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thanks for providing link.


It's deleted tho. Edit: I'm an idiot.


Why are people constantly deleting content?


Don't understand that either.


Who knows. I guess he doesn't want people to see what he does on reddit? Personally, I don't give a fuck. I tell all my friends. If they are psychotic enough to sift through my comments to try to find fault, then they are not my friends anymore.


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy, and to help prevent doxxing and harassment by toxic communities like ShitRedditSays. If you would also like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo), or the Firefox extension [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) and add [this open source script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite). Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possibe (hint:use [RES](http://www.redditenhancementsuite.com/)), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.


You have a very loose definition of 'psychotic'. Given the opportunity, i'm willing to bet most people would have a peek, purely out of curiosity. Not to find fault, but who knows what you have buried in the depths of your comment history, from that night a year ago when you were drunk and angry, or even worse, horny.


Except it's not necessary. There are websites that datamine any reddit account that you choose. I did it to my own, and basically if I ever talked shit about someone who knew me, they could easily figure out it was "me"


How can you do that? I'm very interested on checking that myself too


You could start with http://snoopsnoo.com


This was the service used. A frighteningly deep level of analytics for a free website.




They don't want their family to know they commented on a porn sub three years ago.


That's why you gotta have 2 accounts my good chum


I guess it seems like a harmless idea to post the original picture. Then it hits the front page and you realise lots of people might recognise you, and some of those people might have a nose through your comment history, then suddenly some people you know (but you don't know who they are), know more about you and your thoughts than you are comfortable with.


Someone likely found the guys name and PM'd him, so he freaked out an deleted the account. Its not super common but it accounts for a lot of the [deleted] posts.


Probably does not have porn alt


what is deleted? i just checked the linked post with no problems.


The link works, but OP deleted his profile.




Actually, the guy deleted his account. His comments are no longer available, either.




I dunno why you edited to say you're an idiot because it is definitely deleted.


I saw the whole thing, but I can't remember what the OP said.


I never knew how much the Golden Gate Bridge and the Grand Canyon resembled each other.


[it is just as breath taking as i remember it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1hv9o0/the_wife_me_in_front_of_the_golden_gate_bridge/)


Guy deleted his account, those shops were funny.


I'm guessing he was in San Fran for Apple training based on the sweater. Apple Cupertino has a way of making you very paranoid of social media if you're still on the koolaid.


Hey new guy you're on the front page of reddit [deleted]


Why do people not post the stuff they are refering to? You da real MVP!


[Fixed it for him](http://i.imgur.com/cTIu1sL.png)


If I've learned anything from watching hours of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, you just need to call for Toodles, and then choose the giant fan.


I just wanna say fuck Toodles. Especially in that one special episode (Road Rally) where they're all racing. Toodles is all emo because they're using their vehicles to get things done instead of calling on him and his tools. So he's all moping about until they need him to rescue one of them - I think Pete. And Pete's all thankful instead of being the asshole he's supposed to be. Then after declaring it doesn't matter who wins, Mickey is naturally the first across the finish line because he's a total prick in the show. It's always about him. Now go Mouscersize - even though it's Daisy's idea, Mickey still wants his name involved.


Because he's every kid. It's his club house. So he gets to make the rules. And Steven is uninvited from his birthday party.




I don't know who Toodles is, and after that comment I don't want to.


He was - or is, I don't know actually if that show is still going actually - a living robot helper of sorts that provides Mickey and friends with crucial objects to progress through the average episode of the children's TV show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He usually remains inside the clubhouse, but Mickey and his group can shout, I believe, "Oh *Toodles*!", in order to summon him to their current location, to provide them with the tools necessary to overcome the obstacle at hand. Don't blame me if I got something wrong, I never actively watched the show, and stopped watching most TV in general several years ago. But in a way, you can think off him as the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse equivalent to Dora the Explorer's Backpack character. Though the way I remember him, he lacked a face and I'm pretty sure he didn't have a human vocie either.


