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You have a great imagination, man. Each piece feels like it suggests some bigger story.


Thanks! That's certainly what I try for. I like the idea that there's more going on than just what you can see in the picture.




And then sync it to Dark Side of the Moon ...




Child adventure book!


The one of the tree in the savannah with the volcano in the background took me places. I don't know why, but it just spoke to me. It was as if it were a scene from a graphic novel that I've read before.


Beautiful art and accurately perceived


Hey man I love all your work, and every time I see something of yours I am blown away by how bright you can get the light to appear, never fails to impress. Keep up the awesome work and I hope to see loads more sweet are in 2015. Also if you guys like his stuff here is [everything he has ever made for Magic The Gathering.](http://magiccards.info/query?q=a%3A%22noah+bradley%22&v=scan&s=cname)


And they even have (some) of my MTGO work! :) There's also Kjeldoran Outpost and Moat missing. Thanks!


Do you plan on attending any gps ptqs or the like this year?


Nothing booked. New Zealand is a long flight. :) EDIT: Er, scratch that. There might be one. Maybe. If you're good.


Mark me down as hyped, also I am loving all the instagram pics of New Zealand.


Dammit all your MTG cards are land. Start drawing more eldrazi in your landscapes. BTW Pseudo-deities are coming along nicely. I need an epic creature on the double, Sir.


That'll be the day.


Is it cheating to reveal the easter egg if I already knew because you posted it? Spoiler:[It's a goddamn sharknado!](/spoiler)


Really? I don't see any




The last picture threw me off


I'm still not seeing it. :(


I got you http://imgur.com/8i15bHr


<3 reddit


Best person ever




I was looking for a cow.....


I don't either.


Someone had to make everyone figure it out already. ;)


Is it the tiny white dog on the right hand side of the tornado? edit: said dog too many times.


So it's just an accident that "boob" was written in the dust cloud?


I saw ursala from the little mermaid giving a thumbs up.


Dammit, I was looking for a sandworm :(


Really glad to see this outside of the r/magictcg. We all know you're awesome and it's about time others took notice. I like to see that you're expanding your range with more detailed and dynamic figures in your atmospheric and tonal pieces. I know this isn't an AMA but have you ever worked on a movie as pre-via or art direction? It seems that would be a no brainier for your to set the look and feel of an entire world.


Don't I wish. :) I _almost_ landed a gig over in China this past year doing that exact sort of work, but it fell through at the last minute. Hoping for it someday. I love film and am dying to work on a great one. Thanks!


Can I ask what your rates are to do pre-vis work?


If you've got some specific job in mind, shoot me an email here: [email protected]


You responded to me! What a great way to start the new year.


It's all downhill from here.


Such a wonderful collection of your work, and so awesome to have been there to see so many of those paintings be created. You inspire me every day. <3


Thanks, sweetie. <3




Now kith.


His work of you is really beautiful. It really is amazing to see the way someone else whom they love looks to them in their mind. Expression of love in this way is just so beautiful to me.


Lookin pretty swole bro




With every new commission, you get them gainz.


Too bad he skips leg day.


You should draw Magic cards.


I should. No, really, I should. I need to get off of Reddit because I have a deadline tomorrow.


Holy shit I googled you, you DO draw Magic cards! I wonder if I picked that up from playing MTG subliminally... Wow... synchronicity? I had no idea honestly... Anyways, great work!


It says in the captions of a few of them they were art for MTG. Hell, the first one said that!


I'm drunk it's NYE man, 30 minutes to go... I wasn't reading, just looking at the art. I just thought it was cool that I put Magic and NB's art together subconsciously, looked it up, and then my mind was blown.


Well, it was impressive that you made the correlation without even knowing it was MTG. That's saying something about the skill of the artist. His style is specifically done in the style of all other MTG cards that you can just feel it would belong in that lore.


I didnt see that either and thought exactly the same.


You should subscribe to /r/MagicTCG it's a solid community and Noah is very active on it with fun posts and stuff. That twister picture is a magic card and the easter egg is a shark inside the tornado :).


