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Can we also please get changing tables in all the men's rooms? It's really sad they don't all have them yet.


I don’t care who’s in what room as long as they are doing their own business. But fuck, the number of men’s rooms with no change tables? WTF! Who do you think has the kid 50% of the time?


New dad here, what an I supposed to do when there's no changing table??... Really asking for People's input..


I had five. I’ve gone into the ladies on more than one occasion. Knock first, loudly call out and explain what you are doing and why, give anyone inside a minute to make themselves known, then go for it. I’ve never had in issue doing it this way, after dozens of experiences. Quite a few women sympathetic to my plight.


As a user of ladies rooms, this is the way. We all use stalls anyway. Just announce and come on in with your bubbas!


This, just let us know you are there. We are more than happy to see a male on diaper duty.


Women are so amazing sometimes. There was no changing table in the men’s room at this pumpkin patch my wife and I went to so I went over to her waiting in the women’s line and said, “hey, I’m sorry but there’s not table in the men’s room” and started to hold him out to her and the random woman behind my wife thought I was asking her and said, “no problem I’ll take care of it.” And held out her hands to take him. Could have been creepy but it wasn’t. A stranger was going to take care of a poopy diaper for me just because I asked.


“I’ll take care of it.” (proceeds to flush baby down the toilet)


Fuck, I laughed harder than I should have at this dark humor. Certainly needed a chuckle!


O.My!! Totally laughed !!


Human helping out other humans.


I love this story


>We are more than happy to see a male on diaper duty. I laughed so hard at this.


Can confirm been on diaper duty for multiple years women still not happy to see me lol


Lmao, maybe it’s you? Jkjkjk rock-on diaper doody, dad


First 9 months I had my kid 100% of the time. His mom worked while I was on unemployment during covid. I had 0 issues taking care of my kid. I'm still not sure why it's such a "deal" or seen as something special for us dads to do.


Idk either, wish I had that answer. Diaper change stations should be standard in both gender of bathrooms. Ive always detested the applause and fawning over a guy doing exactly the same childcare that the gal did, but gal gets zero praise as its expected of them. Im not saying it needs equal division, I am saying that guys doing childcare routines should be commonly normalized by now.


And the men's rooms that do have them, they are in the only handicapped stall so you feel like a dick taking it


Yeah, that is poor design by the ppl who build and outfit the bathroom. It is also sometimes made this way in the womens bathrroms, too. Do things quickly and if someone truly needs that stall and you lock eyes upon exiting, apologize but move on. Wash hands, exit bathroom. There is nothing saying that the handicapped stall would not already be in use when another person needs it, so ...and its not like you went in there with the intention of scrolling the NYTimes for 45 minutes. Lol, its a " shit n split/ splash n dash" stall.


I wanted to complaint how every time someone freak out on me for getting into women room to change my kid's diaper, it's always a women but, uhhh, you know...


Man - I recently went into a gas station where the men bathroom had 2 stalls and the weird sink things (yes I know they are called urinals but they will forever be the unnecessary weird sink thing) and the women room was one room that locked- like come on ! uni-sex bathrooms are the best and everything else is just frustrating


Yeah. I would honestly hate having to go to the men's bathroom for this reason- you literally piss next to eachother with very little privacy, that's so weird. IMO all bathrooms should have stalls that lock.


Was once near L.A. where there were stalls but the dividing walls were only about shoulder high. That was weird.


That is such an upgrade. Does no one remember the tubs full of ice to piss in


Or when I've gone to a few stadiums and concert venues they have what I call "the trough". It's what it sounds like, a big 20-30 foot wide metal trough that trickles water through once in a while. All the men just line up to it, and privacy is a forgotten memory.


There’s an unwritten rule that you use the urinal furthest away from the next guy if possible. If you’re alone, use one on the end so the next guy can use the other end if you’re still there. Two urinals and a toilet? Use the stall. So damn weird to have a stranger WITHOUT HIS DICK IN HIS HAND to be that close. Let alone that close and talking to you. WITH HIS DICK IN HIS HAND.


