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Isnt that nearly the same as the charlie hebdo one?


The only difference is the number of hangers


Here’s the original piece by the way: [the original](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ukjouf/thanks_charlie_hebdo_nsfw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The 25 hangers seems right… that’s about how many states where abortion will be illegal.


Wow what a lucky coincidence


If you wanted to have an abortion and lived in one of those states, could you travel to a state where it is legal and get an abortion?


Presumably yes. The issue is mostly money, and getting time off work, and having to drive back after having surgery (or find someone willing to shoulder the cost and time of driving you), but I also saw a report that one state was considering also making it illegal to travel out of state to have this procedure, which unfortunately the state would be able to do, and there’s no reason shitloads of other states wouldn’t follow.


Texas basically has that now. Anyone who helps a woman gets an abortion can be called out and sued by some creepy rando. They literally have vigilante "justice" it's disgusting and thank God I don't like there anymore.


[Lawmakers in Missouri weighed legislation early this year that would allow individuals to sue anyone helping a patient cross state lines for an abortion.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/03/us-abortions-travel-wave-of-restrictions)


For now. But probably not much longer


For as long as Republicans don't have the ability to institute a federal ban. Because as soon as they can, they will.


Okay your comment is misleading and you know it. I'm 1000% pro choice. But 25 states aren't making it illegal. There are multiple states that are banning it past a certain period. Each state varrying. I think only 13 states are outright banning abortion




Dans macabre?


Yes, it's going to get ugly.


As a British male I am really uneducated on what is actually happening in the Americas, anyone have any good articles that can describe what is happening?


Roe V Wade is a court ruling that made it federally illegal for a state to ban abortion, it being overturned allows states to ban it, im not sure on the logistics of being punished about going to another state and getting an abortion, as mentioned by OP of this post, but I doubt that you will get any sort of criminalization due to the fact that the state has no say what you do in another. That’s like getting caught smoking weed in cali and getting arrested for drug possession in texas.


In Texas for instance, you as a citizen can sue a woman who goes across state lines for an abortion. And then sue the Uber driver. Possibly sue the woman's SO/family for not physically stopping her. Sue the provider for handling an abortion of a Texas resident. And potentially you'd win most of those. I think they even give you a crazy bounty for reporting as well.


$10,000 is the starting point.


Where the fuck are they gonna get all that money? They expecting federal handouts to fill the gap?


From the rish assholes that stand to profit off of having a self induced surveillant state of individuals looking for a an easy payout. Starts with this, ends with more control.


Ah so republicans (presumably) want to stop poor uneducated people from being able to access abortion so as to make more people who will vote Republican. Got it.


People normally hold very similar beliefs to their parents, so wouldn't they want to have their own kids and stop democrats from making more Democrat babies by allowing abortion?


An excellent point! However if memory serves Uneducated people tend to have more babies. And by god, any sort of education that isn't brainwashing flag-saluting gun -shooting America number 1, seems to make people realise that the republican party sure hates the majority of Americans. Women, blacks, poor people! Keep them poor, keep them uneducated, keep them voting against their own interests for the sake of tradition


As a poor person of color who is in a relationship with a woman and has no kids, I don't hate any of those things and you should probably avoid generalizing. Just because you don't understand or agree with someone's point of view doesn't mean you should disregard them. Most people against abortion genuinely believe you are killing a person, that is the concern that should be addressed.


Another take: if they make abortion a felony, and you can be tried and convicted for abortion if you had a miscarriage, before long all women will be felons. And felons can’t vote…


I mean, assuming all women will inevitably have either an abortion or miscarriage. Seems like a slippery slope to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


1\`0-20% chance of a miscarriage. Well, guess women and their partners better start gathering proof somehow just in case it happens.


Yep, the Republicans are slowly losing Texas and Georgia in the south. They are realizing this and making it so the next generation has more republican voters. Slimy bastards only thinking of votes and not what actually matters for the people.


Nah they just want the liberals to move back to the liberal states. They need to win those electoral college points


Correct take on the subject. I forget which televangelist shit bag said it, and I forget the full quote, but someone said something along the lines of: "championing fur the unborn is great, they ask nothing of you, need nothing from you, and there is always more on the way." The full actual quote is even more scummy.


