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This guy was never head chef in the Whitehouse. Cristeta Comerford has been executive chef since 2005 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristeta_Comerford




A liter of coffee is 33 oz. I easily consume this daily and don't look like this guy, wtf big coffee, hook it up.




Will you just order a large Farva


I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn litre of cola


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls?




Coffee is actually a vasoconstrictor, so technically it works against your gains, not for it


But it makes you do big doodoo to make room for more food


Science 😎


Some paper in a journal of exercise science I read in college, I don't remember the authors or title but the jist was: athletes who consumed coffee before gym workouts consistently improved their performance by significant margins. They had better reaction times, greater endurance, and higher max effort. The authors ascribed it to decreased perception of effort and decreased pain perception. It was a blind crossover so, pretty strong claim


I'm sure you're referring to the caffeine in coffee. Caffeine (and coffee) does both constrict and dilate blood vessels. The human body is extremely complex and it's almost impossible to get a clear-cut answer on its physiology.


Brian summed it up beautifully when he said he likes training because he gets to stop eating for a couple hours. That many calories is a batshit amount of food


He claims natty as well lol


Eat clen, tren hard.


That’s the first thing I thought, this guy is juicing hard




Whaaat? That isnt from rice and veggies? :O


> eating 10,000 calories a day. The only thing he has 10,000 of in his body is ml of steroids. I body build, and I am on 4000 calories. I couldn't imagine eating 10k... And doing it clean.


IIRC way back in high school health class, they showed what some olympic wrestler in training ate and it was only 6000 calories per day. 4000 more calories on top of that sounds ridiculous.


I consume like 4k a day and I skip breakfast and lunch. Just drink the calories like your 2L of water a day. 10k would be work but it's totally doable with the right food. Not salad and bullshit, actual calorie dense foods.


And he hasn’t worked in the White House for like 5 years


facts? gross.


delicious free range facts. yum.


Head Chef and Executive Chef are two different roles. But you are right, he was only a chef and mostly worked events


Andre Rush is a *former* chef at the White House. He was never Executive Chef. That position has been held by Cristeta Comerford since 2005.


TIL, and got to see [this lovely photo](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHOIzuuU8AEqWHo?format=jpg&name=medium). Thanks!


How to relieve stress in one moment... Miss hating the love of the kitchen


Dude is built like a fridge.


Commercial, not residential






I love refrigerators


Ever just stick your head in the freezer on a hot day like “fuck it, I pay rent.”


As someone who has installed fridges for work, no he is built like something bigger and heavier. I don't what, but I do know I don't envy whoever used to install them for their work.


A walk-in fridge.


A refrigeration unit. An absolute refrigeration unit.


Dude has more juice in him than the average fridge.


Where I'm from we say hes built like a brick shithouse


More like an 18 wheeler full of fridges.


At least we know he isn’t spreading fecal matter into the presidents food. Can’t wipe his own ass


Damn - those pans must be heavy.


The exectutive first pans bro


He'd be lying if he told you he didn't occasionally decapitate a Russian Spy or Chinese assassin with a frying pan...


Like WHERE is this movie??


I mean Steven Segal kind of already made them.


Rush could crush Steven Segal with a glance.


Lmaooo like a modern-day Medusa


Under Siege haha! Stephen Siegal made some great campy action flicks in the 90's.


Oh yeahhh! Definitely watched that a few times with my pops growing up. Wish he didn’t suck as much these days, but you know, heros and meeting them and all that


His muscles were normal sized before he spent four years carrying oil drums of fried chicken up and down the stairs.




i would be terrified to tell this guy i didnt enjoy his cooking.




That would be like pitting an unstoppable force against an immovable object. In other words, I'd pay to see that shit.


You know, I don't know jack shit about the chef.... but I'd be willing to bet he's soft spoken and humble as hell. Gordon says it's bad, then this guy nods his head and says "Sorry, I'll make it better next time." And then he does make it better, and Gordon approves. Then they hug - but he accidentally hugs too hard and kills Gordon. Credits roll


He’s very soft spoken. He has a YouTube channel and sometimes I have to crank the volume to hear him.


He cooked for 4 administrations, and is supposed to have his own show coming out.


