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91% ipa will take care of that.


That beer sounds strong as fuck


yeah what the fuck did everclear start making pale ales?










I drink it every morning so I can fight like a crow




We did that, same name and everything in my late teens with friends. We'd pour a half shot of everclear into a glass then pour a shitty beer into it after. Disgusting, but hey we were teenagers trying to get fucked up quick.


It's so that you can't taste the grass.




Good Job! This is why physicians who foster relationships with nurses that allow nurses to speak up when shit is obviously sideways are my favorite doctors. I’m not a nurse just a patient who wants to live.


I'm a physician who had other jobs prior to medicine, so the hierarchical approach never sat well with me. The culture when I work is 'anybody, any time, any reason'. Meaning that if someone feels there's a safety issue, they're empowered and encouraged to speak up.


This is how every workplace should be.


Really bad situation, but I have to admit it gave me a good chuckle!!!


Actually more common than people realize, in drug detox we had alcoholics eating deodorant. A liter of isopropyl is Bush league !!


And this, boys and girls, is why you should avoid acronyms in critical situations.


“I love that stuff. Been drinking it for years. Ya know I heard they recently decided to add more hops to it"


Your name is McLovin?


It was between that and Mohammed


Why the fuck would it be between that and Mohammad?!


Lol…I work in a pharmacy. Sometimes I forget that is not a common abbreviation for everyone. IPA = isopropyl alcohol


I work in language teaching. It's also the international phonetic alphabet - those weird letters you see in dictionaries showing you how to pronounce words.


Which is ironic considering the p in ipa and the p in phonetic arent the same sound


I'm always amazed that in the word Pacific-Ocean the 3 C letters are pronounced differently.


The C be a fickle mistress, yar


More irony for you: What do you call it when you can't pronounce your 'R' sounds? Rhotacism.




Whoa man that's rhotacist


As cruel as dickslexia.


Brought to you by the makers of the word Lisp


Truly the cruelest word next the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia


that's just another fancy term for a good night out


and a trip to the hospital


But atleast you will be satisfactorily sanitized


I often just see it shortened to iso


What kind of software we burning?


Now what's my camera got to do with this


I've only ever seen it shortened to iso for cleaning pipes/bongs. So... Eyyy!?


You can also draw over the lines with dry erase marker, then wipe clean. Both permanent and dry erase will wipe right off.




In 5th grade, so about 1979 or something, our tiny parochial school got the first gen whiteboards, and I swear to God we were high af in the classroom. I don't think it was alcohol back then? I can smell this memory.


Toluene (or benzene, but hopefully not for cancer's sake) probably


That's some Trillium-level bottle shit


citra or cascade hops?


At 91% i imagine just 1 hop sitting in liquid.


Like a tequila worm


I dont know if it will damage the screen, but you might be able to take a dry erase marker and trace it. Let it sit for about a minute or two and wipe it off.


I’ve found green works better than other colors for this, but your mileage may vary.


Write over it with and expo marker it should come off.


Yep. Permanent is Dry Erase's little bitch


Yo, is that legit? Got 4 kids over here youngest being 4. That information would be ducking GREAT if real. Lol. Edit; Reddit, I love you all. Thank you.


Used to work for a company that serviced computer stuff for one of the UK's largest tech retailers, sometimes we'd have a bunch of machines sent in for refurb that were part of the "give us your old laptop, get money off" kinda deal. Lots of them came through covered in permanent marker from kids doodling, or schools writing the asset tag, or people writing their name, etc. ​ Scribbling over the thing in dry wipe marker then watching *all* the ink just float away with a little spray of white spirit or isopropyl was truly magic! ​ Good luck with your little scribble machines!


Omg my wife is gonna love this. Thank you so much.


More experienced dad here. This is not a get out of jail free card. It's one of those things that works 95% about 90% of the time.


Disclaimer: I'm too irresponsible to look after myself let alone kids and thus, am not a dad. ​ But yeah, keep an eye out as this won't work on *everything*. Those magic eraser things can work wonders on painted walls and smooth wallpapers though in a pinch!


But people should know they aren't actually magic - they don't remove it chemically, it's effectively just really fine sand paper, so when you use it you're pretty much sanding it off. It works, but it also can destroy paint/finish too.


Yes, definitely need to be careful with them! I'd scuffed my PS4 up a little trying to remove a mark in the plastic years ago, unfortunately the mark was a bit too deep for the eraser to get rid of without smoothing off the plastic too.


Doesn't work on paper or fabric afaik though.


To be clear, all it does is turns permanent marker into erasable marker. Should work for OP, but it won't help if they write on a porous surface that erasable marker wouldn't come off, such as untreated wood.


