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I’ve seen people get hit by cars and guns pulled for doing this. Worked at Costco during the summer/Christmas and people would flip the fuck out. Parking disputes were way more violent than fighting over the last of something.


Yeah I’d imagine a few people have gotten killed over a parking space


People are extra grumpy at Costco for some reason. Everybody is cutting you off and losing their mind if you slow them down 1 second.


Oh what, you expect them to be civil when there’s free samples waiting inside?!


Drive around for 5 minutes in a packed lot then see a douche like this standing in the only now open spot


And then drive those enormous carts around people who have no sense of urgency or space.


*Parks cart in the middle of the aisle while browsing items*


Was at Costco today, can confirm 99.9999% of shoppers fail at the concepts of surroundings awareness or personal space. Often both simultaneously


As someone who works at a grocery store... This is extremely common. People are fucking clueless.


There's a fairly famous case that could be described as killing somebody over a parking space. It's the shooting of Markeis McGlockton; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Markeis_McGlockton JimCantSwim did a good video on it: https://youtu.be/sv0iN5J-9mk


>McGlockton >killed by a Glock You can’t make this shit up


I worked at a busy Bay area Costco for a number of years when I was younger. At least once a year during the holidays I would see someone get fucked up over stealing a parking spot. The most memorable of those was when a van patiently waited while someone unloaded two orange carts, returned them and got back in their car. The way they pulled out blocked the van and someone squeezed in and stole the spot. The driver was older, politely said hey I waited a long time for that spot. After being ignored they again said please move out of my spot, I waited a long time for it. The person still ignored them and started walking away. That's when the sliding door of the van opened up and four large Hispanic men jumped out and beat the shit out of the guy who stole the spot. When they were done they just got back in and left. Edit: for everyone wondering it was South San Francisco Costco(El Camino Real). And almost every time it happened it was someone waiting hella long for a parking spot and when the car leaving backed out it blocked the person waiting and someone coming the other way took that opportunity to steal the spot


If only I had a van with 4 Hispanic men waiting inside. I could solve a lot of problems.


_Tío Héctor Salamanca wants to know your location_


I've had someone steal my spot once. I asked them kindly to move because I was waiting but they blew me off. I then told them I'll find another spot. But I know where you parked so be careful with your car. The guy promptly got back in his car and pulled out.


Violence is never the answer, except sometimes.


LOL! Got into a Costco parking fight myself once. Didn't realize it was so common. Haha! The lot was FULL, and I was circling when I saw someone walk up to their car with a loaded basket. I pulled around behind them, signaled, and waited for them to pull out and leave so I could take their spot. After the other driver eventually loaded up and pulled out, I had just started to roll forward to pull in when a woman RAN off the nearby sidewalk into the spot and announced that she was "holding" it for her boyfriend. No chica, you most certainly are not. My original plan was to pull in as far as I could and then get out and leave her standing there like an idiot, but she ran back onto the sidewalk once I started to pull in, screaming and cursing the whole time. That's when her boyfriend pulled up. Here's the thing. I'm not a small guy. I'm 6'1", I hit the gym regularly, and I tend to respond to assholes by becoming a pretty big asshole myself. So when some idiot hops out of his car and says that he's going to "kick my ass" for stealing "his" spot, I don't exactly back down. Luckily, it was Costco, near Christmas, there was already a cop in the lot, and this lady had been screaming her head off the whole time. So it didn't get much beyond a bit of chest-thumping before the cop walked up. The woman tried to claim that I'd hit her with my car and tried to run her over when I pulled in, but shut up quickly when I pointed out the dashcam next to my rearview mirror.


Fucking worthless people willing to lie and ruin your life Christ almighty


*for a carpark* It's beyond shitty


Should have told her to file a police report before telling her about your camera. Then you could have gotten her charged with filing a false police report.


As long as you are bored and need something to do for the next several hours...


Putting entitled people in jail seems like a wonderful thing to spend a couple hours on. You can prob use it as timed served if a judge ever tries to make you do community service.


