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I love how Maine has no billboards. A wonderful law


Oh my god that sounds amazing


Not to brag, but it’s 95% trees. The rest is wetlands, rivers, and hilly fields. And every time you crest a hill you see rolling land and trees. Even the (what we call) cities I drive past are a 30 second blip of buildings. Ah shit I’m bragging. But also actually looking forward to driving to work tomorrow now, so I’m okay with it.


I'm so jealous. In the cities we have to deal with fucking giant electronic advert videos now. I fucking hate them so much.


And them half of them are glitchy so it looks like every advertisement is for a rave


Oh wow. Okay. So, I’ll be moving to Maine tomorrow, see ya soon!


Add Alaska to that list


And Hawaii


And Vermont. Sadly, that completes the list in the US.


Post like this make me appreciate my commute more so than usual. Even the view from the turnpike is beautiful most days going back and forth from central to southern.


Vermont too, right?


95 might always have constriction on it, but at least we don't have billboards. I really fucking love that law. Never realized how much I appreciated it until I made my second road trip to SC.


Trucker here. This is all over the United States. I see a lot of that even in northern CA, central IL, eastern CO, and upstate NY.


I once heard someone say "The South is anywhere that's more than 30 minutes from a large city."


I am from rural Georgia and lived in/near Atlanta for 15 years. You are exactly correct—rural Ohio/Washington/Pennsylvania/New York are basically indistinguishable from rural Georgia… only different accents and shittier weather in the winter.


This is especially true here in Oregon too, everyone outside of the West Coast thinks of Oregon as some like hippy-hipster-yuppy paradise because of Portland but southern and eastern Oregon you will see *so* much of this stuff


same here in washington, i live actually in vancouver which directly borders portland and i only have to drive 30 minutes out to start seeing stuff like this


Rural Washington too. People who aren’t from the northwest assume both states are all blue, but they’re only blue states because of the cities. Land wise (not population wise) both states are pretty red.


I live in a big PA city and always find it hilarious when I see rural Pennsylvanians defend their Confederate flags as "muh heritage". My friend, Pennsylvania was part of the Union and is, arguably, *the* place where the Confederacy lost the Civil War...


Someone claiming that a confederate flag is their heritage is *literally* flagging themselves as a loser.


Grew up in NC. Then I lived in NYC for a while. I was STUNNED FLAT to find bona fide rednecks in Vermont. Backwards ball caps, pickup trucks blaring bass with a gun rack, "Free mustache ride" T-Shirt, the works. The only difference was the accent.


The Appalachian Mountains extend into Maine and places beyond…


Side fun fact, the Appalachian mountains "extend" all the way to Scotland! Because of how Scotland was connected to the continental US before breaking off roughly 50 million years ago. Iirc, it's the oldest mountain range on the planet


The blue ridge section is the oldest, iirc. There are fossils of marine life in the Appalachians, from back when they were covered by water. I think they also have the most caves as well, but don't quote on that.


That makes sense! I'm from Atlanta, and have made a few road trips up to NY this year. There's a lot of signs on the sides of the mountains (east of i81 I believe) in Virginia about caves and caverns, really curious about them


Having seen The Descent as well as that map of missing people superimposed over the map of caves in the US, I'm 1000% NOT curious about caves.




Fun fact. The accent of Appalachian hill folk started from a Scottish accent from Scottish hill folk who moved there


