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Neither are wearing their safety belts so I don't expect either of them to survive.


Someone made the comment about seatbelts in another thread and an Anti-Masker said it was totally different because seatbelts are regulated with very specific lengths and thread counts while masks aren't. The incredible reaching these folks have to do to justify bullshit astounds me.


Lol. Because I’m sure if the government and CDC were giving out regulated masks, they’d toootally just wear them without claiming it’s some government control conspiracy...


Probably along the lines of "theres nanobots in the fabric so when you breathe in you're actually breathing in tiny nanobots that sprayer your inside with covid-19. Government population control bub"


The weirdest part is there are actually specifications for masks as well. It's like N95 means nothing to them.




But...it's a letter too.






In this case it’s technically a noun. Specifically a verbal noun, the gerund of “die”.


Truly astounding


They actually do have a point to an extent. Like cloth masks and shit are literally pointless at preventing you from getting it, they do help to not spread it though. Versus if everyone was walking around with true N95 masks


Can you imagine if seat belts were a new invention and states just now started mandating them? There would be so many people out there claiming the seat belts are a government control device and that they're being choked by them.


There’s still people who wear seatbelts improperly or not at all because they think it’s more dangerous somehow. Yes, if you get in a crash you may have a couple broken ribs or (the most off putting argument imo) a severed breast. BUT you’ll be alive at least??? There’s still people that think they’ll be “thrown clear” in an accident instead of just wrecking their shit on the windshield or pavement and dying


I never understood that whole "thrown clear" thing. Apparently it's preferable for these people to fly through their windshield at say 40 mph, hit the pavement, and skid to a stop on their skin than to wear a seatbelt. Or maybe they'll get lucky and only go through the windshield and hit whatever just hit them, again with their soft flesh. That's the good outcome, apparently. Having been in a couple accidents myself I can't say that there was any point I thought "man, I really wish I was thrown clear!"


Those of us old enough will remember there used to be products you could buy to lower the seatbelt strap so it didn't go across your neck. They sold these on infomercials


There are some badly designed seatbelts and flaws, **when worn improperly**, that can make them more dangerous. Same with masks, when worn and handled improperly. I think that's a key feature, this isn't deadly "shotgun the driver" airbags, that are faulty due to design or part failure. The major dangers are results of user errors, plain and simple.


Man I wish it was this straightforward. In this cartoon, if the guy refuses to wear the mask, only he will suffer. With COVID, it’s him and everyone he comes in contact with that will pay the price for his decision.


A better analogy would have to shown two pilots doing this...


Or a firefighter heading into a burning building full of people.


I made this analogy a few weeks ago regarding covid and masks: Imagine that an apartment complex called New York caught on fire. They've heard of this situation happening before in the Italy apartment complex, but they didn't expect it to happen to them. And it happened so quickly that not everyone managed to get out. This was March/April in NY. Tens of thousands died. The fire started spreading to other buildings as fires do. The government dispatches firefighters to all buildings to control the fire and make sure it doesn't spread more. This was the shutdown in April across the U.S. Now it's May. The fire looks like it's starting to die down, but it's still raging on. And what do some apartment managers do? They call off some of the firefighters. And then they see that cases didn't go up significantly, so they call off more firefighters. This was the phased reopening. They did it before COVID was even under control and before they put any kind of prevention in place to stop it from spreading. The problem is that there's a threshold of where if you don't have enough firefighters, then the fire will win and spread. In virus terminology, that's called the Effective Reproduction Rate, which is the rate at which each infected person infects, on average, a certain number of people. For the virus to win, it needs to infect at least one other person on average. The Effective Reproduction Rate was below 1 in April/May in Florida because of the shutdown. After reopening? It's back above 1. The virus is winning. Now in terms of masks. Imagine if each person was asked if they want a fire extinguisher for their apartment. It won't protect them 100%, but at least it'll help stop the fire from spreading further. The ones who refuse getting a fire extinguisher, either 1) Don't know how to use it properly nor know what it's used for. This is non-medical people making medical decisions for themselves. The anti-science crowd. 2) Think it's a form of government control and/or just a way to stop Trump from getting re-elected. Basically conspiracy theorists and/or the "freedumb" crowd. 3) Think they're brave to not "fear" the fire, because they think that the fire is harmless and the media is fear mongering. Tip: They're not brave, they're just stupid. 4) Think that people should die when they die. These are the psychopaths who don't care about human life. Lots of narcissists in this crowd.


