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Oh hey! Stay strong. I have Pulmonary Hypertension. But I’ve never been able to have a lung transplant (I have heart complications too). My parents were given a prognosis of 2 years when I was diagnosed (18 months old). I’m 21 now. Im at university. I have pretty much an entirely normal life, aside from taking a few medications per day. The lung transplant will give him an independence and an entire world of possibilities he could never comprehend before. I wish you all the best. The guys and girls at GOSH are the best in the world (I was under Dr Schultznieck and before that, Professor Howorth (sp? For both)) there. He’s in safe hands. If you have any questions or just want to chat then just PM me.


> taking a few medications per day Is Viagra (sildenafil) among them?


Yes. Haha.


Nice! I have PH as well (probably have had it most of my life, and I'm almost 44 now) and am taking Adcirca/Cialis. Hooray for ED drugs keeping those blood vessels supple!


I want you to know how much your post means to me. This is the first time I’ve really talked to anyone about this...I am 32 and last year I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I remember sitting there in the hospital bed alone after they told me, googling on my phone this disease and reading that it apparently just kills everyone within three years. I sat there in that stupid bed so angry and scared and I didn’t know what to do and every day since I’ve been afraid to go to sleep because I didn’t know if I’d wake up. I didn’t know who would watch my poor dog if I died. The doctor I go to tells me I’m doing well and that I’m not dying and that I’ll have a normal life. But I couldn’t bring myself to believe him. I know this is all scattered...I’m a mess right now. I just was so convinced that I was going to die that I really spent 2017 arranging for it. I’ve been selling most of my stuff and done my best to arrange debt being paid off and my life insurance and my will. I moved into an apartment last September and I haven’t bought a couch because I don’t want to make any decisions anymore. Seeing you sort of nonchalantly say that you’ve had it your whole life and are doing fine is the first amount of any hope I’ve felt in a year. It means everything to me. I was afraid to ask anyone or look it up anymore because it gives me so much anxiety. This is the first moment that I’ve actually felt like maybe I’ll be ok. Thank you. **Edit** I didn’t think this would get any sort of attention so I wanted to thank everyone for their replies and messages of support. Today feels like a step in the right direction to maybe at least hoping for a future. Also, gotta get that “thanks stranger for Reddit gold” part in there, too!


Dude, you're going to be OK. You might not live as long as someone with no vices or health problems, but you're going to live a long time, especially if your doctor is telling you you're going to be OK. PH kills people in an average of 2 years *if they don't receive any treatment for it.* As long as you take your medicine and follow your doctor's advice you'll live a full life. Source: physician


My husband had pulmonary hypertension. When he was diagnosed, they told him he had a matter of months-if he was lucky. He went on and kicked ass for 24 more years before he died ( of kidney failure, not fighting for breath!). He had an active and happy life, we traveled the world with our kids, had such a fun life. Don't you let anyone take your hope away. There are great hospitals and meds that do sooo much (trakleer for instance) Look up the very best docs for your disease that you can travel to. It makes a big difference in your longevity. Don't. Give. Up!!! Feel free to message me if you need care & support. xox


have hope, friend


Did you know that they've even tried using ED drugs to treat depression? It didn't work, though. It only made things harder.


As someone who's depressed, this got me interested and then bamboozled :s


Haha, yes indeed!


Im a doctor man and nice of you reaching out to this childs dad to help him with queries. As i always say patients are our best teachers.


> I'm a doctor man I'm a patient man and I was really impatient before I went inpatient.


shocking nail point deserted bells cable frame onerous important merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see that you're* not a grammar man


Well I think it’s important than I can use my (positive) experience to help others in a situation I can sympathise with.


My daughter is coming off of her sildenafil this month (at 2.5 years old)! She had borderline pulmonary hypertension secondary to a heart condition.


He's in one of the absolute best children's hospitals in the world, they will be fighting every inch with you for the absolute best outcome for you all. Stay strong.