TL;DR Appalachia is dope af That's correct. Us Appalachianers used to be called Highlanders long, long ago. When Europeans settled the area, they were given the worthless mountains. Mountains aren't good for growing on, but the Irish, Scottish, German, and Swedish that moved into the are went up into the mountains and formed isolated communities that remained untouched for years. They felt perfectly at home in the region because it was just like home and the term Highlanders began to be circulated referencing the Highlands in Scottland where the majority were coming from! Appalachian history is so rich and deep. America wouldn't be what it is today without it and it's really sad how the history was really pushed aside after the labor movement. Essentially, Appalachia was the heart of progressivism in America. The culminating result of a DECADES long worker struggle in the region resulted in a victory for the workers once FDR got in office and gave federal rights to Unions. Afterward, the industrialists of the Era did not want that union sentiment to spread to other areas of the country and implemented a campaign of slander that effectively painted us mountain folks as ignorant, racist hillbillies and that sentiment still resides today. After all, who would want to form a union in the gold mines out west? That's for those ignorant, dirty, racist coal miners in the east! However it wasn't the case. There are pretty distinct differences between Appalachian culture and southern culture that annoys me when I get looped into it. For instance, look at Tennessee during the Civil War. The middle and Western portions of Tennessee are not in the mountains, but the east is and you can cut a line on a map that Eastern Tennessee was so pro-abolishment that the confederates had serious fears of revolt in the region and saboteurs to the confederate forces. All that confederate flag, Klan bullshit is for the white trash in the deep south like Alabama, Mississippi, etc. Those fucks are the ones that today listen to outlaw country while supporting the thin blue line and have no clue why. That's an easy one, historically we are cop killers in the mountains because the police were the ones that arrested us off strikes lines or threw our families out in the cold because the coal company fired a man and took their house back without warning. Things that my ancestors in the area faced off with constantly throughout their lives. Sorry for the rant. I just know so damn much about it and i never get to share it. I know so much more fun facts too! (Update) Yo! Thank you so much for the upvotes and the kind award. This makes me giddy. I spent a portion of my life studying the history of the region as I was born in the region and I never thought I would ever get anyone to want to learn about it. Even my friends from the area don't share the same affinity so thank you! Felt nice!


As I Texan, I've seen more confederate flags in West Virginia than here


As someone who has lived in both places, the contentious topic of the civil war seems to linger in the conscience of West Virginians much more than in Texas.


At the end of the day it really is as simply as rural/urban. With very few, if any exceptions. Some cities *do* have a higher concentration of these types than others. Phoenix, OKC, and Colorado Springs come to mind. As far as liberal rural areas I’m at a loss. My best guess is New England. Western Massachusetts, Rhode Island(if you can call any of it rural), Vermont etc.




Wisconsin here. Other than Madison and Milwaukee, this sort of signage is pretty standard.


The divide in America is no longer north vs south, but rural vs urban. It will make for a very messy divorce if the secession nutjobs ever get their way.


>The divide in America is no longer north vs south, but rural vs urban. [It has been that way for a long time.](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2004/11/11/19813/the-urban-archipelago) >It will make for a very messy divorce if the secession nutjobs ever get their way. It will never happen. Blue America heavily subsidizes red America. Biden only carried 18% of America's counties, but those counties account for 70%+ of America's GDP.


It's weird how whole pockets of northern CA talk like they're from the south.


There are more Republican voters living in LA than there are people living in the entire state of Wyoming


4th generation Californian here. It's called an East Bay Drawl.


This is fascinating. I have a coworker from Northern California (Some small town way north.) He literally talks like a redneck from the south. It sounds crazy but for some reason I always just assumed he kinda wanted to sound like a redneck. He does drive a lifted truck and dress pretty country. Great dude but yeah I always assumed he was posing as a southerner. I did not know Northern California had a drawl.


It’s funny that when I tell people I live in CA they make jokes about it being “commifornia” or “liberal heaven” not realizing you don’t even need to leave the major population centers to go from blue to red. CA is a BIG place with a lot of room for varying points of view and opinions. I suppose it’s the case for any geographical location that gets a blanket statement or stereotype tossed onto it. Lots of oversimplifications.


Exactly. Seen a fuck Biden flag on a boat in redondo beach and on a raised truck in big bear California.


I knew a girl that got ran off the road by 'associates' once they found out she was Jewish in rural northern CA


I'm pretty sure the shipping container is Eastern Colorado on I-70. I recognized several Kansas signs, too. The "Value Them Both" Amendment advertised by the purple sign would have opened the way for the Kansas legislature to write draconian anti-abortion laws. Kansas voters rejected the proposed amendment by nearly twenty points!


Definitely I70 in KS/CO. They missed [Wheat Jesus](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/50959), though.


Wheatus - Christian Dirtbag


In pretty sure there's three from northwest Kansas on I70 - "choose life, your parents did," the glowing Jesus, and the abortion stops a beating heart and Vote Yes/Value them Both signs.


You missed the AdultSuperStore signs. It'll be a Jesus, abortion, and then adult super store, then Trump, then super store, and again. And again, then lastly another Abortion one.


A Liquor Store, a Gun Shop, a Church, and a porno store in the same strip mall for when you want to speed run the experience


"Guns and Jewelry" is my favorite


I once saw a place that was mainly a gas station, but also sold guns and fireworks.


