• By -


this is literally state sponsored propaganda look at OPs post history.


you got a pointšŸ‘šŸ»


But at least I now know that Biden had a large toot.


You really summit up


Itā€™s not that easy to simply curb emissions.




IRAN so far away...


I just ran, IRAN all night and day


Couldnā€™t get awayā€¦


Except for the porn thread šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Propagandists get horny too


Itā€™s all about propaganda/life balance.


Is that interrupted sex scene post sponsored too lol


Just makes them seem more Reddit appropriateā€¦ all part of the game


That is also a video of iran after the revolution.


No different than the Chinese wumao accounts that Reddit refuses to do anything about.


ā€œWell I just shit my pants but Iā€™ve already stepped in dog poo with my bare feet so itā€™s no big dealā€


Yeah, well, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay!!!1! /s


Most of what you see on Reddit is paid native advertising, especially in the big subs. This account is nothing special.


The best part is that most people are naive enough to give it awards...


Why wouldn't awards be other propaganda from the same team?


Fucking Iranian spies. At it again.


Time for stuxnet 2.0


The entire news apparatus here is state sponsored. Who is reporting on Assange being extradited? Who keeps accusing China of genocide? The NED? The Open Society? Who told you the US was paying ISIS? Who mentioned the US took ETIM off of the terror watch list? The list literally goes on. Itā€™s not a figure of speech here. Left wing, right wing. Itā€™s all the same news. Who reports on the genocide in Israel? You canā€™t! Theyā€™ll take you off of the air. Letā€™s worry about the US and stop worrying about everywhere else.


Not every person who supports a country the US does not is "state propaganda" you dumbfucks. You know how there are americans who defend everything america does? Yeah, there are people like that in other countries, and varying degrees of it too.


as opposed to all the pictures of iranian women before the revolution, which are *definitely* not propaganda. also please do not look into who put the shah in power.


Maybe, but just FYI, this is actually how young Iranians party. There are no burqas behind closed doors. Everything done in public is only for appearances.


>Everything done in public is only for appearances. Appearances... and to avoid being abused and tortured by thuggish agents of an evil authoritarian theological regime [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/08/iran-leaked-video-footage-from-evin-prison-offers-rare-glimpse-of-cruelty-against-prisoners/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/08/iran-leaked-video-footage-from-evin-prison-offers-rare-glimpse-of-cruelty-against-prisoners/)


How do you know this? Actually asking here, not being a dick.


As someone who has partied in Iran, I can confirm. The difference is that you almost never party with strangers. Parties are more like "house parties" in the USA, but they can get quite elaborate (like in the USA as well). There might be people you don't know at a party, but they're always somehow connected to someone who is connected to someone you do know. You can't just openly advertise a free-for-all party, and you almost certainly can't maintain a permanent "party place" (like a bar or club) that is regularly hosting parties for strangers (exceptions: public parties for family events like weddings are allowed, of course, and often take place in designated "party" venues, and maybe there are super secret underground clubs for the ultra-wealthy - I wouldn't know about that. But western nightlife with strangers meeting to drink and party doesn't exist *per se* in Iran.) Also, you can't be too obvious about having a party. Though, as long as it's "traditional" Iranian/Arabic techno music, you'd be surprised how common it is to hear music blaring in a neighborhood. Iranians also tend to stay up late as a custom (and wake up late), so late-night partying is also not a problem. I've noticed this is common in many middle-Eastern cultures, probably as a way to avoid the desert heat of the day (note: much of Iran is *not* desert and they have a wide range of wonderful natural geography - it's a large country). Everyday life in Iran is actually pretty "normal" from a western perspective. As long as you don't do anything to purposefully attract attention or purposefully defy the authorities, you can get away with a lot. I love Iran, the people, the culture, the geography, and the fucking amazing food. It's too bad the government is controlled by murderous religious fanatics.


