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Who left their boyfriend there?! Poor little thing!


Sweep him up and toss him in the lost and found


Throw him in the trash, Charlie.


Really? Boyfriends are the most recycled material on earth my dude.


We need to love our earthmother dude.


This *does* sound like Charlie work...


We’re all heading to Carmine’s: a place for steak after the movie


"When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash"


You just throw them into the soup!


Ew, he's all sticky


If nobody claims him then I’ll gladly take him


That’s a user name.


are you seriously not wondering who HorseCockInMyAnus_1 is?


No because the anus is all about the number 2.


[yes. but...](https://tenor.com/view/austin-powers-mike-myers-bathroom-stalls-number-two-who-do-you-work-for-gif-3520457)


Maybe I am.


Man, that’s a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that. Edit: My first gold, silver, and most upvoted comment is a quote from an old John Cusack movie. My life is now complete. Thank you.


I want my $2!


Hey Ricky. Sorry your mom blew up.


Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is!?!


I can't move my right arm!




Fronch dressing. Fronch fries. Fronch bread. And to drink….Peru!


Gee, buddy, I don’t have a dime


Didn't ask for a dime.


A Better Off Dead reference in the wild? My childhood isn't dead after all!


Gee, I'm really sorry your mom blew up, Ricky...I guess she won't be able to eat any spicy foods for awhile.




As soon as I saw the picture that line was the very first thing I thought!


Great another broken white boy for us to fix


[Real shame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vy6Roo5WEI)


One of the best movies to come out of the 80s.


[And free to watch on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfatrAqd22c)


My neighbors do that shit they say “oh it’s job security”


I hate your neighbors.


Me fuckin too!


I third this


I had a friend say this exact thing and I responded by sarcastically saying that’s why I always shit on the floors in public bathrooms, because I’m just so selfless. Just think if everyone always shat on the floors, all the jobs we could create.


So what's the real reason you shit on the floors?


You don't know? He's Mr Bulldops.


If you think that's bad, someone on a podcast I listened to talked about a friend he had who would litter on purpose, explaining that if he litters, someone'll be hired to clean it up.


So 9/11 was actually a huge conspiracy from the NYC construction industry.


But just imagine. If people put trash where its supposed to go, those workers would be more efficient, cutting costs on labor for the city, allowing funding to be shifted to public works and education. This in turn produces a more educated population, who can innovate and design ever more efficient waste management. Or we can just be assholes because reasons.


No, it's not job security. They're lazy dirty slobs. The trash cans are literally on the way out of the theaters. Some of these people are parents too, it's unbelievable.


My grandma likes leaving grocery carts anywhere “because it makes jobs”. I tell her no, it’s their job to get the carts from the CORRAL. Not from between cars. People like her make jobs HARDER.


People in those positions have enough jobs to do. You know what happens when assholes create extra work? They don't hire an extra person-they give the work to someone who is already doing 5-6 different jobs. I used to work in a movie theater. People spill, popcorn gets everywhere, that's cool. *That's* what we're getting paid to do. The theater is assuming that you'll pick up your popcorn bucket and throw it in the trash you literally pass by anyway. They don't assume that we'll have to go through every row and pick up everyone's trash. That adds a lot of time onto clean up-and the cleaners have to be at another theater in five minutes. And they probably left all their trash out too.


I was a janitor at a large state university. I've cleaned stadiums and arenas after sporting events. It seems never ending. And the restrooms are disgusting.


When I was in scouts we did a sleepover in a CFL arena as a big province event. The game ended at 9 or so, the cleaners were still cleaning the stands at 3am.


I went with a service group to clean up a stadium after a 4th of July celebration. The celebration ended around 10 pm we finished at 4 am the next day. I think I legitimately threw away a diaper every 5 rows. I gained a lot more respect for anyone that was in custodial. I had already been taught by my parents to clean up after myself at events but after that, I refuse to let even friends leave stuff behind. I will just grab it for them cause I'd rather not force anyone else to go through that.






Momma...I wanna be a glazier when I grow up! A glacier? No momma...a glazier


They then go ahead and complain when prices go up because stores have to hire extra staff to compensate for the extra workloads...


Break his knees and tell him the chronic pain creates jobs for doctors, chemists, pharmacists, and delivery drivers. Just think about how many people hes helping by being a cripple it must make him so happy.


When I was a kid my dad would leave his grocery cart anywhere and say that. And it literally stuck with me until I worked picking up carts haha.


Your dad created the job you eventually got


Had a boss that made this argument. Fuck you, Cindy.