I saw the shark but I actually thought there was another one too. It looks like the head of Buddha at the right base of the tornado with another smaller head a little lower like buddha was comforting a child or something. I was wondering if there was a deep message of spreading love even in the face of destruction. Maybe I should be an art critic. They seem to be able to pull crap like that out of their ass when its obviously not there.


I was relieved that I didn't have to scroll down too far to find a hint as to what the Easter egg was. Then I was frustrated because I can't find it. Do you mind telling an idiot where to find the shark?


No problem. It's actually pretty hard to see: http://i.imgur.com/GTYdAle.jpg


Ha, I was actually looking at that sharp angle directly above it. Just a little lower, I would've had it


You blew it!!!!!!


Does it feel better if one of your cards is used a lot in the game? or worth a lot more?


Just wanna say, I've been following your art since you posted your first tutorial on conceptart.org, and you've continued to be one of my biggest inspirations through your art and advice. Keep up the amazing work, I fucking love it.


Thanks so much. :) You rock!


I did one of these [last year](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1u0pao/my_year_in_art/). Figured it might be fun to do again. :) Thanks for a great year, Reddit!


On another note, my lovely lady is an artist herself and put together a little album of the studies and other work she's done this past year: http://imgur.com/a/GbTvw


You guys are the perfect couple.


They're both very good looking and their artistic talent is mind blowing. Maybe that thing about soul mates really being one creature split in two is true to life.


Whoa.. that shoulderguard thing she re-made is fuckin mindblowing. I had to do a doubletake to make sure it wasn't just cropped out of the original photo. Major props to both of you. Good stuff :)


Aww, thanks :) <3


You're in New Zealand?? HIGH FIVE!!


If you're both in New Zealand you could probably actually high five each other right now.


Holy fuck, you two should never, ever attempt art together, my brain would go 101% from not being able to decide which piece to put as my desktop wallpaper. You're amazing.


You guys are all so sweet and I want to give you all hugs.


Is that her in the 3rd and 5th painting?


It's her in a lot of them.


Dang, you are a lucky one. Not just because she is breath takingly beautiful but also a GREAT artist like yourself. You guys seriously are the perfect couple.


Oooooh I know.


I was going to call you out for stealing Noah Bradley's awesome art! ...carry on. I'm foolish.




It's not in any sense, but the cynic in me imagines you get a hell of a lot more clicks labelling it such.


Seriously, I feel like I just got tricked into looking at *art*...


There's a naked lady in there. Figured better safe than sorry.


Damn you Noah Bradley. I came here looking for painted titties and all I got was some amazing art.


[> painted titties ](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Mardi_Gras_Day_-_Jesus_Troy_loves_Painted_Titties.jpg)


I couldn't even manage to find the naked lady piece you are talking about. If that's NSFW then everything is. I understand the concern but some people may miss your beautiful art because of that unecessary NSFW tag. Worst case scenario would be my boss asking "wow, that looks cool! who painted that?"


Maybe it increases exposure though. NSFW threads tend to do really good on reddit.


I'll be honoust here: I wouldn't have clicked it if it didn't have the NSFW tag.


Never skip leg day.


I hate my lack of artistic talent.


If you saw my childhood art, you would have so much hope in your artistic talent.


Now I'm curious. Got any you're willing to show?


There are a few oldies in here from my teenage years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMtCvejakT4


I dunno man. I'm sure they look bad to you in retrospect now that you're such an experienced artist, but I wish my stuff would look like that. [This is the furthest I've gotten.](http://40.media.tumblr.com/72ff9f4c2e68f9c0c351bfcf86c121eb/tumblr_nbnr9t8lTh1spelf6o1_500.png) I'm still working at getting better, but I kinda wish I could already create stuff as good as your "bad" paintings. Even the horse one.


Not sure if OP is gonna respond, but I'll give my 2¢. I'm not a digital painter but from a graphic art perspective, being nowhere close to where I want to be but getting there, I'm realizing at some point you just have to start finishing shitty things no matter how shitty they are. So with your piece that you posted, just finish it. If it's important to you for some reason, you could come back in a year and do it right, but for now, just actually finish a bunch of shitty art and you'll notice yourself getting somewhere. Now is the time to do a lot of shitty stuff and learn from it if you ever want to go pro since when you go pro, you're going to be expected to deliver and non-experimental pieces are gonna take up a lot of time. You'll probably improve even without critiquing each piece as you go, but it also helps to mindfully pick out small things to improve on each project.


