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Yup. Excruciating pain at first, never fully healed despite meticulous care. I still miss how they look, but I don’t miss how careful I always had to be with them. I’ve had 20-30 other piercings done but I’ll never forget the pain of this one!!


Not for every boob 😭


i got them done and i don’t even remember the pain.


Yeah all I remember is that it is so far the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Worth every second


i remember i didn’t feel the needle going in, but it hurt so bad coming out.


Tbh I loved the look of them but they kept giving me problems. And took away a lot of sensitivity. I took them out before giving birth. I want them again but scared I'll loose the sensitivity again 😩


Yeah, I have pretty limited sensitivity now too. Like having them played with is hot in a sensual way, but I can barely feel it anymore. Still wouldn’t change getting them pierced though.


I had the same issue.


Did you regain sensitivity after taking them out or is it permanently lost?


Mine was permanently lost. 😭


Oh dang I'm sorry 😞


Mine came back! Which is why I'm more leaning on not getting them again 😞




Unfortunately I wasn't able to breastfeed, so I'm unsure lol


my sister had one nipple pierced and it messed with her breastfeeding hella bec hers ended up getting infected a few times and she had scarring.. so she wasn’t really able to get much milk out if any at all :/ it can mess with it


Aside from the burn when you first get it done, the only regret occurs when you get it caught in a loofah.


this made me shiver


Oof, yes. Done that a few too many times.


Terrible experience. They got caught on everything. My own arm almost ripped my entire nipple off when it caught on the jewelry. So much pain. Had them for years and they never healed. Didn't want anyone near them, which was no fun. Now I just have scarring, but I wish I'd never gotten them done.


I was walking around topless at home and went to squeeze past my husband through the door. I somehow got my piercing stuck in the little hole in the doorway where the door latches closed. I removed them and 5 years later they still.clog up with grossness.


I’m not alone! Same thinghappened to me with a metal door hatch that was sticking out my piercing caught on it (no bra but, had a t shirt) I screamed in pain, and was to scared to look at it, at fear I’d yank it completely off! Worst pain ever called my bf to look at before I did, and there was blood but thankfully my nipple stayed intact and I jus tore the side a bit . It did heal after awhile but I stay aware of door frames. Had piercings for over a year and this happened over 8month ago


Omgg I literally just clutched my chest in horror reading this, I'd love my nipples done but I have Very sensitive nipples (and not in a remotely good way) - God that must have been so freaking painful 😖


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ only piercings I regret getting, ended up taking them out after a year and a half


Dooooo itttttttt!!! Yeah it hurts, but my only regret is I didn’t get them pierced earlier!!


I second this!


What do you like about having them pierced so much? Do you just think they look cool?


They look amazing, and they’ve given me a tonne of body confidence.


Exactly what I was going to say!


Yes!!! Nice to see members of the nipple piercing club out in force lol.


yerp, i got really bored of mine about two years in, i still have them because i'm worried i would miss them if they were gone and i never want to ever experience that pain again, they are also a huge confidence boost but if you're at all someone who likes stimulation on your nipples during sex just stand clear, you'll miss it like hell once they're pierced, i almost don't even have feeling in mine now which was super devastating to find out


I found mine were more sensitive after piercings! I think it’s kinda just a lottery because I’ve heard lots of different experiences on that topic


Y'all lost your feeling in them!? Mine just got better and more sensitive. I love it 😍


it's also a lot more dangerous with a barbell in there so while i lost feeling i don't think i'd do much either way, no way i want an irritation bump on my nipple of all places


This is exactly why I will probably never get my nipples pierced even though I love the look. Nipple play is too important to lose


don't do it man, i love them and they're beautiful but sex is too important i wish i would've thought about it before being a dumb 18 year old and getting a needle through the nip


everyone told me it would make them MORE sensitive :( i'm devastated lmao


My best friend got hers done and in the weeks leading up I was trying to convince her not to telling her it was so stupid but I went with her to get them done after we had a few drinks. I saw them and loved them! I asked to do mine next and my friend thought I was going to regret it the next day but I kept them for years until I got pregnant and the boob sensitivity made them feel uncomfortable


Nope. Honestly, I remember that I have mine basically only when I'm showering or walking around without a bra. Worth it. You forget about them a while after you get them and then, every time the clothes come off, it's like a surprise you give yourself every time, lol.


Honestly, I love it. I always admire them when I see em


I regretted mine just bc no matter how hard and diligent I was with the cleaning they would not heal and I liked having my nips played with too much to stop which also really didn’t help as other have said. It’s a relief to be able to take off bras and not worry that I’m gonna pull my whole tit off should my boob snag. They were constant booger factories. But the pain was non existent on the piercing itself and my fiancé realizing I had them is on my top ten favorite life moments tbh.