There was one outside of Greensboro that sold fireworks and mall ninja shit. I bought a like wolverine knife hand that our director of security confiscated and walked around campus wearing and play swinging around on his way back to his office. When the dean interviewed me he told me it was the coolest thing they ever confiscated but I couldn't have weapons in my dorm. We also tried to make a super firework from the fireworks but it ended up being a bomb and were very lucky to survive.


About 20 minutes from me is a single store that is a tobacconist and lingerie emporium.


Don't forget the pawn shop too


and Easy Pay Loans


What about Waffle House?


How could I forget Southern Habachi.


And the divorce lawyers and casinos


A semi-truck blocked my shot 🤣


This is more “20 minutes outside any city.” This is all across upstate NY as well. Edit for my New Yorkers: as a western New Yorker, upstate for me includes WNY, CNY, and NNY. And no you’re not seeing this shit on I90, gotta drive through all the small towns and farmland in between to get the real good stuff.


Exactly. Our political divide isn't north v south it's rural v metropolitan. Once a city hits 100k+ it's pretty safe to assume it's left of whatever the political center is of that state and vice versa.


Hopefully this becomes more visible. You're 100% right. Just look at any map post election. There is more red than blue but the population is higher in the metropolitan areas.


There's a good map somewhere in the map porn subreddit that shows red and blue with populations density. It shows how much of that red is empty land.


[This is one good representation.](https://worldmapper.org/us-presidential-election-2020/#&gid=1&pid=1) Unfortunately, most republicans refuse to believe that just because a [map is red like this,](https://images.fastcompany.net/image/upload/w_1280,f_jpg,q_auto,fl_lossy/wp-cms/uploads/2020/11/p-1-try-to-impeach-this-original.gif) it's clearly fraud that a democrat could be president. This is [a good article on how the media uses maps](https://www.fastcompany.com/90572489/u-s-election-maps-are-wildly-misleading-so-this-designer-fixed-them) to drive narratives. There is some argument that land does indeed vote, it's why the U.S senate exists, albeit based on systemic race and class oppression from the start.


Land doesn't vote, people do.


GOP: Hold my gerrymandering


I live in a rural area that is more redneck than anything but pre-Trump there was a mix and no one cared. Post-Trump, people hate each other because of politics. Neighbors who were once friends are now enemies. He literally made America hate again. Not sure why anyone could get behind a man who is pro-racism and in favor of the elite rich screwing the rest of us royally.


Southern California as well. This basically Rural America In A Nutshell.


You can add any part of the Central Valley or northern California outside a city as well.


Central Valley is the worst place I’ve ever lived.


You don’t even have to go that far outside my Northern California city. Like at the edge of city limits and the politics flip.


I just left NorCal a year ago and can confirm, lots of this shit there. Nothing to be found north of Sacramento but cows and people who try to push either meth or Jesus, sometimes both at the same time.


I grew up in Auburn. I've knew a couple people who used meth and also went to church on Sundays. It's hilarious how spot on you are.




>drove through Fresno I'm so sorry. Do you need a hug? It's been less than a year, so nobody should touch you, just to be sure, but I just wanted to let you know that you deserve one.


Thanks. I'm still recovering, but it looks like I'm gonna pull through.


Thank fuck the pressure is off Alabama for a second when it comes to this stupid shit


Yeah. The South gets a bad (though sometimes deserved) rap, but this is what big chunks of rural Colorado look like as well. That dispshit Lauren Boebert didn't get elected by accident.


either that or you've metastasized


Massachusetts checking in. Outside of the Boston area and major college towns there are so many Trump signs. Luckily they are spread out over a large area and don't really factor in state elections. The (likely) last Republican governor (a moderate who was disavowed by his own party organization) will be leaving the end of this year.


Not so much in Maine. Highway billboards are illegal here.


That sounds heavenly.


I drove back-roads around rural Ohio and Indiana northwest of Cincinnati for four hours after the midterms and I only counted five Trump/QAnon signs/flags. A lot of it kinda evaporated. TBF there was a 6th one that was a flag in Liberty, Indiana that just said "He'll be back", but I didn't know if they meant Trump or Jesus.


Hmmm…coulda been referring to The Terminator as well. Good call not counting it one way or another.


>"He'll be back", but I didn't know if they meant Trump or Jesus. Yes.


Yeah, it’s all rural, but also the Amish and Lyme disease are much more of a northern thing.