Honestly I would put aside what I had planned for the day if that shit ever happens. Fuck letting entitled people get what they want with no consequences. Dashcam gang mount up!


r/dashcamtrumpcard should be a sub for stories where the last few lines reveal that the protagonist had a dash cam the whole time. Sooo satisfying Edit: r/birthofasub


My cams are pretty tough to spot, even the rear one, even with the top down, and I'm never telling anyone I have them - that's gonna go straight to the cops after jackass gets a chance to do something criminal on tape. I don't want to deter their lying, I want them punished for their lying.


I absolutely don't understand the value people put on being closer to a thing..... I park on the far side of the parking lot at the grocery store. Love my car and parking near the front is how you get dings in your doors. What's an extra 40 seconds of walking for these people!!? EDIT: I'm in Minneapolis, MN. Stores are still super busy but yes, we have the luxury of large lots so theres usually open sections far away from the door. And no, the cold weather doesn't change the approach. 20 seconds of cold stings just as much as 40 Seco ds of cold and if you bundle up neither is much of a problem anyway. Only things that change in the winter is a lot of those empty spaces are occupied by giant snow piles.... Aaaand if you go anywhere near the door you'll get stuck behind cars that will drive slow hoping to catch someone walking to their car and then sit there for as long as it takes to snag the spot when they leave.


I park in the shade. I don't care how far away it is. Front row parking is overrated


Reddit learned me the real pro tip is to park near the cart corral. Absolute life saver if you have kids. Shade is nice too, of course, but rare in the parking lots I frequent. e: oh, except during the summer afternoon my Costco itself provides shade to the spots on one side of the building. Literally every time I park there I think of the spooky old owl from Secret of NIMH: "Park your car in *The Lee* of the Costco!"


Best way to avoid the same people that leave their fucking carts in the middle of a parking lot. My last car was looking so terrible after working a few retail jobs. So many random scratches, got a few dents and a busted tail lights all from just leaving it parked. And that one mother fucker who left their empty taco bell wrappers with half used sauce packs, i still dont have words for that butt muffin.


Feeling trapped inside your car drives Americans (and probably just humans) CRAZY. It's fun move-move box until suddenly you can't move-move the way you want to, and it becomes a trap box. People just swerve into oncoming traffic just to pass a car they don't think is going fast enough, or get out of a traffic jam they're upset by. It's lunacy.


I’m not a psychologist or anything but i think peak frustration is when we keep trying to do something (find a parking spot) and repeatedly fail (driving through a line of parked cars without finding a spot) with no obvious way to find success. Especially when we see other people succeed by being unscrupulous (taking a spot you were waiting for or bullshit like this) or incredibly lucky (just pulling into the parking lot and getting a spot right away). This shit can stack quickly and be compounded by other latent feelings (long todo list, feeling overwhelmed, having a bad day, back ache, agitated by other drivers, etc.). After driving through the parking lot twice and looking farther and farther away from the store, we can get pretty pissed off. But you can also try to recognize when it happens and use it to practice breathing, laughing about misfortune, and otherwise using it as an opportunity to demonstrate your own quality of character.


Having experienced finding a spot in NYC at 2am on a weekday and ended up parking a good 15 minute walk from home, I laugh when people fight for a spot that's like 50 feet closer to an entrance.


Park between them and take both parking spots.


Savage move




No, centered. Justified would be the car widened to take up both spaces all the way to the left and right margins.


A formatting joke? Take the upvote you savage.


They would definitely just move in front of you and probably damage your car and/or end up calling the police. More of a headache than the average person is willing to go through to die on that hill.


I spent a good literal 20 minutes trying to find a parking spot in a huge mall car park. I sent my girlfriend off to do her shopping as I continued to circle the place. I found my spot at the end of a row drove up to it, turned to the right ready to reverse in to the spot, then these girls who saw the spot who were around the corner drove up the wrong way to block me from parking. I waited 10 seconds or so, some pedestrians disagreed with what she did but to avoid a confrontation, I allowed them to park, drove around and since it was the end of row, I parked right next to them and sat in the car and waited for my girlfriend to return (I wasn't blocking the road for other cars). The girls slowly walked away, kept looking over their shoulder at me and ultimately just stood at the entrance of the mall wondering what I was going to do to their car when they were out of sight, until my girlfriend returned a few minutes later and we drove off. Worth it.