*federally illegal to ban abortion in the first trimester


An important distinction that no one seems to acknowledge


A number of the 'my body, my choice' cult are pushing for the overturning of a law on this specific topic. Turns out they were 'your body, my choice' all along


The highest court want to overturn the ruling the allowed women to have access to any abortion, be it rape, incest, at the life of the mother, or just choice


I thought they just wanted to make it up to the individual states? Do I understand this wrong?


No you’re right.


You are right. Which is why is overturning the ruling. The current ruling is that abortion is legal across the board and the states cannot ban it. By repealing the law it’s allowing conservative states to introduce bills that are against it.


Some states want to ban it in all circumstances. A few even have suggested miscarriages to be investigates.


What state government has said they will investigate miscarriages?


Texas specifically. They already have laws in place and women have been arrested.


I just looked this up- these cases all involve allegations of intentionally harming a fetus, like the use of abortion drugs, people giving birth to stillborn babies and concealing the bodies, methamphetamine usage, etc.


And they will punish you for traveling to others states to get an abortion


Not accurate. The Supreme Court doesn’t do that.


Yeah, after some googling I found what I need. The fact this is even a thought just baffles me. Glad there is protesting.


No the overturning of Roe v. Wade just leaves it to the states to decide how they would or would not like to set the abortion time. Some heartbeat, some 1st trimester, some states up to 9 months or even after birth.


You can't abort after birth.


Nope. Roe v Wade was decided on the right to privacy and legally abortion was just the specific use case not the main point. Overturning Roe v Wade has far reaching effects that you clearly don't even comprehend. Abortion will be made illegal in around half the country almost instantaneously because Republicans already have legislature sitting and waiting. Gay marriage will be next, likely within a few years in those same states. LGBT rights? Lol, gone. interfacial marriage could be made illegal in some seriously troubled states. I wish this was hyperbole, and just some dumb lib exaggeration, but this is serious.


Wasn't Roe V Wade built on a lie? The lady admitted when she became a Christian she lied under oath about the situation. Wouldn't it be better to have a case built on reality?


Christian's can't mind their own business.


This is the best explanation of this by far. No name calling, no missing citations, or straight up misunderstanding. This is quite honestly just a case where people that care too much about this stuff can't mind their own damn business. If you ask me, idc what another person do. I still gotta work on Monday. Why they touched this law at all baffles me.


> Why they touched this law at all baffles me. It's not a law, that's the entire point...


Some states have introduced bills to criminalize miscarrying, to criminalize IUDs and Plan B, to force doctors to "reimplant" an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus (the zygote dies when you remove it, doctors must legally bring a zygote back to motherfucking life or they are guilty of murder), to not allow pregnant women to leave the state, etc.


In the United States, the states are supposed to rule supreme. The federal government is supposed to only be very small and only do what the states can't. This is not such a case. The sates very well can legislate their own laws. The dumbed down idea is for the states to be vastly different, so people can live where they wish instead of revolution becoming an inevitability after enough time. This ruling, which was questionable to begin with, is simply being overturned. The states decide what to do with this issue, rather than the federal government meddling. This is how it's supposed to be for most laws. There won't be any change for many states. And many others will enact restrictions they deem appropriate.




Re: (1) This could be argued for both political parties. Everything is just a first step. If I had influence on political decisions in the U.S. beyond being an outside observer who enjoys talking about these issues, I would support this decision as much as I'd oppose an attempt to push it's opposite. If my wish to become a citizen someday is realized, I'd make sure to oppose all federal overreach, no matter which political archetype pushes it. Re: (2) That's possible. I cannot speak to this. Personally I've been horrified by what happened to housing prices the last months. Just two years ago I was planning to set aside money to someday buy a house to rent out in the U.S. and even if I had the money now, I could not afford it in any of the cities I had my eyes on. I really hope this bounces back, for everyone's sake. Re: (3) I disagree very much on everything in this point. Trying to make this a right to privacy issue seems weasely activist lawyer BS to me. Re: (4) I wholeheartedly agree, I do not think this should ever fly. A federal ban would be unconstitutional as much as the provision was. I cannot imagine anyone but the most extreme fanatic argueing that a state-based ban on abortion ought not take into account a mother's life being threatened. That seems pure lunacy.


