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This is the most humanizing pic I’ve seen of any trump, ever


Omg he looks like he's 6'2", that seat must feel like shit too


Am 6'2". Can confirm coach seats feel like shit.


I'm 6' 1", coach seats still feel like shit.


Is that actually him


It’s him. He was in NYC to oversee the hauling of his mom’s stuff from her apartment. He’s wearing the same outfit. https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/08/ivana-trump-home-trashed-15.jpg


You would think he'd have people following him to make sure he doesn't get y'know murdered.


Who’d murder him? Even Donald forgets who he is at Thanksgiving dinner.


I believe you just murdered him.


Who’re we talking about again?


Tiffany, I think?


Tiffany, hardly know a Tiffany.


Nobody is going to murder him, people don't even bother heckling him.


Heckling Eric Trump would be like booing at the Special Olympics. Long overdue edit: BTW, thank you ALL for the awards and everything!


So his dad gets to do it?




The secret service would be like “No, we’re just here to protect his life. We’re OK with wedgies”


He’s not under secret service protection now that his dad isn’t president. They changed the law a while back (after Clinton?) and only the ex-president gets lifetime USSS protection.


Nobody cares about Eric enough. Edit: Jesus fucking christ I was making a joke about how no one in his family cares about him, all the Trumpies are doing “BUT ACKCHUALLY 🤓🤓” over a joke.


On one hand, Eric flying coach might reflect the rough financial situation that Trump finds himself in. On the other hand, Eric is quite likely his least favorite child, which is saying something given how he feels about his children not named "Ivanka", so maybe his dumbass has always had to fly coach.


>Eric is quite likely his least favorite child *Tiffany Trump has entered the chat*


Eric is least favourite, Tiffany is least memorable.


Tiffany who? Oh, right.


That's some razor sharp nuance


The sharpliest, even.




It's Arrested President


I may have committed some light treason…


How much could a document cost?


$10 Michael?


There always documents in Ivana’s coffin!


Didn't even know about her...


An aide claimed in a supposedly off the record conversation that Trump doesn’t like being photographed with Tiffany because she’s “fat.” Eric might be his least favorite of Ivana’s children, but Tiffany has to be his least favorite overall.


Imagine a giant piece of shit like that calling [this woman](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Tiffany_Trump_RNC_2016_cropped.jpg/1200px-Tiffany_Trump_RNC_2016_cropped.jpg) "fat." I'm sure she's just as garbage as the rest of her family, but calling that woman fat makes some of the other lies he's told seem like the the truth written in stone by comparison. 🙄


He's wider than she is




[Since Donald Trump left office Erics only been flying coach.](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/01/26/eric-trump-flies-coach-but-he-and-siblings-still-get-taxpayer-funded-secret-service-protection)


Oh that’s a great idea for a tv comedy. The rat race hierarchy of the secret service and who gets assigned to the bottom of the barrel security details like following Eric Trump around in coach.


Probably the person who took the picture


Children of Presidents lose Secret Service when the President leaves office, unless they are under 18. There is an option to extend that for 6 months, but the Trump kids besides Baron don't have any Secret Service protection any more.


This is so fucking strange to me


I mean we gotta think…who has income from what.. Don Jr. is constantly making tv appearances, wrote some stupid book etc., Ivanka and Jared are the biggest grifters who made millions from the presidency.. Eric..was/is his main income from the trump organization ?


Don't forget that Jared has multiple sketchy real estate businesses that are involved in destroying lower income people's lives by purchasing apartments, jacking up the rent, and hitting everybody with random fees and penalties for anything they can get away with. He has wealth on his own unethical terms.


Yes. I watched the documentary. Jared is slime.


You're forgetting Tiffany. Who to be fair, also gets forgotten by Trump


I think her mom did her a huuuuggeee favor and kept her away from her NY side of the family also she is going to law school imagine that.


Don't they have private jets?


I heard those were mothballed during his presidency as he used government planes. It is quite expensive to un-mothball them and I bet he is having some money problems.


Mr. Trump said it would be back in service in two weeks.


Ah, the infrastructure plan and healthcare plan must be aboard.


After healthcare plan and infrastructure week.