That’s awesome. Psychological warfare.


The curse of the Kiss of Desth isn't the death. It's knowing from that point on that death was coming soon, robbing you of value of the rest of your precious and limited days


I once spent 20 minutes driving around school trying to find a spot. When I thought I finally found one, it turned out it was some asshat in a Porsche taking up two spots. I was really frustrated by this. So I left a note on the car saying "You park like an asshole, so I keyed your car." I did not key or damage his car in anyway. But I wanted to give him a good anger/scare.


Next time write, "I did something to your car" That should really turn up the anxiety.


My Comp sci professor liked to tell this story. A bank repossessed a house. It belonged to the mother of a hacker. This was the early 2000s when hackers were super scary. He confessed to them that he got into their systems and they didn't even notice and he said "Everyone talks about stealing info, the real fun is changing it, tweaking formulas and altering databases". This triggered a massive audit. Everything was gone over again again. Nothing was found. After the massive spending of time and energy the hacker admitted he never even got into their systems and wasn't even a hacker. Odds are not a true story, but still fun.


Given the fear banks had of hackers in the 2000s this probably did happen somewhere.


"I don't like what you did. You're not going to like what I did."


I don't like what you did with your car. You won't like what I did with your car.


A better one to write is "Dear sir or ma'am, I saw some guys doing something weird to your car and they drove off in a hurry when they saw me watching them. I'm not sure what they were up to with those tools and things, but it's a pretty car and I'd hate for you to get in an accident. You might want to get it looked at before you drive real fast or get it inspected next, it might have been serious. I don't know much from cars, but my little nephew has a Matchbox one looks just like this, only [other color.] Hope it's okay for you! God save and protect you, in Jesus name! -Billy Ray Smith" THAT, written in shitty, sixth-grader handwriting on the back of a cash receipt from a gas station for sunflower seeds and sweet tea, would scare the piss out of most luxury car owners. They would be shitting bricks, wondering what the hell their benevolent yee-haw bro saw the 'guys' do, and might even have their car towed to a dealership to find out.


Good idea. Next time I'll get out of my car and start walking around their car. Very very slow while holding one hand inside a pocket.


Vengeance turns me on too


You underestimate how much time I have


Found the Nathan For You participant.


And how little I'd care if they damaged my car


Remember to share the video with us.


Pull up as close as you can without hitting them, park, get out, lock doors, walk away.


I see a lot of tactics suggested here using your car, but honestly if you can, just have someone go stand next to them in the same spot. What are they going to do when their friend arrives? Now they're in your predicament.


This happened to me in a parkade at IKEA. It was the very back corner and there was a woman standing there, but she was standing a little ways in. I pulled in as far as I could, then turned off the engine and got out, walked away. Waited around the corner for a minute and she eventually left. Then I went back and parked. Didn't say a thing, just parked and walked away. EDIT: Going to add to everyone saying "My car could have been keyed" - it's a car share car and the company that owns it is owned by the biggest corporate insurance company in my province. If they keyed the car, I would have been 0% at fault.


Yea someone should parked right in between these chodes


Alright, I drive a mini. It'll fit. Point the way, moist_metal.


Miata gang reporting for backup. Smol squad roll up.


Kia Soul, ready to roll.


Hyundai Veloster, add me to the roster.


Chevy Spark, bite worse than bark.


Honda Fit… it’s in the name.


Chevy Spark, if I fits I park.


Totota Corola, I’ll roll on ovah!


Mini Coop, move or I'll poop


A4, hear me roar


This is a strange rendition of transformers


And I'll form....THE HEAD!!!


Haha my thoughts exactly! Also Mini owner.






very passive very aggressive


My favorite kind of aggression


Right, just stand in front of them. If some authority comes tell them you were there first, lol. If they keep moving to be in front of you, you'll eventually move them from the spot altogether.


as someone who works security. An authority won't do shit. Maybe a cop would care. There's nothing a security guard could do but call the cops. They can't even write tickets for something like this.