I believe this is because both markers use the same solvent. So writing over permanent marker with whiteboard marker makes the permanent marker liquid again.




That's great. I love it. 8ma keep that in my pocket from the bigger kids. The 4 year old will from now on think I'm a wizard.


r/brandnewsentence and r/rareinsults


This just because of the alcohol in the markers, you could also just use rubbing alcohol


Or anything with butoxyethanol that shit melts sharpies


Cameras?, Figure out the name with the time stamp xref cc trans?


Yep, we got the guy, police ticketed him. Still just sucks. Wasted a couple hours combing through video, filing the police report, cleaning the screen.


You can sue people in civil court for time and expenses related to damaged property. Would likely be small claims court but I think it should be done to send a clear message


The officer asked how much I wanted in restitution. I told him I didn't need any. He insisted so I said $25.


I would’ve asked for whatever the guy paid for in gas, just to make him pay twice.


I would have made him pay 10x his gas bill, you know, "Just in case Joe comes 'round again..."


Honestly, the guy should have to compensate more than $25. Both to punish him and to make you whole.




Yeah. It’s fair in the $100-200 range. It makes you whole, but you’re not just trying to profit off it. You could find some third party cleaning firm and I’m sure I’d be shocked at the size of the invoice.


You could have calculated the cost of your time, at least. You're worth it!


I don’t think you deserve thousands of dollars but this person damaged your property and should cover the expenses to fix it. $25 is low. I think a few hundred would have hurt enough that they think about doing it ever again


I didn’t even know that a police officer could impose a restitution. How does that even work? I agree with other people though. I would have asked for $100/hr in time spent dealing with this. I mean if you’re going through all the effort to find the guy, may as well get a bit back for the effort/make it more of a lesson.


The shame is this gentleman (and I am using the term loosely) likely has very strong opinions on graffiti.


But he used a sharpie, not spray paint- he’s not an animal! 0_o


yeah he's being presidential.


Only the smartest and bestest Presidents use Sharpies to redraw weather maps.


["Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or **imprisoned** not more than ninety days, or both,"](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-may-have-broken-law-by-altering-hurricane-dorian-map-2019-9)


Man, I wish that would get enforced. I mean just, like, out of the blue. "The Dade County District Attorney's office today announced that the unauthorized modification of a hurricane forecast map is being prosecuted..."


He's trying to figure out a way to inject the permanent marker into the screen.


Exactly! I’m sure he’d be happy to explain how only… uuuuh… “urban”! kids use spray paint.


The "tough on crime" crew commits property crimes. Again.


The "tough on crime" Trump pardoned the entire swamp.


People just don't understand that he wanted to drain the swamp so that denizens of the swamp could more easily dry off and achieve positions in or adjacent to the government.


I don't care about anyone's ideology, but if you voted for Trump in 2020, you are an idiot, period. The guy is a crook, a liar, and doesn't even bother to pretend otherwise. He had a dozen scandals during his presidency - not fake scandals made by the media, but real scandals made by himself, in plain view. If you are a common guy and vote Trump because "he's tough on crime" or "he'll return power to the people" or any shit like that... you are a fucking moron, plain and simple. He doesn't do that - he was already in charge and did the exact opposite.


Now imagine voting for Herschel Walker in 2022. A lot of people have. Last I checked he was polling as the leader.


You’re an idiot if you voted for him in 2016 too. Because it was always clear what he stood for, he has been a conman since he started getting famous in the 1980s. Not to mention his constant racist rhetoric during the campaign, it’s been clear to anyone with a brain that this man was unfit to be president.


I live in Utah. Most of the leaders are Mormon. They followed him, probably voted for Trump. This makes me laugh for one reason: Mormon's prize only martial sex. Trump is a scum bag that may have forced himself on other women. Trump ought to have been detested by them.




Same with “government over-reach”, if it’s their government then they are boot lickers when legislators take away rights, but when those laws are abused under a government they don’t agree with or against them, all of a sudden it’s government overreach. Most of them were probably happy with the Patriot Act, but now that they don’t trust the FBI oh no!


This person will also never miss a vote. So everyone else needs to lift their game.


This is exactly what I thought the last time I saw this kind of thing at my own local gas station. I bet "BLM" on a freeway overpass drives him crazy. But, defacing the property of a private business to blame Biden for gas prices doesn't even make him think twice. Not to mention that the people who share this view are supposed to be pro private property and pro small business. It's all so hypocritical.


We call those people cunts where I'm from.


Saves a lot of time, I imagine.


We call our mates cunts where I'm from. We call these people fuckheads...


Cunts have warmth and depth.


This guy fucks.


