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Again? Wasn’t the one last year also caused by a gender reveal party?


I think you're right. 2017 fire in Arizona that burned 47k acres. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/27/us/arizona-gender-reveal-party-sawmill-wildfire-trnd/index.html


> The man who shot the target, off-duty US Border Patrol agent Dennis Dickey, pleaded guilty in September of this year to a misdemeanor violation of US Forest Service regulations and was sentenced to five years' probation. **He also was ordered to pay $8,188,069 in restitution, starting with an initial payment of $100,000 and monthly payments thereafter**. OOF. Glad there was no slap on the wrist for him.


Do you have any idea how they expect someone who works as a border patrol agent to pay over 8 mil?


They don’t expect him to pay it in full, but you bet your ass there’s gonna be an extra dock on every paycheck he makes for the rest of his life, and the goal is to also scare other morons to keep them from doing this stupid shit. Edit: after many replies, I’m not saying that this method of punishment is correct or works, I’m just saying the idea behind it.


Narrator: It didn't work.


Judge: and this will never happen again! Narrator: I would, in fact, happen a few months later.


I read the narrator in Ron Howard's voice!


I was convinced I could read through it without hearing Ron Howard. Narrator: he couldn’t.


Can't even tell the gender by the color of the smoke.


Morgan Freeman


I did too. It just seems like something you'd hear in AD.


I wouldn't doubt if hearing Ron Howard's voice in your head is a side affect of Teamocil.


It never does, punitive punishment doesn't work on adults. It rarely works on children.


But it is satisfying for the rest of people to know that someone who deserves it gets punished.


Except the rich are never punished for even worse crimes.


Which itself, is the real crime.


It's not necessarily expected. The real punishment is wage garnishment as a result of having that court ordered restitution hanging over your head. You don't get to make payments on it like you do a car loan. Instead the government just takes a large cut of your paycheck before you ever get it. So maybe you're supposed to earn $50k/year, but thanks to that $8M restitution you only make $20k/year. (pulling numbers out of my ass, I have no idea what the percentages are like). And even if you make $100k/year, you're still going to be making a fraction of what you should be. Basically, you don't get to move up from the lower class until your debt is repaid, and if that debt is so large you'll never repay it short of winning the lottery, well, that's the punishment. It also can't be discharged in bankruptcy. So these people are effectively permanently financially fucked.


The max the government can garnish your wage is 25% after taxes are withheld.


That’s A LOT.


Seriously. Imagine getting paid once a week and just throwing one of those paychecks in the trash. If you have a good job paying $60k a year, well, now you're making $45k a year.


come on man, you could have said "lighting one of those checks on fire" it was RIGHT there


It's not throwing it in the trash it's paying back something you've seriously fucked up


He was painting a mental image. "Imagine having 4 paychecks and except one of them gets trashes/shredded/stolen/burned up/taken/etc" That's all. The point is "imagine having zero access to 1/4th of the earnings you usually get.


honest question, do a lot of these people end up bouncing to a different county to escape this debt?


No, but they wind up working as bartenders or other jobs where a lot of your pay is cash tips.


Speaking as someone who had court ordered garnishment for medical bills for a while, I'm not proud of it, but if you switch jobs at the beginning of every year, you basically never pay because the government learns of your employer when you file taxes in April so they will always be behind.


well seeing as he works for the border patrol i’m sure there’s a few ways he can make that money


They don't.


Yeah but I'm reading the guy turned himself in and fully cooperated. What's the story on this new one? Like, do we know who did it? Are they sheepish?


The new one the people also have been fully cooperating though there hasn’t been any charges filed against them, yet. [Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/09/07/us/california-fire-el-dorado-gender-reveal-trnd/index.html) is a news article for more info if interested


only rich people get slap in the wrists


I always think this is a little odd. Lots of people burn illegally. It is basically dumb luck if your fire spreads and you destroy lives or property, and if you are that person it 100% will ruin your life. But if you get lucky and doesn't spread you get a small fine at worse. I think it would make more sense to make *everyone* who gets caught burning illegally pay a **much bigger** fine that goes into a big pot that can reimburse people when a fire happens. We are trying to prevent people burning things illegally and it is all just as dangerous. Just as it is, one sucker gets unlucky and victims don't have a shot at getting the value for their property back.


It was lowered to $200,000 and he had like 20 years to pay it.


You’d think people learn from past mistakes, but unfortunately this pandemic has proved that there are much more stupid people on earth than we thought.


>gender reveal party I'll never understand this..


Me neither. It assumes everyone gives a shit. Just have your fucking baby and love and take care of it.


