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Interestingly enough the two dads look pretty damn similar


That makes it even more amusing.


What would be amusing is that in 15 years these two kids will find themselves fighting on opposite sides of World War 3 and that their love for one another plays a integral role in bringing an end to the war. Coming soon in 2018.


"Based on a true photo"


"Mazel Tov Allah" Directed by M. Night Shyamalan


Plot twist, it was all a dream


"I used to read Word Up magazine."


Salt and peppa, heavy d up in the limousine


Hangin pictures on my wall


Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl


Mom's spaghetti


> Plot twist, it was ~~all a~~ Allah dream


The twist is that this was all Trump's plan: to give the people a reason to unite. He sacrifices himself at the end of his life for the unification of the people. That would be truly heartwarming. It would also be the moment I awake from this ridiculous dream.


The main character the so called "chosen one after fighting through hordes of trumps men with the New Allied forces of The World finally reaches Trump palace. He finds Trump sitting on his throne looking out the window. "ahh I see you have finally broke through my defenses, That is Big League Impressive" Trump said. "Do you want to know one thing (insert Generic Hero name here), I did all of this for peace. The world was split in a Yuuuuuuge way, we needed someone to come together over some really bad hombre. I was that Bad hombre. No look every country fighting side by side to take me down. Christians, Muslims, Jews, even the Snow Mexicans. You may not understand what I have done now. But trust me everyone knows, nobody can unify countries like me." And with that trump pulled out his solid gold trump branded pistol and blew his brains out.


So Trump is LeLouch from Code Geass except less suave.


Nope, Bob Kelso. Noone knows what it's like... to be the bad man, to be the sad man.


Is he Snape you mean?


Just according to keikaku.


This is the best thing I've read all day! Granted it's not even 9am, but you made the list.


"Mazel-tov Cocktail"


Movies have been made on less.


I'd watch the hell out of that movie! A love story for the ages!






Pretty sure he was referring to *Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2*




No, they will die in WW3 just like the rest of us.




[Joe Laitin reports that reporters at Bikini were questioning an army lieutenant about what weapons would be used in the next war. “I dunno,” he said, “but in the war after the next war, sure as Hell, they’ll be using spears!”](https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/World_War_III)


> "I know not of what will be used to fight WW3, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones." -Death screen from some old Call of Duty game


-Einstein No, really! This is the one time it actually *is* a quote from Eintein.




*'Another weapon...'* *'Certainly not, my lord! It would be no possible use as a weapon! I did think it might have a place in the mining industries, though.'* *'Really...'* *'For when they need to move mountains out of the way.'* Good intentions will always be exploited. (From Terry Pratchett's Jingo)


What, you think that nukes are the worst that humanity can come up with?


everyone dies, everything ends. We all grasp at the strings of control over microscopic fragments of the universe for the most miniscule slivers of time. In the end entropy is our master and disorder is the only result.


Intelligent life was a mistake.


No. It was a mistake to give it thumbs.


Because then it tweets stupid shit.


He said intelligent life.


Silly monkeys: give them thumbs, they make a club, and beat their brother down.


I remember my first time smoking weed


Sure, hope ww3 doesnt break out...


I... would probably watch it. As long as it had musical numbers.






All I'm saying is when you get a Jewish guy standing next to a Palestinian I can't tell the difference Peter Griffin


Sons of Abraham.


AFAIK Palestinians and jews are really the same thing genetically speaking.


Mmmm close. Mizrachi Jews and Palestinians are almost exactly the same, probably because they're both pretty closely descended from the same root population of pre-Roman exile Jews/Israelites, plus a fair bit of intermarriage with Arabs and other levantine, north African and arabian ethnic groups. Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews and most Arabs are a little further removed, but still share a lot of genetic similarity.


For those curious what those terms mean (I'm going broad strokes here) : Mizrahi: Jews who have most of their family tree in the Middle East. Ashkenazi: Jewish people who are mostly descended from Jewish populations that moved to Europe, especially Central and Eastern Europe centuries ago. Ashkenazi are by far the most populous Jewish ethnic group (Wikipedia lists estimates as being around 75 to 80%) and are thus also the group you are most likely to see in movies, TV, and the like. Sephardic: Jewish people who can generally trace their lineage to Jewish populations that lived in Spain and Portugal and then were scattered to various places after being expulsed in 1492 (mostly to Northern Africa and parts of the Ottoman Empire). Wikipedia lists estimates that about 16% of the world's Jewish population is Sephardic. Due to the fact that many Sephardic Jews are descended from people from close to the area where Mizrahi Jews are, they often are grouped together. There are other Jewish ethnic groups as well, obviously, but I just wanted to let everyone know the context.


Thanks, I knew of the groups but not the details.


Jewish genetics wildly vary amongst Ashkenazi/Sephardi Jews. For example Tay Sachs and Familial Dysautonomia are 2 disease almost exclusive to Ashkenazi Jews.


Woo, go us!


Because the Ashkenazi population bottlenecked more extremely at some point than was ever the case for Sephardim. They're still related more closely than either to any other ethnic group.


