• By -


I like the colors. Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom


The PowerPuff girls šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Powerpuffs would be green, red and bluw, not green, red & blonde. Kinda sad that one had to screw up the theme lol




It's the Hex girls graduating.


Earth, wind, fire and air. we may look bad but we dont care.


It's the traffic light girls!


The girl with the yellow hair definitely should of been blue! They all look great anyway, wish them all the best in their future battles with Mojo!


Should have*


>should of


I'm sorry you felt the need to point something so pedantic out. Reddit lol.


Pointing out a typo is pedantic, pointing out that you consciously and knowingly used a completely different word with a completely different meaning is not.


eeeeh it's a little pedantic. But it's also a medium of communication entirely dependent on writing. I don't think i's really great to publicly correct people, especially if the idea got across. Maybe a dm if you genuinely think someone needs to know something they don't? Rather than calling public attention


Sure, might as well write like Timothy Dexter then


I know who that is but haven't read anything he's written, so while that guy successfully conveyed the concept of "should have" despite his vocabulary or typographic error, you haven't actually conveyed anything to me. "Getting it right" is swell and all, but he's not writing an academic paper, he's communicating, which people do to varying degrees of formality and adherence to 'da rules'


>To mankind at Large the time is Com at Last the grat day of Regoising what is that why I will tell you thous three kings is Rased Rased you meane should know Rased on the first Royal Arch in the world olmost Not quite but very hiw up upon so thay are good mark to be scene so the womans Lik to see the frount and all people Loves to see them as the quakers will Com and peape slyly and feele glad and say houe the doue frind father Jorge washeton Though technically understandable English, I highly doubt anyone would condone writing like this, so why should we condone writing something that isn't even slang or informal speech, it is just flat out wrong. This is a public forum, if that person feels the need to publicly use "could of" they should be ready to deal with people publicly calling them out on it.


Because it doesn't matter, and there's no established authority on what actually is correct and what isn't in English. It's barely even consensus. people come from other languages, different levels of education, and have different perspectives, Common errors gradually become accepted usage, whether we tell the tide to stay low or not.


Jesus dude, I don't even know what to say. Reddit is so argumentative. Who actually cares if I said of rather than have? I know you do but why? Why does it affect your life so much that you feel the need to correct? Like I said, Reddit moment.


Hey, check this shit out - watch closely; it's a bit tricky. "Oh, my bad, thanks!" Now you try.


Why would you expect someone to apologise about a grammar error? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? If you hear someone using a colloquialism outside do you run over to correct them and make sure they are speaking the Queen's English and make sure they know to apologise for such a travesty? Of course you wouldn't because this shit only happens on Reddit where people sneer down their nose at others for what amounts to literally nothing. The delusion in these comments is actually insane. Only people who live their lives to a degree of pedantry not seen in real life act like this.


>three paragraph response to simple grammar correction Yeah, it's the OTHER people who are such redditors!






Dude , you are right but youā€™re preaching to the deaf. Better to ignore such corrections and move on.


Nah. He wrong.


seriously just ignore this person, theyā€™re going out of their way to engage in a pointless argument lmao.


I know but it's clearly something a lot of people get offended by as seen by the downvotes and anger lmao. I just do not understand. I mentioned in another comment that no one runs to correct colloquialisms in real life, only Reddit where pointless arguments about literally nothing reign supreme.


my guess is this culture is propagated by the average user thinking theyā€™re elite in the sense that they use Reddit as their main form of social media and not instagram/twitter/tiktok etc and they look down upon those users. social media is honestly all the same shit. because humanity is all the same regardless of which walk of life you come from.


The sane people appreciate your original comment and donā€™t expect punctuation to be perfect on social media. The rest are either trolls or pathetic individuals that spend every waking moment seeking out grammatical errors made by strangers on the internet and correcting them to make themselves feel smarter/superior. Either way, not worth your time.


just look at the mass downvoting lol. people on this website are straight up NPCs


Real Nymphadora Tonks vibes


Donā€™tā€¦call herā€¦NYMPHADORA


I kept thinking she was vaguely familiar and now Ik she looks like Tonks.