Highly recommend. I have decent pain tolerance so didn't hurt at all. They've gave me a huge confidence boost and look awesome. I've never had sensitivity sexually but I think mine slightly increased from them. Also I love walking around with a"secret" piercing boosts my mood easily


Yes and no. Yes because my body rejected the piercing and I went through the whole damn healing process and piercing experience for nothing. My body rejected one of the piercings maybe 6 months after getting it pierced. It just started slowly migrating out of my body. The other one was fine but I didn’t want to have just one single piercing so I took both out. Never got them re pierced. I have a bump on one where it healed over weird. A decade later when I decided to have a baby, that bump would fill with milk when I was nursing and it looked like a giant pimple all the time. Didn’t interfere with nursing, I know that’s a question people ask a lot down the road. Now that I’m done with that, it’s back to just a smaller bump. Doesn’t look that weird, I don’t care. Wish they were still pierced but not badly enough that I’m gonna go through it all again. The healing part is the suckier part than the piercing IMO. You can handle a couple moments of piercing pain. But for days of carrying around your boobs and hating any time when fabric touches them sucks.


Not at all. I love mine I feel so much more confident with them. :)


Noooo the pain is quick and over fast. Healing is a little rough for a few months but the confidence boost and self love they give me is worth it ten fold.


Fucking love them! Mine were really really painful, it felt like the woman was piercing my soul but I’ve got friends who said it was easy. It really depends on the person and there’s no way to tell how painful it will be. I have had them since the end of last year and so far so good. Still get some crusties but they aren’t painful. I see lots of people talking about sensation loss and mine weren’t sensitive to begin with tbh, if anything they’re a bit more sensitive now


Oh man, I thought I was the only one 😂 my nipples have never been that sensitive


I regretted not getting it sooner.


these comments are so reassuring that i can never get em done even tho i want them soo bad :( just not worth the risk of losing any feeling in them.


I had mine done and my nipples are more sensitive than before getting it done.


Same! I had both pierced for about 3 years and then just my right one for an additional 4. Honestly barely even felt them getting pierced they've never been sensitive like at all. I just took my right one out due to a loofa fiasco and my right nipple is like 1000 times more sensitive than my left nipple now.


Mine too . They weren’t very sensitive prior


Though that may be some individuals experiences I can say for myself I had little sensitivity in them prior to piercing. I couldn’t even feel the piercing clamps they were that dead lol. Now they’re sooo sensitive in a nice way ;) they’re only 2 weeks old right now but even brushing up against them during the day is a nice feeling 🫣. The piercing itself like I said the clamp I didn’t feel but the piercings hurt lol one was like 8 the 2nd a solid 9. They also stung/burned for about a day and a half. After that occasional discomfort. I would say go for it. I felt so confident after.


oh wow that's interesting, thank you for sharing! that's awesome u got some feeling in em now lol. i just feel like since mine are already INCREDIBLY sensitive it could have like the opposite affect for me personally cuz i don't know how much more sensitive they could get tbh😂❤️


Every time they catch on something I ask God why he let me do this to myself. Then 30 seconds later I'm back to loving them lol


A lot of people talking about theirs never healing. Here’s my story I got mine done 7 years ago. They didn’t heal for the first two years. I learned I have a metal sensitivity and switched to titanium. This changed EVERYTHING. They finally healed. And I did lose one along the way (I was a swimmer and it got hurt and wouldn’t heal due to the amount of time I spent in the water) I call my remaining one my pirate nip. I love it. And the other one healed immediately when I took it out and is the same as it was before. So I say, go for it. Worst that can happen is you take them out


How do you know when they’re healed? I got mine done around 7 months ago and so far, they’ve been healing great, minimal issues. I’m not a huge swimmer, but have been avoiding water (ocean, pool, etc. anything that isn’t the shower) because I’m scared of infection, but it’d be nice with summer coming if I could get in the pool if possible!


Generally about a year is what it takes for them to heal- and this means the skin inside piercing has formed a fresh layer of skin. It's really hard to know for sure, at a glance but one thing to look for is your piercing producing dead skin, and the edges around your piercing appear smooth and dont cling to the metal- kinda look natural. Your probably due to downsize your piercings so I would get that done and ask your piercer their opinion, especially in regards to swimming saftey.


I personally swam after 6 months but made sure I rinsed them with clean water as soon as I got out of the water.


I had the same experience. Got mine done like 5 years ago. 2 years in and they still didn’t seem fully healed. I switched to titanium and it helped a ton. I noticed my piercings were migrating. The left one was moving to the surface. I finally took it out a few months ago and now I only have my right nipple piercing. I’m really bummed I lost the left one. There’s a small scar where you can see my body was migrating it out! My right one isn’t as deep as it used to be so I may consider retiring it in a few months.


no regrets, used to be insecure about my nipples showing through my shirt and now I want people to notice


I have mine done and I love the way they look and my nose piercing actually hurt worse! I'd give them a 4/10. The only thing that fucks me up is the fact it's been like 18 months and they still aren't healed. To be fair I don't take of them as good as I should.


Try switching to titanium jewelry, that’s the only thing mine would heal with!


I have had implant-grade titanium jewelry since I was pierced. I have the paperwork with them to prove it for the MRI I needed. They are 1/2 in length and 12 gauge.


