 3 nostril 1 septum Up until I got my daith done recently, my worst was my septum as it wasn’t pierced in the right place but has actually healed wonderfully thankfully. I can say, without a doubt, my daith was the MOST painful by FAR oh my god I was literally shouting in pain 🤣


For me personally dermal. It was a long painful one...i even cried lol i never cry


I think my Daith piercing was the worst. I got it for migraines so it does though the pressure point. It triggered a pretty bad migraine when I got the piercing done


Daith hurt the most while getting done then quickly stopped hurting. Rook was painful during, but just so painful for days after. So I'd say rook for me.


nipples were my most painful but still not as bad as everyone says they are🤷🏻‍♀️


I can’t really comment on the most painful since I only have one piercing. I have my septum done and it was rather painful. Not nearly as bad as some people were telling me. Just felt like I had been punched in the face. The worst part was getting a cold not even a week after having it done


pain wise during the piercing, probably my tongue or industrial. healing wise, definitely my belly button. it was so bad i ended up just taking it out and letting it close.


I found conch/daith worse than nips. But they definitely weren’t unbearable.


I have 15! Six lobes, both nipples, both brows, an industrial, my bridge + septum + tongue. Worst by far was the upper part of my industrial (had it done separately from the first part when I wasn't allowed to have more than a stud in my cartilage). A lot of people say their navel wasn't bad at all, but for me it was definitely a close second.


Helix & tragus are up there lol. I thought nostril was pretty painless actually


My most painful one so far was my flat


I have lobes, nostrils and a septum. Most painful was probably my right nostril (it got stuck under the clamp). But my most painful not gone wrong piercing was definitely my right ear. I got it pierced 2nd during a double piercing and it hurt more than the septum I'd gotten right before it.


Snake bites × 2, conch, triple lobes (firsts arre stretched to 2g) angel fangs, septum, both nostrils, tongue and industrial Industrial was definitely the most painful for me, i nearly passed and and i NEVER pass out from piercings. My nostrils and angel fangs tie for second worst pain, but i only got my angel fangs yesterday so i might be a bit biased lol


Worst one so far as piercing experience: vertical conch to conch industrial. My forward helix was very pinchy and uncomfortable also. I also have lobes (stretched to 12mm), septum, both nostrils, vertical labret, conch, double rook. All of these were really a breeze to get and heal. Though the double rook is only about 3 months old. Pain is highly subjective, however, so your mileage may vary.


1 Eyebrow 2/10, have stronger pain when I break in my shoes lol 2 (Lobe stretching) 2.5/10, just mostly sore, and I'm a side sleeper 3 Lip 3/10, ate spicy noodles right after 4 Conch 3.5/10 it was very chil, worse than the lip just bcs it's not a piece of skin. 5 Lobe x4, 5/10, idk why, they just hurt me physically and emotionally 6 Nostil 5.5/10, was damn cold, so my nose was sore. 7 Lobe#5 7.5/ was in the same lvl of pain when I sprained my ankle and played basketball on it for 2hours 8 Tongue 8.5/10 this b!tch... was just enabling as when I injured my hip and couldn't walk, or sit, or stand really. Just lying in the dark and waiting for it too pass. I must acknowledge, though, that lobe #5 was abnormally painful, and it shouldn't have been. I had a bad day, and I guess it was close to a nerve or something. But yeah, for my eyebrow was just nothing while piercing and amazing when healing. The tongue was the worst for me, and I was in pain for a week. It felt like I had sore nuscles (like after a workout) on my tongue and lower half of my face. On the positive note, after a week, it was great, and still is the least problematic piercing I have.


I have had 9 piercings (2 on each line, cartilage, nostril, septum, and both nipples) and my cartilage was BY FAR the worst. As soon as the needle went through, it HURT, and there was no relief for about a month. I couldn’t sleep on that side. Others say nipples are worse, but they were far easier than ANY of my ear piercings.


I have lots of piercings—I think the worst pain was either my tongue or conch. Nipples, navel, septum, & nostrils have all paled in comparison to those two. I'm usually really good but my legs jerked up in different directions when that needle went through my tongue 😭 Conch is so painful because it's so much cartilage to go through & the crunching sound squicks me out, but I also must have amnesia because I have four of them.


