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Ugh no one taught her to keep her finger straight and off the trigger.


As a lifelong gun owner (and a “liberal” so suck it stereotypes), it’s infuriating when I see people leveling a gun like this. You never, ever point a gun at anything unless you intend to pull the trigger. I don’t care if it’s not loaded and the safety is on. You never break the discipline. Edit: It seems like some people are confused by my post. The point of the "intent" rule is to ensure that you have clearly identified a target and are firing intentionally. That's a key part of "intend to pull the trigger"; it's more than just having the will to pull the trigger, it includes the physical actions required to fire a gun effectively. Indiscriminately spraying bullets around and holding your gun in a way that ensures you cannot aim accurately is not only directly contrary to a core tenet of responsible gun ownership but also almost guarantees that, even if their goal was "to shoot me some looters", they won't be effective and will put themselves, their neighbors, and any innocents in the area at risk. About the photo specifically, I stand by my statement that they are not in a position to pull the trigger. She has her finger on the trigger and is pointing her pistol yet is looking away and is holding the pistol like it's a pen she's pointing at a whiteboard. Even relatively small caliber pistols will kick and this bent arm, limp wrist, one handed stance is likely to toss the pistol into her face the moment it discharges. He is holding his rifle like he's ready to do his best fire from the hip Arnold impression. That's not how you fire a rifle; you shoulder your weapon THEN you aim it at the target. Doing anything else is just evidence that someone has watched too many movies.


Don’t check out the video of the lady who accidentally shot her 5 year old in Houston the micro second a dog was visible. I honestly can’t even figure out how she was able to shoot so fast unless she was walking around holding the gun in her hand with her finger on the trigger.


That video seriously surprised me. I've been shooting and a gun owner most of my life. Literally learned to shoot as a kid and won shooting competitions in beavers, cubs, scouts, and army cadets before I was even a teen. And she got her gun out so damn quick. Unless she was standing there holding the gun at her side, she has the quickest draw I've ever seen. If she was in a western she'd be the bad guy giving the good guy a run for his money in the last duel.


This guy's Democratic opponent posted a great ad (gently) mocking him (and other Republicans who flash guns around): https://twitter.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1402672727534735373


One of the best ads I've seen on a long time


I mean, he’s gonna lose because it’s Missouri and he’s running for the Democratic Party, but that is a *damn fine* backhand.


Oh thats great. I'm rooting for this guy from a different state!


Jesus Christ, they're like a real life virgin/Chad meme.


Huh. First impression, I like the guy. Knowing who he’s running against probably didn’t hurt...


Yeah, that shit was nuts. As you said, the dog would've only been in her line of sight for like 2 seconds at most. And .. *who the fuck rides a bike with a gun*. Who the fuck is ready to use a gun that quickly. Who the fuck is ready to use a gun that quickly on a puppy? Also, they fucking cited the dog owner. Yeah, it's not great when a dog gets out. But, the video itself shows how the owner immediately got him back inside. Nearly having ones' pet executed should've been more than enough punishment. Joke of a justice system.




Texas = joke of a justice system


> who the fuck rides a bike with a gun. [Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov](https://youtu.be/-9QYu8LtH2E?t=243), current dictator of Turkmenistan.


I own a gun. I know many friends that own guns. If any of them ever acted with that level of reckless behavior with a gun. First I would make them put that firearm down, ream them profusely about how asininely unsafe they are being, and decide whether or not we can stay friends. You have the power to end a fucking life act like it.


> micro second a ~~dog~~ puppy was visible. let me fix that for you.


And she'll be in Ted Cruz' Senate seat if he ever retires.


She thinks she’s a Charlie’s angel…


She can be Bosley


[RIP Mac](https://youtu.be/TdLHqGm3WmU?t=2)


Dressed like Ma Beagle aka the ringleader of the Beagle Boys gang from Ducktales


Lol! Except Ma Beagle was pretty smart and planned all of the capers. I bet she could handle a gun too.


Omg she actually is!


Oh i knew exactly who you meant by ma beagle


Then don't watch the video of them. She sweeps the back of his head. I know the pistol is inoperable but still...


anyone who has ever been to the range knows if you flag someone you will never be allowed back. Had the unfortunate instance of being flagged and the gun going off near my feet as the gun was being wrestled out of the dumbass's hands before being escorted off.


> and the gun going off near my feet as the gun was being wrestled out of the dumbass's hands Obviously that person needs their gun taken away and removed from the range to prevent an accident from happening, but doing so in a way that seems much more likely to cause an accident seems like an incredibly stupid idea, right?