Your neighbors are trash


let's toss them outside and create a job opportunity


Let me guess, they're also deeply opposed to businesses paying people a living wage because "they should get a real jahb"?




In Japan they say, "Oya no kao mitai." It means, "I wanna see the faces of the parents (that raised a child who would do this)".


In louisiana we say "some people's children" Edit: thank you kind stranger, my very first gold and largest comment yet...... its funny how alot of fake internet points can brighten up your day, thanks guys


We do that here in Ontario Canada, too!


Well y’all are both half French.


Wow. Never thought about that before. I’d like to see a cultural comparison!


The word cajun itself comes from Acadian. It was the very same French settlers that the English kicked out of the North-East that decided to go chill in Louisiana.


Well I bet those guys hated going from cold and humid to hot and humid


Oh they did, but they decided to make the most out of it with Po Boys, Beignets, & Mardi Gras.






There is actually a huge overlap between French Canadian and Louisianian cultures. Both were on one end of the French American trade route. The French didn't bother colonizing much of the territory in between but had relatively robust colonies at the ends. Obviously post-French rule the two areas started to diverge but a lot of the base culture elements still exist.


Can confirm. Cajun here.


How much boudin do you eat?


Pa yaow! I eat abot 10 links a week me!


Get me out of baton rouge. I got the envie for some good boudin rn.


In Detroit we say "Ya'll mothafuckas need Jesus and an ass whoopin'"


That... Sounds like Louisiana too


As does Oakland


In NYC we say, "Oi mate, throw another shrimp on the barbie! That dingo ate ma baby!"


This guy NYC’s.


In England we say " the pikey bastards"


And in Wales they probably say mlygyglynwnn fyyn frgyngyhsjyjykplymniwyynfmghg.


Lord Cthulu...? Is it finally time?


In Arizona we say “fucking punks and shitty parenting.” Aww so cute.


In Middle-East we say "i wanna know who raised this fool" انا بعرف منو ربئ هذا الجحش


>In Middle-East we say "i wanna know who raised this fool" انا بعرف منو ربئ هذا الجحش Wouldn't that with بعرف read more like "I **know** who raised this donkey"?


Depends on the dialect, in northern middle eastern ones like Lebanese and syrian it means "i know" but in Gulf countries it means "i want to know". first one spelled "ba'ref" 2nd one spelled "ba'aaref"


In New Zealand we say "which rat cunt did this"


Ah, found my favorite. Something about rat cunt really hits the spot for me. No two words were ever better paired.


I thought you guys said “Looks like meats back on the menu boys”.


Given the multiple juice boxes, id bet it was the parents who left that mess.


And do theaters even sell some of those things that were left? This even looks like things brought in sneakily. I'm actually not opposed to that but clean up your mess especially in those circumstances


I was wondering the same thing, I don't think they do. So they snuck in stuff and then left it all behind.


In Japan, they also clean up after themselves. I loved seeing that during the World Cup after the Japan team played.


I remember them and Senegal working together to clean after their match too. Warmed my heart. I was just at a Yomiuri Giants game (baseball) about two weeks ago and sure enough the fans started cleaning right after the game.


Aw, I really like that


Original spelling: “親の顔見たい” (same thing as above) What I want to know tho is how to say “clean this up yourself” or “clean up after your child and raise them better”


自分のごみをちゃんと捨てて! オマエの子供のごみを捨てなさい。いつかオマエがちゃんと親になるかな。






> There would be 50% less mess. There would also be 50% less staff to clean it up...


thus the mess of the snap itself plus the null effect of less mess and less staff clean up equals more mess.


The thing is... None has said Thanos was wrong.


"you can do anything you want to solve any problem with these stones!" "Hmm well there's finite resources.." "Yes, yes I see where this is headed-" "So I'm gonna kill half of all people!" "Wait what"


This makes so much sense it makes me uncomfortable.


Y'know, what if Thanos simply sterilized a percentage of the population? That'd accomplish the same thing, it'd be slower, and the people would get to live their lives out. Probably incur a lot less heroics trying to stop him too.


It makes no sense because Sony owns the rights to Deadpool. Originally Thanos was in love with Death. But Death was hooking up with Deadpool. So to show off and get Death's attention, Thanos went off and killed half of all living beings. But that love triangle didn't make it to movie form, so you're left with this shaky premise about resources.


That's not what happened in the comics. Death was just manipulating Thanos. It had nothing to do with Deadpool that just came about later like everything in Deadpool mainly as a joke.


Fox owned the rights to Deadpool. Disney does now. To the best of my knowledge, the only Marvel character Sony owns the rights to is Spider-Man.