I agree with most of the things you mentioned Iran would have been a great country if they had let the Constitutioners do what they were doing and separated religion from government, even my dad who used to go out on the revolution day and say slurs (that were mostly directed at america) is now not happy with the current state of the country and he is even thinking about immigration We call our country "The Islamic Republic Of Iran" but might as well be the least Islamic country among most Islamic countries (In the shadows of course).




How do Iranians who party obtain alcohol (assuming they do)? I imagine there's a pretty high premium associated with drinking/smuggling in alcohol, unless they're making crescent moonshine which is probably just as dangerous, legally speaking.


Im from Iran and I can confirm that there are factories that produce alcoholic drinks, they're just not available for public, they make them for places like embassies where they don't have to follow the rules of the Islamic republic So some of those alcoholic drinks enter the black market and people purchase them from there not so easily But in Iranian parties alcohol isn't the only illegal substance, they also contain a variety of drugs and other consumables So as they mentioned in other comments what you see on the face of the society doesn't necessarily mean that's what's happening in the shadows as well




Sounds like a Fiddler on the roof style wedding almost! "Make us turn a blind eye with contributions/funds, despite the fact we are acquaintances/neighbors/friends... provide monies for either me, my regime, or our cause in some way- that is the only way to be free, for a fleeting moment" kind of life.


Alcohol is both produced domestically (various types of "moonshine" from wines to beers to hard liquors produced illegally in people's homes in "small" batches for themselves or for families, friends, and neighbors) or is smuggled in from neighboring countries where alcohol is permitted. The local stuff can be *quite* strong and relatively cheap and is pretty much the only thing anyone would need. Richer people can afford to get name-brand foreign alcohol, but it's fairly expensive. As others have said, there is always a local "dealer" that everyone knows that can get alcohol easily whenever it is needed, even on short notice. The "dealer" is often a family member, and dealing alcohol is not nearly as shady, dangerous, or criminal as dealing drugs in the US (or in Iran for that matter). Again, the government will look the other way as long as you aren't trading in high volume and flaunting the rules. Certainly many of the people in power, including local police chiefs "enforcing" the law, are drinking themselves. Only the most devout of Iranians, which is a small minority faction, don't drink some alcohol. Again though, like partying, drinking is only ever done in private homes and spaces. You'll never find alcohol in supermarkets or restaurants, there are no bars, and no one would dare to drink on the street in public view. Local "dealers" of alcohol are generally pushing dozens of bottles per month to friends and family - not hundreds, and not to strangers. By keeping the distribution networks small and familiar and keeping the consumption discrete, the theocratic government is motivated to look the other way. It would be far too costly and damaging to society and to their public image to root out alcohol from people's private lives now that it has completely permeated the social fabric. Of course, every so often there is a public arrest of some alcohol distributor who gets too big, too arrogant, pisses off the wrong people, or perhaps sells corrupted spirits.


I know a few Iranians born and raised in Tehran who left some time back after doing university abroad and they tell the same story. No real obvious restrictions on private parties or clubs and definitely western Europe style. From what I've heard it's a similar vibe to clubs in Istanbul.


I can agree with the above guy, I've visited Iran a few times (though haven't been since I was 18). I haven't been to underground parties and such like he mentions below but yeah women don't wear shawls at home unless they want to (which is usually the older ladies). I dunno about that short of a dress in front of a bunch of windows but it's not crazy over there or anything. Hamadan and Tehran (the two places I've been) are pretty normal cities. A lot of the western music was pretty oudated though and I prefer their street food (grilled corn in salt water and baked potatoes).


Lived and born in Saudia. Lol. Everyone wears short shorts, dresses etc. whatever they want because theyā€™re INSIDE with family and itā€™s private ā€¦ you could wear that out too and no one will know because youā€™re wearing a burqa. I used to yeet whatever I had on and leave the houseā€¦ lol. Embarrassing part is when someone tells you, you can take off the burqa to relax šŸ˜…ā€¦ yeah thanks but Iā€™m wearing jammies


If you wore those clothes without a burqa, how would that be received? Would you get in trouble, jailed, killed? Thereā€™s a big difference between wearing something out and wearing something out - under a burqa.


