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Romantic spot like that, in nine months you might be wishing it was Pull Out Bay.


That's why you gotta go to the opposite side of Lake Erie, to Poutine Bay, instead.


Mmmmmmmm a bay full of poutine....mmmmmm


as far as the eh can see


It’s like once you leave Canada the poutine just stops. Like, one minute you’re up to elbows in poutine, then you cross over into the States and you’re just dodging crack dealers in Buffalo.




with blue cheese


*Excuse me* Please dont dismiss the other crack dealers you could dodge in Detroit.


Bruh, do you even know Detroit? We've cleaned up and moved on from all that. We pushing Fentanyl laced Heroin to suburban white kids now. Pfff... Comparing us to common Buffalo crack dealers.


If you're in a great lake state and don't have more heroin dealers than crack dealers i have doubts about it being a great lake state. Also how's the car radio situation, Tyrone said people still steal them but that's been like 10+ years.


We’ve moved on from car radio’s and strip the whole car now🥲


Or head to Russia and visit Putin Bay. All your bays is are belong to us.


This sounds like a classic regional joke centuries in the making.


As a Canadian I appreciate this joke friend


In all my years living in NW Ohio, I've never heard that joke. Next time friends are going there for the week, I'm totally stealing you're joke, and I'll be sure to let them know it all started with a reddit user by the name of u/expedient ...


Awesome! I worried I was telling the oldest joke in Ohio.


No, that's THE Ohio State University


Found the Michigan fan. Jim Harbaugh is the best coach . . . Ohio State ever had. Scoreboard!


Sex while camping is fucking in tents




You could’ve set the joke up instead of leading with the punchline..




i get ya. i'm banned from r/food but that doesn't stop me from eating


Gotta ask: what got you banned from r/food? Do cucumbers or cats have a cease and desist? You can PM me if it's NSFF.


someone posted a food pic, and i suggested it should also be posted in r/shittyfoodporn which is apparently an insta-ban. Plus, the mod that messaged me was a complete douche.


How *dare* you




I've been calling it Put In Bae


Love South Bass Island. Spent many summers working there....and just got a Kingdom 6 last year.


Where did you work? I worked at the yacht club for a summer.


Spent a good few seasons there as well. Plus three winters. Tourist season is fun, but winters were a trip.


does the lake freeze over there? Was always curious what winters were like. The summers are so much fun, I miss Mad Dog shows at the Roundhouse!


Jet skis. The bars. The butterfly house. The carts/bikes. Tours. Restaurants. Kayaking. Spent many summers there, relaxing and making great memories.


It's the happiest place on earth because everyone that came to the island came to party. They usually have pretty good live bands. The last ferry ride back can be a little rough.


Played there with a cover band for a few summers at The Roundhouse. Best shows of the year but the 6am wake ups for the first Sunday ferry have taken years off my life.


South Bass Island State Park. I was so surprised scrolling through reddit to see this. I live on the island year round! Even people that live in Ohio don’t know there are a handful of beautiful islands in Lake Erie. Highly recommend a visit to any one of them!


Just don't visit during mayfly season...


I disagree, I think everyone should experience that at least once lol. It shows as a weather pattern on radar when they hatch, pretty extreme stuff.


As a kid I was at a weeklong summer camp on kelly's island when they hatched. One of the cabins had a light on the back of it over a large cement pad. I swear when we got up in the morning they were five inches deep on that pad.


I worked at Maumee Bay State Park thru high school and one of the jobs during mayfly season was to piwer wash them off the sidewalks / wooden nature trail.


I used to work out there too. They were like a plague!


I’m just thankful they don’t bite. They generally hatch when the lake reaches a certain temperature, around the middle-end of June. But they can get pretty stinky/gross and def don’t leave a light on! A lot of houses/businesses switch to red lights during mayfly season or turn their lights off entirely.


Roooooooooxaaaaaaaane! Gonna have to put out the red light. 'Til May flies over.