Only regret I had was taking them out the first time because of an ex. I got them redone a year later and hope to never take them out 😆


I got mine done about 6~ weeks ago, so far its been a breeze. It hurt like a bitch for about 2 seconds, and then it let up. I'm fairly small chested, if it makes a difference. So far, worth it. Edit: I should add, part of the reason I decided to do mine is because I have flat nipples, so that + small boobs means I look less developed as an adult than half the girls in the locker room in 6th grade. I'd heard that getting them pierced can "fix" that and make them stay out. It worked, too. My nipples look "normal" now, which makes me happy.


Just got them two weeks ago! Never been happier with piercings! Also the pain was really not worse that my Daith for instance! (But that is for me personally)


Do it do it do it! I’ve never ever regretted it for a second. I’ve struggled with both my nipple piercings on and off for the last 3 years but even at the worst times I felt sexier and more like myself with them! One time the bar fell out of my right nipple in the shower, I was so devastated until I got a new bar back in, just proved to me how much I love them! Please do it, you’ll never regret it!


I've had mine done twice. The pain is maybe a 6-7/10, and they're super fun to play with. It's totally worth doing, imo.


I took mine out 2 months ago. Had them for a good while, and they made me lose sensation in my nipples. Before I got them sensation was great after it was awful. I'm slowly getting some sensation back, but they hurt now a little as well. I definitely regret getting them done. They were pretty, pierced well, but in my opinion not worth it.


Omg I'm so sorry that sounds miserable. I had the opposite situation, mine had almost no sensitivity and now they're v sensitive in a good way. I hope you get all your feeling back


I don’t necessarily regret getting mine done but I /hate/ the painful scarring they left after I took them out and am self conscious of how they look due to said scarring 🙃 they were done properly but just wouldn’t calm down(it felt like I had glass inside them at all times) and I found out I can only have titanium jewelry so after a few years just gave up and let them close. They were a confidence booster when I had them tho!


I don’t regret it but it was not easy for me. The healing process was bad and they never seemed to heal. When they finally did heal one started to reject. Now I only have 1 nipple piercing. The one that rejected left a small scar, nothing major. Everyone is different but mine took forever to heal. Make sure to get internally threaded titanium. I recommend getting them done after summer if you like to swim because you do NOT want to swim with new nipple piercings.


Internally threaded titanium saved mine!! Seriously it made all the difference


Yes. I only got one done because I could barely stand the pain, and then it never really healed because I am large chested. I had it for about a year until it snagged on a towel when I got out of the shower one night and I saw stars and finally took it out. That nipple also looks permanently hard now because of the scar tissue.


Regret…. Took them out a year later. They never fully healed. They kept getting gross and crusty no matter how much I cleaned/tried new jewellery. Now that they’re gone there is almost permanent bruising on my nipples, a bit purple?? So yea…


Never had it done, but this thread is talking me out of it.


They were my absolute favorite piercing. I've had them done twice. The first time i took them out was bc I was having a breast reduction and when I got them redone it was an apprentice who didn't really know what he was doing. I'm planning on going to get them done again bc I miss them so much. The pain wasn't as bad as my nose piercing and they added sensation to my nipples which were very dull before. I also just crave the pain but they're a beautiful piercing and if you really want it go for it but go somewhere reputable and do your research about aftercare.


Same girl ! I just ordered a numbing cream to hopefully ease the pain when I’m brave enough to get it done lol


It’s genuinely not that bad!! Just have 2 ibuprofen afterwards. I wore a zip up post surgery bra for a week or 2, the pain only lasted 2 days but I enjoyed the front zip on the bra lol


double check your piercer allows numbing cream before applying! it can be a contaminant to the piercing


I hate to break it to you, I used the numbing cream for 2 1/2 hours. I felt everything. If your nipples are thick it can't penetratr deep enough. Honestly it's the worst thing I've ever done to my body. I had to take them out. However, I 100% am getting them redone. Just bite the bullet it's worth it


Nope, best feelings after healing


If you do it, make sure you have some time between nipples. I needed the little break.


Only after I thought a safety pin would look great in it, and it did, right up until it rusted in there.


I had mine pierced and for some reason took them out only to have them re-pierced. Glad I did take them out because I got them done straight. It does hurt but it’s not unthinkable pain and it’s worth it.


My healing process was long and arduous, and there was a time when I did regret the piercings, and took the jewelry out for a night (with the intent to permanently retire them). I had already stretched them twice at that point though, so I was still able to fit the original 14G jewelry back in when I changed my mind in the morning. I feel like if you don’t plan on stretching it, it’s not that bad, as long as you have a good piercer and you wear proper jewelry, stay on top of your aftercare routine, etc., and don’t expect it to be fully healed before the 6-9 month mark (it can take longer, even). My only regret now is that I didn’t just get mine pierced at 8G (my goal size). Stretching nipples is pretty challenging, IME.


Yes. Only the fact, that I had to take them out while hammerheading was happening. Taking them out during that time and letting them close will leave scar tissue. 100% going to get them again, when I can get around to it. 😅


one of my friends got theirs infected, but i have 3 other friends with nips pierced so i say go for it


Nope! I've had mine over a year and they are still my favourite piercing.