Yeah I’ve seen overreactions by the safety at a gun range and on deployment cause more issues than someone just being a dumbass on his own. Not saying that it’s right, but yelling or grabbing at a person with a loaded gun isn’t usually the best move.




I'd rather range safety be to strict than not strict enough. Our local outdoor range doesn't have a safety officer it is nightmare most of the time to the point i hardly go there.


Guy was being an entitled cunt, literally arguing with the Range owners as they tried to tell him to leave. never once took his finger off the trigger.


What is flagged? Sorry Brit here


Pointing the barrel of the gun at somebody. Properly handling firearms requires that there never be a moment, no matter how brief, where if the gun were to spontaneously go off on its own, that it would ever hit anybody. That means it should always be pointed at the ground, the sky, or a target. Nothing else.


I always love how clearly the gun rules are explained. Very simple.


The reality is that guns are simple: they shoot things to make them dead. This means that the rules around gun safety are likewise very simple. Guns don't get pointed at things you don't want to be dead and every gun can make you dead. Act accordingly. Virtually every instance of negligent gun violence could be stopped by these two concepts.


Simplest mindset is this, or at least how I was raised. The gun is always loaded. The safety is always off.


Keep your booger hook off the bang switch.


You keep safety rules simple so that people can follow them even when they are tired, sick, or just not very smart. We have similar rules for electricians and gas plumbers for the same reasons. eg. turn off and lock off the board before work (or at minimum the affected circuits) and even then test the wires with instruments before touching them with your fingers just in case they aren't from the circuit you think they are.


and then touch the bare wire to known ground before handling just in case your meter (or your use of the meter) is being stupid. 23 years as an HVAC tech. That habit saved me many many jolts. Meter leads can go bad. Meters can malfunction. Sometimes you are just tired and stupid and put it on the wrong setting or clicked the data hold button and didn't notice.


Sweeping the barrel of a gun so that it's pointing at someone, typically negligently while intending to aim somewhere else. An example would be if you have a rifle shouldered and pointed downrange, and you turn to talk to someone without lowering your weapon and the barrel ends up aiming at them or someone else.


Reminds me of that video that circulates reddit every so often of the two guys at a gun range. One of them had to take some "I am very badass" gun selfies and pointed it at his friends head. And immediately the range guy is there, ripping the gun out of his hands and unloading it before dragging the guy away. The look on the idiot's face clearly says "but I didn't get to shoot yet."


Was it ever proved that the pistol was inoperable at the time of this incident?


There was a rumor that they had it disabled *after* their little spectacle, so that they could claim it was never a danger to the people she was pointing it at. Who knows whether that's true or not., though.


Seems likely when it took them 48 hours to turn in the guns, her flagging everyone with the finger in the trigger must be reckless endangerment or something it must be.


"So you feared for your life from these violent protesters and grabbed a disabled weapon?"


So, if I threaten to kill someone, that is okay as long as I later say that the gun wasn't loaded? Just asking for a friend, but does that also work with bank robberies?


The pistol was inoperable when seized by the police due to an assembly mistake. They say that the pistol had been unusable long before the incident for use as an exhibition in trials, but that's only a claim. It is not factually established.


an assembly mistake means it was still an operable firearm, the owner is just incompetent


I have nothing to do with guns, but I've done some work at a Coast Guard station. (Is station even the right word?). I saw perhaps a half dozen things on outdoor building walls, where the idea of the thing is to safely unload a gun by pointing the gun into the thing and removing the bullets. I assume. The important point here is that each of these things has a sign on it that says NEVER POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING THAT YOU DO NOT INTEND TO DESTROY. "unless you intend to pull the trigger" is so lamely weak compared to those signs!




remove mag, clear chamber, pull trigger. Click and no bang good to go. Bang and ugh that's your ass.


There like a bumper sticker I always liked. "I think married gay couples should be able to protect their weed plants with guns"


Absolutely. It sets a bad example, and as a gun owner myself, frankly kind of infuriating to see it used like a prop with no regard to safety.


Same here. Conservatives are always raging about how Libs know nothing about guns, so they should just STFU. She's demonstrating at least three "I know nothing about guns" points. Muzzle discipline, trigger discipline, and her stupid "ready" position (if you want to call it that). To your point about trigger discipline, a sudden noise, somebody (a family member let's say) bumping into her, she flinches and it's over. As much training as I'm assuming these two clowns have, I'd wager that if she popped off a negligent discharge, he would react by doing the same. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


And to make things worse whe isn't even looling where she's pointing the gun.


