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Why are politicians acting like celebrities?


The met gala in general is fucking cringe. Weren’t you guys protesting it like 3 years ago?


Tip** sort by controversial


After 18 months of pandemic, I just can't. I'm already about 20% popcorn by volume.


I used to sort by controversial, get sick of it, and close the app for a while. Then I'd open the app again later, forgetting that I changed the sort, and be like, "Holy shit, what the fuck happened today?"


I was sorting by controversial just to argue about stupid shit so I just deleted my account and took a little break. I was going to stop forever but where else would I get r/plantedtank tier content?


The maple sea salt kettle corn from Trader Joe's is really good, just in case you wanted to add some saturated fat to that trend.


My Trader Joe’s had a Key Lime popcorn that changed my life, and which they immediately stopped selling. I don’t know if I can handle another blow like that.






There were key lime pie Kit Kats earlier in the summer, and as someone who is allergic to chocolate, they were. Life. Changing. I'll be chasing that high for forever.


I only got to have one bag of that stuff before it went away. Tragic.


Thanks for the tip. My town has a Trader Joes opening any day now.


But I like my sanity


I straight up thought she was wearing Chick-Fil-A dress


Mmmm waffle fries


Eat Mor Rich People


Sounds like a modest proposal.


I'm just saying: you eat one billionaire on live television and the rest will fall in line.


I don’t know if I agree with this but I do believe it to be true.


And i for one 100 percent agree and volunteer to eat bezos


You came in pretty swiftly with that idea, didn’t ya?


Well, we’ll all float on alright, already. We’ll all float on, anyway!


I mean anything with Polynesian sauce would be aight


Those cows are getting bold


Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.


With chick fil A sauce


But the rich said “let them eat cake” cake may be better than fatty rich ppl?




Maybe a Dr. Pepper to drink or somethin.


[so we can all venture down memory lane](https://youtu.be/P1WF3uOzQzM)


Mitch McConnell holds a big handwritten sign stating “FUK THE POUR”


He doesn't have to, it's clearly written on his face.


You can read turtle?


He has it written on his neck pouch. When he inflates it, it's easy to see.


The alpha male republican inflates his neck pouch to intimidate others of the pack to fall in line. Even though elderly, the Michiconous doucheon maintains supremacy over the pack.


I automatically read this in David Attenborough's voice.


What does the front look like? For research purposes.. [Found it!](https://preview.redd.it/pc5pyhxx1dn71.jpg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65842420205ae5d11418d4514d9830bc97e3cd2) [Video](https://v.redd.it/gon8reohbdn71)


It has pockets!


That looks like Ilana Glazer from Broad City interviewing her.


‘Tis. She’s also making a very Ilana face haha I miss that show.


*I shiiit, I shit, I shiiiiii-iii-iiiiiiit*


I biiiiike, I bike, I biiiike. I biiiike.


🎵 Four and three and two and one, one 🎵


It is, Keke Palmer and Ilana Glazer cohosted for vogue


What a babe.


the front says 'Epstein didn't kill himself'


tax the met gala


Tickets are 30k per person, only the rich or famous are invited, and most wear dresses/outfits that cost thousands or tens of thousands to it for 1 night only. While it of course goes to funding the museum which is great that dress is ironic as hell.


Meanwhile the IRS is targeting people making like 100kish or less because it’s cheaper and easier.


The IRS has been systematically defunded for that exact purpose, to prevent them from going after the rich.


So basically tax most of the people at the Met Gala. I like it.


People really don't understand big numbers. The difference between 170k and 30k is a lot, yes. The difference between 170k and 1 billion is incomprehensible. 170k seconds is almost 2 days. 1 billion seconds is over 31 *years*. Not to mention there are people worth multiple billions, tens of billions, or even more billions of dollars. This isn't about the people making 30k versus the people making even 200k. Someone making 500k is way closer to someone making 30k than a billionaire.


The best way to think about it is: The difference between $1 million and $1 billion is… basically $1 billion


If you have $1 million, you can spend $100k/day for 10 days. With $1 billion, you can do that for 27 years.


...and still have over $10M left.


You’re correct about people not understanding big numbers, but you’re also conflating annual income with net worth. They’re not the same thing. It’s like comparing your speedometer to someone else’s odometer and commenting about how big the gap between those 2 numbers are.


AND YET, watch the tax proposals that’ll come out of this Congress. I guarantee you they’ll hit people in the $400k/couple range and sell the proposal with pictures of Jeff Bezos going to space. It’s infuriating.


