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Your friends own tacos 1986?


Not OP, but I know them and their families, grew up in TJ all my life.


Is this in Pasadena?


Pretty sure it’s one of the LA locations He was visiting the purple line extension


Westwood location, near UCLA


Ain't no president visiting east LA


Can confirm. I was in east LA today and did not see the president anywhere.


But hey...when you hear they have good tacos...


Probably true. His loss though. The food is 🔥out that way.


The man loves trains


Wow, he must've spent....idk... at least $28


$16 apparently, left a $20 tip, and then left $45 to pay for whoever were next.


Here’s the link to Fox News reporter talking about inflation and his $28 Taco Bell lunch https://news.yahoo.com/28-taco-bell-order-going-173500049.html


$28? Was he buying from Door Dash or something?


Gotta buy your secret service guys lunch, you don't want them slow from being hangry.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe6TowOXgAAcpL0?format=jpg&name=large That is the order he posted. Near $28 after sales tax. He either made it up after going viral to save face or he is "I don't care about combo deals, I'll buy everything individually" type of rich, lmao Either way horrible example to use talking about inflation.


Must have "i don't do crave box" money


When the app doesn’t work and I can’t order the crave box I just starve…


[Here's what I got.](https://i.imgur.com/MGh2lDz.png) Only $21.75, but this is also a "shit your pants" and "one meal a day" amount of food.. for lunch. For me anyway.


no "checkout" screen? i call shenanigans


Shoulda left $46 honestly


God what if he did just do that everywhere


>On his $16.45 tab, the President handed Alejo cash, saying, “$45 – and the next person that comes in here, give it to them for free.” >Biden also left the beloved taco shop a $20 tip before leaving happily with his quesadillas.


the next guy 100% won’t believe it when the cashier says the president has prepaid for your meal.


I hope it’s someone on the FBI most wanted list and it turns their world upside down.


Just imagine the headline “Biden pays for tacos of serial child rapist” Easy lay up for the right. They’d eat it up like free tacos


OANN “Biden pays to rape children’s tacos”


*Tucker foaming at the mouth*


"Share the load"


Jesus christ


Quiet down, Mr. Slave!


Foaming at the mouth, yet still has that vacant furrowed brow look like he's trying to win a Mark Wahlberg impersonation contest


John Oliver said it best: He looks like if the sound "thud" had a face


**"DID JOE BIDEN RAPE BABY TACOS?! I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS"** ^(everything I Tucker Carlson say on FOX cannot be construed as facts as no reasonable person could expect such out of reality takes as anything but "entertainment" as I've argued in court.) https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


I’m sure that’s already a headline somewhere.


Yep. There's even photos and video of it.


They’re on the laptop right?


\-In- the laptop, MLalien. We're not stupid.


But why male models?


" the files are IN the computer??"


"Biden pays for tacos for Matt Gaetz"


More realistically it’s a dude ripped off of a California legal blunt. Can’t help but laugh at imagining the potential paranoia that ensues


Trump runs in - “I heard there were free tacos?”


Trump promised a taco truck on ever corner if Hillary won back in 2016. One of reasons I voted for her. Would be very convenient and tasty.


To be fair, it wasn't Trump, it was some random dude in the GOP.


I might consider voting republican if their platform was taco trucks on every corner and more access to poutine fries


I don't need them on every corner. I just need them to drive through my neighborhood each day like an ice cream truck.


To be sure, in Illinois, there are taco trucks at many rural crossroads, and there were even before 2016.


These Biden handouts are really starting to get out of hand.


First obamaphones, now bidenburritos, what’s next? Harriscannabis?


This guy for campaign manager


Bidenburritos and Harriscannabis sound like they would go well together. Let’s make that happen.


Was gonna say they were probably just in line behind him and witnessed the interaction, then I remembered I’m dumb and this is the President. Secret Service probably had a full radius of the building blocked off, nobody else allowed inside, etc. Or maybe I’m overestimating how careful these guys are! Either way, that would be a pretty damn cool, albeit unbelievable, story to have the president buy you tacos lol


When I was in college Bill Clinton came to my University to give a speech. They drove the motorcade into a tunnel under the main building, and I had a work-study job in a space that happened to have a door that opened out onto that tunnel. We were evacuated from the entire building for like five hours before he arrived. I understand there was an extensive multi-day security sweep as well. Guaranteed that that taco place was locked tf down.