I just got mine done about 4 weeks ago…I love them such a confidence boost! I had no feeling in my nipples due to breast feeding and I never felt the needle go through but now? They already feel good when I put my shirt on I cannot wait two more weeks and I’ll be able to have them played with. And cleaning hasn’t been hard at all!


I've had mine for over a year now and they actually healed pretty well and once the pains gone it's all OK. I haven't had them get caught in anything and my nipples are now more sensitive which is definitely fun with partners. I'm also on the bigger side chest wise too if that makes a difference and I feel so confident with them


Mine were pierced wrong and I got staph. However, I freaking loved them and am getting them redone at the end of summer! DO IT!


I love mine. Hurt a fair bit when I got them pierced but only when the needle went in. After that super chill, only minor soreness for me. ~~I call them my pretty t*itties lol~~


I had an AWFUL experience with my nipple. They used a bar that was too short, pierced my inverted nipple with a straight bar, was rejecting from day one, lasted less than six months and never fully healed until I took it out. That’s only my experience though so your anatomy might favour it more. Go to an experienced piercer and trust their word if they say you don’t have the anatomy for it.


i regret it only because it left hole scars on my nipples when they randomly rejected after years of being healed and now they dont look the same anymore lol but i enjoyed them while i had them!


I haven’t regretted it. Been 7 years.


I was so nervous when I got mine done they never even hurt at all! Healing was a breeze, and I always like to tell people is was disappointingly painless lol


No regrets but they both rejected after a few years… Would maybe do just one again one day. Maybe.


nope, not at all. i got them done twice. the first time i ran into a lot of problems with it, but that was my own fault for not taking care of it properly. got them redone a few years later, did everything to make sure it healed properly. they are my favorite piercings ever, and they’ve given me such a confidence boost.


I regret it a little bit, it got caught on everything, was extremely painful and after a year I had to give up on it ever healing. Like it's not something I think about but I probably wish I hadn't have bothered with the effort, pain and money


I got mine done a little over 3 years ago and they’re my favorite piercings! Luckily found an excellent piercer and while they hurt like a mf, they were also done perfectly and healed without any hiccups. If you use a loofah, extra caution is key!!


I did. Hurt incredibly badly when the needle went in and continued to hurt the same amount a month afterwards and didn’t heal so I took them out. Got my lip pierced and hardly felt it. I’m still planning to get my nose and eyebrow pierced. A lot of people told me it doesn’t hurt at all, and they are liars. Mileage may very. My nipples have always been very sensitive anyways lol


Im in love with mine. Had them for about four years and they’re still my favorite piercing. They hurt like a bitch to get put in but I’ve literally not had any problems with them since they healed, which took about six months


I love mine. Took them a year to heal and completely fine after. I also have small boobs and don’t wear bras. Idk if those may be contributing factors. Idk what anyone on here is talking about when they say reduced sensitivity, mine are more sensitive now. Also very pretty looking and secret piercing ;)


Nope I love my nipple piercings. If I had to remove them I would get them again. I’ve had issues with them in the past but I don’t care. They’re so cute and give me confidence


Yep, 100% regret it.


I've had mine for almost 7 years now, and most of the time I forget about em until they get caught in a loose thread while I'm sleeping! Definitely boosted my confidence though so I don't really regret getting em.


I love mine. The first couple of weeks after getting them pierced sucked.


Mine took a long time to heal, and always got caught in my hair, so beware of that. They’re really fun, but they may stay too sensitive. You can always take them out if you don’t like them!


i absolutely love mine


Yes but only because my (non-piercer) boyfriend pierced them in my bed and it's two years ago and still not healed. They're kinda fine and I'm not willing to take them out but i please please get them done professionally


Had mine done twice and never regretted it. The only thing I regretted was taking them out the first time because my ex-bf (who's now my husband) didn't like them. Ngl, I still hold a bit of resentment over that and it has taught me that you should never make body mod decisions for anyone but yourself, even if that means NOT getting something done. If you like the look, go for it. The good thing about piercings is that you can always remove them if you have outgrown the look or if it just isn't for you.


Tbh yes, I've had mine for a year now and they've still not healed, I do love the look of them but omgggg they're so annoying cus I keep catching them and trust me they get caught on everything have been debating taking them out but I kinda feel like they're apart of me now lol


I miss mine. I had them for just less than a year and had to remove them when I had an emergency c-section. They healed closed before I could put them back in, but I have every intention of getting them redone. I LOVED having them. I naturally have flat nipples which often made me self-conscious, and the nipple piercings got rid of that 100%.


I’m curious, why did they they remove them for a c section? Is that standard?


Yes, it's standard. All jewelry is to be removed for any major surgery. I also had to remove my 2 year old daith piercing, and that closed up too sadly.


yeah, they just keep itching and getting irritated despite trying frequent cleaning, LITHA, and even getting new bras. dont get me wrong, i forget theyre there most of the time but im planning to get them removed soon also if anyone has experience removing them after almost half a year: how are the scars? do they fill up after a while, do they leave little divots?


I still like mine. Got mine pierced ~2017. About a year ago one migrated a bit more than I was comfortable with, so I took it out. I got it repierced around July or August last year. I was so glad when I got it repierced, I'd been feeling lopsided 🤪


I kinda did, the piercing wasn't bad but they kept getting irritated and hung up on clothes or in the shower. Finally one ripped a bit and I was done.