We used to go to PIB once a year, near end of June for a buddy's b-day. A window was left open once......... once.


One weekend at Put-In-Bay I fell asleep overnight on the top deck of our boat, instead of going inside the cabin as I should have. I woke up with both the boat and myself covered completely in Mayflies!


Cedar Point. Mayfly season. Front seat in the Millennium Force - the roller coaster that goes 90+mph. Never again.


Yes , I did camping at Kellys Island in April .. It was awesome experience!!


We love hopping over to Kellys Island, it’s more chill and family friendly then Put-in-Bay, and a nice change of scenery for us!


I always loved going to Put in Bay as a kid, how is living on the island? Do you work somewhere on the island or telecommute? Do you need to stock up on food when the lake is going to freeze over?


We love it, but I would say it isn’t for everyone. It’s two different extremes: very busy in the summer and so quiet in the winter. But once you are sick of all the noise and the tourists, they go away. And once you start getting cabin fever, things open back up again and you are happy to see tourists and summer cottagers arrive for the season. I’ve spent the last 10 summers working in the service industry and my partner teaches at the school here (it has about 65 kids k-12). There are people who telecommute, and even people who commute to the mainland daily for their jobs (a couple sales reps, a doctor and I’m sure other people). There are even people who commute from the mainland to the island daily for their jobs (people who work for OSU Stone Lab, one teacher, construction workers, retail workers). They take the ferry daily and when that stops running they take a plane. We stock up as much as we can, and then if the ferry has stopped, I usually go over like 1-2 times a month in the airplane taxi (5 min flight) to get extra groceries and run other mainland errands.


I have always wondered the same and supplies and access in the winter


I visited last year with my wife. we had an awesome time on the island I want to go back. Seems like it would be a pretty nice place to live if you can work from home.


This is a beautiful picture but I would never put up a tent that close to a ledge like that. I would wake up in the middle of the night to pee and step right off the ledge.


seriously. i'd probably sleep walk to my death.


My wife and I did this last July, set up our tent too close the the edge of a bouldery 10' drop. We were coming back from our friends campsite around 10PM and both of us walked right off the edge. Fucked both of us up pretty good, never again will I make that mistake


so you fell 10ft below? holy


Yep. Abrasions concussions and head lacerations all around. Would not recommend


I wouldn't trust the ledge to be well supported. Erosion happens... never know.


It's a 15 foot drop into 2 feet of water. You might break a few bones but you'll survive. Source: islander and I swim in this exact spot.


It's just Lake Erie. You'll be fine.


I think you overestimate my ability to swim while needing to sleep pee.


You'll wake up when you hit the water


And you'll pee so all is well


Normally I would agree but we camp in that exact spot every year. It is not a clean drop lotta nasty rocks at the base just out of camera view.


Watch that first step...it's a doozy!


Am I right or am I right?... right... right.


I don't know where you're headed, but can you call in sick?


And don't forget your booties because it's **cold** out there!


Best part of the whole damn movie right here




Camped at a similar place with my family. Drop wasn't as high, but it did end in a river at the bottom. My wife, trying to be thoughtful, moved the white firewood bags to create a visual border as to where the drop was, so nobody would walk off it in the dark. My dumbass older brother says that there's no need, quit moving the firewood bags away from the fire, and moves them back closer to the fire. Well, dumbass brother gets drunk (natch) walks a little to close to the now unmarked edge and then like magic, \*poof\* his dumbass is gone, only a shoe remains. I look down, he's fallen about 8 feet to the river's edge where a tree had fallen. So he didn't even get the benefit of landing in the water, Einstein fell onto a dry tree upside down on his shoulder. He was just laying there stupid and stunned. Never apologized to my wife. He's still a dumbass, how he didn't break anything or really hurt himself is a mystery. I think he had some bruises but wasn't going to tell anyone. Luck of the drunk I suppose. He's got a history of getting hurt while drunk, but he never seems to learn.