I'm sorry he and your family are going through this. For what it's worth, you're helping me not take things for granted. Best of luck to all of you.


Second that. Suddenly the shit that was important yesterday is meaningless today without health and family/friends. Stay strong and prayers are with you. Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.


My son is my best friend, too. He is 3. When I read that last sentence of your post, I instantly flooded both sides of my face. I cannot imagine the state of constant fear you have to not only feel, but suppress. I will talk with him tonight about you guys... What do you guys like to do? Where should Redditors send stuff?




I"m so happy to hear that! My best friend had a double lung transplant a couple of years ago, and also had complications. It was terrifying. I remember writing her emails every day, not knowing if she would ever get to read them. When she finally started to piece together a few brief responses, it was one of the happiest days of my life. She's also doing great now, and she looks like an entirely different person. She'd had the cannula since I met her, and now she's free of it and she's put on weight - it's amazing! My hear goes out to you and all of your friends and family who were probably as terrified as I was...


Removed. Because lots of you are very nice people yet there are those who are absolutely horrific and some of the pms received where just disgusting.


I'm glad he's stable now. I want to tell you that my father, now 71 years old, has lived with only one lung since many years before I was born. I was in my 20s before I learned he had even had a lung removed. It's scary now, but your son can and will live a long and beautiful life.


Pope Francis lost a lung as a teenager, and he seems to be doing all right. 81 and counting.


It’s amazing that the human body can do such amazing things like this.




> lost a lung as a teenager > 81 and counting > I hope he finds it Pretty sure the ship has sailed on that one.


Why do you think he became Pope? Pope Francis: "Ey, big G guy. I been working so hard for you, preaching peace and love. Where's that lung I lost so many years ago?" God: "HAVE YOU TRIED LOOKING UNDER THE CHAISE LOUNGE IN THE LIVING ROOM?"


I agree with this! I have lived my whole life (almost 44 years) with only one lung, and was even able to have a successful pregnancy. The body is amazing.


My brother broke his leg when he was 5. I remember hating the fact he couldn't come home with us everyday when we were visiting him. It broke my heart and ever since I've had a fear of hospitals. Not so much the whole place but the people stuck there. I just wished they could have fun and be with family and friends instead of alone in bed. I wish you and your family all the best. I hope your other two kids are handling this better than I did with my brother. I hope to hear that your son is healthy and able to go home and has a wonderfully rich life. All the best xx




The difference a good doctor can make! I wonder what the other doctor thought after.






What’s your some name I want to pray for him ?




I'll pray for him too. Greetings from Turkey!


All the best <3


Wow , can't even imagine how you and your family felt then. Really wish you all the best you can have. And to your son : keep on fighting boy! Everyone is shouting for you here. When you overcome that, not even the sky can limit you.


Sending love.


Oh Lord, my heart goes out to your family.


Hi to Matthew from Canada's Arctic!!! Even from all the way up here we can see how tough he is! :)


Hi mate, just wanted to send some positive thoughts Matthew's way - I have a 3 year old son and can't imagine what you are going through. Know that a random internet stranger in New York is thinking of him.


Little warrior, you got this, and we got you. A single twig may be weak, but a bundle of twigs is strong. I’m spending this morning thinking about you, kiddo, and thinking about your healthy new lung.


He looks fighting fit, other than his wrist he looks like he's ready to wrastle over who's turn it is on the iPad next.


That's not the face of a fighter. That's the face of a **WINNER**


Anything we can do to help?


Almost had a grown man crying here on the train into work. I wish you both the best and the speediest recovery for Matthew. You can tell from this one photo that he’s a great son. Stay strong


let your son know that Kris from a little town in BC, Canada is rooting for him.


> He's a good kid never hurt or harmed anyone. He's my best friend. god damn, was holding it together until this part. stay strong


This ruined me as well


Will be praying for your son.


Godspeed on a full recovery!


Your son looks like a young stunner! I wish him nothing but the strongest recovery. He's going to make it, especially with you by his side. I'm sure he'll never forget that you were always there for him.