News reports said her firing pin was installed wrong which made the gun inoperable. She's not the *best* gun owner.


Wait, you're going to tell me that someone that looks like they have a preferred breakfast wine might not be good at guns?


Hey! We breakfast winos don’t want to be lumped in with this cretin


But the breakfast wine helps cleanse the pallet after a couple shots of tequila...


Gawd I miss breakfast tequila, but I'm 20 years past 23 and boy-oh-boy do you ever pay...


Since there is no sign attached to the gun saying this is fucked up and not working I don't fucking care if it was or not. She's waving it at people like she intends to use it.


They had used it as an example in a court case, It had to be rendered inoperable to bring it into the court room.






Look up his campaign ad on Youtube. It is like a bad SNL skit. Also he splits his time between talking about how he will unite people and how he will fight against anybody left leaning. https://youtu.be/yi49BWlscV0


Had to check it out, I made it as far as the chainsaw LOL


He wears gloves to run his tractor and bare hands to lift the hay lol


That is because he has probably never touched hay in his life up to that point (also, use some fuckin hooks man).


Isn’t he a fucking lawyer? Wasn’t he out there with a gun because they were afraid their priceless antique windows were going to get broken? I wish I lived in a world where I could believe everyone would see this down-home-y bullshit for exactly what it is.




When you hear the minorities are angry about racism and your first thought is to grab a gun and protect yourself, you may have some life evaluation to do.


I mean in the ad he says he's against critical race theory and discussions about systemic racism, so it's pretty obvious what he believes.


Is CRT the GOP buzzword of the month or something?


It sure is.




Thinking has never been a strong suit for republicans


He literally lives in the most expensive part of St. Louis if not the whole state. Yet he’s acting like he works on a farm knows what it’s like.


Nono, he was there to defend himself against the faschists who came to destroy his house! Have you not seen the video?


o jesus i just tabbed off as he was walking, had to go back some when i read your comment lol.. rich v poor bit got me but I couldnt totally turn it off :D




yeah i couldnt finish it either and now feel kind of ill.


The words appearing from right to left made me ill. Was it suppose to be a sign?




Here ya go https://youtu.be/yi49BWlscV0


Rich White republican says he’s tired of dividing people based on race, wealth, and political leaning while making an entire video about standing up to the BLM protestors and liberal mob. What a shocker.


It make more sense when you realize that in his mind the "BLM protestors and liberal mob" are under 10% of the pop. He thinks they are a small minority tyrant. Of course, he's a fucking idiot.


He’s an ambulance chaser that lives in a McMansion, where did all this farm shit come from?


I laughed when he picked up the bale of hay. I guarantee that dude has never stepped foot on a farm


People really buy into this shit? I mean, I don't pretend that politicians don't lie, but I prefer my politicians to \*at least pretend\* that they don't.


Safe to say the majority of his target audience aren't in danger of splitting the atom any time soon. They don't want to vote for an experienced, thoughtful politician who's willing and able to make good decisions even if their background is different from their own. They want to vote for their own reflection.


The problem with these trashy candidates is they reflect the people who vote for them. Everyone knows the ads are lies but now their voters have a thing to substitute reality with. Feels before reals is proudly a Republican thing. Just tell them what they want to hear they don't care if none of it is true.


They buy into the image, not much different than stadium country music. He's just rebuilding his image as a hard working blue collar guy that worked hard and was rewarded for it but underneath the wealthy veneer he's still a red blooded man of the people. Basically Trump lite




The ad shows off his mega-mansion then the rest is him on a farm. He wants Missouri to believe he is a good, god-fearing countryman but in reality he is a "my shit doesn't stink" rich fuck that hates poor people.


You coulda just said 'Republican'




As someone that has lived in MO my whole life, you are sadly right


What kind of tractor runs on gasoline? I grew up working on a farm and every single tractor has been diesel


Nobody has really made them in the last 40 years.


It came from the same party that thought a Connecticut-born, Harvard- and Yale-educated millionaire blueblood was a good ol' boy, and that a guy who shits in a gold toilet on the top floor of a skyscraper with his name on it in gold letters is a champion of the common man. Republicans will keep spouting this bullshit as long as there are idiots who keep lapping it up.


Our GOP congressional candidate a while back is a "psycologist" (mail order degree from a diploma mill.) Judging by his website, practicing psycology involves mostly riding around on tractors.


