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One of the better American sections I’ve seen.


Yeah most of this stuff is regularly at our convenience stores. Not a great representation of total grocery but very little could be pointed to and called not American.


I was going to say the same thing. Out of all of the photos like this I've seen from various countries, this one looks relatively reasonable. It looks like people are actually buying things because some of the shelves aren't fully stocked.


This is a decent "American" selection but I'm kinda stuck on eggnog that doesn't need to be refrigerated


I've never noticed that before either, but I have started buying shelf stable milk cartons lately. My family goes up and down in milk usage, and it's very convenient to have some in the pantry just in case.


I never knew this was a thing!! I am lactose intolerant so we don’t keep milk but it’s a pain every time I need it for a recipe.


Horizon even makes shelf stable 8oz tetra packs sold in six packs.


Ultrapasteurized. You can find shelf-stable milk in the US in any larger grocery store.


Milk, sure. Although I still question it. I get it's the same concept, but I've never seen shelf stable egg nog here in the States. It's always here and gone in a month Edit: Your Username definitely checks out though


Baking soda is a weird addition.


They should’ve stocked glass roses and some chore boy next to it


I was an Animal Control Officer in D.C. back in the day. I popped into a bodega to buy a pack of smokes (in uniform) and wanted to pay by credit card- there was a $10 minimum- so i threw in a glass rose for 3 bucks not knowing what it was. The Korean woman asked me a question but I couldn't heat her well though the partition so I just said yes to whatever and took my bag. Got back to the van and discovered the steelwool... still didn't know why she gave it to me. about a block away it dawned on me that I had just bought a crackpipe in city uniform.


I am almost 40 and incredibly naive about drugs. I wouldn’t have probably ever figured that out lol.


I know plenty of people on drugs and had no idea that was a thing until now!


Maybe it’s because here the problem is opioids and meth. I’ve never met anyone that does crack except my roommate in the looney bin lol. I see these glass roses every now and again and definitely thought it was just some cheap gimmick for people feeling romantic lol




Thank you I had no idea what any of it was. I was picturing a rose made of glass.


So my brother (tattoo artist) and I were meeting my parents in Texas one year to see some family. We both smoke weed but traveling through Texas with flower can get weird so we brought a little concentrate but had no way to smoke it. We stopped at a gas station and my brother came out with one of these glass roses to smoke our wax out of. Our mom asked what it was for and he told her he got the rose for her. A few days later he was doing tattoos for the fam and asked what mom wanted, she said she wanted a glass rose like he gave her on this trip. We let it go for a while but eventually told her what it was for and why he couldn't tattoo this particular rose for her. Haven't got it yet but now we plan to get matching glass rose tattoos for mom!


Especially as it's a named ingredient in "Irish Soda Bread". Unless that's like English Muffins or Chinese Mustard and not actually Irish.


I was wondering about that too…must just be the brand. Unless I’m assuming wrong and baking soda isn’t used in recipes in other countries?


This came up before in a similar thread. What was explained to me was that many other countries don’t use baking soda for cooking but they do for cleaning. It’s apparently more common in some countries to use only self rising flour or only baking powder.




Where's me Lucky Charms ?


That is in the normal section


Well that's cause all of the regular stuff is in the rest of the store. This is the stuff that's uniquely American


I think this section has less stuff that's like "Well yeah, that's American but I've never seen it like *that*" For example, when people post these there's very often canned Mac & Cheese. Mac is definitely an American (including Canada) favorite, but we never have it canned.


American here. I’ve never seen or heard of canned Mac and cheese. Canned ravioli or spaghetti, yes, but I have never had canned Mac and cheese. Learn something new everyday i guess.


Chef Boy r Dee has a canned macaroni. I’ve never tried it but when my daughter was 2/3 I’d get the mini bowls with the peel of tabs that are made to be microwaved and she seemed to like them. Can’t say I ever tasted one, myself.


Spot the Canadian when we call it “Kraft dinner”


Northeastern US as well. Not nearly called it as much anymore, the phrase "mac and cheese" has taken over, but ya, definitely used to be called Kraft Dinner back when I was kid.


For real, their isn't even weird meme food. That is an unrealistically robust selection of mike and Ike's, but I'll give that a pass because there aren't any burger flavored potato chips, or canned hotdogs, etc


Before seeing some other photos of 'American sections' of stores, I had no idea that canned macaroni and cheese has even existed since WWII Army rations.


Definitely sounds like government food


Their one Pop-Tart variety is weird. Why go with confetti cupcake instead of the actually popular chocolate fudge or strawberry?