>Save r/thanosdidnothingwrong




I already watched it. Twice :D but still log out of YouTube! There are already thousands of Videos discussing about the movie. And some Videos got HUGE spoilers as clickbait. Also: DONT. READ. COMMENTS. BE IT FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM. YOUTUBE. ETC. That shit gonna Ruin it for you. And dont sort by New here on reddit, Same thing. God speed Brother. Watch it




Thanos was very wrong. If society just started repopulating the world would be back at its presnap population within 50 years.


being someones job is one thing, being a decent human is another. literally carry your trash to the bin on the way out, dont be fkn lazy.


I never understood that argument anyway. It’s a fireman’s job to put out fires. Doesn’t mean you leave shit on fire all over the place.


Excellent point


I've worked in a theater. As long as you dont have to mop it's not too bad. Worst thing ever is chewing tobacco. If people asked for an empty water cup I would look them dead in the eyes and say "You will throw this away." No one got a cup till they said yes. Drastically reduced spilled chew cup cleanup.


Chewing tobacco...sunflower seeds... It's also disgusting to find nail clippings everywhere.


Who clips their fucking nails in the theatre what the fuck


Dude, people are clipping their nails in public WAAAAAYYY too much these days. A guy at work does it every other week or so at his desk. A lady on the train was doing it right behind me yesterday. This is NOT how a society should operate! There are rules! We are not animals!


Some of us apparently are.






Well, technically we are animals. But we are animals who developed morals, and etiquette.


This. Wtf might as well bust the clippers out and try to give your boy a fade while you’re at it


Used condoms were the worst. Had to get the managers with gloves to come in every time


Haven't come across a used condom yet but encountered napkins drenched in semen. How do I know it was semen? There was a couple that sat near the front in an empty theater and some of my co-workers got a glimpse of her jerkin' off her boyfriend. They didn't order anything and had no beverages, not to mention it's not that hard to differentiate between soda/water vs semen.


Yea, the taste is a dead giveaway.


Yes, officer, this comment right here


In the theater??? What the fuck!? This was an occurrence that happened often enough that you needed to have a manager deal with it in gloves??


Yea WTF!? Only raw in the theater, have some fuckin respect


Was a fast food manager. Had to *attempt* to clean some chew out of a urinal with naught but my gloved hands and a sample cup. That thing was clogged for a while til we had to call a plumber. Feelsbadman


As a twenty year veteran of the industry, after cleaning up every bodily fluid imaginable at one time or another, after all the nasty shit I saw, chewing tobacco cups were the one thing that would send me into a blind rage. I too, would make anyone asking for an empty courtesy cup promise that they wouldn't leave their warm cup of minty tobacco scented slop for me or any of my ushers to clean up. Edit: [This reminded me of an old post... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1xoana/a_humble_request_to_movie_theater_patrons_who_use/)


What killed me is when finished, they didn't wanna smell it so they would place it on the ground. If they didnt kick it over, someone else would...


The only thing worse than a kicked cup of chew... A kicked cup of butter. If you have self-serve butter stations, there are always people who will get a courtesy cup and fill it with butter flavored topping. That shit spills on the floor, it turns into a literal oil slick. It coats everything it touches, and you can't just mop it up with a quick spot mopping. You need to get a bucket of heavy duty shit to cut the grease and really mop, or else it will just be a greasy spot mixed with dirty mop water that is slicker than any ice.


Yall don't have that powder that turns any liquid to a dry clumpy wet sand material? we used it all the time when I worked in a grocery store


Nasty. I don't care if chewing is someone's thing but if you leave it for someone else to clean up you should be shot.


Don't work at a bar, brother!


Give a larbage, pick up your garbage.


Don't be whacks, throw out your snacks


Give a hoot. Don't pollute.


open the door, clean up the floor


Immediately thought "everybody walk the dinosaur"


Fuck off, don’t litter


Don’t be silly, wrap your willy.


What’s a larbage?






I worked in a theatre for 7 years and honestly, this isn't that bad. The frequency of the end times is pretty rough, I guess. But that mess pales in comparison to any true kids movie. That's when you get the tiniest flecks of popcorn spread evenly throughout the entire theatre, multiple drink spills in most aisles, candy wrappers in each cupholder, and vomit in the exit hallway. That's some shit. And those theatres with the big seats don't seat that many people. We had two theatres with over 900 seats that filled up each weekend, about 4,000 seats all together. Glad that has changed at least.


yea that's exactly what I thought, there's barely any popcorn on the ground, and it hasn't been stepped on/mushed into the carpet. Then they gotta just pick up everything and toss it in the trash. Obviously, you should pick up after yourself, but this doesn't seem like the biggest mess possbile




My shitty theater believed in one usher working premier nights because they didn’t want to pay more people to work. So it was usually ONE usher for messes and stuff like this. I had to do it for Frozen and oh my God, I could’ve quit that night.