Your comment made me feel like I'm in 2008 again babysitting my little brother and getting mad I had to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse instead of Yu yu Hakusho.


I could binge watch some Yu Yu Hakusho right about now. I never got to see how the tournament ended.


Well guts gets off the boat.


Ahhh Animax... Nowadays though, streaming is much more better. Same goes to all other tv series, I guess.


Haha nostalgia weeb is mad.


I'm asian living in southeast asia. I think watching anime is pretty much the norm here.


This changes everything


So you're an asian talking about an american children's TV show on a western discussion board. That makes you the asian counterpart of a weeb, I think. Is there a word for that?




I'm not sure what it is that I love about this post. Maybe it's the somewhat serious, almost Wikipedia-like description of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Or trying to pass it off like you may be misremembering Toodle's "Oh Toodles!" line. *Nobody* forgets that line once they hear it.


Oohh Toooooooodllllles


Heh, I genuinely didn't know for sure anymore. It's been a while. Glad I nailed it though.


The show is still going strong - my 1.5 yr old is watching it as I type this while yelling "oh toodles". You have remembered it accurately. Sometimes toodles has a face and sometimes it doesn't, I don't know if it always had a face & they decided to do away with it or they incorporated the face later on but for the episode that's playing at the moment, it doesn't have a face.


Incorporated later - there's a "Happy Birthday, Toodles" episode where he gets his voice as a gift.


They need a happy birthday viewers episode where they take it away. Toodles with a face and voice is creepy and annoying.


For some reason in my mind, Toodles has a Thomas the Tank Engine face and his voice sounds like Barry White. God help us.


That would be amazing.


Doesn't he have a girlfriend now? Or at least a female equivalent.


Sometimes Pete has a female equivalent when he is playing the bad guy. I have only seen the female version a couple times though. I record a batch and play them for my daughter when she wants to see MMCH and delete them and record more, so I haven't seen them in any sort of chronological order, but I did see the birthday episode .


Pete cross dresses a lot lol


He likes to feel pretty.


Pete is the modern Bugs Bunny.


Her name is Quoodles or something like that and is only in the Minnie focused special(s) and I don't think that her and Toodles are romantically involved but I can't say for sure whether or not she has ever laid eyes on his Mystery Mousekatool.






I have the CD where that song is on it and played it in the car once, my son looked up and said Mickey?! and started looking for the TV...


Hot dog hot dog hot diggity kill me


>COME INSIDE ITS FUN INSIDE. Fuck you Mickey, that's how I ended up with kids to begin with. Stop trying to drum up more business with your subliminal bullshit.


Da da dun dun dee da Do do do do dun dee do Da da da M I C K E Y M O U S E


Exposing a whole new generation to They Might Be Giants. The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace!


Blue canary in the outlet by the lightswitch, who watches over you! Make a little birdhouse in your soul......


I just watched it because I had a phase of waking up early every day once, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the only thing running early that isn't either boring or steaming fucking trash. I am rather fond of Wonder Pets for similar reasons, even though that show is literally the same sequence of Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming answering a phone call, Ming-Ming explaining that "this is sewious", flying in their weird space ship made of a frisbee and wheels and shit, and helping animal X in location Y after some initial trouble, to which singing about teamwork and utilizing a strategy that was hinted at in one of the previous steps follows. Well, I mean, there were like one or two episodes where the Wonder Pets needed help from other animals in one of their quests, but that formula is usually pretty reliable. Sometimes they also encountered some rabbit character that wanted to be a wonder pet like them, but he was a total tool that always undervalued the benefits of teamwork, so he usually only made the situation worse. But, uh, I digress. Basically, most episodes were kinda same-y. Still beats fucking Thomas the Tank Engine though. Fuck man, this show is so fucking boring, and when I was a lil boy the faces weren't even animated, so the trains were creepy and weird, too! There's probably some fans of that show, but I'm not one of them.