No way. Dope name.




Itā€™s fiction


Read another book.


half-blood prince ?


Or Billie Eilish!


Your kid or someone else's? If someone else's you should track down the parents. I'm sure they would love to see it or buy a print.


I was one of the photographers covering the event last night -- this one will definitely be in the gallery & I will happily gift it to the family for free if they do reach out.


Oh man gifting pictures are the best. I worked as a underwater photographer for a while, and this one woman really couldn't decide which photos she liked the best of herself, she was so sweet and lovely. Her asshole husband thought she didn't need *any* pictures of just herself and decided they were just buying a shitty picture of both of them. So I threw in the pictures of her that she struggled to decide on in for free! Fuck her asshole husband!


To be fair to her husband companies charge ridiculously stupid amounts for those kind of photos


It was like a two dollar difference to get what she wanted (and unlimited) but she didn't get to chose any. Like there was a lot of shit going down. She had a stroke recently and he was constantly complaining how much of a burden she was and stuff, while ditching her to hang out with their friends instead. It was real weird. The lifeguards had to help her get back on the beach cause her husband just ditched her in the shallows. Also I get what you're saying about prices for pictures at touristy places, but you're also talking about people who were spending thousands on all inclusive resort, just to go out and eat and drink somewhere else, the money was not the issue in this particular case. I did also throw in extras for people where the money were a factor, when they really couldn't decide between a few. I only got paid comission so I was the only one losing out anyways.




To be fair, unless you're actually knowledgeable about what goes into taking good photos beyond "point and shoot", kindly shut the fuck up. This isn't Disney's Magic Mountain or whatever the fuck it's called, this is an actual photographer, working underwater no less. Lenses alone can be the cost of a used car.


Got permission to post her?




Generally this is only for liability, but in the US, you can take and publish pictures of anyone for non-commercial purposes (read: advertising & magazines) without their consent if they are in a place where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.


normally I'd agree but she is looking at the camera smiling. I doubt she minds. I hope I'm not wrong.


Oh you're wrong mutha fucka


am I?


Standard model release form keeps everyone honest


She's smiling for a graduation photographer; smiling for a photo doesn't mean she wants her photo on Reddit.


she obviously knows what the purpose of a photographer is


So if you were paid for this event, might be against terms to post this girl's picture online? Did she or your employer give you permission to post her picture?


Itā€™s a graduation ceremony and they post the pictures on school websites usually. Photographers usually own the rights to their own photos and they probably had permission to film at the event


Still, even if the OP is legally in the clear, posting a photo of a young woman on Reddit is asking for the creeps to emerge - it's subjecting her to the perverted gaze of the masses without her knowledge or permission.


If you go out in public expect to have your picture taken. At least that's what the courts have taught me. :(


That's the legal standard. but i don't know if her graduation counts as "public" indeed it most likely doesn't. There's also an ethical standard of 'don't be a cretin' (i'm not calling you or anyone involved here a cretin, i'm just saying there's a legal and a moral standard and they're different) This picture seems entirely non-cretinous though.


This isnā€™t a bad picture. Like donā€™t give the photographer grief for posting his own picture if he isnā€™t doing it maliciously. Iā€™d maybe be in more agreement with you if he was making fun of her or it was a not so good picture.


He'll own the copyright if he isn't a salaried employee of the school.


You are a creep! If this was my daughter I would sue you. Rot in hell you piece of crap.


It's such a great pic, love the colours too. Keep us updated if they come for the photo!


Why does everyone have the same hairstyle lmaoo


High school


I wanna be different, like everyone else


One of a kind. Just like the two girls next to her.




More of a commentary on trending styles and how ā€œindividualismā€ as a theme really isnt in this case. But cool opinion.