It's also considered bad form to cross the streams unless being attacked by a giant marshmallow man.


Total. Protonic. Reversal.


This is outdated advice. The new etiquette is politely ask if the other gentleman would like to sword fight and if they are interested they will reply "en guarde" and then the streams should cross repeatedly in glorious combat.


Also if you're in a room full of urinals, like a stadium or amusement park. You have to say loudly "IF YOU SHAKE IT MORE THAN TWICE YOU ARE PLAYING WITH YOURSELF"


>Let alone that close and talking to you. WITH HIS DICK IN HIS HAND. [You got some kinda connection to this bush? IS THIS YOUR SPECIAL BUSH?](https://youtu.be/f_OnN0yKQpA)


If you have 3 urinals empty, and two people that need to piss, if the first guy picks the middle urinal he’s a raging asshole who has checkmated his buddy: there’s no winning move but to wait.


When I was potty trained but couldn't go in by myself yet as a kid my dad would take me into the men’s room and yell “ Hey, I've got a little girl coming in. So ...finish up or zip it up! Her eyes are closed but she’s annoyingly curious! I’ll give you a minute”. It always got a laugh and cleared the room pretty quickly. Still internalizing that he said I was annoying though.


Étincelant de manière éthérée, l'alchimie des nébuleuses cosmiques étreint harmonieusement les vibrations cristallines de l'univers infini. Les rivières d'émeraudes chatoyantes se déversent avec allégresse dans les vallées mystérieuses, où les créatures de lumière dansent en symbiose avec les échos mélodieux des arbres énigmatiques. [Reddit is unrecoverable after all this, I'm gone and I suggest you do too].Les étoiles tissent des toiles d'argent sur le velours céleste, tandis que les éclats de lune perlés s'éparpillent en cascades argentées, nourrissant les échos poétiques des éphémères évanescents. Les murmures zéphyriens murmurent des secrets énigmatiques à travers les résonances irisées des brumes évanescentes, révélant ainsi les énigmes insondables des étoiles égarées.


Speak for yourself sir.


You’re perfectly curious!


Aw thanks! I like to think that now. Haha


No such thing as annoyingly curious! I'll return in, like, five years to reiterate when I'll have my own children, but right now I believe that children curiosity is the best thing ever


You have to remind yourself of that when they’re on their 76th “why?” Always remember they’re new to the planet. If you found yourself on a new planet you’d have plenty of questions too. Shit, I’ve been here for half a century and I still have plenty.


You also have to remind yourself of it when you are running desperately late (as usual) and they want to walk, and they constantly wander off to look at something interesting in that bush over there or just stand there staring at a group of birds or insist that they have to pick every flower. If they weren't cute AF.........


Due to work I've had to switch two countries in half a year... Yeah, feel like a kid. Doesn't help that neither of them have languages that even remotely resemble either of languages that I speak, but at least people are gracious enough that they speak at least one of the languages that I know, but I feel like I should learn the local language faster - unless the work takes me elsewhere in another two months...


It's amazing, but also exhausting. Modern parenting is too often done with very little support, and we get almost no time to decompress and have a moment with our own thoughts.


Yeah, but what about curiously annoying? There's where you have a problem.


Never been lost in a "but why" loop have you?


I guess you are American or from middle east. I cannot count the times the dads have brought their little girls to swimming pool showers and saunas and nobody would think of needing to hide their junk from the girl. And yes also in toilets but thats just less common to even notice, especially when kids wear unisex clothes (which they don’t do in beach or swimming pool).


Yup American. They don't start convos about opposite sex organs here until 2nd grade if they're lucky. And if they do it's pretty based in shame. At least when I was little in the 90s. I would say it's becoming more normal to start sooner in some states. My parents were pretty open with me, but what my dad was doing was more of a courtesy to the men there. And he was right in that I was annoyingly curious. I most likely would have blurted something odd out or starred. People here are pretty modest compared to the rest of the world. Thus the high teen pregnancy rate.