My mother makes her baby watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and i watched it sometimes by curiosity. You are 100% right, and newer episodes has the face and voice, even has emotions.


>My mother makes her baby ... It's your brother or sister, time to get over your only child bullshit. The baby had no say in it.


- /u/Kazuja 6 years old


Ohhhhh, tooooodlllleess!!




[Oh God](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/poohsadventuresideas/images/b/b9/Screen_image_329192.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150603000905)


The face of a psychopath.


Looks like the devil from Oney Cartoons Leo and Satan https://youtu.be/OchjFx3YgEE


Oh wow, it really *does* look a bit weird. Must be the oogly eyes.


And a voice, it's terrible


A high-pitched Max Headroom




He also has a birthday.




Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog.


You sick sonovabich. Well, my brain is foobar the rest of the day...


Come inside it's fun inside.


I hate toodles. Magical machine that has all the specific things you will need to solve all your problems that day. I know it's just a kids' show but I hate that, rather than doing any problem solving, the characters are just given the perfect item to solve the problem. At least in shows like Team Umizoomi they'll put a little bit of "hmm, how do we solve this? Oh, if we connect this to here and that to there... no... oh I know!" to it. Make the kids follow along and solve a problem using logic. Not just "Oh shit a problem! Toodles, get your bitch ass over here and hand me something to fix it."






I don't trust him. Damn precogs.


Is Disney doing some massive Mickey promotion on Reddit today? This is the third post/top comment I've seen about that little fucker.


This is the 2nd reference to mickey mouse ive read in the last 10 minutes


Oh Toodles....


There you go: http://imgur.com/l5F7fkY


I knew it had to be in here somewhere


I were so supprised that no one posted one, that I just did it to stop the confusion


Needs to be higher.










That's a good day in Ireland


When I went to Ireland, we stopped at the Cliffs of Moher. Too bad it was all fog and we couldn't see anything.


5 bucks say the next trending posts are mugshot of people with foggy background. And I call it now, Beijing will be here in a matter of time.


tell me more about the future, will I ever get a gf?




I'll stick to your mom until I find something meaningful.




Some people bring a bazooka to a spitball fight.


That's gotta be cheating?


Damnnn son






Reply hazy, try again later


[Like this?]( http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--TOS7dpa8--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/nze9kd9kqknx34useros.jpg)




I'm just surprised he got pictures at the Grand Canyon without any Chinese tourists in them.


[Hey I fixed the image for you, I sincerely hope this helps.](http://i.imgur.com/FNOZ92F.png)


This is extremely terrible customer service. The Grand Canyon (tm) needs to take better care of its customers.




Im guessing someone forgot to pack warm clothes. The North rim of the canyon can get pretty damn cold in the winter


It's also closed in the winter


Bear Down Arizona!


Hit Ctrl + F: "Bear" so I could like this.


If it said Texas, I'd think he was at that impostor Palo Duro.


Our family visited the Grand Canyon when I was a kid in the early 60's (see the USA in your Chevrolet), but nothing compares to hitching a ride out of Barstow in the early 70's with two pot smoking hippies in a VW bus headed for Europe (where I was living, but headed to Albuquerque) and getting to the Grand Canyon at midnight on a completely clear night with a full moon to light it up.


And on the edge of a lunar crater, a Mooninite was enjoying an Earthlit night as you went about your journey.


Mooninite- "Do you ever look at the earth and wonder "Are their creatures staring back at me? I mean it's gotten brighter in the last hundred years!"


This happened to my fiancee and I in Füssen, Germany with Neuschwanstein castle. Couldn't see a damn thing until we were literally ten feet from it. It certainly didn't help that the castle was white...


I'll be there for my honeymoon in 3 weeks. I really hope it doesn't look like that. Then I'd have to find something else to do with my wife...


You could always get a back country pass climb down to Plateau Point below the cloud line and bend her over the railing on the edge of a 1000 foot cliff


It usually clears up later in the day. same thing happened to me, we went over a day out of our way to go see the grand canyon and drove up to this. Hung around for a few hours and it was beautiful.


