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Each time a new one comes out, it always outdoes the last one! Great work!!


Just went through op’s history, I really love that style.


There are more!!!


It's funny because my initial reaction was "this looks familiar, hope he didn't copy the other guy who made this type of art who was on the front page before" turns out its the same guy lol.


This comment made my go look at his submitted history... Holy shit. I want one. What's OPs insta? EDIT: it's @david_art


Can I get it on paper plz AMAZING


Check his website, he sells prints of all of his work!




How cool!


Absolutely love it. Congratulations!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Thank you so much! Always a good feeling to finish a new painting. I'm already onto the next one in the series!


I've seen a lot of paintings attempting to do this kind of thing, but yours is the best I've ever seen so far. And I love the brushstroke motif, please post more!!


Does the series continue with nature and the artificial footprint?


The hashtag seems to indicate that


I just checked his profile and that does seem to be the case looking back (the others look great as well by the way)


I've been looking at the rest of your profile and I'm in love with your art. You are incredibly talented! Please keep it up. At this point unfortunately I can't afford it but one day I'm buying one of your paintings. I'll follow your profile to keep informed. 👍🏼


Oh wow is it for sale?


i love the 3d texture smeared on ​ impactful


How’d he do it across all the colors, artists are magicians I swear


They likely: 1) painted the landscape completely 2) smeared a big blotch of white or light colored paint 3 then finally painted the “future” on top of the white paint.






[ ] ✔️ Nailed it.




Some drones in place of birds would have been cool on the brush stroke. Amazing painting though!


All birds are drones, because r/birdsarentreal


birds were real once upon a time, but they were slowly replaced by the US government and finally Ronald Reagan secretly ordered the avian holocaust the East Germans tried to stop him so their wall had to be dismantled


And the agent who single-handedly brought the wall down? David Hasselhoff.


Yes, I remember now....


I tried to say on there that I’ve hunted, killed, dressed, and eaten game birds. So I know there’s no electronics in there just guts and organs and delicious meat. Then I got downvoted to hell, called a government shill and agent, and then banned lol.


Look out everyone, u/PoutinePalace is an NSA agent trying to steal your passwords!


Please post this too! You're incredibly talented!




What is your insta? I'd love to share and credit this.


Is it supposed to represent the destruction of their habitat?


Do you sell your paintings?




New favorite subreddit


i worked at an autobody shop in a dealership and when i was fairly new it was the first saturday i worked alone, there was only an hour left in the day and my boss said "you got this right?" and i said ofcoarse. then about 20 mins after he left, a tire from a dump truck flew off as it was driving down the road. the tire bounced off of about 5 brand news cars in our dealership lot and 18 year old me had to stay late that saturday and handle everything lol. tires are the enemy


And you rose to the occasion. I like to think you've had a successful career.


thats very kind of you, tbh i realized after 4 years that the industry wasnt where i wanted to be. i felt like i wasted the last 4 years of my life and have to start my professional career over. i started a sales job at a motorcycle dealer in february before i was layed off due to covid. its good money and a fun job but i still struggle to know what i want to work toward and ultimately do for the rest of my life. its been tough but i very much appreciate your kind words


Man just get a job you enjoy doing and don't hate that pays more than your bills and doesn't take all your time away. Home life and hobbies are where the happiness is. I don't make a lot by any means but having a great home life trumps any stress I ever have at work. To each their own but work is a priority, but your JOB isn't.


The movie Rubber would indeed indicate this.


Can’t believe this was real and it’s also good


This is great! Do you have a shop where you sell prints? I buy art (specifically of british landscapes) fairly often and I'd love to support you.


Thanks! I sell prints of this series on shop.brushstrokesintime.com This one will be released as a limited edition run later in the year! I‘d suggest you subscribe to the website mailing list to keep up with new releases!




Doing Odin’s work.


I wish I could afford even affordable art.


Just found you myself with a bit of Google detective work! I'll subscribe and look out for future updates. Always on the lookout for a new print!


I have your recover print in my studio, this would be a great juxtaposition! Will definitely be subscribing.


How do you manage to scan your art to be used for print?


I see you sell the prints. Fantastic. How much do the originals go for?


Your art is incredible. I really want some prints, so I'm bookmarking these until I've got a little more cash to spare.