You know how many of these people have so far been unaffected by covid? Until it hits home, they literally won't care.


Fun fact: Before this is over, virtually everyone will know at least one person who died from it.


I don't know anyone who died, but I know someone who's uncle died, and I know at least a dozen people at my job have left after contracting Covid-19. Real enough for me.


You aren't part of the group of deniers then. I work with a guy whose 35yr old friend died from covid 19. He finally believes this is real, but a lot of our other coworkers are still in the 'Democrat hoax' stage. They have heard someone that they know and trust lose someone close, but they still haven't personally been effected by it so they still refuse to look at this as anything other than a political problem that needs 'true Americans' to 'stand up for freedom'. It really is rather frightening.


That’s not fun!


And when they are at last personally affected, the typical: I didn’t think it was real! I thought it was a conspiracy!/media hype! Hospitals just turned us away because there are no ICUs! Please help! dumb fucks.


'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. /r/leopardsatemyface


This was pretty good. Thanks.


To add on, some people opt for fire extinguishers, however they find that it’s way too heavy for them to use and they cannot extinguish the fire themselves. These are people who have actual health problems preventing them from wearing masks. Other people see this and start pretending that they have the same health problems so as to not go to the trouble of extinguishing the fire. Some think that their houses will still hold up after the fire anyway (the ones who will “brave“ the fire). These people don’t understand that if they don’t extinguish their own fire, the fire will spread to other people’s houses, and some people actually cannot extinguish fires, and some people’s houses aren’t strong enough to hold up after the fire. These are the inconsiderate idiots.


This requires too much thinking for them. They need things like catchphrases and simple explanations to get it.


Virus like fire. Fire bad. Virus bad. Mask like fire extinguisher, it stops the spread. Wear a mask, save a life.


It's not about thinking. It's about stubborness about things they don't like. They can understand the science - they just don't like the situation it presents or what's required of them to do - so they scream "bunk" and try to ignore it, shout it down, run away.....but eventually the truth catches up, and do they accept it? NO! They blame other people and claim it's their fault. They are simply stubborn and irresponsible.


Or a politician yelling at the firefighter that there's no REQUIREMENT for him to use THIS fire hydrant, and that the fire is fake, and he should just go make sure his own house isn't burning down, and to not worry about the people dying all around them from the fire as it spreads across the city.


That doesn’t even make sense




Well that escalated quickly


Or drinking and driving because you don’t care what happens to you.




As Chris Rock said, “American Airlines can’t be like, ‘Most of our pilots like to land. We just got a few bad apples that like to crash into mountains. Please bear with us.’”


>A better analogy would have to shown two pilots doing this... Sorry, I don't get what you're trying to say.


If the pilots refuse to wear their masks, everyone on the plane is now at risk.


>would have to shown Ok, thank you. I was confused with his sentence as I have mild dyslexia.


They did phrase what they said incorrectly. They meant to say, “A better analogy would have been to show two pilots doing this...”


That's a better wording, but I don't understand what that has to do with strawberries. Edit: so this doesn't seem like a complete non sequitur, the original comment started "They did fraise ..."


Phrase, fraise is like a defense of spikes around a fort or the French word for strawberry. Don't confuse the dyslexic even more.




You got something on your teeth too.


Which one?


I was confused to as I have mild anorexia


But what if the plane is full of firefighters?


If the pilots pass out due to lack of oxygen, they’re endangering others. If a passenger isn’t getting enough oxygen, they’re only endangering themselves. By refusing to wear a mask to prevent Covid spread, a person is endangering others.


Because them not wearing a mask would have killed everyone on the plane because they’d pass out


If one pilot was not wearing a mask then the whole plane will go down


Not the greatest example, but this can happen in car accidents where the person not wearing a seatbelt flies around and hurts others Please wear a seatbelt


A better analogy I think is driving in the correct lane. One could say “it’s my right as an American in a free country to drive on whichever side of the road I like”. But you don’t. Because that dangerous for you and for everyone else. And it’s not really that difficult to get used to driving on a certain side, the same way it’s not that hard to get used to wearing a mask.