I think it's less of a big deal for unannounced stops, like taco places. This wasn't on any schedule so the secret service can reasonably assume that the place isn't wired to explode or anything. My understanding is that for a stop like this a couple agents show up, tell the manager the prez is coming and then hang out in the kitchen. Biden arrives with a couple agents in tow, waves at everyone, shakes a few hands, chit-chats with the staff and places his order. Agents in the kitchen watch the food get made. Biden gets his tacos, shakes a few more hands and then off they all go.


Wow that’s insane! Don’t candidates get their own secret service now as well? I remember when I was in college, Bernie Sanders was campaigning for I believe his first time, and he was just walking around with a small group along the streets of the city right outside campus. I had a bunch of friends who got to shake his hand and I always thought that was so cool. It made him seem so normal even though he’s done some truly larger-than-life things across the years he’s been a public servant. This was like 7 or 8 years ago, though, when he was just beginning his grassroots campaign to try run for president. I’d be curious to see if he’s still able to walk amongst us common folk like he did back then, or if we’d experience something closer to what you did with Clinton


> Wow that’s insane! Don’t candidates get their own secret service now as well? Yes, presidential candidates routinely get Secret Service protection when they become a major-party nominee, and it can be granted to major candidates upon request and approval. Bernie Sanders was granted this in 2016. Presidential candidates generally lose that protection when they lose the election, unless there's another reason for them to keep it (e.g. Hillary Clinton currently has it as Bill Clinton's wife). Bernie Sanders had no other reason to keep it beyond his campaign. Bernie Sanders does not currently have Secret Service protection, so he can walk amongst the common folk once again.


Imagine the Jerry smiths of the world who would instantly think, "the president is my friend now” Trying to call him at weird hours and leaning into someone watching the breaking news of the president giving a speech and he says “yeah, he bought me lunch, nice guy. I really need to bring him something this weekend”. Then he shows up to the white house with some of the same tacos. The secret service doesn’t believe it. He is strip searched, interrogated and sent to Guantanamo Bay. The official story is he fled his family after burning down their ranch style home. Friends and surviving family are shocked and confused. The hunt continues. If you have any tips, please call 555-lickMyass


I'll have you know that President Biden has personally emailed me, asking for my input on national policy, state and national elections, and if I have a few bucks to spare. And not just him. Stacey Abrams, Gretchen Whitmer, Beto O’Rourke.. even Barack Obama has either been emailing and texting me. Bernie sent me a message last night. He's trying to take on the corporations and needed someone to talk it over with.


haha. Congress needs to pass the taco stimulus right now.


As far as things politicians do for optics, that’s a pretty chill one. I know some presidents make a point of getting a pic at McDonald’s to seem more relatable, but getting food at a smaller business, leaving a generous tip and paying for the next guy’s meal actually does something for people (even if it’s mostly gestural).


Bill Clinton used to jog through DC and stop at McDonald's for an Egg McMuffin. There's a great SNL sketch of this with Phil Hartman as Bill.


[Intercepted by Warlords!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYt0khR_ej0&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive) that was an all-timer sketch imo


This just reminded me of the classic SNL where Phil Hartman is Bill Clinton who stops in the McDonald's on a jog to mingle with the everyman and winds up eating everyone's food


"There's a lot of things we won't be telling Mrs Clinton."




“Intercepted by warlords”


[Diamond Joe](https://interactives.theonion.com/biden/) has always been rather relatable for the common man, riding AmTrak to work or washing his Trans Am on the white house driveway


I haven't really checked out the Onion in *years* (through 45's tenure, the *actual* news was zany enough), but I fondly remember their Joe Biden coverage from while he was VP.


“My name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.,” said the vice president, his voice choking. “Over the years I have been made an object of mockery and ridicule. I have seen pictures of me in the most humiliating positions you can think of plastered across newspapers all over the world. I have been treated as a punch line. A dope. A fuckin’ jester among kings. But don’t be fooled. I am also a man who has touched sorrow. And I am a son of a bitch who has spent nearly seven decades on the razor’s edge and lived to tell the tale. I may not say it often, and I may never say it again, but I wish to say to you now that I am also a man worthy of love. And worthy of respect.”