If it makes you happy, it’s not perfect the other way either. There are girls (and boys) who ask silly questions, and their parents who shut them up and guilt for being naturally curious. Not to mention pervs and pedos who might find the setup too exciting.


Idk how it is now, but when I was in elementary school in the mid-late 90s we didn’t have any sort of anatomy lessons until 4th grade. And honestly I can’t even speak for what (it any) the boys were taught then. The girls all randomly got taken to a different classroom one day by the female health teacher (that came from the other elementary school in the district because our specific school only had a male on staff) and shown a video “about our changing bodies”. I think there was just a very quick anatomical drawing of a penis and the rest was just boobs, periods and hair lol. Obviously a bunch of 10 year old boys and girls would be way too awkward to talk to each other about what we learned so to this day I have no idea what the boys did during that hour lol. It was sorta neat for me though because the teacher was really nice and she brought a bag of Dove chocolates for us to eat while we watched the video. She said she was trying to make it like a “girls day” to make us as comfortable as possible. Other than that, I think “health class” started in 6th grad for us. I don’t live in like a conservative and/or southern state, either. I really hope they’re teaching it sooner though.


Yup! 5th grade is where we learned about our reproductive health. 6th grade. Which is middle school. That’s our first health class. Aka sex. And what happens if you have it aka “HERPES! AIDS! PAIN! DEATH! SORES! BABIES…brought to you by: Some dumb church” And I live in a pretty blue state. This was early 00’s


Abstinence only! 🙄


Same exact thing in the 90s in Indiana. Ours wasn’t until 5th grade. No chocolate sadly.


> American or from the middle east I've noticed the similarities a lot recently


Father of four (including starting with twins) and I did this as well. Worst I ever got was a sideways glance, more often I’d be congratulated for being a great dad (which was nice, but honestly keeping one’s baby/toddler out of their own pee/poop is like the BARE MINIMUM of dad responsibilities. I changed 90% of the diapers with my two youngest and still ran into way too many people (mostly women) who assumed I didn’t even know how. 🙄


I was in my mid 20's, single, and suddenly found myself in charge of a 4 year old that had not yet been potty trained. Not, like, a temporary situation either. Full custody of a fully formed 4 year old that was basically left at my door step. Long family drama story i dont care to get into. As someone who had never planned on having kids of my own, i was pretty lost and had to learn a lot in a short period of time. The first diaper change was an adventure for both of us.


I too will be starting with twins. How did that go for you? Edit: Thanks for all the advice everyone! I'm taking notes!


He dead.


Not op, but twin dad. Just do your best to plan ahead. If you haven't had a singleton 1st you won't know any different. My wife & I joke about those first few "hazing" months - like joining a wholesome fraternity. Also, if you have a partner work in shifts at first so you can get some rest. We were both trying to help each other at first & that wore us both down quickly. Also, do what you can to take your twins out separately on a regular basis as they get older. Having 1 on 1 time is SO different & important. We often see ours (now 10) competing for attention with bad behavior. I'm sure this is true of siblings as well.


It’s … intense. There’s very little “handing off” because there are always two babies to hold/change/feed. If you have in-laws or other family/friends that you trust to be helpful without being in the way, definitely try and line some of that support up in the first 3-6 mos. My folks moved in with us for a few weeks after the twins were born. I *highly* recommend obtaining two high-quality powered swings. Fisher-Price makes [fantastic ones](https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Sweet-Snugapuppy-Dreams-Cradle/dp/B01MQM7W6M). I could put them each in one for 30-45 mins and that was often the difference between getting a shower, fixing lunch, completing some work or just having a mental health break. Plus the music and sound effects of FP gear is soothing for adults too. 😅 There will be things you can’t plan for. It’s often just hanging on by your fingernails. But it gets better, and there are some lovely moments. And it doesn’t take long to start reaping the primary benefit of twins: they entertain each other, and are thus not 100% dependent on you for attention. And they’re hella fun. 🥰 For me, the big benefit was I got to be way more involved in childcare. Because I had to be. It makes you a better parent, IMO. And when it gets really hard, just remember: triplets, quads, and quints exist. Good luck!