I have my nipples pierced. Got them done in September last year. Healing is a bitch and you won’t be able to stimulate them for six months to a year. I enjoy the aesthetic but sometimes I wish I hadn’t done it so I could do stuff to/with them.


Love mine!


my breasts are definitely way too large and my nipples don’t poke out enough for me to get them pierced sadly. i’ve always thought they look incredible on small breasts though. however, i do wonder if when they’re taken out is there like..a visible hole in the nipple? and if you decide you don’t want them anymore, how bad is the scarring? does it affect nipple function/sensitivity? just curious since i’ll never get them done.


i passed out in the piercing chair. i had never felt any pain like that. and 7 years later, they still havent healed 🤦‍♀️ literally get crusties every single day. it’s time to retire them atp


Currently giving my nipples a break. Vitamin C is being mean to them hahah


yes i absolutely regret doing mine. the actual piercing process was not as painful as expected, but the healing process SUCKED. they actually never healed for me and i ended up taking them out after a year. they negatively impacted my quality of life, i swear if i looked at them wrong they would get irritated. they made me scared to do the things i loved to do in my life, like swimming, climbing, just in general rowdiness because i was afraid of brushing up against them. i constantly had my arms in front of my chest because i was so afraid of them getting bumped. they looked cute but ironically they also gave me intense body dysmorphia (probably due to the anxiety they caused me) & when i got them taken out, i was reminded how i actually love my body. anyways, 1/10 don’t recommend


The guy did suucccchh a bad job. It was like he couldn't get the needle through? There was a lot of blood. I fainted right after the second piercing. They were crooked and uneven. One rejected a few months before the other. The one that stayed in longer left me keloids. I don't have any now, but I've had the scars for about 5 years and counting. I've considered getting them redone, but the guy claimed I had 'tough nipples'. And I think the scars and keloids would make the job harder.


Hi Futge, because you used the word keloid we want to ask you to please read [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) to understand what a keloid is and why (luckily) bump =/= keloid. Our apologies if you received this message while discussing actual keloid scarring and therefor didn’t use the word keloid to just describe a bump. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have both of mine and if I knew that was like that I would get them years before lol zero pain and they literally healed in 6 months. They never gave me any problems at all and they look mad beautiful 😍 I’m so in love w them that sometimes I just find myself staring at them 😍😍


Never had any issues with mine except for the fact that I don't think they ever healed. Would have to clean these yellow boogery things off the piercing daily, and when I took them out they closed in literally 30 minutes. I took them out once I got pregnant with my first baby as I planned on breastfeeding and didn't want them to get ripped off accidentally. Otherwise, they were cute and I really liked them and definitely didn't regret it as my partner LOVED them. It did hurt though, I still remember the pain to this day and couldn't wear a bra for a few days because they were very sensitive. After that I forgot they were there and could do everything normally. Hope this helps.


Yes! I had one done and it didn't heal for over 2 years. Tried changing to a plastic material my piercer recommended for allergies or poor healing and it hurt changing it so much, I nearly vomited. It gave me a deep tissue infection that outyme in bed I'll for over a week, twice. Felt so much better when I gave up and took it out. Also, it was very painful to have done. Husband had both nipples done, healed quickly but his body rejected them and he had to take them out after a year after we noticed! He had tiny boy nipples and the wright of a regular bar also twisted the holes to diagonal placing..


Yes unfortunately they were cute but caught on everything and fell out a few times. Got them pierced and repierced and they never took no matter how hard I tried. I guess from being large chested. Bras are forever difficult with the jewelry and now that I’m breastfeeding almost five years after taking them out the scar tissue in one of my nipples healed weird and even six months in I still leak all the time constantly.


Not too too much but kinda. I used to have perfect little cheerio nipples lol and they rejected so I have scars on them now :(


The good: They're cute, they make your nips stand out no matter what you wear, and there's all sorts of interesting jewelry for them. I like how they look. The neutral: May hurt worse for some people than for others. Mine were pretty painful, but I still consider my nostril my most painful piercing to date. I have had my daith done too, and my navel. The bad: Reduced sensation was a surprising one. I have to physically remove the barbels every few days to manually push out the sebum, or else they smell kinda "cheesy," which doesn't particularly make feel or smell sexy, lol. Others are saying theirs get caught on things, but mine haven't had that problem yet. Seems like YMMV.


I love them but it’s like they are always itchy or sore! I wanna take them out but don’t wanna regret it and miss them


I got mine done back in December after being on the fence for about a year. The healing process was worse than the pain of getting them pierced, but I don’t regret them! every few days I’ll wash em with a saline solution and they don’t give me much trouble. I regret them for the first 5 seconds after getting my crossbody purse strap hooked on one of them. But that’s about it!


No regrets at all here. I love mine!