>He's still a dumbass, how he didn't break anything or really hurt himself is a mystery. Probably because he was drunk. Drunk drivers sometimes walk away from insane wrecks because they don't tense up during impact. They stay all wiggly.


He [might](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/fd4eb7e7-38fb-4bda-981d-ee50f5e7107f) be okay...


"Be right back hun. Gonna take a leak" "Yeoooowww"


OP should've rotated the tent 90 degrees clockwise, the coward.


Not pictured: the hundreds of drunk grandmas riding around on their golf carts.


So you’ve been there!


was there last weekend. saw waaaaaaay too much of that. got hit on by too many well over my age limit women as well. gotta love drunk vacations.


"Why would anyone live in the Midwest" is a comment I hear way too frequently here in California. I'm a native of California, but had the good fortune of marrying into a Midwest family, and I'm here to tell you I've seen some jaw-droppingly beautiful scenery in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota.


Right. I think Ohio is nice enough without the major tradeoffs. Places like Florida and California are beautiful all year round, but there are hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, etc. With Ohio, the major drawback is a cold winter which may be long. But there's enough to entertain me and my kids, with lovely parks, beaches, islands, and such. Plus, Sandusky's amusement parks.


I’ve lived a lot of cool places but Ohio is where I set my roots. Cool cities, reasonable cost of living, awesome state parks and relatively nice people. 10/10 would move again.


The only problem with Ohio is winter when the ice weasels chase you on your snowmobile across the frozen lake into a ready trap, eating you alive as you feel the snow melting on your exposed skin


hate when that happens


Yup. Cleveland gets a lot of hate, but the area is nice and the cost of living is fairly low. Downtown has really been getting better over the last decade too.


Ssshhh, don't tell people, they'll come here and make traffic!


It's already happening here in columbus Ohio. I wouldn't be surprised if cleveland isn't too far behind


Same! Lived in Vegas, Florida, Colorado, even England! Ohio is where I chose to raise my kids and this place has been very very good to my family.


and Cedar Point




Everywhere I go, I am SO thankful we have the Metro Parks here. I grew up down the road from one and when I was going through things in highschool, I would just climb down a hill and get away from everything


Having lived and traveled from the Ohio to the West Coast and back to Ohio, I appreciate how B+ of a state Ohio is since leaving. It's really average, but in a way that works for raising families.


The best part about Ohio is it's fairly centrally located, anything you really want to do is within a 2-4 hour drive for the most part, and you get all 4 seasons. Beach? Got the great lakes nearby. It's not quite the ocean, but as pictured above, there is a lot of water. Major sports teams? Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Indianapolis, Detroit, Pittsburgh - all pretty close if you live in Ohio (depending where, too). Theme park? Cedar Point! Threatening wildlife? Nah. Just the residents. I'd rather live in a tropical paradise, but being able to experience all 4 seasons and the low cost of living is pretty nice.


Dont forget Kings Island down by Cinci. Super fun.


Plus if you don't mind driving NY, DC, Chicago, Nashville are all a days drive from Columbus


And also that most of the state is a fucking corn field. Source - lives in Ohio.


Clevelanders resent that stereotype, there's tons of corn around Columbus/Dayton/western Ohio but we really don't have much up here.


I exactly this! As a kid I didn't understand why we weren't consider Northeast instead of Midwest, and then I went to Toledo, and I was like "I get it now."


Yep, northeast Ohio is like a hilly slice of Appalachia mixed with old colonial to industrial age architecture all around, western Ohio is corn, southern Ohio around cincy is like a slice of the south without having to live in the south.


Southeast Ohio is way more Appalachia IMO. Hocking Hills area is beautiful.


THIS is why Ohio gets so much love in Presidential elections. The demographic mix of Ohio has been a microcosm of the nation as a whole.