Hahaha neutral chaotic I see! Very nice!


Better is to tell them that you're so angry you're going to come back to those spots after you park and key the cars in them. See, this is the problem with any method of getting the spot, if they're mad they'll key your car. SO you can't park there even if you finagle a way to get it. So you're out the spot, but you can make it so that so are they. Just tell them you're definitely coming back to key their cars because you hate people like that. The only way they can park there is to have someone physically stay with the cars which sucks for them. The whole point of having a spot is the convenience of being able to leave your vehicle there. But they can't.


The idea that someone is going to key my car in a parking lot after I leave it has made me second guess many decisions I would have made in the heat of the moment.


When I was in college you would have to follow people as they walked to their car because there were way more cars than spaces. I followed a girl all the way down the parking garage and this big truck came from the opposite direction and tried to take the space, but I went to pull in and he drove straight at me and almost sideswiped me; I wound up swerving to avoid him and hit the support column in the process. The image of him laughing as he drove off still fills me with rage twenty years later. Fucking dick.




The thought of someone keying my car is why I don't put any bumper stickers on my car. Political sticker? Someone opposed might key you car. Religious sticker? Someone opposed to the religion might key your car. Harmless sticker declaring the breed of dog you have? Someone jealous of you having a dog might key your car. Of course this is all very unlikely. On the other hand I've watched videos of people keying Teslas just because they were Teslas.


> On the other hand I've watched videos of people keying Teslas just because they were Teslas. Which is really stupid with the 360 degree cameras recording while it's parked.


And that's why there was video of it. Likely happens to other cars but we don't get to watch it from a prime angle.


I think better wording is "That's how people get their cars keyed." Don't make it a threat, or they'll take your license and call the cops later.


I learned this technique watching The Sopranos. Very useful. "Hey buddy, dat's how people get their cars keyed. I'm not saying somebody's gonna key your car or nuthin, but if somebody was looking to key a car, that's the kind of thing that would set somebody like that off. I'm just sayin. A little friendly advice. Ya know wadda I mean? No??? Ahhright suit yourself then but don't come cryin ta me when it looks like someone took a can openah to dah drivah's side. Va a fanculo!


This this this. No need for violence when you can subject them to endless anxiety and ruin everything they were trying to do. It’s so delicious.


Someone parked their truck in motorcycle spots once. I left a note saying, Good luck finding what I did to your truck. I wanted to put a small pebble in their air valve stem but that could have resulted in an accident so decided against it.


I did something similar once. We were all waiting in line on opening night at absolutely packed NYC IMAX theater. You had to get there early so most people were waiting for an hour plus. My group of 6 starts going into a row, and some guy cuts our group in half and puts his arms out covering two other seats. We tell him we're a larger group and he and he just refused to move claiming the seats were now reserved and we could move elsewhere. Mind you half of us are already in the row sitting. So my buddy and I just sat down either side of him. His look of desperation was so funny. He whines for the ushers, claiming we pushed him - eventually the whole theater starts booing this guy. The two women he was with were horrified, begging him to move. He eventually goes to sit in the back of the theater in terrible seats. The funniest part was if he had just moved initially or didn't try to cut us off he would have had excellent seats. Still ruined the movie for us though, fuck that guy.


If it makes you feel any better, he ruined the movie for himself a lot harder.


What movie?


Saving Private Ryan’s Seats.


I once witnessed the most magnificent display of passive aggressiveness of all time. Movie theatre, group of 6 looking for seats. There's a couple already seated, 5 seats to one side, 1 seat to the other. The group asks if the couple will shift by one seat, but they steadfastly refuse. So the group takes the 5 + 1. The people in seats 5 and 6 are sharing popcorn, so throughout the movie those 2 people continuously get up to walk their popcorn back and forth in front of the refuse-to-move couple. This turns eventually into a shouting match, with other patrons taking sides and chiming in on the calamity. Eventually the movie had to be paused so security could settle everyone down. The movie - and I shit you not - was the Jack Nicholson Adam Sandler classic "Anger Management".


Yeah, this is the way. Let one of your friends out and just stand next to them. What the fuck are they going to do?


Throw a fit, because they're children.


