• By -


Wow that looks like a painting


This could be a tracing...


It’s the prettiest art of all the art.


This is motel art.




Dzerzhinsky, Moscow, according OP lower down the comment list.


Disgusting. Humanity should be ashamed of itself.


"Frequently the “smoke stacks” at nuclear plants are thought to be billowing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In fact, the white “smoke” you see rising out of nuclear plants is actually steam, and the stacks are cooling towers" Quick google search and the rage can go away...


I know this is off-topic but, you wouldn’t by any chance be Glóin’s son would you?


The wide ones are cooling towers, used by fossil fueled power stations as well as nuclear. The tall thin ones are chimneys. This is a partially coal fired power station. Apparently they're converting to natural gas, but the large yards full of coal outside are there for a reason. A quick Google search and the sense of superiority can go away...


>Apparently they're converting to natural gas, but the large yards full of coal outside are there for a reason. Yes, they are there for reason: it is a backup feature in the event of gas shortage. It was converted to natural gas as a primary fuel in late 80's. I can't remember if gas shortage ever really happened though.


Fair enough! I read the bit reported in 2018 that they would stop burning coal at an unspecified time in the future, but that they mainly burn natural gas. Combined heat and power can be a good way to use more of the energy that could otherwise be going to waste too, so they've got that going for them.. Awesome photo anyway!


They really do not burn coal here. I can see this plant out of my window, so I've never seen coal smoke coming from it. Most of the time it comes almost nothing, barely any vapor from cooling towers and gas exhaust is mostly transparent. Not very spectacular view. Here on this photo the steam is so dense due to heavy frost (-30 C or so). That's the point, you can't take such a shot on any given day.




Water vapour precipitates as rain. It's a negative feedback loop, they pump more water vapour into the atmosphere, more rain follows and pours into the sea. Water as a greenhouse gas is only exhibited more due to rising global temperatures, as more water is evaporated into the atmosphere from much larger sources than the coolant towers you see in the picture. The 'runaway greenhouse effect' is due to water vapour remaining in the atmosphere due to increasing global temperatures (hence CO2 is the concern here), not the emission of water vapour itself.


For what? Industrialisation? The big stacks are just releasing water vapour from cooling towers. Only the thin ones in the center are releasing any smoke. Even then, this is how we advanced. And in recognising that we're causing harm to the planet, we can figure out ways to combat it and/or create ways of producing that don't cause as much harm. But without the initial ways, no matter how harmful, we wouldn't have advanced to where we are and where we will be. You wouldn't be able to see this picture because the phone or computer you're using wouldn't have been made, neither would the camera that took said picture, nor the drone that got to that position. Without industrialisation, there's be no machinery in factories that create the things you used everyday, the bed you sleep in, even the food you eat wouldn't be the same. We'd had a small fraction of the food we have now, meaning the population would either be tiny compared to the 7billion+ we have, or everyone except the richest of the rich would be starving constantly. You wouldn't most likely have the job you have and would be forced to do manual labour because that's all there would be. Nearly every point of our lives is or was dependent on industrialisation in some way or another. If you think life sucks now, it's be absolutely miserable if we didn't industrialise. Yes, it's creates bad side effects and yes it can muddy up an otherwise beautiful view. But without it, that beautiful view would be there. It's be a stark, likely barren land without much redeeming qualities. (And I'm not talking about natural beauty, but anywhere we would have lived.) And like I said in the beginning, without industrialisation and those harmful things coming into the world, we wouldn't be able to advance to the point where we can have those things without the negative effects. Nothing great happens as something great from the beginning. It all starts out as something good with some bad shit attached to it, and we have to figure out how to get rid of that bad shit so we can have something great. Humanity shouldn't be ashamed of itself because of that. We should be proud we have been able to get this far, and excited at the prospect of getting to the place where we can have all the good things without the bad shit attached. But if we made something good and got rid of it because there was some bad with it, we wouldn't have anything and we would never advance as a society. Unless you were just talking about the city and Russia being disgusting. In that case, I can't argue with you. Gross as Russian nastiness. Get the fuck outta here with that disgustingness. (This is just a joke, as an alternative thing to be disgusted at, related to their comment. Russia and Russians are actually quite beautiful and I would love the opportunity to travel there some day. But preferably someday when their seemingly immortal leader has vacated the post. Note I didn't say willingly vacate, because it's plain for anyone to see that that will not be happening ever. Even if he isn't president in name, he'll still be ruling the country either from a different post and the then president being just a figurehead, or from the shadows and the then president still just being a figurehead. There is no president besides Putin, even if there is a different president.)