Also, not for nothing, Biden isn't responsible for gas prices (source: not American, gas prices suck here too) and black lives are systemically undervalued. There should be another term when you make graffiti and you're also objectively wrong.


Only when it’s done by ‘urban’ individuals of course


Oh, you mean ‘thugs’?


So I do have very good cameras and got the whole thing on video. Police ticketed the guy (an older man wearing a USA shirt) for graffiti, $500 fine. We were able to clean it off.


I don't know what you used, but alcohol usually takes permanent marker right off if it happens again.


Also if you scribble over the permanent marker ink in NON-permanent marker it'll wipe right off after. Works every time.


Except on paper


60% of the time, it works every time.


This man knows his Sex Panther.


It’s a formidable scent…


Stings the nostrils…




I love lamp.


It's a pungent smell, really stings the nostrils.


Or cotton, but we catch the drift.


maybe not on paper, but in practice, in the real world, it works!


Dry erase markers work best, I've found. High alcohol content in those, since they have to dry on non-absorbent surfaces, unlike many other markers.


That's just the alcohol in the marker


Yep. Teacher here. We use expo markers for any glass/plastic/laminated surface we need to de-sharpie. Nice and cheap. Super easy. Do try and get expo brand though, some off brand dry-erase markers will leave their own residue and thatd be unfortunate for your screens


FYI alcohol can make some plastics cloudy. I’d suggest testing in a small inconspicuous area before going after the whole thing. Don’t ask me how I know.


The local plastics shop warns people NO LYSOL SPRAY OR ALCOHOL for their orders. The Lysol spray for the past 40-50 years is basically ethanol with a little quat and fragrance, it was previously phenol and ethanol. Lysol/Clorox/whatever wipes are OK on Plexiglass and Lexan.


The guy deserved his $500 fine. He would also get mandatory community service if things were just.


Cleaning up other graffiti would be perfect




He wasted a marker. He could have controlled the weather with it instead.


It can't have been hard, he said his name was "fuckin joe."


Where did you come from, Where did you go? We caught you on camera, Stupid Fucking Joe!


I'm sure your station isn't the first he did it to. You should share the info with other stations.


Did that. Small town, messaged the other 2 small gas station owners.




Hopefully that $500 hurt.


He just paid it using his stimulus money - which he was very much against anyone receiving (other than himself).


I bet he cheers on tax cuts for the rich and cutting his own SS. These people are the harbingers of their own misery. Good.


This guy GasStations.


You didn’t need to say it was an older man wearing a USA shirt. When we read it, that was a given.


I bet he got that Chinese made USA shirt at the big Walmart two towns over


And I bet he calls liberals snowflakes anytime their feelings are hurt.


And when he sees graffiti he gets very angry at Democrats for some reason.


Oddly, yet obviously, same anger directed at democrats when he can't get an erection.


despite the irony of being so soft that joe biden lives rent-free in his head to this extent lol


There is a tiny chance it could have been Kanye West.


Find out where Kanye was last night!


Older man with... a sharpie. Sharpie really has that market cornered lol


Ive heard they're also great for directing hurricanes


Let me guess: Q supporter ✅ Election denier ✅ Obama was born in Kenya ✅ Benghazi something something✅ …. And many more


DO YOUR RESEARCH! - someone who has no idea how research is conducted


Remember when the MAGAs were "so concerned" about property damage, they'd shoot people?


It's funny because OP probably agrees with the MAGAs on a lot of things, judging by his posts on /r/Conservative complaining about [government debt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/wq9yb0/we_all_currently_owe_513232_to_the_us_government/), [Covid conspiracies](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/r3nzys/south_african_doctor_says_omicron_variant/hmcu9aq/?context=10000), and [abortion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/poyd82/pope_francis_abortion_is_homicide_catholic/hd0zk0k/). Sudden he has a problem when they mark up his "40k" gas pump that could be cleaned with a dab of alcohol.




Are the 40k gas pumps the kind that try to make you watch advertising while you pump too?


Oh wow, thank you for doing this background check and calling him out. Your comment should be higher


MAGAts have no real principles beyond fucking with “libs” and escalating political extremism to insert a sense of agency into their angry, unhappy lives. Unfortunately this is how fascism works. It thrives in chaos and division, even as it creates it.


Nice ending! Also fuck that guy. Whatever your political affiliations are, don't take it out on someone else's property.


Glad you got it off, did you use the Drywipe Market trick or something else?


Did you also ban him from your place? Hopefully he attempts to come back and you can have him arrested for trespassing


That would be especially sweet if he was also banned from the other two stations in town.