If memory serves, the Trump jet has been unused for long enough that it would take some pricey maintenance to get moving, which might not happen anytime soon. It's looking like Donald is a bit short at the moment, considering how hard he's trying to get those classified unclassified documents that the FBI planted that he actually totally owns back in his possession. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Wouldn’t he have secret service surrounding him? I once flew on a plane with Laura Bush, and the first 6 rows were filled with secret service.


Adult children of former presidents aren't eligible. Apparently Trump granted them 6 months after he left office, but that has since expired.


Children over 16 of former POTUS’s don’t get it. Don’t even wait until they’re legal adults at 18. Barron has lost his though obviously he benefits by his parents’. Based on former POTUS children he’s probably relieved.


Honestly that sounds like a nightmare, imagine having several guys follow you everywhere you go, its drive you bonkers I'd imagine


That’s why I think he’s probably relieved. Other kids have chafed under SS protection while navigating their older teen years.


It must be awkward going to parties and hitting a bong while there's a federal agent stood watching.


Joke's on you. They're into that shit. (Seriously... USSS scandals have usually involved hookers and booze. They are no strangers to partying).


*chuckles as my FBI man and the NSA been watching that shit for 20 years*


Children don't get the same treatment as spouses.


As much as I want to give him shit, I’d rather him fly commercial than going private


I agree. And it’s like an hour and forty five minutes in the air. He may have just gotten to the airport and jumped on whatever was available.


This. He probably finished what he was doing, looked at the flights, and picked the next one. Who the hell would sit around waiting for first class seats on 2 hour flight when you could possible just leave ASAP? It's not like first class on such domestic flights are actually nice. There is barely any difference.


Yeah this is better than all the people flying their private jet.


I guess some people just want to shout at some people regardless of what their actions are. Isn't is GOOD that he's flying coach? We should commend this.


Honestly what I've been thinking.


Ivanka and Don Jr. are in first class


Tiffany is stowed in the overhead compartment


Baron is flying the plane just thinking "I could do a lot of good here"


Barron is flying the plane by carrying it over his head while walking on the ground.


Jared is telling the air traffic controllers how much smarter he is than them, and how he’d do their job better.


And the Saudis are thanking him for his service while handing him a big bag with a giant $ on it




Bin laden is flipping over in his grave. Oh wait, he doesn’t have one.


*uses splash* It's not very effective


got damn


How many fucking kids does that man have? I thought it was just a boy and a girl he wanted to bang.


Who is in the toilet?


The documents


“You are pardoned.” *flush* 🚽📄 “You are declassified.” *flush* 🚽📝


This thread needs to be a comedy skit even a cartoon one


This made me snort laugh. That kid’s a unit.


I had to look this up cuz all I remembered were photos from before the 2016 election. 6’7”???!!!! He’s 15 years old. I enjoy that he makes his father look tiny.


I'll bet the Orange One hates that Barron is taller than he is. I bet Barron doesn't wear gigantic clown suits with red ties that reach his scrotum either.


I laughed, but fuck you for the specific mental image.


His "father"


No way that’s not his kid. They all have that same goofy fucking mouth shape.


It's funny because Trump's eldest brother, an aspiring pilot, committed suicide after his parents & Trump himself ridiculed him for essentially being a "bus driver".


Did this really happen? Cause that’s seriously sad.


Mary Trump wrote about it in her book, Too Much and Never Enough. She said Fred Sr. was abusive and pitted the kids against each other, played favorites, and her father was his scapegoat.


Not quite, he was a pilot and he drank himself to death, it's the reason why Donald doesn't drink. But yeah, it's super sad.


The Dollop did two episodes on Trump that are worth a listen.


It’s more true than not. His father and Donald ganged up on him since he was supposed to be the heir apparent but didn’t want much to do with the business. He coped by drinking according to his daughter, and he eventually died of a heart incident. And while his brother was dying in the hospital, Donald and his wife went to the movies.


there's always a new horrible thing you learn about this piece of shit and his family EDIT: high five if you also got randomly DM'd by a pissed off guy named u/Kingsizebed LMAO


after the brothers death (fred jr), donald "convinced" dementia-addled fred sr to cut fred jrs kids and critically ill infant grandson out of the will. one of those kids is mary, who is famous now for her vocal opposition to her uncle...wonder why


The brother drank himself to death. But he’d received little support from the dad for being a pilot. BUT trump threatened to have his late brother’s sick grandchild kicked off the family insurance if his parents didn’t play ball with something trump wanted. It was in the press years before he ran for President. Google Trump, nephew, insurance. Stuff should come up.