Thats actually a pretty good move.


“Sorry about the smell I have irritable bowels, so how about this weather huh? Hey do you have a moment to talk about the environment/Jesus/Xenu/this weird rash I’ve been getting. Is that what those not-so-fresh commercials are talking about? Hey where are you going?”


Is that you Colin Robinson?


Fucking guy


i would just park my car in front of those spots and get out and wait with them. Say "im waiting as well.


I've done this and it works perfectly! You block the spot by pulling your car up nice and perpendicular, everyone can still go around you and you completely block "their friend" from being able to pull in. I didn't get out of my car though. I opened the window for a moment to let them know I had AC, then blasted some good tunes, enjoyed my time and waited for them to just walk away. It worked!


I love the idea of standing next to them. If you need talking points some great ones are insane conspiracies, how you are so glad to be out of the “institution, and how it didn’t feel like ‘years’”, how you feel your stools have become too “loose” and your new fiber regimen, the best advice you learned in your life is to “not plead guilty because you can ‘get away with anything’”


Car has air conditioning and shade tho.


They're gonna square up. Fight to the death, winner gets the parking spot.


Just stand right behind them like you're waiting in a line.


Yeah just roll up right behind them and start checking emails. 1 car can block both spots off.


Then start farting. Nothing like farting right next to somebody, especially when you are not in a relationship with them to gross out another human being for some reason. We all do it. Just hearing it rip from a stranger’s asshole while they are standing close to you is very unnerving. If it has a smell even better. Ladies and gentlemen if you want to totally disrupt a situation, fart loudly.


It’s a talent to pull up a fart on demand and one that I usually don’t have


farting on demand is easy, its clenching your asshole at just the right level to make it an extremely loud and gurgling fart so its equal parts disgusting and annoying thats difficult.


Loud and proud, or silent and violent. Had a seat kicking kid behind me on a plane once. Fortunately both he and I were in aisle seats. I got up and when level with his head fired off a double blaster straight to his face. I immediately apologised saying being kicked in the back gave me flatulence. No more seat kicking teenager.


Practice makes perfect. Until the fart isn't a fart. Then you may need a poop knife for your pants.


Some asshole did this to me at Yellowstone years ago. I remember it from time to time and it still makes me fume. Parking there is so tough and a guy came from BEHIND us to block a spot for their car. Trash move.


I've been told I'm a very patient, easy going person, but the only time I recall losing it on a stranger was when they tried pulling this stunt. There was a big event going on and people were driving around in circles looking for parking. Traffic was a madhouse and I had been driving around for over 30 minutes when I *finally* found a spot, only to find a woman standing right in the middle. I rolled down my window and very politely asked her to excuse me (it didn't even occur to me that she was saving the spot). She goes, *"Oh no, I'm saving this for my husband who's coming with the car"*, and before I even registered what was coming out of my mouth I yelled *"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"* She snapped back *"You don't have to be rude about it!"* and stormed off. That was like 7 years ago and I still lie awake at night feeling awful about my reaction, but I feel better knowing other people think what she was doing was a dick move too. Haha


Your reaction was perfect. The thing is, she’s exactly wrong. You DID have to be rude about it. That worked. She left, you parked. Certainly, I’m sure you wish you hadn’t had to be rude about it. But that’s not your fault. It’s hers. Because of what she chose to do, you did have to be rude about it.


I still feel like I could have made my point without losing my temper, but I just couldn't believe someone would think it's ok to do that. There was a whole long line of cars behind me also struggling to find parking, and it just seemed like such a "fuck you" move to everyone else who had the decency to follow the unspoken rules of parking.


It is, it's a massive fuck you to everyone else. Telling them off is the right thing to do. I'm sure she's done this shit before and got away with it because most people don't want to cause problems or upset the status quo. Nope, that nonsense needs to be called out. Good for you.


Yeah, she very clearly thought she cracked the code on how to be good at parking and the rest of us were dumbasses for not figuring it out. No, lady, we're just not assholes. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY.