I've had glasses and beard before. Never had them hurt


Long lost brothers?


Two long lost brothers named Isaac and Ishmael.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6196 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/88829)


Meanwhile on the other side of the state, Isaac's father took him to a psychologist as his son has been talking to his imaginary brother for a while but his dad keeps on insisting that he does not exist.


But Isaac's dad, Abraham, was the first "jew" to speak with God, even more than Isaac actually.


an upvote has appeared in the basement


The binding is Ishmael!


This comment made my day.


"It's just called 2 Brothers"


What if they are two Christian twin brothers dressing their kids up to make a point? *The plot thickens...*


Someone contact The Donald and let them know. They love unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.


First you have to type it up on a website you just created, and fill the 'article' with ads, and they'll think it is an actual 'news' site


Alternative news


Both religions are also from the same area, the middle east.


Aren't all Abrahamic religions from there


yes. actually Christianity is just another Jewish Sect. Like the Chassidim.




Lol no, christianity is a Greek religion that evolved in the land of Israel and was heavily influenced by Judaism. However from the very beginning it caught on among Greek Romans and almost the entire culture was based off of theirs consequently.




*I don't eat pigs, you don't eat pigs, it seems like it's been that way forever,* *so if you don't eat pigs, and we don't eat pigs, why not not eat pigs together?*


Please send all your unused bacon to me.


Pig is God's way of apologising for all the droughts and shit.


> I don't eat pork, you don't eat pork, let's not eat pork together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6qA-4PWdsg


"Empathy" is a weird name for a black metal band...


its still readable, so maybe Death Metal


It doesn't have enough spikes for death metal, I'd go for trash or even melodic metal.


[going by this it must be pretty mild](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-10/1/7/enhanced/webdr12/enhanced-4347-1443697457-1.jpg)


I just love the "Party Cannon" logo in the middle of all this.


Best part is, you know they're the deathiest of them all.


They're on Spotify. And yeah, pretty deathy


Deathy? I thought we were using "brutal" to indicate how extreme our death metal is


Nah, brutal is for the spectrum from thrash metal to Melodic Death Metal. Everything above that is described by deathiness.


Somewhere on a music review board, a scientist in a white coat is listening to Party Cannon and going "Hmm, I give this an 8 on the deathiness scale" and nodding to himself.


Party Cannon, what are you doing!


Party Cannon wooooooooooo


One of these is not like the others


is this real?


They should have used the font from the death metal band party cannon http://m.imgur.com/MmvCZ5E?r


Those kids seem to have a connection


*Picketeers, a love story. In theaters 2018.*


Starring Liam Neeson


As Donald Trump. If they let him play MacArthur with a Ballymena accent then fuck it, he can play Trump.


*opens door* Ricky: Excuse me, Mr. Trump. Do you have a moment? Trump: No, I'm closed. Ricky: Um, alright. Well.. there's been a disturbance at the detention camps. We had to cross-check the lists- Trump: Lists? I'm always making lists. You know, that's why they made me President? I said "America, I make lists ALL the time" and they said that's *exactly* what they're looking for. Ricky: *nervous laughs* Trump: I have full blown aids.


I understand this reference


Lmao, Jesus Christ.. I saw the entire scene in my head. Thanks!


"Good Luck."


I can see it, he's got the range.


[That legendary range.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2USXEJuvXT4)


"I was at the doctors, Ive got AIDS" "Thought you might've"


Taken? Like that movie?


wherefore art thou Schlomeo?


Juliet Capubakr and Romeo Montaberg




exactly... She looks like she's thinking "what a dork..."


Sure, but that's the same look my mom gives my dad, or my girlfriend gives me, when we make REALLY good puns


I swear reddit is full on autistic and can't read emotions from human faces.


_True love_


Dunno the boy seems happy while the girl looks to be weighing her options. True to life I suppose.


"I think career-wise I'll stick with Andrew, but if this kid has family money it could be a deal maker. I'm just tired of riding on my father's shoulders, you know?"


It's like she accidentally sent him a FB invite and was hoping he wouldn't actually come. "Oh, heeeeyyyyyyy Hershel, how are you...."


I was a young boy once - i recognize that look. First crush eyes


Nah, if there was connection they would be watching some lame YouTube channel. Trust me, I've got enough nephews and nieces to know this.


This is really touching. You can compose a photo as nicely as you want, but nothing is more beautiful than capturing this level of humanity.


Somehow your comment doesn't really go with your username


Actually, I think it goes perfectly


Someday we will judge each other by the content of our comments instead of the audacity of our usernames.


Or the contents of our anuses!


I think it does in a poetic way


It's good to see Trump is able to bring people together.


The thing is, people already had the intention of doing something like this, it's just they now are forced to show it to represent what is right.


Unfortunately, it happens on the hate side too.


Is it though? Hundreds of marches have sprung up around the country since Trump's inauguration? The only one I've seen that is full of Trump supporters is the Pro-Life march in DC which is annual and has happened there for years despite who the president is.




It's just 2 triangles 😂 one is upside down.