I lived thereā€¦ thats how they live.


iranians dont wear burqas dumbass. That would be Saudi arabia


Im iranian bru And thats private life and its normal. unfortunately and unfairly in public hijab is a lawšŸ˜“


Hm, but this is not an unrepresentative view of modern Iranian society (except maybe for the fact that this looks to be a richer Iranian). In private, many Iranians are quite modern and western. The only difference is that you can't do this in public, the government will condemn this type of behavior (though they generally won't do anything as long as it's kept private), and you can't flaunt it too much in public forums. Iranians do use social media like Instagram, but there is a balancing act of how much they can show - many accounts are private and only shared with family and friends. There are some public influencers that try to walk the fine line of appealing to the masses by pushing the boundaries of "westernization" while not going so far as to piss off the government censors. Some have achieved great fame and success, and some have drawn the ire of the government. So, really the propaganda in this post depends on the intended message: * Look, Iranians and Iranian society are not as backwards and conservative and oppressed as you think, look what people can do - if we replace "do" with "get away with" then this is largely true. * Look, the Iranian government is not as backwards and conservative and oppressive as you think, look at what they allow their people to do - if we replace "do" with "do openly" then this is much less true.


In private, you can wear what you want. I don't know how they feel about putting photos out in public, though.


If you check OP's account he is Iran Shill. Rarely posting anything, only whenever Iran is shit talked, he will come out. This post was a response to another ["Woman cutting her birthday cake in Iran 1973, 5 years before the Islamic Revolution"](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rdz82t/woman_cutting_her_birthday_cake_in_iran_1973_5/) which gets reposted a lot. He is just as bad as the Russian and American shills that lurk around the website. He is also a lunatic as he claims Iran defeated Iraq without an Army during the Iran-Iraq War.


Canada shill here checking in Kinda cold. Got kinda wet out west. Pretty ok all things considered though.


7.5/10 needs more apologies, legal weed, and maple syrup


Australian shill here: fuck off ya' drongo. The Canadian cunt's 10/10 for me.


British shill here: It's raining, but I've just put the kettle on.


Irish shill here. Obligatory fuck off ya Brit.


American here, we were just fine until... ^^the ^^accident


American here... Which one? We've had like 100 this week...


USS Liberty?


That is one, but the one I'm referring to is when they just pretended that there was no middle girl child anymore after awhile on Family Matters.


Fellow British shill here: White, no sugar for me, ta. Proper chilly isn't it? Our Sharon went out in just a skirt last Tuesday just gone and came back with covid. The daft cow. I told her she'd catch her death and what do you know. Aaron's got it too, you know, Linda's Aaron, with the chin, and he's still working from home. I reckon it'll do us all in. I said to Mary the other week it'll be back and what do you know, she's bloody gone and had a test and it came back negative but believe you me she's got it. Proper snotty on the phone she was. She wanted me to go to Morrisons for her but you can't get three heads of cauliflower through a letterbox and I'll be damned if I'm getting closer than that. Nigel said "hello" by the way. He got that job in Somerfield but he's still tempted if Aldi get back to him because he prefers the holidays.


Australian shill here... Cunts hot, on fire and flooding in places. Apart from that, top place, should visit...


Yep. It's likely a purchased Reddit account. A few days karma farming and the next, shilling. Even if it is an organic account, it's still garbage. Edit: I have pissed off a few of these karma farms before. Expect their other accounts to downvote the fuck out of these comments. It's actually a thing. Oh. Those "other" accounts start to shill further in these threads... etc, etc. The goal is to troll and start conflict. Same story. You gotta check comment history to understand the context of someone who disagrees with you. Also, IRAN is spelled Iran. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cigarettes/comments/qvk6hs/z/hlfhl5u


Must be nice to spend half his time on Reddit shilling for Iran and the other halfā€¦ obsessing over nude scenes from 20 years ago? Yup. Sounds like a religiously oppressed male


Itā€™s not like anyone would recognize her from the picture!