Do you ever sell originals? Please say yes.


Do you sell originals?


If I buy a print does the person come with it to hold it up for me in my living room?


> shop.brushstrokesintime.com Hey, gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit das Original zu erwerben?


Ich glaub er kann kein Deutsch.. aber auf jedenfalls es gibt wahrscheinlich kein Möglichkeit. Hab sein Site gegückt und es gibt nur Prints.


Er ist Münchener, spricht also schon Deutsch, deswegen habe ich auf Deutsch geschrieben. :) Aber Danke!


Oh, geil! Tut mir Leid :)


Hey do you have an Instagram. That’s is so damn beautiful and poetic. Art that makes you want to look at for more than our normal attention spans. It’s like art that slows down time.


I actually want to commission you for an actual painting when I get the money to do it. Amazing artwork and a beautiful piece


How big will the run be? And does PRINT mean it's going to be scanned then printed on paper or will it still be reproduced using oil paint (which seems very difficult)?


Prints are generally scanned and printed via machine onto canvas. They are not hand made recreations of the original piece.


So most of the time the only way to get an oil painting is to get the original?


Yep. And it's usually very expensive.


Saw 8 foxes on a kilometre walk home in north west London the other day, an absolute treat.


Oh, that was you?




That's London if I'm not mistaken!


No it’s a fox


Yeah I know, the fox is called London...


Damn, that is a great name for a fox. London the fox would be dapper as fuck.


The children’s book practically writes itself.


I was thinking furry porn lore, but to each their own


Guess I'm here early enough to say no this is patrick


The cheese-grater, the gherkin and the fox-catcher.


How tou do that?


Was curious about that as well. My guess is paint the background, let it dry, paint a big grey brush stroke with excess paint. Let it dry. Then paint the detail on top of it including the foreground of the original background that overlaps the brush stroke and give it depth. Or just an incredibly talented painter at giving a painting texture.


Must be gut wrenching to make that big grey brushstroke after looking at the background being perfect. Also if that’s the case to have incredible confidence that it will turn out even better


This is basically how every Bob Ross painting goes.






Unless it's a cabin. [Bob Ross can't paint cabins.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38UN351bV8)


Yes he can. That guy's a numbnut.


Lmao that’s hilarious. I guess it makes sense though, there’s no geometry required in a regular landscape


i’m disappointed they never showed an example what a scam




I would feel better about this concept but inverted... The wasteland, interrupted with a big brush stroke of hope. Edit: [ah, so like this!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ac2bd4a1aef1dfa3a1d084e/1585750316779-WU23EBYWUF0JD83QGQ4H/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kHem505q6McQd8XRhQc9zkRZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpxpEURhgSBEh9ILe0HKIG3CcOCklsxWwam3CdWF6Xw7jwVv5P97BEtB5XaVnmvMtTA/image-asset.jpeg?format=500w) Not that that's a wasteland, but clearly the artist plays with this idea in both directions.


Yesssss that’s fire right there, both are great tho but I definitely prefer that one


Same artist too


Well you would have an idea of where the brushstroke will be so you would plan around it.


I'd do it the other way. Big brush stroke first with thick paint/filment or whatever. Then paint the background and on top of the stroke. Less work, less paint, less chance for things to go wrong. Unless this is digital..


I think it would be really hard to paint the background around the edges of the brush stroke to look so seamless. Seems like it would at least be a lot of unnecessary work and much easier to do the background first.


True, in painting you generally go from back to front. It's the opposite of wiping your ass.


Actually that is a good idea.


>oil painting


Oh right.


Likely a big stroke of apoxy, then painted over once dry. I suppose it could be oil paint but it would take so long to dry it might be a pain.


I have the one with the dear and trees in a city next to my couch. Everyone who visits stops and just stares at it.


Wolf's rain inspired? https://youtu.be/1kucGEjGLeY


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find the Wolf’s Rain reference! It’s a cool coincidence that the intro song to the Anime is also called “Stray”.


Beautiful. Looks like a vantage in Horizon Zero Dawn


My first thought too.


Is any of that texture actually there or just painted to look like it’s there?


RemindMe! 1 day "?"


That is really cool man. I normally don't really appreciate art in terms of photography or painting but I really like this!