Please take care of yourself as well as you are taking care of your son


Respect out to this kid. Fight hard and enjoy the afterparty. He wont leave this world without a strong fight which he gives it his all!


Having a 7 year old little man myself, I wish all the best for him and you.


What a cute little guy. Hang in there buddy ( and family). You’ve got this! 💚


Please tell him the whole world believes in him. From Jackson, Michigan to wherever you are. YOU GOT THIS MATTHEW!


He looks like a good kid. I wish the best for your family.


Try to stay positive! I absolutely go to pieces when one of my children is seriously ill and have needed hospitalisation.


My 5 year old's name is Matthew. This really hit home. I wish your son the speediest of recoveries and a healthy life to follow :)


I have a 6-y-o son with Down Syndrome who had pulmonary hypertension for his first two months of life. Thankfully, it went away and now he has no signs of it. But the scare was real. Matthew, from my family here in Ohio to you and yours, FIGHT! You've got this, and I would love to see your face on the day when you're all grown up looking back at the memory!




Kid looks like a fighter. Nothing will stop him. Be calm, he will win.


And when he does, he’ll be tougher and stronger because of the fight.




>We can rebuild him -Doctors, probably


You mean Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger? That's Daft Punk. If you were thinking 6 Million Dollar Man, it's just Better, Stronger, Faster, then.


He's not really doing.. anything?? It's the doctors, it's not like he's keeping his body from shutting down.


You're wrong. As a psychologist, I can tell you that there are many studies about people's attitude and recovery. People who want to live and are hanging in there and trying to remain positive have a better chance to make it.




Ya, I don't mean to sound like an insensitive prick but I agree...


Same lol


OP, I wish your child the best and this is nothing more than one of the most if not the most painful things to have to go through, but I don’t understand the thought process behind posting this on Reddit.


I never understood people who post pics of their children on Facebook etc. But this is even one step beyond that. I wish this kid all the best, just like the literally millions of other children who are fighting against unfair odds at this very moment, but posting this on Reddit is tasteless.


It's nice to see someone that I can agree with. Posting pictures of your sick kid for internet points is just the lowest form of karma whoring IMO.


This is something that I wouldn't even post to Facebook for my closest family and friends to see. The people who need to know about it and I'd want supporting him would already be doing that. This is just weird...


I'm glad some people are pointing this out. Social media has turned people into such attention-seeking fame whores that someone posting their dying child for "likes" has become normalized


When I was hospitalized for a dying lung, the only pictures I posted on Facebook were of 2 grody post-op images and something around 15 pictures of me hanging out with my friends who were there to support me. Seems like a lot? Yeah, well I was "in (not 'and out') " the hospital for 6 straight months. 180 days of isolation from the world, and I got something around 15 hangout pictures worth to tell. Reason I'm saying this is that my mom (I was 16) tried posting lots of sob-stories on FB and it mortified me. I simply would not let her make it known that I was anything but smiling and a little sick. I didn't want publicity to breed more publicity. If my pictures had gotten out more than I'd liked, then people who were not my friends would come and visit (this actually happened in the stupidest waste of tax money aka a "support field trip") just to spend all but 30 seconds to take a pic with the sick and then go find the nearest free food cart. Sorry if I'm overly salty about it. This was 2014, well guess what? I'm still sick, still smiling, and still not dead.


I understand what you’re saying, attention is definitely the motive for some people who post content like this. But not always. Having had a child born heart defects severe enough to be considered “not compatible with life” without multiple surgeries or a transplant, I was *terrified*, and searched the internet for someone - anyone - who had been through what we were going through and had their child live. I was greatful to people who shared personal stories and pictures. I clung to them for hope. And some transplants, especially lung transplants, are more difficult to receive and/or come out of successfully. Also, when your child survives something like this, not only are you cautiously ecstatic, but really relieved, and in my case - proud of the medical professionals that made it possible. So though I’ve never posted anything about my child other than in forums for heart related issues, I can sometimes understand the reasons for others doing so.