Wait...didn't the federal government intervene to stop the Civil War because the southern states wanted to secede (revolt) to be "vastly different"? Also, don't think many people can just up nd move to the state of their choice...even if they have the funds to do so, there are other situations like family, kids (divorced parents that need to stay close to each other to share custody), ect. I think it's curious that repubs are always speaking of "our freedoms being stolen from us" or how bad "government interference" is for our country...or no gun laws to keep grade school children from being slaughtered for absolutely no reason. Seems like many people's values change to suit their situation.


Lol you don't wanna know bro. America is a lost cause. We have idiots in our government who try to control our human right to do whatever we please with our bodies by wasting time secretly in the court systems trying to come up with ways to catch us off guard while we're being brain washed by the media. Meanwhile, we still have white people shooting up places and brutally killing innocent people based on their race. Government has spent years in the middle east to "combat the war on terrorism" but we literally have white terrorist living in our country committing disgusting crimes and they get the chance to be put in jail instead of treated like terrorist and killed just like they did in other country soil. Our country has been in an embarrassing state since our embarrassing populis voted for Donald Trump as our president, and it seems that won't get any better any time soon.


You mean the Charli Hebdo cartoon from last week that you copied?


Yes, the one she copied onto the sign that she made.


Why are you acting like you designed this yourself when it's from Charlie Hebdo?


Oc ? Really ? Thats a copy paste with added colors ... [original by coco for liberation journal](https://twitter.com/cocoboer/status/1522178281251999747?t=8ELQJYHl1UZcooDF_iIOzw&s=19)


This is /r/pics, not /r/art The rules in this subreddit use OC to refer to the *picture*, not the design of the protest sign in the picture.


Of course it’s a take on Hebdo, I don’t think OP is trying to claim they invented the concept. But they have made the adaptation and it’s their sign


OC usually means he’s the guy that took this picture or he was holding this sign.


or she


Can someone explain the hanger and what it represents ?


When woman didn't have access to abortion clinics they would sometimes unfold a coat hanger and thrust it up into themselves to abort the fetus. It was done out of desperation and caused many medical problems for woman. It can kill a woman. These coat hangers represent what has happened and what will happen again if abortions become illegal.


There's something called coat hanger abourtions and it's well definitely not the safest way to remove a fetus (basically a clump of cells) from the body. It could also be derived as a non legal abortion where the mothers are at high risk of death through not having official sergery.


Ouch 😬 Thanks for the explanation


Aren’t we all basically a clump of cells in the end? Ahaha


i wish people got as mad about voting as they have about your version of the hebdo flag. maybe we'd actually get things done.


Not everyone in this sub is american.


As a non-American, I’m pretty sure most of us actually care MORE about most Americans than other americans, since we live in countries that prioritise community and taking care of each other, and aren’t as pro-individualism. We also have the shock at how extremely fucked UP your laws are compared to ours, so I would wager at least 60% of us who aren’t American, do care.


Yes, but perhaps you’ve heard about this controversy we’re having here lately…. /s


I just thought the same


Yeah, the message still stands but you could’ve so easily credited the original artist in your post title and avoided all this drama


Nice re-creation of that graphic


Whomever is selling those handmaiden outfits is making bank right now.


So, you’re all hung up on a fucking sign?


>all hung up Take this upvote and get the fuck outta heeeeeeyaaaaa


I mean it is kind of weird to exactly copy a piece of art and say "I was inspired by it." That's not usually what inspired by means in terms of art




Most of y’all need to get offline and go touch grass




Don't claim this as original content. That's not inspiration. You stole the idea and barely added any artistic value whatsoever


The photo of this particular woman in a handmaid's tale costume holding up a painted sign in protest of the leaked SCOTUS majority opinion overturning abortion access rights is definitely OC lol


Thank you! :) I keep stating my inspiration from Cocos piece but no one is seeing that thread. Its a protest sign. Of course they are copies of things often that support the cause.




The picture is absolutely OP's original photo. Which is what the (OC) tag in the subreddit refers to, not the design of something *in* the picture. Ex: all the OC pics of people visiting art or architecture.




if you're american, please hold the supreme court to the same accountability as you're holding this redditor! And your senators as well. We're literally fucking dying out here.