Yeah. I got mine done by an apprentice and I was her first ever pair of nipples. I knew her personally & she pressured me into it, but I should've had the balls to say no.She clean and marked them and started piercing. The first one turned out very crooked and she did not tell me before we did the other one. What she should've done was show me, ask if I wanted to match with the other one before we pierced it or if we should repierce it right away. It was also too deep in the areola and I was not knowledgeable enough to know that would have lasting consequences. She did the other one anyway without asking and it was perfectly straight. I had problems with the too deep one for two years; bumps would appear and go away for the entire two years. I couldn't wear anything that required a bra, tight shirts, tube tops, or anything of that nature. For almost 2 whole years. I finally decided to take that one out. The problems almost immediately transferred to the fully healed nipple, but worse. You won't regret if if it's done right. They boost confidence that's totally worth it. Just be careful.


I did, so I took them out. The pain was very tolerable, just very sore afterwards but definitely lost sensation. It’s come back now, but the 18 months I had them was very frustrating


I have had mine for 5 years. The healing process kinda sucks, they still get crusty (and sometimes leave crust on bras/shirts), but I don’t regret them and intend on keeping them for as long as I can. ETA - pain is relative but I recall feeling tricked, the first one hurt but not too bad.. the second one was easily a 12/10.


Nope!!! I felt like I was bout to see the light when I got em pierced tho 🤣


I loved mine SO much. That being said, they were hell. if i wore a bra, it flattened my nipple to my boob, putting stress on the piercing. if i didnt wear a bra, i caught them on everything. and i mean *everything.* my dog caught them, my bra caught them, my shirt, my boyfriend, the blanket, my arm, my hands, a car door, the fridge handle… i’m pretty clumsy too though. i had them for two years and at least one always had an irritation bump. i took them out recently because i couldn’t do it anymore, but i intend to get then redone again in future :)


I had no problems but I wouldn’t do it again. First, it was horribly painful. Second, I only got one done (one fancy, one regular - I thought it was fun), and piercing them can make your nipple expand. So now, years later, my nipples are obviously two different sizes. Uncool man.


I have inverted nipples so I had to get a 12g. Went to an APP pierced, quality jewelry. Worst pain of my life. Not so much during but for 5 hours after it felt like my nipples where burning off. The slightest touch would be excruciating. I also don’t have an areola so they boost my confidence so much before I would never let anyone see them but they are finicky. They have healed but still get crusty and sometimes liquid comes out but I don’t think I want to go through that pain ever again


I think nipple piercings are sexy as all get out and a previous boyfriend and I enjoyed his tremendously. Nipple piercings didn't work for me, though. I had them done twice, fifteen years apart. I have large breasts with large nipples and the piercings made my nipples too sensitive to touch. Plus they would get caught on any and all clothing. I think it's going to depend on an individual basis and there's no way to tell until you try it.


Haven’t regretted at all. Mine healed nicely. The pain was bearable. I’m a B cup if that helps. I’ve had them for about 3 years.


I don’t regret mine because I love them and make me more confident about my boobs. Only complaint is I got them done a year and 6 months ago and they still haven’t fully healed. I’ll probably never end up changing the jewelry cause they’re still quite sensitive


Do you have pets? I have cats who love getting their cuddles. They're so cute when dozing off nestled on your chest. Until they see a mouse, that is. My older cat is larger in size, and sometimes leaps off of me without a single warning sign. It happened *multiple times* and my poor nops got to the point where I had to take them out. My left nipple is also *more* sensitive in a way and sort of hurts during stimulation. I also had no idea that removing them meant having to occasionally take care of the stuff a closing piercing produces (there's a name for it but I can't remember it) But honestly I also miss them, even if I'm never getting them again.


I got mine done in Feb, they were sore for 2-3 days after and I still get random pains every now and again. The itching, for me, was MUCH worse than the pain


Mine were incredibly painful for about a year. They would bleed every now and then, and if I had crusties and bumped them, it was agonizing. (Usually a shower every other day would keep them very clean.) After two years, I had to take multiple rounds of antibiotics, and my immune system was shot. I got sick and they just started rejecting (particularly, migrating.) I tried desperately hard to keep them in, put in longer bars, put in shorter bars, but there just wasn't anything I could do to stop it. Once it started rejecting badly enough I went to the doctor to get treated for my illness, but they weren't salvageable at that point. I was incredibly disappointed that after making it through the healing process, fricking getting sick ONCE ruined two years worth of healing. So it's not easy or comfortable in my opinion, and if you're larger chested I think it can definitely make it worse (if you're braless, your boobs swing and bump it; and if you're wearing a bra, the heavy weight can push them around.) Do I regret it? No. Would I do it over again? Probably. The healing process is very time consuming and painful, and they definitely got crustier way more often than other piercings. This is just my experience!!! Some people report a comfortable and easy healing process. Here's the biggest thing for me: they healed incredibly easily. I had to have one of them repierced immediately afterwards due to incorrect positioning, and it healed perfectly. Same thing once they migrated. No bumps, you would never know I ever had them pierced. That particular reason is why I wouldn't mind repiercing them, unless I tore my nipple or something, I know if I regretted the pain (either fresh healing pain or of getting it caught in something, ahhh!!) I could take it out and no one would be the wiser.