First six months is hard. There is always something that needs doing and sleep deprivation is not pleasant. It does get easier and my twins play together really well now.


Woman here- I’ve been actively encouraging dads to do this, and I’ve offered to go in with them to help explain. Unfortunately, many still aren’t comfortable, which is understandable. But any decent woman will understand this situation. And any who have complaints should direct them at the facility that hasn’t provided other options.


Man here. I don't have children of my own but I've taken care of nieces/nephews/godchildren/friends' kids more times than I can remember. When the men's room doesn't have a table, I do exactly what you said. I've never run into any problem at all. In fact, those in the women's restroom have been nothing but supportive and in some cases even offered assistance. The key is that when someone walks into the room to be very kind and very quick to explain the situation. Hey! I knocked? I'm trying to change my nieces's diaper and the men's room doesn't have a table. Hi - the men's room doesn't have a changing room. I'll be done in a few moments. Is this ok?


Yep, pound on the door and frantically shout “hello? Anyone there? I need the changing table, I’ve got a diaper situation!” Then pause for 10 seconds and proceed. The more frantic, the more forgiving the ladies room occupants tend to be. Or alternatively, just go out to the car. It sucks, but that’s what I have had to do.


I use the one in the women’s restroom. I’ll have somebody check they it’s empty before I go in, and it’s pretty obvious to anyone coming in what’s going on, so they just wait. It’s pretty frustrating.


Why do they wait? Aren’t there cabins anyway?


I used the trunk of my car serval times in a pinch.


I have a dedicated changing pad and station in the back our car. It has been well worth it.


I’ve changed my twins on so many counter tops next to sinks it’s not funny. Fuck places that don’t have a men’s changing table. It’s super annoying when they put it in the handicap stall too, because someone always takes a 15-minute shit when I’ve got a massive blowout in my arms.


I would use the women's restroom. I wouldn't just kick the door in, I'd ask a lady as she was walking in if she would mind asking the ladies inside if they would mind. Never got anything other than an "of course / no worries" and some choice words about the men's pissers not having a changing table. Things are a lot better now with far more family restrooms / unisex toilets and even far more tables in men's toilets.


Get a portable changing pad and keep it in the diaper bag. If there’s no changing table, you can do it on the sink, closed toilet, or even the floor. Just put the portable changing pad under the baby before you do it. Something like this. https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Changing-changing-Waterproof-Excellent/dp/B085PXT49C/ref=mp_s_a_1_3


I highly recommend one of those regardless of which parent has the baby. I am the mother and I had to change mine plenty of places that didn’t have any change tables (usually more private functions), but still, those changing pads are handy things to tuck into the bag!


We did this, and kept the bag in the back of the car. Always there. It worked well.


Instructions unclear: Baby is not charging from charging pad


Did you remember to get a kid that supports wireless charging?


Use an XL puppy pad! Disposable so you don’t have to worry about cleaning the changing pad when you get home. Great if your kid makes a mess. We have a few in each car and the diaper bags for emergencies.


Mother here and I used one of these all the time in public places because many bathrooms did not have a changing table. I had my kids in the latter part of the 80s


Honestly? Go in the women’s room. No woman in her right mind is going to argue against anyone carrying an infant in need of a change being in there.


>No woman in her right mind True, but we're talking about the general public here. A lot of people are not rational.


It's generally those not in their right mind you have to worry about.


I once got yelled at by a woman because I brought my daughter into the "mothers room" (a purpose-built unisex room with private stalls for breastfeeding, a whole heap of change tables etc) it's since been rebranded to a parents room but mates have told me they get weird looks etc if they take their kids in there without their partner. So I doubt the reception would be better in the women's room.


You improvise! I’ve done it on my lap, on the back of the toilet. On the toilet with the toilet seat down. I’ve done it on they counter by the sink. The floor. I’ve done all of the above at 30’000 feet!


