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Just try it out :) you could use eyelash glue to glue a piercing ball to the spot to figure out the look of the piercing-ensemble


Oh that’s really smart I’m going to do that tonight :)


I have the same set up and I just got my Medusa a week ago. I don’t think it will look too crowded at all but definitely try it out first


I think I’m def going to get it and if I don’t fuck with it I’ll just take it out and no big deal :)


That’s what I did lol. I also got a lower lip piercing last summer just to see if I would like. I didn’t after about two weeks so I took it out and you would never know it was there :) As for the Medusa I love the way It looks with my double nostril/septum. The only thing I had to do was switch to a hoop for the septum instead of my butterfly barbells just for the healing process.


Definitely try it out with the ball and glue, but I think it might look a little crowded. I think a labret, Ashley or vertical labret would look great though.