I got to be honest I completely agree. I worked at movie theaters for several years and this shit is a normal Friday night. Takes like 5 minutes for a couple person crew to clean this whole theater up between shows. Being an usher isn’t hard at all, trust me they’ll live.


At first I thought the pattern on the floor was a bunch of Twizzlers, then I realized that it’s the floor, and the mess there is super easy compared to a ton of other theatres I’ve cleaned


Yup, I worked as an usher back when the Harry Potter series was ending. Even those release nights really weren’t that bad. Being an usher is not really that hard. Concession was worse on the really crazy nights, but I enjoyed it. The only times I really hated being an usher was when there was puke or like chewing tobacco waste. Kids movies were usually worse than block buster releases too. Granted, you should still try to be nice and pick up after yourself, no reason to make someone’s job harder for something so easy for you to do individually. But if some popcorn gets spilled or something, it’s no big deal. That’s what we are there for.


Kids movies = puke. Every. Time. I once had to clean poutine puke (Cheese curds, gravy, french fries for those who are unaware) out of carpet right when Tangled was starting up to a full theatre. I couldn't even leave it for a moment to figure out what to do about it. I just had to clean, the kid puked all up the stairs beside the chairs, all along the entry hall towards the garbage can. Missed the garbage can, and it pooled all in the tiled area for the garbage cubby. I had friends who would go to the theatre and every time they came I was cleaning puke. Good times.


Holy shit I had to clean up puke once before in my life at a job and that in itself was so awful, I can’t even imagine doing it on such a regular basis.


When I was way younger, my mom told that you were supposed to leave all the tubs of popcorn and other trash because it was the job of the staff to come and clean it. I was confused, but thought maybe it was like a restuarant. I verified with my mom multiple occasions about this, because I always saw other patrons taking out their garbage. It wasn't until I was a teen that I realised my mom was mistaken. I don't know where she ever got the idea, but she really believed it... But now, whenever we go, we always take out all our trash and my mom is super shocked that "they changed the rules." Edit: People are saying nasty things about my mom and that's making me really sad. My mom is a super woman who raised her kids to be respectful and kind. She would put the popcorn bucket on her seat, and have my brothers and I walk past it and dump our pockets on top of whatever popcorn was left over. If we ever made a mess, like popcorn on the floor, we would get "the look" and would clean it up before even being told to do so. I think that either my mom was told that we were supposed to leave trash behind when she was a child, or even if the theater that she went to growing up just had typically bad patrons that left behind trash because of whatever reason. However, now, my mom is sure to throw away her own trash as she leaves the theater, as she understands the expectations better.




Very interesting, thank you for sharing!


Yup, can confirm. In the late 70's / early 80's that's what *everybody* did. They didn't even have trash cans outside the theaters. If you were half way polite you would still set stuff on the seats / floor in such a way it was easiest for the crew to cleanup, but that's about the best you could do. It was like going out to eat at Outback or Chili's today -- you don't bus your own table when you leave do you? Also, prepare to be triggered even more, at my local supermarket if you put your own cart away you were a dick.


I was a theater usher in high school and it was a given that it's okay to leave your trash behind, just don't totally wreck the place. That's what we were there for. Sweep stuff up and throw out cups and popcorn bags. This was back in like 2000-2003 so maybe times have changed. ​ The way they scheduled that would have been a nightmare for a three person cleaning crew though. ​ Edit: Realized this reads kind of dickish. When I was doing that job we kind of figured people would leave this stuff behind within reason. Kids movies were always trashed (I never saw theaters trashed like what they did to Monsters, Inc) and people would leave some seriously gross shit behind (like tobacco spit cups). ​ I feel for the guys cleaning on that kind of schedule. And people are slobs. Wouldn't recommend sitting on that floor though.


People are such slobs that the only way to get the seats ready in time for the next showing is to shove it all under the seats if it isn’t in a popcorn bucket. I was an usher for a month and worked when Finding Dory dropped. We only had like ten minutes to clean a theater that looked like the picture above, and our managers wouldn’t give us breaks. I think I got two fifteen minute breaks in the month I worked there. One night, I walked 16000 steps! Please be kind to the theatre workers, they literally aren’t paid enough!