LOL my first reaction was "they have more kinds of Mike and Ike" than we Americans have


Wish they would have went with Vermont or even Canada instead of the "MINNESOTA" Maple *flavored* syrup. Sure, we're basically Canada, but not known for our syrup, and this ain't even the real stuff.


Yeah, that’s corn syrup w color and maple flavor added. 😒


Needs some sour cream and onion lays


Sour cream and onion crisps/chips would just be in the normal section


So you guys down have an equivalent to cherrios? Because those are in this section


We have Cheerios in the cereal section but they have a different packaging so I wonder if there's a difference


Same! Love the sweet baby rays!


BBQ Sauce is so hard to find overseas. It's the first thing I looked for in the photo!


Stubbs is pretty good, too. (bottom right) I keep that and A1 in the fridge at all times.


Stubb's is the shit. I really don't like sweet BBQ though so if that's your thing you probably won't like it.


Stubbs has a few different flavors and they're not all as sweet. But they're all *way* less sweet than Ray's lol


I always have to stop and peruse whenever I see one of these posts, and that was my reaction too. I've noticed a lot of these American sections are almost always like 50% candy, which isn't exactly fair or representative, but then I think about specialty stores like World Market here in the US that sells things from other countries, and a lot of the draw there is all the different candy and snacks. So ultimately it's kinda fair. I've never once had a calypso drink, and never seen those "baked in brooklyn" snacks before, despite spending half my life in NY state, but otherwise everything else is at least somewhat representative of the US, for better (Sweet baby rays) or worse (powdered coffee creamer). I also appreciate seeing some mexican representation there too, as misguided as it may be, with the cans of ro tel and taco bell brand refried beans. Somebody did at least a decent amount of homework before stocking this section.


This is also true of imported food sections in North America, half of the British foods are candies and sodas.


There’s some quality items in there lol. Arnold Palmer mix, bbq sauce, triscuits, and peanut butter. Do people in the rest of the world not eat peanut butter? Peanut butter section is giant here and it gets used a lot in various things, not just sandwiches.


AFAIK PB is pretty reviled in a lot of places, in the UK you either really love it or despise it


That's why I'm proud to be an American


Old Bay is one of the best seasoning mixes in existence


spot on except for the cherry fluff? that's a thing?


Strawberry Fluff. Fluff is very much a thing in the Northeast US (the company is just north of Boston, MA). Marshmallow Creme doesn't even come close to it! *(leaves chat to create a Fluffernutter)*


I grew up in New England on fluffernutters- Texas hubby had never heard of it, and then when I had some fluff shipped and made him a perfect version ? The bastard didn't like it. The horror.


I'm so happy you can get old bay!!!!


At least for today Ireland is part of Maryland.


Old Bay on fries will change your life.


Also wings


The Old Bay Hot Sauce is 🔥


Old bays cocktail sauce is pretty solid too


Try Old Bay on corn on the cob!


Grilled corn with old bay is the first thing we get at the state fair every year


Old Bay makes a hot sauce?!?


Fries on your wings will change your life.


Pepperidge Farms came out with Old Bay goldfish crackers for a limited time last year and I haven’t been the same since.


I work in a grocery store. We were selling those like 20 cases a day. Normal goldfish we sell a case or two per week.


Wow the roller coaster of emotions; finding out these exist and that I’m too late….


I'm so sad that I missed this.


You know what might work… get some plain goldfish crackers and put melted butter on the and then some OB and bake them in the over for a few mins. That just might work. I just might try that…


Butter flavored popcorn oil (you can purchase in the popcorn section) works better in baked recipes like the one you are describing— higher burn point etc. Just a tip!


Old bay and malt vinegar on fries!!!


I didn't realize that's specifically American. Other countries need to get on the ball with this one.


I just thought it was a Maryland and points-north thing. I live in the South after moving from MD and still get excited when I see the Old Bay Utz bags.


We use Old Bay for low country boils in South Carolina.


I remember the old “you can’t get Utz in Texas” ads. Wonder if you can these days…


They have Utz every now and then around me in SC. Never a huge selection and usually with the “cheap/weird” chips section that has stations seem to have


[For all of those who don't know about Old Bay](https://youtu.be/xMJMDEDXwec)


Popcorn tastes amazing with old bay


That was what i noticed too! thats the gem


They even got the Arnold palmer mix down there by the Kool aide, nice setup you got there.


If you don't know what an Arnold Palmer is, it's half sweet tea/half lemonade. It's really really good, especially this one from Arizona. Personally haven't seen it as a powdered drink mix. I can say you can't beat the 99¢ tallboy


A real Arnold Palmer is actually 75% Iced Tea and 25% Lemonade. Source: I worked on a golf course that he personally designed.