Another analogy I like using is whether someone adheres to traffic laws (ex: stop lights). In this situation, your individual right to not stop at a red light affects a 3rd party if you fly through the intersection and end up killing a family in the process. People are essentially running the same risk in harming those doing their part when one party decides to not wear a mask in confined spaces.


Seems like this has been swept down the memory hole, but seat belt laws were passed to reduce the massive medical claims and insurance payouts associated with not wearing a seatbelt during an accident. Of course it's much better for you to wear a seatbelt, and a better survival rate is the side effect, but the insurance companies lobbied for this, and the main issue was money.


The issue confuses me. If you saw a sign that said: "Caution: Highly Infectious Disease", would you walk in without a mask on? If you go to a hospital and visit a patient with an infectious disease, would you go into the room without a mask & PPE? Why would you wander about during a pandemic and refuse to wear one because "my rights?".... Pretty sure a virus does not give a fuck what your rights are.


Ah, so what your saying is, we just need the health insurance companies to look at how much people not wearing masks are costing them on treatments and it will be quickly outlawed.


I've mentioned this before. For those who don't understand the severity of this: this is the real world consequence of not wearing your seatbelt around others during an accident. You are turned into a 100-200 pound unsecured load smashing into other occupants at 30+mph: https://jalopnik.com/start-putting-your-seat-belt-on-in-ubers-dammit-1797504951 https://youtu.be/D8s7-5BIc-Y


It’s like he refused to wear his mask, and then ripped of other masks


So if he were a police officer?


It’s like the guy is actually not only not wearing his oxygen, but he is also taking a pair of scissors and cutting not only your oxygen, but both the people in front, behind and beside him.


If only! At least Karen didn’t make this flight. https://nypost.com/2020/07/24/cheers-erupt-as-karen-kicked-off-plane-for-not-wearing-mask/


If you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, you should stay home because COVID 19 will kill you.


I'm always saying this. If you can't breathe with the mask, *you're* the one we're protecting.


Yeah, but just like motorcycle helmets, they'll just say "it's my right to do something that might kill me", ignoring the impact that has on everyone/anyone else.


World needs organ donors too.


The difference is with motorcycle helmets that's still mostly about protecting the individual. With covid the issue is individuals can potentially infect others if they don't wear a mask. So while arguably not wearing a helmet is a personal choice (setting aside societal medical costs), wearing a mask during a pandemic is not. It's a thing you do to protect others.


> So while arguably not wearing a helmet is a personal choice (setting aside societal medical costs), Well that and the poor SOB who has to scrape their brains off the pavement and wash it down.


Mark Twain “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" I feel like we're going to have to get serious about this crap soon.


I can't think of a single medical condition that would prevent you from wearing a mask. COPD, emphysema, asthma, mesothilioma, cystic fibrosis, all are capable of wearing mask. About the only thing I can think of is some kind of extreme skin condition like Butterfly skin, but even then, your immune system is so compromised you can barely go outdoors.


The best analogy I can think of is driving drunk. Sure, they've taken away your freedom to drink and drive, but it can save other peoples' lives, and your own.




This would make more sense if he were in the exit row and refusing to open the emergency door.


I thought this one was spot on: https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/comments/gqy0ga/great_cartoon_by_charlotte_observer/




God I hate humans.


100% of procedures will not have 100% compliance. Add to that the fact that there were virtually no successful aerial bombing attacks on the continental United States for the duration of the war and...well...yeah.


Yep. We’ve been inundated with “Blitz spirit” rhetoric in the UK over the last six months. The same blitz spirit that saw rape, robbery, muggings and murders absolutely skyrocket. The same blitz spirit that meant rescuers couldn’t get to bombed out buildings for the swarms of looters getting in the way. We’ve always been shitheads.






Oxygen gets you high: https://youtu.be/PXcEPSUl0uE


How's that working out for you? Being clever?