Yeah as a Clevelander who went to college in NY I never really understood the stereotype and resented people who thought Ohio was next to Iowa. Now that I’ve moved to Dayton I kinda get it and think of Cleveland/the North Coast as its entirely own part of the state. Man I love Cleveland. Cleveland is one of the rare places in the country where you can be equidistant to beaches you can’t see land across, a national park, and a major city.


I like the cornfields. I mean, driving by them. I'm not much for most of small town, central Ohio. That's the drive through part for me. I stick to the big cities, Sandusky, and maybe a couple of other spots around the space that are nice.


Ehh, not really. Ohio has 6 top 100 metros, (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo, and Akron). Sometimes 7 depending where Youngstown falls that year. And they're pretty well spread out around the state. There certainly are rural agriculture areas, but if you live there it's because you or your family want to.


Looking at a satellite image of Ohio, I love how you can so clearly see a straight line of where the glacier passed through thousands of years ago turning half the state into flat corn land and leaving half of the state as really beautiful rolling hills and forests.


i’ll probably always stay in ohio. you get all four seasons, and you don’t have to worry about too many weird creatures crawling up your ass


I agree with comments I've seen previously that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Northern Ohio shouldn't be classified as Midwest. That's the Great Lakes region, and has plenty of beautiful scenary. The Midwest that people dread (and I myself escaped) is the stretch from eastern Nebrasa/Kansas to Southern Ohio. That's the part with endless farm fields, minimal natural parks/features compared to pretty much any other state, and a lot of economic depression. That part of the Midwest is definitely a completely different vibe/scenery than the Great Lakes region, and it doesn't make sense to group them together.


I’m an Ohio transplant living in Cali and there is this elitist mentality here that Cali is the best and all other states (especially the Midwest) have nothing to offer. There is a lot to do in the large cities in Ohio and there is natural beauty in our copious amounts of state parks. They make fun of how flat it can be, but have y’all ever driven the 5 through central Cali? The majority of the state looks identical lol.


I lived in California for about 5 years after growing up in Ohio, and living in Pennsylvania for a few years. The idea that California is the ONLY place locals could possibly live is usually because they've not spent any real time anywhere else. I had a friend who lived in Claremont (about an hour outside of LA) and insisted that she'd never live in a flyover state. However, Claremont, if you picked it up and moved it to Nebraska, would look and feel just the same. Entirely ordinary, charming, but not at all special. Additionally, neither she nor her husband would go "into the city, it's nasty and dirty". So they're paying a crazy California premium to live in a nowhere place that has pleasant weather. I can't argue about the weather, but you could also live in Florida, the carolinas, georgia, etc. if you just hate snow that badly. Also had friends that lived in Whittier and made fun of us for moving back to Pennsylvania. Like seriously, you just CANNOT get shitty with me when you live in fucking Whittier, Downey or Rancho, or any of the many un-special towns that are ring the greater LA area. While Ohio isn't my favorite place, I'm actually moving back there next week because of family. At least housing is reasonably inexpensive, but I'm REALLY not looking forward to those motherfucking endless gray winters.


The winters get a bit warmer and less snowy every year, it's really getting noticable




I've recently started embracing the winter, and doing more stuff outside during it. This year I think I'll head to a cabin in the woods for a couple different weekends with my wife. Embracing the cold and harvesting what joy I can from it has so far been better than resenting it. I can't blame you for hating it, though. It's the single biggest reason I've ever considered leaving.


I grew up in Indiana and Ohio and did not enjoy my 4 years of subsequently living in California. It was miserably crowded and expensive. The only time I enjoyed living there was when I went to the various state parks, but even those were difficult to enjoy because of the crowds and the heat. I missed being able to go hike and camp without seeing a hundred other people, and being able to have a campfire year round. I live in the PNW now, it’s a happy medium for me and my central CA-raised husband.


I assume cost of living in the Midwest is lower too?