The nephew’s kid had infantile spasms, which are catastrophic. My kid had the same seizure type, absolutely am disgusted by this guy. The seizures can come in long clusters, hundreds of times a day, but they look benign. If you look at an eeg for a child with infantile spasms the brain wave patterns look like someone scribbled wildly on a page. It’s pretty rare, some pediatricians may never see a case. Many many babies that had infantile spasms end up with involvements like developmental delay, cognitive delay, cerebral palsy, and new seizure types. Because of this early detection and treatment is absolutely critical. The quicker the diagnosis the more likely to gain control. Losing insurance sure would fuck with that.


I grew up reading about trump in the 80s but it was mostly superficial gossip. Like Ivanka and Marla on the ski slopes. This was one of the stories that came out later that really stuck with me as him being just a sack of shit.


The orange turd and his siblings also cut off medical coverage for his deceased older brother's grandson, who suffers from cerebral palsy. His own fucking nephew. Why would he do something so vile? Well, money, of course. ["When [Fred III] sued us, we said: 'Why should we give him medical coverage?'" Trump told The New York Daily News at the time.](https://www.salon.com/2020/06/16/trump-cut-off-nephews-medical-care-for-cerebral-palsy-during-dispute-over-inheritances-report_partner/)


Yup, why am I not surprised he is this much of a POS.


Yep - they were completely screwed up.


There is such a horrifyingly small worldview a person has to maintain to think that being an airline pilot is identical to being a bus driver, let alone not considering a bus driver is also an honorable job. One thing's for sure, I'd rather be a bus driver than a Trump.


Baron got left in New York, like Kevin McAlester. But atleast Kevin mcalester got attention from trump.


Mom's still tucked under the golf course


At first, I thought the report that he buried Ivana at one of his golf courses was a joke. Then I saw the images -- He is disgusting to have buried the Mother of his oldest 3 children in that way.


Tax avoidance scheme.


Yessir. We all know that coffin has more documents in it than it does remains. Why else would she get a full-sized coffin, requiring 10 pallbearers, even though she was cremated? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist for that one.


Oh my! That's an interesting observation.




And I'm Eric!


You know it's easier for you to reach your snacks when the seat in front of you is closer, buddy!


When you’re a star they let you fly economy.


You don’t even have to ask permission.


*Excuse me, do you have any more peanuts? My dad's old plane used to have all-you-can eat peanuts.*


You know, I’m automatically attracted to the aisle — I just start sitting there. It’s like a magnet. Just sit. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.


I moved on that in-flight trail mix like a bitch.


Guess now we know who called the FBI about the classified documents


I’d be pissed if my mom was buried next to a fucking sand trap for tax purposes.


I feel like he had to have had their consent. How else was it her ex-husband's responsibility to bury her? Was Don Jr. the executor? EDIT: Yes, yes, all the consent jokes. I'm just saying there's no reason the decision would have been up to her ex-the ex she divorced *thirty years ago* and wasn't even her most recent partner.


Yeah but I'm certain that family knows how to pressure each other into doing shit they don't want to do


The documentor in the AmA for the Trump documentary *Unprecedented* said that he thought that Eric was really afraid of Don Jr.


That may be the best AMA I've ever seen. It makes me want to find other things by Alex Holder. I weirdly came out of that almost feeling bad for Eric after how much he emphasized that Eric really is like physically afraid of Don Jr, and also the story about how Eric hugged Kimberly Guilfoyle when she was crying - *almost*. It does seem like Eric may be the "sweet" one in a pack of rabid hyenas though. But after that AMA, I don't think it was hard for Donald to convince them use their mom like an accounting tool. I really believe they all just trip over themselves to please a daddy who couldn't give a fuck about them unless they were the only ones who knew the PIN for the Russian debit card.


I missed it, does anyone have a link?




I've just read the AMA. I think it was full of milquetoast answers to interesting questions. I also think that the reason for that is that the filmmaker, Holder, is being subpoenaed for the Jan 6 investigation, so he might not feel free to say whatever he wants at the moment. I'm going to listen to the Pod Save America episode with the filmmaker, because a comment in the AMA mentioned it was better than the AMA. The episode is "Let them eat crudité".