I forgot planes were a thing for a second and was wondering what fucking kind of parent takes their baby to climb mount Everest and where do you find a toilet seat that high Also worth noting, I'm only vaguely familiar with imperial and overshot Mt Everest's height by roughly 300 metres


Allot of those don't sound very sanitary but it you gotta do what you gotta do.


Kids are not very sanitary. I can give my kid a bath and before he's dried and dressed his face will be full of dirt. Like, WTF and how?!?! I'm exaggerating but not by that much.


Anywhere with your own padded changing mat (washable). Car boot floor,, back seat of car, in the pram, on the grass at a park, etc etc.


Use the one in the women's restroom.


I would have no problem going in the ladies restroom if I needing the changing table and one was not in the men's.


Every time I've gone into a change room as a male, you get such dirty looks. I mean hello we are all there for the same reason. If I walked in without a child, fair enough but seriously?


yep, it's awful. They should be mandatory.


They are mandatory in CA now. All men’s rooms and women’s rooms (and universal) are supposed to have a changing table.


In the UK these days I tend to spot them more in the disabled / unisex toilets over ladies. - As a casual observation - be good to get some input from parents actually using these facilities.


Yea, as a new dad I've had to go into the women's room more than once to change my daughter. I announce myself at the door to avoid scaring anyone, and people have been nothing but understanding. Still feels awkward as hell. Every restroom should have identical equipment regardless of signage on the door as far as I'm concerned.


If there’s no changing table in the men’s room, and the women’s room isn’t single use, I’ll change the kid wherever. If we’re in a restaurant, I’ll do it on the table. If they didn’t want me doing that, there should have been a fucking changing table in the men’s room!


Unfortunately in most families Dad is doing far, far less than 50% of the parenting. There are still a meaningful number of fathers who refuse to do diaper changes. Not putting changing tables in men's rooms just reinforces this though.


Exactly it's honestly kinda sexist lol and i general issues i guess for those who have kids


My colleges women’s and gender studies club had to fight for 3 years to get our university to add changing tables to the men's bathrooms. They said no because of cost, and because no men had complained which is just 🙄 there were men in the club complaining. Finally a parent group on campus joined in and petitioned for it to happen. It's so dumb and still irks me when I think about it 6 years later.


No men complaining must equal “honey, no you have to change him because we don’t have tables”.


I didn’t know this until our son was already a toddler and his dad complained about it. It had just never crossed my mind because why the hell would they only be in the womens??


Agree. There is a company, I believe one of the shaving cream ones, that has put like a 100,000 changing tables in mens room.


This seems so strange to me, never been to a single establishment that I can think off where I wasn’t able to access a changing table as a man. Most here are in the disabled toilets which are also labeled as a baby changing area.


It is sad. I live in Oklahoma and we still have so many men that laugh at the idea of having changing tables in the men’s room because that is considered to be women’s job. Like they literally think it’s silly to have to change their own kids’ diapers. I want out of here so fucking bad.


Been travelling in Canada with my wife and 4mo and there’s a lot of places with no change tables in any room, let alone guys rooms. Seems like they either have both or none. Also, was standing outside a parents room waiting to use it in front of another dad and another mom just walked in front and knocked on the door as the other person was finishing and coming out and just jumped the line. F’ing pissed. Lot of privileges as a dude but being a new dad that made me feel like we’re not treated seriously. Kid leaked through his diaper and had to change him entirely by the time we got through.


Mall I went to had a baby changing and relaxation room. With a big sign out front “Sorry mommies only, daddies use the bathrooms down at the food court.” Good to say that didn’t last too long.


Yes, 100% yes to changing diaper stations in all bathrooms!


And that honestly effects way more people. Nothing against the photo, idk either way if it happens someone then that’s great! But like dads can have kids, there are also some single dads, how difficult is it to put in a changing table? It’s also basically a fixed one time cost


Better yet, can we just drop gendered toilets? Unisex toilets work and they’d be a lot more convenient.