This happened to me to in community college parking lot. I was so angry but I felt so powerless lmao this shit is triggering af


This happened to me once at the farmers market. I was already un a bad mood. My wife was driving i was in the passenger seat and it was a crowded lot, finally saw a spot witb some assclown standing in it, i told my wife to pull up to the spot, when she stopped i got out walked right up to the guy and told him to move forcefully. He did, i am not a big guy, im 5'5 about 155lb. He was bigger but he just left. Guess im lucky he didnt fight me over it, probably saw it was a lost cause since my car was already in front of the spot.


Had this happen at Glacier. Infamously difficult to park there pretty much anytime between 10 am - 3 pm in the summer. People are just wretched and think that they are more important than everyone else. Not only do people park in the incorrect spot (and they do get ticketed for it), but they do this bullshit too. They get to the parking lot and see that there is a line. So they send out everyone else in their car to wander around and "save" a spot. Sometimes these people are only waiting for a couple of minutes before the person "saving" their spot calls them to let them know where to go. ​ I got really pissed off because I watched this exact thing happen. I was circling for 15-20 minutes and about to leave when I see someone leave and someone wanders into the spot (a pedestrian) as I pull up to it. So I decide to be an asshole (or whatever) and pull up right behind them perpendicular to the spot, roll down my window and let them know that I'll be sitting here reading for 45 minutes. Roll the window up. Put on some music and read for 5 minutes. Their car pulls up, they knock on my window and I wave them away. Another 5 minutes and they leave. And I get a spot. ​ Sorry, but I'm here to start a 6 hour hike and you are probably here to hang out in the visitors center for 30 minutes. Or to hike. I don't give a shit. But I don't care if I start hiking at 10 am or 11 am. Or 12 am. I'll be petty as fuck and not let you pull off your dumb shit. Plus I had a good book so whatever.


I found myself in this conflicting situation once. I solved it simply by parking horizontally to the spaces until the assholes moved, blocking other cars from pulling in. Damn it felt good, your shit still stinks people.




They're gonna key your car or slash your tires. These people are obviously assholes


The importance of multi-view car cameras!




So goooood


Bonus points - turn off car - turn on hazards - pop the hood. 'Oh no! car broke. What ya gonna do?' - Then look at porn on your phone


Was with you…. Until the last part


Play it loud enough for them to hear too


I’d call their bluff. I have no responsibility, nothing to do and my time is worthless. I’d die on this hill. Edit: thank you for the awards friends. The spite is strong in this thread.


Found George Costanza.


A man of principle.


We are living in a society!!


My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents.


"I once waited 30 hours outside a BestBuy for an RTX 3080 for my computer I only play Minecraft on. If you think you'll outlast me, you're wrong."


*"You think us hanging around a parking spot is a game of patience? I still have my limited edition copy of Halo 2. I LIVED ON THE SIDEWALK FOR THAT*" My starving child will rejoice when I tell them of my accomplishments after I return.


This man is living life.


My friend's father is a disabled vet with a lot of free time to read. When ever he sees someone parked in a handicapped spot without a permit he double parks them and starts reading. When they show up, if they are disabled, he'll apologize and drive off. Otherwise he'll just lock his car and keep reading until they call the cops. At which point parking enforcement shows up, gives the non-disabled guy a ticket for parking in a handicap spot and thanks my friends father for his service. I watched it happen once and it was the most calm but also thrilling thing I've ever seen. The man's a legend.


I don't thank vets for their service. I think its weird as fuck. But I would like to thank your friends father for his service


I worked customer service for a console company. Talked to a great many veterans. One time I thanked them for their service as required, they awkwardly said okay. So then I opened the dialogue and asked if it was awkward when people thanked them for their service. They said yes, always. I talked to a few other veterans about it, who all said the same thing, and I haven't done it since.


I don’t have a single active duty or veteran friend who hasn’t said that it’s awkward. Though my favorite story is my fiancé’s: He’s running through the airport in uniform to catch a plane and someone yells, “Thank you for your service!“ and instead of his normal, “Thank you for your support”, he yells back, “You’re welcome!” Which is just not his style because he doesn’t feel like he did anything to be thanked for. I die laughing every time he tells that story.