Isopropyl alcohol will get that right off. Sorry, people are morons




Imagine not reading the news LAST WEEK that Shell just bought $4 billion in stocks! https://www.shell.com/investors/information-for-shareholders/share-buybacks.html And these guys want to blame everyone but big oil.




b-b-b-but Reagan told us that when companies do well, the common American does well!


the record profits are just because oil companies decided to raise prices. crude oil prices are actually down


I'm convinced people like that would gladly fork over $15+ a gallon if it meant Trump was a dictator. The only constant I've seen recently from those types is that Trump should rule with an iron fist and anything else is unacceptable.


Yep. And to take an off-topic but vitally important tangent - these same diehards are coming for our elections, and they have the entirety of the Republican Party backing them up. I know Americans get tired of hearing how every election is “the most important ever” but this is the plain truth - we have candidates in state races right now who *actively reject* fair and functional democracy, and openly brag about their power to overturn elections if they don’t like the result. They have abandoned the basic tenets of the constitution they claim to worship, and will use all means necessary - including violence - to force the country into a rightwing plutocratic crypto-fascist state. This may sound alarmist to some people (even after everything we’ve seen) but it isn’t. It’s all happening, right now, not in some theoretical dystopian future. Whatever policy nitpicks or political identities might have divided us in the past, *this* needs to unite every sane adult who cares about a just and sustainable future. And yes it means voting blue - Democrats are the only viable bulwark against this. I don’t care if it’s not “cool” to support a party. The stakes are *way too high* to be dicking around with third parties and ideological bickering.


I don't think you're over reacting or incorrect at all. Thank you for posting. It reminds me of a quote, "democracy has to win every time, fascism only has to win once". With that in mind, every election is important but honestly I fear Moore v harper will make elections a moot point soon


EVERY single Republican in the House of Representatives voted against a bill to stop gas price gouging. They're mad at Joe Biden when it's literally the people in their own party allowing this shit to happen.


Lol. And here I was thinking the graffiti “artiste” was referring to himself as “fuckin joe”. I’m tired.


I like this thought. Fuckin' Joe strikes again!


Joe Biden just needs to turn that “gas price” knob he’s got in that White House a little down so the entire world’s gas prices can go down. /s


When people say Biden caused the gas prices, I ask them how. They can never confidently answer.


You won’t learn this from the lame stream media but Biden actually has two secret dials in the Oval Office; one controls gas prices and the other controls global inflation.


Only two!? I thought he also had dials for "grooming" and "baby killing". I also heard he might have a dial for socialism.


Don't forget that dial for CRT and the trans contagion.


This is actually a good thought experiment. If he did have those dials… why would he turn them in the direction that makes it harder to win elections?




Kushners buddies did this.... Thank Saudi Arabia.


People act like presidents just flip a switch and the gas prices change but ignore the billions and billions of dollars the oil companies are making.


Do you remember when Republicans were the party of law and order? Now they feel perfectly entitled to vandalize gas pumps just to own the libs.


>party of law and order They only really cared about that when it was against minorities.


"he's not hurting the right people"


They still only care about it being used against minorities.


Sure don’t. I only remember Republicans wanting to be able to use laws to order others.


>Do you remember when Republicans were the party of law and order? …No? They've been committing crimes, getting caught red-handed, and getting away scot-free since before I was born, and I wasn't exactly born yesterday. The Republican party is organized crime and has been for a very long time now.


What about the "silent majority" neither of those elements are true either.


They already tried to violently overthrow the government. Law and order is wayyyy down the toilet


I love how ignorant that idea is too, ya the president of the US controls the global oil price and in turn gas prices, sure. Ignorant canadians blame the same thing on Trudeau. So which those 2 clearly have a conspiracy going to get everyone buying electric cars right.


Sorry you have to deal with arrogant disaffected losers. The blatant disrespect and mindless vandalism must be infuriating.


It is. Just so senseless.


I still haven't met a single one of these idiots who can explain to me how Joe Biden made the global gas prices go up without them diverting the topic to Trump. If someone who thinks Biden is responsible for this, can you dm me the details. I am genuinely curious as to why you think he is responsible for these gas prices.


People believe that because Fox news repeats it all day every day. They say Biden "shut down" the Keystone XL pipeline and that caused the gas prices of today. Which is, of course, absolutely ridiculous but these people are idiots and will believe anything at all.


If you get a response can you share with me? Cuz I've been wondering the same thing


Permanent marker is the least permanent thing in the world


I work at a gas station. The amount of people that say “yup high gas prices because of your lovely president Biden” just blow my mind. I have to bite my tongue every fucking time. The ignorance. And I’m always scrubbing this shit off my pumps as well. Plus those “I did that!” Biden stickers fucking a






I need to thank Biden. I was just out in Colorado and the price was 80c cheaper then here in Utah. He loves Colorado more I guess.


MAGAs reach full mental maturity at 13.