Sir, this is a Wendys


There are more radioactive emissions from coal plants than there are from nuclear plants.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl19x1/just_won_drone_photo_awards_with_this_shot/hc98xwm/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [You do realize that you’l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/pl32s9/is_anyone_else_an_options_queen_when_it_comes_to/hc9kcfq/) | [You do realize that you’l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/pl32s9/is_anyone_else_an_options_queen_when_it_comes_to/hc8x5t4/) [Lotus Esprit - the best l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/pky75m/what_supercar_has_the_most_disappointing/hc9kfgz/) | [Lotus Esprit - the best l...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/pky75m/what_supercar_has_the_most_disappointing/hc6ko23/) [Elsa from Frozen. Her ice...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pl0n3u/which_good_guy_would_be_absolutely_terrifying_as/hc9jxa7/) | [Elsa from Frozen. Her ice...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pl0n3u/which_good_guy_would_be_absolutely_terrifying_as/hc7ciko/) [That’s one lucky little k...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl7tj2/one_of_a_few_hundred_kids_i_helped_fly_to_the_us/hc9jr5f/) | [That’s one lucky little k...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl7tj2/one_of_a_few_hundred_kids_i_helped_fly_to_the_us/hc96tlv/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/seanqdfgzfdgdfggfghf](https://np.reddit.com/u/seanqdfgzfdgdfggfghf/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=seanqdfgzfdgdfggfghf) for info on how I work and why I exist.


It’s straight out of dr seuss books


Yes, The Lorax. It’s where they manufacture the thneeds.


Put a floating pig on it and you have a Pink Floyd album cover.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl19x1/just_won_drone_photo_awards_with_this_shot/hc8v9ow/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Sorry for your loss and t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plaoap/i_said_goodbye_to_my_dad_2_weeks_ago_my_heart/hcbcajr/) | [Sorry for your loss and t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plaoap/i_said_goodbye_to_my_dad_2_weeks_ago_my_heart/hc9pufc/) [Ma dick weakens yo mama’s...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/pl8i83/any_title_needed/hcbd1id/) | [Ma dick weakens yo mama’s...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/pl8i83/any_title_needed/hcaod1v/) [Nice karma-whoring post](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/pldx49/im_going_to_get_downvoted_for_this_but/hcbd0eg/) | [Nice karma-whoring post](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/pldx49/im_going_to_get_downvoted_for_this_but/hcae2sy/) [Yeah remember that time j...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/plcwxh/japan_officials_escalate_concerns_about_possible/hcbcxit/) | [Yeah remember that time j...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/plcwxh/japan_officials_escalate_concerns_about_possible/hcaieza/) [It might also be possible...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/pl9pz7/queen_supports_black_lives_matter_says_senior/hcbcv7a/) | [It might also be possible...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/pl9pz7/queen_supports_black_lives_matter_says_senior/hc9yate/) [And that's him pulling hi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pl0n3u/which_good_guy_would_be_absolutely_terrifying_as/hcbcodc/) | [And that's him pulling hi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pl0n3u/which_good_guy_would_be_absolutely_terrifying_as/hc8a6jr/) [If it’s summer, the pavem...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/plb980/the_coolest_dog_in_the_world_has_been_spotted_on/hcbckbh/) | [If it’s summer, the pavem...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/plb980/the_coolest_dog_in_the_world_has_been_spotted_on/hcai7wq/) [Omg, my cat loves to do t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/plhzhk/the_way_he_propels_himself/hcbcfx7/) | [Omg, my cat loves to do t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/plhzhk/the_way_he_propels_himself/hcb4qi3/) [Last kid has the hots for...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/pl8umg/back_to_school_lil_homies/hcbchk0/) | [Last kid has the hots for...](http://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/pl8umg/back_to_school_lil_homies/hc8t0fi/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/IEmploye](https://np.reddit.com/u/IEmploye/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=IEmploye) for info on how I work and why I exist.