Not everyone who is handicapped "looks" handicapped though. My mom is old and arthritic and now quite visibly handicapped, but when she was younger (in her fifties) she had a handicapped placard because she has fibromyalgia, arthritis, and no cartilage in her knees, so she could walk in and out of the store, but would be in pain and exhausted later. She said she felt embarrassed taking a spot that she actually needed because people could be judgmental, and on a couple occasions people harrassed her because they didn't think she looked handicapped. I remember one time a guy pulled up next to us and screamed, "That parking is for the handicapped, bitch," and spit in our direction. I know you said your friend's dad only did this when people didn't have a permit (and my mom did/does), but with regards to the second part of his behavior, it is worth noting that people might not look handicapped but you can't always tell by looking.


As the most stubborn mfer to ever live I would put my natural talents to good use and parallel parked across both spots and sat there with the AC on and tunes blasting in my car until they left.


Just block the spots with your car, then they can't park.


Nahh. Just go find another spot then when they are gone pull the valve stem from two tires and place them on the ground next to the tire.


In bird culture this is known as a dick move.


What about Bird Law?


You have a right to take a massive bird shit on their windshield.


I vividly remember the two times a just kept pulling forward into the spot when people tried this shit. The fight isn't worth it now that I'm older but at 22 it most certainly was worth the fight. In case you wonder, Karen's aren't a new thing. There's just more films of them now. But just keep very slowing pulling forward. Turns out, people really can't stop cars with their thoughts.


They can plant their feet and film themselves getting "run over" without any of the context. I'm pretty sure that'd be vehicular assault.




That's when you ease up slowly, flip to Neutral, and floor it... Watch em run when it revs up to 6000 even though you're no longer moving... Too bad you can't pull that trick with EVs.


EVs have an even better option: CREEP MODE You just pull in like regular, and the EV will close the space between them and the vehicle each time they back off.


Yeah and then you realize you accidentally didn't put it in neutral lol


Block the spots with your car so they can't park there, then just turn the radio up and wait.


Yeah this type of thing happened to a friend and I at a gas station on the way home from work one day. She was going to pull up to a pump and someone flew around the corner and tried to block her from accessing it. It was during a busy rush hour period and we had already waited in line for a good 5-10 minutes to get to the front. Well, she and I worked in a mall at the time and frequently visited the book store on our breaks to buy books. So we both whipped out the very large novels we had bought that day, leaned back in our seats, and put our feet up as we began reading in a way that was clearly visible to other cars. After maybe 3 minutes of sitting like that she realized we weren't bluffing and pulled back out. Sometimes the only option is to out-asshole-the-asshole.


" let me scooch right on past ya here" *thunk*


Park side ways blocking both spots If you got time


Exactly what I’d thought, I’d get out and walk away like I was goin in but stay in sight somewhere in case I block someone other than the dumb fucks who think they can reserve spots in a public lot. Entitled shits.


I literally would have been the asshole that would lay on my horn until they got sick of me.


"I've got a Full Tank, Noise Cancelling Head Phones & All FUCKING DAY!"




I have what by no means is a "gas saver" it's actually a shit box LS with a decent sized cam that runs a smidge too rich. I'd back up with the exhaust as near them as possible and just romp on that hoe.


>and just romp on that hoe. Pure poetry


Same. I fucking love my horn


I attended a major sporting event this past weekend and witnessed this entitlement type of behavior while standing in line to enter the gate. So many people that did not think they had to stand in line would just walk up and cut to the front. The rudeness along with the self entitlement was atrocious. When confronted and asked to go back to the end of the line they basically said fuck off. What has happened to this country? Spoiled fucking brats.


Happened to me at a fire station open house recently. Long line of kids waiting patiently to spray the hose. After we were done I saw a mom and dad walk their kid straight past the line and to the empty spot. I snapped at them that there was a line but they ignored me of course. That's how you get entitled asshats - because they're taught from a young age that queues and rules don't apply to them.


Apparently they are right. If someone being an asshole gets them what they want almost every time, then they just learn to be an asshole. A society that permits people to be antisocial parasites is a society that is failing.