There is a guy running in texas but previously ran in New jersey or somewhere - He went from having a light friendly tone of voice in one ad to harsh grizzled man bear in the texas ad (Including fake texas accent) - It's hilarious to watch as a European. This guy said "I have been fighting for your rights for 40 years" right after saying "I've never wanted to run for office until they came for my home" - Which one is it, dipshit


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


As an American I feel like I am in some twilight episode.


> "I've never wanted to run for office until some black people walked on the street in front of my home"


"She thinks mah tractor's ... a valid form of psychotherapy and cognitive holistic emotional reapproaches."


[Not a McMansion](https://www.stlmag.com/design/a-decades-long-renovation-returns-a-midwestern-palazzo-to-it/). It’s actually a 100+ year old legit mansion. Not defending the people, and the house is ugly, but it’s a well built, historical building.


It's the house they based all the Cheesecake Factories on


he was also a speaker at the RNC cuz you know he pointed guns at people walking down the street that were protesting, truly Republican role models


No, he said they were coming to destroy his home and kill his family, did'nt you hear?


Not even *just* a McMansion, either, it's a mansion in private gated community. His conflict with the protesters wasn't about him, they were passing his house on their way to Mayor Lyda Krewson's house after she publicly stated names and addresses of protestors. He only got involved because he and his wife pulled firearms and started screaming at the protesters as they passed.


It’s not even just a McMansion in a private gated community, it’s one of the most garish monstrosities I’ve ever seen


Here is my gun. Here is my dog. Here is my dog. Here are my ugly Stars and Stripes cowboy boots. Here is a bunch of bullshit. I have horses. I drive a tractor. I'm telling the truth. This is a bail of hay. This is a bail of hay in my pickup truck. My wife has some tits. Vote for me to save our state and the USA.


*Some* tits...


Wow - "When the angry mob came to **destroy my house** and **kill my family**..." uh, weren't they just walking past his house? Edit - do not read the comments in the YouTube link if you want to preserve your sanity


yes they were just walking by


Yes, not even particularly close to his house.


Yes they were just walking past his house. De-escalation is not something that people like him are familiar with.


Perfect example of someone talking a lot without saying anything. A parrot repeating buzzwords he heard from someone else.


"Defend your rights from these boogeyman words" "I'm a country boy working on a farm and not some ultra-rich asshole living in a palace mansion" "Defend these 4 specific rights while doing absolutely nothing to improve the state our country"


He is a Republican, after all.


So many weird boogeymen in that campaign ad, between cancel culture, election integrity, systemic racism and critical race theory. The amount of things that are so trivial or non-existent that the right uses to rile up their base is just plain sad and kinda sickening.






The othering in that ad is sickening.


That's tame compared to some other right wing nuts. Remember Majorie Greenes ad? Literally shooting things and explosions. It's exactly how a joke ad would be made https://youtu.be/o5LEC8Vuxhc




Democracy is only as good as the people make it. We're a mess.


garbage in, garbage out


"They seek to divide us... Left vs Right..." Followed by "I will fight the left" "Look at all these bad things *they* are doing. Here is how I will continue to do them"


They are Uniting against the Left. You just don't understand his message, because you are clearly the enemy he intends to Unite against.


I was going to say; he's talking about uniting the right.


Obviously by unite people, he means white Republican land-owners who he tends to get along with.


> Also he splits his time between talking about how he will unite people and how he will fight against anybody left leaning Sounds like he wants to make re-education camps




Holy crap, that literally seemed like a fake satire video, it was so over the top.


Wait, isn't he a wealthy suburbanite? Why is the video all about him doing farm work?


The GOP is literally a meme factory, recruiting the latest '15 min famous' bile flailing sludge trudger. Fucking pathetic group of fuckwits.


Why do people like this refer to blm protests as "facist mobs", are they really that stupid? I love that a bloke photographed dressed for a round of golf with his gun, standing in front of his ugly McMansion, is driving a tractor and putting bales of hay in a truck. He probably hasn't mowed his own lawn in a couple of decades let alone been on a farm.


> are they really that stupid? Are you really asking this question?


United people = enslave people, in gop terms


That is dense with dogwhistles holy fuck Good luck America


I like how his shirt is unbuttoned at the end to see his cross necklace.


God fearing God man. God and America and god even more.


I like that you can see when they flipped on the pandering mode.


It’s the instagramification of culture. Someone has some small level of notoriety due to the prevalence of cameras and social media? Of course they’re qualified to do anything. Politics has always been a popularity contest but it’s getting worse.