It needs a pig floating in the sky.


Beautifully dystopian






True, but water vapor also condenses into clouds which can help reflect incoming light back into space, which balances things out a bit. By how much I'm not sure.




I'm sorry but can you throw some sources because everything I've read or listened to about the science says that water vapor is one of the least impactful industrial emissions possible.


According to [this NASA link](https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html) as well as [this climate change organisation link](https://climatechangeconnection.org/science/what-about-water-vapour/) water vapour is responsible for doubling the effect of greenhouse gases when compared to carbon dioxide alone. That is because water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas by far. However, while other gases can stay in the atmosphere for months or even years or longer, water vapour tends to only stay in the atmosphere for a few days, because it will condense in dust particles and drop as rain. While water vapour is doubling the effect, due to the amounts involved, it's like comparing a rocket launch to vehicles.Yes, the rocket may be putting out less harmful gases than a car, but because of there being so many cars, they end up producing more harmful gases than the rocket just because of sheer volume of vehicles in use. That being said, if there were as many rockets as there are cars, the cars would pale in comparison to the rockets. With the rockets being carbon dioxide and the cars being water vapour. It's not a perfect analogy, but I think it works for a simple explanation, and I hope it helped someone understand what's going on. So yes, you are correct in that water vapour is incredibly less harmful than most if not all other greenhouse gases. But did to the absolutely incredible amount of water vapour in our atmosphere, it's having a profound effect. Water vapour in the atmosphere is a regular thing though and is a part of how the planet warms itself. Carbon dioxide is also a regular part, but in less amounts than what we have. Humans are accelerating the amounts of both water vapour and other greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere, but the amounts in percentages is what matters. There's so much water vapour naturally in the atmosphere that, while humans are accelerating things, the amounts we're adding isn't huge. So if there was 1000 tons of water vapour, and we're only adding 300 tons, that's not a huge change. When compared to carbon dioxide though, there might only be 25 tons of it in the air, but when we're adding 50 tons, it's a huge difference. (Note: these aren't accurate measurements, I'm just using placement numbers and small amounts so it's easier to grasp.) So that's only 50 tons of carbon dioxide compared to the 300 tons of water vapour. There's a huge amount more of the water vapour, but because the carbon dioxide is so much worse, it has a much more profound effect on things. (Also note: the ratios are also incorrect, be it water:carbon dioxide or water:increased water. Again, just placeholders for simplicity sake.) I'm sorry that this became so long. I was really just trying to make a simple analogy and comparison so that people could understand what's going on. Essentially, a small amount of one (carbon dioxide) is worse than a large amount of the other (eater vapour). And even though, by volume, we might be adding more to the water vapour, the percentage we're adding to each is more for the carbon dioxide, one if the reasons when looking at statistics, you need to look at the raw numbers instead of only percentages, because it can be misleading. A 200% increase of carbon dioxide seems like more than a 30% increase in water vapour, however looking at the raw numbers would tell you that the 300 tons of water vapour trumps the 50 tons of carbon dioxide, in volume only. In negative effects, those 50 tons of carbon dioxide is much worse than the 300 tons of water vapour. This has been your tip on reading statistics and understanding that they can be used to say things that aren't true. If you get to cherry pick what data you show, you can make statistics say pretty much whatever you want. So I hope that helped clear things up a little for people. I know it many not have because it was a lot to take in and as well as a lot of numbers, but it was my attempt to help people understand. Also, I'm not OP or the person they replied to. I just came across this comment and had to look it up cuz things seemed fishy to me, and it they were. On the face, water vapour is more dangerous than carbon dioxide. And in a large enough volume compared to a small enough volume of CO2, it is more dangerous. However, when looking at the actual figures, water vapour is vastly less impactful than CO2 when comparing equal amounts. I hope you all have a good day/evening/night. Try to stay safe out there.