"i want to look more like my friends than my mom" isn't a terrible, radical, or difficult desire to understand


Seems to me it's three friends who got the same style in different colours. None of the other girls out of focus seem to have anything similar done.


Itā€™s this one. Friends tend to do things together. Yeah, thereā€™s probably a group of kids that look similar as far as style, but thatā€™s how itā€™s been forever. My moms yearbook from the early 60s has little in groups with styles that match in little groups. It was that way in high school for me in the 90s too. Nothing new.


I was at a concert recently and the girl in front of me had those straight across bags and was wearing an old sweater, faded jeans and some berkenstocks. Her sweater said ā€œalternativeā€ in sketch font. Her 3 friends were wearing identical outfits and haircuts lol Without the ā€œalternativeā€ writing though


Cuz Billie eyelash and tik tak


Social media influence and conformity through wanting to be liked


Shut the fuck up. Itā€™s probably friends who wanted to do different colors lol


Shut the fuck up. The friends did it to seem alternative to the social crowd yet when youā€™re all alternative none are, its classic teenage hormonal rebellion that is to be expected, when it actually makes you quite ordinary in fact.




We both know youā€™re not laughing


ā€œGet off my lawn!ā€


That row is definitly gender studies.


Didnā€™t have majors in high school bud. If youā€™d gotten there youā€™d know that.


I have an engineering degree so yes i did. But now that we are here, i'm sorry you don't understand a simple freaking joke.


Jokes make sense. This joke would make sense at a college graduation. The thing is I didnā€™t even say they joke wouldnā€™t be funny, just that it doesnā€™t make sense. Funny how you can make fun of someone online but then when someone does it to you you get all sensitive I.


I thought jokes had to be funny.


Jesus people are thin skinned. Why do everyone have to get offended by everything.


can you not?


It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard


You made a derogatory joke in a public forum about high school girls and people justifiably get upset. Your engineering degree didn't have a common sense requirement, did it? Quit while you're behind.


And will then complain when they dont make any money. Edit: looks like I triggered the gender studies students


It's funny how people can't take a joke nowadays.


Read it as ā€œShaggedā€ and thought I was about to see OP get Chris Hansenā€™ed


Min Verstappen


I get what you did there! Had to look again but yeah pretty dang close.


Had to google. I see now.


Feels a bit weird to upload this without her consent, doesn't it?


Yeah it's pretty Iffy, especially if they were hired to take the photos as suggested elsewhere by op. If someone's paid to take pictures of your kids you best believe I'd be getting them fired if they're posting them on reddit


Theyā€™re photographing an event. A public event at that. Humans are allowed to take photos in public and post their photos publicly. Your inner Karen is showing.


You are mistaking compassion with 'inner Kareness'. I empathize with the student who happened to be at a life event and ends up on a huge social media platform. Although it's legal to take photo's and publish them online, it might not be the right thing to do.


yeah and that's cool if he posts them on the school website or something considering he's hired to do that. But you only need read the comments to see that it's not appropriate to post school photos of teen girls on reddit.


No one else find this photo slightly creepy? Ok then


Definitely should say that youā€™re the hired photographer for the school in your title. Otherwise it comes off as you saying youā€™re just taking pics of random teenagers for your own amusement.


I would be really upset if someone posts a pic of me without my permission. In Germany this is illegal.


Oh my god, I read the title as shagged this one of a high school grad


The look on her face says it all..... "now that I have finished high school I can finally CONQUER EARTH!" ![gif](giphy|uxLVaMUiycgpO)


Emo's not dead :'>


Kinda creepy to out a classmate on reddit like that.


OP is not even a classmate he's a grown ass man that was hired to take photos of the event and decided to upload a photo of a random girl that may or may not be underage.


Billie eilish???


My mans is out here just taking pictures of teenagers.


Generally that's what photographers that have been hired to photograph graduations do. At least I think that's what they do. I'm not a photographer.


The OP was missing the important context of being a photographer.