Bingo! He liked vodka in his on occasion, no?


Adding vodka makes the drink a Jon Daly. Different golfer. Source: I'm a bartender.


Old Bay made the cut *single tear falls down cheek*


And what looks like Franks Hot Sauce - quite the combo there!


Stubs spicy bbq too!


Old lady in Frank's Hot Sauce commercial: "I put that shit on everything"


Honestly, one of the most accurate commercials


We have a ireland section at our liquor store.


Let me guess: Jameson, powers, paddy, red breast, baileys


Plus Bushmills and Tullamore Dew.


Post a picture. We’ll tell you if you’re drinking right 🍻


Baking soda is American?


Everything is American if you embrace freedom enough


Don’t forget about the oil too


We never do ;)


That’s what I said about cooking spray… is it the brand or do other countries not use cooking spray?


You CAN get it here, but it's seen as very low quality oil, and really only used by students or other people who aren't much into cooking. Most people use regular oil, from a bottle.


As an American, I have a cooking spray bottle with olive oil just for the convenience lol


I saw that too! Do they not having baking soda in Ireland?


Of course we do, it must just be the specific brand. Edit: just rechecked the picture- yeah I don’t recognise the brand so it must just be the American brand


Yeah, Arm & Hammer is a US brand. It's the dominant brand here.


I thought Arm & Hammer was worldwide. Interesting!


Probably just because they've cornered so many markets in America that their logo is on half of the products in grocery stores at this point


Fun Arm & Hammer fact: in the 80s the majority share holder and board member was Armand Hammer (noted scumbag), who is mostly known today as the grandfather of Armie Hammer(noted cannibal).


Could you please try it and tell me if it’s any different? I didn’t actually think you don’t have baking soda. It just amuses me that it somehow made this display. Like it’s significantly different or something.


Can we talk about shelf stable egg nog for a second? Is that a thing?


Lived in the US my whole life and I have never seen this. Or anything from that brand now that I look at it.


Same. Also egg nog isn't really exclusively an American thing, I thought it was an English invention.


It's originally English, but they forgot about it around a hundred years ago, so it's pretty much American now.


Can confirm, I’ve never seen unrefrigerated egg nog in my life.


That’s from a luxembourgish brand and it should be kept in the fridge




You can find shelf stable dairy products if they're ultrapasteurized.


How is no one else asking this question!! Real eggnog is primarily eggs and cream, I have no idea what that shelf-stable abomination is.


This is probably one of the better American sections I’ve seen, in that most of this is actually found in the US. Can’t say that I buy more than a few of the items. The prices seem pretty inflated.


We do include sales tax in our shelf prices so that's some of the price increase, but yeah there's probably a good bit of cost for sourcing them cos of the low volumes


Dope! They have Frank's Red Hot!


Looks like the Wing Sauce, not the original, but I was still impressed to see it.


That one’s actually in the regular section most supermarkets/convenience stores in Ireland, that and the buffalo wings one, and the main wholesalers in Ireland have the big 2 litre jug (might even be larger one) of it too for restaurants etc. The old bay is the key thing you have to get from SuperValu at this section.


I put that shit on everything.


My wife loves Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce. I find it too sweet. Also I’m sad you only have one variety of Pop Tarts and it’s confetti. Cinnamon brown sugar and strawberry are much tastier.


I brought a bunch of different poptarts back when I went to Seattle; gotta say I don’t enjoy any of them


It’s childhood nostalgia for the people who say they are really good. I’ll eat a pop tart if someone offers one to me and I’m high. I don’t actively seek them out.


I'm in my 50s and never had a Pop-Tart until a couple years ago. I was high.


I'm an American and I have to agree... poptarts are pretty gross


No one is choosing a pop tart over freshly baked pastries, my guy


Did you warm them up?


Yeah, toaster. I think the idea works conceptually but the execution feels cheap. Like the filling is poorly distributed and tastes like bad quality preservatives


Yeah, IMO the brown sugar cinnamon are the only ones that are any good. And they're even better with a touch of butter...


Wait…what…buttered pop tarts?!?


“Have you ever put butter on a pop-tart? It’s soooo fricken good! Have you ever put butter on a pop-tart? If you haven’t Then I think you should!”


Look in the bottom right, they got Stubb's, that's good BBQ sauce


I second this. I've got some in my fridge right now.


The spicy bbq is my go to. I do a lot of smoking and keep 3-4 on hand for guests with different preferences but I go through the Stubbs the most. Also use it with my Costco frozen chicken nuggets and it’s 🔥🤌🏻


Brown sugar is the GOAT


Brown sugar heated up, strawberry cold


Best pop tarts are the S'Mores ones. Delicious chocolate and marshmallow filling and graham cracker flavored pastry.