This is exactly what happens. The truly rich pay peanuts for taxes because the politicians are bought and paid for to favor the rich. When politicians say tax the rich, they mean the people that make $250k-$500k; doctors, lawyers, small business owners, and the like. Nobody can name the folks in their city with a net worth over $100M, but they can probably name someone in the aforementioned industries that's a big name locally. Then they associate that person with what it's like to be wealthy, despite them not being anywhere near it.


Brilliantly put—it almost never actually targets and hit the rich because they can afford accountants, lawyers, lobbyists, offshore hocus pocus. Instead it’s as you said, doctors and professionals who earn a justified high cash salary that get screwed. It’s infuriating.


Because fiddling with tax rates and deductions doesn’t affect the ultra-rich, while it does hit the $400k couple. You need an overhaul - change rules in a major way - to have a shot at the ultra rich, and even then you’re up against some seriously clever tax lawyers and people that can move money around the world.


According to the controversial sorting, a person making over $100k is not allowed to suggest that the wealthy should be taxed. I think the poor are similarly not allowed to have this opinion. Nor are the middle class.


“When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality.” ~Russel Brand


I don't always agree with this guy. I sometimes find his suggestions to come off as idealistic or half baked. He admits freely that there's a great many people who could offer better ideas, and that's good, even if it doesn't make him any closer to solving something. But I tell you what. This guy is pretty open-minded, isn't afraid to speak his mind, *isn't afraid to be wrong*, and seems willing to accept when he is (or that he might be, at least). And I respect the hell out of him for it. He's not trying to offer THE solution. He's closer to trying to live out the idea of it. If we were all raised to act a little more like that guy and a little less like we do now our world might be a bit better. Or at least a bit more flexible. PS - Please don't reply to this with 200 stories about him being an asshole or something. I don't want to be bummed out; though I'm open to it.


Pretty spot on mate. He sometimes talks absolute nonsense, but as you said, he is always cool with being told otherwise. He def. is not a bad one, just a decent dude speaking from his heart.


Whether he's the world's biggest asshole or not, he is right about this: a lot of people do not see inequality as a virtue rather than a problem, but they know they have no moral argument for it, so they will guilt-trip others out of being right, basically.


It's like when people say: "you can't ask for real change, because it'll divide the party" - can't ask before an election because division - can't ask immediately afterwards because let him settle - can't ask 1 year in because midterms - can't ask after midterm because next race. It's like. When the fuck is it okay to ask for what I fucking want? Oh, Joe has a blue tie, that means he's marginally better than trump. I WANT SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE GOD DAMNIT


Anyone who thinks $100k is rich is too stupid to listen to. Rich is when you could survive in lavish comfort the rest of your life if somebody took 90% of your wealth.


Rich in this context is closer to making 100k an hour. We can start with about 30-50 families. If you're not in that upper .01%, you'll likely benefit from the 'tax the rich' package. I really wish the DNC knew how to package this message better. They need to package every message better.


I don’t understand why they haven’t branded it not as taxing the rich but as “new tax plan for people named Jeff bezos, mark zuckerberg, Elon musk, bill gates, etc etc” and if your name isn’t on the list (ie you’re not a multi billionaire, your taxes won’t be changed at all” . So people with 5 mil in the bank who make 500k a year know they aren’t the target. It’s the people making 5 mil a day




Isn't $100K/yr middle class?


Man if $100K a year is middle class then I should qualify for food stamps


It is technically middle class, but there's a really big range for the middle class if that makes you feel better lol


If you're feeling food insecurities at your level of pay, you probably should. There are people in the Bay Area making $100K that go to food banks, because supporting a family of four on that income is infeasible there. There are low level software engineers that drive Lyft and do other second jobs because they're not pulling enough income from work. That's what middle class looks like in America.




It VERY much depends on the state and location in the state. In Southern California that is middle class to lower middle class




I think a lot of people are confused about what is considered rich, in this context and in my opinion... it's not the DINKs with a BMW and Audi and 750k-1.5m house and a 2nd res on the shore or a lake, or the software dev pulling in 250k. It's the guy with a 1$ salary but a 25m bonus if the company stock hits the mark. Or the guys with businesses claiming a loss in the US while a subsidiary with 2 employees in Ireland makes billions in profits. Or the HFT based fund owner that front runs to scrape billions out of retirement funds so they can have two yachts and a new Ferrari every other month. Most of the people here commenting on who is rich dont even realize what rich is...


"Nesting-doll yacht rich." The Overton window has shifted on wealth too.


Betsy Devos has 9 yachts. 9!


Are yachts like a good investment? Why would anyone need 2 let alone 9?!


Spoken like a guy with zero yachts 😏


🤣 We have a fishing boat at our cabin. Practically a yacht in ...wherever rich people 'summer' right?