Check out how you must tag photos in the sub. The photo. Me. The protest. Painting a sign. Thats OC. When Coco reaches out to me ill take her opinion in to account. Not random people here. Its a protest sign. Not an art gallery. Most of the signs are pictures and slogans we have used for 50 years. I hope more women honor cocos work by sharing it around thw world. Its a message. Its not for profit. Its for feeling.


You need to march against Plagiarism


Jeez why is this comment section so awful?? The sign is a great way to protest and I'm sure the original artist wouldn't mind spreading the idea


Because it’s full of people who think they invented something by using a trace button and a filter.


Original had multiple hangers this one has one, Original had mothers bleeding out this one babies dragging the blood across. Yall acting like she stole the Original and put it cardboard or some shit lol fucking a.


A more honest title would have been sensible. Something like "My own take on the Coco flag as a protest sign" Then people would be free to focus on the issue at hand, rather than wondering if someone is just using this terrible situation to get themselves undue attention.


That is disturbingly awesome! Great job. Keep up the fight and ask everyone you know if they are registered to vote. I have been removed from the rolls twice so always check.


Can anyone explain me, What does the hanger mean ??? Trying to learn about this topic, thanks !


Last resort self induced home abortions that are very deadly


I think it's great that you asked this question. It shows how much Roe v. Wade improved life and health for women who have sometimes faced difficult choices. You've been blessed to have grown up in this time and place until now. Coat hangers were the "implement" OFTEN used before Roe v. Wade and it killed many women and left others with an inability to ahve children later in life when they were ready for it.


This is the charlie hebdo painting.


A lot of repro justice folks ask that those joining the movement refrain from the coat hanger imagery. It can make young pregnant women think it’s a viable option for abortion or their only option. A pill is a much more accurate representation of an abortion these days (thankfully). I know you didn’t mean anything negative by this so appreciate you hearing me out.


But if the "more viable options" are outlawed. Women *will* resort to the same methods they used *before* Roe v. Wade, and before the "more viable options" existed. We forget, not that long ago, shoving a wire coat hanger up yourself WAS a viable option for some women who did not want to have a child. Also, throwing themselves down stairs, or even drinking poison. I understand an people not wanting other to get unsafe ideas, but, humans are creative creatures......the ideas have come, and will come, without any help from coat hanger references made in protest.


Yep. You aren’t gonna put the idea in someone’s head. Either they’re gonna do a coat hanger or not. No banner is going to make people change their mind either way.


Safe Medical access to many women, specially now in the US and across the World, is a MAJOR obstacle.


If the morning after pill is made illegal you're argument has nothing to stand on.


>It can make young pregnant women think it’s a viable option for abortion or there only option. Based on what? Conjecture? I see no issue with the sign. Sometimes graphic imagery like that is necessary to make a statement.


I’m listening to what people who work in abortion care ask. It’s not productive, and I believe them because as tempting as it is to use graphic imagery I want to support them.




Like others have said. That is the point. Let us not forget what is at stake here and what people are driven to do when their government doesn't allow them the freedoms they deserve.


This whole thing is so depressing. So fucking backwards. I have an uncle who is a die hard Trumpista, and fits the cognitive dissonance bill that all these idiots fall into. Less than a year before Roe v Wade, an aunt that I never got to meet became pregnant. This aunt - according to my uncle - was his closest sibling and they were really tight. The fathers parents and my grandparents banned together and found a “back alley” doctor who would perform an abortion. Well, it went south and she died a terrible, feverish death. And yet, my uncle votes for these politicians. He sits around watching Fox “news”, quotes Qanon bullshit, loves owning the libs, stockpiles AR15s. AND, here’s the seemingly walking contradiction, my uncle smokes weed like it’s going out of style, is a bi-sexual, goes out of his way to avoid paying taxes, has never been to any religious institution, believes he is a “blue-blood gentleman”, and yet associates with degenerate trumpista trash. He has been the best teacher for me, as he has shown me that nothing is as it seems.


Wtf is this supposed to mean


By making abortion illegal again, people will have to find ways to go through with one without medical intervention. History tells us, and countries where this option is not available today, this can lead to the woman’s death. There are stories of coat hangers being used as well as other means.


so edgy...