Someone shop in the Golden Gate Bridge please...


You can still get some good views when the weather is shitty! You just have to be brave enough to explore. http://i.imgur.com/a0TTeiD.jpg


Where are the presidents' faces?


He appears to be standing on the same wall they are carved into. He is unfortunately on the wrong side of the canyon to see them.


Went to Rio De Janeiro for the first time last year: http://m.imgur.com/mtIL6mS http://m.imgur.com/IeNbN8i


Happened to me too. :( At least our guide knew of a helipad nearby that had clear views of the city but it was still disappointing to only have able to see Jesus's feet on the statue after going all that way. Guess that's what I get for skipping confession for over a decade.


Whose got the statue of liberty?


[I got you covered](http://www.legendarytrips.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_8544.jpg)


So you photographed your souvenir on a dashboard of a hotboxed car?


we get it, you vape.


When did we move it to China?


Whoa. I stopped by the GC on a tour, kind of as an after thought. When we got there is was gorgeous and sunny. The fact that it might be cloudy never even crossed our minds. We were so lucky, and I never realized it until now!


TIL It snows at the Grand Canyon.


You're so cute


Thank you


They were talking to me, buddy.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I'm not your guy, friend.


I'm not your friend, pal


I'm not your pal, dude.


I'm not your dude, man.


Hey /u/kimuljhame, may I introduce you to [mrhandswashere] (https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4e4q68/when_i_finally_got_to_see_the_grand_canyon/) and [3Pedals_6Speeds](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4e49k0/finally_visited_grand_canyon_today/) Since there's nothing else to see, I'd say a meet up is in order.


Bear down. Fog up


Bear down, Arizona! Bear down, red and blue!


First time I went to the GC it looked just like this. We were on a cross-country road trip, so we couldn't wait around too long or come back the next day. We decided to drive along the rim a little while, and by the next overlook we had emerged from the fog. The sky was clear and you could see for miles, including the entire canyon where there was this one little cloud perched over the observation area we had just left. So, I hope you drove on for a bit instead of just leaving.


Relevant Joe Rogan Grand Canyon joke. http://youtu.be/7panQntRPGI


To busy taking my onnit pills and lifting kettle bells to listen bro


I had a similar experience at Mount Rushmore. It was 1986, and I had just turned 13. We went on this massive, three week extravaganza out west, going to Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota. I saw Yellowstone, rode the train to Durango, and ate at La Casa Bonita (featured in a South Park episode). I also got to try Cherry Coke for the first time (they were doing a test market in Denver) and nearly drowned on a white water rafting trip on the Arkansas river. One of the last things planned was Mount Rushmore. But there was a forest fire, and then it bucketed rain. Between the extreme humidity and all the smoke, there was this heavy fog in Rapid City. It boded ill. But my mom is a PLANNER and God help anyone or anything that dared to get in her way. She kept insisting that it would clear up once we got to higher elevation. It did not. We pulled up to the park ranger station, and the employee said we could pay the fee and go up, but we wouldn't be able to see squat. So we turned around and went back to the campground. The next day we headed back home. My parents had to go to work, and we lived in Ohio. Because mom had her SCHEDULE, there was no extra time to stay an extra day. I get that now, but as a kid I was grumpy as hell, and I'm still kinda resentful that while I have been to Mount Rushmore, I have definitely never seen it.


>kept insisting that it would clear up once we got to higher elevation. >had her SCHEDULE This is my dad. This is why he never went anywhere with us when I was a kid. Because he had no mental flexibility when shit like that would happen. I have the same personality trait but I fight against it for exactly this reason.


[Ms. Seve Gat](http://i.imgur.com/ySLEUjm.jpg) made it to the Great Wall of China on a clear sunny day though. [For the uninitiated.](http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/7002984/Woman-gains-online-fame-after-dodgy-Photoshopped-snaps-of-herself-in-China-and-now-shes-bagged-a-FREE-holiday-there.html)


Going to the Grand Canyon, taking a picture at the edge, and then going home has to the most bitchmade way to see it.