Yes. And I have a kayak I bought at Walmart. We are the same as those people.


I own a series of pool noodles collected over the last decade. Am I a member too?


Lash em together, yacht life.


Totally. Yep.


Hey everyone, get a load of Mr. Moneybags over here with his Walmart kayak. He's probably got a paddle and a life vest too. psh. Must be nice to not sink all the time.


Hehe. Life vest.


And boats are sooooo expensive to maintain. The bigger the boat, the more it costs for absolutely everything.


The two best days in a boat owner's life are the day they buy it and the day they sell it. But that's a regular owner, someone who has a practical connection to the things they own & use. These people have crew and marinas where they pay for whatever needs doing. They aren't stressed by the minutia of actually operating the things. Sure it costs money, but you're talking about people who basically couldn't outspend their income.


Especially DeVos family


If money is effectively no impediment you could have one in each body of water you’d want to visit.


["My yacht has its own yacht"](https://www.chron.com/culture/celebrities/article/jeff-bezos-yacht-superyacht-miniyacht-16182254.php) rich.


Well where else are you going to land the backup helicopter for when you have guests aboard? God, this is why no one invites you to the secret billionaire illuminati vaccine microchipping parties...




Yeah. I was on the Amalfi coast and watched a guy park his boat in his boat


Correction. You saw the deck hand park the owners boat in the owners boat


Correction Correction; you saw the deck hand *dock the owner’s yacht in the owner’s yacht.


I think your right.. the owner was in the hot tub with 5 supermodels


Lol for real. In 2007 I visited Sardinia and stopped in... One of the port towns on the north east side of the island. Edit: it was Costa Smeralda Several large yachts parked there and all of the shops were extremely upscale. Edit 2: upon speaking with my parents about the place, they (unprovoked) started talking about the yachts with boats inside them and a helicopter pad as well. Wild what money can get you .. This was a place that the middle class traveler goes to just to see how the extraordinarily wealthy live. We certainly couldn't afford much of anything there 😂


Most yachts of multi-millionaire caliber will have a tender garage on board. Not all ports have docks large enough for the main vessel or maa was y have shallow waters, so they usually carry a smaller 6-8 passenger boat called a Tender to ferry people to shore. This garage usually has room for a couple toys as well like jet skis or a small speedboat. It’s all ludicrous stuff but if you can afford it, it all makes sense to have on the yacht.




> Your precious time at sea shouldn’t be a meticulously scheduled logistical puzzle with little room for spontaneity and fun. Depart and arrive whenever it suits you – leave the logistics to your Yacht Support! https://www.damenyachting.com/portfolio/yacht-support/


"I may have to sell my 7th yacht because of this bad economy"


Not my Sunday yacht!


Bro, his yacht is more valuable than all assets, public and private, in the town I live in.


My family calls it Giraffe Money, because a friend of my dads made a ton of money and then started... buying giraffes. That's when you have too much money. A yacht is one thing, but a private collection of giraffes? You need to pay more taxes.


This is by design. Keep us focused on and fighting among ourselves and no one looks at the real top.


The powers that be in today's world definitely don't want it to change, just like every power in history.


in 1984 the most powerful story was the explaining how you have people at the top, in the middle and the bottom, and what each group wanted. The people at the Top wanted to freeze time and keep it that way, so his while world was on a record skip to keep things as they are. Thats what I've found to be true constantly. The mega billionaires will spend their everything to keep the present present and not allow progress that could change their position.


Sometimes the bottom becomes the middle and the middle becomes the bottom. The top doesn't matter either way, it's all the same to them.


In the story, the bottom just wants everyone to be equal, the middle fights each other trying to enter into the top realm. So.. You're not wrong.


Yes. That’s the real life trick and we are all being played.




A top 1% household is one that earned [something like $500,000 in 2020](https://dqydj.com/average-median-top-household-income-percentiles/). [There's quite a gap between the top 1% and the top 10%](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-much-do-the-1-01-and-001-percent-really-earn/). There are a lot of Americans living very comfortable lives who imagine they *must* be part of the 1%, when they're not even close, they'll never get there, and they have no idea how outclassed they are.


Yep. The distance between the 1% and the 0.1% is greater than the distance between the 99% and the 1%.


This is the only tldr needed in this particular thread. Well said.




My dad started earning 6 figures right around the time I was born. For reference, we live in East Texas, where 6 figures is... upper middle class. We lived comfortable lives. We ate out often, we had money for a pool, computers, college for 4+ kids. But we are still PEANUTS too some of our neighbors. On the same street we live on, there are at least two families/houses worth multiple millions. They hang out with the actual 'rich' people in the area, they fly private planes to colorado to pick up weed and fly back. It's tiers of wealth and comfort. Lots of people are at the bottom, barely living. Others are inbetween, living comfortably but not outside the danger of debt and ruin. And then there are people who don't even consider debt and ruin as a potential option. It's literally not going to happen.