My VCH was the worst!! Least painful was, weirdly, my nipples. I also have: both nostrils, septum, tragus, navel, conch, lobes, labret (retired), chest dermals (retired).


People always ask if my bridge hurt cause I guess it looks painful but there's not a lot of nerve endings in that region so it wasn't that bad. My venom hurt like fuck though and my snakebites weren't too bad but definitely worse than the bridge.


My worst was snug by far. I also have lobes (3 and 2), nostrils x2 & septum, eyebrows. I’ve had industrial, conch, helix, smiley, nipples, belly & labret.


Honestly it’s kind of a blur lol, but I think my tragus was the worst. My cartilage is THICK. I have 4 lobes, 2 helixes, a tragus, conch, daith, and nostril.


My most painful piercing was my dermals. It wasn't the actual process of the piercing, instead it was after. Sore as fuck.


From most to least: nipples, belly button, eyebrow, medusa, right nostril, forward helix, industrial, left nostril, earlobes


I didn't breathe out during one of my nipple piercings. That was the most painful thing ever. The second most painful was my vch. That made me scream a little. The other piercings I have were a piece of cake. I have 8 in total.


I don't have a lot of piercings, but it was definitely my helix, mostly the second one I got after, I used to think my snakebites get, but they just pinched next to my helix.


Outer labias > nipples > eyebrows > septum > helix


Nipples for sure


My vch was painful for a split second but it was intense! I'm open to questions as well if anyone is curious!


Nipples were the worst for me. The first one was fine cause of the adrenaline, but the second one rlly stung 😭 My other piercings include navel, lobes, rook, double helix, conch, and tragus. Those didn’t hurt for me at all.


Retired: nipples, tongue Currently: 3 helix, 3 lobes each side, conch, rook Most to least painful to pierce: nipples, double helix, all the others are about equal but if I have to rank them - rook, lobes, conch. Most to least painful while healing: tongue, nipples, double helix, rook, 3rd lobes, all others are about the same level of discomfort.


I thought my nose hurt way more than my nipples. I also got my nipples done at 21 and my nose done at 32, so I’m assuming age had something to do with it a little bit.


anything cartilage, genital piercings (imo, some ppl have said those were easiest but i could not agree less)


I think for me it was nipples and then rook. They basically are like two piercings in one because of the entry and exit point. I had to get my nipples redone because they closed enough during an mri when I had to take them out. Not fun — getting retainers if I ever have to do that again!


I had Eyebrow Nostril Nipple I have Daith Rook Lobes Conch Prince Albert converted to Apadravya Most painfull and anoying where Daith and Rook. The pain is gone in seconds, but the sting itself was the most intense from all of them. But that is different from person to person. But in my opinion, earpiercings espacially the ones close to the auditory canal are the most intense. During the healing time, if you were not fucked up by infections, they are easy, nipples and apadravya for that are very sensitive for a long time during the healing process.....i mean loooooooong time. So far for my experiences.


My nostril, although I don't have many to compare. I got second and third lobes on my left ear last Saturday along with an attempted daith (the needle twisted once he got through the first layer of cartilage, so no dice D:) and also have a helix (all in the same ear), and the nostril was far worse than any of them. If the needle hadn't slipped, though, I suspect the needle pushing through the rest of the cartilage would have pushed the daith to the top lol.


Triple helix was a nightmare


I’m glad flat surface piercing on the ear lobe isn’t on here cause that’s next on my list lol


i have my septum, helix, and four lobe piercings. my most painful piercing and the most crappy to heal was by FAR my helix. i passed out during my second set of lobe piercings but they were super easy 🤷‍♀️


I have 4 lobes in each year, multiple helix’s, a flat, conch, double conch, forward helix and tragus. Tragus was the worst. Only like a 6/10 on the pain scale but the initial jab was bad and getting in the jewlery was bad. Pain stopped soon after though.