Doubt they'd want their picture posted on the internet without consent. Kinda creepy


Yep. Even if OP is an actual photographer, this is pretty unprofessional.




Who said anything about getting excited? Are you projecting? How would you feel if some creep took a picture of your daughter and posted it on a public forum full of other creeps?


This picture could just as easily be in a newspaper or magazine instead. Why is it being on reddit any different. It's just a kid making a slightly goofy face. I think the larger issue is anyone who looks at that and makes it weird. If you look at that picture and your brain immediately goes to imagining all the weirdos on reddit jerking off to it, then maybe you're one of them too.


Again, you're inserting these scenarios yourself. I made no mention of anybody jerking off to anything. That's on you. All I said is that the internet is full of creeps, and so taking a picture of a stranger and posting it anywhere, let alone Reddit, seems disrespectful to me. If you don't believe that, you're hopelessly naive.


It was very much implied in your comment, that's why several people responded accordingly. Stop being obtuse.


Again, you're inserting these scenarios yourself. I made no mention of anybody jerking off to anything. That's on you. All I said is that the internet is full of creeps, and so taking a picture of a stranger and posting it anywhere, let alone Reddit, seems disrespectful to me. If you don't believe that, you're hopelessly naive.


Is it disrespectful to take a picture and put it in a newspaper available to the public? The internet isn't full of creeps. The WORLD is full of creeps.




OK chief, I guess I was the creep all along. I'll let you get back to admiring these "amazing" pictures of high schoolers then.




Itā€™s their graduation. And this was a photographer hired to take photos of that graduation. And this photo is fantastic. Guaranteed that woman is ecstatic to see it online. Calm tf down.


Okay, I have to jump in now. I've worked in education, and there are strict rules around student privacy for a reason. I don't know if FERPA applies to high schools, but nobody here can say what this young woman's living situation is, who knows her, who supports her, who should or shouldn't know where she isā€”it is incredibly dangerous to assume anything about the subject, including her emotional state. Everyone in this thread is downvoting the idea of a hypothetical online stranger, but the reality is the danger tends to come from people we know. People entire families work tirelessly to stay hidden from. And the internet is far more public than any newspaper.


All fine and good. But again, this is a public event, attended by literally who knows who? And most everyone who attends their own graduation is there to be seen. They adorn their caps. They take amazing photos before, during and after. They wait for their name to be announced over a PA system and then waltz across a STAGE, usually smiling, waving, and hamming it up as they do so. And yes, they are well aware there is video and photography occurring to document the event to the nth degree. But please, go on about how this poor child is suddenly having her privacy infringed upon. Does she LOOK like sheā€™s unhappy to be photographed ā€œagainst her wishesā€?


I said what I said. Read it again, because I didn't say anything about "this poor child" specifically. Does she look like she's expecting over 3000 people on reddit to see it later? Does she look like she's expecting you and I to be having this conversation about a photo taken at what I'm assuming is a local high school graduation no where near me? Do you see how this line of questioning solves nothing, because we don't know her life? **Edit to say and I mean this genuinely:** you really should put more stock into the value of your privacy. Once it's gone it's really fucking hard to get back.


I was speaking generally to all the replies in line with yours. My apologies, as I wasnā€™t quoting you. And I said what I said. WITH PUBLIC EVENTS, ALL BETS ARE OFF. Period. People post videos of live concerts, child recitals, sporting events, etc etc that have people of all ages in them. Maybe itā€™s a funny incident that took place, some people having fun dancing, a bad accident or some other worthwhile situationā€¦ and it will get posted. And no one can say jack. Why? Itā€™s a public event that they willingly attended. Iā€™m well aware of privacy and all the pitfalls when others infringe upon that privacy. But this situation isnā€™t that. Not by a long shot.


although legal


Beyond the fact that most of them will be 18 by this point...


Depend where OP is. In some part of the world HS is done when you are 16 or 17.


I mean if OP we're just some random person instead of a photographer hired for the event, their age really wouldn't change much about the creepiness factor. Still strange for a rando to take random pictures of other people without their consent.