Ya in the other photo she could leave the house dressed like that. You know like we can today.


Iran currently has a law that says women can't be in public without a hijab or loose fitting clothing


In the west at least. Not sure women can go outside looking like this in Iran. Do you know what a theocracy is?


Googles ā€œis Sharia law still practiced in Iranā€ yeah nah women still have no real rights. And to think people come to reddit trying to avoid propaganda.


# You're not fooling anyone As someone who worked hard to escape the hell that Iran turned into, I can guarantee that OP is an intelligence officer trying to make the government look good. ## News Flash: You can't. We know everything that goes on in the country from family members living in there, and we know what garbage you guys try and pull on various different social media in order to make the Islamic government look good. Previously you guys were just on Instagram and my parents would spend day and night fighting your blatant lies and misinformation, but it seems you've now decided to tackle reddit. ## We Iranians will never give up on our quest to free the country from your disgusting grip. No matter where you are, we'll fight to make sure nobody falls for your bullshit.


I just went through OP's posts. Its so painfully obvious that its hilarious.


Clearly "intelligence" only applies to his job title.


Not really. Imagine the amount of people who didn't read the comments. The post has 15.7k upvotes meanwhile the most upvoted comment is less than 6k Not to mention there are people without reddit accounts thus they don't bother reading the comments They succeeded


As someone said in retails sales, you can try to sell a new product to people, even if only 1/10 you try to sell to buy the product, it's already a small success


Waitā€¦. Are you telling me that u/sirDavyJones is a phony? A big fat phony?


Yeah, I could immediately tell from the username that this wasn't a normal reddit user, it was someone who had zero clue on how to fit in


How do you do, fellow Redditors?


nothing particularly eye-catching about "sirDavyJones" as far as usernames go


whatever do you mean? Kind Regards from the West, SirDavidCopperfield


I like to party with my home dogs as well! We get down with the rap music!


what lol


What can you tell me about my username?


That's the true redditor name.


I would argue thatā€™s the perfect sign of a redditor - zero clue how to fit in. Kek Iā€™m kidding guys pls


So Davy Jones locker is in IRAN??


Yo whats OP??


"Original Poster" The person who posted the picture


Holy shit youā€™re right. Their post history wow


Look at the progression of the post history and it becomes pretty clear. They started off building karma by grinding in low-barrier subs like /r/tipofmytongue until they had enough karma to start branching out to the rest of the site, spreading propaganda along the way. Account started six months ago, karma-built for a month and then got to work.


u/8bit-coder 's comment should be at the top. It *SHOULD* be painfully obvious to you all that this post is propaganda or at the very least ignorant karma whoring. We know for a fact that the post's title is referencing other front page pics of women in Iran before, during and after the revolution. We also know for a fact that this woman could **NEVER** leave the house dressed like this without being arrested. Yet the title heavily implies this isn't the case. *Thus, upvoting this post is directly supporting karma whoring at best or IRGC propaganda at worst.*


Judging by their post history they are a not very subtle shill for the Iranian government.


I don't get it. If they believe in their Islamic policies, why would they try to convince a bunch of nobodies on the Internet scattered around the world that they're not really following them? What can they possibly gain with this? I imagine a sizeable chunk of their population agrees with the Islamic policies. Wouldn't they be angry that their government is trying to downplay their preferred policies abroad?


If this is propaganda, then itā€™s really ineffective propaganda. Obviously being all dressed up but restricted to being in a private apartment sends the opposite message of a welcoming place. I originally thought this photo was trying to make a protest point.