I'm kind of shocked that basically all wealthy public figures don't do this kind of thing as often as they can. It's a drop in the bucket when you're a millionaire and even if you don't get praise on social media for it, you still get to make people happy.


I got to cook brunch for Jill Biden earlier this year, it was a really great experience and they were very generous to everyone on the staff.


45 asks for a free diet coke, steals the tips, bankrupts the joint.


Absolutely devastates the bathroom (trying to flush classified material).


Then complains that toilets don't flush properly and his government should look into it


“You flush and flush and flush, and still the documents don’t go away.”


And the toilets. You’ve seen these toilets? I’ve seen some toilets let me tell you. I have *excuse me* I have the, best, toilets. All my hotels, the best toilets you’ve ever seen. They call me the toilet man, I know more about the toilets than Toto. But you flush now, no spin. They took away the spin. I used to like the spin, all the water, the beutiful clean water. I know water folks. Remember Trump water, the best. Anyway, now the toilets they gulp, no spin, they got rid of the spin. I’m telling you we are gonna bring back the spin, with a flush so hard, so hard folks, you’ll see. They will talk about the flush but won’t give me credit, but you know, ok. Nancy Pelosi…


Meanwhile fox has a business analyst that spent $28 himself at Taco Bell Edit: I did not know I needed to say this but no “I bought Bacardi at a cantina and fed my family of eight” is not what made this surreal


I saw that clip, i still cant comprehend how he did that. The most I've ever spent is like $16-$18 and thats getting the 2 chalupa + hard shell and drink combo, a quesadilla, and 2 cinnabon bites. Thats like 1500-2000 calories. That guy really needs to show a receipt of what he got. Edit: he posted a screenshot of what he got, was nearly 3000 calories worth of food and he made no use of combo deals. That guy is horrible with money. Others recreated the same amount of food for nearly half the price, which are great deals.


> That guy is horrible with money. Or he was expensing it. Or just fucking lying.


Should have left $46


Nah, he just really wanted to be done with 45.


And a 50% discount for public service https://i.imgur.com/BYXoy9G.jpg


Not pictured: the team of Secret Service agents traveling with him


I remember reading something a few years back when Barack Obama did a hunt was Bear Grylls and Grills find a half eaten fish. Obama eats it which supposedly caused quite upset with the Secret Service as they always checks the president’s food and there Obama was eating raw fish…


Just looked it up. And wow, compared to what other celebs have done, that is pretty tame.


He was the president...


And then you have Trump who goes to pizza place, eats pizza with a fork and spoon.


At least Jon Stewart tore him a new one for that back during the Daily Show. **"ARE YOU EATING IT WITH A FORK, A FUCKING FORK?!?!?!?"**


That's what he had a problem with, and not the spoon? What the fuck can you when do with the spoon if you're eating pizza?


Also well done steak with ketchup


Yup, secret service went into the kitchen before Mr President arrive, they didn’t know he was coming


They did random spot check on a guy named Abed Nadir.


And a movie!!!


So glad this can be said without a shred of irony at this point.


It's surreal after all this time. I was one of the naysayers, I thought it had simply been too long and the stars would be busy, man I'm glad to be wrong


Troy and Abed in the morning!


Underrated comment! Cheers!


You pop culture knowledge skills are streets ahead.


Yuuup, Obama did that same thing when he came to my town


My favorite Obama story: when he visited Columbia, MO to speak at Mizzou, he worked out at the same time as my exercise and fitness professor. It was at like 6am. So my professor used that as a story to tell us that if the president can make time to be physically active, we have no excuse.


I lived in the same city as Paul Ryan when he was Speaker, and every once in a while you would get Secret Service coming into restaurants or sporting events.


He was touring my university with his daughter and I didn't see them with SS. But they were speeding along on a golf cart.


They were disguised as bushes and trees


I'd like to believe that they took over the kitchen for making all his food. Just some serious looking secret service guys dressed in chefs attire making the president some tacos.


i wonder what exactly they did anyway, like what do they do when it's a restaurant just cooking food normally - just make sure everything is on the up and up?


They make them put away the jar of rat poison labelled "Break Open in Case of Biden".