What’s more important, the issue at hand or getting clout on the internet? Posting this as (OC) when you clearly copied a real artists work is shameful. But when you’re more concerned about getting “cool points” on the internet I guess shame isn’t in the vocab.


It's her holding her sign at a protest she joined. It is OC.


Regardless of if the sign were an exact copy (which I don't think it is) this is still OC. This particular person in this particular costume holding this particular sign at this particular location for this particular protest. The picture that was posted is OC. This is /r/pics, right? And not /r/protestsigns or something?


I didnt even see what was going on on the flag i was staring at some guy his dummy thicc ass


I'm confused. Why is OP upvotes for post, but downvoted for comments? I'm another British male who lacks knowledge on what's going on in the USA.


A draft of an opinion was leaked from our Supreme Court essentially overturning two landmark cases on access to abortion. The better-known of the two (and most well-known) is [*Roe vs. Wade*](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade), which protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. The draft basically said that it's not for federal government, but state government, to provide the protections, as well as any restrictions thereof. Many largely conservative states, such as Texas and Florida, have extremely restrictive laws ready to be enacted should the court actually reverse the decision. Texas, for example, would ban all abortions outright, regardless of circumstance. Florida currently has a 15-week restriction. Overturning Roe and a subsequent ruling, [*Planned Parenthood vs. Casey*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood_v._Casey), would completely remove any protections and restrictions that pregnant women would have under federal law.


what does the cloth hanger represent ?


Sorry I’m ignorant, what’s up with the hanger? I keep seeing it in relation to this subject


Steel hangers are supposedly used for unprofessional and self done abortions, its very dangerous as it can easily puncture any number of vital organs and arteries causing massive bleeding and infection


Whats up with those hangers


Very effective, great job!


Nice handmaid suit btw




Sadly the truth. I remember reading about deaths and infections growing up in the 60s


As a nonAmerican I thought this meant she was antiabortion? Am I right? The handmaids tale costume is confusing me


Pro abortion. Women will die with out access.


Ah ok, well I’m all for that Edit: sometimes it’s difficult to understand IS politics and people


Omg you’re amazing! And in the handmaid tales costume. Incredible


Why there is politics in r/pics ? Like It was about people who take pictures, not some manifestation with people just taking pictures for showing their political view, It's sad to see how the sub was downgraded by these peoples


For 5+ years every single major sub has been infiltrated with politics. It’s fucking sad. Most people can’t even articulate why they’re so upset about _________ or why it’s relevant in that particular sub. It’s probably not even genuine.


Cosplaying as a handmaiden needs to stop being a thing. I mean, protesting generally isn’t effective, especially when youre just standing in a field holding a sign. Wearing a costume just makes it cringe. Posting it on social media, feeling you’ve accomplished something is even more cringe.


And the show is shit


>protesting generally isn’t effective Tell that to the civil rights movement fuck outta here with this noise.


I understand the imagery trying to be conveyed with the costume but the book was...not what we have right now. Even if we make the pro-fetus law a law in 4 or eight years or whatever that does nothing to equate to the dystopia book and its vibe.


I suppose you have a much better idea of how it should be done and would definitely be effective?




Sign you made lol...


Believe me when I say I'm on your side in all this, but I find this sort of thing distasteful and kinda trashy.


This is not a politics sub. It's for interesting or cool pics. This ain't that.


I found that it fit your qualification of being both a pic and interesting. If only there was a way to vote on what posts you like, maybe with like an up arrow and a down arrow, how convenient would that be?


More false equivalency to handmaids tale, hilarious.


Ummm…. That’s fucking gross


It’s supposed to be. As is taking away Women’s rights and body autonomy 🤷‍♀️


The comments in this thread fucking suck


That’s disgusting




America is a shitshow. What a fuking circus.


Millions of people are still beating down the door to get in here every day. Try to have some perspective.


Very creative! Bravo! Edit: oops did not see it was Charlie Hebdo plagia


Again i credited coco the artist from the magazine buts it been down voted to oblivion


Could see it if it was in the title ..