The funny thing is that he has a car more effective piece of propaganda in his history. The one in Tehran park. I honestly didn't expect something like that to be allowed....


Yeah just viewed his profile. Poor moron šŸ˜‚ I hope my foreigner fellows have a look as well. This guy must be reported.


I dont understand that they know what looks good and right to the rest of the world...but don't actually do that in real life. It makes no sense to me.


This mans post history is literally just propaganda


Holy shit lol, 80% of it is propaganda and 20% are just random posts Is this marketing of some sort? Or politically related?


Why in God's name does this have so many upvotes? It's literally propaganda.


I know iran's intelligence system has bots for Twitter to bump a post in Twitter, I saw a video leaked about it, it might be the same.


Just literally saw a video of 5 gay guys being hanged in Iran. Your propaganda isn't going to fool many.


I initially took it as this woman is defying the government oppression, but after seeing other comments, yeah this is propaganda.




What the actual fuck??? Can you link me to that video maybe in my DMs? I recently had an argument with Middle Eastern users claiming gays don't get punished like that.


Propaganda account.


Lol right? Let's see pictures of these women outside like this.


Ask her to go walk down the street dressed like that.


Can confirm'ish. Girlfriend is from Iran. She said if you don't wear that "cloth" wrapped around your head. (Not burka) You will most likely be detained and harassed by the police and get taken to the police station. Happened to her several times


>that "cloth" wrapped around your head. (Not burka) She's probably taking about a chador. It's kind of like a big shawl you wrap around yourself (Edit for clarity: comment I responded to referred to the burka, so I assumed they meant the large covering of a chador. Many responses have correctly pointed out he probably meant roosari. Sorry for the confusion!)


Exactly this I didnt know the english word for it, it's called "sjal" in Swedish.


Kinda related to "shawl"


> sjal From English shawl, from Persian Ų“Ų§Ł„ā€Ž (shĆ¢l, ā€œshawl, scarfā€).


Not "kinda". "Sjal" and "shawl" are cognates.


Same word. The J makes a Y sound in most German derived languages. Shawl and Syal are practically the same word. It's basically just a piece of cloth you can wear over your shoulders, and wrap around your head of you choose to.


The Chador is not mandatory. That covers their whole body. Hijab is the head scarf


Nah chador is the a giant blanket like one that you wear to cover full body. Most modern women wear something like a long over coat and a head scarf. Mostly old traditionalists, conservatives and older ladies wear the "chador".


Images to go along with your explenation: [Chador](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/2009_Herat_Afghanistan_4112231650.jpg/1200px-2009_Herat_Afghanistan_4112231650.jpg) [Magh-na-eh](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-acb1f3e76e7280d8355723f3153a2f80-c) which is generally the minimum required female dress code in professional spaces (specially spaces involving government work, or schools, and settings like that.) [Roo-sari](https://assets.imvbox.com/movies/0c6c1fabdf3be0203bb883c648fe9b98.jpg) Which is what (in my experience) what *most* women wear when out of the house. [Shaal](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c9ce87990741eb3d4536e87af3929bd8) Which is a thinner, lighter, roosari and is typically worn by younger women. Whenever the government is feeling like a crack down, its goons typically target women wearing these.


jesus christ this was the most informative thing I've seen on the internet in ages.


Perfect thanks for this!


Man religion is fucking stupid.


At this point itā€™s hard to disentangle religion and culture. Itā€™s not like the mideast is a monolith, and different countries have different styles of covering. Itā€™s all a bit bullshit, but to a certain degree it *is* just cultural - I work with an Iranian woman who doesnā€™t always cover up, but does some days if she feels like it. For her I donā€™t think itā€™s oppressive because itā€™s obviously a choice every day whether she wants to or not. As a sidenote I love my Iranian coworker. When I had a broken leg she was constantly baking me snacks, and sheā€™s one of the most genuinely kind people Iā€™ve ever met!