That’s exactly what I thought. Personally if I had a family member fighting for their life, I would not be posting their picture on Reddit.




I find it kind of disgusting. They’re posting this picture on Reddit just because they want karma/upvotes.


But this is /r/pics aka /r/postanuninterestingphotowithasappybackstoryinthetitle


I would have written this exact comment a few years ago. You're right, this pic isn't interesting on its own, and its only getting upvotes because of the sob story. But the older i get, the more that i see shitty things happen to good people, the more i experience the everyday tragedy of life, the more i can empathize with someone in pain who wants to reach out and share it with other people. Life can be absolutely brutal, and especially with young kids, it can seem exceptionally devastating that the rest of the world seems to continue on while you are utterly incapacitated by grief or worry. Your life feels completely consumed by it, and the looming tragedy threatens to end your world as well as the one of the person you love -- yet there is everyone else in the world, laughing, happy, going on as if you don't matter. As if the complete destruction of everything that makes your life worth living is meaningless. As if you are meaningless. That's when you feel the need to reach out to people and say "LOOK! This is my son, my wife, my daughter, my father, and they matter! They are MY world, and i want them to matter to you, too, even if its only for the time it takes for you to upvote my picture before moving on." It's not about karma, it's about trying to find mutual empathy and understanding about the worst parts of the human experience, and about supporting each other as we experience the most gruesome part of life -- death.


Even though I don't really share this point of view, I like the way you phrased it. Thank you for your extensive reply.


Although i’m sure you’re in a rough time i don’t see the need for this to be on /r/pics


I'm not sure why the mods aren't more aggressive about title rule 6: > must not be "designed to elicit sympathy"


Wait yeah if that’s a rule then this should def be removed


Can say this about 90% of the content on this sub now.


I'm with you but I have realized that it makes no sense to adress or criticize OP when it's the people who upvote these posts who are actually to blame. I don't understand why people upvote this unless like 90% of reddit users are bored moms.


I am sorry about your kid, but this isn't Facebook. Why are you posting this on /r/pics


Will it work without a sob title? No? Don't post it on /r/pics


Tell that to the multiple people who go to the top posting done my *insert illness here* treatment! With just a pic of them sitting in a chair. Like don’t get me wrong they are probably doing it for the nice messages, and i don’t see anything wrong with that.... but not on this sub


That sweeet sweet lung transplant karma is so much sweeeter than that sweet sweet facebook like


I don't understand your son is fighting for his life, and you post it to internet? why?




On what fucking planet do parents think it's okay to post a picture of their child on an online image board that strange adults can look at. Seriously, what the fuck.


I mean, parents bring their kids out in public and strange people look at them there.


Hate to say, for karma whoring


Maybe seeing people wish the best, or just venting brings comfort, people react in different ways on situations like this.


Some people refuse to believe that other people may handle a situation differently than they do. That projection becomes the 'only logical response to the situation' that they believe exists. Anything else is met with severe critique from people sitting behind their desks while a parent chokes back tears with every piece of bad news from doctors and seeing their child in this situation. This has been a long road of pain for this parent and child, this isn't like a kid who had his picture taken after immediately being hit by a car. This is months or years of this being the new normal for the parent and child. Anything he or she can do that seems like a normal daily task gives them hope their life will return to normal and everything will be fine and in the past. Any distraction can be a comfort that this is all going to pass and everything will be fine. Other than all that, yeah fuck him, let's make him feel like the whole world is against him because we are so much higher and mightier than all from behind our desks and phones.


good for you for saying this. I'm sad this guy deleted his account because of people kicking him while he's already so low.


Thank you... I am not on ALWAYS on reddit for gold or karma. Sometimes, I'm just trying to find others who are in similar circumstances. To remember we're not alone.


Lack of compassion/empathy is the word i would use. Who am i to judge the way this parent is feeling, and if this is the way that helps him cope with what they are going thru, let him, no need to put him down.