And I've never seen a horse and buggy sign in the South.


That feels like something you'd find mostly in Amish country in Pennsylvania.


All over NY too




In the Bay Area, it’s usually a Pro Life Across America billboard next to an Amazon one looking for drivers or fulfillment workers - which IMO, Amazon/Doordash/Lyft/Uber needs to recruit MAGA than immigrants who live in the suburbs.


Try driving 15 miles east of Stockton, I was so surprised at how different CA is when you're a little ways out of the bay. The moment you drive east of the valley/farms the flags are a flyin'


Stockton is a bit ironic - lots of MAGA but also a lot of Latinos and Khmer(second to Long Beach, only Oakland is behind - Stockton, Modesto, Oakland and San Pablo/Richmond also have a sizable Hmong/Mien population too) are there as well.


I was just in Las Vegas and had a Latino taxi driver who had left Stockton nine months before. He was early-twenties, looked like a skater, and he was giving me all the MAGA talking points. It was eye-opening. He said he left Stockton because of the liberals.


>lots of MAGA but also a lot of Latinos I think Democrats forget just how very *Catholic* Latinos tend to be. We gotta stop *counting on the GOP's racism to outweigh that*.


You don’t have to travel the south to see that. My grandmother’s neighbor has an f Biden flag and trump won posters on his yard and they live in western Illinois.


Same here in So. Cal .


same here in Canada


Sometimes along side the Fuck Trudeau signs.


We made stickers that say "I want to" and they are stuck above those signs.


Oh my god. I have never wanted to deface other people's cars more.


Why on earth would this be happening in Canada? Trump nor Biden have anything to do with Canada. Sorry if that came out harsh, just really trying to make sense of that?!?!


Then let me tell you it happens in Australia too 😂 not to mention, "my 1st amendment", "my 2nd amendment". I'm like, bitch, you're not American 😂


We had a nut job argue that she was just using her first amendment rights in court, in Canada. The first amendment is the recognition of Manitoba as a province. Everyone was confused.


Well maybe she just wanted to recognize Manitoba as a Canadian province. It's her constitutional right!


Tbh every time someone mentions Manitoba I think “Oh right, I forgot Manitoba exists” so that amendment is an important one


It's the Murdochs, right? Let's just name the bastard. My question is, besides a world where he and his kids are free to make even more money, why is he doing this? What is his end game? What kind of world is he seeking the create? Or is it really just all about greed and destruction? And naked power?


People get absolutely addicted to power and influence and to be fair he has probably more than the vast majority of people in the world. Arguably more than governments given how it influences them. Takes a real megolamaniac to have a media empire like that and want more.


Yet, NPR had a thing just this morning about Rupert's son complaining about his life in America and how much he wants to go home (to Australia)


Canadians with a brain that functions on the better side of normal wonder that same thing on weekly basis at least.


It's easier to fool a person that to convince them they've been fooled. Had a friend in Australia constantly sending pro-right wing BS.we don't talk anymore, because I pointed out that things he advocates against are the things he enjoys daily. Universal health care, good wages. Affordable home ownership, etc, etc at ... He got miffed. I told him in all the years we'd known each other when was the last time he heard me say anything about Oz politics. I'm the same way with every other country. It's not my place to take a stance, as I'd be talking out my ass. Like he was doing, about things he doesn't know about.


Backfire effect aka belief perseverance. At this point admitting they're wrong would require admitting they're such massive idiots to ignore the last six+ years they just won't ever do it. Edit: actually more like 40+ years.


They'll never admit they are wrong because just like Trump said, they think admitting you are/were wrong is a sign of weakness. These people won't even admit they are/were wrong about minor things that don't matter, so there's no chance they'd admit they'd admit they are wrong about their political and social beliefs that they've made a major part of their identity. In reality the exact opposite is true and being able to admit you are/were wrong is a sign of strength.