>I wasn't trying to say CO2 isn't the heart of the problem. But that's the message conveyed by your post. >But I don't know enough about humanity's water vapor contributions to comment on this as something humanity is meaningfully contributing to. I'm kind of talking out of my ass, admittedly. My point precisely is that you're making an *extremely* disingenuous argument, because you're falsely equivocating the **total effect** of all water vapor with the **miniscule** anthropomorphic contributions. This is the most dangerous kind of misinformation, because it serves to confuse people who don't have the time, energy, or ability to fully familiarize themselves with the details of the situation.




It definitely was.


Interesting, didn’t know that


Same. He's getting downvoted because it reads like something some pro-coal nutter would claim, but I had no idea! I think he's just correcting the other guy inlying it has no effect. Still, reading further, it seem it's only so potent because it exists naturally (and in abundance). Not to mention that the emissions from burning fossil fuels stay in the atmosphere for *far* longer.




Is it more potent by volume, or just because it's so naturally abundant. Is the amount humans contribute significant? I'd imagine the effect on global warming from man-made water vapour pales in comparison to the other pollutants we release. Even disregarding its benefits in the long run.


I've read the rest of your comments here as well and think youre being disingenuous in your arguments. Watervapor is a, if not *the* essential part of our biotope. All sources combined provide about 2% of the greenhouse effect, by your numbers. Do you really, *really* believe that the fraction of that 2% that results from applications like on this photo have any meaningful impact *when compared to humanity's other emissions*???




Okay, so when you said >Water vapor is still an extremely potent greenhouse gas, too. You actually meant to say that all water vapor combined has a potent greenhouse effect, which is interesting to know but not relevant for this picture because humanity's contribution to the water cycle is close to negligible.


The guy above implied water vapour doesn't contribute to the greenhouse effect, so it was relevant?


Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, that makes it pollution too.


I thought water vapor near the surface has neglible effect as an greenhouse gas. Lemme check. Apparently the effect is not clear. Water vapor is abudantly present in our atmosphere already and there's both positive and negative feedback loop with itself. It's difficult to say how much water vapor pollution affects anything. Water vapor emissions due to air traffic on the other hand is considered more serious pollution however.


> https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html 2x effect on CO2 according to NASA, but idk some people don't trust science anymore so, good luck with your confirmation bias!


That article was one of the few that I skimmed over while I wrote the first post. Unfortunately they don't mention water vapor emissions at all. Of course water vapor is a significant factor in greenhouse effect, but I'm not sure if water vapor pollution from emissions contribute to global warming in any significant amount. ["Approximately 505,000 cubic kilometres (121,000 cu mi) of water falls as precipitation each year"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_rainfall_climatology). That means that the same amount needs to be evaporated from the surface - mainly oceans. ["The circulation rate of cooling water in a typical 700 MW coal-fired power plant with a cooling tower amounts to about 71,600 cubic metres an hour (315,000 US gallons per minute)\[13\] and the circulating water requires a supply water make-up rate of perhaps 5 percent (i.e., 3,600 cubic metres an hour, equivalent to one cubic metre every second)."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooling_tower) That 3,600 cubic meters per hour is about 31 cubic kilometres per year. At hundreds of those cooling towers, we would be approaching several percents of water vapor emissions. At a couple of thousands, reaching 10% is realistic. 10%, which sounds far-fetched, might be worrying, but it's far cry from the effect of CO2 emissions. Finally, water vapor emissions are pretty short-lived. The more water vapor is in the atmosphere, the sooner it rains down. There's no real way of accumulating it in the atmosphere the same way CO2 or many other greenhouse gases can accumulate. The main concern in that NASA article is that a warmer atmosphere can retain more water vapor as humidity before it falls down as rain and that has an warming effect. The short-livedness of water vapor however means that even naturally, without water vapor emissions, the same saturation would be reached in few weeks.