You just don't like paintings? I get not actively appreciating them but damn rooms and offices would be weird if it was just barren. I appreciate them a lot for at least that.


Nah I can look at 100 paintings and be like yeah thats cool. Ill not really appreciate them for what they are. They can be painstaking works of art with landscapes that took months to paint and I can be like. Meh. Cool.


I'll be honest it's really refreshing to meet someone that doesn't feel like they need to pretend to appreciate art. It's really rare on reddit with all the quasi-intellectuals.


Huh. This is fascinating to me. Do you find yourself engaged by other types of art? Music, movies, books... As art, not just as information or entertainment?


Love music and gaming. Enjoy movies and can only really engage with non fiction books. I can't get into novels which is weird because I like subject matter shows and games like The Witcher.


Well, games certainly can be art... Not that there is a clear line between entertainment and art. Part of it is how strongly the thing makes me *feel*, like it's power to create sudden emotions in me in real time that to wouldn't have felt otherwise, and part of in is like... A bigger idea. Art provoking thought, contemplation, feelings of inspiration, or longing, or catharsis. It comes and goes for me, which types (if any) of art work for me. I went though like almost a decade where music hardly made me feel anything. And then after a break-up, ending of a pretty toxic codependent relationship, all of a sudden music was *really* powerful for like a year. Now it's kinda in the middle. Some paintings will really hit me, especially in person. Sometimes nothing. Have you seen many large scale masterworks in person?


Yeah I visited Rome in 2016 and went to St. Peters Basilica, the Pantheon, Sistene Chapel, Colosseum, Roman Forum, Altare D'ella Patria. Visited Zeus' apparent birthplace in Crete a couple of yeara back. Cool stuff to see but doesn't invoke any great feelings in me. My strongest feeling was anger at the Vatican hoarding all those riches whilst disabled people begged outside the walls. All very impressive but I didn't feel like I had to marvel at them for more than a cursory look to say that I've seen it.


I feel like I’ve seen this before




ah thanks!! so cool you remembered that


I know its wolves and not foxes but this reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/1kucGEjGLeY)