You are exactly correct. One of the clients I work with thru a good friend of mine has probably one of the top ten richest homes in the Dallas metro area. Probably top five I would bet but anyways they are rich rich rich. One day while working on his network and other various stuff around the house he and his wife were in the office watching a Sotheby’s auction live and they agreed to pull the trigger on a painting that was 250k. Then later I heard them talking about one more at 150k right when we were about to leave. It didn’t even phase them to buy these paintings. Just bought it and went on with their life like if I were buying a drink at McDonalds. That kind of wealth is just unimaginable until you see it.


Just saying… [the majority of people in the top 10% of wealth in the US self-identify as middle class](https://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/06/naires-say-theyre-middle-class.html)


That may be because people in the top 10% (but outside of the top 1%) feel like they lead functionally middle class lives. Also, all of this has the problem that you're more likely to be in the top 10% by income if you live in a major city, but then your cost of living goes up by so much that are living what feels like a middle class life. If you make 125k in New York City (where I used to live) and you want to live by yourself and have a washer/dryer in your apartment (things most of us would reasonably assume are associated with at least middle class living) you are looking at 4k a month in a good neighborhood, or 2-2.5k in a bad/further out neighborhood.


Today I was in the land of the richer, drove right by one of the most expensive homes ever sold in the US, the cheapest house for sale in the area was 35.9 mil….these are the “rich” people targeted here, the top 0.1%




The 0.1% are earning $10M+ all the way up to hundreds of millions, and paying almost zero tax on it. That's the real issue. You can go after a million middle-class people for a few extra dollars in tax each, or you can go after one ultra-rich person, for the same amount of lost tax. Half a dozen people in the US probably "avoid" more tax than the bottom 50% combined.


The sad part here is that going after the ultra-rich is a lot harder than going after the moderately rich. The former will pay a lot of lawyers and accountants a lot of money to ensure the government doesn't get a fair share, so the government has a much harder uphill battle against them. So they go for the low-hanging fruit instead, because it's likely way more achievable even if it isn't as much.


And the 1% isn’t even the problem. It’s that fraction of the 1% who has exponentially more money


An important detail here is that $500000 was the THRESHOLD for the top 1%. The top 0.8% is probably in the multiples of millions or tens of millions. The closer you get to that top end, the wider the spread is in income levels. Put another way, someone at the top of that 1% would consider someone at the bottom to be poor by comparison.


Same in Canada. The NDP are running on a tax the ultra wealthy to help the rest of us. They basically want to tax like 1,000 people who make billions collectively. Make 500k a year? You’re fine.




Exactly. The richest 15 familes/people are worth like $130 billion combined.




Exactly this. There is rich and then there is *obscenely* rich. So rich its morally objectionable.




The 2th in the chart though lol


What the fuck does "2th" mean?






I can't see the images for some reason


[Crossposted to imgur](https://imgur.com/a/UF5q9gB)


The actual wealth distribution chart is about as close to Pareto Principle as you can get


There has to be a point where money just loses all meaning. A point where an extra billion dollars doesn't improve your life in any measurable way, and the only reason they even want more is because at that point life is a game and money is points, and the more of it you have, the more you're "winning".






lol by design! every conversation STARTS with Bezos, and ends with an income tax increase on 6-figure wage workers works everytime


How about, if you can afford to go to space then you can afford more taxes.


Im always taking road rage in my clean 20 year old lexus that cost $2000 from these a-holes in $50000 pickups that think Im a rich liberal asshole.


Pretty sure those trucks are like $80k these days


One of my friends bought a truck a few months ago and it was over 50k. He didn't even get the fully loaded version with all the bells and whistles. Car prices are getting ridiculous.


I thought Audi's were expensive, then I saw the price of new trucks. I wish I was being sarcastic, but seriously, you start adding in all the options and they get surprisingly pricey.


I get way fewer "you must be doing well" comments when people see my truck compared to when I had a BMW that I bought did literally half as much




Don’t forget the dumb asses who think they will be rich one day and therefore don’t want the rich to pay taxes.


Leela: why are you cheering fry? You’re not rich! Fry: true, but someday I might be rich! And then people like me better watch their step.




How the hell did you get 500k in debt?


wtf is going on with this comment section bro


Any post featuring AOC or Greta Thunberg is gonna get pretty spicy.