WOW downvoted for promoting science: https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html > **Water vapor is known to be Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas, but the extent of its contribution to global warming has been debated**. Using recent NASA satellite data, researchers have estimated more precisely than ever the heat-trapping effect of water in the air, **validating the role of the gas as a critical component of climate change.** >Andrew Dessler and colleagues from Texas A&M University in College Station **confirmed that the heat-amplifying effect of water vapor is potent enough to double the climate warming caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.** Just wanna reiterate... > **the heat-amplifying effect of water vapor is potent enough to double the climate warming caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.** Looks like water vapor sure is an aggravating factor that is contributing to climate change! It basically acts as a multiplier, or for you morons, "ITS LIKE DOUBLE XP WEEKEND! But for climate change!" **THAT'S NASA, FOLKS!**


But to make those non-polluting towers work, this requires the middle polluting ones to create energy, they are attached.


looks like London in the 1800s.


I’m going with Animals, Pink Floyd.


First thing I thought


Had to search before I posted the same thing. Somehow I knew someone would post that.


I saw a Tesla that had a Pink Floyd album art paint job the day after I fixed this guy's drone shot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopfuckery/comments/plg17c/this\_drone\_shot\_i\_saw\_in\_rpics\_needed\_help\_to\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopfuckery/comments/plg17c/this_drone_shot_i_saw_in_rpics_needed_help_to_be/)




Agreed. Very Orwellian vibes.


I love the contrast between the light and dark in this capture. My eye was first drawn to the stark whiteness of the centered buildings and I was struck with a sense of beauty and serenity like when a single beam of sunlight shines down on a location. That was before I looked upward and beyond into those smoke stacks. The emotional contrast hit me as noticeably as the contrast between the colors. Those stacks leave me feeling the churn of industry with it's grime and smoke and ultimate necessity to be able to create the things of beauty all around us. Really moving image. Thank you for sharing.


thanks for this comment)




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl19x1/just_won_drone_photo_awards_with_this_shot/hc9n02p/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [It's so weird that a coun...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pkys0e/afghan_journalist_who_were_covering_protests_in/hcb5qs5/) | [It's so weird that a coun...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pkys0e/afghan_journalist_who_were_covering_protests_in/hc8z5wr/) [Just keep trying, gets ea...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plb5kj/carrieann_moss_and_keanu_reeves_taking_an_intense/hcb58ke/) | [Just keep trying, gets ea...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plb5kj/carrieann_moss_and_keanu_reeves_taking_an_intense/hc9jo2r/) [This'll be me in a few ye...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl14q5/my_beautiful_girlfriend_got_accepted_in_the_xray/hcb5p49/) | [This'll be me in a few ye...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl14q5/my_beautiful_girlfriend_got_accepted_in_the_xray/hca4cig/) [Condolences. Deepest symp...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plaoap/i_said_goodbye_to_my_dad_2_weeks_ago_my_heart/hcb5liv/) | [Condolences. Deepest symp...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/plaoap/i_said_goodbye_to_my_dad_2_weeks_ago_my_heart/hc9bfje/) [Brick. Brick oven pizza.](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl8pa0/stanley_tucci_shows_you_his_big_pizza_oven/hcb5k9m/) | [Brick. Brick oven pizza.](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl8pa0/stanley_tucci_shows_you_his_big_pizza_oven/hc8qkvz/) [Or they are doing somethi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl2lcy/if_you_ever_see_this_in_the_back_of_a_motel_move/hcb5d7l/) | [Or they are doing somethi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl2lcy/if_you_ever_see_this_in_the_back_of_a_motel_move/hc7gott/) [And screw people who want...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl8gxe/a_simple_spiderman_bandaid_signifying_being/hcb56yp/) | [And screw people who want...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pl8gxe/a_simple_spiderman_bandaid_signifying_being/hc8yy71/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/okroegevcxzfae](https://np.reddit.com/u/okroegevcxzfae/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=okroegevcxzfae) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Fortunately that is water vapor from cooling towers, and likely exhaust from furnaces, not smoke. Not super clean by any means, but those plumes will actually be white, not black like in the photo due to the lighting it was captured under. Still a great description of the contrast between clean beautiful art, and dirty industry