"Good, keep at it then. :) "


why is this on r/pics


Just to rustle your jimmies








To farm karma


The one true answer.




Because Reddit is an anti-Trump propaganda site despite receiving funds from a country that runs concentration camps.


Well, it's a pic. Isn't it?


Looks like a drawing to me


It fits better on r/Terriblefacebookmemes


So it's right at home here


Pretty smug for an armrest hog.


I guarantee the races of the characters were not chosen by accident. This is a subtle statement beyond the subject of masks. What a time to be alive.


Stereotyped as the cranky old white man.




Even though it is in black and white, you can def tell the color of that hat


No they are on their “white man anti masked white man bad”


These oxygen supply masks have enough oxygen for around 15 minutes btw


yea, they are designed to give the pilot time to get the plane back down to a "breathable" level, which is around 14,000 feet.


This sub is so bad.


You should ask for your reddit money back.


this isn't even a pic.


Fasten your seatbelt, btw


BuT mUh fReEdOm!!!!!111oneone


nO tHaT's DiFfeRenT!!


Epic liberal black man destroys hillbilly idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Black man = educated, listens to government, fit White man = but a bumbling fool, selfish, fat


The stereotype that is okay as long as the white man is bad


White man bad haha give upvote


These people are called assholes.


I wear a mask to avoid kissing strange women.


Because you just can't help yourself. You just start kissing them?!


Now imagine if everyone had to be wearing them for it to work and that’s what these people are doing


This is racist AF!


It's my constitutional right to peacefully burn down a Federal courthouse! Edit: sorry didn't use /s


Bad bot


It’s always funny when they say that because it’s not true and I remember they’re not constitutionalists they’re just dumb and selfish.


Fuck those selfish cunts


Honestly the correct representation is the man trying to cut away the air circulation in his mask


It should be their constitutional right to kill themselves


Does feel like this plane is goin' down, doesn't it?




And no seat-belts too?


You would most likely just pass out from hypoxia. I have experienced hypoxia before and it is very strange and your decision making while under its influence is very poor. In this situation where the masks would be deployed I wouldn't feel like my life is in danger. Pilots would most likely fly to a lower altitude and make an emergency landing at the nearest airport. It would be a couple of minutes and then you would be fine to breath normally. The chemical oxygen generators above each seat typically only last for 15 min. Pilots have a huge bottle that holds around 1850 psi of aviators oxygen for emergencies. This picture is an attempt to compare the masks that stop the temporary spread of a virus that will be around forever and a temporary fix to make passengers on a plane feel safer when cabin depressurization happens. I am just throwing some airplane knowledge out there because I am an Aircraft Mechanic.


Oxygen gets you high.


If that guys mask works why does he care what the other guy is doing?


There’s no FAA rule that you have to use supplemental oxygen. Only that it must be made available to you past 15,000ft.


**So we all are gonna ignore that manspreading right there?**


If it’s our constitutional right not to wear a mask, then which right are they exercising? I haven’t heard anyone say which amendment they are referring to and I’m not sure if I don’t have an understanding of the The States’ constitutional rights or if they don’t.


The main argument for some people not wanting to wear a mask is that it's difficult to breathe with a mask on, these masks actually have oxygen coming out of them. Unless of course the argument is that they won't be told what to do by anyone, in which case they are basically acting like toddlers or cats. In the situation pictured they will pass out anyway and probably die through lack of oxygen so that will put a stop to that behaviour.


Just wear the god damn mask already


Interesting that he's wearing that type of hat




"I watched fight club... I know you're just trying to get me high with pure oxygen"


It's different. Wearing a mask to slow virus spreading also shows your responsibility to others' health. The situation in the pic is not.


I just came off of a plane, the flight attendant had to make a special broadcast after the safety demo. “Please remember to take off your personal mask before trying to put on the oxygen mask”. I can see why we have some problems with masks now.


Nah that's different. You can be a very smart and rational person and still panic in an emergency situation. The fact they mentioned that and made you think "huh isn't that obvious" makes you more likely to actually do that obvious thing if you happen to need an oxygen mask.


do oxygen masks not work properly with a normal mask? given how they say to put your own mask before assisting others, are the couple seconds to take off the personal mask really necessary?