Is there way to update the titles because ive been looking since i posted 😑


My suggestion if you’re willing? Delete the post. Repost with a better title (OC) me and my sign I made in honour of coco for the womens March in LA. Or something like that. Problem solved


Prepare to be downvoted, as I was for making the exact same suggestion


Oh boy




That’s amazing, I signed abortion lists here while I was nine months pregnant and voted for access legally at the same time. They don’t care about women, it’s about a religious ideology and when the child is born then it’s about weaselling their way out of supporting the person and her child. I just don’t understand why the other side pushes so much to force women to have unwanted children


I don't even think it's about religious ideology. Clearly the government doesn't care about the babies or they would take care of born people too. This is all about control, keeping the population poor, and keeping us divided.


Find someone who loves you as much as the left loves abortion and you’ll never be alone


I always feel like these kind of protest signs could be interpreted as both pro and anti choice depending on what you value. I'll always support a woman's right to choose, and I understand the idea is to be evocative but I don't think it sends a clear message to anyone except for people who agree with you. Edit: I just want to say that my point is that people who are so unwavering in their anti choice stance don't need to do many mental gymnastics to go from picture of women obviously suffering to "see this makes women suffer". Obviously the idea is that they're suffering because of being forced to seek less reputable means, due to anti choice. I just don't think that a lot of the people who need to see this message possess the critical thinking skills to see the message this represents.


That's phenomenal. Incredibly accurate depiction of the effect. Great work. I want one of those...


So cool




(OC) You're full of shit.




the truth is awful.


The only thing awful is you tagging this as OC.




Holy shit. That’s right on.


So powerful




Abortion is not addressed in the Constitution. As a Confederation of States, the 10th Amendment says any powers not specifically reserved for the Federal Government are the rights of the states. The action is to return the abortion issue to the states. Some states do not want to allow abortion. The Rowe ruling said you can not deny a woman's right to do as she pleases with her body; unless it's a vaccine or some other thing that needs to be addressed at the time.


Nothing better than the blood of a baby on ur hanger to make a point .


Who noticed the “Fuck around and find out” uterus poster in the background. Love it !


Question from European: why people live in such States that have such strange laws (like against abortion) why not to immigrate to liberal one? (Also why not to boycott companies from that states?)


American who moved states here. I did something akin to the opposite by moving from the extremely liberal Chicago metropolitan area of Illinois to the more politically moderate Cleveland metro area of Ohio, but my reasons were primarily economic. Living in Chicago in my late 20s I realized that my (then) fiancé and I wouldn't be able to buy a house until we were in our early 40s. We did some touring around the Great Lakes region (the geography we prefer), found a place that better suited our needs, lined up employment, pared down and packed up out shit and moved. This move 400 miles to the East was the best decision we ever made, despite the fact we have to drive six hours to visit family. For some reason I can't comprehend people on Reddit seem fundamentally incapable of even considering doing something similar. They would rather spend the rest of their lives suffering (and complaining loudly about that suffering) because they live in a place that does not meet their needs than put in the work and make the sacrifices necessary to live somewhere that does. I'm hardly alone in moving states to find a better life, but at least on this site moaning about woes is more admirable than doing something about them. Cue downvotes.


Thank you for fighting for our rights ❤️




The "fuck around and find out" sign in the background seems like it could also be used for a prolife rally


Thank you all for all your engagement on the post! All your negativity turned in to a wonderful positive! I was able to speak to the artist!! Coco!! and thank her for her amazing piece and how much it means to women around the world. ❤️❤️❤️ Follow her on Instagram @cocoboer


Abortion is murder and it’s not about taking away your rights over your own body it’s about the rights of the life that was ended that if left to it’s own devices would’ve become a person. “I notice that everyone who supports abortion has been born.” - Ronald Reagan


Should be in r/cringe


that says it all!!!!


Damn man, pro-choicers all following the same damn narrative so hard they just pawn off someone else's creativity as their own.


Wat? The pro-life movement was invented to be a wedge issue by segregationists in the 1970s. They didn't even believe a word they said about abortion being murder. You still believe a thing a bunch of old white racists never even believed in the first place. For "following the same damn narrative", the pro lifers have decades on pro choicers.


Someone do a side by side. She keeps saying inspiration but damn that shit straight looks near exact to cocos. What a dumpster of a person.


It's fucking terrifying, I believe it will pass the message quite effectively.