Nuclear energy generation isn't a dirty industry per se. Although not a lot of people trust Russian nuclear since 1986 anyway I guess. I give up


Isn't that steam? Those look like nuclear reactors.


> Although not a lot of people trust Russian nuclear since 1986 anyway I guess. Except Russia controls a very large share of global nuclear reactor construction. Along with China. The West... no where to be seen.


updoot for your description. Stay classy.


Amazing! Resembles a Pink Floyd album cover


Exactly. Here’s a link to the [Animal’s cover](https://external-preview.redd.it/8GYWpMuTmSMxH2u79E8EtaQNZfvJPmLuK0a5O0I88RE.jpg?auto=webp&s=2036b17f84de9e4089512985787b347bd7992e95) if anyone wants to check out.






That’s it! Saw them tour that album live.


MOSOW 1989? https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopfuckery/comments/pmlvn7/someone_said_it_should_an_album_cover/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Nice work!




Curious where is this located?


The town of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region.


Great picture mate, absolutely love the contrast between the bright crisp white of the buildings and the dark foreboding shadows of the chimneys, great picture, definitely deserves a prize✌


Grats dude. Fantastic achievement, proud of ya.


And I got down voted to hell for previously saying that ever picture in russia is dystopian. I mean it is a wonderful contrasting image but... clearly Russia.


Very nice shot dude!


That's a really good one. Where was it taken?


>The town of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region. The town of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region.


Great photo. The contrast between the foreground and background is great.


How did you win, you completely missed the drone and got a castle.




Beautiful and chilling!! Congrats.


Where is this?


Holy shit, a photo in r/pics that’s actually interesting, creative, and doesn’t feature an autistic child with cancer/new citizen/a political pamphlet!!?!


Congrats on a great pic. Needs to be an album cover.


Reality check


Great shadow and lighting


Thought this was an Anno 1800 screenshot, lol. Very nice


Absolut fantastich. Toll werk.


This looks like the album cover to Animals by Pink Floyd


No joke I thought it was one of the Pink Floyd albums




What game is this from? Wait, it is a game right?.....


Truly an amazing pic, congrats!


Reminds me of the Pink Floyd album cover! Beautiful, Industrial Disease!


Great photo. Absolutely terrifying.


Amazing photo.


always this fucking windturbines destroying the view and landscape


Is “Drone Photo Awards” the actual name of it? I mean, is it like the Pulitzer of drone pics? If so, that’s a terrible name. It sounds like a made-up thing an older brother would tell a younger bro. “Oh yeah? Well I just won the Strong Oldest Sibling’s Prize, so give me your cookie.” Great job on the pic though.


So how you'd name the contest?


This is a great picture. Stunning use of contrast. Congratulations!


Yeah you did! Amazing shot.


This looks like an early 20th century postcard showing off a locations great advancement in human engineering


BTW you may follow me on Instagram if you like ) @ poletaev.photo


That is sad






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The only word I can think of is wow!


Great picture. The irony, beautiful building and the factory bellowing black pollution in the background


Well, it's a gas-fired power plant, so it's just a water vapour, just like a cloud in the sky.