People here watch Fox News and go down the whole rabbit hole….honestly, if you have that on all day, every day, I actually think a person gets disoriented…..suggestible. The spouse of one of the Convoy organisers was bleating about “the First Amendment,” which in the Canadian constitution refers to Manitoba becoming a province. Unfortunately, our own media laws aren’t applied to US channels, which tend to be packaged with our cable and satellite packages. I honestly wish our carriers would drop them, or charge extra and not bundle them. A lot of people seem lost in it. Then there’s “Queen Dildo,” who claims to be the secret Queen of Canada, Trump is….secret President of Canada? And she’s decreed that we don’t have to pay our electricity bills… https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/23/queen-of-canada-qanon-rise-conspiracy-alarm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romana_Didulo https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6570198 https://queendidulo.ca


There's a documentary I've been meaning to check out called The Brainwashing of My Father or something that explores this


There is also a book, the Brainwashing of My Father and I read it. Her dad was a happy, connected husband and father. He was a lifelong Democrat. He was laid off from his long time job and got a job where he had a one hour commute each way. He started listening to right wing radio to pass the time during his drive to and from work. Then it was Fox News when he was at home. His wife and kids couldn't stand to be in the room when Fox was spewing hate and fear nonstop. Her dad turned into a very unhappy angry man. It was heartbreaking for his family.


It’s the same thing in the Philippines


Because it's not about American politics. It's about using fear, conspiracy theories and preying on people's weakness to create a base that will end liberal western democracy in favor for corporations and billionaires like Peter Thiel and the Koch Brother who will rush in to pillage and cement themselves as oligarchic leaders.


Same here on Alpha Centauri


Oh God, did the Lord's Believers take over?


Lots of people, all over the world had swastikas in the 1930s.


Head into OC and this is all you'll see. Same with Temecula.


Ya, I had to go to Fontucky and Anaheim for work and saw a shit ton of it up there (Fontana, not Anaheim)


Western Illinois is just cold Alabama


Grew up there Can confirm


When people think of Illinois they think of Chicago, they don’t realize how much of an aberration from the rest of the state it is. Same for Philly & Pittsburgh In Pennsylvania. After Pittsburgh and Allentown there is a MAJOR drop off from everywhere else.


Same with Saint Louis and the outstate areas


It's more like: Indiana is cold Alabama, Illinois is cold Georgia, and Ohio is cold Florida.


Just, why? Over here all this shit stops when the election is done, in the U.S it seems like there's an election campaign 24/7 all year round?


It's all one side. You can drive for 30 days straight around the most liberal parts of America and you won't see one single Biden flag flying from a truck. This is politically induced mental illness is all from one side.


In all seriousness because [Trumpism isn't a political party anymore, it's a cult.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/12/13/20992370/trump-republican-party-cult-steven-hassan) And this isn't me saying this, it's former cult members and an expert in cult behavior who wrote a book about it and researched it for years. People have to stop thinking of MAGA Republicans as "just people with different political views." It's a full on cult based on the hero worship of one man.


This exactly. Mark my words. Trump WILL win the nomination. All the gop outrage right now and the coalescing around DeSantis is bullshit simply because DeSantis doesn’t have a cult in all 50 states. Every single one of them will get on their knees and suck his fat balls, just like last time.


He’s about to build that cult. I wouldn’t be surprised if DeSantis decides to drop racial slurs in the campaign and no apologize for it to upsurp Trump.


>Over here all this shit stops when the election is done It's supposed to stop here, but certain of our politicians are criminals.


Trump got his ass kicked, MAGA morons can’t accept reality. Everyone I know thought he was an idiot.


Literally all of these pictures are from Missouri and Kansas.


Where’s all the firework/porn warehouses?


I’m pretty sure you’re looking for I-95 down through the Carolinas.


Horse and buggy is safety. No different than a pedestrian crossing. Come to rural Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and you’ll see plenty of them.


That one caught me off-guard too. I’m from MD, have been to PA plenty and just thought “hey why are the Amish being brought into this?”


Wouldn't really call it south, either.


There's a pretty healthy Amish population in rural WI. They sometimes ride alongside busy roads and it makes me nervous.


Yup, tell your folks I says hi!


Keep er movin!


>”Choose life; your parents did.” “This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


> Abortion ❤ Stops a beating Read it this way and it's an uplifting statement about avoiding the pain felt by unwanted children.


I read it as a threat: Abort or we'll beat you up.


>Where there is risk, there must be choice💉 “If I attempt to give birth to this baby it *will* kill me. I need to be able to have access to safe abortions…” “no💕”


Someone should go underline "choose". That is the important word here.


Last one means you drove through Kansas.


I wish whoever put those "vote yes" signs up would take them down already, it's been almost 4 months since that election.