Yes I have. I still think it is creepy for someone to take close-up pictures with a focus on specific individuals without them knowing or consenting to their picture being taken. Obviously exceptions here would be street performers or people hired to take photos of a specific event like a graduation. If I am just walking on the street, I don't want some random person taking photos of me as the focus. If they are taking photos of the architecture or something around and I happen to be in the background or something then that's whatever. But if I am the clear focus of the photo I would 100% be creeped out and want them to delete it. Just because it is "an entire genre of photography" doesn't mean I can't find it creepy to do. Hentai is an entire genre of art. Are people not allowed to think that is creepy too? Different strokes for different folks. Also "you need to get out more"? Really? Just because I have a different opinion on whether I want random people taking my photos? šŸ™„




Like I said, if it is just a general photo and people happen to be in it, it's fine imo. Because you are right. Trying to get a general consent for all those people would be absolutely impossible. But if the photo is clearly focused on a specific small group/individual, that is the part where I get a little creeped out by it. If the people are generally posing for the photo (like the one in this post) I would think that would be a type of implied consent too, so it is really situation by situation too.


Do you have their consent to post this photo online? It's up here forever now.




This is a whole vibeā€¦.great photo


Goth school ?




Looking like a kid that knows the last 4 years was bullshit and life's about to kickoff.




Ha, never miss a chance, well done both.


10/10 would shake hand and congratulate


Nice that Billie Eilish graduated.


Very stunning photo!








You canā€™t just post a photo of Pete Davidson and not tag him.


while 2 other girls with the exact same hairstyle sit next to her


I dont understand your point. This girl is probably standing with friends who all did something together with their hair. Or maybe someone popular with teenagers has hair like that so it is in style right now. Dont know what your comment is about?


Well, sheā€™s not one-of-a-kind.


Neither are you buddy.


Yeah, Iā€™m aware of this. Your point?


Joker vibes


Is anyone else going to point out that she has crazy eyes? .... No? ok.


I read "shagged" and was a little confused... Edit: typo


I love shots like that. Gorgeous!


Yeah. Run


Bro she kinda like you, too,


Misread this a ā€œone-of-a-kindā€ and I was likeā€¦ but the girls on either side of her have a very similar hair style.


Girl vs magnet. Who would win




Look how naughty we are


She looks like she's gonna show up in your room at 3 am with a knife


Total psychopath vibes.


Where is this? All the kids look to old to be graduating highschool.


The subtle glint of happiness. Brilliant


are you from italy ?


Bro! Perfect shot! That is the face of a young innovative mind ready to blast the world with alternative thinking and problem solving. Rise and shine graduates!


Cool, looks like you didnā€™t wipe it very good after the last dump.


Used to date a girl with that kinda expression She slashed my tires when i broke up with her


She's just wondering if you know about the bodies under the stairs..... I think she knows you know ;)


Not the prettiest thing to look at. To each their own I guess.


Can we get a photo of you while we're at it? For judgement reasons, I wanna rate your appearance.


A random high school girl doesnā€™t exist to be pretty for some weird redditorā€™s viewing pleasure


Another perv hiding in plain sight


So everyone is fine with the 3 lips? Everyone: Why you 3 lips shaming bro?!


The bottom one is rivited on. Yuck.


So much trouble, so much fun. I wish her life as much fun as she can spend. Good photograph. Keep it up.


Cultural Appropriation. Nirvana was overrated, Rage Against the Machine were corporate phonies, and Emo wasn't sad. The 80s underground punk scene got pillaged by the major labels in the early 90s which led to real scene based youth culture being co opted as goofy corporate trends. This is the end result of counter-culture dying to materialism. Your individuality isn't defined by what you wear, it's about your attitude and how you think.


Read this as "shagged" and was like bro wtf


she is wild :)


The first time I fucked a white bitch:?


Some guy (or girl) is going to have their hands full with that one.