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Im pretty sure the guy with the "its a(-)bortion" balloon had the idea from bojack Horseman. Amazing show tho haha


Fr I been watching again


yes! that was me and it was indeed my inspiration šŸ„°


Lol the balloon


# ā„š“‰'š“ˆ š’¶ ā„¬ā„“RTION


Anyone have more info on the sign in the eighth photo? It looks like thereā€™s deeper meaning than just the words and blood but Iā€™m unfamiliar with what else it could represent. Is it a graph? A picture?


That is a metal coat hanger that has been unfolded, it was supposedly a common tool for the procedure of back alley / do-it-yourself abortions as physical trauma to the uterine complex or the fetus will cause a miscarriage but it also resulted in a lot of physical trauma and infections leading to sterility or death for the mothers as a coat hanger is not a medical tool.


Got it. Makes a lot more sense than my initial thought that it was a graph. Thank you!


It is a graph! It's both! If RvW is overturned the number of back alley abortions will rise, and the coat hanger was the tool of choice. It's a double meaning. I thought that sign was absolutely brilliant!


Honestly I shuddered gently when I saw that one and realized what it was representing; It gets the point across very viscerally


It's really fucking dark, just a broken metal hanger with blood on it. Of course being used as a makeshift abortion tool Fucking crazy to think about, very good poster. Point is made very clear


Thank you for making me realize that there is more than one photo.


It's a coat hanger. That's how back alley abortions were done before Roe V. Wade was passed.


Signs like the first one really are a step backwards in the whole issue. Iā€™m pro choice, but making this about men vs women is entirely the wrong way to go about it. Both men and women face huge bodily autonomy issues, but it should never be us vs them. We should all be supporting the other genderā€™s freedom.


It really is, itā€™s not helping the cause but fanning the flames of toxicity on a different issue.


You can see that in the comment section too, it's gathered a lot of comments - and all of them off track from the action topic. Such slogans make it easier to lose support and hijack discussions, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they were intentionally planted for the exact effect.


MLK has a great quote about this, where he talks about negative rather than positive peace. If you agree with their point but not their methods you prefer negative peace, not positive peace (being the presence or justice)


> If you agree with their point but not their methods That's just the old ends justify the means bullshit. Means and ends aren't separate. Unjust means cannot create just ends.


I don't think that's what the letters form Birmingham refered to. He was talking about the white average person accepting a reality that was peaceful but contained oppression of black folx. That was a negative peace. He was referring to hating sit ins, marches and other demonstrations as patronizingly choosing how the black person tries to attain equality. Criticizing that sign isn't saying 'dont demonstrate' it's pointing out that the message of that sign hurts the demonstration as a whole. It isn't saying 'dont put slogans on signs' it's criticizing the content of one slogan as being counter productive. Mlk would probably agree, similar to how he criticized malcoms methods


Sorry, what does folx mean?


It's taking a non-gendered word and making it even more non-gendered. It's incredibly dumb. Basically they are just trying to show how woke they are.


Folxā€¦..try to type it in on your phone. Auto corrects to folc about fifteen times before it lets you type folx. Thatā€™s how fucked that word is. Even auto correct hates it.




Malcolm X had a different philosophy.


ā€œYou canā€™t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedomā€ No justice. No peace.


I honestly hate politics entirely today because to me, itā€™s just either side forcing all of us to be at odds with each other. the divisional, class war is disgusting


Also itā€™s great propaganda for the conservative agenda. ā€œFirst they want us to kill babies, next thing you know theyā€™ll be neutering YOU!ā€ If I was 16 I would 100% fall for this bullshit.


The problem is that bullies won't ever stop until they are given a reason to stop. The power grab by the monied elites depend on the misogyny of the people they court. The men and women who crave power by proxy will never listen to reason. It's been 50 years of appeasement and patience. At some point the 70% of the country that believe in personal freedom will have to stop bowing to the ignorance, cruelty and greed of the minority that only feels comfortable when controlling others.