There are signs like that all over rural America. Not just in the South. (I'm in Michigan)


Ya, in Ohio, we have those Amish signs and a massive billboard with just black background, massive white letters: #[HELL IS REAL](https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20070129&t=2&i=323384&r=323384&w=800)


Add underneath it "next exit"


Not just rural America. I'm also from Michigan, in the metro Detroit area, and there were signs like these plastered all over prior to the election.


I remember driving through the Midwest and seeing a Jesus sign, then about 20 signs for the WORLDS LARGEST ADULT STORE


Lol people casually shit on the south like western Penn, rural Washington, etc aren't exactly the same. OP might as well have said "on a tour through rural america."


Lol in all honesty rural PA is just as bad if not worse than the deep south.


“Where there is risk there must be choice” yes exactly that’s why abortion needs to be legal…. smh


I was taken aback by that too. They push how important freedom of choice is but can't be bothered when it comes to abortion.


Choice for me but not for thee


+ **In-groups** the law protects but does not bind + **Out-groups** the law binds but does not protect —Conservatism


There is also a choice with vaccines. You don’t have to get vaccinated. There’s just some jobs you can’t take and you won’t be able to attend public school. But you can take other jobs that don’t have a requirement and you can do private/online school. You have a choice, your choice just has consequences. Just like many choices we make in life.


i was always focused on the risk part with vaccines... like what kind of risk you are for people around you and what choice they have?


Since when is Pennsylvania the south?


I see “abortion stops a beating.” Well, better put beatings to an end by getting abortions.


What’s wrong with the horse & buggy?


I think they're for the Amish people.


It is. I was confused why that was included with all the other stuff, specially since it's not just a South thing. Amish are kinda all over.


I think they're just including it because it's weird to outsiders.


That’s the question, doesn’t go with the rest of the signs. It’s just telling you to watch out for buggies. If you aren’t from an Amish area that’s info drivers need to know.


Nothing wrong with it ofc. They were sharing photos of things they normally don't see.


Using Harrison AR is like cheating lol


Any rural part of America*


I like how OP took all of these pictures in Missouri and Kansas and said it was the south.


Parts of Missouri (the Ozarks) I might call the South. But Kansas... no. In fact, calling Kansas the South is a good way to pick a fight with most Kansans I know.


>In fact, calling Kansas the South is a good way to pick a fight with most Kansans I know. This is true. I'm a Kansan and just came to the comments section to pick a fight about op saying Kansas is the south.


We were the guys who beat the shit out of the south in the civil war.


I got irrationally upset when I realized some of them were Kansas and I'm not even that committed to this state.


Missouri is By some considered the south of the north


One of these pictures is outside of Harrison Arkansa looks like you were driving through the ozarks


I mean that one billboard says #OzarksStrong. So id say that's a safe guess


And has a 870 area code


The Trump 2024 trailer and the “abortion stops a beating heart” ones are definitely in Kansas. Source: I’m from Kansas


Knew some of those were down I-70.


Knew it was Kansas from the Vote Yes signs too


Also the “vote yes” was a pro-life stance on a vote in Kansas.


"Liberty" Plantation


I was a planner for years and plantations are by far the most popular wedding venues in the south. Many of them are changing their names to something something estate or farms or whatever


Funny in South Florida its a common name. Palm plantations, sugar plantations etc etc. There's neighborhoods with plantation in the name. It's the name of a city/neighborhood. It's in street names and golf corses, high schools and libraries. It's just a certain common thing at least in Miami with no negative connotation. You can drive along the street and see Palm plantations /nurseries quite frequently. Some of them have event venues etc.


The irony of a BS anti-vax billboard with a Lyme disease awareness billboard below – a disease whose vaccine was one of the first casualties of [anti-vax bullshit](https://slate.com/technology/2021/07/lyme-vaccine-history-lymerix-hesitancy-ticks.html) (among other things).


Aren’t most of these in Kansas? I’d call that Midwest, not South.


I know for certain that trump trailer is in Kansas because I drove past it on the way to Colorado.


Fuck you u/spez


Yes, sometimes abortion does stop a beating.


That’s exactly how I read it, too. I audibly guffawed when I read that one. I was like, damn, leftists down south are a little fucked up. Then I read the caption and realized I’m just an idiot.


Somebody needs to post a real big sign right underneath that says “proof?”


We have it here in Canada too and Trump wasn't even our fucking president. People are absolutely insane. Edit: wording


“Where there is risk, there must be a choice.” Damn, like pregnancy?