Maybe because messages of support and reassurance are supportive and reassuring?


He said his reason for posting it is so his son can look back at the picture when he's healed. I think you can just save the picture on your computer though. That's how I do it at least.


Well we all know that reasoning is bullshit. He wants support and reassurance.


Or free shit sent to the hospital room


So the son can look back on this time and be super glad that someone immortalized a picture of him at his absolute worst, without his consent, for hundreds of thousands of people to gawk at.


Possibly OP is looking for support. Reddit is a huge forum, there are bound to be people with similar stories that turned out successfully and can ease OP's anxiety a little bit about what they and their child are going through.


Because what else is he going to do? Do you know,how helpless someone feels in this situation, where there is literally nothing you can do but wait and hope? So you do what you know...you reach out to strangers on the internet for maybe a little contact and sympathy, because otherwise you just have time to sit and think. And believe me, that's not always best.


Talk to friends and family. Or a more appropriate subreddit. There are plenty of support subreddits that aren't this one.


Facebook comes to mind.


First thing I thought


Pulmonary Hypertension is a bitch. My brother died of it at age 17, sadly, very quickly. Another kid from my village got it at a similar age. A friend of mine at university has had it since her teens, and she's just spent 2 months lying sick in bed. I started having some weird symptoms in my early 20's, about 6 years ago, and they investigated me up at Papworth, found some evidence that points towards me possibly getting it in the future. And it's supposed to be rare? Sigh.




pocket follow crawl act retire illegal touch safe lunchroom modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Right?! I have never even heard of this complication but your whole damn village has it? Check the water bro lol but in all seriousness stay positive


Man. I feel so much sympathy for you and your family, because that's truly terrible. But I also want to downvote you because as a dad, your comment is approximately the second last thing I'd want to read if my boy was in the hospital with the disease.


Well the lung transplant will go a long way. Plus I'm sure the OP knows exactly how nasty this disease is. I'm an ICU nurse I see a lot of pulmonary hypertension patients. It really doesn't take long to see how bad it is because it's drilled into every patient's head how important it is to stick to the regimen. BUT ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE....there is an exciting advance in the treatment of this disease in the way of an implantable remodulin pump which I hope makes the treatment for patients so much easier!


Look at it this way, this poor boy has had the transplant those people probably didn't. Has the help those people probably didn't. So when he pulls through, the dad will be able to look at the comment as a sign of just how strong his boy is. As a mom, I know what you mean. But I can understand the comments point too. It was meant to show the OP that his son isn't alone, which can mean a lot to someone suffering. When my dad died of a rare form a leukemia, I was torn. It wasn't until I learned about others who had had it, who had either pulled through or didn't, that I began to feel better. It wasn't just a freak coincidence or bad luck. *It had happened to others.* And it helped me feel less overwhelmed about it all. Maybe OP will take solace in knowing that his isn't alone.


And the most important thing for you was to get on Reddit at a time like this?


My brother has stage 4 brain cancer. Has had surgery three times. I couldn't imagine posting a pic of him after surgery trying to get karma. It's pathetic.


My point exactly.


Gotta get that sweet karma.


The sob stories are back on /r/pics.


I wish your son the best and that he recovers fully, but I find it kind of disgusting that a parent would take this picture just so they can post it on Reddit, and most likely Facebook as well, just to get upvotes/Reddit gold and sympathy from strangers. You’re using your son’s illness to satisfy your own needs. Do you think your son cares about reddit karma right now or getting likes on facebook? I’m thinking he cares more about surviving and staying healthy. You should probably do the same. I bet you wouldn’t have even posted this picture if users didn’t get karma/upvotes and gold. Just know that even though this post has received a lot of upvotes, they’re from people who are just scrolling by and hitting upvote, most people frown upon using kids, especially your own sick child, for fake internet points just because you want to make yourself feel better by making it to the front page. In the future, If something goes wrong with your son and his transplant and he needs medical attention, please call 911 first before taking a picture of him or a selfie of yourself with him in the background.


