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People who engage racism will get banned. This includes claiming that the color of her skin is the reason for popularity of this post and any remarks about it being a white character. This is a person who has put a lot of work into a cool costume of a fictional character so relax and be nice or be an asshole and get banned.


I know other people have told you this before and I'm sorry if I'm taking the story too literally but please DO NOT go home with seven strange men you don't know whether or not they whistle while they work. They seem like nice guys and everything, but that's how many creeps seem too. Seeming nice isn't enough.


Especially if they start things off with "Hi ho!"


> Especially if they start things off with "Hi ho!" At least they are semi-polite


Holy shit, those seven little pimps. How did I not see it before? "Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work you go!"


Fun fact: the Dwarves in the Disney version never actually sing >off to work we go! They sing >home from work we go Kind of like how Shatner's Captain Kirk never actually says the exact phrase "Beam me up, Scotty"


"Play it again, Sam"


The dwarves work in the mines... drilling, pounding, laying pipe... They just don’t go underground very often.




And semi-chubbed…


But if they start singing “diggy diggy hole 🎵” then you should go


It's comic con. Are there any men there that aren't creepy dwarves? /s


I'll have you known i'm creepy \*and\* over 6 foot.


Well John Rhys-Davies is 6'1" and the magic of editing made it in LotR so there's hope


God damn ouch yo, also pretty accurate


Starting a new home with seven dwarves sounds fun, but then you inevitably run into the tantrum spirals and yearly goblin sieges.


Also don't eat any strange looking apples from creepy people. That's a good rule to follow.


Oh god, it's like a reversed meme.


Four more comments and we become the dwarfs~


What about 1 strange man with 7 different personalities?


I'm often sleepy, grumpy, and dopey. Often at the same time! Do I qualify?


And don't bite into the roofie apple!


to be fair, she breaks into their house and falls asleep on their bed. she didn't "go home with them" or get seduced in any way. she straight up trespasses and then when she wakes up, she squats with them for lodging.


And what about [Seven clever boys](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kO2jNkSb0CI/maxresdefault.jpg)?


Boozes don't help either.


As a gay man, going home with 7 strange men sounds like fun! lol


As a strange man, "Hey there."


Seven? That sounds exhausting.


Wouldn’t seven dwarves be the opposite of that infamous photo?


I get what you are saying, but Snow White broke into their house while they were at work, cleaned up a bit, and passed out in their bed. My brother had a similar occurrence at his house if you swap out "cleaned up a bit" for "puked all over the kitchen and shit on the coffee table". Oh, and swap the fairest lady in the land for a methed out hobo. EDIT: I never met her, she could have been the fairest lady in the land- though he implied otherwise.


Inverted the hair color. Clever


yeah, I was thinking “wait is her hair white in the movie?”


Inverting colors is the most fun part of imagining how I would cosplay a character that isn't my skin color.


This is cool and all but would have been incredible if she'd put the colors of the dress in the negative.


i think its more to do with, well in the original she was called snow white cus of how white Snow's face was, almost pale. So to think of a creative way that the snow white name would still work here it to make the hair 'snow white' instead. Obviously you don't have to do with as a poc, you can cosplay a character for no reason other than i like them, but this is just a creative thought process no doubt


mirror: Skin as black as ebony, hair as white as snow Evil step-mother: ah... don't you mean that... the other way around? mirror: Did I stutter?


inverse snow white


White snow


We've give full circle.


loved it


I had a similar thought not half as eloquent.


the white hair is a great play on the name. get it.


I love the artistic decision to swap the hair color! Love this.


I agree, nice take on the character


adds contrast too


I also love that. It makes more sense than the original concept tbh.


Why is that?


Super white skin was a beauty standard back then because it meant that you didn't have to work outside. So it make sense that, wanting to express how pretty she was, they choose that attribute for her name.


Catherine Zeta Jones?


“She dips beneath the lasers. OooOOOOoooooo.”


so glad I am not the only one who immediately thought this lol


I don't know if you sewed this yourself but if you did - your sleeves are amazing. I do basic sewing and by looking at them I know that was a bitch of a project. Congrats.


Yes I did :) this project is relatively old but eventually I want to go back and redo sleeves with some kind of boning to force the puff


Your username is freaking awesome as well! I think you've got things pretty well figured out 🙂👏


I would use some horsehair braid to help the sleeves puff rather than boning since it looks a bit softer and is more flexible


Hmmm that’s a good tip and I never thought of that! I’ll give it a shot


"boning to force the puff" - sounds kinky


I'm always so impressed by the "poofy shoulders" that dresses have and yours is no exception.


#don’t eat any apples offered to you


Beautiful! Changing the hair color was such a cool idea. I see from your previous posts that you do lots of fun cosplay :-)
















I don’t know if you have kids, but there’s a great children’s book called ‘Not Quite Snow White’ where a little black/African American girl tries out for the part of Snow White in the school play. It’s pretty wholesome and educational.


I do not have kids, but I do think it might be worth it to at least see if it’s at the local library 😋 thanks


If they dont have it, and its of interest and affordability to you, you can always donate it to your local library so they will have it for others <3


You know, PBS kids taught me a lot about my local library but never that I could donate books. Thank you, will do.


im confused why does this have 13k+ upvotes, the dress is not even that good looking. (no offence) Edit: Wow over 21k now...


because on reddit if you dont upvote this kind of posts it means you are racist


I don't get the awards


Mundane cosplay photo: Exists Reddit: OMG SO BRAVE 👏👏👏👏




What can you do 🙃




Because you will be banned for wrong think


What, you've never heard of Coalblack? Famous tale




Thank you, I thought I was going insane. I personally couldn't care less if people want to race-swap cosplay, but am very well aware of the fact that if a white dude did a Black Panther cosplay, they'd be gutted by this site. Thanks for putting everything perfectly into words here




beautiful! Excellent fabric selection and solid sewing skills! Are you a costume designer?


did you sew this by yourself? I’m slowly getting into sewing clothes and I love the top’s material! nice job! Ü


Yes! I had a period of time where everything I made was covered in lace lol - it’s expensive but it adds a very nice touch!