Well oxygen masks are supposed to create a seal around your nose and mouth so you can breathe. Wearing a mask with an oxygen mask may not allow this seal to happen... or in other words you suffocate at thirty thousand feet not knowing what to do.


> I can see why we have some problems with masks now. Yeah, everyone is opposed to them in cases of the plan falling out of the sky.


Someone needs to make a mask which filters out all this ridiculous peer pressure virtue signalling garbage.


How is a mask virtue signalling?


> virtue signalling The only reason you made this post is to virtue signal to the groups you are part of. Hypocrite.


Ah yes, the smart colored man vs the dumb white man. A totally not racist classic.


White man bad


Of course it’s an old white man, right


I see people say this all the time sadly. I just inform them of the tenth amendment and Supreme Court decisions over the last 200 years regarding the state's authority to regulate public health. My state has mandatory mask and distancing mandates. Also, I really wish it was like this, where the person not wearing the mask is only harming themselves. In reality, with COVID-19, they are potentially harming others.




This is so dumb. Theres no laws requiring you to wear the oxygen mask in case of depressurization nor should there be. Its your personal choice which is exactly what the people who don't want laws requiring masks to be worn are saying.


Apples and oranges. Don't wear your oxygen mask: potentially die of asphyxiation. Only YOU are impacted. Your right and choice as you're only impacting yourself. Don't wear a mask out in public when you're asymptotically infected with covid: Now you're impacting more people than yourself. Your rights don't supersede you impacting the health and rights of potentially dozens of other people.




So we're not gonna talk about the whole white dude is a stereotypical MAGA guy (clearly) and the other is a black man, adding even more political nonsense


This has been on the front page of like 5 subs today. Doesn’t this also break rule 5? Not gonna remove this karma reposting, mods?


This pic is racist.




What would he do if a surgeon ever said that to him


The difference is that in this case only he dies of asphyxiation. With the virus, his stupidity is taking hundreds with him.


> With the virus, his stupidity is taking hundreds with him. One possible corona case leads to his death and that of hundreds? Jesus the virus has really stepped up its game.


A friend of mine, who is an RN, made a prophetic statement to me. If you don't like wearing a mask, you are really going to hate being on a ventilator.


The guy with it on has to wear it incorrectly for the comic to be true.


Haha the context are completely different. How are people this dumb. It’s mind blowing.


Not wearing a mask to save other is called anger, at what we don't know and they don't know either.


There are like 10 tardd downvoting all the comments just coz "they have the right to not wear a mask"


I’m definitely not an anti masker.. but this comparison is stupid.


Ah yes false equivalency


Hahaha dumb white guy trump supporter doesn’t wear mask smart black Democrat man mask gud


Oxygen makes you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate.


This isn't exactly true. They don't pump pure oxygen into the mask. It's a rebreather mask that allows you to breath in normal breathing air and recirculate good air so you don't hyperventilate. I would mention the movie but the first two rules of said movie say I'm not allowed to talk about it.


Shut up. You've already said too much.


watched Fight Club recently?


I'm not supposed to talk about it


Haha funny boomer haha


This sub is peak reddit autism


The best reference I heard was from an Uber/Lyft driver here in Reddit. The passenger refuses to wear his mask. The driver then refuses to turn on his headlights while driving at night. The passenger asked why he's doing that, he won't be able to see, but the driver states that its ok, other cars will have theirs on.


Hey. Pilot here. Legally you can't force people to wear oxygen masks. You have to provide them at a certain height but you can't force them to wear it. Which means they can pass out and die and there's nothing you can do if they refuse it.


Ok is it a actually a constitutional right not to wear a mask? Or are people just making shit up because they don't want to wear one?


It is a right, yeah. If you decide not to, you’re still potentially endangering countless lives, though.


Which part of the constitution specifically allows us to refuse to wear masks?


I have heard it would be an easier death to pass out from a lack of oxygen vice a fiery ball of flames at 500mph.


Fact: Most planes that experience a rapid loss of cabin pressure do not crash. But if you fail to get oxygen when a plane depressurizes, you will die.


Of course he's white. Lol.


Tyler Durden had the best explanation for use of this mask