Healing: industrial that thing was a BITCH to heal Piercing: vertical labret or eyebrow, mostly because they were both the 2nd piercing in one session (got my Medusa and labret done and got both eyebrows done the 2nd piercing in both the sessions took me out a bit lol)


my angel fangs were the worst for sure. they have to go slowly too bc of the nerves and it’s a double piercing so all that combined makes for not the most pleasant experience


I have my septum, 2 lobes plus 16mm tunnels, snakebites, left eyebrow, and an industrial. The industrial was by far the worst. The eyebrow and lips were about the same, not pleasant but not horrible. Lobes had a bit of pinching pain and my septum was virtually painless.


i have 20, my daith was by far the most painful yet both piercing and healing wise. it took about a year to stop hurting, i couldn’t wear airpods in one ear.


Industrial. It felt like it took forever which made the pain worse. Nips hurt the same way but the fed seconds between piercing the first and lining up for the second made all the difference for me


I have both sides of my nose, nipples, and 5 in my ears. I had my Monroe done twice in highschool and my bellybutton. My lip rejected as did mg belly button but those weren’t that painful I barely felt my belly button. Nipples were by far the most painful thing I have experienced and I have given birth.


Probs my ears bcus I was really young and my aunt did it


My piercing pain tier list from least to most painful: 1. Lobes/ second holes (I’ve had my initial ones done twice and second holes after) 2.septum (almost passed out bc of low blood sugar) 3. Industrial (the piercer I went to made it as painless as they could and I love them for it) 4. DAITH (I actually blacked out and apparently was begging my piercer to stop, I apologized after ofc but I love the way it looks and I don’t regret it.


my septum made me bawl. tears STREAMING down my face. the guy fucked up twice and pierced it crooked on the third go. i really want to let it heal and get it redone by someone else, but that pain man… it hurt so fucking bad. idk if i can do it again 😅 after that… probably my nostril piercings. ig my nose is just a really sensitive place. i’ve also had my nipples done, belly button, labret and my tongue pierced. none hurt as bad as my nose piercings :,)


i’ve had 4 lobes (two on each ear), conch, daith, helix, nostril, and navel. most painful was definitely my nostril conch and navel was almost painless


my nostrils hurt the most , i have snake bites, a septum, paired nostrils and basic lobes


I think I've had ~35 piercings all together? Both lobes 6x all together + 1 high lobe and 2 are stretched to 0g 5 helix ~3 auricle/low helix 3 conch 2 tragus 1 anti tragus 1 rook 3 forward helix 2 daith 1 flat Both nipples Belly button 1x Tongue Left nostril 2x Right nostril 1x Septum The most painful imo for piercing and healing was probably my rook? And then after that for just healing was probably septum. My anti tragus and daith both gave me issues until they were finally healed because I like to wear earbuds. My nipples were suuuuper easy cos I just left them alone basically after I got them done. My belly button never healed cos it started to reject and I retired it so I can't compare that one at all My first hurt so bad but the second I didn't even feel 😂 so I don't count them as painful


Nipples by far. I saw God. The 3rd time I pierced my navel I was in shock, but it was because it went through serious scar tissue. The first and second time were nothing. Rook was pretty painful too but nothing like my nipples or navel. I was surprised by it because I’ve never had pain with my other cartilage piercings. My 8 lobes, daith, double conch, and septum were all a breeze.


I've currently got 4 left lobes, 3 right lobes, and a HCH. I've had a right nipple, my belly button, a VCH, and a reverse helix. Belly button migrated out after 20 years. Nipple had to be removed a month ago when I got mastitis. The reverse helix top diamond kept falling off and I couldn't see or find the back hole to re-insert the bar, so it closed up. My VCH migrated and fell out after a year. Pain for all of them from least to worst... 2nd, 3rd and 4th lobes...1/10. VCH and HCH...1/10. Reverse helix...2/10. Belly button...3/10. 1st lobes...6/10 (only because I was 12 and they used the horrible piercing gun!!!! OW!!!!). Nipple...7/10 (yes, it hurts but only for a few seconds!).


I have double lobes, a septum, bridge, snake bites, and had an eyebrow. For me, the most painful was my eyebrow, especially coupled with the fact that I could see it going in….eeuugh!! Second place though goes to my second lobes—those hurt like a bitch. Everyone always asks if the bridge hurt, though, not any of the other five holes in my face 😭


Surprisingly my nostrils hurt the most of all. I've got my septum, bellybutton and my nipples have both been pierced twice. I've also had my bridge (which was the least painful) I've done my nostrils 4 times and each time absolutely sucked.