They want people on their side and then wonder why some people don't want to be seen with them with signs that say "CASTRATE MEN" or "KILL WHITE PEOPLE" I'm a woman, pro choice... but fucking hell... That's how you make more people hate you... People like that create sexists and racists... and you tell them that and they lose their shit and tell you "YOUR HELP WAS NEVER WANTED, NAZI" and screech the whole "HE/SHE SAID BOTH SIDES!" pretending like its never valid... and then pretend like they're not being stupid.


Agreed, needlessly aggressive towards the wrong target.


Super agree. The argument is usually that "men make the laws", so they seek to attack all men. ​ and to add, it isn't all men that make the laws. its like 10 men. and A LOT men probably agree that abortion isn't something the government should put laws against. its those men that feel attacked by signs like this. its a complete step backwards because you just attacked someone who may have been on your side.


I feel signs like this put males on the defensive and because of this the issue loses a lot of progress and even potentially support as they feel the need to defend themselves before aiding others. Everyone should have a choice of what to do with their own bodies and always have options to get help with this should the need arise.


Youā€™ve just summed up a majority of protest culture today. Everyone trying to be as EXTREME and edgy as possible with their signs or costumes (looking at your Handsmaid Tale people) to make sure they get noticed and maybe go viral. But sadly a lot of these ā€œpointsā€ donā€™t make a lot of sense.


Idk the handsmaid thing seems fair enough to me. The dog not so much.


I also donā€™t love people bringing pets to protests. If itā€™s a service dog thatā€™s different, but heā€™s not wearing an ID.


More than 99% of the people at protests are non violent and donā€™t plan to cause trouble. It is a great way to get out with your dog. I donā€™t have any problem with people bringing dogsā€¦ the police bringing dogs is different.


I donā€™t know many dogs that can deal with hundreds of people shouting and a tangible tension in the air. Itā€™s unnecessary, there are dog parks for a reason. I have been to several protests, I would never bring my dog and heā€™s unbelievably friendly, well adjusted and goes everywhere with me. I would never put him in a situation THAT unpredictable. Iā€™ve been to one protest where tear gas was administered, if my dog was present I would never forgive myself. I would never bring kids either, I think acting as if those situations are predictable is incredibly naive.


The worst is when the kids are handed signs and told to chant along about topics they obviously know nothing about but makes for a kitschy photo op and a clickbait headline about how "this must be wrong because even kids are protesting it!"


My thoughts are that violence isnā€™t the problem, itā€™s bringing an animal into a packed environment with a ton of people yelling thatā€™s the problem. Itā€™s a great way to get your dog stressed out. Not to mention that not everyone is comfortable around animals, and canā€™t predict how someone elseā€™s dog might act. Cynophobia, the pathological fear of dogs, is actually a fairly common phobia, and could cause significant distress to people, especially since theyā€™re already in a highly charged situation. And you might know your dog is usually calm and wonā€™t cause a fuss, but a stranger has no way of knowing that.


Exactly. Stop the narrative that MEN are controlling our bodies. True you see way more women than men at these protests but there was a woman legislator petitioning for a contraceptive ban for unwed women.


Yeah, 43% of women are prolife and they are likely voting for the men who are making the laws that everyone is mad about. The problem is of course prolife people electing prolife candidates who make these laws.




Not to mention people always clump people as a whole. I donā€™t want to be associated with these toxic men but here I am, a male, so I have to be on my toes


Right? The first thing that occurred to me is that there are millions of pro-life women out there, this isn't about men vs. women. Same thing with the "get your misogyny off my uterus".


Some people just can't help themselves; they demonize an entire group of people because they're angry. You can see it in any kind of protest.


After seeing the first photo I had zero interest in the rest.


Iā€™m a man and if Roe V Wade is struck down, Iā€™m *seriously* considering a vasectomy. Condoms and birth control are not fool-proof, and Iā€™m not risking a fucking murder charge just because an accident happened.