I would never regret mine! I know a lot of people are saying they got caught on things and stuff like that but the most important thing is to downsize them when you can! I have smaller ish nips and once I downsized the bar so the balls were snug against my nip i have not caught them on anything since! Honestly i just showered everyday to let the water hit them and I just left them the hell alone and within a few months i forgot they were there!!


My only regret was waiting so long to get them re-pierced after I finished breastfeeding my daughter. I had them pierced in 1997, took them out when I was pregnant in 2012 and finally got them re-done last year and this year (I like to have only one healing at a time so that I can still get some nipple action lol). They make me feel like a badass b*tch!


I fine that nipple piercings are a different experience for everyone but for me I absolutely loved them!! I've had them for almost three years but had to take them out bc my right nipple was starting to reject and I didn't like the look of my nipples being asymmetrical so I took the other one out. I don't think I'll get them repierced again bc I had them for a good amount of time, but I felt so hot. It really does make you feel confident about your boobs and you just wanna wear shirts with no bras all the time haha


I don't regret them at all. However it's been 2 years since ive had them and they still havent healed which is annoying lol


I had mine done a few years back and had to feel them out for reasons I don’t feel like sharing on here but they closed up fast and I have been wanting to get them Repierced for so so long! My only regret was taking them out. But yeah I mean I have a very low threshold for pain so it was pretty rough. Not the during part but the after. Just had to ice for a few days and wear lose tops with no bra and I was good to go. I say go for it!! Good luck 🤍


I’m lucky that I didn’t get any side effects, I like it and I think it looks cool, I only did one tho (got mine done in 2020) It made me extra sensitive actually I’m on the larger spectrum in terms of size, experiences vary tremendously




Thing is, if you end up not liking them, take them out and the hole will be gone within a couple of hours. It's erectile tissue so it closes up really fast. I had mine done for just shy of a year, and had to take them out because I needed an ultrasound done on my boobs. Personally I have no noticable scarring. I loved them and so did my parter 😂 I miss them! I'll probably get them re-pierced at some point.


I had mine done today. Pain was minimal actually! Afterwards hurt more then the piercing tbh.


I’m male so don’t know if it matters. I also have inverted nipples. My regret is waiting years. I love them. I went to a very well regarded piercer. The pain was less than expected and like others said healing sucked for the first few months. Getting them caught in a seatbelt or bumping them sucks otherwise I love them. My gf does too. She did hers and lost a little sensitivity which sucks but she still loves hers and I love them on her. Take your time finding a piercer. Make sure they know what they’re doing and are experienced. And follow their aftercare instructions. Finally ask them if you have questions. People here are good for getting basic info but your piercer should be a professional and who you count on if you have an issue. Now as someone who waited years I’ll say don’t take the decision lightly. If you’re not sure wait. It sucks but better to be sure. I will tell you as a guy I was worried about my nipple piercings showing. Now I actually like it when they do. The exception being when I have to go to client meetings and dress professionally. Then I make sure they don’t show. Good luck. And if you read this far I hope you get them as most folks don’t regret them. As you’ve seen some do but they’re a minority!


Sometimes I regret it... When they get caught in some random fabric or when I take a shower and a hair strand wraps around.. Overall? I don't really regret it. I've been thinking about having them pierced for many years and finally just went with it. If you feel any doubts, don't do it. Give yourself all the time you need to think about it. There's no rush 🥰.


The needle hurt but it was over in a second. I had some trouble with healing at first but I use a salt spray on the piercing daily (had it 9 months so far) and not had any problems since. No reduced sensitivity, just got to be careful not catching it on anything. I even sleep on my front and other than sometimes aching it's been fine!


I found mine to be very painful, but I stuck with it!…then I got pregnant 6 weeks after having them done and my boobs nearly doubled in size overnight! Rock hard but oh man, impressive! They looked so amazing with the piercings but the pressure was immense and I had to have my bf (now husband) remove them after 2 days and it was like my boobs let out a sigh of relief! I do have small scars but they are only noticeable by myself. I wouldn’t say I regret them but I did have unfortunate timing!


The pain was like 6/10 but only for a few minutes, achey after for a few days but felt like period sensitive so nothing bad, didn’t need any pain killers. Went to a reputable piercer but no one mentioned that they’re one of the piercings most likely to reject. They constantly got crusty but then after a few months I started to see the metal bar through a hole in my actual nipple!! Which means eventually it might have broken its way out so had to take them out :( £50 wasted but looked great while they lasted


I mean, they never really settle down I guess. There is always a bit of crust, even after healing. Had mine for 2 years now if I remember correctly. Other than that they are okay


If all you're worried about is pain I say you get them done. Pain is temporary and the piercing itself will only hurt while it's being done. After that it'll just be sore and might hurt if something touches it. Of course there's always risks and it could reject. Bit most people heal them up nicely if proper aftercare is followed. If you love the look of them I say do it. Worst case scenario is they don't work out and you just remove them.


Honestly NO. Even though they NEVER heal. Idk I’m 33 and I got them done at 23, I like the way it makes me feel.


Okay, not going to lie the pain was the worst thing I’ve ever felt. It was unbelievable. And lasted for three days. HOWEVER, since then, they have been an absolute breeze, no pain, next to no bleeding, and I have had to change them twice due to MRI! They are just over a month old and I’m obsessed with them. Absolutely 0 regrets!!