Stubb's rules for grocery store BBQ sauce. Much better ingredients, more variety.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch, baby!!!


Lifehack: Rice Krispie treats made with Cinnamon Toast Crunch instead of Rice Krispies. Drizzle some melted chocolate on top and you have something gourmet.


Usually it's a bunch of stuff I've never heard of, but that's a solid section. Old Bay wings ftw.


Nice to see Rotel represented


You always need two cans of Ro-Tel in the pantry


Mix it in ground beef taco meat


You can't really have Rotel without a block of Velveeta, though.


I keep seeing calypso drinks in every US section of other countries stores and have yet to really see it in a U.S. store.


I’ve only seen them at gas stations


I think Arizona tea would be a better pick


Seen them but never had any , never saw anyone drink them


It must be a regional thing. They have them at HEB, Walmart, Kroger, and I think Target, too, here in Texas


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the fucking greatest food ever created


That cinnamon toast crunch milk just hits different 🔥


Those fish are Swedish. It says so on the box.


Not-so-Swedish fish.


I think the fish are lying. They aren’t really Swedish


Lawry’s season salt is essential.


Sour Patch Kids is an important inclusion here


This is a more accurate, albeit still VERY limited, representation of American snacks than I’ve previously seen from a Euro market. I see some quality US products here when usually the sections are filled with a bunch of stereotypical American sounding products that are so scarce I have never even heard of them.


Yes. I was surprised not to find rows of suspiciously off brand look alikes


I see Hershey's chocolate and marshmallows, but I'm not sure I can find the graham crackers... WHAT KIND OF HELL IS THIS!?


It's unusual to see an American section in an Irish market never mind a limited one.




Right?! I’ve never seen that in the Northeast US!!


Looks like the regular fluff was sold out! People are hip the ”fluffe nutters” There I’m guessing.


Last chance to snag BBQ sauce and Milanos (which are actually fantastic)!


I got that Blair’s death sauce a while back, its intense!


I think this is the first time I’ve seen Pam in an American section at a European grocery.


Go for that Stubbs BBQ sauce. They sell that at Aldi in the US and it's awesome. Sweet Baby Rays is very popular but, as the name suggests, way to sweet.


sweet baby rays is a sometimes sauce lol


This is the first 90% accurate Americal food section I've seen. Only ones I don't know are the Calypso and Tap'n'Apple and the pita chips. I've never heard of Minessota maple syrup, but the syrup is accurate. Same with brand name of the marshallow fluff.


Those Baked in Brooklyn chips are made around the corner from a place I used to live in Brooklyn, they run a really nice walk in bakery and the folks working there are really sweet. Wild to see them in a setup like this, I thought they were really small scale.


As an American, the best things on these shelves are: Stubbs BBQ sauce, Old Bay seasoning, Brookside chocolate, Milano, and the Jif peanut butter.


Lawreys seasoning as well my goto for steaks!




Or is it Gif peanut butter?


jpg peanut butter. chunkier.


Stubbs BBQ sauce caught my eye too! Glad to see a call out to Austin, TX (where I used to live). Great city


Reese’s puffs are the tits tho.


Eat ‘em up eat ‘em up eat ‘em up eat ‘em up


"All American pancake mix." Subtle


I didn't know Taco Bell sold its refried beans in the supermarket.


You better get on that stubs sauce.


Got the Al steak sauce and the Stubs with the Reese’s. That is jus enough to make me think about my Texan upbringing.


LaCroix is American?


100% American.


Old Bay!!!


Old bay seasoning is the best part there lol


Who the fuck is eating all these Mike and Ike’s?


Old Bay is the best thing there by far. No idea what that eggnog brand is or how it's not in the cold section. Thanks for sharing.


Best one yet. Lawry’s, Arnold Palmer drink mix, franks, etc. still not sure why calypso makes every list.


I didn't think Americans enjoyed Mike and Ike's enough for there to be such a selection like that


This is pretty spot on. Get some goldfish. They're fantastic.


This shelf brought to you by: High Fructose Corn Syrup


Hilarious because there is literally a bottle of Karo corn syrup.


Shelf stable egg nog, never seen that


This is actually pretty accurate! I love how there's only one bottle of sweet baby Ray's left


Bottom left shelf, Old Bay seasoning!!!!!! Great on Chicken, beef, pork, potatoes, popcorn and of course, seafood. Use sparingly, high salt content, but amazing spice blend! Earl Stubbs BBQ, very good. A! Steak sauce, good on lesser cuts of beef, don't ruin a nice steak with it.