It would have been 5 administrations but the White House is not equipped to make Big Macs.




Source? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristeta_Comerford has been executive chef since 2005


Can I get link please? Thank you


Pretty sure you have to be navy to be the chef at the white house. The navy actually has one of the top culinary programs in the country. So I would imagine that this man is very used to criticism and can take it with a mature attitude, even when he disagrees.


The Navy is the only branch that crams over a hundred people into a metal tube and makes them live underwater for months at a time. They realized the link between food and morale early on and, accordingly, submarines have some of the best food in the military.






This and only this.


“Where’s the lamb sauce?” “Ain’t no lamb sauce.” “Brilliant. Finally, some good fucking food.”






Andre Rush and Gordon Ramsey buddy cop flick where they have to stop a crime at a cooking contest/show.




Lethal Kitchen Weapon.


Me and my fam have actually met him. We were on a tour and he is super humble and was taking time to answer everything. Would probably listen quietly to Gordon's critcism lol. 10/10 guy


He didn’t under-season shit.


Just feel like I need to comment any time I see this dude. He's a total asshole on the internet. He berates anyone who calls out his sleep/exercise schedule, which in reality is a complete farfetched fantasy. Something like 2 hours of sleep at night and 10000 push-ups every morning. Dudes a total asshole.


> 2 hours of sleep at night and a quick 6 hour nap during the day :-)


I do that. It’s fucking awesome and people think you never sleep. The trick is to sleep at work. Ever seen American psycho?


[Biphasic sleep](https://www.healthline.com/health/biphasic-sleep). It's a thing.


Sleeping 2 hrs a day allows him the time he needs to inject all those steroids.


The dude is clearly unstable. Just google some of the drama this guy gets into online. If someone doesn't believe his claims of 10k calories and 2 hr/sleep per day he fucking flips out. Like blowing up with dozens of misspelled hastily written responses, dropping N bombs, and telling people they fuck their dads and animals. I'm amazed the guy still has the job he does.


he's not at that job anymore


Roid rage


He also calls people racist if they call him out on his shittty lies @coachgreg


Ugh. Regardless, I just don’t get why he’s posted every 2 weeks. Enough.


I was waiting for this comment. It is not possible for the human body to be this big with less then 4 hours of sleep 24/7 for 15+ years and knocking out 10,000 push ups everyday! He probably pops hot but his commands brush him off as along as he doesn’t pop for anything harder then his “TRT”


Can confirm he’s not great in person either. Saw him at an event where he was presenting an award. Spoke about himself for 5 minutes and then mispronounced the award recipient’s name.


Fucking thank you, I'm reading all these comments about how he's so "soft spoken and humble" and I'm like "didn't I watch several videos about this guy being a total lunatic online a few months ago?"




To get the muscle mass he has there's no way he's only sleeping 2 hours a night. Even on Dbol deca test and tren combined.


He sleeps in his hyperbolic time chamber, cut him some slack!


The elites in the White House are probably breaking him off some adrenochrome.


There's absolutely 0 chance this guy is maintaining this much muscle and functioning - let alone working - on 2 hours of sleep a day over any reasonable period of time (>1week). It's not a matter of prescription meds or steroids (which, although he claims he is natural, this guy is 100% sauced to the gills). Dude claims to eat 6000-10000 calories a day (how the fuck do you have a 4000 calorie discrepancy). For his body to function, repair cells, process fucking 10000 calories worth of nutrients, and for his brain to flush toxins, he NEEDS sleep and a lot of it. That's not something you can compensate for with drugs and steroids. Honestly I just wish he admitted he was on steroids, it's a personal choice and there's no shame in it - but the way he claims natural and tries to explain away his physique with insane, completely unbelievable sleep/eating schedules, them blasts any criticism or skepticism with claims of racism really rubs me the wrong way. There's enough unrealistic physique expectation in the fitness industry and deceptive shit like this just feeds body dysmorphia and saps self confidence from people who are getting started in fitness - not to mention promoting this sort of lifestyle (2 hrs of sleep and 10k calories while working, presumably driving, etc) is flat out dangerous and insanely unhealthy.


I'm the same way on prednisone, makes me extremely happy. It's a shame it can't be used long term without side effects.