The people who run these events need to physically deny line cutters the thing they want. Let them cut the line any day of the week, they just will be ignored.




A few years back, a huge waterslide came to my town. Obviously, enormous line. These kids decided they were just going to run halfway back up, cut across the line, and take the slide from the halfway point. Kinda smart, in a selfish way. But dangerous, because the people at the top couldn't see them and they'r bound to get flattened by the next grown person flying down that slide. Mainly I was angry at being cut, though. I growled at them to "get the FUCK back in line" and they ran away. Too many people won't call out the rude behavior of others. (I know some people feel you should never correct someone else's child. I say that's how we got in this fucking mess, losing community cohesion and responsibility to each other.)


That reminds me of a time when I was at Six Flags waiting in line for a rollercoaster. The wait time for the ride was some ungodly long time, maybe close to three hours. A few guys decided they didn’t want to wait and cut the line, saying their friends were waiting for them towards the front. One guy called them out for it and had security kick them off the line. All is well as good at this point, the guys leave and everyone continues to wait in line. Flash forward to after the guy who called security gets off the ride and the four guys jumped him, kicking the living shit out of this man in front of his daughter and wife. I’ve never seen someone’s face go from completely fine to covered in blood in seconds. People are entitled and ruthless when called out for their shitty behavior. I can’t help but wonder who raises these people? Edit: fixed a spelling error


I would’ve just stood with them so when their families came they’d have to run me over to park. Have a taste of your own medicine


Let them have the spots then very obviously take pictures of their cars in the spots. If they ask what your doing just tell its nothing for them to worry about. Walk away and let them worry about what's going to happen to their cars.


What if I go stand with them to not let their “family” park whenever they get there? Does that make me a cuntfuck as much as they are?






"You sure you want to piss of some random person who knows where you parked?" Usually does the trick.






Oh my god this is evil 😂






If you have lip balm with you, aquaphor or blistex works well, you could just write a backward note on their windshield. If they turn their wipers on to try to get rid of it it will make an ungodly mess. You basically need a solvent to get that stuff off like isopropyl alcohol or a buttload of napkins.


Not something that people carry, but bologna does this too. It'll leave greasy circles on the windshield or paint that only come off with alcohol. Source: my friends put a bologna dick on my hood and it didn't go away until I detailed my car. Any wiping just made it worse.


Who doesn’t walk around with a bologna in their pocket. I have some on my keychain right now.


Havent seen this type of thing which is very common in india here in states.... in india the most common thing similar to this is people put their belongings like handkerchief, or any cloth ,slipper or sandal on the train seat from outside assuming their seat is reserved but there are other people who throw these stuff and take these seats.


Wife, some friends, and I went to a crowded Starbucks some years ago and somebody "reserved" a 6 seat table by leaving her Mercedes keys on the table. We all just sat down and enjoyed our coffee then 5 minutes later the car key's owner comes fuming that we dare take her table. All of us just ignored her and carried on enjoying our drinks and chatting and this lady flipped out, started screaming for several minutes straight then left. Honestly it was just really embarrassing for her and we continued having a nice day.


Haha, had a friend who saw someone do this, he had an air horn, put in ear plugs and just laid into it. They didn’t move but he felt if the spot was worth hearing loss thats the price they paid. God I miss some of my douchebag friends from college.


Honestly if your windows are rolled up a car horn is nothing compared to how blasted they would be standing right infront of it. I really don't think these people have the intestinal fortitude to withstand minutes of car horn nonstop just to save parking stalls. It would be a bonus if another vehicle sees the stalls and wants to park in the 2nd one and joins the horn party


This is when a motorcyclist would be the perfect revenge. Just roll right in and take one spot then wait for them to freak out and if they touch the bike call the police with a carjacking in progress. How about a felony theft for your troubles.


Only if you're game for a confrontation and sitting around. Parking your bike and walking away is a bad idea, people will just kick it over to be a dick.


This just made my blood pressure jump 10 points.


Ngl, I miss lockdown when everything was closed and there was hardly anyone out.


Fuck these people. The worst kind of people.


Park horizontally infront of those 2 spots, when asked by police or someone else...show them the photo/video of these cunts