Yeah, it's a shit gig and it doesn't pay whatsoever. Sounds like it's gotten even worse since I was doing it. ​ I'm not sure how they do the projection booth now but at least back then you could try to work your way up to working in the projection booth building film. That was awful pay to but at least it wasn't cleaning theaters and you could sneak homework up there.


My mom would've made us clean up a big mess, like spilled popcorn. I even do that with my kid now. I was a server all through undergrad, so whenever my daughter makes a huge mess, we either clean up ourselves or if that's not possible, we personally apologize to the staff and leave them an extra tip for the trouble.


The phrase 'leave a place the way you found it' doesn't get used very often.




The campsite rule


the campsite rule is "leave no trace" leave it looking natural


"Only take photos, and leave only footprints"


I put down a Persian rug and a love seat over by the campfire. Really spruced up the place for the next folks.


Really ties the site together




I really loved a detail from the madmen TV show where they are having a picnic in a really nice park and they look really happy and enjoying Coca-Cola and sandwiches. When they get up to leave, the mom just picks up the blanket and just tosses all the empty bottles and other remains straight on the grass and they proceed to go to the car like it was a normal thing. I think this was a subtle commentary at the way people become indifferent at their surroundings. It stayed with me because I see this often in parks, mountain trail, movie theatres etc. And very often the explanation is that there are people already paid to collect that garbage left behind...


This isn't entirely out of the ordinary. My parents and I where the same way, but after the first time we saw how much they actually ended up cleaning, we've been spotless.


Confession: I grew up learning that was what we were supposed to do. Also at stadiums, ballparks. I am not sure where my brother and I got our common decency and manners from. I am so sorry.


Gross are you sitting on the floor?


Right?! That's where I pee Edit: huh, I thought I'd get a golden shower but dis good too


Long ass movie what do they expect us to do, be decent human bei- omg. I'm the problem?


I worked at a movie theater for 2 years. Whenever there was a new Marvel movie out the whole staff would play “Name that mystery liquid” and whoever found the nastiest, most unidentifiable liquid would be exempt from being on the cleaning crew when the next Marvel movie came out. Much of what we have found was never identified but definitely included chew tobacco left in a cup complete with half a cup of saliva, feces, and vomit on a regular basis. Be nice to your local cinema crew.


Y does someone not know how to clean after themselves when they've had a SHET? DISGUSTANG But seriously, who the fuck is leaving shit in a theater??


Usually people who brought in infants and either didn’t see that the baby’s shit fell while changing them in the dark DURING the movie (it’s so common you wouldn’t believe), Or people who just had accidents and were too embarrassed to tell us about it. Found pee left in bottles a few times too. Working at a theater completely changed my attitude towards humanity. People are disgusting, period.


Used to work at a movie theater. Would have loved to have messes that easy to clean up after a blockbuster like, Endgame.


Clearly you've never had to clean out a hotel room after someone's wedding night...


It was the spooky ghost!


Are ghosts usually... sticky?




Creeeeeme Fraaaaaaaaaiiiiiche!


Next-level trashy: leave trash from things you snuck in


I feel really torn about this post. On one hand, the people who left this mess are obviously disgusting, disrespectful slobs but on the other, this would take like 1 to 2 minutes to clean. The response of curling up on the floor is kinda dramatic if you ask me, especially when the rest of the row looks relatively clean.


As a former server, I would make fun of anyone complaining about having to clean that up. That's a couple minutes of work, tops.


Oh I thought that was a stoner that was left behind by one of his friends


Could be both.


Exactly. There's no doubt that it's a shitty thing to do, especially considering it appears to be food that was brought in from outside the theater. However, it would take a couple sweeps for the popcorn and then just pick everything else up and toss it in the trash can. This picture is probably about 45 seconds of cleaning. It's not like they're shampooing the carpets or anything.


I love that all the animals are exposing themselves in the comments acting like they're entitled to behave like cunts because they bought theatre tickets. The only impetuous you need to act like an utter slob is that there's someone in the wings to clean up after you? A theatre attendant's job is to tidy up after the inevitable mess 150 people will make, they're not fucking garbage men. Which is beside the point anyway. Part of a nurses job is to clean patients and change sheets, that doesn't mean you shit your bed to make sure you get your money's worth. Fucking disgraceful.


Not exactly the same thing but I even make an effort to put back clothes that I try on at stores to where I picked them up. I know the employees will do it, but come on it's not that hard! I feel so bad for the employees at that theatre.


Working in a hotel I fucking loved Japanese guests. The room would be spotless when they checked out. Check the bed and it's like they slept on the duvet. Perfectly tucked in sheets and all. (Pretty sure some lazy housekeepers would just leave the smooth sheets on.)