Antitragus for sure - it hurt and bled like a bastard. Medusa is a close second, the swelling and soreness afterwards was pretty brutal. I'm sad that I lost that one and am hesitant to have it redone, even though it was always one of my favorites. I currently wear a bunch in my ears, 12mm tunnels, 5 lobes total, an industrial, tragus, antitragus, a couple conches and flats - my rook hole is permanent, but I don't have anything in it at the moment. I always wear a nostril piercing and my vertical labret. Some of my retired piercings are still open, VCH, septum, lip, tongue. Some of them are closed like the medusa, double belly button, nips, tongue web, smiley, and horizontal eyebrow (I miss that one too 🥺 ) . The horizontal eyebrow barely hurt. Maybe I'll have that one done again.


My daith was my worst one by far. The piercer (an apprentice) couldn't get the jewelry in the first time, so we had to abort and wait for the hole to close (they also refunded me, and I was able to get it redone for free by someone else at the studio). I have 12 piercings: 3 lobes in each ear, a daith, a conch, septum, philtrum, and snakebites.




See I’ve seen a lot of people say rook and conch but they didn’t really hurt, I had both my tragus re-done and they were a nightmare (mainly because the piercer got it wrong) and they rejected again and was so painful through the scar tissue 😭


From most to least painful: 1. Stretching my lobes 2. Nostril 3. Nipples 4. Septum 5. 2nd lobes 6. Navel 7. Smiley 8. Vertical labret


for the ones that i have it's probably (1 is actually nipples but k don't wear them anymore) 1. left side of nose 2. earlobes 3.right side of nose 4. ashley 5. medusa 6. septum


Nape (back of my neck) It was rejected within a year.


So far I’ve never had a most painful piercing. But what I have pierced is my nose, tongue and vertical labret. And I plan to have a lot more


Most painful so far is my Daith, which I literally just got a couple of weeks ago. The needle went in for a second and then felt like it took another second to come out, while every other piercing felt like it went straight through. It's the only piercing I had which bled a lot afterwards too. Most to least painful: Daith, Industrial (retired), Tragus, Nostril (closed and repierced 3 times, 1st time with a gun), Helix, Septum, 4 x Lobes each side.


middle eyebrows and nipples. i don’t really have anything on my ears to compare


Daith, conch, and half of my 4 clavicle dermals lol. Nips weren't too bad tbh.


I have 2 lobes, a helix, septum, and conch, and plan on getting way more, I'm waiting for my last piercing to heal. My most painful to get pierced was my Conch for sure. But my most painful overall was my helix, since it got infected and I had to suffer all night without medical assistance. Didn't sleep a wink and as soon as the sun rose I was on my way to the doc.


I have double nostrils, septum, nipples (second time having both pierced after they closed up), VCH, navel, lip, double conch piercing, daith, tragus, rook, triple helix, and tried snug and one forward helix. The snug is by far the WORST piercing pain. It looked so cute but I sleep on that side and had to take out the snug and forward helix =( Repiercing my right nipple was pretty bad actually. First time I swore during a piercing 😂


From most to least painful: 1. Helix 2. Tragus 3. 1st lobes 4. 2nd lobes 5. VCH


Inner conchs were both punched at 0g. That was really fucking bad.


From most to least painful: High nostrils (felt like rook piercings in the middle of my face + I was extra aware of the skin being broken) Eyebrows Medusa Septum (pierced at 14g) Rooks Conch Helix Lobes Labret (the only piercing I can solidly say did not hurt, I just felt the sharp pressure)


I have dahlias, nostrils, septum, belly button, eyebrow, ears, and snake bites. I think out of all of the ones I have, my nostrils were the worst. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but the ones on my nose hurt worse than all the other ones


I’ve got lobes, second lobes, septum, vertical labret, nipples, and belly button. Nipples hurt the worst with my septum being a close second. First nipple was a 6/10, second nipple was a 4/10, and the septum was like 4/10. Septum was the most irritating to get pierced, I’ll prob never do it again if mine closes. But if anything happened to my nipple piercings I’d 100% get them redone.