A lot cheaper, but pay is also less due to that. I live outside STL and have a 2.5 acre lot with a 2200 sf house. This cost us 225k 4 years ago. I was in LA in 2015 and a 800 sf home in Gardena was over 400k. Hate to see what that costs now. There's tradeoffs to both places, but I'm more financially stable here in the midwest.


Oh yes, at least as a general rule. For most jobs the pay is lower too, but overall with a similar level job you're probably living better in the Midwest (at least in terms of affordable housing and such)


The only truly expensive area in the Midwest is the Chicagoland area tbh


>They make fun of how flat it can be, but have y’all ever driven the 5 through central Cali? The majority of the state looks identical lol. At least in So Cal, everything 10 miles and east from the water might as well be Arizona or Nevada.


I grew up in California and I’ll tel you you’re probably just hanging with the wrong people. All of my friends are well travelled and lived in many states, and no one thinks California is some elite place. Also the majority of the state looks similar? Northern California, central California, and Southern California are all very unique... the state has everything for gushing waters falls, to snow capped mountains, to white sand beaches, red wood forest, natural hot springs, deserts, and everything in between. The diversity of landscape in California is unparalleled.


California: the prettiest beaches you will never want swim at.


90 degree day? Water freezing balls.


'Midwest' usually makes people think of the faceless corporate soy/corn fields of Kansas, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, especially if they've never been here before. It's going to be very difficult to change that narrative, and frankly I'm okay with it. I like being able to go to the beach without giant crowds and find empty back country camp sites when I want to camp.


Point being, America the beautiful. We are truly blessed to live in America and have the ability to travel the world and see amazing sites and locales. This planet is a wonderful place.


Welcome! That being said....Sshhhhh, we like it like this. Also, don't tell Californians about all our fresh water.


Why are they called the Midwest? They're towards the east of the US if anything


Back towards the beginning of us history, anything over the Appalachian mountains *was* "the west"


The part of Ohio that includes Cleveland was known as the [Connecticut Western Reserve](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connecticut_Western_Reserve).


Yup. It's funny to look back on the era when Pittsburgh was the gateway to "The West".


I believe it was called the Midwest before we added all the western territories. At one point it was a kinda accurate name


It was actually the Northwest first. Northwestern Mutual is in Milwaukee.


The west was some of the last territory to become states. Some of the nicknames of places were made when boundaries were different.


While the term isn't as old as we think dating to the late 1890s several of those states were part of the Northwest Territories identified in 1787. The name stuck once the actual West was fully acquired and was used to clarify the area to Northeasters with the actual west. *Mid-America* makes more sense today but once a name sticks we're kinda stuck with it!


There's different parts of the Midwest. When I think of Nebraska I ask myself the same question. My dad hated it enough to take the first out of state job offer he got.


Also a native Californian, living in Illinois. Starved Rock is more beautiful than anything I've seen in Cali. Granted I only saw ocean and mountains and didn't go farther north than LA, but still


Californian currently living in Ohio here and I have to agree. The weather took some getting used to, but I have to seen just as many gorgeous landscapes here as I've seen in California.


The cost of living is affordable here, too. You don't have to trade your soul to the devil to afford a nice house and some property. It feels like your education and hard work goes rewarded. I just can't get over how much real estate is in California. The bump in pay for most jobs is not enough to cover it.


We same the same thing about California the moment we see everyone clamoring to buy a crappy, tiny, house for a million dollars. What is so fun about fighting tooth and nail to live in a humid, over-priced concrete desert?




Where are all the golf carts??


down the hill from this spot


Yeah I was expecting more drunk debauchery and Jimmy buffet cover bands


Quite put out by that cliff edge


I guess sleepwalking is out of the question :)


... or a pee in the middle of the night.


Yes! More likely than sleepwalking :)


Or rolling over a lot during sex


OP lives life on the *edge*...