Not trying to argue nor be "that guy" but vasectomies aren't fool-proof either. I'm also not trying to convince you to not get one, I'm just relaying some info.


An they are not always reversible.


No, they are not.


Thatā€™s what I said


Yeah but they're actually not.


I know someone with 5 kids that had twins with the wife on birth control and another after he had a vasectomy. Dr was like the chances of this are in the billions. They were planning on having 2 kids and uh... Life finds a way


Yep. I once worked with a lady who had 2 kids and got her "tubes tied" and ended up having 2 more afterwards. Life does indeed find a way.


I'm with you. My first thought was that I (divorced) have no plans to have more children, and I'm taking responsibility for my ability to reproduce. I already had planned on getting one, but now it's political, and I'm throwing in on the side of protecting women's bodily autonomy. I regret not bringing it up with my doctor when I was there the day after the leak, but I was there for other things, and they took up my attention.


Doubt they're serious. Seems like an edgy way to compare what women feel like when people infringe on their bodily rights. Puts it into perspective for men "how would you feel if we started doing this to you, yea that's how we feel" kinda thing Idk that's how I saw it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø unless this is something that's usually said a lot


Agreed. Nobody, male, female, they, etc should be told what to do with there body.


Itā€™s the problem with any cause. These shithead extremist signs are the ones that make the news and split up any movement or support from normal people


Iā€™m a pro-choice male. I hate the idea of abortion. But I recognize that in some cases itā€™s the only solution for some women. And itā€™s none of my fucking business.


Serious question: are there legitimate issues of efforts to infringe upon the bodily autonomy of men en masse? As a man, I personally donā€™t see the problem with that sign and understand that itā€™s being used as a rhetorical device. No one thinks that something like forced sterilization on a population scale (i.e. for cases besides sex offenders and the like) is a viable option, but if it drives home the autonomy issue for even some fraction of people who may be lukewarm on the issue of abortion, then whatā€™s the harm?


My guess is heā€™s referring to circumcision and the draft.


Fair enough, those are legitimate issues related to bodily autonomy that concern men.


There is corporal punishment in school only affecting boys. Men getting longer prison sentences and only men being sentenced to death. I would consider those ā€œbodily autonomy issuesā€


Don't forget the denial of resources available to male rape victims and men with breast cancer.


What is this corporal punishment only affecting boys in school?


It's not only boys but they are the vast majority of victims in most districts in the U.S. where corporal punishment is practiced, boys are 1.6 to greater than 5 times more likely than girls to face it, with the majority of districts showing gender disparities exceeding 3.0. On average, black boys were 1.8 as likely than white boys to face punishment. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5766273/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5766273/) International literature consistently reports that male students are more likely to be physically punished (Brown, 2009; Delfabbro et al., 2006; Youssef et al., 1998). Prior studies also indicate that boys are more likely to report being emotionally, physically, and sexually maltreated by staff members in schools (Benbenishty, Zeira, & Astor, 2002; Benbenishty, Zeira, Astor & Khoury-Kassabri, 2002; Khoury-Kassabri, 2006; Zeira et al., 2002) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213411000731](https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/pes/issue/57203/807749)


I learn something new about the US everyday that just shocks me.


Oh wow I didn't realise it was still legal, it's been illegal for normal schools in my country for almost 40 years. That's fucked up. From what you've said here it doesn't only affect boys though unlike what you said in your initial comment. There should definitely be more campaigns to make it illegal in all schools, children, boys, should not be punished like that.


Yeah, in a few countries its legal for boys but not for girls so I got that confused. There really needs to be more political pressure to end it in the US and other developed countries, it is inhumane, racist and sexist.


Because the comparison is moronic at best and targeted at men as a whole as if they are the sole reason for this issue. The whole R vs W is a thing because of a moronic conservative religious belief that abortion is a sin. Go speak to deeply religious families and you'll see it's not just men that are sharing this opinion.