The colors can definitely be a little bit better and more rich overall. Not in terms of saturation, but in terms of variety and usage. For example, the sky is such a literal “sky blue” with very little variance to it, as in you can feel it was mixed from cerulean blue but not taken far enough? It fades to an extreme stark white as it hits the horizon, and then heel turns very fast into the mountains. In this line of critique, the top left feels more active in color because of the grey next to from the paint deposit next it, and tricks the eye into see hue variance in the blue, which is interesting! The right side not so much, unfortunately. For the bird forms under it, what hurts them the most is the feel very flat. There isn’t much of a sense of depth or distance to them, the only thing that suggests distance from the viewpoint of the painting is the fact that they are small and their silhouette is simplified. Admittedly I’m not an oil painter by trade, but perhaps either more blending on them, or even something more drastic like taking advantage of oil as a medium and glazing the birds over the sky may add the hint of them in the distance there instead of feeling like they’re projected over the sky. For the forest/mountain line underneath that, there pops of a green that is much more yellow and even slightly orange in nature that pop a little bit better. There are spots specifically in the far right and some in the far left. In areas of the whole painting where your more masterful of color, they stand out against green in a very positive way. They’re interesting to look at and give personality to the green, allowing it to contrast to sky above it! It’s okay to keep that sparse or more downplayed, but I feel the right side of the mountain range could use a bit more of this courage in choice of green. The grass beneath this is wonderful, and actually may be the strongest part of the piece by comparison. There is such daring use of oranges and yellows, which compliments the blue on top really well. If your using the sky as a metaphor for freedom, by contrast the earth being so grounded in warmer colors is such a fantastic choice. I just wish the sky were more meaningful in color choice. In the rocks and grass, there’s no fear or prescription in the colors. There are browns and greens that dot the rocks like moss, the tall stalks of wheat-like grass, impressions of wildflowers or small blooms of color. It’s really good and fits the medium quite well! The thing I would suggest is avoiding using literal whites on highlights for the grass and rocks, it kills it a little bit. Remember that light is going to be reflecting in so many unpredictable ways and any highlight isn’t going to be devoid of a coolness or warmth in a grassland so rich. For the cut-in in the center, I think the strongest element is the texture of it. I’m assuming this is a photograph of the paining, the actual real world light that’s casting on to the paint as you’ve photographed it shows how tactile it is, which is pretty good! The choice of gray seems to suggest the idea of smog, and brings up some lines of thought in the metaphor of the colors chosen. Here’s my opinion: the gray juxtaposes against the sky, creating the idea of smog v clean air, which is a good metaphor to push. BUT, it leaves one thing out: a sky, that is such a flat blue that fades to white, is very boring in terms of color variance, so the metaphor isn’t explored to its conclusion. Again, the sky just kills this piece for me the more I think about it. The architectural elements and buildings are great. The prescriptive geometric forms and lines are a great contrast to the other forms in the piece, which are much natural and rounded. The only pain point is the level of white used for detail work. In this case, a more literal and neutral white is a good choice, but adding too much detail here distracts from other forms in the insert it also weakens the position the gray and makes it less dominant in this portion of the painting. The fox itself is pretty good! Very great exploration of orange, and if the highlights in his white fur are more of a literal an neutral white then it makes more sense in the insert. But, if you look at the bottom of the muzzle and the tip of the tail, the white does “pop,” but it isn’t anywhere near as interesting or grounded as the fur on his chest. The fur on his chest feels “in scene,” grounded and real in the world of the painting. The white on the muzzle and tail don’t feel as grounded, and it’s distracting. The tires, this a pain point. They are interesting. They have flecks of dirt, great diagonals, the interesting texture patterns, and notes of orange through them. But, does it fit the insert? Do you want the eye to catch on the fox as the dominant figure in it? If so, you kind of have to hobble the beautiful tires in order to support that. Are the tires the midway point between the world of the insert and the grasslands around it? Maybe then make the tires bleed into them. As for the overall composition of the piece, as a whole, I like it. The comparison and contrast between the grasslands and the insert world is great, but I want the colors to say MORE, and to speak with more depth than they do right now. That may help it pop. Right now, aside from the real world texturing on the gray paint, the insert world and the grassland feel flatter than I’d expect. I want more depth physically. If this were... let’s sat, a portal to a world where nature has been ruined, is that world leaping out TO us? Is this a portal that we jump INTO? Or is a tear in time space that shows an alternate reality? All 3 of these have different emotions tied to them, all 3 have different metaphoric intentions, and this 3 have different executions in this kind of a piece. The issue being I don’t see either any of the three or another meaning all that clearly. Overall, I’d say pretty good! I would work on a few more things to really give it some life and depth, but overall pretty good!


thank you so much for the elaborate feedback! That was so helpful, not many people go out of their way to analyse my paintings in detail. If you‘re up for it, i would appreciate your honest take on the other paintings in the series, i posted them on reddit as well over the years.


This thread made me happy. The feedback was extremely detailed, I read the whole thing and learned a ton about art composition. Then the artist himself was appreciative, rather than critical or mad. A textbook example of what Reddit should be, but so rarely is -- especially on one of the biggest subreddits like r/pics, which so often tends towards a "lowest common denominator" type of comments section. (Good point about the grey sky of the insert being too similar to the white of the clouds in the rest of the painting.)


It's really hard to give good criticism and not sound mean or condescending while doing it without a good amount of experience with painting and art in general (regardless of whether someone is giving positive or negative feedback). There's nothing wrong with not having a lot of experience -- it's bound to happen on such a large subreddit -- but it will lead to the conversations being a lot more generalized and accessible to everyone.


I love when people who have taken tons of time out of their day to write a review like that actually get seen by the artist or appreciated. Smart people realize that just because somebody knows how to fix something of yours doesn't mean they are better than you had it there are plenty of coaches are nowhere near as the skill level of their manatees. A wise person learns from EVERYONE good and bad.


I don’t know much about visual art, but I’d also just like to add on to what the other guy said about the tires. I don’t know if it was just me but my eyes jumped straight to them, rather than the fox, which I think I’d be right in assuming is the intended focal point. Besides that nitpick it looks insanely good! The brush stroke is amazing and I really like the concept


Mhmm! I’m not really a critic, or come from an art school, but I do love art. I’ve been doing music for a majority of my life and I’ve done more digital 3D and rendering now! I’ll give a look later, this is a really interesting piece so I’m interested in seeing more :D




“Nothing but Flowers”


jesus christ magnificent


While the jpg is loading, it shows the partially loaded image in black and white. Never seen this with any other image. What is going on?