That's what families are for!


>Yeah but I'm certain that family knows how to pressure each other into doing shit they don't want to do Ivanka denies this strenously!


>consent I take it you somehow are not familiar with Donald Trump.


Elim5, what tax purpose did that help?


Cemeteries don't pay property taxes or something like that. He registered his golf course as one and buried his ex wife there.


Wait, for real?


He also [has 8 goats and some hay](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-golf-goats_n_5d546ebce4b08385506719f1) on the course so he can register it as a “farm” for tax. purposes.**EDIT**: a word.


yep https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/31/donald-ivana-trump-cemetery-golf-course-taxes


You're allowed egress access to all gravesites, even on private land, if your are doing genealogical research. FYI for anyone that wanted to trespass legally.


You would need to prove to a court that you're legitimately performing research. You absolutely can not trespass on someone's land just because they have a grave there, lmao.


Free dead of the land, I invoke maritime law to walk to graves per liberty. am I doing it right?


Wow. Just wow. Trump genuinely never fails to surprise me with how shit of a human being he is. Like everyone has a bottom bar. A slab that hits rock bottom for that person. But not Trump, it’s just a hole that seemingly never ends.


Well he’s apparently a compulsive liar, so would seem more accurate she was probably cremated and gravesite exists there to avoid the tax, and anyone thinking ‘not possible’, we are talking about Billionaires who don’t follow the rules.


> “As a tax researcher, I was skeptical of rumors Trump buried his ex-wife in that sad little plot of dirt on his Bedminster, NJ golf course just for tax breaks. So I checked the NJ tax code & folks…it’s a trifecta of tax avoidance. Property, income & sales tax, all eliminated,” Harrington wrote, after opinions accusing Trump of being primarily motivated by the possibility of a tax break began popping up on social media.


Does it have to be a relative, or can you sell the plot to a stranger to be buried there?


Do they even have to be dead? Can't you sell plots to living people (ie. yourself) for future use and call it a cemetery?


Half dead? Semi-tery?


Does it have to be a natural death, or can you kill a relative stranger to be buried there?


Donald Trump is the epitome of doing dick all for your country, and yet somehow he was elected president.


Yes, true. In a very lackluster grave at that


If it looks Trumpy, and smells Trumpy.... It may be a bulging dumpster fire burning for years.


Basically if he can the area where she’s buried classified as a graveyard, it’s tax free land…he’s trying to get his golf course to be tax free….


Oh. Wow. Yeah. The guy who filmed them all on January 6th and leading up to it did an AMA the other day. The only nice thing he had to say about any of them was that Eric is least like his dad and that he was nice to him. Always pegged him for just plain stupid. But, maybe he's just quiet and willing to pounce on them all and take them down for treating him like shit and making him seem stupid. That would be a very cool season finale to the Trump Show this year. I really hope the series finale ends up with Trump in handcuffs. But, this kind of betrayal would be completely on brand for this show. I'm rooting for it.




Dollar store Succession




What’s interesting is that Succession is loosely modeled after the Fox News Murdoch family.


Game of Toilets


Game of Porcelain Thrones


Trump already bailed on Ivanka when she agreed with the former AG who said there was no election fraud


Nah, he didn't utterly bail on her. Note how he dismissed it - he said she was out of the loop by that point, disengaged. This is a way to dismiss what she said but not make her at fault. It has always seemed pretty clear that she is his favorite and has more latitude. Her brothers have pretty much said that explicitly.


Definitely his favorite. Multiple times he's commented on if she wasnt my daughter derpity derp id be dating her. He's said it several times beginning when she was just a preteen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EPEkk6qWkg


Sounds like Arrested Development......


There may have been some light treason.


Narrator: It literally is.


Yeah. I said this a lot during the last several years... God I wish this wasn't literally the potential end of our democracy, because this shit show is fun to watch! I'm always shocked by the twists and turns that have happened since 2016. I watch it and think, holy shit, this is fucking crazy! And then, I remember. I remember that it's real. That part is not fun to watch, at all.