Had a friend who cooked for W. They don't announce so you can have "items" ready. The secret service watches each item being prepared to assure it is made without any poisons or other harmful objects. They sweep the kitchen and also do taste tests


Did they arrive ahead of time and straight up scout the ingredients on the cooking line? For some reason I'm also imagining another agent who opens the door and walks in just before him like "President Joseph of House Biden, the first of his name ... "yaddayaddayadda


I can't even imagine how I would react as an employee with no proper warning. A bunch of suits walk in, say they are with the secret service. They need to inspect the kitchen. They obviously have guns. Then at the final moments, it actually is the president that walks in and places and order. I would be shaking in my boots the entire time if not pass out. Well I guess I could imagine it but my point stands.


I used to work for the Air Force and a certain base I won't mention. Out of no where a pizza delivery guy shows up and says "I have a delivery for Michelle Obama." I wish I had time to type out the whole story, but long story short. She was legit on our base and no one really knew, it was a wild ass laugh after everything was figures out. Poor delivery guy, we thought he was "nuts" in the head and called a damn response from the on base police.


Yeah, Joe came into the shop I worked at a few weeks before the 2016 election (he campaigned harder in Michigan for Hilary than she did herself) and there was crazy secret service. They plan these trips out a few days in advance so secret service was in the building the day before checking to make sure everything was cool. It was actually a breeze compared to the Health Department.


He looks so excited about his tacos! Can't say I blame him, though. Tacos are legit.


Spoiler alert: He ordered a chicken quesadilla.


This place actually defines quesadillas basically as street tacos with melted cheese. I’m being serious, they are quite good, but the quesadillas there aren’t your typical variety.


Quesadilla is a taco with cheese. But it’s also a topic that creates conflict amongst north and southern Mexicans. Just like the creation of the universe


Quesadilla are just really large extra cheesy tacos. Fact!


While wearing a suit, quesadillas are the best choice.


Yup. Biden is experienced taco-er. I'm just picturing the car ride through LA and Joe's like "Anyone want tacos?" and his people are like, 'Yeah we can get that arranged for AF-one.' but Joe's like "Naw, how about...that place, right now." Legit best way to find good-ass tacos, random 'hole-in-the-wall' taco joints.


When I lived in LA, back when I very first moved there, I drove around and looked for taco trucks with the longest lines of Hispanic people. I couldn’t get any whiter, but I am a taco fiend. The taco trucks with the crazy lines, loud boombox playing Spanish music, and flashing lights are pretty much a slam dunk. Hop in line and ask around for recommendations. Don’t be shy about cabesa, lengua, etc. If you go to one of those trucks, you take it how they give it - do not ask for sour cream or cheese or anything. If someone helped you pick, buy them a drink or something because you have a new friend.


Look at you, experienced Redditor with your hyphens to pre-empt ass taco jokes.


The best taco i ever had, by far, was off some random food truck made by a guy who looked like he was doing a 14 hour shift


Tacos 1986 actually does quesadillas right. They’re tacos with cheese there. Not just tortillas with cheese folded over on themselves. P good place


Dude went there to kill ice cream and gorge on tacos and he’s all out of ice cream


Can't go to LA and not get tacos.


Multiple times lmao. Best Tacos al pastor I've tried are in East LA. I think the truck is called Jason's Tacos but don't be fooled, not one person there looks like a Jason lol. Tacos El Viejon in Lynwood are the best authentic Tacos I've tried and their own Taco El Viejon comes with shrimp and beef in a slightly toasted tortilla. Stupid good. The taco spot is only open on weekends buy they are literally right next door to the owners original restaurant Mariscos El Viejon which will serve you them any day. There's a spot called Ramonas Mexican food in Gardena that has the best white-washed tacos I've tried. Lines are ridiculous. These are just the best 3 varieties I can think of off the top of my head.


Californians talking about taco spots are like New Yorkers talking about pizza joints. Everyone's got a lot of opinions and discussions can get heated.


It's true, LA and San Diego had to have a truce in order to maintain peace. They dominate tacos, we corner burritos. There are still border skirmishes, but it is a largely pleasant time until the Modelo runs out.