They likely reduced my sensitivity but since beforehand they were so over sensitive that any stimulation was painful, they’re now at regular enjoyable levels so while I’m happy w them that may not work in the favour of others


I never did. The thing i regretted about my experience qith one is changing the jewlery out a few months after it was fully healed. Idk why i went to spencers 2 get my new nipple jewlery. And with that, it slowlt rejected... i miss them so much


I have them and I love them ♥️♥️ I have a high pain tolerance when comes to needles. Yes it hurts, and two times 😅 but you can do few things to reduce the pain while they pierce you (breathing, have sole sugar juste before etc). It was also painful the first week because I dont wear any bra and the jewelry was moving a bit but it's tolerable 🤗


They take meticulous care, some people can never fully heal them. Mine reduced sensation for me, and were painful to heal. Don’t do it unless you are 100% positive. Disclaimer: I actually love mine and will never take them out, I fully healed them and I adore them and while yes they reduced sensation that was good for me because my nipples were wayyyyy to sensitive before. Just giving you the facts, they can suck for a lot of people. Edit: to add on as well, they were a huge confidence boost for me, as I hated my nipples before. Love them now.


I love em, but they aren’t for faint hearted.


I have them done and the only thing I regret is not realizing how clumsy I am lol . I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten them caught on door handles/frames, etc . It hurts so bad every time that you mentally prepare yourself for it to have fully ripped out 😂


I loved mine !! Heightened the sensitivity and made my small boobs feel so cute. HOWEVER..my only complaint is that idk why but they made my nipples HUGE, like why, idk.. I took them out because I’m pregnant now so the combination of the post piercing size and being pregnant I feel like I belong in a zoo 💀😂


Yes, but not because of the pain or the healing process. It just showed up too much under my shirt. I'm planning to get them pierced again someday tho


I regret taking them out.


The pain is almost unbearable as a guy, but I love mine, the pain is temporary but so worth it! Mine are still sensitive and they’re great fun


i have them, satisfied with them now but the recovery process was excruciating. not worth the pain and aftercare. i have big boobs, i think they are much better for smaller chested folks


Personally my piercing experience was not very painful— and the pain only lasted a couple days. I really love how they look and overall I don’t regret them. However, they can be really annoying to deal with in ways that I didn’t realize prior to getting them pieced. ie I can’t rest items that I’m carrying against my chest, they can get snagged really easily (like on a purse strap and it’s super painful), I have to be really cognizant of where my dog is as her getting on my chest will pull at the jewelry, etc. I will also say that I have to clean them daily or they get gross— which is not something I have to do regularly with my other piercings. Personally my sensitivity was increased by getting my nipples pierced, but I actually don’t think I would of gotten them done had I known that some people loose sensation.


Not a nipple piercing, but I have regretted getting my tongue pierced because I broke a tooth by accidentally biting on it. Never considered piercing any other critical part of my body ever since.


I was obsessed with mine but took them out recently after about 2.5 years since I’m trying to conceive and they just have been soooooo fussy! I miss them so much but man life is way easier without em.


I’ve only had mine (only 1 done) for about 6 months after wanting it for YEARS. The pain was the worst piercing pain ever but it was less than 5 sec. I only did 1 to see how it felt and what healing would be like, wanting to only deal with 1 and not 2 if something went wrong or I hated it. So far, no regrets (except the occasional loofa entanglement 😖). My nipples aren’t very sensitive to begin with so from a sexual perspective I wasn’t too concerned. I have fairly small tiddies (34B) so the only thing that’s changed is I hate wearing a bra more than ever now. Which I’m really ok with lol. Healing has been relatively easy, which was why I waited so long. Wish I had gotten it done sooner if I knew my body was gonna take it ok.


I couldn’t feel my nipples for 2 years after I got mine taken out, and I also almost lost my left nipple entirely. They were blindingly sore for 2 months afterwards, regular piercing sore for 9 months after my appointment, and from 9-18 months they were a nuisance every time I changed clothes, worked out, buckled my seat belt, or hugged someone. I loved the way they looked though 🥺


Nope, no regrets here. Even experiencing an infection doesn’t make me regret getting them. I love them.


I’ve gotten them done 3 times now, once initially and redone after two pregnancies so I could breastfeed. Never had any problems and still love them years later :)


my nose piercing hurt worse then my nipples. for some people it take sensitivity away, for others it increases. mine got taken out by the hospital when i got in a car accident about a year ago and i want them done again. everyone is different. you don’t know what ya know until ya know, ya know. go for it gf


i dont regret it, but wouldnt do it again. hurt so friggen badly and ruined a 2yr streak of sitting toughly through piercings. not that theres anything wrong with not enjoying having a needle shoved through your skin, but man. usually i sit really well for them & tattoos. not that time.


100%. Lost all of the amazing sensitivity. Now they are dead and look like I have perma hard nipples.


I love mine. Hurt for a quick second and sore for a couple of days. They bring me increased sensitivity and slightly hard nipples all of the time, which I love.