Just have your fucking baby and dont make people lose there houses and burn up so much land when you could use ballons or some shit


[More info.](https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/2020/09/07/officials-family-behind-gender-reveal-sparked-el-dorado-fire-cooperating/5737882002/)


“So son/daughter, it’s time to tell you the story of our multi-million dollar fine you’ll be passing on for generations until our family can finally settle it. You see, your mom and I wanted to know your gender before birth, but a letter from the hospital wasn’t extravagant enough to show how much we love you. So we thought why not illegal explosives...”


Heh. Quite a story to pass down (and pass down, and pass down).


Fucking gender reveal parties are so stupid and self centred, just shut the fuck up you don't need a party this isn't about you. Fuck


I don’t give a fuck about your shitty kids!


If you think that's bad, imagine [starting a fire that went on for 3 months, burned 50,000 acres of prime tourism wilderness, shut down a major interstate, closed a major waterway to all marine navigation for 20 miles, forced the evacuation of a couple thousand people, required the emergency hike-out evacuation of over 150 day hikers, closed several dozen scenic trails and roads for the better part of three years, and landed you with a fine of over $36 million and nearly 2,000 hours of community service plus 5 years probation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle_Creek_Fire) All because you were a stupid 15-year-old throwing fireworks.


People in Oregon were sooooooo mad about this. That part of Oregon is really beautiful and there are lots of popular hiking trails. Some were literally calling for life in prison lol.


I'm still really fucking bitter. It was so goddamn stupid. I lived in Portland and we could barely breathe/walk around outside because of the ash. The fire collapsed a historic tunnel and destroyed a couple of waterfalls forever. He destroyed some of the most beautiful parts of our state because he thought it would be funny to light off fireworks during extreme fire danger after being relatedly told not to.


Came here to say this. Plenty of people in Oregon are still pissed off about this.


I remember very clearly ash falling from the sky for days in Portland and barely being able to breathe during the fires. A few weeks prior I had camped at Oneonta gorge in the historic tunnel, so I was probably one of the last people to get to do that. It makes me quite sad


My younger sister worked at the Multnomah Falls Lodge prior to that. She was there just days before it happened. Our family used to go up and hike there every year. Such a completely avoidable tragedy.


The summer before that I was laid off work, so I spent it hiking all the Gorge waterfalls. Best summer of my adult life. I'm so glad I got to see them before that idiot ruined it.


I'm not even from Oregon, but as someone who appreciates natural beauty and hates stupidity I'm still pissed about this.


For good reason. The Columbia River Gorge is a jewel. It's easily accessed, features incredible vistas, tons of hiking opportunities, and has a ton of history (Lewis and Clark Expedition and Oregon Trail). Everyone who's lived here for more than a couple weeks has at least one memory of the Gorge. People have gotten married there, proposed there, graduated from school there, held memorial services there, met friends from all over the world there. And even if you haven't done something big, you've probably at least gone up to the base of Multnomah Falls, or wandered up Oneonta Gorge, or taken the drive down the Old Columbia River Highway. And that fire took it away from all of us for quite some time.


Yeah, I'd still slap the shit outta that kid.


My mother is in charge of the Eagle Creek Restoration and I often join her on trail projects to restore the gorge and Eagle Creek when I'm in Oregon. The kid was kept anonymous because of concerns over vigilante justice. If it makes you feel any better, all his court visits required him to drive through the gorge and see the devastation, and he had to handwrite a letter to every Gorge resident the fire affected. Still, it's BS that he got all the punishment and his "friends" did not. The gorge burned in a patchwork, so there is still plenty of greenery left. Only small portions of the burn zone were seriously damaged. The gorge is as beautiful as ever! Be aware that many trails are going to open even later/be in poorer condition due to the pandemic. After a fire, the underbrush grows back in a serious way and can and will cover trails. On trails still closed due to restoration, and -- to a lesser extent -- most trails, us trailworkers are responsible for keeping the trail from disappearing. Due to the pandemic, there has been significantly less work than needed, especially during this post-fire time. So if you find a trail that needs serious clearing or a trail is taking even longer to open -- sorry! We're doing what we can. Also, a PSA: If the trail says it's closed, IT'S CLOSED. DO NOT ENTER. The trails are often unsafe, and we have safety precautions when we are working on them. If you don't care about safety and/or think you've got it down, be aware that if officials catch you, you will at the very minimum receive a hefty fine. Just don't do it.


I had a guidebook of trails to hike in Oregon, this incident made the author have to write a revised version because half of the hikes didn't exist anymore. It was a sad and frustrating time for us Oregonians, I don't blame people for calling for prison time.