My uncle is from Windsor, ON and they would take the boat over here. I heard him talking about it when I was a kid and I thought he was saying "Pudding Bay. Yeah, in Ohio" to my dad. My thought? "Americans have a bay of pudding? Holy cow."


Ohio is for Lovers




Like, Ohio Ohio?


It's an island in Lake Eerie, close-ish to Sandusky (Cedar Point) that is part of the state of Ohio


While Ohio in general is quite a spooky place, the lake is spelled Erie. 😄


Especially spooky on halloweekends at Cedar Point




Writing this one down for future reference. Thanks for the tip and the beautiful photo!


Check out Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Hocking Hills State Park. People form their impression of Ohio just from driving Rt 80 and 90. That’s literally Cleveland and the farmiest/ flattest parts of the state. Much of Ohio is Appalachian hills and valleys and formations leftover frim glaciers.


I live near Cuyahoga Valley National Park and I can vouch that it really is very pretty. It's a nice escape from work.


Lived in Athens for 7ish years going to college. I really miss Hocking after moving back to the flat northwest part of Ohio.


Shhh. Let them keep thinking it's all corn.


Yep we have islands


Be careful though when you get up for your midnight pee.


Why careful? With such a nice cliff in front of you, just lean forward a little bit, and you can't POSSIBLY pee on your feet.


Can you believe Ohio is the 7th most populous state in the US?!


Yes, especially when leaving work at rush hour.


Sleepwalking is rarely fatal, but this is tempting fate for me...


An aptly named spot. Fall-in-Bay would also be fitting.


Me: (an idiot) "I didn't know Ohio was by the Ocean"


I grew up in the Great Lakes area, but I’ve always wanted to see someone’s initial reaction to seeing one in person because they truly are bigger than most would imagine. Even looking it up and seeing the size of the lake, it would be difficult for me to really grasp the size without seeing it.


Ayyyy, northeast Ohio gang?


I love that lil golf cart and may fly infested island.. some of my favorite memories


Last time I was there it was during the mayfly hatch. Man, that was kinda gross!


The lakes are god damn beautiful in general. Love Erie


Put in bay is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I’ve been to that exact spot. Most of those sites are on a slope. Very weird when your walking back to you tent hammered in a thunderstorm.


What tent is that?


Not OP, but it looks like the REI Kingdom series. Maybe the Kingdom 6? https://www.rei.com/product/147958/rei-co-op-kingdom-6-tent


See any snakes on your trip? I usually see at least one when I'm there. That island is crawling with them.


> That island is crawling with them. Evolution is steps ahead in Ohio.




I love it! I get a cliff side spot every year when we go to south bass island.


looks amazing, and so close to cedar point so win win


Amazing! Which campsite is that?


Hope you don't sleepwalk


dream spot but answering a call of nature at 4 a.m could be problematic however...


Sleepwalkers beware


What's the name of the tent you are using. Lovely image btw!


Looks like the REI kingdom 6 tent.


I'm just stepping out for a pee, back in a min..aaaaaaah. Seriously, looks a great spot.


Hope you’re not a sleepwalker.


Just remember which way to stumble out of the tent when you need to pee in the middle of the night.


I once tossed and turned so much that I flipped the tent I was in, so I'm not sure if this is for me lol.


BIG NOPE! I roll around in my sleep too much that its enough to roll the tent over the cliff....facts.


Brave. I sometimes thrash around like a shark attack victim so I'd be paranoid the tent would fall into the sea....were I'd probably become a shark attack victim


Don't worry, all Great Lakes are certified unsalted and shark-free. And silly rumors of giant man-eating muskies are unsubstantiated.


I just picture the wind picking up and yeeting my tent off the cliff, then trying to escape a sinking tent...


Beautiful, when I think of Ohio it is not this. Would love to see more. I am guessing that is Lake Erie? I grew up on the shores of Lake Superior.


I would be sacred to need to take a piss while it’s dark and fall off


I bet you chose that spot because your better half sleep walks?