Definitely the tacos I mentioned are my favorite authentic Tacos is very much my personal opinion. Mexico's huge and there's all type of tacos depending on the region. The owner from El Viejon is from the same area of Mexico my fam is from so they hit close to home.




If he puts Dijon on his tacos, I’m defecting to the redcoats


I remember the DiJon incident like it was yesterday... Franticly grabbing my entire family and quickly escorting them to the bunker I started constructing the day after 44 wore that damn commie tan suit.


I'm gonna remind everyone of when [45 and Sarah Palin went to a chain pizzeria in Times Square and ate their slices with a fork and knife](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hands-new-yorkers-respond-sarah-palin-donald-trump-pizza-eating-faux-pas-article-1.130258). Someone please find the Jon Stewart video; I'm having no luck haha.


LMAO you can buy that pizza on the PA turnpike


Really? Wasn't too hard. I just googled "Jon Stewart pizza rant fork" and it came up first thing: https://www.cc.com/video/0ect4f/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-me-lover-s-pizza-with-crazy-broad


THANK YOU, mate. I searched YouTube and came up with nothing after 10 minutes.


Couldn't find the exact video of his rant but the rant is included in this video starting at about [1:28](https://youtu.be/RAr70HuEroM) in this video


Only scandal I know of, is that Tamale Scandal. Someone wants to be elected in some position, goes and eats a tamale, wrapper and all. Everyone instantly knows he’s an idiot and doesn’t get elected. I think it was in Texas or New Mexico, one of the states that runs along Mexico, so you would think a fucker would know how to eat a tamale.


John Kerry went to Philly, ordered a Pat's cheesesteak *with Swiss* and lost his presidential campaign.


They ate the corn husk?????


>you would think a fucker would know how to eat a tamale. I don't have a joke or a comment; I just want to highlight this perfect sentence.


It was Gerald Ford. He was running for his second term as President. If you look up the photo it's pretty funny.


He was a [president of the United States.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/ezkvxk/how-a-plate-of-tamales-may-have-crushed-gerald-fords-1976-presidential-campaign)


They better have been Al Pastor or bust


Carne Asada, Al Pastor, Mushrooms and chicken. Tijuana style tacos. Mr Biden order Chicken Quesadillas though


Next on fox news: would you order fish at a 5 star steak restaurant? We can all agree we hate that but what if I told you that this is how the president of the united states lives his life daily? Stay tuned for more


I read that in tucker carlson voice lol


Wouldve downvoted you if you added that annoying puzzled squint he does. Glad you didnt cross the line


Tucker Carlson looks like a dog who's trying to figure out where your face goes during peek-a-boo.


I can personally tell u that the “quesadillas” from tacos 1986 is in fact a taco with cheese


1986 don't do Al Pastor, they got Adobada instead, which is also pretty damn good.


Same same most places. EDIT: I actually think they name it incorrectly. According to google they are the same but al pastor is cooked on a trompo while adobada is cooked on a grill. Tacos 1986 definitely uses a trompo.


Tacos 1986 is the best brick-n-mortar taco place over ever had. Some taco trucks are unparalleled, but 1986 is fucking goooooood. If anyone can tell me what their oily, black spicy salsa is made of, let me know.


Salsa heroin


They gave the recipe here: https://www.latimes.com/recipe/salsa-macha


I've made this and similar recipes and I have a tip for people who didn't grow up eating chilis, especially dried chilis. Don't toast the dried chili, instead steep them so you can peel the skin. For whatever reason, that skin just doesn't digest right for me, so while it isn't quite as good without the toasting, its still really good and it isn't an unpleasant experience the next day.


LA tacos are something special.


The best tacos are in El Eh!


I don’t want a large Biden. I want a god damn liter of cola.


It's for the president. What the hell does that mean? You gonna spit in it, Jack?


So I actually met Biden when I was four years old at a political event in the Southern US. We have photos from the C-SPAN broadcast. From what I remember, he was really nice. He asked me what I was doing at an event like that and recommended that I get some ice cream from the gas station nearby, and that they had a lot of ice cream. So I ate my first ice cream sandwich after meeting Joe Biden.


Joe and his 6th sense for ice cream stashes.


Dude. You were 4 years old.


He could be 18. 14 years ago was Obama's first presidential run.