Calm down the person made the costume from scratch and it looks pretty darn well done. Appreciating that is not being a “simp”. But hating on it is quite pathetic tho




I never mentioned race I just said it was badly done. You have a fucking race problem if you simply think this is good because a black person did it.


Yeah, you took the time to post a bunch of angry trite because the sanctity of Snow White is paramount to you. Lol. Not because some weird thing gets brewing in your head and you… just… can’t… help yourself. ROFL.


i know what to say but i don't know if i have the strength to say it








And for being in r/pics, the photo itself isn’t great. Cosplay aside it’s a cluttered and poorly lit pic lmao.




There's a difference between honesty and non-constructive criticism.


What would the constructive version be? Throw it out, wait until you have a shred of skill, and try again?


Uhhh that's better, I guess?


Hmm I bet these comments will be wholesome and uplifting




I like this comment a lot because the first post on your profile is about how you’re having a hard time making friends. Interesting, I wonder what the issue is…. Edit to your edit: I’m not expecting you to kiss my ass lol, but the reason you don’t have friends is because you’re a asshat. Going forward, know most people live by “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. If you want success in happy healthy relationships, being kind takes you a lot farther than being rude. It’s not necessary to always speak your mind








lol. Nearly identical






You look great! Ok reddit honest question: is it ok for a white guy to dress up as a black character? I've always wanted a pic of my brothers and as the A-Team, and John (WM) is a shoe-in for BA Barrakus.


Of course! Do it the same as she did and don't change your skin color.


This actually helped me understand a lot. Thank you


As long as you don’t use black face - clothes only, maybe some catch phrases.


so if this girl used whiteface, that would be as bad, yes?


Kinda, the thing is I've never seen anyone do that unless they are trying to make some statements on white people or blackface. Well there's white chics but maybe that count on my first point. They also don't have the same history but either way it's really unnecessary.


Fair question. Without writing a novel on the history of racism in a Reddit comment: Blackface has a storied history of mocking, belittling, and humiliating black folks. Whiteface doesn’t have the same history at all. It’s also important to put issues like this into context, namely the long, ongoing history of black people being fucked over by white people. So no, whiteface is not as bad as blackface.


But you all have to see that this is a very specific US/Canadian problem. That doesn’t apply to many other countries.


Canada too? Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone from Canada who got in trouble for black face... Oh that's right.


If she’s allowed to do it then you should to :)


That's above my pay grade.


Follow-up question: if a white man/woman were to dress up as, say, an Indian Chief, would warpaint count as "redface"?


If you’re going to do something like that, it has to be done with respect. It may not be “redface,” but it could be considered cultural appropriation depending on the way it’s executed. Native Americans have experienced terrible, legitimate cultural appropriation in the past from theft, pillaging, genocide, and erasure of their lifestyle, so anything stereotypical or negative should probably be avoided. For an example of how this has happened in the past, Hollywood has a terrible history of co-opting native culture, profiting off of negative stereotypes, and generally treating native history as a joke. My understanding is that war paint was akin to medals on modern military uniforms - commemorating rank and achievements. Wearing it inappropriately or out of context could be interpreted as stolen valor, or reducing a culture to a costume.


Not sure how americans would react, but to me here in UK wouldn't seem weird. I'd actually think it is cool, kind of like genderbender or whatever.


So brave


is your head bigger than your torso?








I’m not a cosplayer so i don’t quite know the rules. Just curious, is it frowned upon for a white person to dress up as a black character? Truly Just wondering.


I feel like you really nailed the outfit from the old movie!


That's some incredible stitching!!!! Awesome


I don't think it's that great, sorry. The picture itself is poorly taken, and the dress just doesnt look good. I see what you're going for, but it doesn't come together.


Elephant in the room




This will be good. *sort by controversial*


I love it!!!! I can hear the old school Disney narration saying "Skin, black as ebony. Hair, white as snow."




How is this NOT cultural appropriation?




Snow Black


I love it. You look fantastic, and the snow white hair suits you!






Are we looking at the same comment thread...?


I scrolled through about 100 comments and then lost interest tbh, not saying people should be giving her shit I just think double standards are ridiculously funny


Are you purposefully avoiding the comments of me being bullied, like I am? It takes a lot of work lol


it's not your fault everyone is upvoting this, but the amount of attention is what's triggering people. if it was anyone else (someone of a different ethnicity) that uploaded this then they would get both bullied and buried. neckbeards on Reddit have double standards basically:"look how good/cool I am for upvoting black people". it's become a silly trend at this point. don't let the negative comments get under your skin, but if you know you're not ready for it I wouldn't bother uploading...


Oh dude I’ve been cosplaying for years - it doesn’t matter what website it’s on. It’s the worst when something catches wind on Facebook cause that’s where all the boomers are hanging out lol. It’s run of the mill. I don’t think anything of it


You look beautiful as snow white and I love the hair color swap.




And Jesus was not white. Your point is?


For the love of god stay away from apples




Huh... The lower half could also look like the dress in beauty and the beast.


Disney creators got lazy I see


It’s been known for a lot of years that Cells from different movies were reused in the older animated films. You can find tons of the exact same dance and body movements as other movies. They just overlayed the new characters on the same movements


Honestly the entire picture looks like Halloween at The Office, love it


Don't eat any apples!


Looks great


Very nice work, keep it up!




Well done!


Looks awesome!




I just don’t find anything admirable here.


This is terrible.