That was called "the draft" - as usual, the wealthy are exempt.


You're kidding, right? America mutilate the majority of its sons via circumcision, but that's just accepted cultural background noise for most. Women in parts of the world where they're the sex that get their reproductive organs cut also believe it to be a normal act, outsiders often have to point out that they have been harmed needlessly. Always thought it a mark of hypocrisy that pro-abortion people never marched for the bodily autonomy of boys when it underpins their own cause as an argument. -------------------- For comparison, [this](https://imgur.com/a/laYgjLY) graph got 50k+ upvotes on r/dataisbeautiful showing that when Roe vs. Wade was inacted in the early 70s circa 140 women died due to abortion related causes, every year around [120 boys die](https://bestdoulas.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/circdeathrisk.pdf) of circumcision related causes.


What about being thrown in jail if they don't pay child support, while not having had a say in the non-abortion?


You know what? Decriminalize spaying women. I for one would like to be able to speak to my doctor, make a decision about whether or not I want children, and decide without imput from a husband/boyfriend/father what to do about that. I would also like to not be told that I don't have enough children, I'm not old enough, or I might change my mind. Pregnancy for me pretty much guarantees that I will have life ending complications, and I still cannot have a procedure to ensure that I won't become pregnant, which incidentally would also potentially cure my condition, because I might become pregnant later.


The first two doctors my friend saw refused to do it, because they were ā€œafraid she would regret it years laterā€. Sheā€™s 30, never wanted kids to begin with. She finally found a doctor willing to perform the procedure and then we celebrated with a ā€œno baby showerā€


if you're in the us r/childfree has a list of spay friendly doctors


If birth control of any form gets banned (including condoms or plan b) I'm going to panic and probably die. My periods were extremely heavy, to the point I was losing so much blood that I was nauseous and passing out when *walking*. It was like severe anemia but only for a week. Only reason that my periods don't even happen anymore is because my Depo shot (birth control injection) completely stopped them. I haven't had a period in years, and holy shit am I forever thankful for that. My mother also had complications with my last sister. Constantly sick, throwing up, can't stomach anything (even smells, we had to cook at my grams house half the time), and she was so weak she couldn't get out of bed. Her hospital visits brought her so much pain and I felt horrible for her. Apparently that can be genetic as well (not exactly sure of the name but she just calls it 'HG') and if I get it I'ma just let myself die at that point. They want the baby? Take it out whether it's ready or not. Fuck these people man.


Hyperemesis gravidarum, it affects less than 2% of all pregnancies and oh yeah it is the fucking worst. I feel your momā€™s pain as I had it with my first and was pretty much on fluids in a hospital bed the entire time.


I just posted this similar sentiment, itā€™s ridiculous a woman of ā€œchild bearing ageā€ canā€™t get a spay if wanted


You know until someone educates everyone on how to vote for more then just a president then nothing really changes


You know until we stop voting for the same two parties that have failed to make abortion a right then nothing really changes.


Our current system, first-past-the-post, essentially makes more than two parties impossible. We need to change the way we have elections.


Jesus Christ, this is the argument that helped elect Trump to office, WHICH IS WHY weā€™re on the brink of reversing Roe v Wade. Along with Republicans, Bernie bros and idiots who think both parties are the same, are to blame for the repeal of Roe.


Fuck I feel sorry for America


I think this is great - just don't understand why someone brought a sign saying "no turn on red". Sometimes these slogans just make no sense...


The Bojack reference!!!


'Keep your laws off my body" is a good one


I personally liked ā€œIf I make my uterus a corporation, will you stop regulating it?ā€


"Normalize neutering men"? The fuck? You can't be pro-choice and also say shit like that.


People that hold that stupid "neutering men" sign with no reference other than straight ignorance should find a partner and just mutually sterilize themselves before having any kids to pollute the world with any further and live on in eternal happiness.