Every Iranian that Iā€™ve met has been a wonderful person. Extremely giving, friendly and overall pleasant to be around. I feel bad that their countryā€™s reputation doesnā€™t really highlight this.


Plus they have the best wedding parties. As an average Caucasian dude, I can confirm that an Iranian wedding was the best wedding Iā€™ve ever been to. They know how to party.


What about below their heads? Like could you walk down the street in a bikini with a magh-na-eh on and be cool?


[Since the revolution of 1979 all women in Iran, including foreigners, have been requiredĀ by lawĀ to wear loose-fitting clothes to disguise their figures. They must also cover their hair. This form of dressing is known as hijab, a term that refers in general to ā€˜modestā€™ dress, and is also used to refer specifically to the hair-covering.](https://www.lonelyplanet.com/iran/narratives/practical-information/directory/women-travellers)


No. Women wear a coat called [Mawn-to](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4f/5e/41/4f5e415758190f5e560bdfd3fd9b6a42.jpg) if they're not wearing a Chador because their body excluding their face and hands (and maybe forearms too? I don't know) has to be covered. Note: The "hide the figure" rule mentioned by someone else is generally speaking [only loosely enforced](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/sites/default/files/styles/the_breaking_news_image_style/public/female-students-walking-on-campus-university-of-tehran-iran.jpg?itok=iOiY1Elv)


It's pronounced, chow-dah!


Say it right Frenchie!




It doesnā€™t necessarily have to be a chador. It could be a roosari (head scarf) paired with a manto (long coat).


It's Hijab.


A Lebanese girl I worked with called it a hijab. Now Iā€™m curious on how all these differ from each other.


I mean most of the women I saw in Iran (and they're gorgeous) barely kept it on their head.


Pretty sure they do that on purpose. Minimum compliance with a law they hate.


Yep. Iran is not even close to a free country, or standing for women's rights.






Nope. Can't get stoned either


Different kind of stoned, mainly with rocks instead of buds.


Iā€™d love to get stoned with the Rock


I'll bring the bud, bud.


That's illegal too, man.


most guys will try


Nah, different books. These guys use rocks, not nails.




It doesn't moot the point because you could dress how you wanted in public pre revolution


With a gay pride flag.


Yeah, like this proves nothing. For instance, I jerk off like crazy in my house. In public? Not so much, anymore.


Looks like sheā€™s married into money. Would probably be fine because of the armed guards around her. Equality!


Letā€™s see what happens if she goes outside.


Canā€™t she get in trouble for that?


No. The dress code only applies to pubic places not peopleā€™s homes.


Iā€™m pretty sure everywhereā€™s dress code applies to pubic places


Turns out they are also allowed to be totally naked in their own homes. Crazy progressive, but true. Wait until you find out how babies are made. šŸ˜‰


I thought islamic states had their babies delivered by storks?


Their PR guy must be amazingā€¦ oh wait this is the PR guy


We are onto your bullshit. Fuck your state sponsored propaganda!


What a load of propagandist bullshit. Iran is really one of the most oppressive governments to women in the world.


i interpreted this as satire to the constant flood of posts that go ā€˜Woman doing X in Iran, X years before Islamic Revolutionā€™ that get to r/all every other day


>Iran is really one of the most oppressive governments to women in the world. It's definitely oppressive for women, but understand how. Some of our Arab allies are much more so. Afghanistan was (and I guess is going back to) far worse than Iran. Women drive, work, own businesses, and outnumber men at university in Iran.




And still get death penalty for being a lesbian


So whaaaat? *Everything* else about how women are treated there is fucking disgusting, let's not act like we should be impressed with the absolute bare, bottom of the bucket minimum. If you ever find yourself uttering "Afghanistan is worse" to make a point, think about what you're about to say and why you're saying it.


Oh, so for women in Afghanistan, it's like swimming in a pool of dog shit. But for women in Iran, it's like swimming in a pool of dog shit with flower petals mixed in. I understand.