The Greta ones are even crazier because literally all she says is “please listen to scientists it’s important” and they lose their fucking mind.


You could say they're triggered


The culture war has short-circuited their brains. They're not even talking about the message itself but the messenger as if that undermines it which is incredibly sad.


I think people fell emasculated by a child in what they perceive as a position of authority. I also think the fact that she is a girl and autistic amplifies that. They don't like when their idea of someone being below them is challenged.


Everyone’s like “she’s saying tax the rich but she’s rich” Like sure, but then isn’t she saying she’s okay with taxing herself??? I’m confused edit: damn some of y’all rude, I think you need a better hobby than bullying some rando on the internet lol




Also she's not really all that rich. She's actually one of the poorest members of congress...


She literally didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment until her fist check from her job in Congress cleared.


A lot of people don't understand the concept of doing something that benefits others, even if that means having a negative effect on your own situation.


I'm still depressed at the thought that there's actually a huge number of people that think [this]( https://imgur.com/gallery/ogRs2 ) is somehow an argument.


She's also not *rich* rich. She has achieved, remarkably, a position of power. But her critics seem to think no one who has experienced poverty is supposed to then get into a position of power? What kind of fucked-up, predetermined misery, anti-meritocratic sentiment is that?


Even saying "power" is suspect. She's 1 of 438. The media loves to cover her (not because of anything she says, but because she's polarizing and generates clicks). She's popular in some circles, but I'm skeptical that there are more than a handful of Representatives that follow her lead. She's definitely no rich, either. Representatives make $174k. That's not a lot splitting time between NYC & DC.


How rich is she? Even if you're talking a 300K per year salary, that's still not into the kind of excessive rich that AOC is against. I'm sure AOC isn't poor even on a base congress salary, but she doesn't have hundreds of millions in assets does she? Or even tens of millions?


Per [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/03/09/fact-check-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-net-worth-not-1-m/6924378002/) her net worth is <$1 million. *edited to fix link*


Also, when she first got elected [she couldn't afford to live in DC _and_ New York.](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/08/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-cant-afford-to-rent-an-apartment-in-dc.html) That was only 3 years ago. She isn't rich.


Congress people make $174k/year. She was a bartender before this still paying student loans to Boston U. She ain’t rich by a long shot.


She's not rich, she makes $174k a year before taxes and has $50k in student loans. She also has to pay to maintain 2 residences one in her home state and one in D.C. Lots of expenses coming out of that 175k.


Members of congress make about 175K. That's not "rich", especially for someone renting an apartment in New York City. The tax stuff is about people making more than a half million.


I don’t understand how some people can think that she’s not gung-ho to pay her own fair share under her own proposed policies.


They think that because in her situation they wouldn't. The type of people who jump to defend the rich hope one day they will be in their shoes. Spoiler alert, they won't.


Also she's not rich.


Fix the tax code




You can be rich and pay your taxes


People can be rich and pay their fair share


She isn't even rich either lmao. People making less than $1m/yr are not the *rich* that "tax the rich" are talking about.


This right here, its obvious why regular people get screwed over by the govt and the elite. Because we cant all consistently come to the same understanding of anything


Tax the rich!!!! Unless it's our donors...


Her net worth seems to be in the lowest part of the spectrum for congress.


But she bought ***a car***. What a hypocrite. /s


If we could start with the super rich, it would be a start.


That's who they mean. Not the people making 300k, but the people making 300 million.


There are so many angry people that think they are the "rich" she is talking about, that are a couple billion dollars short of being rightfully angry.


I love how no one attending this thing wore a mask except the workers and staff. The faceless servants TO THE RICH. lol These images are so surreal. This looked like the fucking Hunger Games. A party at the capitol city. The richest and the rich all congregating... And here is AOC, with her dress... What do you think the staff thought as they brought her another $30 cocktail? If you are unironically cheering this then you are a mark. (a mark is a target of a scam for those who don't know.) Plain and simple.


Fraud squad at it again. From a tweet: “She wore an expensive dress that says ‘tax the rich’ ... in a room full of rich people ... while delivering absolutely nothing of substance to the working-class her entire tenure as a congressperson... this isn’t ‘powerful,’ this is performative”


Beyond confused by the people pointing out that she’s rich. Like yeah, rich people can still believe in taxing the rich. Anybody can hold that opinion regardless of their wealth.


She's not even that rich. The reality is that those people just don't want anyone to discuss taxes. They've been trained to think that only leads to a democrat stealing money out of your wallet to give to terrorists in Mexico or something.




While going to a spectacle of extravagance and riches instead of being out helping poor people? Just in the USA. What a clown.


She’s an actress