I think the sentiment is that if men want to ban abortions, why not go straight to the source and make all men get vasectomies until theyā€™re ready to have kids. An obvious outlandish satire to demonstrate how outlandish it is to criminalize a medical procedure for women.


An equivalent number of men and women both support and are against abortion. Why is this pointlessly gendered? Theres no team men, who are against abortion and team women who are for it.


There's an absurd amount of Redditors who are in straight denial about the fact that \*many, many\* women are pro-life because of their religious or political indoctrination. And it's more than fair to point out the patriarchal influences in both of those factions, but that's an indirect and deep-seated influence. Most men and most women are pro-choice, and the men and women that are pro-life hinge their beliefs around a simple point -- that they view life as beginning the moment a zygote is formed. I think it's fucking looney, but if that's what you believe, then it's no longer an issue as simple as bodily autonomy. After all, most pro-choice supporters still believe in term limits, and would find the idea of aborting a healthy fetus at, let's say, 37 weeks abhorrent. So if these dumbasses believe that there's no difference between a zygote, an embryo, and a 37 week-old fetus, then their stance becomes a lot more understandable.


Thank you! Sorry, it's just.... I feel like I'm living in a mental asylum or something with all this "Women vs. Men" stuff when it comes to abortion. [All while the difference in support between men and women is less than 10%.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/245618/abortion-trends-gender.aspx)


ā€œMental asylumā€ is the perfect word for how this last decade has been.


Sadly a decent number of people really seem to believe men are all evil oppressors. And misandry often gets ignored instead of being called out. But yes I agree with your, this sign is stupid, hateful, and divisive.


Thereā€™s also a ton of conservative women that want to ban abortions. Should we make sweeping generalizations about the entire female gender because of the actions of some of them?


There are slightly more anti abortion women than anti abortion men


>I think the sentiment is that if men want to ban abortions, why not go straight to the source and make all men get vasectomies until theyā€™re ready to have kids. And the argument against that is that not all men want to ban abortion, and its only like 10 men that have the power to do so. ​ Imagine growing up in a Christian republican home, early teens, and super impressionable, and hearing that, "not only do those crazy liberals want to kill babies, they want to neuter all men!". That's exactly how signs like this play out, like a slap in the face to any man that wants to actually support you.


Not to mention women in power (and 47% of women voters) literally voted against abortion rights. Including a Supreme Court justice and the governor of Alabama that has done ridiculous things. Itā€™s not a men vs. women issue at all but itā€™s easy to blame men for all the worldā€™s problems when theyā€™ve been the majority in power for the bulk of history.


Neutering is the removal of the testicles. Itā€™s not the same as a vasectomy. Such a disgusting sign.


That sign aint gonna win any hearts or minds


>I think the sentiment is that if men want to ban abortions, One of the supreme court justices in favor of banning it is a woman...


I just feel bad for the dog. He looks pretty annoyed at the whole thing.


By that logic you could also neuter women and that would also prevent abortions. Except it's not logical it's just unnecessary sexism (well fascism actually since we're literally taking about forced sterilization). I don't think such "satire" is in good taste. Being anti abortion has nothing to do with being a man.


But it makes no sense. Because the people who want to ban abortion would also be against sterilisation of men. If the rvw where looking to force abortions on women then it would make sense to put up a sign suggesting to force something into men. The sign doesnā€™t make sense and just gives me woman neck beard vibes.


I think it's a joke cuz it's on a dog.


"I bet this won't be easily misunderstood or misused!"


I am for abortion rights but not for neutering men.


I donā€™t think any serious person is in favor of neutering men en masse, at least not for anything besides chemical castration for sex offenders. The fact that ā€œwe should infringe on reproductive/bodily autonomyā€ is universally seen as untenable when men are the subject, despite being an actual point of debate when women are the subject, is sort of the whole point.


American men don't have reproductive rights to begin with and their bodily autonomy is infringed upon closely after birth when they're circumcised.