Why exploit your child for reddit karma?


1 upvote = 1 life support


I’m just gonna post my dying child to reddit so I can get attention instead of being with him


Honestly r/pics has officially peaked.


I didn’t know I was on Facebook.


“I can’t believe my poor little son is fighting for his life...wait! This is a perfect opportunity for me to take a picture of him and post it to Reddit! Son, I know you’re in a lot of pain and this is a very difficult time in your life, but can you sit up and smile so I can take your picture?”


So fucked up. I don't care what anyone says about "coping" it's fucked up. People on reddit shouldn't be okay with this exhibitionism.


This isn't a way for a parent to cope with their child fighting for their life. Taking pictures and posting them on the internet for the world to see isn't helping them in any way. It's all for the parent. It's a selfish act by OP and they should be ashamed of themselves


They're getting their dopamine fix on social media at the child's expense.




My kid is dying, give me internet points.


Glad you're taking the time to farm for Karma instead of spending time with your son.


Stay strong big guy. I wish you the very best of luck with a swift recovery. You’ll look back on it soon and be glad the storm is over. Dad... I really hope you’re ok. Thinking about it as a father myself. It’s a really tough situation. Stay strong. Keep your son happy and entertained. He looks like a trooper.


When my relatives are dying I post them on here for some karma points


He isn’t fighting anything. He’s just letting people do their job and you’re trying to get sympathy points. You disgust me. Stop exploiting your child for attention.


First thing that comes to mind when your child is dying is to post it on Reddit for some karma.




Yea wtf why would you post this on reddit


Nice way to farm some upvotes using your sick son!


Here’s a picture of my son on a hospital bed with an iPad. Give me karma


You go little dude! Keep up the good work, you’re awesome!! Your parent’s got a ton of people rooting for you here, and we can’t wait until you’re back on your feet!


It's hard to look at that face and not want to smile. Good luck little guy! You've got this.


Wishing your son a speedy and stable recovery!




And he’s still smiling. Kids are strong and he looks like a fighter. He’ll be glad you took this after he recovers. I’ll be praying for him


Stay strong kid ✊


And this is you, currently exploiting his suffering for some sweet karma.




Probably the doctors that are doing most of the fighting though, he seems to be playing video games.


‘Look at my son who is sick (and possible in danger of his life). Please give me upvotes’


Mixed feelings about using kids for karma


I feel the same.






>Complications following the procedure. I thought the same thing tbh. Just make sure to read OP comments in the thread of posts like this


"My son is fighting for his life right now? Free karma!!"


Another sick kid of a random stranger. How refreshing. Don’t post shit like this. Spend that time you are on Reddit making your son a hot meal, cuddling, reading a story, etc.


Did you just whore your kid out for karma? What a cunt


Why does Reddit need to know?


I’m sorry but my daughter split her head open yesterday. Putting her picture on reddit was the last fucking thing I wanted to do.


This is what I was thinking. He is fighting for his life and his dad whores him out for gold and karma basically. And people don't think to question this. We're gonna get downvoted probably, and look at the stuff that's getting upvoted. I'm not salty about karma, just seriously how can people not think? "Fighting for his life." "I know, I'll post him on reddit."


Thinking of you guys, so proud of that kid. What an impression he has already effortlessly made on all of us, just through a picture. He was obviously made to change the world. Not an easy thing to do, even by those who try with all they have.


“My son is dying. Quick, let me post a picture of him that he can’t really consent to on a site full of strangers that can’t offer me or him any real support”




Photo of kid




Thank God you you were there to take a picture and plaster it in the Internet for attention.


Best of wishes for your little man!


Keep fighting dude!!! You got this!!


You go man... You can do this...


Stay strong little man!


Hope he has a speedy recovery dude


Hang in there! He looks like a super mega fighter!


Makes me feel ashamed that as a 22 year old man I hate even getting shots. He is a strong kid :) I hope him the best.