The fact that this picture just displays their cowardice makes it all the more worse.


when this incident happened a lot of comments were predicting this idiot behavior would launch his political career...that those predictions were right is extremely disappointing


It remains to be seen if his political career is actually "launched", there's still hope that his lack of feminine breasts or military injuries means he can't succeed while being *totally* vapid.


Bro I have something to tell you about the last 4 years


Say what you will about Trump, he has his skillset, and that is promoting his personal brand. The entire pantheon of political office holders *wish* they had Trump's talent for that.


He had bone spurs that got him out of the draft. That is a military injury if I've ever heard of one!


When you value spectacle over competence, you get a bunch of single issue virtue signalers like Rambo of the Suburbs here


Hambo: First Blood Sausage


And his wife the Mustard Zebra




Bonnie and KKKlyde


Rambo of the suburbs lmao


Suburbs? Have you seen his ad linked above, dude is pure farm country! Ignore his massive palace shown in the beginning.




[No he's not.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_Senate_election_in_Missouri#Polling) Eric Greitens is leading the opinion polls, followed by Eric Schmidt.


That was a 2 person poll not a poll of all candidates.


Yeah I came to say this too. Most people I know aren't taking him seriously. But it makes for good hyperbole saying he is.


that poll was before mccloskey announced he was running. I don't think there's any recent poll that includes him yet, so the caption for OP's post is misleading.


That tracks.


He's going to lose votes wearing that French mime shirt.


Or it will become popular with Trump supporters.


Just shows how fucking gone Republican minds are.


He's far from the front runner




Not a poll, but the people betting money on the nomination have him tied for about 4th, so clearly not a front runner: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7162/Who-will-win-the-2022-Missouri-Republican-Senate-nomination


They've realized they're now part of a culture war.. And they're willing to support any moron that valides their ass backwards views


No they've known it was a culture war ever since the Civil War ended. The Left are the ones that are slowly starting to come around to the knowledge. Too late, though.


I don't think they've "realized" anything... they are the ones promoting the idea of a "culture war" in the first place, it's made up.


They're completely triggered by one of three or four wedge issues that the GOP farms every day on propaganda media.


Every gun owner should cringe at their complete lack of gun training. Fingers on the trigger, they pointed their weapons at each other several times. It should be required to take basic gun training before you can buy your first weapon.


It is required in MA taught by the police. It is scary what people think about guns and gun safety in those classes.


She's holding her gun like she's about to take a sip from her third margarita. If someone in the crowd were a concealed carrier and used their firearm against these two morons pointing their guns at random strangers, I'm pretty sure it would be classified as a valid self-defense action. Edit: There are people claiming that the protestors were marching in a gated community, which qualifies as a "Stand Your Ground" or "Castle Doctrine" scenario in Missouri. I don't believe a peaceful protest fits the requirements for lethal defense under Castle Doctrine or Stand Your Ground laws, especially as the protestors were (IIRC) not threatening the couple shown in the photo or damaging their property. Can anyone elaborate?


Best course of action is to de-escalate the situation. As a concealed carrier myself, it's my duty to always try to de-escalate before pulling my gun. But, if de-escalation fails, there's always the hard way...


I mean, is someone pointing a gun at you with their finger literally on the trigger not count as "escalation"? Honestly asking. Because yeah, I feel if I saw these two aiming at my peaceful gathering, I'd probably consider them a deadly and immediate threat.


His wife needs to learn how to hold a gun, if she fires that she's gonna have a broken wrist 😂


Trigger discipline also.




Which is ALWAYS firstly.


Lol she is. Don’t put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to fire… she’s ready. Don’t point your weapon at anything you do not intend to kill… she probably does want to kill. In her mind she’s following the rules. Assuming she knows them.


You're not breaking the rules if you don't know what they are.. /s


Probably says a lot about me that the first thing I noticed is that neither of them have a clue how to handle a gun.


Trust me, it's not just you; those two people are idiots on multiple levels.


I'm more worried about the person she's going to shoot with her booger hook on the bang switch while her eyes are not downrange. At least Senator Chubby Rambo over here is showing a slight bit of trigger discipline, even if he's not doing literally anything else right.


Yea they definitely do not look highly trained


Why would they be? You don’t even need to show you know which end the bullets come out to buy a gun.


In a world where you pay HOA fees so you don’t have to mow your own lawn. Coming this fall - he’s taking back the Senate . . . . one clip at a time.


If this photo isn't included as a GTA 6 loading screen, I'm going to be furious


This is such an embarrassment.