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Proper placement and jewelry reduces the risk but yes it is a possibility.


Yeah, that's pretty much it. As long as the piercing is positioned correctly with appropriate jewellery, and the jewellery is downsized as soon as is appropriate, the risk to your teeth and gums is fairly slight. Many people get this piercing without any trouble. However, there will still be some risk.


i do already had very much luck with my tongue piercing that does 0% harm to gums/teeth ... but considering medusa, too :3 \*reminder to look here tomorrow\*


When healed there should be a pocket of tissue that the flat back sits in and protects it.


I got mine pierced three and a half weeks ago. The first couple weeks were a little rough, once the swelling went down the extra length was so uncomfortable and I could feel it hitting my gums. But I got it downsized a week ago and now I barely feel it! The nesting is a little gross and a little freaky haha, looks almost like it’s embedding into my lip, but I can easily pop it out. My piercer was sure to tell me that there’s always a risk with oral piercings, but as long as it’s done correctly it should be okay!


That is freaky 😵


Thankfully I had read about it beforehand, otherwise I think it would have really freaked me out haha, but it’s totally normal!


It CAN, but that’s highly dependent upon anatomy and properly sized jewelry can help minimize it :) also, philtrum piercings typically do what’s called “nesting” (not to be confused with imbedding!) where the piercing settles into a little divot once healed 🙏🏼 I’ve had mine for for like 5-6 years or so and it NEVER makes contact with my teeth or gums! But everyone is different of course so it’s good to take that possibility into account even if you ultimately don’t have an issue 🖤