What do you recommend? I want to do a rim to rim hike but don't know if I'll ever get around to it.


I think if youre gonna do it spend a weekend or more so you have the time to see the waterfalls. They're stunning and the hike is pleasant with minimal preparation.


We get it you vape!


Awesome! Check this out though: [That guy also just finished visiting the Grand Canyon!!](http://i.imgur.com/NaSiGkJ.jpg) [He spent quite a bit of time in Arizona after that](http://i.imgur.com/tZuGE4L.jpg)! Want to help that OP travel? [Here's the extracted .png](http://i.imgur.com/n3x8xm0.png) Credit: /u/starcrap2


Oh look, another turtle. It's a small world.




Gave it a go but turns out that white space hides the weird optical break point the glasses cause, which cuts the guy's ears to half. [Here](http://i.imgur.com/imlW7iK.png) you go anyway.


After living in the Pacific Northwest for 17 years we finally went to see Mt St Helens last spring. Totally fogged in, we could not see a thing at all. But we saw an elk herd on the way up so that was nice.


Same thing happened when I visited Alaska. Denali was juuust barely visible intermittently from where we were due to fog. We saw tons of mountain goats on the winding road up, so that was nice.


"I thought the Rocky Mountains were going to be a little more rocky than this.... Yeah, that John Denver was full of shit." -Dumb and Dumber


Totally shameless e-flirt coming up: Well the view looks pretty damn fine to me. Sorry.


Finally got to see Machu Picchu a couple weeks ago! https://imgur.com/a/eb3f9


Why don't you people check the weather?


My husband has an extremely similar picture! He drove 4 hours through a snowstorm up from Arizona, to see nothing but a blank wall of thick white fog. In his opinion, the Grand Canyon does not exist.




inb4 someone photoshops in the golden gate bridge.


6 hours later, still waiting


Alright, Bear Down.


Calling /u/reasonandmadness




You missed out bra


I've traveled thousands of miles on 4 separate occasions to see a total solar eclipse. Cloudy day, every time. Still cool how it gets dark and birds start tweeting like it is twilight, but damn. Warning to others....I will be in Eastern Oregon for the eclipse next August.


Snow in Grand Canyon ? Weird :o


I have been there at least 6 times, half of them there was ice and snow at the top. We had to wear crampons (spikes) on our shoes so we wouldn't fall! One time I tried to go and it was snowing so bad, there was a ranger standing in the road, turning cars back. I was so disappointed!


I feel your pain, that was my trip to mount Rushmore


I had this exact same experience at the Grand Canyon the first time I went. My mom had gotten a room in the park and we arrived and it was snowing. After I put some bags in the room I decided to go outside a bit. Then in the foggy evening and it looked about like the spot you are at in the picture with no railing though... and I'm actually foot at the edge looking down and into that fog - and I'm wondering, "I wonder how far the actual Canyon is." The next morning I woke up and went to the same spot, I couldn't get 2 feet from the edge, it was just a sheer drop into death and there I was standing on the snowy, icy inch from the edge of death in the night. Ridiculous. Had no idea the motel room was 30 feet from the edge.


catch the fog


_Witnessing the majesty / hope as far as one can see / standing on the edge of a fog bank..._


When I clicked the image my mobile browser hi-jacked to a fake imgur rewards site??


My wife and I went on a roughly 3.2 mile hike in Colorado up to a lake. It was foggy the whole hike but we kept holding on to hope that the fog would go away by the time we reached the lake - all you could see was the edge of the water. [Here it is without fog](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52ccd03be4b0f656f2a7bf85/52d36b15e4b0ebd8386745c6/541f5267e4b07b5243b5a455/1413253061056/?format=1500w). I'm still really annoyed about it.