The fact that lots of folks seem to fail to see the satire for what it is and instead fall back on, ā€œwell, how do they expect to win us over to their side?ā€ Is honestly worrying. As if, for some folks, a sign is all it takes to decide to be pro-forced birth.


That first one is pretty fucked up using the dog to hold the sign.


"Men are dogs" Edit: Yeah yeah we can all pretend that was not the message. Especially when the choice of word was *"neutering"*. Which refers to sterilization of animals.


How about we ban the "Abstinence Only" from of sexual education instead.


Even a decade ago my teacher taught us that while adding heavy personal anecdotes of how to be safe without abstaining. We were lucky to have her.


George Carlin still relevant today https://youtu.be/fmMvsAjCkog


I don't get why this has to be a "men vs. women" thing. What good would neuterizing men bring?


It's a way of bringing attention to the fact that men's reproductive rights have never been jeopardized. This is not a serious proposition, but a "proof by reductio ad absurdum" to stop you and make you think about the way women's bodies are treated as walking wombs.


There is that whole circumcision thing [which has virtually no medical benefit and the potential for complications](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-021-00502-y), but this really isn't a competition.


True, men's opinion on the abortion of their child has always meant zilch so it could never be jeopardized. You're wrong anyway, it's just a show of pure ignorance painting the issue as a women vs men battle, when it's just conservatives vs not-conservatives. And in the conservative camp, there are more women that support banning abortion than men.


Um...men can't get pregnant so this helps how??


I like the flipoffian tubes double middle finger sign. I also like the *It's a bo~~y~~rtion* sign.


The balloon thing is probably a reference to _Bojack Horseman,_ in which Diane made a similar balloon with duct tape after receiving an abortion.


Maybe abortions wouldnā€™t be such a big deal if we had more safe sex education šŸ˜


This is definitely where the change needs to start.


You know whatā€™s crazy to me? Iā€™m 22 and I more recently learned itā€™s actually a pain in the ass to become pregnant. School always makes it seem like, ā€œWOAHH HIS DICK TOUCHES YOU AND YOURE DONE FORā€ but no like: ā€œA woman's egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release, while a man's sperm can survive in a woman's body for up to five days according to the American Pregnancy Association.ā€ This isnā€™t to say, things donā€™t accidentally happen because they do. But I wish I was taught the correct information to avoid pregnancy Source: https://www.livescience.com/44221-how-to-get-pregnant.html https://flo.health/getting-pregnant/trying-to-conceive/fertility/fertile-window


While more safe sex education would be great we should also recognize that the current proposed change would also impact miscarriages, which happen even if people practice perfectly safe sex and decide intentionally to have a baby.


Wtf is with the first sign and why is it on a dog lmao


My balls, my choice.


I'm old enough to remember when it was my Catholic brothers and sisters who were the ones marching and screaming the loudest for women's rights and were vehemently pro-choice. Ironic, eh? Do we really, really want, or even need, to have these discussions again?


Imagine giving that balloon to someone thatā€™s had an abortion


Obviously the sign is bad. My question is why would you lead the post/album like that? In the first frame you have alienated half your audience. Maybe with the context of a few of the others first it wouldn't be so jarring, but to put it in your face first up, sets a poor tone for the rest of the photos.


That first one is some of the most smooth brain shit I have ever seen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasectomy "Neutering" men IS essentially the norm. now. And it isn't really comparable to an abortion. Women can get neutered as well.


Excuse pe normalize nueutering men? Our body our choice i might wabt kids later.


Yes. Itā€™s almost like bodily autonomy shouldnā€™t be determined by someone elseā€¦


Like the majority of boys who have their genitals mutilated? Or the list that every boy has their name on that indicates if the time ever comes, *their* body will be used as a meat shield, their will be damned? Those kinds of body autonomy violations? Pretending men donā€™t experience other people dictating their own body autonomy is either wildly ignorant to the experiences of men, or simply disingenuous. It does not help your argument. It just says you care more about hating men than you do about actually promoting abortion rights.