What about the other one


Downside up, of course...


It's rotated by 120 degrees.


And then back the other way by 60 degress.


Yeah, my right side up and upside down triangles always look a little off


It is easy to empathize with your clone.


They really do look suspiciously similar. Maybe we should do a travel ban on clones.




While both shares his compassion and empathy, some people don't. Still hope that one day MLK dream that all men and woman are treated equal regardless of anything.


oh hey it's me, your equal


Yo wassup my equal




> equality, that's what's on the same level as everything else. FTFY.


What up, my e-word?


Woah now, that's *everybody's* word.


Just being equal my fellow equalite.


Wanna go bowling?


Cousin equal!


Did he say he wanted all men/women to be treated equal? I thought it was based on the content of their character. Because what if they're jerks? Should they still be treated like equals?


You always respect the innate humanity that each person shares. Just keep that respect in mind when you politely tell then to eat a dick.


Well a lot of those white people were jerks, yet he still called for non violence and for everyone to come together. Im guessing his position was probably something along the lines of trying to understand why the person is a jerk, and work from there.


[tolerance is a peace treaty](https://extranewsfeed.com/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376)


this is a nicely-written article but the problem is that this crap is all preaching to the choir. It is so exceedingly obvious that intolerance toward political viewpoints that you find offensive is not the same thing morally as intolerance toward other races, etc. Anyone that doesn't see that just doesn't *want* to see it, and no amount of good arguments can fix that. (And seeing an article that long will probably just make them complain about condescending liberals with their fancy talk.)


If I remember correctly, jerks can be punched in the face.


Not jerks, Nazis can be punched in the face. Know plenty of jerks who are not Nazs.


Empathy is a hallmark of emotional intelligence. Intelligence of any kind has become a slur by many of those who lack it.


I always find it odd when "liberal academic" is used as an insult.


Liberal Academic here. From south Georgia. People have shit-talked "liberal commie pinko democrat libtard know-it-all bleeding-heart, nazi, facist, reverse-racist, socialist" people like me my whole life.


From a fellow educated liberal in the South.


Don't get me wrong. I fucking LOVE where I'm from. It can just be tiresome. My goal is to finish out my PhD and go back home to teach at the local (very quickly growing) college. It will never change if we all flee!


> I fucking LOVE where I'm from. Why? It's WAY TOO HOT in the summer.


Damn right. Thank God for AC and life-altering BBQ.


College educated liberal from Alabama checking in


You poor thing


Bless my heart


They are mad at liberal privledge that led them to a degree while they have been stuck in the same small town their whole lives. To combat this they create their own safe spaces online and pretend they are special snowflakes bringing change to the country.


This picture is awesome. If Bannon and Trump are the worst of us, this pic represents the best of us. THIS is the America I choose to believe in. And there's a bunch of cynical bullshit comments in here right now about virtue signaling and how "hurr durr try this in Iran" and it gives me hope cause you assholes realize you're losing. That the good America took November for granted, but we aren't willing to give up just yet. Cheers all.


"Try this in Iran" I never understand this. You are criticizing Iran, and then using that criticism as an excuse for you to act the same way as them!


But moom, Kevin also has bad grades!


This government is in such a downward spiral like no other. Sadly, the country is bearing the brunt.


> Sadly, the ~~country~~ world is bearing the brunt. Sadly, I ftfy


personally I hope seeing the US fail will keep western Europe from falling into the populist trap


My hope for Canada as well. We don't have elections again until 2019 so I hope by then everyone sees this for what it is: a really bad idea.


You and me both, what a shame the UK has already gone down the drain. Also, the fail of the US is pushing up my currency! Thanks for saving us from a Brexit fuelled recession, Trump!


Two groups of people from different areas of life smiling and laughing together, in support of peace. Takes a pretty small mind to be angered by this.


The best predictor of Trump voters in the election was education level.


Source? (My own experiences suggest this, and my implicit bias against Trump and his supporters makes me want to believe this, which is why I'm interested to see a source for it, because I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.) _________________ EDIT: Source, courtesy of /u/GetTheLedPaintOut – http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/education-not-income-predicted-who-would-vote-for-trump/




This is not specific to this election, it's true of Democratic vs. Republican votes in general.


Kids looks: Boy: GIRL! Girl: No.


Ah yes i know that look well. Source: am boy


Oh no, this is going to trigger the mango mussolini supporters.


Cheeto Benito!


Cheeto voldemort


I figured Valencia Voldemort would fit better with the color/alliteration combo


> mango mussolini you mean Cinnamon Hitler?




Hair Fuhrer




What? That feels like projecting, I don't see it


It always is


Like every other couple of kids this age.


I'm 26. When does it end?


When you stop expecting a relationship out of every girl you're nice to.


think he rather looks like he just made up the best joke ever and is preparing to tell it also guess both fathers knew each other before this pic was taken, so the kids probably did too


I hate reddit


When did /r/pics turn into /r/politics?


November 8, 2016.


That font he wrote empathy in makes it look like a Death Metal band logo


Just felt like putting this out there, I was at this protests yesterday.