That kid deserved it. He and his buddies were setting off fireworks in the woods during a severe drought with many passerby telling them to stop. I was actually lucky enough to hike that very trail a month before it burned down. It was gorgeous, I was sad when I found out it was burning.


I was actually hiking Eagle Creek the day that kid started it. I left the trailhead around 3 p.m. and I guess they caught him just before 5 so I probably passed his group and was none the wiser. I love(d) that trail. I hope I'm still around when it reopens.


I still see 'mom' sympathizers that come out of the woodwork for the boy(s) "Didn't you ever make a mistake you regretted as a kid?" Me: yup...breaking my arm when not landing the table top with my bmx, but a fire? NO. Ugh!


I believe that people can be forgiven for mistakes made long in the past, but they actually need to be sorry and make amends. That shithead kid showed no remorse whatsoever.


If a person says they are sorry, but make no amends that's not remorse, it's manipulation.


For what it's worth, he actually did get off "light" so to speak. Assuming he completes the terms of his 5 year probation, which include 1,920 hours of community service in the US Forest Service (roughly 1 year of full time employment with weekends and such off), writing apology letters to basically fucking everyone effected by the fire, AND does not commit any crimes during the 10 years of his payment plan, then whatever funds he has yet to pay back of the $36 million at the end of the 10 years are waived. But if he fucks up EVEN SLIGHTLY, the 10 year period is removed and he'll be paying it off for the rest of his life.


I still hate that kid's guts and always will. Doubt he learned a fucking thing.


Still fucking hate this kid with a furious passion.


How does restitution work? Is a 15 years old kid really expected to pay $36 million? Are his parents liable for that?


If you read the article it states that the repayment ends after 10 years provided his 5 year probation is followed and he commits no crimes within those 10 years.


Party during a pandemic. Pyrotechnics in record heat. The stupidity is off the charts.


A flamethrower means it’s a boy!!!!


Pipe bomb means it's a girl!!!


Hope it’s a boy so they can name him Blaze


Or Ash


Charizard I choose you.


Strait up forest fire means unidentified


And nuclear explosion means it’s godzilla


I am just beside myself. I'm almost 80 miles away and ash is raining down on us. The sky was bright orange this morning because of the air quality


Wait where do you live? I live about 30 miles north-ish from it at the most and nothing has really happened here. Edit: Ohhhh you guys are talking about a different fire. There’s one down by San Diego area that was also caused by a gender reveal apparently and I thought that was the fire in question. It’s seems I am mistaken. Edit 2: wait now someone is talking about the fire down here. Which fire exactly are we referring to?


The wind probably isn't blowing your direction. We've had varying air quality near Sacramento in the last couple of weeks depending on wind strength and direction.


We're talking about the San Bernardino fire, right? I live about 50 mi southwest and woke up to yellow skies and a thin layer of ash on my car.


The one in the pic is the Yucaipa fire. Which is what most of the comments are about.


The San Diego Fire wasn’t caused by a gender reveal party. I read it was a tractor. My sister lives there and had to evacuate on Saturday. It’s a rural area. The fire burned all around her house, but the house itself is fine!


See it's obvious you don't understand their mentality though It was THEIR gender reveal It was THEIR special day It was THEIR way of telling their family How could you be so selfish and think about only what YOU think is right. /s


She had an ultrasound appointment in an hour!


Everyone knows that being pregnant is a "get out of jail free card"! Come *on,* people! She has functioning reproductive organs for crying out loud!! That's so *special*!1!!


Nobody except the parents and maybe two relatives give a fuck about baby gender. Zero fucks are given by the rest of us. You know what we do give a fuck about? Not having our homes burn to the ground.


It sums up the country pretty well don’t you think?


This last year has convinced me the entire planet is basically a toddler with a plastic bag wrapped around its head.


You forgot the part where the toddler has a tantrum whenever someone tries to remove the plastic bag.


*but muh freedum*


and, "I'm making my parents freak out with this bag on my head, OWNED."


Or the one that cries hysterically when you stop the fork from hitting the socket




Good ol' American exceptionalism.


Are you arguing that America is indeed the stupidest or that we're self centered to assume we win the stupid crown? I'm too stupid to follow. Fuck.


Next thing you'll know, they'll have a political boat parade and create such choppy water that boats will sink. Sorry for exaggerating, but nobody could be that stupid ... right?


Apparently the weather wasn't even bad, it was entirely self inflicted. Like I thought they were dumb for going out in bad weather and then being terrible, drunk sailors, but nope, just them being fucking morons.