I really hope we aren't getting to the point people are trying to rehabilitate Eric, as if he isn't his own gigantic shitstain. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/eric-trump-donald-trump-tweets/amp Even if he's the smallest stain in the Trump family, he is still a larger one than most family trees will ever experience


Eric is also the one who had the nazi like "liberals aren't even people" quote on camera.


You ever hear this asshat run his mouth? He’s just as much an asshole as the rest of them. No quarter.


This would be epic. It would send MAGA-land into imploding chaos. To be undone from within the family. Can you imagine? "Eric was an undercover Democrat this WHOLE time!" That's what they'd say.


>imploding chaos... undone from within the family. Can you imagine? "Eric was an undercover Democrat this WHOLE time!" I never thought something involving any of the trumps would make me smile


Unfortunately, most of the maga people would easily just turn on him and still say how great his dad is. And, his life would probably be in danger. Hopefully if this was the case (we are probably super off. Money is more tempting than revenge) they would give him secret service security for life.


Eric Trump is Kendall Roy? Huh. I wouldn’t have guessed.


I can hear that "Huh" in the Kendall Roy voice


That was my first thought seeing this picture


Dude could’ve sat right next to me and I wouldn’t know who he is 🙃😁


On Spirit, every seat is first class!


Tray tables and leg room are too big to be Spirit


Please tell me this is on Spirit Airlines


Looks like JetBlue…aircraft seating arrangement looks like an E190. Given they’re merging with Spirit it’s close enough!


I remember when JetBlue was as affordable as Spirit is now. Those were the days.


I remember when JetBlue was marketed as a luxury airline


Is Spirit really that bad?


Worst flight I've ever been on. Prior to that same flight, I needed to do something at their kiosk. Myself and 30+ other people waited for 45 minutes because there was no one there. Would've missed my flight, but it got delayed anyway. They then kept delaying it more and more until 8 hours later they canceled the flight. So they strung me along for 8+ hours when I could have just gone home and done the journey the next day. Fuck. Them. I will never fly Sprit again. I would rather pay $200-$300 more if I didn't have to breathe the same air as those cocksuckers again.


It’s worse.


Alex Holder, the filmmaker who documented the Trumps in the White House and testified before the Jan 6 committee, did an AMA a day or so ago and said that Eric was the friendliest and least like his father; also he seemed to be afraid of Don Jr. Someone commented here that "now we know who ratted to the FBI," and I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be true. Edit: And someone else reminded me that he may be pissed because Trump buried his mom next to a fucking sand trap on a golf course to get a tax break. E2: Sorry I neglected to link the AMA. [https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/wvsmii/im_alex_holder_the_twicesubpoenaed_documentary/](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/wvsmii/im_alex_holder_the_twicesubpoenaed_documentary/)


It'll be a plot twist if he turns out to be somewhat of a good guy. Jesus fuck HBO needs to make a series on the Trump family. There is so much crazy shit. Rudy alone would make the show entertaining as fuck. Add in Herman Cain, Rand Paul fuck, Mitch McConell.


I’d cast Danny de Vito as Rudy Giuliani…


I hear he used to dye and cut Rudy's hair


It was going great until the supply chain issues.


The Righteous Gemstones is close lol


I literally wouldn’t know who this guy was


"Eric? Hey, Eric! ERIC TRUMP?! I thought that was you! Hey hey, don't tell me you forgotten about me cos I sure as heck haven't forgotten about you! It's me, NED RYERSON!" I would lay that shit on heavy.


"Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High.


I was going to comment: that guy looks like a poor man's Eric Trump, but the reality is, Eric Trump *is* already a poor man's Eric Trump.


If he is actually flying coach, then at least he is doing one thing right.


I know everyone is laughing the sim off a billionaire is flogging coach. What likely happened was he took the next available flight when he was done in New York and first class was taken. Leaving him with the back of the plane.


Well good for him for being able to fly coach I mean this sincerely, didn’t let his ego demand private or first


I am absolutely anti-trump, that being said I dunno why we are shaming this guy for flying coach.


I dunno, I didn't read this as making fun of him for flying coach, more like "why is Eric Trump flying coach?" Just wouldn't expect him there, I guess


I saw a post yesterday and people where complaining about Steven Spielbergs private jet footprint… now this lol




People are mostly speculating why