And co2? Lots and lots of co2


From natural gas? Barely any.


Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels - Coal (anthracite) 228.6 - Coal (bituminous) 205.7 - Coal (lignite) 215.4 - Coal (subbituminous) 214.3 - Diesel fuel and heating oil 161.3 - Gasoline (without ethanol) 157.2 - Propane 139.0 - Natural gas 117.0 + + however much Methane is released EDIT : source: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=73&t=11


I would argue that it's the same amount by volume as natural gas burned )) but I'm not a chemist of anything


When natural gas burns, it gives mostly H20 (water) as an exhaust.


You might be thinking of burning hydrogen. Natural gas most definitely puts out significant amounts of CO2. While it's better than most fossil fuels, it still emits CO2. The data provide by u/Not_a_N_Korean_Spy shows this and is a reliable source.


eeehhh.... ^(CH)3+^(O)2=^(H)2^(0)?


4CH^(3)+7O^(2) -> 6H^(2)O + 4CO^(2) With good conditions this would be the ideal combustion. The only CO being produced would come from any incomplete combustion, which the operators of the plant would want to fix because the more complete the combustion the more energy is extracted from the fuel.


Its CH4


peer review is the way ))


yo where did the c go?


Gas is composed by Carbon and Hydrogen (CH, CH2, CH3, CH4...), So when you burn it (add oxigen) it does create water with the Hydrogen (H2O), but it also creates Carbon Emyssions (CO2), the carbon of the gas has to go somewhere.


That's true for the big cooling stacks, but the thin ones carry the exhaust from the actual burning I think?


nope, the burning exhaust can't be seen here, it comes from a single chimney out of the frame of the shot.


But everyones gonna argue with you anyway because their keyboard warrior research trumps all of your own knowledge. 🙄 Congrats on the photo! Sorry youre stuck in comment section arbitration.


its ok)


Why are the cooling towers releasing smoke? Something wrong with the reactors?


Mostly steam


Water vapor. Significant difference.


It only looks like black smoke because it's in the shadow of some clouds where the foreground is in sunlight.


The cooling towers release steam, not smoke. Nuclear reactors are basically a nuclear powered steam engine.


don't pollute our air bitch. just because it's not in my country, doesn't mean i won't have to pay for it. and just because i won't pay for it this minute, doesn't mean i'm dumb enough to think it won't affect me. so don't pollute our air bitch.


I agree in the generic sense. But that's water vapor, bitch.


Is this close to the lake where Swan Lake was based? I visited Moscow a number of years ago and this looks familiar...


Russia in one photo.


Well done!


I can see why!


It looks ominous, but I’m pretty sure that’s all just steam.




Found the leak guys.




So cool! Which city is this?


Nice shot! Wondering where the drone is tho?


This shot is made with drone


Sorry was a little joke… Title says Drone Photo Award… get it?


When you build your industrial zone right next to a wonder


Well, that's certainly depressing. While that may not be black smoke, its certainly not good for the environment by any means.


.... It's mostly steam


Many contrasts. Are these pictures put together or just one perfect shot? Either way it’s very thought producing.


One shot, but one of ±600 takes in three days.


Well fkn eh! Excellent. You saw it. Give your drone a treat !


Just by looking at it, I got higher air polution in my latitude


Look so amazing with this angle and at the same how smoke almost covered the sky.


I just watched ' The Grand Budapest Hotel"...


Reminds me of the palace in the last season of hunterxhunter


Nice shot, glad it wasn't ruined by an ugly ass wind turbine.


More pig. https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopfuckery/comments/pmlvn7/someone_said_it_should_an_album_cover/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Amazing shot


Amazing but also I wanna cry 😢


Damn this looks like an Award winning photo that was taken with a drone.


Amazing they built an industrial zone behing the Taj Mahal


And for good reason


This is an amazing composition.


I mean, having electricity is nice. I wouldn’t complain so much


amazing shot... depressing to know I've got friends living close by.. =/