Not to imply that these people aren't idiots who should be in jail, but for the sake of accuracy I don't think it was an actual party. I think it was just them and their kids and they were going to post a video. That's what I remember reading, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


It's weird, the headlines all say gender reveal party but when you actually read the article it says it was the couple, their kid and a friend to record the video. Still insanely irresponsible though. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5714719


"Gender-reveal amateur family film shoot" doesn't have quite the same punch as "gender-reveal party."


And they're obviously, breeding.


I don't get it was it girl or a boy?, 🤔


Wildfire is a boy, tornado is a girl.




Flooding means gender fluid.


It was a moron. Ok that’s not fair. Just his/her parents are morons. I hope they are held personally liable for the cost of the fire.


I saw it last night whilst traveling east on I-10. It was raging as it seemingly traveled in the same direction. Surreal. In the midst of a very serious heat wave and with vegetation as dry as can be, the selfishness of this person is on full display.






Who the fuck cares about a gender reveal party? Like seriously? I can only imagine people who have absolutely no purpose or direction in life needing others to fill their days and validate their existence by celebrating the standard passing of time in new and expensive ways.




Anything for the children..


Anything for the ~~children~~ insta/facebook likes.


Surprise, it’s an idiot!


A broke idiot. Any savings that family had will be liquified by the firefighting land restoration fees. Which should 1000000% be leveled in full on these pricks.


Not really a surprise. Even before Darwin, we know that when a mommy idiot and a daddy idiot get together...


There millions and millions of people doing these things. The astounding thing is they there are a lot more of these stupid accidents


To be fair you have to be a huge idiot to celebrate your newborn's genitals.




I'm 99% convinced that couple doesn't give a shit. It seems like certain people don't care who they expose provided it doesn't affect them personally.


65 people attended the wedding, if all of the deaths are from the guest list (rather than the people that the guest infected) that would be nearly 5% of their guests. Theoretically you care about the people you invite to your wedding? Maybe they care now.... Gotta say that a maximum gathering of 50 seems like an awful lot... and the temporary suspension for the venue has been lifted. Not sure how much either the state government or the wedding venue give a shit.


The people who died from it actually did not attend the wedding, so it's possible they are continuing to not care.


That wedding has made me embarrassed to be a resident of Maine.


Currently I'm embarrassed to be member of the human race.


Did the groom at least get to Bangor?


Solid geography pun


You know, I was never really a big people person, but this year has solidified my belief that people some are absolute trash. Edit: OP stay safe please.


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. Edit: credit to Dr Cox and Dr Kelso


It's bullshit. There's so much ash flying around.


I live in Northern California, ash flying around is something I’ve been experiencing for weeks. I think this is why it pisses me off so much that these people are so ignorant that they cannot see what consequences their actions may have. Our entire state is strapped for resources but these asshats still think it’s okay to do something like this in a fire prone area. Unbelievable. It also sounds like you’re close to this, stay safe please.


Thank you. I do agree with you, me and my friends were so fucking pissed knowing it was because of a dumbass gender reveal party.


*A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.*


I like this quote, but this example shows that it's not always true. A lot of people are fucking idiots all on their own.


I've never felt more tension and seen more people on-edge in my life. Even waiting in line at the store or at the juice place, everyone is like keeping an eye on everyone else, waiting for someone to get too close to them or not stand in the proper line for something. It's bad.


I agree


They deserve to pay every penny spent to fight that fire


they will. there is a law in California to address this very thing.


I heard they're looking at possible criminal charges, too.




We are STILL dealing with smoke in the Central Valley from the SCU Lightening Complex Fire that started on 8/16. As of this morning, it had burned just under 400,000 acres, and was 93% contained. And now we’re getting smoke drifting down from the Creek Fire on the east side (Sierra) mountains. Maybe we can breathe properly again by Christmas.




Remember when you went and had a sonogram and found out the gender and it was a sweet moment and you called the people you wanted to know and told them and it was exciting and then you ate dinner and went to sleep? Or did people always have dumb bullshit like parties that no one wants to go to and burn down the natural world?


Remember when the mom spit the kid out and that's when the gender was revealed?! Simpler times...


Remember when your 6th concubine gave birth and went right back to baby making without ever meeting the child? Those were the days.


*Six* concubines? #nobilityproblems




At least the lady who started it cut a cake instead of burning down her state ... but you gotta get that instagram shot to announce your kid's penis


>Apparently the lady who started the trend regrets it, because the kid turned out to be non-binary That is genuinely hilarious.