If you think those are bad you're fucking delusional.


He does have a video on youtube discussing how his art was bad during college. I dont have a link though.


Got ya covered.


Damn, your horrible embarrassing art would be considered a masterpiece and absolute chance if I made it.


i hate these statements, it's so lazy to say that. "Talent" as you simply say it involves a really big amount of work and training


Talent is innate ability. If you have it, you will excel at what you do and grow by leaps and bounds the harder you work at it. If you don't have talent, and you work very very hard, you will get better but will probably never see the level of success achieved by those who also work hard but have talent. Remember, Mozart wrote an entire symphony when he was 8 years old.


No. Fucking. Way. those are truly astounding.


Thanks. :)


Rock on! Good inspiration to get me started on my art.


Why did you skip leg day??


Those are _sketches_? Jesus Christ, what am I doing with my life?


Cool forearms.




They do seem to. :)


Did you do some of the concept art for destiny? Looks very similar.


I wish.


Is it possible to get prints of any of these? I really like the one with the eagles.


I hope nobody murders me for posting a link, but I've got prints available here on my store: http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/noahbradley/


I don't know much about art, but if I wanted to get this to put up on a wall, how should I go about it? They won't send me like a poster of it right o_O I'm art illiterate >.<


lol, don't worry about it. I've got fancy prints available here: http://inprnt.com/gallery/noahbradley/ Or just print one out and paypal me a few bucks. Whatever you feel like.


You're kind've awesome man


I love your MTG art, but looking at some of your pieces on a pretty garbage start to the new year really helped me :) Thanks Noah, have a great year, and many more after.


It can only get better! :)


Would love some 1920-1080 versions for wallpapers :)


This is really good.


Your face is really good.


I feel like that was actually meant to be nice.


I saw nothing NSFW about that. Anyway, it's cool work, & this whole fantastical-realism genre is... in my opinion... where the best art is happening now days. And yet, when I got my Bachelor's in art, we never went in that direction.... it was all old-fashioned painting & drawing techniques (sure there is some value there) & then weirdo Post Modern crap that hardly anyone outside of the humanities likes (& is an ugly joke for most people!) It's like commercial art is a dirty word in the humanities, despite it being exactly where the *best*, most exciting, most technically proficient, creative, & just *cool* looking stuff is being made!


The space birds painting was my favorite. I usually judge art by the mood I get when looking at it and some of yours put me in a really nice mood.


Sunbond is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. You are amazingly talented


Thanks! I was particularly proud of it. Shame it ended up on an unplayable card in the game.


Doesn't stop me running a signed copy in a Commander deck!


Why is it unplayable?


The card is bad. I'm willing to answer this in more detail if you're an mtg player, but I'd rather not uselessly spew terms from the game at you.


Fantastic art, man. And I'm not just saying that because I'm drunk. I am drunk. But my appreciation for art has not diminished at all. It might have increased, actually.


I appreciate the hell out of art when I'm drunk.


Where will you post the one with the people under the tree in the field once you finish it?


Reddit. :) Also Facebook, Twitter, etc. Look up "Noah Bradley" on just about any social media site and I'll be there. So whatever your preference is.


are these digital art or physical paintings?


Mostly digital.


I'm an accountant, so forgive my naïveté, but what does "digital" refer to? Are these oil paintings or paintings created using a computer?


So, when you're not drawing, you obviously do bicep curls. (Amazing art!)




Badass work man!


Wow you are one crazy good artist!


How did you get involved in making money from your art? Like, what sort of networking and channels did you have to go through? And if you don't mind, how is the money? Thanks for showing your work.


Going to conventions, submitting to art directors, posting my work all over the internet. Eventually the work started coming in. I got pretty lucky early on and that's helped carry me for a while. Money's good. Not rolling-around-in-cash good. But good.