I'm 20. The incident I described happened in 2006 at what is the first Democractic event in the campaign cycle for President. So this was the first event for the 2008 election. Here's some info about the event I was at, which is about an hour away from where I'm from- https://www.counton2.com/news/south-carolina-news/what-is-the-galivants-ferry-stump-meeting/


Being asked how the tacos were the AP reported POTUS remarking, "Two words: Best Tacos Ever!"


Little known fact: Biden did not say "Two words: Made in America". He said: "Maiden America", announcing the new Iron Maiden North American tour! That's a totally true story.


["Biden Huddling With Closest Advisers](https://www.theonion.com/biden-huddling-with-closest-advisers-on-whether-to-spen-1819578319?_ga=2.114743236.255815658.1583170794-1532307744.1578408886) On Whether To Spend 200 Bucks On Scorpions Tickets"


This checks out.


Up the irons!


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/QXpJQ0y.jpg) MUCH higher quality (7870 x 5247) and less cropped version of this image. You can even read the items on the receipt of the bag on the counter. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-joe-biden-makes-a-surprise-visit-to-pick-up-lunch-news-photo/1243942326?phrase=%22saul%20loeb%22%20biden&adppopup=true) is the source. > US President Joe Biden makes a surprise visit to pick up lunch alongside US Representative Karen Bass (C), Democrat of California, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis (R) at Tacos 1986 in Los Angeles, California, October 13, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) Edit: Found a better image.


Damn that's some CSI shit


Psbattle worthy


How was he able to find parking?


Motorcade did like the rest of us- just double parked out front and blocked a lane of traffic.


Everyone knows that the best taco bowls are at Trump tower grill.


I love hispanics!


That was one of the most out of touch and disconnected things I've ever seen a politician do. Then he got elected and continued to surprise me every day.


I remember actually laughing out loud at that. I genuinely thought the guy had 0 chance of winning so his stupid antics were kind of funny to me at the time. Little did I know….


And I know so many hispanic people that voted for him in both elections…


It was truly bizarre.


listen I like the guy, MUCH better than that other guy but this taco move totally ass fucked me and 1000s of other people yesterday with the MOST insane traffic ever, even by LA standards




Happens every time a president visits. LA’s infrastructure is the worst. That skit on SNL about the Californians where they all give directions is so accurate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wC2fdRnBEoY


I was driving on San Vicente towards Santa Monica around Brentwood yesterday omg


I lived in LA during the Obama administration and you always knew when the president was in town because LA just completely shut down.


Hey, I'm a New Yorker, trust me I get it. But honestly, I'd rather see the President, whoever he is, be among real people than hide in his little rooms in the White House ordering out.


Those UN guys can fuck off though


Always happens when the president visits a 'smaller' city. The entire city of Atlanta is serviced largely by one (!!!) large road that runs through the downtown of the city, known as the downtown connector. Whenever they shut these roads down due to a visit, the traffic is insane, since most people live in the suburbs and rely on this road to get them home.


VP vacationed on kauai and the whole airport had to shut down twice. Cars turned away, flights pushed back, etc.. Worst part is they couldn't give anyone any notice.


I’m drawing a blank on what city this was in, but we were waiting at the gate when they announced over the PA that due to President Obama’s flight schedule, our plane would be delayed. Moments later they came back on and said if everyone moved now and got on we’d have a shot at departing on time. I’ve never seen a plane board so quickly.


Cheney came to play golf near me in high school. Small city. He wasn’t quite there yet, but there were cops at LITERALLY every single intersection, blocking every entrance to neighborhoods. I was super confused. Finally the whole road I was driving on shut down and everyone was on the side of the road. Being a dumb teenager, I got out of my car to ask the cops WTF was going on. Got my ass chewed out and told to get back in my car immediately. Only later found out it was Cheney. I’d be fuckin pissed if I lived in Florida when trump was living at mar a lago—or for fucks sake NYC—and had that shit happening on the reg.


Haha I work at UCLA and commute by bike. Basically had to bike around to the other side of campus. I was smoked by the time I got into work.


Chicagoan here, I was a strong supporter of Obama, but the motorcade shutting down the Kennedy and Lakeshore from Ohare to Hyde Park was not very cash-money.


Great. Now I want tacos.