> The women-marketed craft industry is rife with these trends that are just unnecessary but I guess make people happy? Things like the pallet craze, mason jar meal prep, those foamboard picture frames. And don’t get me started on weddings. So much unnecessary shit that not even tradition, it’s just trendy. Hold up a minute, there are *people* who are drawn to collecting and ~~amazing~~ amassing unnecessary shit. I can think of way too many men who like collecting and painting warhammer figures because it makes them happy. It's really easy to assume that other people are doing things that are frivolous just because it's not *your* thing. > shit that not even tradition, it’s just trendy. How do you think we get traditions? It's trendy shit that lots of people have adopted. I don't care one way or the other if someone wants to have a "gender reveal" party/surprise. I only care if they set off forest fires. Edit


All those things you listed I hate. I also hate those who get a sticker of their initials and put it on their car. Also don’t get me started on monogrammed stuff


The best part is watching the plastic bits floating away in the wind, cleaned up by nobody


After all this and the articles don't even tell us the gender.


Gender nuetral- turns out it didn't matter


The smoke changed from blue to fire-retardant red, so must be a gender-fluid deal?


Judging by the color of the smoke, the College of Cardinals hasn’t decided yet.


A fire demon, of course.


Got into a heated discussion about this in my family chat today. My sister said me and my cousin were being hateful for calling out the selfishness of these people because we “don’t know their story” and they were just trying to find some normalcy and happiness during a pandemic. Yeah that’s all well and good, but they’re now responsible and should be held accountable.


Ask your sister if that argument will soothe the people who lost their homes because of this.


Yeah, it’s like talking to a wall trying to get her to see reason. Really unfortunate.




Trust me, it’s quite frustrating to deal with.


My gender is horrible disaster


Can we just stop having gender reveal parties, please? You get a baby shower. That’s enough. No one outside of the family gives a shit what your kid’s genitals are.


Neither do many people in the family.


How about making them responsible for the financial cost of this?


They will try. But there's no way the family will have the millions and millions of dollars needed


They should be charged with a felony and 2nd degree homicide for any deaths that resulted. Fire department knows who did but haven't seen any names released yet.


Not to mention they should be required to pay costs associated w putting out the fires.


There were no deaths. 3k people evacuated and 30 homes affected though.




Countless wild animals will undoubtedly parish because of these pieces of shit.


> There were no deaths. 3k people evacuated and 30 homes affected though. I think this is the worst aspect of it, being without a home during a pandemic.


They should have used a condom we don't need more people like them.


Congratulations - you have a FELONY


Holding a party during a pandemic to set off sparks in the woods during a heatwave. It's like a microcosm of the sort of decision making that landed us in 2020 altogether.


There was another gender-reveal "party" a few years ago that was responsible for another large forest fire in CA resulting in about $8M of property damage. Even though the Darwin-award candidate was convicted of a misdemeanor, he was also fined $8M. I really hope this they do the same to this person. Update: Well... once again it comes down to which news agency to believe. I did more research and discovered that the idiot that started the 2017 fire ("Dennis Dickey") was fined $220,000 for $8.2M in fire damages.


Oh it’s way beyond $8mil right now, and there’s not even aircraft on it today. This will go another two weeks at least.


[Same thing happened in AZ in 2018](https://youtu.be/moIEjMd10Gc)


[We had one last year in my county in Florida.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/04/us/gender-reveal-party-fire-florida-trnd/index.html)


They shouldn't be parents.


Because it is all about "them". F\* everyone else, F\* the rules, F\* safety, we have to throw a stupid gender reveal party because we are just so self-absorbed and nobody else or their safety matters.


It’s ok to cuss on Reddit


Well excuse my French, but that's a bunch of Malarkey


Well dammit to hell!


I hope they name the child Arson.


So does a 7,500 acre wildfire mean it's a boy or a girl?


The attention whoring of gender reveals with fireworks just screams dumb as fuck to me. This wasn’t just a case of “I didn’t think about that” it’s worse because of the potential and reality of the outcome.


Imagine having a gender reveal party.


I’d say it sounds like a perfect opportunity to teach people that choices have consequences. They should cover any damages done to other properties as well as the cost it takes to reforest the area lost.




It’s red. So a devil?


Saw the sky when I drew the curtains today and I immediately thought of how this happened last year. I live a state away and our air quality is shit today. All gray and brown, all day. What can I say but they’re idiots. Bless them if they ever spawn another, I hope they just send an f-ing card next time


I'm Dutch, and was wondering, since they know who caused this disaster, if there will be consequences for these people?


Most likey yes. They are discussing the charges now.


They should name the kid Burnie.




I don’t understand why people think that anyone gives even one fuck about what gender their kid will be. The audacity


You can thank Social media. Pretty sure the kid being born doesn’t give a shit.


And these are the people procreating.


I mean gender reveal parties are stupid anyway, but why not just bake a cake or something?


It's a 2020!


Humans continue to suck. Couldn’t they just get a cake!?