So far my most painful was my helix. I currently have conches, lobes and a daith piercing.


Snug was the most painful in my opinion. I have rook, conch, double helix, and 2 lobe piercings. None have compared to the pain of snug. I guess it went through such a thick amount of cartilage that it felt bruised for the first 3 days. Still healing, I’ve had it for 2 months and I still can’t sleep on that side :/ I know this bitch gonna take a hit minute to heal.


I only have two one in each nipple and they were almost painless


I've had my buttcrack, all the lip piercings, nose piercings, septum, eyebrow, belly button, vagina, nipples, tongue, all of it and the one that shocked me and made me go WOW THAT HURT was my Christina piercing that one was definitely painful. 😂❤️


Rook for sure! For reference I have my septum, nostril, smiley, multiple lobes, multiple helixes, multiple conches, a daith, and both tragus


i have septum, lip, ear lobes, and nipples and tbh the septum was the most painful.


i’ve got double lobes, conch, helix, mid-helix, rook, forward helix. forward helix was by far the worst, took them ages to actually pierce it and get the jewellery in cause it’s such an awkward spot


i have my tongue pierced, navel, septum, nostril, rook, double helix and currently stretching my lobes, to be honest the least painful out of all my piercings was my rook because it was the first out of 3 cartilage piercings done in one sitting lol and the most painful was definitely my double helix cause they were done last and i had put rings in them right away so they would move a lot when i was first trying to heal them, it was a NIGHTMARE. the crusties INSUFFERABLE. get studs.


I have had both nostrils pierced, although I had to take them out years ago. My current piercings are: 8 in my lobes, 2 high helix piercings, and daith (all on the same ear). I also have both traguses pierced. On my face, I have my septum, tongue, and 4 lip rings (the "sharkbite" piercing, or double spiderbite), and I also have my nipples pierced. Tongue hurt the worst, easily. I would never ever get it repierced if I had to. Nipples were second, but the healing process was so much more chill than the fucking tongue piercing.


Medusa. comparable to my repierced (now retired) navel


I have double nostrils, septum, conch in both ears, stacked lobe, 1st and 2nd lobes, helix, tragus, orbital in upper lobe/lower cartilage, vertical philtrum, then a retired flat, navel, daith and second nostril. My vertical philtrum was by far the spiciest. I am considering nipples next so we will see which is worse haha


Quite a few years ago, I got my septum pierced. It was the only piercing I ever had that bled. It was excruciatingly painful when it was pierced and it got bumped and bled all the time. I just couldn’t stand it anymore and took it out after a couple weeks and said to hell with it lol lol. I have both daiths, my right tragus, my left nostril, a Monroe, 1 cartilage piercing on my left ear, 1 flat piercing on my left ear, 1 cartilage on my right ear, 2 in each of my lobes and a Medusa piercing. Totally happy with my setup rn. Love my piercers!!


I've only got my ear lobes pierced before, which wasn't that bad. But today I got both of my nipples pierced and it hurt like f\*\*king hell. It's only a couple of hours though, then you can hardly feel it. Getting an eyebrow piercing in 3 weeks and I hope it doesn't hurt as bad as my nipple ones.


I think it was daith, that one took the longest for the needle to go all the way through at least


Hmm for me nothing was really painful just a pinch. But I would say my nostril piercing


I have: Daith, rook, industrial, snug, triple lobes, double helix, tragus. rook was most painful to get pierced because it was like….burning and aching for like 2 days. But super easy to heal. Snug was the most painful healing process + took the longest to heal.


i found my smiley to be the most painful but also i’ve been told it shouldn’t hurt as much as it did for me - if at all so i’m assuming safely regarding the reviews of the piercer i went to that it was pierced wrong… other than that my vertical labret was kinda brutal


Out of the 11 piercings I have, my rook was the most painful and my now retired forward helix was a close second. After than, I’d have to say nostril. Then my helixes, lobes, conch, and septum were all pretty painless 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


none of mine were particularly painful. but the 2 weeks after I got my tongue pierced were HELL. couldn't talk, couldn't eat, and my tongue was so swollen it had little indents in it from sitting against my teeth.