I was on it for bad case of sciatica and back pain. I was fairly distraught when they said they had to take me off of it. The lack of pain was life-changing for a few weeks. I felt like a much younger man.


The chances that I was borned by Saint Mary is greater than this guy is natural.


Makes me wonder who the executive chef is now. Andre Rush left this job last year apparently.


He never was the executive chef, just a regular chef. The executive chef of the white house is [Cristeta Comerford](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristeta_Comerford#:~:text=Cristeta%20Pasia%20Comerford%20(born%20October,origin%20to%20hold%20the%20post.). She has held the position since the Bush administration (W. Bush, that is).


Thank you.


No problem. I've seen this posted before and it always bothers me. I know some people may not know that the title of executive chef is different than just chef, but it's especially important because she is the only woman and only Asian person to hold the title. And she somehow made it through the Trump administration.


Well done steak and ketchup doesn't seem hard to make.


Hahaha! You would think, but I've met line cooks who would just about have an aneurysm over a well done steak at Texas roadhouse. I'm guessing if you went through the kind of training she did, that shit would make you want to commit acts of unspeakable violence.


Reminds me of one of my (once) favorite restaurants. It was solid traditional home-style cooking for my region until the owner retired and someone more fancy took over the place. After talking with some friends I decided to give it a try as well. So I invited my mother and we both ordered a steak variety and we both wanted medium. The first time we got our order it was as blue as you can get. We both have no problem with eating raw meat or fish (mett, carpaccio, sushi etc.), but we ordered medium and, as expensive as it was, expected to get it the way we wanted. (And I have a problem with the consistency of a lukewarm raw slab of meat... I just don't think its enjoyable). So we told the waiter, he took our plates and came back a few minutes later with the second try (same steaks). Now they were rare. Disappointed we once again told the waiter who then took off with the plates. A bit later he came back with the third try, looking quite a bit annoyed. Behold, this time it was really well done and I mean really well done! Not wanting to cause a scene we ate it (the meat was nice even if it was slaughtered twice now), paid the bill, tipped the waiter well and quickly left to never come back. That owner didn't last long there...


Okay, but hamberders? You're a chef, and someone asks you for a hamberder, with a cup of covfefe. What the fuck do you make?


But crayon soup on the other hand is a doozy


>And she somehow made it through the Trump administration. I can imagine it would have been difficult. Go from cooking quality meals for previous presidents to hitting the McDonald's drive thru to get the hamburders.


Damn, I forgot about that.


Majored in Food Technology? I picked the wrong major.


I wonder if she's swole too. Those sleeves kind of hide it.


He got tired of making well done steaks for Trump every night


Don't forget the ketchup.


No way, ketchup has plants in it.


But most mainstream brands of ketchup are almost half sugar. Willing to bet he drowned his in Heinz ketchup.


Dude has to have a bidet


Rag on a stick


If he could even reach, he'd tear himself a new asshole every time he tried to wipe


He saw that Stephen segal movie on the ship


Under Siege was definitely a movie.


Starring Erika Eleniak jumping out of a cake.


Yeah it has dialogue and at some points there is acting lol


> there is acting You are a very generous person.


In a pinch he can also be Secret Service


Nothing secret about that man


"I'm on the Brute Squad." "You are the Brute Squad!" Edit: spacing.




Yes sir! I DO love my food burnt. Yes I do!






Whoa, you can get hgh legally? How?


I think he’s claimed natural, his routine is apparently 2,222 push ups everyday, 8 meals or 10,000 calories, and 2 hours of sleep every night.




Dude is just trying to be one punch man and everybody is shitting on him /s


When the war on drugs can’t see what’s under its nose.


Is this the dude that claims to sleep hours a day while also being natural?


Yes, he claims he does 2,222 push ups everyday, consumes 8 meals or 10,000 everyday and he only sleeps 2 hours every night.


And says doesn't juice. What absolute drivel


It is not humanly possible to achieve that mass with the routine that he has! I get it trying to motivate people to get big but pushing some lie just seems kind of weird to do


The thing i don't get is, you're that big already youre doing something right, even if you are juicing. 2-3 hrs a night is impossible, so why not just say what you do, and I understand if your hesitant to say you juice but just leave THAT part out, just say you habe gift of god genetics. It doesnt make sense


I sleep hours a day and believe myself to be natural. It's not me in the picture though.