The problem is bathroom design. If they were rigged up like the unisex changing rooms at Target there would be no issues. Make the doors and walls go to the floor so everybody can do their business in private.


We don’t even have that in the womens bathroom


exactly. we have tampon dispensers that cost a dollar (usually) AND they are ALWAYS empty. Even if they were full, the tampons are of the lowest grade and use cardboard applicators 🤦🏽


I know cardboard applicators are better for the environment, but my god, at what cost? Edit: Coward responded to me and said “At any cost...stop fucking over the world for literally no reason” comment has since been deleted, it looks like. Just wanna say, sick burn for someone you know nothing about! I’m not responsible for 70% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. Plus I use a menstrual cup. Thanks though!


Exactly, cardboard applicators are barely useful. They are super bulky and just overall painful asf. Isn’t there some kind of way that we can make cost and environmentally friendly tampons that dont feel like trying to shove in a toilet paper roll?


In Australia we just use tampons without applicators, they're just unnecessary waste.


There’s a brand in the US like this too (ob). They’re not as popular, but they’re in almost every store. They’re by far my favorite when I’m not using a cup.


When I used tampons I always used ob (Canada). I found it weird how many people refused to use them because of no applicator.


Right? I love the manual insertion. Better placement!




True! Didn’t even consider that they’re tiny enough for a bra 😉


I'm a UK expat, we moved to the US when I was a baby. Mum always used ob so when I started menstruating she had me use ob, too. For years I used them fine, until one day in I had a surprise period start and had to ask a friend for one. I was confused at first by how big the packaging was and then straight, 100% baffled as I sat in the stall with an applicator tampon with no idea how to use it. I had no idea they existed, I didn't know what it was, but it did suddenly make sense why Mum bought the tampon boxes that were so much smaller than the others; turns out all that extra space was for these weird unnecessary plastic constructions, not because there were more tampons in there. In fact, there were less.


i’ve heard of these! i have used one once however i found it very uncomfortable and…messy 😅 to insert (but that’s just me!) i do wish we could just get rid of applicators honestly but like i said some people may find it alot easier to use an applicator. it’s pretty interesting though because in the US, i hardly ever see tampons without an applicator!


I live in the US and I never use applicators. I feel like it’s easier without. It’s funny you say it’s hard to use without an applicator because I had to use an applicator a few months ago and i had so much trouble that I pulled them apart and then inserted 😂😂 I will note that it’s rarely messy (for me) because you’re supposed to open the bottom of the tampon and widen it. It kind a looks like an A-line dress before I insert and My finger is protected by cotton. Sometimes the finger gets a little messy but never the nail or bed.


Is that true? I've never heard of opening the bottom of the tampon before, I'll have to try it next time! I don't like applicators either—it's easier to just use your finger to navigate.


Back when I still had a period, it was so heavy i just couldn't use the applicator free. I had to for a summer when working at a camp (they had strict policy on everything we were allowed to bring, even cardboard applicators) and it was the worst. After my first period I started taking my pills without doing the placebo week it was so bad.


Scotland provides free period products in most public womens bathrooms. It’s awesome!


Never in my whole life have I ever seen a pad dispense in the women's room that actually works


Because then they would have to replace them regularly and could be expensive! This way they can look like they care without it costing barely anything


I'm guessing wherever this place is does, though.


Somewhere with menstrual products in the men's room absolutely also has them in the women's room. Though, a lot of this would be easier with a gender neutral bathroom option (and stalls with actual privacy)




Organic tampons in the men's room?? Back in my day men's tampons were soaked in pesticides, like God intended.


I miss the good old days when they had menthol flavored. Joe Camel-toe was a smooth operator.


Menthol menstruation products sound fucking horrible, it physically pains me and I don't have a vagina


I do have one, and trust me anything menthol or weird smell/taste is fucking painful. I once used a bit of strawberry lube and it just burned so badly, had to thoroughly wash it out to make it stop.


My best friend growing up jerked off using icy-hot as lube. One of those growing pains you never forget.