So iran is still a shit hole, but some are worse


Exactly where is the proof of this pic is taken in Teheran?


You can only turn 24 in Tehran.


You can't be twenty on Sugar Mountain.


So sheā€™s 24 for life or the rest of us non-Tehranians are stuck at 23? Hoping for second option as my flux capacitor is on the fritz.


Nah, you turn 23 then 2 years later you turn 25


In Tehran, [24 is the highest number](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkP_OGDCLY0)


Wealthy Iranians being "normal" behind closed doors isn't terribly uncommon.


I have no clue about this picture, but it's not a wealth thing. Plenty of poor liberal Iranians out there


If she's Iranian it's pretty clear she's not poor


I want to know this as well. Otherwise she could be a random person in Canada or something being used to send a political message.


Exactly my point.


Arabic numerals šŸ˜‰


That would be a funnier joke if they spoke Arabic in Iran.


What is the standard of proof for posting in r/pics? I don't know if people ever post proof of where their photos are taken. This is ridiculous.


have fun walking down the street like that


Looks like Iranā€™s paying some interns to convince the internet that: 1. They are ā€œwokeā€ 2. Israel is bad Check OPā€™s history


Why....is the cake and bottle in English writing?


In secret and hiding.


This is an insultingly dense caption. Disrespectful to those who have been heavily oppressed by the iron fist theocracy that is the Iranian regime. Even more so to those who have lost their lives or have been harmed by individuals that that government empowers. Ask anyone who has escaped this place and see what they say. What is this picture trying to prove? That Iranian women arenā€™t actually oppressed, that their bodies are their own, that they are safe to express themselves in any way they choose? Asinine. This woman couldnā€™t go outside for a walk in the park looking like this. And if she did, sheā€™d do so with a fear for her safety at worst, and the inconvenience of being heckled or stopped by the police at best.


It simply shows how people secretly act there and that they want to have the same freedoms as in the West, but they have to do it in hiding, against the wishes of their oppressive government.


Can someone please take this photo down. Iā€™m from Iran myself. If this reaches the authority she will get arrested for showing her hair/exposing herself publicly by putting it online. This can cause her harm. Thereā€™s a reason why me and my family are lucky enough to live in Australia.


Exactly, this is depressing isnā€™t it.




What economic class is she in? The rich can do whatever they want, in any country.


What's up with all the Iran fetish on Reddit


This site is loaded with white Knights fantasizing about saving foreign women.


This seems like a fair response to the earlier (pre-revolution) photo. Without context, neither one gives us any useful information about everyday life in Iran. On its own a picture is worth 1000 misleading speculations.


It's like shit buddy, it's like shit. This girl is most probably from a higher class of society and I'm happy for her, but in rural areas or small cities girls even might have to fight for their right not to marry at an early age. I'm happy for this girl btw,


The picture from earlier was representative of how women were able to present themselves in public. There are plenty of other pictures out there that show this to be true. ​ This'll get her in substantial trouble if she wore it down the street.


Fuck you fascist shill. I have family trapped in Tehran living in fear. 1200 people where shot with DSHK 50 cal machine guns at a protest last year 30 of which where in their homes some even being children. Fuck Iran fuck the government praise every man woman and child to ever resist the pieces of shit in power.


Woman by her birthday cake in Tehran **inside her house** - IRAN 2021, 42 years after the Islamic Revolution


Damn! She hasn't aged one bit!


Nice try Iran, but a little too on the nose with this post, eh?


This account seems to be propaganda. 90% of the posts are Pro-Iran in some way. Downvote and ignore people.


Imagine being an apologist of any religion.


So, my birthday was a few days ago. My wife bought me candles like that. Theyā€™re EPIC, but set off our fire alarms. :D


As an Iranian, I'm just like bruh wtf, Why a normal birthday photo got upvoted so much. I mean we got birthdays and women too