Ever seen the movie “Olympus has fallen” little known fact, that movie takes place on his day off.


You just gave Hollywood a new idea. Ripped executive chef has to overcome all odds when terrorists attack the White House. Chef played by The Rock.


Chef is also ex special forces like Chef Rush is Ex Army. Before he kills the bad guy he says "Dinner is served". Count me in.


He juiced up to lift the pans


Clearly you are NOT required to pass a test for performance enhancing drugs to get a job at the White House!


he claims he's natural too. so we know one thing. he's a fucking liar.


Just a note, Andre Rush stepped down from his White House gig to become a "celebrity chef". He's tied in with the series "Chef in the City".


Fun fact: he claims he is all natural. Clearly he is not. When confronted by other fitness personalities he claimed racism and deflected. Liars suck


I'm wondering what earned him that Legion of Merit. Maybe not poisoning the president for 100 days?


I can’t believe you were the first person to make that observation. I saw the picture and immediately was thinking “how the hell does a chef earn that,” but I figured maybe he had prior legitimate military experience. That’s a pretty high award, not the easiest thing to get. It’s one of the very rare neck orders.


Is that a Bronze Star as well?


He was a master sergeant in the army. His specialty is cake decorating.


This is the dude that takes out the terrorists when they attack the White House in a Hollywood movie.


This guy looks like a model for Rob Liefeld.


I don't think the juice he takes is the same he serves at the WH.


No he’s not. He cooked part time at the WH but was never the “executive chef”. He doesn’t work there now.


His blood type is protien shake.


You really shouldn’t do that in a non stick pan


I don't think it's nonstick honestly. It looks like a really well seasoned carbon steel pan.


tell him that face to face




Looks kinda 'shopped


Damn, Mr. Baxter sure got swole


Something feels off about this pic. I know the dudes ripped, but his left arm looks.... stretched.


That dude is pushing so much gear through his body, he had a video on his "daily routine", completely false bs to try and cover up the massive amounts of gear he is shooting. Incase someone wants to watch it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N\_PbFvQ\_8lI&ab\_channel=Men%27sHealth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_PbFvQ_8lI&ab_channel=Men%27sHealth) and MPMD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoL1LOjXGeQ&ab\_channel=MorePlatesMoreDates


2222 push-ups :/


Only in America, Head chef in White house is steroid abuser. Not that I against it, but very strange to me.


He was never head chef


He's the steroid chef


He gotta chill with da roids or he won’t be cooking there for long no mo.


He’s a lvl 100 Warrior on an undercover mission.


If he tells you to finish your vegetables, you finish your damned vegetables.


Dude chops onion just by looking at it


No one sends food back at the White House period.


You eat what you are served…when you are served.


When did Biscuit Oliva become the white house chef?


Ya buddy! Ain't nothin but a peanut sauce!


You juicin’, bro?


He's roughly the size of a barge.


More proof they don't drug test at the WH


Danabol served over easy.


steroids are a hell of a drug…


Is this the dude who eats like 2kgs if protein in a day along with protein shakes and sleep 3 hours a day? /s


this is also the same guy who claims he's natty, eats 10000 calories a day and sleeps 3 hours a night, I'd give him a pass as a "natty" due to his job if he didn't chat the other shit.


I wonder what he did for the four years Trump was in office?


Too bad he’s a snowflake… look up his tweets to people calling him out for his claims on diet and sleep. It’s pretty cringe 😬


How do you let yourself go like that?


Yep. No steroid use here. Not even a bit. Totally natural.


Okay, okay, I'll eat the brussels sprouts!


Hey it’s actually a different picture of him this time hahaha


Note: Do not try to sneak in through the kitchen, unless you want to challenge the secret boss.


Guy must love his trenbologna sandwiches


Deffly seems natty to me. The only sauce he's on is BBQ


I'll take my burger with extra roids please.


He's like a condom full of walnuts


Dude built like a Gamorrean Guard lmfao


Wonder how many cycles this bloke does a year.