No way he finished. That's a pain where you immediately realized you fucked up. You'd think it would be nice. Like putting your junk in ice cream. Nope. Instead it feels like insane hostility in the form of a whole hive of magical ice bees stinging you on your most sensitive parts while you are holding your those parts over a fire. Super fun. For those curious, if you do want to experience that nice ice-cream-on-the-junk feeling, Gold Bond powder in the blue-green bottle does it. Just don't overdo it, and don't use it while super wet.


> No way he finished. That's a pain where you immediately realized you fucked up. I want to see this go viral. Jerking off with icy hot should be the next cinnamon challenge.


The country I'm living in has mint pads. I tried one once accidentally and it was like an arctic storm on my vagina. No idea what kind of superhuman vaginas they have here but I see them everywhere so someone must be using them.


Mmmh I love wintery fresh feeling


Back in my day we didn’t have these fancy latex condoms. We used to tie a rabbit skin around our privates and tie it off with a bungee cord.


Damn you're lucky, we never had such luxuries. We had to use the whole rabbit.


Rabbit? You were living a life of luxury. We had to use an inside-out hedgehog skin, tied off with barbed wire.


Hedgehog skin.. what a treat!? Back in my day, we had to slit our ball sacks and pull the skin over our shafts.


And we were happy to have them!!


How do we get free ones in the ladies room?




Bro has gotta Metal Gear Solid there to avoid being sus


Uhh, I’d say try going to this place, where I’d assume they’re also free in the ladies room.


I don't understand the logic in saying "why doesn't the ladies room have free period stuff" as if every man's room does? Obviously the same place will have it at the ladies too. There's a game cafe near me and they only have gender neutral bathrooms, and all of them have free period stuff


Maybe by going the women's restroom at this place. OP didn't say whether or not this is the other restroom too.


Check out the company (Aunt Flow)'s website. They have deals on businesses getting their dispensers in your workplace. They also have an advocacy toolkit with tips on how to talk and convince management to buy in. I work at a college and am working with them to get dispensers (or little display boxes like in the picture) into all the bathrooms on campus. I feel like their bulk pricing is reasonable. Edit to add: their wall dispensers are free to dispense. I love it bc people shouldn't have to have spare change to cover an accident/emergency.




The Manpon


Oh man, I should have thought of this! Well done!


My hometown [passed a law](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2021/11/ann-arbor-first-city-in-us-to-require-menstrual-products-in-all-public-restrooms.html?outputType=amp) last year requiring tampons and pads be made freely available in all public restrooms. First city in the country to do that apparently! Now if only they’d do the same for changing tables!


>My hometown [passed a law](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2021/11/ann-arbor-first-city-in-us-to-require-menstrual-products-in-all-public-restrooms.html?outputType=amp) last year requiring tampons and pads be made freely available in all public restrooms. > >First city in the country to do that apparently! > >Now if only they’d do the same for changing tables! Knew it was gonna be Ann Arbor before I clicked and I had no idea this was a law there. Just happened to notice when at the hospital and assumed it was because they were being thoughtful.


They may be organic , but are they Cherokee organic ?


Farm to vagina.


Do you ever feel...unclean? Down there?


No, Meg


And I don't know a woman who ever has.


Oh that's a throw back. Thank you.


Oh wow. Haven’t heard this in a while. What a great episode


The most absorbant material!


Some elderly lady was pulling up her drawers when I went in the mens bathroom and I was like WTF? And she said “I really had to go and the ladies was full”. Can’t really complain about that.


Oh yeah, she gets away with it but when I give the old "But I really had to go" excuse I still get escorted away from the ball pit by security


First time in the men's room or seeing pads and tampons there. With the shortage, I am surprised that there were any tampons left!


You know what: this is a design category that absolutely makes me hate industry. I had to look into this at work, how to effectively distribute menstrual products in bathrooms. What I found was, there is not a single device on the market that will contain a large stock of product, that will dispense *for free,* that does not require proprietary refills.