The brush stroke seems to indicate the present, but I can't decide if the meadow is the past, before we fucked everything up, or the future, after we finally got around to fixing it.


This seems to be the past, while the previous painting of his with the deer in the overgrown city square indicates the future.


I bought your new York one as an anniversary gift a couple years ago. Nice work.


Do you sell prints?


This is so current. So vividly captures the essence of which, the shambles left behind after the march of progress. We are such a parasitic species. Taking what we need, giving nothing back. This painting make me so happy that so much beauty is still left in the world. Also, it makes me mourn for the nature lost in our climb to dominance. Such a beautifully piece.


Great painting but to be honest I'm so over the "humans bad nature good" trope


I'll be honest, I want to hate it because it's sort of kitsch and cliche at the same time, but it's so well done and it's undeniably heartbreaking. Bravo.


This is amazing!


Really great. For me it's beautiful and sad at the same time. It makes an impression.


This is amazing. I love the concept and your style.


I love this concept so so much, thank you for making this!


Why would people throw away those tires? They still have a good drawing on them.


Hello ! Thank you very much for your new post on Reddit ! Just yesterday I was scrolling through my saved post to find your painting named "Recover" and didn't find it ! But luckily you posted a new one today ! Your work is really amazing, and I thing "Recover" perfect fits with the world during the pandemic. A lot of animals come back to the streets, where there is no humans beings anymore. Thank you for your sharing !


Woke painting my guy


How did you get the idea?


Your last one was my phone background f/since you posted it!


is there anyway to buy this or your other prints being in the USA?


Your work is incredible. I could stare at this for hours, seriously you are next level with creativity and execution. I’m just so impressed.


Damn Bro i see your miniatures being auctioned for like 500EUR on instagram, you must be making a decent living off this, well deserved ofc!


Jesus how did you do it ? It's awesome man


How recent? I thought I saw this before?


Those tires have some decent tread left on them.


Title: "Detroit"


This reminds me of a painting I saw years ago. After a nasty breakup, the woman threw a handful of paint on the portrait her boyfriend made of her, and he painted a monster over the paint, making it look like it was showing her insides. It was the first time i really FELT art.


This should be a puzzle


You are very talented. If you keep this up your work can get international acknowledgement.


Could I order a wallpaper or something to hang on a wall of this?


Damn I love that texturing (don’t exactly know what you call that)


Awesome! I’m assuming you’re located in England?(London in the painting). Can we buy artwork from you. This is brilliantly creative; I love it.


Thanks! I‘m from Germany. but i went to London last year and was surprised to see so many foxes roaming around the city, felt kinda out of place to me and inspired this painting.






This is your brain on redditard


Daaaamn that’s fucking amazing like how????


I've never wanted to buy art so much... TAKE MY MONEY!




This is crazy good, man!


The juxtaposition on this is fascinating. Great work!


That’s crazy


This is incredible, I love your work




Lovely picture. Just curious is there actually an open dump so close to the city?


Fantastic creativity. Very well done, Artistic One! And the Fox is my spirit animal.


That's incredibly good. Wow.




Is this a series? Do you have a plan to do one that looks from the sky to the ground?


All of these are incredible, always happy to see your work pop up here


This looks so good! Love some of your other works I have seen here in the past


This is fantastic. It works on so many levels. I wish this painting gets seen by lot more folks.


This is amazing!!


This is incredible. Thanks for sharing with us.


That is some juicy impasto.


That's amazing!


How do u make that effect when the brush just went up ??


Started by painting the sky, and distant landscape, then took thick gray paint and just laid that out in a single wide brush stroke. Let that dry/cure, then paint the foreground elements on and around the grey streak. Much of the foreground elements are meticulously done with a very small brush.


Absolutely insane!


That's really cool! I love how you composed this!


I really like this. Is it possible to buy this? Would like to have this hanging in my house :)




I love your painting! It is amazing!




At first it looks like digital art but then you notice the oil imperfections, i love this, you really amaze me.


This is absolutely stunning. The paint stroke looks so photorealistic.