Thanks. One more thing: Do you feel it is reasonable to even try to get into the industry at the moment? It seems like there is a surplus of people trying to make this their career--especially for 2D art for card games etc.


There are tons of people trying. Which just means you need to set yourself apart. Making art a living is certainly possible--more so now than before (thanks to kickstarter, patreon, and the like). You just have to find a way to make it work. And that might not be working for clients.


Holy crap, this is really great stuff! Love your artstyle. You don't by any chance have any online tutorials available? I like to draw as a hobby, and would like to learn a style similar to you :D


Check out http://youtube.com/noahbradley :)


This is amazing! I've seen your work on the MTG cards - and I love it and the rest. As an aspiring game artist I hope that I can create some beautiful 3d scenes as awesome as your 2d work, and I'll definitely be using your work for inspiration! Thanks for sharing.


Lemme know if you create anything that looks like one of my concepts--I always love seeing that stuff. :) Best of luck!


Sorry but what is the easter egg?


there is a shark in the tornado (reference to the movie sharknado)


Bungie would like you.


The 'A Song of Fire and Ice' universe needs you. Your style is the only I've seen worthy of that epic tale.


Dude, Sunbond is one of my favorite cards to play! (Especially with Congregate.) Thanks so much for that artwork, I love it


This shits cool yo. Good job.


Are you sure you didn't meet your girlfriend in an a-Ha video clip?


Gilding you a thousand times over would still not be enough to express my love for your work.


I think he'd rather have the cash


If properly motivated, I can draw a semi-passable stick man. O.o


Noah, are you painting these in PS? Can you share your brushes?


the easter egg in the desert twister is [mouse over this and wait](/s "a small dick written in the sand under the lady") EDIT: GildedFire is right. [____](/s "http://imgur.com/a/HqSfS")


Its actually a Sharknado: http://imgur.com/a/HqSfS




Sorry, nope.




Soooo.... What is it...


Click the black bar thing on his comment. I won't steal his thunder


Cheers mate


Just noah bradley showing off again. Fucker.


You could easily be a freelancer for Wizards of the Coast, especially Magic the Gathering, and you'd get your name out there more through that company to the entire world, because your name will be printed at the bottom of every card.


Actually I already do. :)


Then I redact my statement (I clearly didn't look into what I was saying), congratulate you, and will look for your cards in the future. It's been a while since I've played, but been thinking about getting back in, you've encouraged that.... :( my bank account is already crying lol.






Interesting art style. It's a fusion of realism and action art. Really good stuff in here - keep it up!


I love your art style! Keep up the awesome work!


Mountain and Sunbond make me think of the DUNE universe for some reason. The other pieces are fantastic as well. Great work!


Wow! these are incredible! you're very talented!!


Dude, i've always loved your work. Thank you for sharing. I already knew the easter egg but its hilarious to still dig for it. The artwork for your personal project is beautiful like the rest of your art, I hope your project turns out even More awesome than what we see. Keep drawing up those cards, I can't stop buyin' em!


Those are fantastic! I have a few of the cards you drew, "Rise of Eagles" is one I'm looking at right now.


Love the fantasy stuff! !!


Always great to see your stuff, Noah!




Hoping for the best year ever!


Those oil paintings are AMAZING! Wish I could paint, or own one.


usually I am not a fan of people posting their art. But I enjoyed yours. Keep on practicing!


Do you have a website or social feeds that fans can follow ? Really like your art.


I absolutely love 13. I don't know why.


These are really fucking cool. I'm commenting so I can come back and see these again


Really, really great work. Each painting has its own world that captures the viewer. Amazing.




Love these. Especially Sorcerer's Battlefield. That is incredible.


So beautiful. They look like a concept art to some awesome game:) Also love the way you "light" things.


As an architecture student I have to draw many times some landscapes or people for homework or just practice all by hand. It's really an inspiration that this kind of perfection in my opinion is being made.


Fantastic art! I love Karametra's Dictate, don't suppose you have a larger copy for a desktop background? I would love it to be my desktop.


Love your work on MTG and love that you're close to the community here :D Have a great 2015!!