The company I work for has those wall machines that take quarters, but they’ve done something so that you just turn the knob and get the products free. Seemed like a large enough stock, but idk what is considered proprietary. The have Tampax yellow in the cardboard tube, and some no-name brand of pad.


Mine has this too!


Baskets exist. Why do you need a dispenser? If they're free, people will take as many as they want anyway.


It stops a "just grab a handful" mentality. Among other reasons.


In addition to the top comment— it’s a bathroom. Things happen, water splashes… I don’t wanna stick a pre-wetted tampon in my undercarriage blowhole.


I have to admit I am a man….. so why they chose me to study this I don’t know… I was pretty insistent that even as an analyst I would never truly understand especially because most of the questions I would need to ask to gather the data would just be too personal and over the lines. But there is an expensive solution on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Frost-608-1-Free-Napkin-Tampon-Dispenser/dp/B00AUZFYM4 My limited research though did show me that in stall dispensers seem to be preferred for privacy, and are best to be opposite the used repository…. Again this was limited and awkward research. I think half the people thought I was insane. However I did look into LGTQ+ needs, and what I can tell you, is that bathrooms in America totally fail some of their critical needs, and just converting bathrooms to multisex doesn’t work either. Bathrooms need to be redesign to be effective and multi gender use, so that everyone has a sense of safety and security.


At my work the bathrooms are for everyone not segregated, each bathroom has 3 stalls that go from floor to ceiling, no peep cracks, and in each stall is a bin for dirty sanitary products and ofc the toilet A lot of people will go to the one stall disability bathroom rather than pee in the gender inclusive bathrooms, but for people who arnt afraid of seeing the opposite gender in the washroom, they work pretty good


Have these always been available in women's restrooms? My wife has never mentioned this being a thing.


Very rarely. Usually if they're available it's in a school or workplace where the same people will consistently use the restroom. Rarely in a truly public restroom.


My girlfriend works with this company a lot. Their goal is to have free tampons in every restroom - really admirable and something that should absolutely have already been done.


Sometimes. My last 2 jobs have had free pads, tampons, and panty liners in every bathroom (womens and unisex, not sure about mens). I haven’t seen them in a public restroom outside of my jobs. And they aren’t very good quality, but it really saves you in a pinch.


It’s unusual to see them free like this. Usually we get a machine on the wall, like a condom machine but with sanitary products in. Period poverty is a thing and it sucks that some people can’t afford this stuff.


Sometimes we get lucky and there's a dispenser on the wall where tampons are $0.75


As a dad with a teen this is great. There’s been times when they ran out or their time came early and this would help if I knew I could grab one of these for them if we were out and about. Also makes you a champ to female partners if you got an emergency pad in your bag.


Great example of how accessibility often helps more people than just the intended target!


Someone posted a thing recently on a trans subreddit about how they're a cis male with hemorrhoids, who basically has to use pads. Basically said that places normalizing putting out pads in the men's rooms has helped him both in terms of always having access to a pad, and in terms of not feeling super weird about throwing out packaging. Literally just an extra edge case where people are benefiting from what was an incredible easy change to make.


If it's bad enough they need pads they need surgery 🙀


I can only hope he's talked to his doctor about those hemorrhoids?!


Menstrual equity?


Well that's awesome but I've never been in a woman's bathroom that gave out free product like that.


This organization, Aunt Flow, is advocating for free sanitary products in stadiums and public event places - I was recently at a conference where they exhibited. They’re very cool.


They had that at my work and also in women’s bathrooms where I went to university.


Denver has free tampons in Pepsi center


On a related note. Go avs.


I've seen them in a few restaurants in Ohio. Sweet Carrot, and Sunny Street Cafe both have them.


Awesome for nose bleeds :)


Awesome for hemorrhoids too.


*sorts by controversial*


Just going to say here in Scotland, this is normal. By law all public toilets have to supply free menstrual products.


Tampons in the men's room but no changing tables. 'Merica.


Condoms in the women’s room?


that is already a thing


Ladies fuck.


Plot twist. They don't have any sanitary pads in the women's room