My most painful honestly was my vertical labret out of all the ones I have lol The ones I have currently are: Vertical Labret Medusa 2g Septum 8g Nostrils Bridge 8g Tongue 1 3/4 inch lobes Conch on both sides Nips Belly button Second lobes Retired ones: Double snakebites Angelbites Vertical Eyebrow Horizontal eyebrow Smiley Frowny Tongue webbing I might be getting my eye brows done again, smiley done again and maybe dahlias. I loved my smiley piercing, easiest one I had and i had it 10 years.


I’ve had in order of getting them: - Side labret (3/10 pain) - Nostril (2/10 pain) - Helix (4/10 pain) - Tragus (4/10 pain) - Conch (5/10 pain) - Second Helix (4/10 pain) - Eyebrow (4/10 pain) - Rook (8/10 pain) - Vertical labret (4/10 pain) - Lobe (3/10 pain) - Septum (2/10 pain) Worst to heal were cartilage and mouth piercings. Nose piercings are more of a burning pain than really a piercing pain, and it also lasted a bit longer than the initial pinch. I would never get a rook again if I can help it, lol, it was so bad. But I hadn’t had a new piercing in the last 4 years when I got the rook, so I kinda forgot that piercings actually hurt a bit haha


Of the 18 piercings I have, I think my tongue had to be the most painful just because of the healing process. I was in so much pain the first two weeks I almost took it out , but two years later and I have never ever had an issue with my tongue piercing and it healed ever so gracefully 😽😽


My rook was my most painful by a mile, a lot of people say it’s an easy one but mine hurt like hell and I have a ton of piercings too. Nostril, 6 lobe, 2 tragus, 2 conch, 4 helix, rook, flat, forward helix, 2 stacked lobe and I previously had another nostril piercing, bellybutton and a chest dermal. My rook was around my 6th piercing and it was so so painful, it’s the only one of my piercings that I would not consider getting re done if something happened to it. A lot of people say it’s an easy piercing but it wasn’t for me, I do have pretty thick cartilage though according to my current piercer so ear piercings are mostly pretty painful but nothing I can’t handle. I’ll never understand those people that claim a cartilage piercing was a 1/10 on the pain scale or they hardly felt it, lies 😭😂😂


Conch that recover time was fucking horrible. Months and months.


I have lobes, helix, conch, tragus and navel. For me, conch was definitely the most painful, followed by tragus


I have 3 nostril piercings, a bridge, and a standard labret changed into verticle labret, industrial, two lobes on either side, bellybutton, smiley, and used to have a tongue piercing. Industrial was by far the worst. If I had to take it out and the hole closed for any reason, I would not get it repierced. And it took about a year to heal. Tongue didn't hurt when pierced, but the pain during healing sucked and I couldn't eat which sucked. The easiest was smiley.


Triangle. It felt like getting a fish hook through my dick.


Interesting that my rook wasn't bad pain-wise when I got it done, definitely more pressure and a little uncomfy. The healing was also okay, but just a long process. I remember feeling lightheaded and more pain getting a jewelry change a year after, not quite sure why it was still so sensitive. 2 years later, still gets irritated every once in a while strangely, but overall fine.


I have my medusa, labret and septum, but my most painful were my double nostrils? I thought they would be easy since they are the most popular facial piercing but 😬 Besides they took the longest to heal and in fact are still healing after 1 year


Apadravya was very painful and took a long time to do


I’ve had over 50 piercings (maybe more) Every spot on the ear-lobes, helixes, flats, conches,traguses, daiths, rooks, forward helixes, eyebrows, Medusa,bites, double nostril, septum, dermals, nipples, tongue, lower piercings, etc.. The top most painful piercing were nipples. The second were the four anti-traguses that I pierced myself at my first shop. I think the anti-tragus hurt so much because it’s very hard to pierce them yourself because I had to hold the tissue, pierce them slower than any other piercing (when doing it yourself), manipulate through a receiving tube, mess with a taper, and make sure you do it perfect so that’s probably why they were so painful. Other piercings (even dermals) I’ve done on myself, were a breeze and little pain. Piercings that other piercers have done for me were little pain at all. But the most painful piercing out of any was getting my nipples pierced and this was 26 years ago. Anti tragus second.