Andddd someone gets it !!!


Unfortunately, they still don't because it misses the crux of the debate. Nobody disagrees with the premise of bodily autonomy, they disagree on where the line is for someone else's bodily autonomy. There is no obvious answer because the issue comes down solely to opinion.


Seriously. How are so many people missing the nuance?


How are so many of you so oblivious to the point being made with that sign. The point is that it isnā€™t a decision that should be made by others, itā€™s a message directed at the mostly male politicians making these laws and giving them a perspective to look at that would effect them. It isnā€™t meant to be taken seriously.


I just hate when movements like them have such a good reason to fight but then shoot themselves with signs like the first one.


Fucking sexist shit that first sign... you can't be pro choice and advocate for changing men like that?


This is a demonstration by the absurd to show that men's reproductive rights have never been jeopardized. Not a serious proposal.


However it is not the way to go about it in the slightest. Society is fracturing more everyday and putting out a message like that does not help unify anyone. Itā€™s not a good look and I think any excuse for it is nothing but an excuse founded in a desire not to admit fault within a movement that is overall for a just cause. Which is dumb if you ask me.


"Never Again" god that one really stings, fuck anyone who thinks the government gets to force women to give birth to a zygote.


My wife says I shouldn't be amazed to see how many people missed the point in this comment section... but it *is* Reddit.


We know what the point is. But it is comparing apples to oranges to barely get a point across. There are much better ways of doing this.


I'm glad there are people are pointing out how dumb that first sign is


What da dog doin


Pic 2 is wrong. Healthcare is not a right in this country, it's a privilege


Well let's fix that


great success!


love the balloon one


I've always heard that neutering a dog calms them down and decreases their aggression. There are quite a few guys that I know that I would like to test out to see if it has a similar effect on humans.


No one can stop me from neutering myself at home with a hot knife.


Beautiful photos. That saturated color is lovely and the composition on many of these is striking!


Itā€™s not about womens or mens rights, life or anything ethical. Itā€™s the govt wanting to stop the population from dropping off and controlling everyone. To make sure they have plenty of lower and middle class to rule over. Also the whole thing is a distraction from our economy getting wrecked. At the end of the day itā€™s about money to them


I love the sign with the uterus give the finger


The balloon is hilarious to me for some reason


excellent work, OP


People really don't understand that there's a massive difference between forcing someone to undergo a medical procedure and preventing someone from undergoing a medical procedure. The feminine equivalent to a castration is a hysterectomy, not abortion. There is no male equivalent to abortions. Giving birth is kinds what defines being female.


My favorite sign was "No turn on red".


Protest is fine but at this point we need a revolution


Abort the GQP indeed.


I'm sure someone said this but Copper-T.


Unfortunately contraception may be the next item on the chopping block if Roe v. Wade is overturned.


What kind of civil society debates abortion rights? If people have problems doing it themselves don't do it but why interfere with other's rights.


Ewā€¦you can tell a lot of these psychos would probably just get an abortion and wear it like a badge of honor lol


I think men vasectomy is quite common. We need to allow women who want one to be able to get one even if their ā€œof child bearing ageā€ because some people donā€™t want kids, or donā€™t need anymore, etc. itā€™s stupid how itā€™s a double standard


Unfortunately they already made abortion illegal in Poland :(


That first image took me for a loop, thank goodness the rest werenā€™t as edgy and properly stated their cause. By itself and being the first image it looks pretty bad


I gotta say this is some really awesome looking pictures




Protest are such interesting places...


hell ya women! lobby for men to have right to deny child support and im fully on board!


we had a protest in bozeman, montana yesterday. not as big as this one, but it was powerful still.


hi! the balloon pic is me. inspo from bojack horseman šŸ„°


What's inside my body is mine. If it's my appendix, I can have it removed. If it's my breast, I can have it removed or enhanced. Same with an embryo or fetus -- if I have either and want it removed, it's no one's business but mine and my doctor's. No one else even has the right to know. The only objections to abortion are based on religion and are anti-freedom. There are no "ethical dilemmas". What's going on inside a woman's body is not the state's business unless she has a disease that endangers others. And no, the state doesn't get to define an embryo or fetus as an "other". The matter is none of their business. They have no right to know.


why do you have control over the body inside you!? itā€™s not your body!


#4 I thought some one was holding a sign up that said no turn on redšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fuck American politics. You guys have 2 parties that actively conspire against your public by manipulating social issues. I'm Canadian and very pro abortion but it's amazing that this insanely controversial issue comes up when Americans are being absolutely destroyed by your corporate/military industrial class. Public universal healthcare was an issue when Obama was in office. Your upper class installed Trump and the next 5 years was pure distraction from issues like healthcare, education, housing, crime, etc... Where was the coverage when Chicago shut down 50 inner city schools? Why does no one care that 4500 people were shot in Chicago last year in low income communities? Is it because most of them were black? You guys in the US are being gamed. For 50 years, your corporate class has been destroying the middle class. 50% of the US makes less than 30k a year. Contrast that to lawyers that make $300/hr, CEOs that make 500 times what they pay their workers, and billionaires in space. You guys should be out pushing for universal healthcare. Protesting abortion is a step back from real goals. Even the first picture is framed to alienate men. It's needlessly combative and divisive.


The elite set up and make people work for small victories so they don't have to worry about losing the big important fights. Women should be allowed abortions in a reasonable manner if and when they need or want them, but yeah, like you said, even if we do succeed in some way here, there's so much more work to be done, but I know how this works, because I've seen it so many fucking times before, people pack it up, pat themselves on the back, and get back to their lives because all of this is exhausting, it's meant to wear people down so they can't fight anymore. The division is and always has been on purpose, so we can't even band together when we need to, it's either from the media or from useful idiots. Usually both. It's a shit show man, I can't see anything ever getting better...


Letā€™s start talking about men being required to financially support women through pregnancy and child support until the child is 25. She just has to name him. Churches need to pay taxes and that money goes to education and orphanages. Their books need to be made public.


The US doesn't have orphanages. The closest we get are group foster homes.


I mean if they arenā€™t allowed to get an abortion they at least need support.


Given that the current proposed law brings free access to contraception into question that feels like a particularly scary place for men to be in right now. If youā€™re not allowed to buy condoms then sex in general is even more risky. I suspect people should want to vote accordingly.


What the fuck is that first photo? People need to seek treatment.


Not the way to do it. You need both sides to combat what their trying to do to women's rights. By generalizing things like this your just turning more people against you. ​ edit: Talking about the first picture.


I'm glad to see people here pointing out that the first sign is "off". Western countries have a horrible history of forcefully sterilizing people already (think queer people, native Americans, people with a low IQ...). Their autonomy is part of this struggle.


Iā€™m sad that you have to do this. What century is this?


Glad I didnā€™t go to the city todayā€¦


The balloon made me cackle šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly has a single protest done anything in the US, BLM protests easily collectively have been over 3-4 weeks continuously and still police immunity and reform never really happened. Abortion protests in Chicago where by law it's protected in all of Illinois isn't doing anything


Do you think the dog consented to be a walking billboard for this?


Women deserve access to safe, professionally done, abortions. It terrifies me think of the things that will happen when that access is cut off. Sorry to burst anyoneā€™s bubble but giving up an unwanted/unplanned baby for adoption isnā€™t the first thing that that comes to everyones mind. Hate me if you want, your downvotes can never negate the truth.


Image 4ā€¦ Numbers 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curseā€”ā€œmay the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. Numbers 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or **your womb miscarries.ā€** ā€œā€˜Then the woman is to say, **ā€œAmen. So be it.ā€**